1. Introduction
Polarimetric radars are useful for the remote sensing of the atmosphere, particularly in situations where it would be extremely dangerous or impossible to perform in situ measurements (Snyder and Bluestein 2014), and are an efficient tool for classifying and discriminating between different meteorological and nonmeteorological scatterers (e.g., Zrnić and Ryzhkov 1999; Vivekanandan et al. 1999). Polarimetric observations have shown evidence of tornadic debris signatures (TDSs), which may effectively complement Doppler data (Ryzhkov et al. 2005) to aid in tornado-related applications by observing changes in the tornadic debris field (Bodine et al. 2011). This is particularly useful for cases in which traditional tornado-warning criteria are absent or overlooked (when ground observations are not possible, e.g., tornadoes in heavy rain or at night; or, when low-level velocity data are unavailable, e.g., at long ranges), and could allow the issuance of more specific statements or tornado emergencies (Ryzhkov et al. 2005; Bodine et al. 2013).
TDSs (Fig. 1) are tornado-scale polarimetric signatures collocated with a tornado that is lofting debris particles to the level of the radar beam (Ryzhkov et al. 2005). Since debris particles may have random orientations, irregular shapes, and a wide range of sizes and dielectric constants, they produce distinctive polarimetric characteristics in radar observations (e.g., Ryzhkov et al. 2005; Bluestein et al. 2007; Kumjian and Ryzhkov 2008; Snyder et al. 2010; Palmer et al. 2011; Bodine et al. 2011; Bunkers and Baxter 2011). Different criteria have been established to determine the likelihood of a radar resolution volume containing debris. A typical TDS, at typical weather radar frequencies, is associated with low-to-high reflectivity factor
Because TDSs are repeatable features in tornadoes that are lofting sufficient debris (Kumjian and Ryzhkov 2008; Bodine et al. 2011, 2013), they provide promising application in tornado detection (Ryzhkov et al. 2005; Scharfenberg et al. 2005), confirmation of tornado warnings (Schultz et al. 2012a,b), and near-real-time estimation of tornado intensity and damage potential (Bodine et al. 2013; Van Den Broeke and Jauernic 2014; Van Den Broeke 2015). However, because of the large number of different debris types lofted in a tornado and their poorly understood scattering characteristics, determining a well-established relationship between tornado dynamics, debris, and polarimetric variables remains a challenge (Bodine et al. 2014).
A general assumption is that debris particles tumble randomly in a tornado vortex, and are expected to exhibit near-zero
It is reasonable to assume that debris distributions are composed of a wide range of sizes and shapes, with both Rayleigh and non-Rayleigh scattering (Bodine et al. 2014). Non-Rayleigh scattering could cause negative
The main purpose of this work is to investigate the causes of nonzero mean values of
2. Methodology
a. Simulation framework
Since a definitive physical explanation for the occurrence of negative
SimRadar (Cheong et al. 2017) is a tool that combines a simulated tornado vortex with a polarimetric I/Q time series radar simulator; see the supplemental file JTECH-D-17-0140.s1 for an animation of SimRadar's user interface. A large-eddy simulation (LES; Maruyama 2011; Bodine et al. 2016a) is used to drive the motion and orientations of particles, along with many debris particle types of different characteristics, each with its own air drag model (ADM) to drive the trajectories, and its corresponding radar cross section (RCS) model for particle backscattering calculation. Nonspherical particle trajectories are simulated using a 6-degrees-of-freedom (6DOF) model (Maruyama and Noda 2012). At each time step, the weighted contribution of each scatterer, taking into account the RCS corresponding to the particle in its particular orientation, is summed coherently akin to the Monte Carlo integration method to produce the simulated radar data; then, the positions, velocities, orientations, and tumbling of all scatterers are updated using their corresponding LES models/ADMs.
