1. Introduction
One of the main objectives of the U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE) Atmospheric Measurement Program (ARM) is the comprehensive characterization of the vertical atmospheric column for the purpose of validating and improving climate models (Ackerman and Stokes 2003). Water in its three phases is one of the most important components affecting the atmospheric radiation budget at different heights within the vertical column. Since its first days in the early 1990s, the ARM program has invested heavily (both financially and intellectually) in the development of remote sensing instrumentation and methods to retrieve parameters of atmospheric water vapor and clouds in both ice and liquid phases. The Ka-band (34.6 GHz) millimeter wavelength cloud radar (MMCR; Moran et al. 1998) designed by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s Environmental Technology Laboratory (NOAA/ETL) has been one of the most successful ARM instruments for collecting vertically resolved cloud information. Long records of MMCR measurements are available from Cloud and Radiation Test bed (CART) sites located in the key areas over the globe, including Oklahoma, Alaska, Australia, and islands of the Pacific Ocean.
The ARM data archive contains detailed vertically resolved radar measurements, and some associated cloud microphysical parameter retrievals based on these measurements. Although reflectivity-based methods for retrieving drizzle parameters from ground-based Ka-band cloud radars exist (e.g., Frisch et al. 1995; Matrosov et al. 2004), they are not applicable to rainfall retrievals. As a result, ARM datasets lack vertically resolved quantitative information on rainfall, which is a very important component of the global water cycle that affects climate change. The absence of rainfall information in the ARM datasets presents a certain inadequacy in characterizing the vertical atmospheric column above the ARM CART sites and limits model validation efforts. Precipitation formation processes are radiatively important, and they represent one of the crucial mechanisms in the atmospheric water cycle, which are addressed by different climate and cloud models.
Vertically resolved rainfall information can be obtained from ground-based radars operating at S band (around 3 GHz) and/or from wind profilers (White et al. 2000; Williams 2002). Not all the ARM CART sites, however, are equipped with such radars. In addition their vertical resolution is typically rather coarse and there are possible effects of Bragg scattering in measurements taken at such long radar wavelengths. Furthermore, deployment of additional radars is not always feasible for a number of practical reasons. On the other hand, the MMCR measurements are routine for most of the ARM CART sites and rainfall information retrieved from these measurements can be a valuable addition to the ARM products. An important factor is also that rainfall information derived from the MMCR can have the same temporal and spatial resolutions as the cloud product information that is presented in the ARM datasets. If attenuation in rain is handled properly, the quantitative information on both clouds and precipitation can be obtained for the same atmospheric column.
An attenuation-based approach to retrieve profiles of rainfall rates from vertically pointing, 8-mm wavelength radars was recently developed (Matrosov 2005). A simplified remote sensing method based on this approach was initially tested and applied to a case from the Cirrus Regional Study of Tropical Anvils and Cirrus Layers–Florida Area Cirrus Experiment (CRYSTAL–FACE) field project during which the NOAA-owned MMCR radar was deployed near Miami, Florida. This article shows applications and verifications of the method and describes recent enhancements and refinements that include estimating rainfall rates in the presence of noisy radar reflectivity measurements and accounting for an average vertical profile of nonattenuated reflectivity. The enhanced method is applied to several representative rainfall events from the Southern Great Plains (SGP) and the tropical western Pacific (TWP) Darwin, Australia, CART sites. The MMCR retrieval results are then compared with ground-based rainfall measurements and observations by the polarimetric scanning C-band precipitation radar, which is located near the Darwin CART site.
2. Theoretical background
Polarimetric scanning radars used for precipitation studies often provide phase measurements that are then used to calculate the specific differential phase shift KDP (Bringi and Chandrasekar 2001). Depending on the raindrop oblateness, KDP is approximately proportional to the 4.5th–5.5th moments of the DSD. As a result, KDP–R relations are generally less susceptible to the variability due to DSD changes than Ze–R relations. The KDP-based estimators often provide better measurements of rainfall rates and accumulations compared to traditional reflectivity-based techniques (Matrosov et al. 2004, 2005a).
