1. Introduction
Internal waves (IWs) are caused by differences in the temperature of water in the ocean. The presence of such anomalies in the seawater creates time-dependent and spatial variations in the sound speed profiles (SSPs) and affects underwater sound propagation due to the downward refraction of sound waves (Katsnelson et al. 2021; Rouseff 2001). Usually, sparse representations of SSPs via empirical orthogonal functions (EOFs) are used to support inversion algorithms for sound speed (North 1984). However, effective sparse representation of SSPs can be compromised due to high perturbations in the water column. Recently, Bianco and Gerstoft (2017) have shown that dictionary learning (DL), an unsupervised machine learning method, is better suited to sparsely represent SSPs. In this paper, DL and EOFs are used to model and classify measured SSPs affected by IWs during the Shallow Water Experiment 2006 (SW06).
Internal waves can be thought of as four-dimensional phenomena because of their effects in both 3D spatial (x, y, z) and temporal (t) domains. Characterization of the behavior and statistical properties of IWs have been carried out using 3D mapping techniques (Badiey et al. 2013, 2016), resulting in the general understanding of the regimens in the propagation of IWs. Several studies have shown that internal waves create significant variability in the speed of sound, affecting how sound propagates through the ocean, due to the fluctuations in the acoustic modal behavior (Flatté and Tappert 1975; Rouseff 2001; Helfrich and Melville 2006). The variation due to the passing of IW packets affects the propagation and reception of acoustic signals underwater because of drastic changes in the acoustic channel (Huang et al. 2008).
EOF analysis has been commonly used to represent SSPs as a linear combination of few orthogonal basis functions that describe the statistics of the sound speed uncertainty (Xu and Schmidt 2006; Abiva et al. 2019). Those resulting sparse representations are employed to aid inversion procedures (Huang et al. 2008). However, strong variations in the SSPs occurring because the passing of IWs yield a dramatic decay in the reconstruction accuracy of SSPs using EOFs (Sun and Zhao 2020; Roundy 2015). As a result, different approaches such as 3D mapping (Badiey et al. 2013) or learning methods (Jain and Ali 2006; Bianco and Gerstoft 2017; Sun and Zhao 2020) have been studied for modeling and reconstruction of SSPs.
Dictionary learning, an unsupervised learning method, aims to find a set of nonorthogonal basis functions (referred to as atoms) that can sparsely reconstruct signals (Zhang et al. 2015). The DL framework has been extensively applied to dimensionality reduction (Tošić and Frossard 2011), pattern recognition (Wright et al. 2010) and sparse representation modeling (Rubinstein et al. 2010). Recent studies have been conducted to sparsely represent SSPs using learned dictionaries (LDs) (Kuo and Kiang 2020). Bianco and Gerstoft (2017) showed that LDs are well-suited to generate sparse representations of SSPs using few basis functions. Sun and Zhao (2020) tested the effectiveness of LDs using HYCOM data and supported the results found by Bianco and Gerstoft (2017), concluding that nonorthogonal atoms allow for more flexible dictionaries and produce better sparse representations of SSPs.
Because of the relaxation of the orthogonal requirements and the possibility of generating optimal sparse representations, LDs have also been applied to clustering (Sprechmann and Sapiro 2010) and classification tasks (Tang et al. 2019; Suo et al. 2014). In this approach, specific dictionaries are trained to retain most of the meaningful information of each class. Then, testing data are classified by selecting the dictionary yielding the sparse representation that generates the lowest error (Ramirez et al. 2010; Zhao et al. 2018). Here, classification via dictionary learning is extended to label data containing SSPs affected by low, medium, and high IW activity collected during the SW06 experiment.
In this paper, there are two main contributions. First, a comparison of the ability to sparsely model SSPs with few basis functions is made between EOFs, complete LDs, and overcomplete LDs. Second, a DL-based SSPs classification setting is proposed and assessed via LD. The proposed framework is compared with standard classification algorithms such as support vector machine (SVM) and k-nearest neighbors (KNN) classifier. The dictionary atoms are calculated with online dictionary learning, a stochastic gradient-descent approach introduced by Mairal et al. (2009), while sparse coding is performed using the orthogonal matching pursuit algorithm and least absolute shrinkage and selection operator (lasso) convex optimization. This paper is structured as follows: In section 2 preliminary concepts and notations are presented. Section 3 introduces the data collected during the SW06 experiment used in this paper. Both EOF analysis and dictionary learning frameworks are introduced in section 4, and results for modeling and classification of SSPs are shown in section 5, followed by the conclusions in section 6.
