1. Introduction
As wind blows over the sea surface, momentum is exchanged between the two fluids. This exchange, the wind stress τ, is defined as the rate of change of horizontal air-side momentum per unit surface area of water. The wind stress is a crucial driver of air–sea interaction dynamics, affecting processes such as material transport (Klein and Coste 1984) and air–sea gas exchange (Jähne et al. 1979). In the open ocean, wind speed is the primary determinant of wind stress (Edson et al. 2013), though the aerodynamic smoothness produced by swell waves has been indicated to reduce air–sea drag (Potter 2015). Along coastal margins, stress may change dramatically over short distances depending on land effects (Sun et al. 2001), shoaling wave fields (Shabani et al. 2014; MacMahan 2017), and current shear (Ortiz-Suslow et al. 2015). General studies on the topic have shown that the relationship between wind speed and momentum flux in nearshore and surfzone regions is modulated by wave and bathymetric effects (Gao et al. 2009; Yang et al. 2018). It follows that a proper approach to describing the wind stress in coastal areas should be able to account for the great spatial variability of these effects.
Distilling a rich and multidimensional dataset into a single vector or set of zero-dimensional scalars is often done to conveniently summarize complexities in the record. Given little more than an anemometer and a temperature probe, the wind speed time series may be processed in this way via the application of a bulk formula (Fairall et al. 2003) or the inertial dissipation technique (e.g., Edson et al. 1991). If one has access to a sonic anemometer (capable of recovering the 3D wind vector at high frequency) and an inertial measurement unit (IMU; to correct the velocity record for platform motion), one may obtain the wind stress τ using the eddy covariance (EC) technique (see Edson et al. 1998). Each of these approaches makes use of fluid mechanical theory in order to boil down our record of the atmospheric boundary layer flow into familiar, easily digestible quantities, such as the friction velocity u*, the aerodynamic drag coefficient given neutral conditions CDN, and the mean wind speed at 10 m above the surface given neutral conditions U10N (Bourras et al. 2014, e.g.). These are related in the following way:
The early 1980s saw the development of the wavelet transform, a nonstationary signal processing technique (Morlet et al. 1982; Grossmann and Morlet 1984). An expansion of its modes of application in the areas of image and signal processing during the 1990s brought some promising results related to the field of geophysical fluid dynamical analysis (Liu et al. 1995a,b; Peng et al. 1995; Donelan et al. 1996). However, these earlier works were limited in that their investigations were largely qualitative and wavelet processing was not used to provide a quantifiable metric comparable to the more widely used Fourier transform. More recently, advancements in spatial sensing capabilities and improvements in geophysical fluid model resolution have highlighted some of the limitations of pure Fourier and statistical analysis as applied to one-dimensional quantities. The present work is rooted in a desire for renewed focus on adaptive processing techniques of highly variable signals, specifically targeting the calculation of wind stress in strongly varying regimes. To improve the spatiotemporal resolution of air–sea momentum flux and to expand our understanding of inhomogeneous wind forcing, a series of wind velocity observations were made in a laboratory wind-wave flume and along the northern coastline of Monterey Bay in California from a small, heavily instrumented research vessel. Two wavelet-based techniques are presented here, one being a simple extension of past (e.g., Peng et al. 1995) work and the other being entirely new. The new technique is validated with the laboratory measurements, while the field data serve as a case study and demonstration of the method’s applicability.
The methods employed here are given in section 2. Results are presented in section 3 and are discussed as part of their broader impact in section 4.
2. Methods
In this section, methods for estimating wind stress magnitude from the wavelet transforms of the wind velocity vector are described. The techniques were tested on sets of laboratory and field measurements in order to provide both validation and a larger scientific context, respectively. The MATLAB codes used for the data processing described in this section are included as supplemental material.