Being a very convenient parameter from which to infer rainfall rate, the attenuation coefficient, however, is difficult to measure. In the attenuation-based method (Matrosov 2005), a is calculated as a range (height) derivative of the reflectivity measurements at vertical incidence. The heaviest assumption involved in these calculations is that at the effective vertical resolution interval, the gradual changes in the vertical profile of the apparent (i.e., measured) reflectivity due to attenuation generally prevail over those due to nonattenuated reflectivity variations. This assumption becomes progressively more substantiated as the rainfall rate and/or the resolution interval grow larger. The variability in nonattenuated reflectivity constitutes the main source of retrieval uncertainties, which were estimated in (Matrosov 2005).
It should be mentioned that the Hitschfeld and Bordan (1954) approach, which is sometimes used for retrieving the rainfall rate at modestly attenuating radar wavelengths (e.g., Testud et al. 2000), is not suitable for highly attenuated Ka-band radar measurements. One reason for that is that the exponent in a–Ze power-law relations at this band is very dependent on the details of the DSD (Matrosov 2005), while the constancy of this exponent is required by the Hitschfeld and Bordan approach. Besides, the Ka-band radar measurements are often saturated at close ranges, which prevent retrieving the profiles of nonattenuated reflectivities as part of the application of this approach.
a. A least squares method routine for attenuation-based estimates of rainfall rates
Retrievals of rainfall-rate R, using vertical measurements of attenuated reflectivity at the Ka band, have many technical similarities to retrievals of R based on the specific differential phase shift KDP on propagation from low-elevation polarimetric measurements taken with longer wavelength radars such as those operating at S, C, or X bands. Indeed, KDP is found as a range derivative of differential phase measurements ΦDP(r), while R in the attenuation-based method is estimated as a range (in this case height h) derivative of attenuated reflectivity measurements Ze(h). In rain, both ΦDP(r) and Ze(h) are somewhat noisy measurements. A typical standard deviation (SD) value for ΦDP(r) data is about 1.8° at X band (Matrosov et al. 2002), and the SD of the statistical uncertainties of Ze(h), even in uniform rain, can be around 0.5 dB (Marshall and Hitschfeld 1953; Matrosov and Djalalova 2001). Spurious contributions to ΦDP(r)/Ze(h) changes with range/height are added by the differential phase shift on backscatter (for ΦDP) and by the variability in vertical profiles of nonattenuated reflectivities (for Ze). Since both KDP and attenuation-based R estimates are relative (not absolute) measurements, the absolute radar calibration and wet radome issues are unimportant.
The rainfall-rate estimates based on (7) are performed using a sliding window Δh for all MMCR resolution gates, which are typically spaced 90 m apart in a rain layer. As a result, the apparent vertical resolution of retrievals is 90 m, though the effective (actual) resolution corresponds to the interval Δh, which is typically chosen to be about 1 km. Only data from the so-called precipitation mode of the routine MMCR measurements (Kollias et al. 2005) are used here for retrievals. This mode has the largest range of unambiguous Doppler velocity estimates (±15.14 m s−1), which allows accurate measurements of precipitation echoes using the standard spectral processing employed with the ARM radars.
3. Examples of retrievals of rainfall rates at the SGP ARM CART site
The retrieval accuracies of the attenuation-based rainfall-rate profiling method strongly depend on uncertainties in the vertical profiles of nonattenuated reflectivity and the effective resolution interval Δh, and they decrease as the rainfall rate increases. The variability in the nonattenuated reflectivities is expected to be minimal in stratiform rain events, which are characterized by relatively modest rainfall rates (typically less than about 15 mm h−1), relatively strong radar bright bands, extensive spatial coverage, and long duration. Nonattenuated reflectivity profiles in stratiform rain are usually assumed to be constant (e.g., Andrieu and Creutin 1995). Assuming a typical 1-dB uncertainty in the nonattenuated Ka-band reflectivity profiles for such events, the relative errors for the discussed method can be estimated as 40% for R = 4 mm h−1, 20% for R = 10 mm h−1, and 15% for R = 15 mm h−1 (Matrosov 2005).
