1. Introduction
Sea ice models are important components of environmental modeling at high latitudes utilized for climate studies on different time scales. In modern formulations, the sea ice cover is often represented as a two-dimensional granular sea ice floe field covering the ocean surface and forced by winds and ocean currents. During the last decade, there were multiple efforts to apply such a discrete element approach for the high-resolution modeling of the sea ice (e.g., Hopkins et al. 2004; Hopkins and Thorndike 2006; Herman 2016). However, due to the relatively large computational cost of discrete element sea ice models, the continuum models remain in the mainstream of sea ice modeling tools with a wide range of temporal and spatial scales. Many of these models (e.g., Heimbach et al. 2010; Zhang and Rothrock 2003; Vancoppenolle et al. 2009; Kauker et al. 2009) are based on the viscoplastic (VP) rheology proposed by Hibler (1979), which requires a relatively expensive implicit solver for the momentum equation (Hibler 1979; Zhang and Hibler 1997; Lemieux et al. 2008, 2012; Losch et al. 2014). Another group of the sea ice models follow the elastic VP (EVP) rheology (Hunke and Dukowicz 1997). This approach was proposed as an alternative explicit method, which can be easily adopted for massive parallel supercomputer architectures and is, thus, rather efficient for high-resolution sea ice modeling (e.g., Hunke and Lipscomb 2010; Koldunov et al. 2019).
The common feature of the VP and EVP rheologies is their control from three parameters (
In most model settings, the above-mentioned rheological parameters (RPs) do vary in space and their values are defined empirically from multiple numerical experiments. RPs, such as
The typical values of
Thus, it is reasonable to propose that the rheological parameters (e.g.,
The early attempts of defining sea ice model parameters in an optimal way utilized a traditional “trial-and-error” approach, involving multiple runs of a sea ice model with different sets of RPs (e.g., Miller et al. 2006; Uotila et al. 2012). The recent more advanced methods are based on the Green’s function approach (Nguyen et al. 2011), ensemble Kalman filtering (Massonnet et al. 2014), and genetic algorithms (Sumata et al. 2019).
Recently, Stroh et al. (2019) conducted a set of observing system simulation experiments (OSSEs) with a simple one-dimensional VP sea ice model and demonstrated that spatially varying RPs can be reconstructed from sea ice observations of velocity, thickness, and concentration using a standard variational data assimilation approach. In a 2D setting of the OSSEs with the EVP model, Panteleev et al. (2020) showed that spatially varying
Due to the instability of the EVP tangent linear/adjoint (TLA) models, Panteleev et al. (2020) utilized Newtonian dumping regularization and suggested that the implicit VP formulation with stable VP TL/ADJ models could be a more attractive option for RP retrievals from observations. It was also found that optimization of spatially varying RPs provided a significantly better short-range forecast but required improvement of the ice thickness observations accuracy by at least 2 times compared to those from the CryoSat-2 satellite (Alexandrov et al. 2010; Laxon et al. 2013; Tilling et al. 2018). The accuracy of the existing sea ice velocity and concentration observations were found to be sufficient for optimization of the spatially varying RPs.
Insufficient accuracy of the ice thickness data currently imposes a limitation on the feasibility of applying the four-dimensional variational (4Dvar) data assimilation (DA) approach to the real observations. Meanwhile, in the course of the recent MOSAiC observational program (https://mosaic-expedition.org/) sea ice researchers obtained a set of very accurate sea ice, atmospheric and ocean observations in a limited region (∼375 km × 280 km) where ice dynamics is strongly controlled by open boundary (OB) forcing (J. Hutchings 2022, personal communication). To explore the dynamically constrained inversions of the MOSAiC data, there is a need to show the feasibility of such an approach in a region dominated by the OB forcing at a relatively high (5–7 km) spatial resolution. Dominance of the OB control increases the dimension of the control space and inherently causes additional ill-posedness of the inversion algorithm (e.g., Bennet 1992), whereas higher spatial resolution inevitably brings in stronger nonlinearity effectively decreasing the DA window where the tangent linear approximation remains valid.
In this study, we extend the results of Panteleev et al. (2020) and analyze the feasibility of RP optimization within a more advanced 2D sea ice model based on the VP rheology formulation of Lemieux et al. (2008), which now includes open boundaries and more accurate formulation of the ocean currents and wind forcings.