a. Description of observations
Laboratory observations were made in the Surge Structure Atmosphere Interaction (SUSTAIN) facility at the University of Miami’s Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Science. The SUSTAIN facility contains a wind-wave tank with interior dimensions of 23 m × 6 m × 2 m. A Campbell Scientific IRGASON sonic anemometer was mounted 16 m downstream of the tank inlet and fixed 46 cm above the mean water level (which was set to 77 cm above the tank bottom). The IRGASON is a sophisticated hybrid sonic anemometer/infrared gas analyzer with the ability to measure the three-dimensional wind velocity vector at 20 Hz with errors of 0.08 m s−1 in the horizontal and 0.04 m s−1 in the vertical. A representation of the setup is given in Fig. 1. The fan was controlled to produce 49 different wind speed conditions with 10-m neutral wind speeds
Field observations were made in northern Monterey Bay as part of the Coastal Land–Air–Sea Interaction (CLASI) campaign, which took place during June 2016. Monterey Bay (Fig. 2a) is a large west-facing bay that is well exposed to North Pacific wind and swell systems; furthermore, the bay’s coastline provides a variety of environments in which to observe and model nearshore air–sea interaction [see, e.g., the spatial varability in sea surface roughness as inferred from satellite-based synthetic aperture radar (SAR); Figs. 2c and 2d]. The present work focuses on the observations made from 1530 to 2300 UTC 8 June 2016 in the waters south of Santa Cruz, California. The area of study featured substantial inhomogeneity in the wind and wave fields over waters that were still safely navigable via small boat. On this day, a northwesterly low-level jet flowed into the bay and wrapped around the southern face of the Santa Cruz Mountains. This set up a strong west–east gradient in the wind field and local wind sea that strengthened throughout the day as the jet fully developed and pushed eastward into the bay. The measurements shown in this work are representative of a series of six ≈30-min transects over which wind and wave conditions varied to create a fairly wide parameter space over the course of this single day. It should be noted that given the single moving platform of the small boat, it is impossible to fully decouple the spatial inhomogeneity from the temporal nonstationarity. The case study is therefore presented as is, the momentum flux variance along the vessel track existing all the same.
Data were acquired from a 7.9-m-long reinforced hull inflatable boat (RHIB) shown in Fig. 2b. The sampling, data acquisition, and processing techniques used for the EC portion of this study were based on coastal observations reported in Ortiz-Suslow et al. (2015). The three-dimensional wind velocity vector was collected at 20 Hz using the same Campbell Scientific IRGASON mounted 5.4 m above the mean water level (the red star in Fig. 2b). Examination of recent studies of the wind stress profile in similar environmental conditions to those described here (Högström et al. 2013; Wu et al. 2018) suggest that wave-coherent motions should not dominate the signal at this measurement height. Based on the flux footprint calculations of Högström et al. (2008), it is estimated that the upstream distance containing 80% of the measured flux
Manufacturer-reported RMS sampling errors for the instruments used in this study.
Water surface elevation data were subjected to Fourier transforms and were Doppler corrected following the methods of Collins et al. (2017). As this method requires Earth-referenced wave direction as an input parameter, a technique that estimates the intrinsic wave propagation direction [the wavelet directional method of Donelan et al. (1996)] was first employed to provide such a quantity.
b. The EC technique
c. The wavelet transform
d. The peak wavelet amplitude technique
3. Results
Generally, the time-averaged PWA products were found to strongly correlate with the EC stress estimates computed from the laboratory data. The integrated product was shown to qualitatively capture the same flume-generated gust event as the PWA, though at a lower magnitude. The field observations provide less clarity, however, as neither PWA nor the integrated product appear to better correlate with EC than the other. Adding to this confusion is the inescapable fact that EC may not even be appropriate for the types of short-window, fast-vessel, and nearshore operations that motivated the development of the wavelet techniques in the first place, thus serving as a poor “ground truth.” In any case (based on the laboratory measurements), the wavelet techniques appear to have skill at describing air–sea momentum flux and are ultimately far more revealing of local dynamics in spatially inhomogeneous regions than the traditional approaches have been.
A single comparison between wind stress magnitude computed via EC, PWA, and the signed components of the integrated products forming the terms of Eq. (9) is shown in Fig. 6. The time-averaged values shown in Fig. 6b were computed for all laboratory cases and are shown in Fig. 7a, with Fig. 7b showing a different time series example for reference. Note that all three approaches are qualitatively similar for low wind speed magnitude, though the latter diverges from EC and PWA for increasing wind speed. Figure 8 plots stress computed from EC against stress computed from PWA. The exceptional agreement between EC and PWA (coefficient of determination
Figure 10a shows wind stress computed from the field data (N = 32) using three separate techniques and the COARE 3.0 algorithm (Fairall et al. 2003) as functions of the 10-m neutral wind speed. Figure 10b shows the “R” values (Ortiz-Suslow et al. 2015) over the same wind speed range. The stress estimates are directly compared in Fig. 11. There is substantially more scatter in these estimates than in those produced from the wind-wave tank data, though the integrated product’s underestimation of the wind stress can still be clearly seen for high wind speed.
Figure 12 shows a transition in the nature of the stress signal over the course of an example transect. At the start of the transect, the vessel was in a portion of the bay that was sheltered from the long-period swells traveling eastward and from the strong winds generating the wind sea. Here, the wind stress was largely governed by low-frequency pulses. By the end of this transect, the PWA stress magnitude became higher and showed greater variance as a result of the increased wave energy (a 66% increase in root-mean-square water surface elevation from A to B). In this wavier domain, all EC-determined stresses were found to increase. Throughout the entire transect, high-amplitude transient eddies are shown by the wavelet coscalograms to exist and to have a marked effect on the time-averaged wind stress, though none of the EC estimates are truly able to resolve their presence.
