1. Introduction
Recently developed meteorological dual-polarization research radars can measure all components of the covariance backscattering matrix, thus exhausting all polarimetric content of the radar signal. The National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR’s) S-Pol and Colorado State University’s (CSU’s) University of Chicago–University of Illinois radar (CHILL) are examples of such radars (Lutz et al. 1997; Brunkow et al. 1997). The NWS WSR-88D polarimetric upgrade is under way, and full polarimetric capability, in principle, can be implemented even for operational radar (Doviak et al. 2000). Large amounts of observational data, including all elements of the covariance scattering matrix, already exist. Recently, the NCAR S-Pol radar performed continuous weather observations in the “full-polarization mode” during a two-month period in Brazil within the framework of the Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission–Large Scale Biosphere–Atmosphere Experiment (TRMM–LBA) field campaign. Appropriate interpretation of these measurements will help to further improve the algorithms for automatic hydrometeor classification originally proposed for smaller number of polarimetric variables (Straka and Zrnić 1993; Vivekanandan et al. 1999; Zrnić and Ryzhkov 1999).
Extensive studies of different elements of the covariance scattering matrix in the linear or circular polarization bases and their relation to the microphysical properties of hydrometeors started in midseventies with the pioneering works of McCormick and Hendry (1975) and Seliga and Bringi (1976). These original works paved the way for subsequent modeling and experimental studies concerning different polarimetric variables and different types of atmospheric particles including raindrops, hail, graupel, snow, and crystals (e.g., Holt 1984;Aydin and Seliga 1984; Jameson 1985, 1987; Sachidananda and Zrnić 1986; Metcalf 1988; Bringi and Hendry 1990; Vivekanandan et al. 1991; Ryzhkov 1991; Torlaschi and Holt 1993, 1998; Matrosov et al. 1996).
The polarimetric variables for the circular polarization basis are substantially affected by propagation through a medium of anisotropic scatterers. Sometimes it is very difficult to separate forward scatter and backscatter effects in radar returns for circularly (or elliptically) polarized waves. Consideration of the utility of polarimetric variables in various bases indicates that the ZDR and KDP (specific differential phase) are prime information carrying quantities. Measurements of the basic polarimetric variables ZDR, KDP, and ρhυ in the linear polarization basis are much less biased by propagation and therefore are more attractive for rainfall estimation than the variables measured in the circular polarization basis. This reasoning led to the choice of the HV basis for the future polarimetric upgrade of the operational WSR-88D radar in the U.S. radar network (Doviak et al. 2000).
There are several pressing practical issues that arose recently and prompted us to revisit earlier studies and undertake the research presented in this paper.
Huge amounts of data collected with linear polarization radars in the “full-polarimetric mode” already exist and require interpretation.
A number of technical questions regarding microwave circuit design, data processing, and antenna scanning strategy are being raised in support of the ongoing polarimetric upgrade of the WSR-88D radar. Some of these are listed below.
(a) A polarimetric scheme employing simultaneous transmission (and reception) of horizontally and vertically polarized waves is suggested for the WSR-88D (Doviak et al. 2000). This approach eliminates an expensive high-power polarization switch and has other advantages. Some polarimetric variables (such as ZDR), however, can be noticeably biased under the suggested simultaneous scheme if the net (averaged over a long propagation path) canting angle of drops is substantially different from zero. Thus, any information regarding raindrop canting angles will be invaluable to assess the effectiveness of the suggested scheme.
(b) A prospective polarimetric rainfall estimation algorithm is based on specific differential phase KDP (either alone or in combination with radar reflectivity and differential reflectivity). If raindrops are canted, then the KDP estimated for equioriented drops must by multiplied by the factor exp(−2σ2), where σ is the dispersion of the canting angle distribution (Oguchi 1983). This factor was always ignored in interpretation of the KDP data because of the widespread opinion that σ is quite small. Indeed, for σ less than 5°, negative bias in KDP is negligible (less than 2%), but it increases rapidly for larger σ: 6% for σ = 10° and 13% for σ = 15°. This fact alone can explain persistent negative bias of about 10% in polarimetric rainfall estimates based on KDP cited by two independent observational studies, one at NSSL (Ryzhkov and Zrnić 1996) and the other at NCAR (Brandes et al. 2001). Although raindrop size distribution variations or uncertainties in the drop shape are more likely causes of the observed bias, we should not ignore canting angle dispersion as a possible contributor to a resulting error.