Stratiform rainfall events are relatively common at the SGP site during fall. One such event was observed on 11 October 2004. Figures 2a,b show time–height cross sections of the MMCR-measured reflectivity and mean Doppler velocity during this event. Rainfall echoes are well defined by the high Doppler velocity measurements (Fig. 2b) and the reflectivity transition zone between the ice and liquid phase with a visible bright band (Fig. 2a). There are clear indications of signal attenuation with range in the reflectivity field. The effects of rain attenuation on reflectivities are also seen in Fig. 3 where individual measurement profiles are shown for decimal 4.7811 UTC. Note that approximately 26 dB of attenuation was added before preamplifiers in this radar mode to mitigate saturation issues at closer ranges.
The reflectivity bright band in Fig. 3 is in the upper part of the transition zone from the ice to liquid phase. In this zone, the Doppler velocities change from about 1 to 2 m s−1, which is typical for snowflakes, to 5–7 m s−1, which is characteristic for raindrops. According to Fig. 2b, the lower part of this transition zone during the event varied from about 3 to 2.5 km. In a rather conservative thresholding approach to eliminate any effects of the transition zone in rainfall-rate retrievals, no data collected higher than 2.5 km were used for this case. For the effective resolution interval Δh = 1 km, it meant that no rainfall estimates higher than about 2.0 km (i.e., 2.5 km − Δh/2) were obtained. During most of this event, MMCR reflectivity measurements were not saturated above about 0.2 km, so the lowest available retrievals were at a height of about 0.7 km AGL (i.e., 0.2 km + Δh/2). The rainfall-rate retrievals available for this case are shown in Fig. 3 for an individual profile, and in Fig. 2c for the whole period of rain observations. Generally, values of R varied between 2 and 8 mm h−1, although a few periods with R at around 15 mm h−1 and even higher were observed. There was some variability in the vertical profiles of retrieved rainfall rates.
Although Δh = 1 km was used for routine retrievals in Fig. 2c, for the comparison purpose Fig. 3 shows individual profile retrievals for the 1- and 2-km vertical resolutions. It can be seen that the 1- and 2-km resolution retrievals agree quite well, though because of the larger interval, the 2-km retrievals are not available higher than about 1.5 km or lower than about 1.1 km. According to Matrosov (2005), expected errors for retrievals at R ∼ 4–5 mm h−1 for the 1-dB nonattenuated reflectivity profile uncertainty are about 40% (for the 1-km resolution) and about 25% (for the 2-km resolution).
The average thickness of a layer where rainfall rates retrieved from MMCR data were available is about 1.3 km. The center of this layer is located at about 1.35 km AGL (Fig. 2c). A time series of the mean rainfall rate Rm in this layer is shown in Fig. 4. This figure also shows the rain accumulations calculated using Rm and as recorded by the ground-based high-resolution (0.254 mm) tipping-bucket-type rain gauge deployed at the SGP CART site near the MMCR. For this approximately 7-h rain event, the total radar-derived accumulation (using Rm) is about 29 mm, which corresponds to a time-average Rm value of about 4 mm h−1. As mentioned above, the expected retrieval accuracies of rainfall rate at such modest values of R are around 40% for the resolution used (Δh = 1 km). Given this and the fact that surface rain gauges are usually calibrated within 10%–15%, the general agreement between surface gauge and radar-retrieved accumulations is good.