The LES model used in the radar simulator is a turbulent three-dimensional simulation. The simulation uses axisymmetric lateral boundary conditions with a mean angular momentum of 11 500
Using these boundary conditions, the LES model produces a two-cell vortex structure with a central downdraft surrounded by an annulus of updraft (Fig. 2a). Axisymmetric time-averaged wind speeds are shown in Fig. 2. An intense corner flow transports angular momentum into a smaller radius compared to aloft, producing the highest mean tangential velocities exceeding 55 m s−1 at 25 m AGL and a radius of 150 m. Aloft, the radius of maximum winds (RMW) expands to 250 m. Subvortices are evident in the simulation (not shown), forming along the radial gradient of tangential and vertical velocities inside the RMW, and the subvortices contribute to the maximum in turbulent kinetic energy (TKE) between 75 and 150 m (Fig. 2b). Other LES model inputs have been developed for the radar simulator to emulate different swirl ratios, diameters, etc., but the focus here is on the two-cell vortex simulation. While the simulator does not account for storm-scale physics, it provides a means to study tornado-scale dynamics around the vortex center and in some areas outside where debris centrifuging and fallout occurs.
b. Quaternions and relative quaternions
Within the simulation framework, quaternion arithmetic is used extensively in the retrieval and calculation of scatterer orientation according to ADM values, the transformation of coordinate systems (CS) to map between ADM, RCS, and radar-relative values, and for on-screen visualization of the simulation output. Additionally, the use of quaternions facilitates the task of extracting the orientation angles of debris relative to an absolute reference frame.
Within the simulator different sets of orientation angles in different reference frames are used to map the appropriate ADM and RCS values to their corresponding orientation; thus, relative rotations are needed to match the proper values in the lookup tables. As shown in Fig. 3b, a world (absolute) CS (
c. Orientation angles of debris
Referring to Fig. 5, using a convention that x points toward east, y points toward north, and z points toward up, a set of orientation angles
d. Regions under analysis
The extent of the simulation domain encompasses a volume of approximately
Spatial analyses within the emulation domain can be performed in regions with different hydrometeor concentration, wind speed, and shear. Figure 6 shows an example with hydrometeors tracing (moving with) the wind, where the intensity of each pixel represents the number concentration of raindrops. Intense inflow within the corner flow region offsets the centrifugal fallout of raindrops, resulting in a clustering near the RMW.
By studying the statistics of orientation angles in smaller spatial subsets, the relationship between the wind direction and debris orientation is clearer. Given the spatial distribution of scatterers, the relative position in the vortex can be used to categorize the groups of scatterers. Three parameters of particular importance are the height (position in z), the center of the vortex, and the radius of maximum concentration of raindrops (RMC). The center of the vortex is calculated as the mean of the positions of raindrops (shown in Fig. 6b at the intersection of the grid), while the RMC is calculated with the 50% confidence interval ellipse of the positions of all raindrops (shown in Fig. 6 as an ellipse near the maximum concentration). This method is used for the purposes of this study as a quick way to obtain the center of the vortex and is not intended to be applied to radar data. The radial distance from the center of the vortex
Extent of the regions under analysis for different heights (z) and radial distances (
3. Results
Tornadoes produce a wide range of debris types that include natural and manmade debris of various shapes and sizes (Dowell et al. 2005; WSEC 2006; Van Den Broeke 2015). The study focuses on a limited subset of three common debris types—leaves, wood boards, and metal sheets—to understand the behavior of small and large debris. The leaves were modeled as “freshly cut leaves” with a moisture content of 80%, while the properties of the wood boards and metal sheets were selected after a quick survey of typically observed values. A leaf model is chosen as a vegetation-type scatterer. The body is modeled by a rectangular plate 6 cm wide × 8 cm long, with a 0.1-cm thickness, and a density of 350 kg m−3, and a stem modeled as a cylinder of 12 cm long and the same density attached to the body. A wood board is chosen as a standard wooden structural object typically found in houses. It is 10.16 cm wide × 30.48 cm long, with a 5.08-cm thickness, and a density of 500 kg m−3. Finally, a square metal sheet is modeled with dimensions 100 × 100 cm−2, with a 0.1-cm thickness, and a density of 7850 kg m−3. The number of debris objects loaded into the simulation is 102 400 for each type. The raindrops have a Marshall–Palmer DSD with an intercept parameter of 2.3; a rain rate of 15 mm h−1 and five different diameter classes of 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 mm; and the scattering amplitudes are computed using expressions from Bringi and Chandrasekar (2001). It should be noted that while the Marshall–Palmer DSD is a simple way to simulate rain DSDs, it may not be representative in many supercell situations, especially in appendage/near-tornado regions (e.g., French et al. 2015). The simulation is run with all scatterer types (raindrops and all debris types) simultaneously present. Initially, debris are populated with a random orientation and a random position in the domain, and are replaced as they fall out or exit the domain. After a spin-up time of approximately 10 min (real-time simulation), the flux of new debris becomes approximately constant, reaching a stable state. That is, the statistics observed hereafter are assumed to be reasonably time invariant.
