1. Introduction
The C- and X-band radars are preferred choices for mobile ground-based and airborne deployments because the radar antenna is much smaller in size than the S-band antenna for a specified beamwidth. The C- and X-band radars are more sensitive when detecting lighter precipitation than is the S-band radar. However, measurements with the higher-frequency radars are more susceptible to attenuation. The amount of attenuation is proportional to the intensity of the precipitation. For example, horizontal X-band copolarization reflectivity ZHH and differential reflectivity ZDR are usually underestimated due to attenuation of the radar signal as it propagates through precipitation. Therefore, attenuated X-band radar measurements must be corrected for attenuation effects before retrieving rain-rate and microphysical information from them.
In the case of single-polarization radar, an empirical relation between the one-way specific attenuation of the horizontally polarized signal AH and the reflectivity is used for attenuation correction (Hitschfeld and Bordan 1954). The attenuation correction based on the AH–ZHH empirical relation is unstable and sensitive to calibration error in ZHH. On the other hand, the accuracy and stability of the attenuation correction scheme is vastly improved when dual-polarization observations are used (Bringi et al. 1990).
Polarization radar measurements, namely differential reflectivity, provide additional information about precipitation and allow for better microphysical characterization of hydrometeors (Vivekanandan et al. 1999; Chandrasekar et al. 2006). The ZDR provides information about the mean drop shape and mean size of DSD. Therefore, the inclusion of ZDR in the attenuation correction scheme has the potential to reduce the uncertainty in estimated attenuation.
The majority of attenuation correction techniques use the AH–KDP or Ah–ΔΦDP relations, and ZDR is used as a constraint for estimating the differential attenuation. Testud et al. (2000) modified the rain-profiling algorithms of the spaceborne Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission rain radar and proposed the ZPHI algorithm, using ΦDP as an external constraint. Bringi et al. (2001) further improved the ZPHI algorithm and demonstrated its applicability to C-band polarimetric radar attenuation correction. This technique effectively recalibrates the attenuation-corrected ZDR to the expected 0-dB value in the regions of drizzle (Smyth and Illingworth 1998). It uses an optimization approach to determine linear coefficients that maximize the consistency between estimated path-integrated attenuation and ΔΦDP profiles. Gorgucci and Chandrasekar (2005) adopted the method for the X band and evaluated the error structure of the attenuation correction methodologies using the differential phase measurement. Lim et al. (2011) implemented the algorithm to a network of X-band radars.
Park et al. (2005a,b) adopted the algorithm from Bringi et al. (2001) for X-band radar measurements and provided a detailed description of the AH–KDP and AH–ADP nonlinear relations for X band based on T-matrix scattering calculations (Barber and Yeh 1975). The relations are derived as a power-law expression where the proportionality constant is sensitive to DSD, temperature, and drop shape. The exponent in the relation is mostly sensitive to the temperature of the raindrop. The proportionality constant in the AH–ADP relation is less sensitive to DSD and the exponent in the relation is sensitive to temperature, as in the AH–KDP relation. Snyder et al. (2010) demonstrated that the attenuation correction based on Park et al. (2005b) had better levels of agreement with S-band radar in a tornadic supercell case. Gorgucci et al. (2006) developed an alternative method based on the self-consistency principle for estimating both attenuation and differential attenuation with less than 10% bias and 15% error.
A variational algorithm proposed by Hogan (2007) considers not only the beam-to-beam dependency of α and β for attenuation correction but also the gate-to-gate dependent variability of DSD inferred from ZDR. The variational method for S-band radar observations (Furness 2005; Hogan 2007) demonstrated the usefulness of the method for detecting rain–hail regions and the estimation of attenuation and rain rate from S-band polarization radar. In this paper, a modified version of the variational technique for estimating attenuation in the X band that uses both ΦDP and ZDR is presented. The major objective of this paper is to investigate if relatively large values of attenuation at X band can be estimated by the variational method.
The variational algorithm uses a 1D retrieval method along the radar beam. The scheme is based on a linear estimation theory in which the background information and the observations are weighed proportional to the inverse of their respective error covariances. It is not uncommon to use predetermined error covariance matrices (Hogan 2007), but they fail to characterize the errors of a specific rain event. The performance of the variational scheme depends on the accuracy of the error covariance matrices of background terms and the observations.
