1. Introduction
In the field of assimilation the key to success is knowing the errors in either the data or the computed values as a function of time and spatial location. It is rare that one will know such spatial and time information about the errors in the data, but wavelet analysis can give us such information on the errors of the computed values, and hence a mechanism to determine an appropriate weighting between the data and computed values.
We will illustrate the use of wavelet analysis in a new technique to assimilate data into a computational model. The new method is fast and efficient, and we believe that it surpasses other methods of comparable computational cost. The new method is called EEWADAi (Error Estimation using Wavelet Analysis for Data Assimilation). We should explain that the acronym EEWADAi for our new technique has meaning in the Japanese language. It means roughly, “a good topic of conversation,” which we hope our method will become.
The basic idea behind the new method is to use wavelet analysis to detect errors in the computational domain. Based on this fast real-time error analysis, we decide how to weight computed information against observed information. Simply stated, if the computational errors are large in a certain region of the computational domain at certain time, then the observed data will receive a relatively large weight. On the other hand, if the computational errors are small, then the computed information will be considered relatively reliable in this region and will be assigned a small weight.
The new method is very straightforward. The numerical values of the matrix
This paper begins by introducing the fundamentals of wavelet analysis and how it is applied in the discrete world of a computer in section 2. Next, a review is given on how numerical methods are fundamentally created in section 3. It is the relationship between how wavelet methods are constructed and how numerical methods are constructed that is fundamental in obtaining an estimate of numerical errors. After our discussion of numerical errors obtained by wavelet analysis, we propose ways to obtain estimates of local error variance in section 4. In section 5 we show our estimate of numerical error variance can be used to construct a Kalman gain matrix for use in Kalman filtering. Finally, in section 6, we test our new method on a Kuroshio model and compare the result to that obtained by a traditional method—optimal interpolation. A conclusion follows.
2. Wavelet analysis
Possibly the most instructive way to think of wavelets is in contrast to traditional analysis techniques such as Fourier analysis. With Fourier analysis we analyze discrete or continuous data using basis functions which are global, smooth, and periodic. This analysis yields a set of coefficients, say, ak, which gives the amount of energy in the data at frequency k. Wavelet analysis, by contrast, analyzes data with basis functions which are local, slightly smooth, not periodic, and which vary with respect to scale and location. Wavelet analysis thereby produces a set of coefficients bj,k which give the amount of energy in the data at scale j and location k. Wavelet analysis can serve as a good complement to Fourier analysis. In fact, data which are efficiently analyzed with Fourier analysis often are not efficiently analyzed with wavelet analysis and the opposite situation also holds.
For our purposes here we will confine our discussion to the so-called orthogonal wavelets and specifically the Daubechies family of wavelets. The orthogonality property leads to a clear indication when data deviates from a low-order polynomial, the importance of which will become clear when we discuss numerical methods.
a. Theoretical background in the continuous world
The two sets of coefficients H and G are known as quadrature mirror filters. For Daubechies wavelets the number of coefficients in H and G, or the length of the filters H and G, denoted by L, is related to the number of vanishing moments M by 2M = L. For example, the famous Haar wavelet is found by defining H as h0 = h1 = 1. For this filter, H, the solution to the dilation Eq. (2), ϕ(x), is the box function: ϕ(x) = 1 for x ∈ [0,1] and ϕ(x) = 0 otherwise. The Haar function is very useful as a learning tool, but because of its low order of approximation accuracy and lack of differentiability, it is of limited use as a basis set. The coefficients H needed to define compactly supported wavelets with a higher degree of regularity can be found in Daubechies (1988). As is expected, the regularity increases with the support of the wavelet. The usual notation to denote a Daubechies-based wavelet defined by coefficients H of length L is DL.
b. Practical implementation in the discrete world
Naturally, infinite sums and integrals are meaningless when one begins to implement a wavelet expansion on a computer. One must find appropriate ways to implement discrete counterparts to the continuous operations, which were outlined in the previous section. That is, nothing is continuous on a computer, and since the original wavelet analysis was derived in the continuous world of differential and integral mathematics it is necessary to discuss a discrete version of the above continuous theory. Generally, operations such as integration are easily approximated with an appropriate-order quadrature formula, but one would like to use as few quadratures as possible to limit the number of approximations that are made. We will see in this section how we can easily perform all the wavelet decompositions with relatively few approximations.