An approximately 20% difference between the radar-derived and surface estimates of accumulation shown in Fig. 4 is rather comparable to typical differences observed for high-resolution polarimetric scanning radars (Matrosov et al. 2005a). A part of the observed difference in this case may be attributed to the rain evaporation processes taking place near the surface. There is very good agreement between the radar data aloft and surface data between about 0320 and 0500 UTC, and also after about 0700 UTC. The radar-observed spikes in Rm exceeding about 12 mm h−1 after 0400 UTC contributed most to the excess of the MMCR-derived rainfall accumulation compared with the surface data. However, it is difficult to expect a perfect correspondence between radar and surface datasets given the vertical separation, different sampling volumes, and uncertainties associated with both datasets. In any case, it is quite remarkable that the attenuation-based Ka-band radar method was able to deliver sensible vertically resolved retrievals for such modest rainfall rates.
4. Examples of retrievals of rainfall rates at the TWP Darwin ARM CART site
The TWP Darwin CART site has very different rain climatology than the SGP CART site. Deep convective events are common during the “wet” season, which typically lasts from November to February. It is especially instructive to test the attenuation-based Ka-band rainfall-rate retrieval method in this environment. The rainfall rates at the TWP site can reach 100 mm h−1 and higher. While the relative retrieval accuracy of this method improves with the increase of R (Matrosov 2005), vertical variations of nonattenuated reflectivity in convective rains are higher than those in stratiform rains. These variations generally decrease the retrieval accuracy and offset some of the improvement due to higher values of R.
Compared to the SGP site, the TWP Darwin site offers more opportunities for retrieval verifications. An optical sensor at this site provides estimates of the instantaneous rainfall rates at the ground allowing for more detailed comparisons of retrievals. An important verification opportunity is also provided by the availability of data from a scanning C-band (λ = 5.5 cm) polarimetric (C-Pol) radar (Keenan et al. 1998) located in the vicinity of the TWP Darwin CART site. This radar is located at a 25.5-km distance from the MMCR and routinely performs precipitation measurements. The C-Pol radar scan sequence includes regular (once every 10 min or so) range–height indicator (RHI) scans at the MMCR azimuth direction (az = 220°), which allows for reconstruction of the C-band radar reflectivity profiles over the MMCR. Both conventional (i.e., based on Z–R relations) and polarimetric (e.g., KDP based) estimates of rainfall profiles from the C-Pol radar can be obtained over the MMCR.
Figure 5 shows the MMCR measurements and rainfall-rate retrievals (using Δh = 1 km) for one of the convective events observed at the TWP Darwin site on 11 January 2003. The freezing level was located at an altitude of about 4.5–4.6 km AGL, and its manifestation can be faintly seen in Fig. 5a when reflectivities are not completely attenuated out in the warm rain layer (e.g., around 1410 UTC). Strong attenuation effects during heavy downpour periods cause the complete attenuation of MMCR signals beyond the range of just a few kilometers (e.g., at 1510 UTC), so the corresponding R retrievals are limited to lower heights only. To avoid contamination by partially melted hydrometeors, the upper height of the retrievals is limited to about 3.8 km AGL. The lower height of the retrievals is dictated by the saturation of radar signals and the chosen effective retrieval resolution interval (Δh = 1 km). For this resolution (and assuming a 2-dB uncertainty in the nonattenuated reflectivities for convective rains), the expected uncertainties of MMCR retrievals are 35% for R = 10 mm h−1, 20% for R = 20 mm h−1, and 12% for R = 50 mm h−1 (Matrosov 2005).
Figure 6 shows layer-mean retrieved rainfall rates Rm and accumulations from MMCR and from the surface optical rain gauge for the 11 January 2003 event. Unlike for the SGP stratiform case of 11 October 2004, the thickness of the layer where retrieval profiles are available varies significantly due to different heights at which saturation and total extinction of signals occur. The time series of the mean height of the layer where MMCR retrievals are available is also shown in Fig. 6. These mean heights vary from as low as 1 km AGL for the heaviest downpours, when the total signal extinction starts close to the ground to 3 km (or even higher) when saturation prevents retrievals at the lowest range gates. There is generally good agreement between the surface rainfall data and the MMCR-retrieved data aloft.