Nevertheless, the quality of the polarimetric measurements is influenced by a range of factors under various measurement conditions. Ryzhkov (2007) shows that significant uncertainty or error in ZDR up to ±0.7 dB, and in ΦDP up to ±10°, can be introduced in the presence of nonuniform beam filling. Hubbert et al. (2010a,b) demonstrate in the case of simultaneous horizontally and vertically transmitted mode orientations that scatters cause cross coupling between horizontally and vertically polarized signals. Since all of the above-described errors vary spatiotemporally, it is necessary to use a case-dependent measurement error covariance matrix rather than a predetermined value as in the case of a standard variational algorithm.
The mathematical formulation of the variational method and estimation of the error covariance matrices are described in section 2. In section 3, an observing system simulation experiment (OSSE) evaluation of the variational algorithm is used to demonstrate the feasibility of the variational method at X band. The attenuation correction technique was applied to X-band radar measurements and the corrected X-band radar measurements were compared to collocated S-band radar measurements in section 4. An analysis of error characteristics of ZDR and ΦDP measurements is presented in section 5. Results are summarized in section 6.
2. Variational method and error covariance matrices
a. Variational method
In this paper, the forward model is simplified using the results from rigorous scattering model calculation. In a power-law relation between reflectivity and rainfall rate (R), Z = aRb, where parameters a and b represent variations in the DSD (Steiner et al. 2004; Steiner and Smith 2000). Since the temperature dependency of a and b is relatively minor, it is not considered in this research. Large μ values (μ = 5) reduce the sensitivity of the exponent b to DSD in the Z–R relation (Steiner et al. 2004). Further, the multiplicative parameter a is much more sensitive to DSD variations than is the exponent parameter b (Bringi and Chandrasekar 2001; Hogan 2007). Hogan (2007) also indicated the variability of parameter b is small; therefore, the exponent b is fixed and it is equal to 1.5 (Steiner and Smith 2000; Doelling et al. 1998; Hogan 2007) based on observational statistics from NCU 2DVD. This particular type of Z–R relation represents rain DSDs controlled by variations in both number concentration and characteristic size (Steiner et al. 2004; Steiner and Houze 1997). Thus, the forward models use the ratio Z/R as a proxy for variation in DSD. Parameter a of Z–R is the target variable since the exponent b is fixed. Typically, the natural logarithm of a [i.e., ln(a)] is estimated to avoid retrieving an unrealistic negative value of a. Hereinafter, the symbol ã represents ln(a).
RMSE (σ) of the forward model. The RMSE of ΦDP is derived using 400 gates with 0.125-km gate spacing.
The flowchart in Fig. 2 shows various steps in the variational attenuation retrieval scheme. After removing the system bias in ZHH and ZDR, as well as the nonmeteorological signal, the minimization process starts with a first guess of ã and the AH is predicted via the forward model. As in Hogan (2007), the measured ZHH is corrected cumulatively using the AH (step 3). Using the corrected ZHH, the forward model predicts intrinsic ZDR, ADP, and KDP (step 4). The intrinsic ZDR is reduced by the amount of ADP. By integrating KDP over the range, we are able to obtain ΦDP (step 5). The corresponding
Predetermined diagonal matrices with fixed variance (σ2) values of
b. Estimating the background error covariance matrix
In practice, the background term is usually obtained from the climatological mean value of ã (Hogan 2007). Hence, the corresponding fixed value of the diagonal error covariance matrix of the background term (
For estimating an optimal
There are three benefits of varying
c. Estimating the observation error covariance matrices
There are two advantages to using the statistical diagnostic method: 1) predetermined observation error covariance matrices are no longer needed and 2) the true spatial distribution characteristics of radar measurement error are represented in
As suggested by Li et al. (2009), the proper values of
3. The observing system simulation experiments
The OSSE is designed to demonstrate the feasibility of the variational algorithm for estimating rain attenuation and rainfall rate at X band. The intrinsic polarimetric observations, ZHH, ZDR, ΦDP, the attenuation, AH, ADP, and rainfall rate were simulated rigorously from 6-min-averaged DSDs of 5 yr of NCU 2DVD data. There are 6880 averaged DSDs available for OSSE studies. The procedures for modeling polarimetric observation beam are introduced in appendix B.