2. Preliminaries and notation
In this paper matrices are denoted in sans serif (except for greek letters) uppercase boldface type, vectors are in lowercase boldface type, and scalars are in lowercase and uppercase italic. The ℓp-norm of a vector or matrix is represented as ǁ⋅ǁp, with 1 ≤ p ≤ ∞. For any
Any square diagonalizable matrix
3. Experimental data
The raw data introduced in this work were collected during the SW06 experiment performed off the coast of New Jersey from mid-July to mid-September in 2006 (Tang et al. 2007; Newhall et al. 2007). During the experiment, 62 acoustic and oceanographic moorings were deployed in a “T” geometry as sketched in Fig. 1. This T mooring conformation measured data on an almost constant bathymetry of 80 m in the along-shelf direction and a bathymetry across shelf starting at 600 m going shoreward to 60-m depth. The intersection of the two paths in the T was populated with a cluster of 16 moorings to measure the 3D environment. Most of the environmental moorings in the area consisted of temperature, conductivity, and pressure sensors that measured the physical oceanography in the water column.
This paper uses data from mooring SW30, deployed at 39°1.501′N, 73°4.007′W, to study the time-evolving SSPs via dictionary learning. The SW30 station was part of the 16-mooring cluster located at the intersection of the T geometry deployed in the SW06 experiment. The location of mooring SW30 inside the cluster is marked with a white star in Fig. 1. The SW30 station had 11 unevenly spaced sensors collecting conductivity and temperature profiles from 14 to 83.3 m in a water column with seafloor at 86-m depth. For this study, temperature, conductivity, and pressure data were extracted from 0000:00 UTC 1 August to 1600:00 UTC 5 September 2006 at the SW30 location.
During the SW06 experiment, IW activities were reported as initiating at the shelf break and propagating toward the shore after 17 August 2006 (Badiey et al. 2013). The transition of internal waves over the area caused highly anisotropic SSPs such as the ones depicted in Fig. 2a, where temperature profiles exhibited significant variations across the water column and caused notable changes in both the acoustic channel and sound transmission.
The study of IWs is a difficult task because of the spatial resolution of the measurements in experiment areas (Badiey et al. 2016). In this paper, only temporal IW anomalies are used for the analyses and applications presented in subsequent sections. As an example, the temporal displacement of an IW event spotted from 2100:00 UTC 17 to 1000:00 UTC 18 August 2006 at the SW30 location is presented in Fig. 2. The temperature variability across the water column produced by the passing of IWs provokes changes in the acoustic duct and degrades the acoustic propagation underwater. In Fig. 2a, the beginning of each stage (approaching, onset, propagation, and tail) of the IW event is marked with a dashed line in Fig. 2a and labeled with a geotime tgi (i.e., tg0, tg1, tg2, and tg3). These abrupt changes in temperature alter the isotropic properties of the SSPs and produce drastic variations in the SSPs as shown in Figs. 2c and 2d. Figure 2c shows the mean
An additional consequence of the IW passing is the instability of vertical displacements that affects acoustic propagation. The periodicity at which a vertically displaced small volume of water oscillates is measured by the buoyancy frequency N (s−1). The oscillations in the water column are expressed as the square of the buoyancy frequency N2 to obtain real values, as shown in Fig. 2b. The time interval has been divided into four sections, each categorized by the regimens 1–4 describing the IW behavior. These regimens are 1) the approaching, 2) the onset, 3) the propagation, and 4) the tail of the IW event. The squared buoyancy frequency N2 is given by g2ρ(βdSA − αdΘ)/dP, where g is the gravitational acceleration (m s−2), ρ is the density (kg m−3), SA is the absolute salinity (g kg−1), Θ is the conservative temperature (°C), P is the pressure (Pa), and β and α are respectively the saline contraction and thermal expansion coefficients evaluated at the average values of SA, Θ, and P. The mean value of N2 for each of the four regimens indicated in Fig. 2b is shown in Fig. 2e. The behavior of the buoyancy frequency clearly shows the magnitude of oscillations at different depths during the IW passing.