The KDP- and Zec-based retrievals of rainfall rates for decimal 13.82 UTC are also shown in Fig. 7a. The R estimates from both the C-Pol estimators and from the MMCR attenuation-based retrievals reach a local maximum at about 1.5–2 km and then exhibit a diminishing trend. MMCR values for the most part are bracketed by the estimates from (9) and (10). Note that differences between the C-Pol KDP- and Zec-based values of R at times reach a factor of 2. This is not surprising since Z–R relations are known for significant uncertainties due to DSD details, and KDP–R relations, while generally less susceptible to DSD changes, can vary by as much as 25%–30% depending on the model for raindrop shapes.
Two more examples for individual profile retrievals from different rain events observed at the TWP Darwin site are depicted in Figs. 7b,c (corresponding time–height measurement and retrieval cross sections for the entire events are not shown). For both profiles, MMCR attenuation-based Ka-band retrievals (where available) agree reasonably well with C-Pol estimates. While the 27 November 2002 (decimal 19.83 UTC) profile of MMCR-derived rainfall rates (Fig. 7c) shows a better agreement with KDP-based C-Pol data, the 1 January 2003 (decimal 7.32 UTC) profile from MMCR retrievals (Fig. 7b) better follows the Zec-based C-Pol data. Overall the mean ratio of the MMCR-derived rainfall rates to the C-Pol estimates was about 1.34 (for the KDP-based C-Pol rainfall-rate values) and 0.76 (for the Zec-based C-Pol rainfall-rate values).
As C-Pol estimates in Figs. 7a,b, available MMCR retrievals indicate mean values of rainfall rates of about 30–50 mm h−1 while there are changes in R on the order of about 10–15 mm h−1 at 1-km intervals at certain heights. Note that the variability in nonattenuated Ka-band reflectivities corresponding to these changes in R (i.e., 30–50 mm h−1) typically does not exceed few decibels, while the 1-km two-way changes of reflectivity due to attenuation exceeds 15 dB or so.
As mentioned above, on 11 January 2003, the ground-level rainfall rates and accumulations and those calculated using MMCR-retrieved layer-mean rainfall rates aloft (Rm) correspond to each other rather closely (see Fig. 6). This good agreement is also seen in Fig. 7a where attenuation-based retrievals of R compare well with the rainfall rate of 51 mm h−1, which was detected by the optical rain gauge at the surface. Such good correspondence, however, is not always the case. For the other two examples shown in Figs. 7b,c, rainfall rates aloft from both MMCR and C-Pol retrievals differ rather significantly from the surface values. Figure 8 shows 1-h comparisons of MMCR mean layer retrievals Rm with surface values of rainfall rate on 1 January 2003. It can be seen that periods of good correspondence between rain aloft and at the surface can be followed by periods with notable differences. The mean layer height of MMCR retrievals for these comparisons varied between about 1.8 and 3 km. C-Pol rainfall-rate estimates available for decimal 7.32 UTC compare well with MMCR retrievals (see Fig. 7b).
5. Prospects for the use of vertical profiles of nonattenuated reflectivity
In the attenuation-based retrievals presented above, the variability in vertical profiles of nonattenuated reflectivity (VPNR) at the resolution interval was regarded as the source of retrieval errors, and no attempts have been made so far to account for this variability. Neglecting vertical trends in VPNR in stratiform rain events is probably justified below the bright band. It is often done for the vertical extrapolation of scanning radar measurements when the lowest-elevation data are blocked or unavailable for some other reason (e.g., Andrieu and Creutin 1995; Smyth and Illingworth 1997). For convective rains, neglecting VPNR trends and variability is generally less justified, though as seen from Zec profiles in Figs. 7a,b, the aforementioned assumption of the ±2 dB variability in nonattenuated reflectivity profiles at Δh = 1 km is generally valid when making estimates of retrieval uncertainties for these cases. Note also that the lowest-resolution element of the C-Pol radar can actually be partially blocked resulting in a smaller value of Zec.