There is no consensus on the range of σ in precipitation. According to Beard and Jameson (1983), the theory predicts a mean canting angle of zero with rms values σ < 4° for feasible turbulence intensities in the boundary layer. McCormick and Hendry (1974) reported σ ≈ 2°, which is consistent with the theory of Beard and Jameson. Direct observations of individual drops near the ground in strong convection made by Saunders (1971) suggest that canting angles are symmetrically distributed about a mean of zero, with standard deviation of about 30°. Saunders’ results, however, are not applicable above the surface layer. Generally, estimates of σ from depolarization measurements on terrestrial links agree better with Saunders than with Beard and Jameson or McCormick and Hendry (Olsen 1981). Given this uncertainty, it is important to develop a reliable method for σ estimation in the precipitation medium in order to guarantee acceptable accuracy of polarimetric radar rainfall measurements.
(c) The proposed scheme for a polarimetric WSR-88D is flexible enough to allow, along with simultaneous transmission of H and V waves, transmission of either H or V alone with simultaneous reception of both orthogonal components of the radar signal, at least for certain antenna scans. Thus, all depolarization variables [linear depolarization ratio (LDR), ρxh, and ρxυ] can be, in principle, measured in addition to the basic ones obtained from the simultaneous transmission (ZDR, KDP, and ρhυ). The question is how beneficial are the depolarization variables for polarimetric rainfall estimation and hydrometeor classification.
This paper is organized as follows. In section 2, general analysis of the intrinsic covariance matrix is performed for linear and circular polarizations, with special emphasis on the co-cross-polar correlation coefficients. Section 3 deals with analysis of propagation effects and their influence on the depolarized variables in the linear and circular polarization bases. A model of a nonuniform propagation path is developed that allows for continuous change of the mean canting angle. Section 4 describes possible practical implications of the ρxh and ρxυ measurements, including estimates of the parameters of raindrop orientation and detection of non-Rayleigh scatterers such as hailstones or large wet snowflakes.
2. Intrinsic covariance scattering matrix of the ensemble of hydrometeors
Simple formulas can be obtained for angular moments in three special cases: (a) completely random orientation of hydrometeors, (b) random orientation in the horizontal plane, and (c) two-dimensional axisymmetric Gaussian distribution. In the latter case, the mean orientation of the hydrometeors is in the direction (〈ψ〉, 〈α〉), and the width of the angular distribution is determined by a dispersion parameter σ. The expressions for angular moments in all three cases are given in the appendix.
Using formulas (10)–(11) in these three special cases, we can easily express all measured polarimetric variables via a limited number of the moments Ji, Ai, and Bi that characterize microphysical properties of meteorological scatterers. Hereafter, we will focus mainly on depolarization measurands, including depolarization ratios and co–cross-polar correlation coefficients in the linear and circular polarization bases. These variables can be measured with polarization radars capable to receive both orthogonal components of the radar signal simultaneously as well as with the radars that have one receiver but switch polarization at transmission and reception in a special manner (Zrnić 1991).
The case (c) of the 2D Gaussian distribution of orientations is more interesting to examine because it represents a wide class of atmospheric scatterers, including raindrops and a large variety of frozen hydrometeors. Simple analytical formulas for angular moments and polarimetric variables can be derived for narrow angular distribution with the mean axis orientation close to vertical provided that antenna elevation angle is small. Under these assumptions, the angular moments Ai and Bi can be expanded in ascending powers of small parameters π/2 − 〈ψ〉, 〈α〉, and σ ≈ σα = σ/sin〈ψ〉.