The computed SSPs were structured as a group of sample vectors yi such that
As shown in Figs. 2 and 3, IW events can be categorized as phenomena with low, medium, and high effects in the water column by considering the amplitude of the internal wave (variation of temperature vs depth). To distinguish between IW activities with low, medium, and high incidence, the extracted SSPs were labeled in four different classes (1–4), as detailed in Table 1. These resulting labels serve for the supervised framework presented in the following sections. The classes were inferred via k-medoids clustering with Euclidean distance as the measuring metric (Park and Jun 2009). This approach is more robust to noise and outliers as compared with k-means because it minimizes a sum of pairwise dissimilarities instead of a sum of squared Euclidean distances. The clustering strategy is composed of two steps, the build step and the swap step. In the build step each of k clusters is associated with a potential medoid, whereas in the swap step each point is tested as a potential medoid by checking the sum of within-cluster distances to define a new medoid. At each iteration, every point is then assigned to the cluster with the closest medoid until convergence.
Four resulting classes after applying the k-medoids to SSP data extracted from SW30 (from 0000:00 UTC 1 Aug to 1600:00 UTC 5 Sep 2006). The columns in the table show the number of SSP samples per class, the mean (
The entire labeled dataset presented in Fig. 3a was split into training/testing sets to be used for supervised classification of SSPs. Uniform random sampling was used to split the data, where 80% of data were destined for training while the remaining 20% were for testing, and resulted in 164 438 and 41 109 samples, respectively. The training data are meant to train the classification algorithms, and the testing data are used to perform classification and measure the performance of each model. The distribution of training and testing sets for each class is shown in Fig. 4.
4. Sparse representation of SSPs
Sparse representation aims to describe a dataset as a linear combination of few elements (basis) (Rubinstein et al. 2010). These elements capture the relevant statistical information that best describes the data and are combined with a matrix of few nonzero coefficients calculated by imposing an ℓp constraint that controls the sparsity level or nonzero elements (Zhang et al. 2015; Wright et al. 2010). In ocean acoustics, SSPs inversions are often regularized by considering a sparse representation of SSPs using EOF analysis (Gerstoft and Gingras 1996; Huang et al. 2008) or DL (Bianco and Gerstoft 2017). This section introduces a method to implement EOF analysis and DL to represent SSPs as a linear combination of basis functions using measured data from the SW06 experiment (see section 3).
a. EOFs
EOF analysis is employed to reduce the dimensionality and identify meaningful underlying features from a dataset. In statistics, EOF analysis is also known as principal component analysis and is described as the way of transforming correlated variables into a smaller number of uncorrelated variables (Abdi and Williams 2010). EOF analysis can simplify a spatial–temporal dataset by transforming it to spatial patterns of variability and temporal projections of these patterns (Weare et al. 1976). These spatial patterns are called EOFs and can be thought of as basis functions in terms of variance. The associated temporal projections are the principal component scores and are the temporal coefficients of the EOF patterns.
EOFs are computed via an SVD in which a dataset is decomposed in terms of orthogonal basis functions to generate a compressed version of the data. Here, EOF analysis is carried out on a collection of SSPs
b. Sparse coding
Any dataset
One good way to compare the performance between EOFs and LDs for sparse representation is by fixing the number of nonzero coefficients nnz in ci. Since nnz is fixed, the sparse representation of SSPs must be performed with the k-leading basis from EOFs and LDs. This setting permits focus mostly on the ability of DL and EOF to capture relevant features in the data using very few basis functions. As a result, the OMP algorithm with ℓ0-norm is used to fairly compare the ability of EOFs and DLs to sparsely represent SSPs.
c. DL
Contrary to EOF analysis in which the basis functions are computed via SVD, DL aims to find a dictionary
d. Dictionary learning for SSP classification
A dictionary
5. Results and discussion
To illustrate the practicability of the methods presented in section 4, both DL and EOF analysis are applied to data collected at SW30 station during the SW06 experiment (section 2). In this section, DL and EOFs are implemented to sparsely represent SSPs altered by the passing of IWs using OMP algorithm for sparse coding. In addition, dictionary learning is later employed for SSP classification following the scheme described in section 4d, using the LARS-lasso algorithm for sparse coding.