The experience of working with TWP Darwin data, however, suggests that sometimes an opposite trend in VPNR is true when the reflectivity is decreasing toward the ground as shown by the vertical profile of Zec in Fig. 7c. In such a case, the value of b in (11) and (12) should be negative. Due to such conflicting indications about the sign of the VPNR gradient b, it was assumed in the retrievals performed in this study that b = 0. A detailed research of VPNR in convective rainfalls at ARM CART sites using longer wavelength-scanning radars is probably needed to further refine the Ka-band attenuation-based rainfall-rate retrieval method. Such research is beyond the scope of this study.
It should be mentioned, however, that though accounting for VPNR will enhance the retrieval method, VPNR variations at the Ka band should be less than those for the longer wavelength radars typically used in precipitation studies (e.g., the S band with λ ≈ 11 cm or the C band with λ ≈ 5.5 cm). This lesser variability of Ka-band reflectivities, which is illustrated in Fig. 9, is explained by non-Rayleigh scattering. Calculations of equivalent reflectivities at the Ka and S bands (Zek and Zes, respectively) in this figure were performed using the experimental JWD DSDs collected during a summer field campaign in Colorado. It can be seen that Zek varies less than Zes, especially for higher reflectivity values. Most of the vertical radar reflectivity profile studies have been performed for S or C bands where non-Rayleigh effects are very often negligible, so one could expect that somewhat smaller values of the gradient parameter b (in the absolute sense) would be appropriate for the Ka band compared to those recommended for lower radar frequencies.
With the current assumption of b = 0, it is helpful to identify situations in which the profiles of nonattenuated reflectivity are highly variable, in order to identify MMCR-based retrievals of rainfall rate that have higher than usual uncertainties. An example of this situation is shown in Fig. 7c where the C-Pol reflectivities, corrected for slant attenuation effects, rapidly diminish toward the ground. In this example, the MMCR retrievals are available only in the upper part of the rain where the nonattenuated Ka-band reflectivity variability (as judged from the Zec profile) is rather modest. Very often such situations can be identified using Ka-band radar only. They are manifested by the slanted areas of measured Ka-band reflectivity patterns as revealed by the time–height radar measurement cross sections in Fig. 10a. This figure shows a 0.5-h time period of data that contains the profile depicted in Fig. 7c. When the variability of nonattenuated reflectivity is relatively small (as for the 1 January 2003 case in Fig. 7b), the slanted reflectivity patterns are typically not observed as shown in Fig. 10b.
6. Conclusions
The attenuation-based method to retrieve profiles of rainfall rates using vertically pointing Ka-band radars was refined and adjusted for the use with the U.S. Department of Energy’s ARM MMCR radars deployed at different CART sites. The retrieval results are tailored to the spatial and temporal resolutions of the MMCR measurements that are used for cloud remote sensing, and these results can be potentially used as precipitation value-added products in ARM data streams. Although a mean least squares sliding “window” approach allows retrieval estimates to be obtained at the 90-m radar gate intervals, the actual or effective spatial resolution (Δh) is about 1 km or so. Retrieval accuracies generally diminish as the effective spatial resolution becomes coarser.
For Δh = 1 km, the Ka-band radar rainfall retrieval method was applied to a wide variety of rainfall events ranging from cold stratiform brightband events with rainfall rates averaging about 4 mm h−1 or so to tropical convective events with rainfall rates at times reaching 100 mm h−1. Stratiform rain retrievals from the SGP site data indicated a rather modest vertical variability (generally less than a factor of 2) in estimated rainfall-rate values. These retrievals expressed in terms of the accumulation time series were in good agreement with the surface tipping-bucket data. Stratiform rain results for low rainfall rates (R ∼ 4 mm h−1) are quite encouraging given the fact that retrieval accuracies at such rainfall rates (∼40% at Δh = 1 km) are lower than those for higher rainfall rates (Matrosov 2005).