For Rayleigh scatterers with small imaginary parts of refractive index, like crystals or dry snowflakes, the arguments of bh and bυ are close to zero, and the phase of both coefficients ρxh and ρxυ is either 0 or π, depending on the sign of the mean canting angle. For Rayleigh scatterers with larger imaginary parts of refractive index or non-Rayleigh particles, the arguments of bh and bυ differ from zero and contain important information about microphysical properties of hydrometeors. More detailed discussion of this matter is in section 4.
Another difference between the co–cross-polar correlation coefficients in the HV and circular polarization bases is in their phases. The phases of ρxr and ρxl are determined by the mean canting angle (its absolute value and a sign) and the argument of bc that is different from zero for non-Rayleigh scatterers or for the scatterers with large imaginary parts of refractive index. In contrast, the phase of ρxh,xυ is sensitive only to the sign of the mean canting angle. Any difference of the arg(ρxh,xυ) from 0 or ±π is attributed to the arg(bh,υ) that is very close to the arg(bc). This simple interpretation is valid only in the absence of propagation effects, as will be shown in the next section.
3. Effects of propagation
Canted hydrometeors cause depolarization of linearly polarized H and V waves. If the canting angle θ is of the order of a few degrees, then the effect of depolarization on co-polar variables such as ZDR and ρhυ is negligible. It is noticeable, however, in the LDR (Fig. 3a) and significant as far as co–cross-polar correlation coefficients ρxh and ρxυ are concerned (Figs. 3b,c). Even for a small canting angle θ = −1°, the magnitudes of ρxh and ρxυ change 6 times for the rain rate 30 mm h−1 as differential phase increases from 0 to 180°. The corresponding change in the phase of ρxh and ρxυ (after subtracting ±ΦDP/2) is 90° for the same ΦDP span. High sensitivity of ρxh and ρxυ to depolarization along propagation paths in precipitation was first mentioned by Hubbert et al. (1999). Any visible trend in the magnitudes of ρxh and ρxυ with distance is an indication of either nonzero net canting angle or system imperfections like feed horn misalignment, nonorthogonality of transmitted/received waves, etc. Therefore, analysis of the |ρxh| and |ρxυ| trends on long propagation paths through precipitation can serve as a quality check for dual-polarization radar antenna assembly and as a means to validate the simultaneous transmission scheme. All polarimetric measurands in the circular polarization basis are much less sensitive to minor variations of the mean canting angle around zero and cannot serve that purpose.
Our observations described in (Ryzhkov et al. 2000) do not reveal such pronounced trends in |ρxh| and |ρxυ|, as shown in Fig. 3 for the data collected with the S-Pol radar. This indicates that in reality, the mean canting angle averaged over a long distance in rain is very close to zero, and depolarization due to propagation is quite insignificant for the HV basis. This does not exclude, of course, that the mean canting angle in each radar resolution volume can considerably differ from zero, which manifests itself in essentially nonzero values of |ρxh| and |ρxυ| observed in rain (Ryzhkov et al. 1999, 2000). Bearing this in mind, we believe that the model of the mean canting angle varying randomly around zero is more adequate to describe the propagation process in rain than the model with a constant nonzero canting angle.
In our model, we assume that the mean canting angle 〈α〉 is a random function of range (or differential phase), with modulation that represents a slowly varying net canting angle component θ. The transmission matrix for the nonuniform propagation path with varying angle θ can be constructed as a product of transmission matrices related to small range bins (gates) within which propagation medium can be considered uniform. Figure 4 represents the results of such simulation. It was assumed that the rms width of the mean canting angle distribution σθ is 2°. Note that σθ is different from σ or σα, which signify the rms width of the canting angle distribution within radar resolution volume (assumed to be 10° in our model computations). In Fig. 4b, where |ρxh| is plotted, the corresponding curve for circular ORTT (|ρxr|) is also shown. The major difference between the linear ORTT (|ρxh| or |ρxυ|) and circular ORTT is that the former is very noisy but unbiased whereas the latter is much less noisy but biased by propagation. Extra noise in unbiased data can be eliminated by appropriate spatial and temporal averaging whereas elimination of bias due to propagation requires tricky procedures that are vulnerable to measurement errors (see, e.g., Torlaschi and Holt 1993). The behavior of the arguments of ρxh (ρxυ) changes dramatically as we allow random changes of the mean canting angle sign. The phase becomes very noisy and difficult to interpret. Along with the values of 0 and ±π expected in the absence of propagation, there are many intermediate values in the interval between −π and π, which are attributed to propagation effects. The ±ΦDP/2 is superposed to these values as predicted by (31).