Taking into account that land fast ice phenomenon is not observed in deep and open areas of the Arctic Ocean we focus on the retrieval of the RPs responsible for the sea ice rheology only (i.e.,
The paper is organized as follows: Section 2 describes the sea ice model and the details of constructed TLA codes. Section 3 provide details of the OSSEs and the procedure we used for the generation of synthetic observations and the first-guess solution. Results of the OSSE experiments are described in section 4, optimization of the compressive strength, yield curve axes ratio, and compactness strength parameter, with special focus on the feasibility of optimizing spatially varying RPs in the context of the MOSAiC observations, which should be publicly available in the near future. Section 5 summarizes the work and discusses directions of future research.
2. Sea ice model and its 4Dvar implementation
a. Viscoplastic sea ice model
1) Formulation
Model and assimilation system configuration parameters.
2) Numerical scheme
To solve Eqs. (11) we used the GMRES algorithm (Saad 2003) with incomplete LU factorization preconditioning. This approach follows the algorithm of Lemieux et al. (2008), but it is formulated on the B grid and utilizes the standard GMRES routine from the ITSOL package available at https://www-users.cse.umn.edu/∼saad/index.html. It is necessary to note that the 4Dvar data assimilation technique requires storing the entire set of K arrays
b. Variational DA with VP sea ice model
1) Strong constraint formulation
To decrease the number of control variables at the open boundaries, atmospheric and oceanic forcing were specified at the beginning and at the end of the period of integration (∼1 day) and linearly interpolated in-between. In addition, atmospheric wind, ocean currents, and sea surface height and all other model parameters were specified on the sparse 2D grid (in every tenth node of the computational grid) and then spatially interpolated on the model grid using the bilinear interpolation operator
To constrain the minimization process to the manifold defined by the finite difference analog of Eqs. (1)–(11), we define the vector of control variables C = [C0, COBC, Cp], which includes 7822 variables elements of the initial state of the model C0 ≡ X|t=0 (i.e., initial sea ice velocity, thickness, and concentration), 1064 open boundary conditions COBC and other control fields Cp, which contain rheological parameters and atmospheric and oceanic forcing fields. Note that the vector of model trajectory X is a nonlinear function of the control vector C, whose constituent COBC was defined at the beginning and at the end of the period of integration, while constituent Cp was defined on a sparser 2D grid (in every tenth node of the computational grid) as described above. In the OSSEs described below, the size of the control vector did not exceed 8934 elements.
2) Adjoint and tangent linear models
Technically, apart from developing the sea ice model code, the minimization of the cost function J requires development of the routines for computing its gradients, as well as the tangent linear model NX and its adjoint
In the present study, we found that the variational inversion algorithm based on TLA applications with K > 3 iterations, resulted in a very slow decay of the cost function gradient. We attribute this to the strong nonlinearity of the VP sea ice model with respect to the control vector, a significant difference between the true and the first-guess rheological parameters (
To deal with the problem of slow the convergence, we conducted optimization in several steps: First, the control vector C = [C0, COBC, Cp] was optimized using a relatively small number of iterations (K = 3), which provided only approximate solutions to the nonlinear momentum equation. After obtaining the approximate model trajectory, we gradually increased K up to 10 using the previously optimized control vector C as a first guess. It was found that each step of such procedure requires about 10–20 solutions of the forward and adjoint models, and thus, the entire minimization required about 50–100 iterative steps, which is comparable to the computational cost of optimizing rheological parameters in the EVP sea ice model (Panteleev et al. 2020).
3. Concept of the observing system simulation experiments
a. OSSE descriptions
Conducting the OSSEs is a first step to analyze the performance and skill of a DA system. These experiments should be performed before applying the DA algorithm to the real observations.
The conventional OSSE methodology (e.g., Nitta 1975; Houtekamer and Mitchell 1998; Francis et al. 2018) includes several steps (see Fig. 1). First, “true” solutions of the sea ice model are generated with a given atmospheric forcing, initial-state conditions, and spatially varying RP’s distributions. For the experiments with zonal winds (see below) we specified smooth initial sea ice concentration and thickness distributions and define the initial velocity conditions by a 10–time step (100-min) forward model integration starting from a rest state with all other initial variables and parameters the same. For the experiments with cyclonic winds (see below) all initial conditions and forcing were derived from the model run configured for larger domain.