Retrievals for tropical convective events observed at the TWP Darwin site revealed more vertical variability in rainfall rates compared to stratiform cases. Surface rainfall was not always a good indicator for rainfall aloft. MMCR-based rainfall-rate estimates were compared with retrievals from the C-Pol polarimatric scanning precipitation radar located 25 km away from the ARM site. Two retrieval approaches were used with C-Pol data from the RHI scans over the MMCR site. One of these approaches uses a conventional Z–R relation specially tuned to this site, and the other approach is based on differential phase (KDP) measurements. For the most part, Ka-band attenuation-based estimates were within the range provided by C-Pol retrievals. These comparisons present an independent check of the Ka-band method using the precipitation radar approaches.
It was found that the effective vertical resolution of the retrievals Δh = 1 km generally provides acceptable results, although coarser resolution can be applied in order to reduce retrieval uncertainties at the expense of losing some details in precipitation vertical structure and reducing the range where Ka-band radar rainfall-rate retrievals are available. The current version of the method uses MMCR reflectivity data in the interval ±Δh/2 centered at a given radar range gate. Since the radar data, which are either in saturation or below the linear regime of radar receivers, cannot be used in retrievals, attenuation-based rainfall-rate estimates are available only in a limited vertical layer of precipitation. The thickness of this layer also depends on observed rainfall rates and the linear dynamic range of the radar receivers. For the current configuration of MMCR radars, this thickness varies from about 1 to 3 km for moderate rainfall rates. For high rainfall rates the thickness of such a layer can be smaller because more low-altitude range gate data are unavailable due to saturation, and intense attenuation quickly reduces radar echoes to the noise level at higher-altitude gates where signals are out of saturation.
One way to increase the useful vertical range of MMCR retrievals is to employ polarization radar measurements in the MMCR precipitation mode. In this mode echoes are recorded in the co- and cross-polarization channels. In the “weak” polarization channel (which is the copolarization channel in the circular polarization basis), radar returns are 25–30 dB lower than in the “strong” polarization channel, so the weak channel measurements can be used for rainfall-rate retrievals when the strong channel measurements are in saturation. Potentially, with a properly working MMCR polarization mode, the vertical range of retrievals can be substantially increased by adding range gates located closer to the ground. Some technological improvements in the MMCR hardware, however, are needed before this can be done.
The variability in Ka-band vertical profiles of nonattenuated reflectivity (VPNR) is the main contributor to the rainfall-rate retrieval uncertainties; however, due to non-Rayleigh effects, this variability is substantially smaller than that for longer-wavelength radars. VPNR variations below the bright band in stratiform rains are generally modest, and an assumption of a constant VPNR for such rains is justified. Larger VPNR variations are expected in convective rains. Though some independent studies in such rains suggest a general reflectivity increase as the AGL height diminishes, C-Pol RHI scans often reveal opposite VPNR trends. Due to such contradictory evidences, a constant VPNR was also assumed for convective retrievals, though a generalized estimator was developed for linear changes of VPNR with height. It was also shown that the vertical patterns in time–height cross sections of measured MMCR reflectivity can be used to distinguish between situations with high and low variability in VPNR, thus avoiding the cases with high retrieval uncertainties. Doppler velocity information potentially can also be used filter out cases with high variability in VPNR.
One more potential for reducing the adverse effect of nonattenuated reflectivity variations in future could be using more coarse temporal resolutions for retrievals. It may smooth out small-scale variability in the nonattenuated reflectivity field. That approach might be more suitable for stratiform events, which usually do not exhibit high temporal variability.
This research was supported by the Office of Science (Biological and Environmental Research), U.S. Department of Energy Grant DE-FG02-05ER63954. Ken Moran of NOAA/ESRL provided valuable information about the MMCR operational modes.
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