Finally, we examine a model of a step change of the mean canting angle θ along a radial from 0° to 10° and back to 0°, with a random oscillations superimposed on it. The parameters of the random component of the mean canting angle are the same as in the previous example in Fig. 4. This type of rapid change of the mean canting angle along the radial could occur if a radar beam intercepts precipitation below the melting level and crosses the region of canted crystals at higher altitudes. Crystal orientation that is different from horizontal or vertical direction may be attributed to the presence of strong electric fields in the charged regions of thunderstorms (Caylor and Chandrasekar 1996; Krehbiel et al. 1996).
The results of simulation for this model are presented in Fig. 5. The jump of the mean canting angle at ΦDP = 20° is accompanied by sharp increase of LDR and |ρxh| or |ρxυ|, according to formulas (18) and (22). Further increase of LDR and |ρxh| or |ρxυ| with distance is caused by depolarization due to propagation because of an essentially nonzero value of θ. This increase is roughly proportional to the product of sin2θΔΦDP, where ΔΦDP is the differential phase increment within the “crystal” region with θ = 10°. Interestingly, random fluctuations of LDR and |ρxh| or |ρxυ| caused by oscillations of the mean canting angle decrease as the EM wave penetrates deeper into the crystal region of high depolarization. This is because depolarization propagation effects are accumulated with distance and eventually dump oscillations inherent to intrinsic LDR and |ρxh| or |ρxυ|. The phase of the co–cross-polar correlation coefficients is very noisy in the “rain” region, where the mean canting angle fluctuates around zero and is much more stable in the crystal region where it does not change its sign. The change of the pattern, however, does not coincide with the change of the deterministic component in 〈α〉 but occurs with some delay, apparently, due to effects of propagation. When the mean canting angle returns to its initial value of 0° after ΦDP = 40°, all depolarization variables do not restore their initial values and patterns that characterize the rain region 0° < ΦDP < 20°. Instead, they generally continue to retain their values acquired at the end of the “crystal” interval, that is, ΦDP = 40°, with slight tendency of LDR and |ρxh| to decrease. This model, although very idealistic, reproduces quite well the patterns of LDR and |ρxh| measured with the S-Pol and CHILL radars (Ryzhkov et al. 2000).
4. Possible practical applications of the co–cross-polar correlation coefficients
a. Estimation of |〈α〉| and σ
As it follows from the previous sections, the magnitudes of the co–cross-polar correlation coefficients in the linear polarization basis ρxh and ρxυ are directly related to the absolute value of the mean canting angle |〈α〉| and the rms width of the canting angle distribution σ, while their phases contain information about the sign of the mean canting angle and the presence of non-Rayleigh scatterers.
b. Possible detection of melting hail and wet snow using the phase of the co–cross-polar correlation coefficients
As was shown in section 2, in the absence of propagation effects, the phases of the co–cross-polar correlation coefficients ρxh and ρxυ in the HV basis are determined by the sign of the mean canting angle and the arguments of the complex factors bh and bυ [see formula (22)]. The arguments of bh and bυ are very similar to the argument of the factor bc in Eq. (26) for the co–cross-polar correlation coefficients ρxr and ρxl in the circular polarization basis. The phase of bc was briefly examined in some earlier studies (see, e.g., McCormick and Hendry 1975). It was shown that a large nonzero value of the argument of bc is a distinguishing property of non-Rayleigh scatterers. Examination of this non-Rayleigh component in the phase of ρxr (ρxl), which we will call “depolarization phase,” did not receive further development in later works, probably because of difficulties in isolating this component from the others relating to the mean canting angle and propagation effects. Instead, more efforts were devoted to the study of the backscatter differential phase δ, that is, the phase of the co-polar correlation coefficient ρhυ measured in the HV polarization basis. Nonzero values of δ are also indicative of the presence of non-Rayleigh scatterers and thus can be used, in principle, to delineate the areas of large hail within the storm (Balakrishnan and Zrnić 1990). The problem is that δ tends to zero for randomly oriented scatterers, which is usually the case for tumbling hailstones. The advantage of the depolarization phase is that it doesn’t depend on the degree of hydrometeor common alignment. There are several other advantages that will be discussed later.