One must also limit the range of the location parameter k. Assuming periodicity of f(x) implies periodicity on all wavelet coefficients,
Let us consider that the raw data are given and it is assumed to be the scaling function coefficients on the finest scale, s0. One wavelet decompostion yields the scaling function coefficients and wavelet coefficients at scale j = 1, s1 and d1. A second application of the wavelet decomposition matrix will yield the vectors s2 and d2. It is the vectors d1, d2, ... that yield the critical information on the numerical errors. If, for example, one sees that the values of the d1 are relatively large in the middle of the vector, then it is clear that within this one-dimensional vector the largest errors will be in the middle of the one-dimensional domain from which this vector was derived. What we care about most is the relative errors being committed, but we also have some interest in the absolute errors, the subject of the next section.
3. Estimating computational errors
As outlined in the previous section, scaling functions are designed to approximate low-order polynomials exactly up to a given order, and wavelets are orthogonal to these same low-order polynomials. Any deviation from low-order polynomial structure in a computational domain can then be detected by wavelet analysis (see Jameson 1998). This measure of deviation from low-order polynomial structure is exactly what is needed to measure computational error. The reason for this is that fundamentally all nonspectral numerical schemes are constructed from low-order algebraic polynomials, and such schemes are exact if the data fall exactly on a low-order polynomial. Actually, spectral methods also follow this same rule, but in the case of Fourier spectral methods, the polynomials are trigonometric and not algebraic and are global instead of local. To be precise, let us review the fundamentals of how numerical methods are constructed and how wavelet analysis can detect errors in a computational scheme.
Numerical schemes for the approximation of partial differential equations on a computer provide a mechanism for taking one set of N numbers to another set of N numbers. To make this transition from one set to the next set, we must take derivatives but the data are a set of points that are not connected. We must, therefore, choose some type of function with which we can connect these points so that we can take a derivative. There are many choices that can be made, but fundamentally we are always working with some type of polynomial be it algebraic, trigonometric, or other.
Simply said, one can generate differencing coefficients by first interpolating a polynomial of any order through a set of data, then differentiating of this polynomial, and evaluating it at a grid point. As long as the number of grid points exceeds the order the polynomial by one, then the interpolation is unique and the differencing coefficients are likewise unique.
In practice, however, computational data will rarely be an exact low-order polynomial; therefore, there is always error. The size of this computational error will depend on the deviation from low-order polynomials and can be readily measured with wavelet analysis. If, on the other hand, the data are exactly a low-order polynomial and the numerical method is “exact,” then wavelets of the corresponding order of accuracy will be orthogonal to the data and all wavelet coefficients will be zero indicating, correctly, that the calculation has no error.
From Eq. (27) we find that if f(x) behaves like a polynomial of an order less than M inside the small interval, then
Thus, by considering the magnitude of
4. Error variance and model variation
Wavelet analysis can detect both the local error in a numerical calculation and the model variation. In a sense, the estimate of local error is a precise concept based on deviation from a local low-order polynomial, whereas model variation is a less precise measure of localized frequency content. Building the error variance from the error estimate is just an averaging process.
a. Wavelet dectection of error variance
In this manner, we can obtain a local and very computationally efficient estimate of local error variance.
b. Wavelet detection of model variation
As explained in previous sections of the paper, wavelet analysis breaks up data into local frequency components. That is, at a given physical space location one can obtain an estimate of the various scales of information present in the vicinity of this physical space location. Using the previously defined notation, we have the “frequency” or “scale” boxes W1, W2, W3, ... that contain this local frequency content information. Furthermore, “variation” in a model will appear as a localized oscillation at some scale and this information will appear as a large wavelet coefficient in one of the frequency boxes. That is, there is a one-to-one correspondence between model variation at a given scale and the wavelet energy at that same scale. In fact, variation is exactly what wavelet analysis detects.
c. When variation and error are not the same
In a word, where there is numerical error there will be variation, but variation does not imply numerical error. Roughly speaking, one can make the argument based on scale information. For example, if one observes wavelet energy in the finest scale box, W1, then this energy will indicate that the grid point density for the numerical method in a given region of the domain is not sufficient and that numerical errors are commited in this region. Certainly this same W1 box energy indicates local high-frequency information or local variation. On the other hand, if one observes energy in the coarser scale box W3, then it will not necessarily indicate an insufficient gridpoint density but, again, it will indicate that variation occurs at scale 3. To be more precise, suppose that in the vicinity of grid point xk that energy is present in box W3 but not in box W1, this will indicate variation but not numerical error. On the other hand, if energy is present in box W1, then this will indicate both numerical error and variation.