The matrix
a. Dictionary learning and EOF analysis for SSPs sparse representation
Because of the reward for sparsity and the absence of an orthogonality requirement, LDs can provide an alternative for a sparse representation that might yield more accurate reconstructions than traditional methods, such as EOFs. Bianco and Gerstoft (2017) showed that LDs are suitable for representing sound speed profiles in underwater environments, even outperforming EOFs with few basis functions.
To test the versatility of dictionary atoms in highly fluctuating environments such as those with internal waves, both EOFs and DL are compared using a portion of data collected from 0000:00 UTC 17 to 2359:59 UTC 18 August 2006 at SW30 station during high internal wave activity. The data used to compare both methods are shown between the two black lines drawn in Fig. 4a, with n = 11 520 SSPs sampled every 15 s measured at m = 53 different depths. EOFs are calculated for k = 53 basis functions. Similarly, a complete dictionary with k = 53 and an overcomplete dictionary with k = 100 are also computed. Sparse coding based on both EOFs and LDs is performed using nnz = 3 nonzero coefficients via OMP algorithm. The resulting EOFs and atoms from the LD are shown in Fig. 5. Each EOF/atom contains meaningful information about the sound speed variability in terms of depth. Notice only the leading-order EOFs in Fig. 5a capture the variability of SSPs, whereas the SSP variance is distributed on all atoms of both complete (Fig. 5b) and overcomplete dictionary (Fig. 5c).
The explained variance ratio per EOF/atom is shown in Fig. 6 and complements the findings presented in Fig. 5. Most of the variance of the SSPs is mainly concentrated in the first k = 5 leading-order EOFs (Fig. 6a), while in the case of LDs, the variance is shared among most of the basis functions (Figs. 6a,b). Given these findings, SSPs can be reconstructed effectively using only the first leading-order EOFs, while in the case of LDs, the SSPs can be sparsely represented by a sparse combination of almost any atom in the dictionary.
As stated in section 4, the EOFs in the matrix
To demonstrate the efficacy of both EOFs and LDs to sparsely represent SSPs, six individual random samples yi are chosen from the dataset
b. Classification of SSPs via dictionary learning
In previous sections is mentioned that learned dictionaries
In this section, the dictionary learning framework is used to label sound speed profiles following the classification setting introduced in section 4d. Complete and overcomplete LDs are employed to classify data with low, medium, and high occurrence of internal wave events in the ocean. For the best analysis, the data introduced in section 2 and Table 1 are used for to test the algorithms in this section.
As the extracted SSPs from the experiment are not initially labeled, each SSP sample is labeled into four classes (1–4) depending on the internal wave level using k-medoids algorithm, as shown in section 3. Once all data samples are labeled, the effectiveness of LD atoms to infer a class type for SSPs is studied using the training/testing sets described in section 3. Here, class-specific dictionaries are learned using training data, to then classify unlabeled SSPs samples in the testing set utilizing a dissimilarity metric
The classification results for KNN, SVM, and LDs are shown in Table 2, where accuracy is reported for all the models using the entire testing data along with the performance for individual subsets corresponding to each independent class (j). As demonstrated in section 5a, the overcomplete LD yields lower reconstruction errors than complete LDs. This fact is also corroborated by results in Table 2, where the overcomplete LD with k = 300 reaches higher accuracy than LDs with k = 53 and k = 100 for all the four classes.
Classification results for KNN, SVM, complete LD, and overcomplete LDs for testing data. Accuracy (%) is reported for each classification model. The first four rows in the table correspond to independent classes in the testing set, and the last row presents the overall accuracy for each model in the complete testing set. Boldface type indicates which model performed best for each class/set.
It is notable that results of the overcomplete LD with k = 300 are comparable to SVM and KNN and are even better at differentiating between classes with high internal wave activity (classes 1 and 4). Notice that the misclassification of SSPs by LDs is due to the possible lack of sufficient information about the variability retrieved by the k atoms. It is clear to see that the more atoms the dictionary uses, the more the accuracy will be. Therefore, the classification results reported for LDs in Table 2 can be improved by increasing the number of atoms used. This study shows that classification of SSPs via dictionary learning is feasible and can be extended to large-context scenarios as long as exists labeled data to compute specific dictionaries for each class.