A set of DSDs with a maximum rainfall rate of 70.0 mm h−1 and that have a wide range in the coefficient a of Z–R were selected to demonstrate the simulated radar measurements of a representative precipitation system with natural variations in DSD, as shown in Fig. 3. The Ah and Ahv along the beam were 12.07 and 1.44 dB, respectively. The ΦDP was obtained by integrating KDP along the range (Fig. 3c). The OSSE was performed using two types of data: 1) assuming no error in measurements and 2) assuming observation error in ZHH, ZDR, and ΦDP. The configurations of sensitivity studies are summarized in Table 2.
Configurations of the OSSEs. Each simulation contains 600 modeled polarimetric observation beams with the following values of standard errors (σ) of ZHH, ZDR, and ΦDP.
a. The OSSE without observation error
The variational algorithm was applied to the modeled X-band polarimetric data, as “no error” in Table 2. No background term was used in this case since the simulated data have no observational error. In theory,
As no error was added to the observations, the RMSE of the variational algorithm is primarily caused by residual differences between the forward model based on simplified gamma DSD and measured DSD, as shown in Fig. 1. Despite the use of a simplified forward model, the lower RMSEs from variational-based algorithms indicate the simplified forward model has the capability to predict the polarimetric measurements and attenuation with sufficient accuracy.
b. The OSSE with observation error
One of the advantages of the variational algorithm is that it is relatively less sensitive to observation error (Hogan 2007). The background term in the cost function could be used to constrain the result in the presence of observation error. Two sensitivity studies, “variable error in ZDR” and “variable error in ΦDP” in Table 2, investigate the impacts of ZDR and ΦDP observation error on the variational algorithm. Specified amounts of Gaussian standard errors (σ) were added to the simulated intrinsic polarization observables. The configurations of sensitivity studies with various values of standard errors (σ) of ZHH, ZDR, and ΦDP are summarized in Table 2.
The procedure described in appendix A was used for estimating optimal
In the case of the variable error in ZDR, optimal
In Fig. 7a, the values of the RMSEs of Ah and Ahv from the variational and ΦDP-based algorithms are shown as a function of ZDR observation error from the variable error in ZDR case. Since the ΦDP-based algorithm does not include ZDR, the RMSEs of Ah and Ahv from the ΦDP-based algorithm remain nearly constant as expected with values of 0.5 and 0.08 dB, respectively. While the corresponding values for the RMSEs of the variational algorithm are 0.1 and 0.02 dB. The RMSEs of dBR are also lower for the variational algorithm, as shown in Fig. 7b. Even in the presence of typical observation errors in ZHH, ZDR, and ΦDP, the variational algorithm provides better estimations of dBR, AH, and ADP.
The OSSE studies have shown that the variational method can provide more accurate estimations of attenuation and rainfall rate, even in the presence of observational error in ZHH, ZDR, and ΦDP. Moreover, errors in ZDR and ΦDP can be estimated accurately using the statistical diagnostic method. In the next section, the variational method will be applied to field measurements from an X-band radar.
4. Applications of the attenuation correction scheme to field measurements
The variational scheme was applied to actual X-band field measurements during the Southwest Monsoon Experiment/Terrain-Influenced Monsoon Rainfall Experiment (SoWMEX/TiMREX; Jou et al. 2011). The selected X-band polarimetric radar measurements collected by the Taiwan Experimental Atmospheric Mobile-Radar (TEAM-R) were examined. The specifications of TEAM-R are listed in Table 3. To verify the performance of the variational attenuation correction at X band, the collocated measurements from a synchronized RHI scan of the TEAM-R and the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) S-band dual-polarization Doppler radar (S-Pol) were analyzed.
Engineering specifications of TEAM-R.