In summary, we note that other techniques such as OI measure only model variation, and this measure of variation is far less precise than the model variation measure that is given by wavelet analysis. In addition, wavelet analysis gives a precise measure of the error committed in the numerical calculation. Both of these estimates, the error estimate and the variation estimate, make wavelet analysis a very powerful and useful tool.
5. Reduced Kalman gain
Using (36), we can derive the reduced Kalman gain used in a variety of data assimilation schemes: we will summarize below, the optimal interpolation scheme, the nudging scheme, and EEWADAi. The notable difference of EEWADAi to the other methods is the modeling of the model error covariance matrix, which we show below.
a. Optimal interpolation (OI) scheme
b. Nudging scheme (N)
Figure 3 shows the actual reduced state we used, similar to that used by Ezer and Mellor (1994). Here, the observation data is limited to N data points along the satellite track, indicated by crosses, and those are used to correct M model outputs, indicated by circles, in the neighboring grid points on the grid line intersecting the satellite track. This window is shifted along the track until all the satellite observation data are assimilated. A localized Kalman gain will be derived for this localized state. In this paper, we will compare the performance of OI and EEWADAi for the identical state reduction in the twin experiment. Here, M is chosen to be 11, and N is chosen to be 5.
Below we will give an example of how we actually implemented this method to assimilate the altimeter obtained SSH data into an OGCM. Much of the methodology follows the OI scheme presented by Ezer and Mellor (1994) except that the weighting function now is found by EEWADAi.
Equations (47) and (48) are used to extend the surface information into the interior of the fluid using a statistical correlation, FT and FS. For the OI, K’s are found from the OI equation similar to that described by Ezer and Mellor (1994), and for the EEWADAi, K’s are determined by (45).
6. Twin experiment
The proposed data assimilation scheme was implemented in the regional Kuroshio circulation model developed by Mitsudera et al. (1997). The model is a sigma coordinate primitive ocean model forced by surface wind stress, heat flux, and salinity flux with a prescribed inflow/outflow transport at the open boundary. The model dimension is 206 × 209 × 32.
The fundamental idea behind the twin experiment is that we begin two numerical simulations with different initial conditions. One of the simulations will be considered the “control run” and the other simulation will be used to test data assimilation schemes. In our case we will test the new wavelet-based method proposed in this paper against the traditional OI method. In the twin experiment one attempts to “push” the simulation run to the control run. In doing so we can compare the performance of the optimal interpolation scheme to the wavelet based method.
a. Details of experiment
The model was run for six years with annual mean forcing following 90 days of diagnostic run with Levitus (1982) temperature and salinity climatology. For the twin experiments, the output from day 1800 to day 1980 (5 to 5½ yr) was used as a control run and the output from day 1980 to 2160 (5½ to 6 yr) was used as a simulation run (model run).
Data mimicking the TOPEX/Poseidon altimeter observation were sampled from the SSH output of the control run on the model grid point near the satellite track and therefore have a lower spatial resolution (7∼15 km) than the real data (7 km). The temporal sampling rate is the exact TOPEX/Poseidon track sampling rate. For the region of interest, 32 tracks passed through at 9.91 days repeat cycle (see Fig. 4).
The necessary statistical quantities such as the correlation factors were obtained from the model run from day 1800 to 2160 (fifth year). The method used to relate the surface data into the interior of the fluid is similar to Ezer and Mellor (1994) and is described in detail in their report.
The assimilation was conducted in a sequential manner, that is, initiated whenever the observation is available and continued for a short relaxation period following the observation. The relaxation was introduced in order to smooth the shock introduced by the assimilation. The relaxation time scale, ωt, was chosen to be around 0.3 days, shorter than the track sampling interval.
b. EEWADAi, weighting, and the twin experiment
First, let us understand the nature of the error detection method of EEWADAi. Here we take two snapshots from the Kuroshio model and apply wavelet analysis to each of the two snapshots. The magnitude of the wavelet coefficients will indicate the magnitude of the computational error committed in the region of the wavelet analysis. In the regions where wavelet analysis has detected a large computational error, our assimilation method “eewadai” will heavily weight the data from an external source while giving a very small weight to the computed result. In other words, if we desire to assimilate satellite data into our computational model, eewadai tells us where our computed result is reliable and where it cannot be trusted.