From results in Table 2, it is possible to conclude overcomplete dictionary learning offers a good alternative for classifying SSPs with high internal wave activity if using sufficient k atoms. The relaxation in the orthogonal constraint in the basis functions allows DLs to capture the most representative information from data. Each class-specific dictionary
It is important to remark that if the number of k atoms increases, the dictionary will lead to higher accuracy with a cost of an increment in the complexity of the convex optimization. Therefore, it is important to consider the trade-off between accuracy and complexity when training LDs, as is done with any learning model, such as neural networks. In cases where there are not sufficient labeled training data, it is possible to apply data processing techniques such as data augmentation to increase the variability and the number of data samples within a class (Castro-Correa et al. 2021).
Similar to previous research (Bianco and Gerstoft 2017; Sun and Zhao 2020), overcomplete LDs perform well as a sparse representation algorithm for SSPs. Dictionary learning outperforms EOFs because it tends to distribute the SSPs energy among all the atoms and its ability to generate nonorthogonal functions. Furthermore, as few as nnz nonzero coefficients are needed to consistently provide a complete enough representation to achieve very low training error even when dictionaries are trained on SSPs in the presence of internal waves. Results demonstrate competitive performance of LDs with respect to standard classification models. The amount of data, the sparsity level provided by nnz, and the number of atoms k are crucial factors to obtain optimal sparse representations of SSPs.
6. Conclusions
Both dictionary learning and empirical orthogonal functions were implemented to sparsely represent SSPs disturbed by the passing of internal waves in the SW06 experiment. Because of their redundant nature and their ability to generate nonorthogonal basis functions, overcomplete learned dictionaries showed better performance for reconstructing SSPs than the EOFs and the complete LD when using the best nnz = 3 combination of basis functions.
The presence of internal waves in the water column causes highly anisotropic SSPs. The variability in the SSPs induced by IWs was reflected in higher errors when both EOF and dictionary learning frameworks were applied. Under those circumstances, overcomplete dictionaries with k > m atoms were shown to achieve even better compression of SSPs than EOFs and the complete LD k = m. The improvement in the reconstruction of SSPs was produced due to the relaxation of the orthogonal requirements, and the number of atoms used in the dictionary.
In this paper, the classification of SSPs via dictionary learning was introduced. Here, specific dictionaries were built for each class of internal wave activity, and testing datasets were classified by finding the dictionary corresponding to the most accurate sparse representation. Results demonstrated that overcomplete learned dictionaries trained on labeled data are suitable to classify SSPs successfully. When the training data are representative and are labeled by a class, the resulting overcomplete dictionary can be effectively applied to other datasets to classify SSPs.
This work provides insights into the application of learned dictionaries for the representation and classification of SSPs. Further analyses are required to find the optimal number of nonzero coefficients nnz and k atoms used to obtain the best possible sparse representation of SSPs. Future research needs to be conducted to find a better-suited dissimilarity cost
Sparse representation of sound speed profiles using dictionary learning promotes and expedites research into internal waves. A representative dictionary of basis functions is an efficient way to store and generate thousands of unique sound speed profiles, given that the dictionary succinctly and effectively represents the small-scale variability to model. Using learned dictionaries to generate realistic and variable training datasets may further the progress of machine learning in many undersea applications.
This research was supported by Office of Naval Research Grants N00014-21-1-2424 and N00014-21-1-2760.
Data availability statement.
Data used in this work were collected during the Shallow Water Experiment 2006 (SW06). Because of privacy and ethical concerns, neither the data nor the source of the data can be made available.
Algorithm 1
This appendix gives the steps to the online dictionary learning algorithm that we refer to here in this paper as algorithm 1. The algorithm has been adapted from Mairal et al. (2009). The steps are as follows.
∈ Ρm×n ∼ ρ(y): training data -
T: number of iterations
λ: sparsity level
0 ∈ Ρm×k: initial dictionary
2: for t = 1 to T do
8: end for
9: Return
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