Before applying the variational scheme, the raw TEAM-R radar data were quality controlled by filtering ground clutter and mixed-phase precipitation using ρHV (copolar correlation coefficient). Usually regions with ρHV < 0.7 correspond to either a mixed phase or ground clutter (Ryzhkov et al. 1994). System biases in ZHH estimated by Vivekanandan et al. (2003) and in ZDR estimated by vertical-pointing data were also removed before applying the variational correction. The system bias in ZHH and ZDR should be known within accuracies of ±0.5 and ±0.2 dB, respectively, to ensure the variational method outperforms the ΦDP-based method according to OSSE studies (not shown). The melting level was about 4.6 km MSL based on sounding data. Therefore, radar data above 3.5 km MSL were not processed in order to avoid ice-phase and mixed-phase precipitation, as they are not accounted for in the forward model used in this study. The elevation angle dependence effect on polarimetric measurements ZDR, KDP, and ADP was considered. The elevation angle dependency correction suggested by Bechini et al. (2008) was applied to the forward model.
Convergence of the target variable ã to an optimal value is achieved using the Gauss–Newton iteration method. Since attenuation at X band is much higher than at S band, a poor first guess of ã leads to physically unrealistic attenuation correction for ZHH and causes numerical error. It is important to avoid a poor first guess of ã. The procedure for deriving a proper first guess of a in Z–R is described in appendix C.
An initial prescribed
The standard deviation (σ) of radar measurement errors estimated using statistical analysis and statistical diagnostic methods.
a. Analysis of a single radar beam
Performance of the attenuation correction method for a single beam is examined by comparing corrected TEAM-R and S-Pol measurements. Figure 8 shows ZHH, ZDR, and ΦDP for a radar beam at a 3.19° elevation angle from X- and S-band measurements. Higher values of ZHH and ZDR, as well as a large gradient in ΦDP measurements (in about 30° increments), indicate convective precipitation between 5 and 13 km from radar. A stratiform precipitation system with flat ΦDP exists between the ranges of 15 and 35 km. The raw X-band ZDR values in the stratiform system varied between −2 and −1 dB due to cumulative differential attenuation.
For this radar beam, the variational scheme estimated Ah and Ahv as 11.1 and 1.5 dB, respectively. The intrinsic difference in ZDR observations between X- and S-band wavelengths was removed by converting S-band ZDR to X-band ZDR (Chandrasekar et al. 2006). The attenuation-corrected ZHH and ZDR from TEAM-R are in good agreement with the ZHH and ZDR measurements from S-Pol. Good agreement among the ZDR results in stratiform regions confirms that the differential attenuation was estimated correctly. In the convective region around 11-km range the significantly attenuated TEAM-R ZHH and ZDR are satisfactorily recovered as they compare favorably with the S-Pol measurements.
Figure 8c shows ΦDP as measured by TEAM-R and predicted ΦDP from the variational scheme. The agreement between the predicted and measured ΦDP confirms the minimization procedure converged and the ΦDP was predicted correctly, but there are differences at individual range gates. The measured ΦDP exhibited significant fluctuations in both the convective and stratiform regions. In the convective region, the fluctuation was caused by the strong reflectivity gradient (Ryzhkov 2007) and backscattering Mie phase shift (δ). In the stratiform region, the fluctuation was caused by a low signal-to-noise ratio (SNR). Significant fluctuations in measured ΦDP lead to poor estimation of attenuation by the ΦDP-based algorithm. Due to the strong reflectivity gradient, the measured ΦDP shows a localized minimum between 9 and 9.5 km. However, the predicted ΦDP does not exhibit the local minimum. The variational method predicted a smooth ΦDP with no fluctuation. This predicted ΦDP from the variational scheme was derived from a physical approach rather than a mathematical approach, namely, filtering or smoothing of measured ΦDP (Hubbert and Bringi 1995). The smoothing technique degrades the spatial resolution and gradient in ΦDP. Since the predicted ΦDP is free from measurement noise and backscattering Mie phase shift (δ), it is straightforward to estimate KDP from predicted ΦDP without losing any spatial resolution.