Our computations of the complex scattering amplitudes fa,b for raindrops made at S, C, and X microwave frequency bands using a
We model melting hailstones as oblate spheroids with a refractive index of water at the temperature of 0°. Since there is no established relation between hail size and oblateness, we made computations for different aspect ratios ranging from 0.80 to 0.95 and assumed, for the sake of simplicity, that they do not change with size. It was found that generally |
Two important conclusions can be drawn from Fig. 7. First, for the aspect ratios considered, the depolarization phase δcr is much larger than the backscatter differential phase δco. Second, δco essentially depends on the aspect ratio whereas δcr is almost independent of particle shape (at least in the region where δcr is positive). This striking difference between δco and δcr can be explained by the fact that the backscatter differential phase is a difference between the arguments of the complex scattering amplitudes fa and fb, while the depolarization phase is determined mainly by the argument of the difference (fb − fa) [see formulas (39)]. For all atmospheric scatterers in the microwave frequency band |Re(fa,b)| ≫ |Im(fa,b)| (even in the Mie regime of scattering). Therefore, the arguments of fa and fb as well as their differences are quite small. In contrast, the ratio |Im(fb − fa)|/|Re(fb − fa)|, which determines the depolarization phase, is not necessarily very small, especially if fa ≈ fb, that is, for nearly spherical hydrometeors. Of course, the scatterers must be nonspherical enough to produce a tangible depolarization component in the reflected EM field so that the co–cross-polar correlation coefficients can be measured.
Both the backscatter differential phase and the depolarization phase depend on a refractive index of scatterers. Generally, the transition between Rayleigh and non-Rayleigh regions on the De axis is governed by the parameter DeRe(n)/λ, where n is a complex refractive index. Thus, at a given radar wavelength λ, the onset of the non-Rayleigh mode of scattering, for which δco and δcr become essentially different from zero, takes place at smaller sizes of water-coated hailstones than, for example, wet snowflakes because both real and imaginary parts of a refractive index of wet snow are lower than those of water. Magnitudes of δco and δcr decrease as Im(n) decreases. Therefore, for wet snow, the curves in Fig. 7 will be shifted towards larger particle sizes and will have shallower extrema. For dry snow, the phases δco and δcr are very close to zero regardless of size. Hence, discrimination between wet and dry large snowflakes, in principle, is possible with the use of the depolarization phase. The measurements at shorter wavelength are especially promising because of larger values of the depolarization phase and a broader range of snowflake sizes where a non-Rayleigh type of scattering takes place.
Larger values of the depolarization phase δcr combined with the fact that δcr is almost independent of particle shape and is not affected by particle orientation habit make δcr a more attractive polarimetric variable to measure than the backscatter differential phase δco. Reliable estimates of the depolarization phase, however, can be a problem in the linear polarization basis if pronounced propagation effects are present because the phases of the co–cross-polar correlation coefficients ρxh and ρxυ become very noisy (Figs. 4, 5). Careful analysis of observational data is required to assess practical use of the depolarization phase measurements. The phases of the co–cross-polar correlation coefficients ρxr and ρxl measured in the circular polarization basis are less noisy but are also heavily biased by propagation effects that cannot be easily taken into account. Nevertheless, the depolarization phase is an attractive parameter from the point of view of possible hail detection and sizing, so that any efforts to estimate it unambiguously will be rewarding.
5. Summary and conclusions
In this paper, a relatively simple model of the radar scattering by atmospheric particles is used to help interpret all elements of the covariance scattering matrix. The components of the covariance scattering matrix and corresponding polarimetric measurands can be expressed via a limited number of integral parameters that characterize distributions of sizes, shapes, and orientations of meteorological scatterers. For most practically significant cases, a 2D Gaussian distribution of canting angles is sufficient to model orientation of scatterers.