a. Statistical analysis of orientation angles
1) Dependence with wind direction
To summarize, the debris orientation is dependent on the wind force impinged upon it, and leaves show common alignment in horizontal axes. While this confirmation might not be unexpected, it serves as a “soft” validation that the wind fields can, in fact, cause light debris to have a common alignment that depends on the driving wind force.
2) Dependence with height
To study the height dependence of the
On the other hand, differences can be observed in the distributions of
A physical explanation is that at low levels random initial orientations of debris lead to flatter distributions. Moreover, higher turbulence, evident by higher TKE below 50 m in Fig. 2a, may contribute to the flatter distributions. The wind angle, defined as the angle of the wind vector off the horizontal plane, is shown in Fig. 2b. In the center of the tornado, where the central downdraft is present and tangential velocities are weak, debris are aligned more horizontally consistent with large, negative wind angles. At larger radii aloft, the wind angle has a small positive value and reflects a greater contribution of tangential motion compared to vertical motion. In this region the debris tend to be more vertically aligned. In summary, the most common debris orientation is for the largest face of the debris to be oriented normal to the wind angle, in a position where drag forces acting on the debris are higher.
Bodine et al. (2014) observed that
3) Dependence with radius
This analysis corresponds to elliptical regions for all heights, denoted B1–B3, while A0 is fixed, that is, the regions inside the center of the vortex, around the RMC, and outside of the center of the vortex. Figure 9 shows the histograms of the δ,
This analysis suggests that a common alignment could exist in certain regions of the tornado, which could result in negative
b. Simulated radar observations
In addition to studying the statistics of orientation angles, it is of particular interest to find out whether the debris objects are, in fact, able to produce TDSs in simulated data. A plan position indicator (PPI) and spectral analyses of the simulated radar signals are presented next for three cases: weather only, debris only, and weather and debris. The radar parameters (Table 2) are similar to typical WSR-88D values, though the pulse repetition time (PRT) is arbitrarily modified to ensure there is no velocity aliasing, and the range sampling is 30 m with a gate spacing of 15 m. The small resolution volume size used may result in radar signatures being observed that would not be observed by a typical NEXRAD, but these signatures might be seen with mobile radars. The domain is populated with
Radar acquisition and simulation domain parameters.
The PPI plots of the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR), mean radial velocity
Since it is possible to analyze each signal and the composite signal separately, spectral analysis may provide additional information on the interaction between hydrometeors and debris. For this, the dual-polarization spectral densities (DPSD) are calculated using the bootstrap estimator described in Umeyama et al. (2017). The DPSD depict the distribution of the polarimetric variables as a function of their Doppler velocity for a given radar resolution volume. Key DPSD of a ray corresponding to an azimuth of
The range–Doppler plots of the debris-only case show multimodal spectra in SNR, as well as a wide range of
Upon closer inspection of the PPIs, and by comparing the radial velocity fields, it can be observed in the northwestern quadrant that the wind motion seems to be underestimated, while it is overestimated at the northeastern quadrant. Spectral analysis of the mixed weather and debris case shows that the spectra are mostly dominated by debris (Fig. 12c), as the signatures in SNR are very similar to those of the debris-only case (Fig. 12b). Clearly, the biases in the mean radial velocities are due to the high-power returns from debris. However, even when the weather signal is dominated to some degree by debris, certain signatures can be observed in the spectral correlation coefficient. Depending on the difference in power of the signals that are mixed in the composite signal, certain features remain identifiable. By comparing the range–Doppler plots of the three cases, it is evident that a line of low
4. Conclusions
The goal of this study was to investigate the cause of nonzero mean values of
Future work includes providing answers to several scientific questions, which include studying the behavior of
This work was supported by the National Science Foundation under Research Grant AGS-1303685. The authors acknowledge T. Maruyama for the collaboration and for providing LES model code and wind tunnel measurements for ADM. Additional thanks to R. Palmer and C. Griffin for providing useful comments, which helped to improve the paper.
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