b. Analysis of an RHI scan
The measurements of ZHH and ZDR from synchronized RHI scans of S-Pol and TEAM-R are shown in Fig. 9. Figure 9b shows the equivalent intrinsic X-band ZDR derived from the measured S-band ZDR (Chandrasekar et al. 2006). Figures 9c and 9d show that the measurements from TEAM-R were severely underestimated due to the attenuation effect. The attenuation-corrected TEAM-R measurements, ZHH and ZDR in Figs. 9e and 9f, are in good agreement with the S-Pol measurements in Figs. 9a and 9b. The strength of the rear part of the convection system (10–12 km) and stratiform precipitation (15–35 km) were enhanced by 10 dB. The negative ZDR values at the stratiform region between 15 and 35 km were brought back to 0 dB, which is more appropriate for a drizzle region. In the convective precipitation region, minor discrepancies between attenuation-corrected X-band ZHH and ZDR and S-band radar measurements can be noticed. Considering the beamwidth of TEAM-R is 1.25°, this discrepancy is due to three possible reasons: 1) biases in ZHH and ZDR in the regions of large gradients due to partial beam filling (Ryzhkov 2007) limited the performance of the variational algorithm in estimating the attenuation accurately, 2) the differences in sample volumes between the TEAM-R and S-Pol radars amplified the ZHH and ZDR differences between the X- and S-band radar measurements, and 3) the rapidly evolving convective precipitation system might have also contributed to the majority of the difference in the ZDR fields as the X- and S-band radar measurements were offset by 10 s.
The predicted ΦDP and measured ΦDP of the variational method are in good agreement, as shown in Fig. 10. The fluctuation in predicted ΦDP is lower than in measured ΦDP. The variational scheme underestimates ΦDP at the lowest elevation angle when compared to the measured values. The elimination of the ZHH and ZDR measurements at low-elevation beams with poor data quality due to ground clutter contamination underestimated the predicted ΦDP. In the case of noisy measurements, the variational method had to rely on the background term. However, the background term (i.e., climatology-based ã) is not good enough to represent local DSDs in this case. Underestimation of predicted ΦDP can also be noticed between 5.5° and 8.1° in Fig. 10a, and also as stripes in the corrected Figs. 9e and 9f in the stratiform precipitation region.
To further quantify the differences between measured S-Pol ZDR and attenuation-corrected ZDR measurements, average values in convective and stratiform regions were computed. As shown in Table 5, the values from the variational method are closer to those of S-Pol than those of the ΦDP-based method in the convective and stratiform regions. In this case the ΦDP-based method used the value of β as 0.036, which was computed from SoWMEX/TiMREX disdrometer measurements. A value of 0 dB for ZDR in stratiform is widely used as a physical constraint to reduce the uncertainty in the attenuation estimation by the ΦDP-based method (Smyth and Illingworth 1998; Bringi et al. 2001; Park et al. 2005a,b). Nevertheless, the ZDR value was not zero in the stratiform region based on S-Pol measurements in this case. The satisfactory performance of the variational method in this case reinforces its advantage, as no such constraint is required for the variational method.
Mean values of S-Pol and attenuation-corrected ZDR from TEAM-R are listed. Mean values of ZDR were computed for convective and stratiform regions.
c. KDP–AH and KDP–ADP relations
A scatterplot showing attenuation (AH and ADP) and KDP is presented in Fig. 11. Attenuation values as a function of KDP were obtained using the variational scheme. The values of AH and ADP estimated by the variational scheme showed broader scatter compared to the ΦDP-based method represented by solid and dash lines in Fig. 11. The data were categorized into two subgroups depending on the associated ZDR values. For a specified KDP, AH and ADP are higher when ZDR is larger. This feature is consistent with the results from the electromagnetic scattering and wave propagation simulation (Carey et al. 2000). The results indicate that the variational algorithm can reproduce not only the broader distribution of the AH and ADP, but also the proper values of the AH and ADP that are consistent with the natural DSD. The improved accuracy in the variational method is mainly due to the usage of both ΦDP and ZDR measurements for the estimation of AH and ADP rather than using only ΦDP.
5. Characteristics of ZDR and ΦDP measurement error
The results in previous sections show the variational algorithm produces better results than the ΦDP-based algorithm. The major reason for this is that the variational method uses both ZDR, ΦDP and climatological values of a in Z–R. Moreover, the error covariance matrices of background term (
The mean values of
6. Summary
A variational method originally designed for S-band radar has been modified for X-band radar data. Several modifications have been implemented in the original algorithm to overcome the difficulties caused by the high attenuation at X band. First, a discrete approximation method for estimating optimal initial values of a for each beam is used for smooth convergence of the Gauss–Newton minimization method. The results showed beam-dependent optimal initial values of a significantly improved estimation.