The co–cross-polar correlation coefficients ρxh and ρxυ measured in the horizontal–vertical (HV) linear polarization basis are the major focus of this study; these polarimetric variables have never been thoroughly explored. It is shown that the magnitudes of ρxh and ρxυ are determined primarily by the parameters of the canting angle distribution, namely, an absolute value of the mean canting angle |〈α〉| and the rms width of the canting angle distribution σ. In a special case of raindrops that have direction of their symmetry axis narrowly distributed around the vertical, the magnitudes of ρxh and ρxυ are roughly proportional to the ratio |〈α〉|/σ. This is in contrast to the magnitudes of the co–cross-polar correlation coefficients ρxr and ρxl measured in the circular polarization basis (known as ORTT) that do not depend on the mean canting angle and are less sensitive to the σ variations in rain.
In the absence of propagation effects, the phases of ρxh and ρxυ are very close to either 0 or ±π for Rayleigh scatterers, depending on the sign of the mean canting angle 〈α〉 in the radar resolution volume. Under the same conditions, the arguments of ρxr and ρxl are equal to ±2〈α〉. An additional term in the phase of the co–cross-polar correlation coefficients (the so-called depolarization phase) is present if the scatterers are non-Rayleigh. Depolarization phase δcr is potentially a very attractive polarimetric parameter that can be used for detection and sizing of melting hail and for discrimination between wet and dry snow. The phase δcr is significantly larger than the backscatter differential phase δco, that is, the argument of the co–polar correlation coefficient ρhυ. Another advantage of the depolarization phase is that it is almost insensitive to the hydrometeor shape and is not affected by the type of particle orientation whereas δco tends to zero for quasispherical or randomly oriented scatterers.
A model of the mean canting angle varying along a propagation path was developed to examine effects of propagation on the co–cross-polar correlation coefficients. We show that the magnitudes of ρxh and ρxυ experience pronounced trend with distance if the mean canting angle averaged over a long propagation path (i.e., “net” canting angle) is different from zero by a degree or even tenths of a degree. The same type of trend is expected due to antenna feed horn misalignment, nonorthogonality of the “H” and “V” waves, etc. Thus, the analysis of the |ρxh,xυ| trends, with distance in relatively uniform precipitation, can serve as a quality check for antenna and microwave assembly imperfections and as a tool to validate simultaneous scheme of transmission/reception that is going to be employed on the WSR-88D radar because the performance of the simultaneous scheme depends crucially on the net canting angle (Doviak et al. 2000). Our preliminary analysis of the data collected with the S-Pol dual-polarization radar (Ryzhkov et al. 2000) did not reveal pronounced trends in the magnitudes of ρxh and ρxυ—an indication that in reality, the net canting angle is close to zero within a few tenths of a degree. This, however, requires more scrutiny.
If the net canting angle is close to zero, then the magnitudes of ρxh and ρxυ are not biased by propagation effects and can be used to estimate the parameters of the canting angle distribution |〈α〉| and σ. We derived formulas (35)–(37) that can be used for |〈α〉| and σ retrieval in rain medium. Knowledge of the width of the canting angle distribution σ is essential in order to assess the performance of the polarimetric rainfall algorithm that is based on specific differential phase. Noticeable rainfall underestimation is expected for σ exceeding 15°–20°.
Major theoretical conclusions in this paper regarding behavior of the co–cross-polar correlation coefficients measured in the HV basis are used to explain observational data reported by Ryzhkov et al. (1999, 2000).
I am grateful to Drs. D. Zrnić and R. Doviak who read the paper and made very useful comments. Discussions with Drs. V. Bringi, J. Hubbert, and J. Vivekanandan also helped to clarify the main ideas presented in this study. I am especially thankful to Dr. S. Matrosov, whose critical remarks allowed me to unveil the error in the computer code that deals with accounting for propagation effects.
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Angular Moments
Here we present analytical formulas for the angular moments defined by (13) for three special cases.