1. Introduction
In a paper by Ivić et al. (2013) a method for estimating the noise power from the range power profile at each radial is proposed. Because this approach is not based on spectral domain processing, it can be applied even when the number of pulses per radial is small. The resulting algorithm is efficient and robust, which makes it attractive for real-time applications.
Under the assumption that every range gate is contaminated by independent and identically distributed, additive Gaussian noise, the algorithm consists of a sequence of steps intended to detect and reject range volumes that contain echoes either from weather phenomena or clutter. The remaining signal-free volumes are used to compute the power of the background noise. All the steps operate by exploiting the statistical properties of the range power profile. The first two steps are complementary and fundamental for discarding volumes containing strong signals. While the first detects and removes range volumes with sharp power discontinuities, the second detects flat sections in the power profile. Both steps are implemented via statistical testing. In Ivić et al. (2013) the integrals involved in executing these steps were left to be evaluated numerically. However, the accuracy of the numerical integration can be sensitive to the selected method, especially when solving improper integrals. This provides an impetus for deriving the closed-form solutions to these integrals.
Without changing the nature of the algorithm or its performance, herein we propose analytical solutions to the integrals used in its two first steps. First, in section 2, we develop the expression of the probability of falsely detecting noise as point clutter. Then, in section 3, we provide closed-form solutions for the moments of the power variance. These analytical results are intended to replace their numerically evaluated counterparts proposed in Ivić et al. (2013) and avoid the inconvenience of implementing a numerical integration. This paper follows the notation defined in Ivić et al. (2013). Consequently, only a few new variables, not present in the original paper, are declared.
2. High gradient echo detection
The first step of the algorithm detects volumes contaminated with point clutter or pulsed interference. Then the kth volume is discarded if its estimated power is sufficiently larger than that of the near neighbors [i.e. if
In addition, Fig. 1 shows that the probability PFA is a smooth function of the PCT multiplier. Thus, the value of the PCT multiplier for a desired probability PFA is easily computed by piecewise linear interpolation of a set of data points generated via Eq. (2). On the other hand, Ivić et al. (2013) conduct this computation by solving the optimization for the numerically evaluated objective function [created using Eq. (A5) and denoted (A8)], via the iterative Newton method (refer to appendix C for a brief description of the algorithm). In this regard, the expression (2), derived herein, may also be used instead of (A5) to create an objective function and find the PCT value via Newton method as in Ivić et al. (2013) [likewise, (A5) may be used in place of (2) for PCT computation via interpolation as suggested here]. Table 1 summarizes the values of the PCT multiplier for M = 4, 8, 16, 32, 64 and PFA = 10−3, 10−4, 10−5, 10−6.
Point clutter threshold (PCT) multiplier for detecting high gradient echoes vs the probability PFA and the number of pulses M.
3. Flat power profile detection
The second step detects flat sections of the power profile, which are associated with potential signal-free regions. A running window of length K is applied to estimate the variance of
To validate the Eqs. (10) and (11), histograms of the variable Var were computed using Monte Carlo simulations, for different values of M and K. Each histogram was generated from 104 trials of signal-free volumes contaminated with white noise of normalized power N = 1. Figure 2 shows that the distribution Γ(α,θ) accurately predicts the simulated data.
Threshold THR for detecting large values of power variance vs the number of pulses M and the window length K for a desired upper-tail probability of Pr = 10−2.
4. Discussion
The first two steps of the algorithm proposed by Ivić et al. (2013) rely on lookup tables of the detection threshold, which are later retrieved during real-time processing. These tables are precomputed based on the numerical approximation of the integrals (A5) and (B5) presented in their manuscript. Herein, these two integrals are solved analytically. Therefore, the closed-form solutions provide an alternative and more straightforward procedure to build the lookup tables.
The radar data used to test the algorithm were provided by “Secretaría de Infraestructura y Política Hídrica, Ministerio de Obras Públicas” of the Argentinean National Government and INVAP S.E. framed within the SINARAME Project. The author thanks Sebastián M. Torres for providing comments that improved the manuscript. M. Hurtado is funded by the following grants: FONCYT PICT-2017-0857, UNLP I+D 11-I-209, and CIN-CONICET PDTS-269.
Probability of False Alarm for Step 1
Moments of Y for Step 2
Newton’s Method
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