The two snapshots from our computational model are given in Figs. 5a,c, and the associated wavelet detected computational error is given in Figs. 5b,d. Note from the two eewadai error plots that the majority of the domain is a relatively solid blue color and that in a small percentage of the domain one can observe red, which indicates that a large computational error is committed. In this case, we would choose to trust the computed result in the blue regions of the domain and we would trust, say, the satellite data in the red regions of the domain. Given this information on errors one can choose a variety of ways to execute an effective assimilation scheme, such as simply pushing the scheme or implementing a reduced Kalman gain technique.
In practice, we would be concerned not with the numerical errors in the entire domain at one time, but in the numerical errors committed on and in the vicinity of the source of external data. For example, if the source of external data is a satellite, then one would want to know the errors on or near the satellite path (see Fig. 4). In this diagram, we show the location and value of the largest absolute value of the wavelet coefficients along the satellite path. Such information would be used, say, to indicate that the location where the largest wavelet coefficient occurs is the region along the satellite path where the numerical data can be trusted the least and the satellite data would be trusted the most thus leading to a straightforward and computationally efficient data assimilation scheme. Now let us see how EEWADAi performs compared to the traditional OI technique.
c. Results of the twin experiment
We present the L2 difference of two of the flow fields, sea surface height, and temperature at a given level between the control run and the test run at 5-day intervals during the experiment. We can see from the two plots presented (see Figs. 6 and 7) that the two solutions are not noticeably different in quality up to day 120. However, after about day 120 one can see that the wavelet based method clearly gives a better solution than the OI method for both the temperature field and the sea surface height field. In fact, we consider the results from the later portion of the simulation to more relevant than the early part since we believe the methods have reached a kind of steady state.
We should note the wavelet method presented here has yet to be “optimized” and that even without any optimization at all it has outperformed an existing and established method. We attribute this early success to the fact the wavelet based method is actually giving a direct measure of error as a function of space and time, whereas optimal interpolation, in our view, has no “direct” relationship with error. In future versions of our method we certainly will improve the performance by analytically deriving an optimal relationship between the wavelet coefficients and the weighting matrix or by simple trial and error. In the next section, we summarize our results.
7. Conclusions
In the field of data assimilation one can summarize the weakness of current methods as saying there is insufficient knowledge of errors, either from the computational side or from the external source of data. Without knowledge of errors, one cannot hope to assimilate external data efficiently. From the simple example of incorporating real-time sea surface height data into a model run, one must know roughly which is more accurate; the height given by the numerical calculation or the height given by the external data source, say, data from a satellite. Generally, we will have some knowlegde of the satellite errors but not as a function of space and time. For example, we might know that the satellite data error is some kind of skewed Gaussian with a certain standard deviation. But, we will generally have no knowledge of how this error changes with spacial location over the ocean or with time. On the other hand, if one has some knowledge of the errors in the computational scheme, then one will have an estimate of the relative errors between the satellite data and computed data. In this paper we have proposed a method which takes a large step toward solving the problem of lack of error knowledge. Our wavelet-based method can give information on the errors committed by the computational scheme and this information coupled with a slight knowledge of the satellite errors, even if they are constant, can be used to effectively decide which information can be trusted more in which portion of the domain. The wavelet-based methods works by detecting where the numercial scheme cannot give a correct answer by estimating the deviation from a local low-order polynomial. Furthermore, the numerical cost of the wavelet error estimator is neglible. That is, one only needs to perform the wavelet analysis in the region of the domain where the new data are available and the cost of this analysis is very cheap, only a small constant times the number of grid points analyzed. This is in strong contrast to some existing methods where the cost of assimilation can dominate the calculation. Furthermore, in our numerical example where we compared the new wavelet-based method with the existing optimal interpolation method, we have shown that even at this early state of its existence the wavelet-based method without any optimization has outperformed the existing and certainly more mature method.
To conclude, the wavelet-based method gives a direct measure of computational errors as a function of space and time, and this information is critical to have an effective assimilation scheme.
We would like to express our thanks to Dr. Mitsudera and Dr. Yaremchuk of the IPRC for their valuable comments and ecouragement. We also would like to express our thanks to Dr. Yoshikawa and Mr. Taguchi for providing us with the Kuroshio regional circulation model for the twin experiment. This research was supported by Frontier Research System for Global Change.
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