Second, instead of using fixed a priori values for error covariances, discrete approximation and statistical diagnostic methods were used for characterizing the temporal and spatial covariance matrices of the background term (
A modified variational method in this research has demonstrated several advantages compared to the ΦDP-based algorithm: 1) more accurately corrected ZHH and ZDR compared to the ΦDP-based algorithm, 2) physically derived ΦDP for estimating KDP without any loss of spatial resolution, 3) an estimated background error covariance (
The variational method uses both the measurements of ΦDP and ZDR from X-band radar. The inclusion of ZDR in the variational method improved the accuracy of the retrieved attenuation. The variational method yielded more accurate results than did the ΦDP-based method even though the later method used retrieval coefficients specifically tuned to the particular disdrometer dataset. Since, DSD can change from event to event and even within the same storm, it is difficult to tune retrieval coefficients of the ΦDP-based algorithm by not having a priori DSD information. The variational algorithm requires no knowledge about prior coefficients, yet it can estimate attenuation (AH and ADP) more accurately. Sensitivities of the variational correction algorithm to observation noise in ZHH, ZDR, and ΦDP were also investigated using OSSEs. The results suggested that the variational method is relatively immune to random measurement errors when compared to the ΦDP-based method.
Application of the method was demonstrated using radar measurements collected during the SoWMEX/TiMREX field program in Taiwan. Attenuation-corrected X-band measurements from TEAM-R using the variational method agreed with collocated S-band radar measurements. Moreover, the variational algorithm was able to reconstruct not only a broader, but also a more accurate distribution of AH and ADP for a specified KDP. Inclusion of DSD information via ZDR in the variational method significantly improved the accuracy of the retrieved attenuation.
In the process of estimating attenuation by the variational method, ΦDP is predicted as a by-product. It is an alternative approach to a standard mathematical filtering technique for estimating smooth ΦDP and KDP that are free of observation noise and backscattering Mie phase shift (δ).
The error covariance matrices
It should be noted that the variational algorithm is designed for attenuation correction in rain only as the forward models are based on rain DSDs. The presence of hail can cause significant attenuation (Gu et al. 2011) in practice. The presence of hail (featured with low ZDR and high ZHH) can be identified by high values of
We thank Dr. Wen-Chau Lee of NCAR and Prof. Ben Jou of the National Taiwan University for sharing the use of S-Pol data and Robert Rilling and Scott Ellis for assistance with the S-Pol data quality and calibration. The National Center for Atmospheric Research is sponsored by the National Science Foundation. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this publication are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.
Implementation of the Discrete Approximation and Statistical Diagnostic Method
As shown in Fig. A1, the first guess of
Modeled Polarimetric Observation Beam Data
Six hundred polarimetric observation beams are modeled evenly from 5 yr of the NCU 2DVD dataset with different combinations of rainfall intensity to cover the natural variability of the DSD. Each beam contains 400 gates of intrinsic ZHH and ZDR with gate resolution of 0.125 km according to the configuration of most X-band radars. The total attenuation effects (Ah and Ahv) were included in intrinsic ZHH and ZDR cumulatively along the beam. The ΦDP is obtained from integrating KDP along the beam. The values of Ah, Ahv, and ΦDP of these 600 modeled polarimetric observation beams are summarized in Fig. B1. Half of the modeled polarimetric observation beams have Ah > 8.1 dB, Ahv > 0.87 dB, and ΦDP > 28°. For OSSE studies with observation error, Gaussian random errors of the standard distribution (σ) were added to the modeled polarization observables accordingly, as shown in Table 2.
Optimal First Guess of a of Z–R
A discrete approximation method is proposed to derive the optimal first guess of a of Z–R. Figure C1a shows that parameter a can vary between 20 and 650 as a function of rain intensity and natural variation in DSD. For a range of values of a, the predicted attenuated ZDR and ΦDP are derived. The total absolute difference between the forward model predicted parameters and the actual measurement is calculated. The value of a that corresponds to the minimum total absolute difference is chosen as the optimal initial value.
The initial value of a could change from one precipitation event to the next and even within an individual precipitation event. In Fig. C1b initial values of a for the range of elevation angles in a RHI scan shown in Fig. 9 are plotted. Initial values of a vary from one elevation to another due to the variability of the DSD. When there are differences in the optimal initial a based on ZDR and ΦDP, an average of these values is taken as the optimal initial a.
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