Visual inspection of the individual cases (sections A and B from Fig. 12; shown in Figs. 13 and 14) reveals the individual eddies that constitute the overall
4. Discussion and conclusions
One feature of the present study that is difficult to ignore is the shortness of the eddy covariance windows (typically 5 min, though as short as 1 min). The use of 5-min windows is not without precedent (Ortiz-Suslow et al. 2015); however, the 2- and 1-min windows may be on the order of the temporal scales of eddies that are important in air–sea momentum flux. This would result in the interpretation of longer-duration features as nonstationarities that are removed in the detrending process; it almost certainly would result in long-period forcing aliasing, seen anecdotally within Fig. 5c. For the observations made here, it seems that the smallest trustworthy EC window is 5 min, even though in those we were unable to capture gusts (as expected) or reliably describe spatial inhomogeneity in our coastal region of interest. This leads us to the further development and application of nonstationary analysis to these signals.
The agreement between
We reiterate that summarizing the wind stress using EC is akin to summarizing a wave field using parameters like
The principal benefit of the wavelet-oriented approach as compared to short time or moving window eddy covariance coupled with Fourier analysis depends upon the nature of the forcing. Inspection of Fig. 10 indicates that COARE has underestimated air–sea momentum flux in the coastal region of study for U10N < 7 m s−1. It is likely that wave-related effects that may be second order in the open ocean become significant in this low wind speed regime (Gao et al. 2009; Potter 2015). These effects contribute to the observed variability as the craft moves alongshore: a recent study of wind stress in Monterey Bay that used shore-tower-based measurements indicated that the location of observation affected the relationship between wind speed and wind stress, even for onshore wind (Yang et al. 2018). One way to investigate these processes further is to examine the individual transects. During the transect from which the data comprising Fig. 12 were gathered, the RHIB moved from one distinct wave regime to another (near abscissa > 3500 m). This transition was not instantaneous, however, as the wind speed and RMS water surface elevation were seen to gradually increase as the PWA array showed a combination of increased energy at the wind-sea band and intermittent pulses surrounding the swell frequency. Short time Fourier transforms would have worked to alias the swell frequency pulses and distort the estimation of their temporal separation; shortening the window would improve resolution but reduce the quality of the spectral estimate at low frequencies. A moving window EC would smooth over their effect altogether, producing an output that blends the effects of wind sea, swell, and larger-scale atmospheric forcing in a manner that may miss transient signals. These effects range from changes to the direction of the stress vector (Sjöblom and Smedman 2002; Zhang et al. 2009; Shabani et al. 2016) to attenuation of turbulent momentum transfer at high frequencies under certain conditions (Drennan et al. 1999b; Sullivan et al. 2008; Kahma et al. 2016). As such, this type of blending should be avoided if one desires to resolve these distinct and independent sources of air–sea momentum flux variance. Traditionally, those seeking to describe spatial inhomogeneity in wind and wave fields would need to use a ship that stayed on station for extended periods of time. If the inhomogeneity were temporally nonstationary, then one would have had to make use of a series of fixed platforms. Both of these approaches are expensive and cumbersome to execute in practice. The power of the wavelet-based techniques lies in the way that they allow scientists to measure transient phenomena and describe inhomogeneity of wind forcing over water in regions that had previously not been amenable to such analyses (e.g., the highly variable region shown in Fig. 2c).
The dynamics of atmospheric forcing and wind-wave coupling near coastal margins figure directly into the way in which humans interact with these environments. As remote sensing techniques allow for recovery of ocean surface wave information nearer and nearer to shore, interest in describing these highly variable regions has dramatically increased. The methods introduced in this work and resulting glimpses into nonstationary wind forcing have the capacity to positively impact our observations and analyses of air–sea momentum flux, providing an opportunity for higher-resolution studies of coastal ocean surface transport and wind-wave interactions.
The authors extend their thanks to the RSMAS researchers and support staff who assisted in data collection during the CLASI campaign and laboratory experiments—Neil Williams, Mike Rebozo, Cédric Guigand, Sanchit Mehta, and Andrew Smith. Finally, the authors are appreciative of the scientists whose wisdom and/or code proved essential to this work, including, but not limited to, Mark Donelan, Will Drennan, and Bertrand Chapron. This work was supported by ONR Grant N000141612196.
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