As a second step, we generated synthetic data by contaminating this true, known solution with spatially correlated noise whose amplitude and scale depends on the type of observation the data are intended to represent. The level of contamination and spatial/temporal decorrelation scales are discussed below. On the third step, the sea ice model is reinitialized with inaccurate first guess (FG in figures) initial conditions and homogeneous distribution of some of the RPs distributions (e.g.,
On the fourth step, the variational assimilation scheme presented in section 2 is applied with perfect model assumptions to determine the optimal control Copt by assimilating observations during the data assimilation window of 1 day. The optimal model state trajectory and parameters (OPT in figures) result from initialization at the start of day 0.0. Finally, the optimized RP’s and sea ice state is compared with “true” sea ice model solution. The latter allows to define the performance and skill of the developed data assimilation algorithm
The major goal of the conducted OSSEs is to evaluate the feasibility of reconstructing the RPs through assimilation of the sea ice velocity, thickness, and concentration observations in the central part of the Arctic Ocean where sea ice concentration is close to 100%
Note also, in pack ice conditions (sea ice concentration > 97%), viscous-plastic rheological forcing in Eq. (1) plays a more important role when sea ice converges [div(u) < 0], because sea ice divergence will eventually result in the decrease of the sea ice concentration and the exponential decrease of the sea ice pressure P [Eq. (6)], which controls the magnitude of the rheological term in the momentum balance. Note that the impact of the sea ice divergence on the rheological term may be not so straightforward if another rheological hypothesis are applied.
Because of this we consider two types of OSSEs. The first OSSE simulated a rather strong convergence in the entire domain, which was achieved by setting convergent wind from opposite directions and intense inflow of the sea ice into the domain through the western boundary. In the second experiment the domain was forced by the gyre-shaped winds, ocean currents, and open boundary forcing extracted from a larger domain (80 × 70). As a result, ice convergence was much weaker and changed sign to divergence in some areas. In both OSSEs, we analyze the feasibility of the recovering of the spatially varying
Sea ice pressure term P is also controlled by compactness strength parameter α in the Eq. (6). Note that impact of parameter α is essential only in the regions where sea ice concentration less than 100%. At the same time, any reasonable value (∼15–30) of the compactness strength parameter will significantly decrease sea the ice pressure [Eq. (6)] in the regions with sea ice concentration below 90%. That will decrease the impact of the rheological term in the momentum Eq. (1) and make the inversion of RPs inaccurate. Because of that, in order to evaluate the possibility of the inversion of both
A list of the OSSEs with short descriptions is given in Table 2. The maximum number of control variables associated with the initial conditions (the number of ice model grid points occupied by the sea ice thickness, concentration and velocity fields) was about 8000. As it was mentioned above, the RP control fields were defined on a coarser grid (Δx = 10δx) and bilinearly interpolated on the model grid of the respective OSSEs. Thus, the maximum dimension of the RP control vector never exceeded (50/10 + 1) × (40/10 + 1)2 = 60 elements. Here, 50 and 40 are the grid dimensions. In all the experiments, we assumed that sea ice thickness, concentration and velocity observations were available at all the space–time grid points of the model domain. The atmospheric and oceanic forcing fields were contaminated by the large-scale noise, with decorrelation scales of ∼150 km. The magnitudes of the respective error fields were ∼10% for the ocean and atmosphere.
List of the performed experiments.
b. Synthetic data
In all OSSE experiments, we used three types of simulated sea ice observations, trying to keep the magnitude of respective errors close to realistic values, which could be derived from the MOSAiC or similar experiment.
In particular, we adopted rather accurate (0.005 m s−1) sea ice velocity observations for the entire region because the new methods of sequential SAR image comparison can retrieve ice velocities with an accuracy of 0.005 m s−1 (Komarov and Barber 2014). Combining these remotely sensed sea ice velocities with the direct observations from sea ice buoys and SAR velocities will likely provide even higher accuracy of the sea ice velocity observations. Thus, in the OSSEs reported below, inaccuracy of sea ice velocities is set to 0.005 m s−1, which corresponds to ∼5%–7% of the relative sea ice velocity errors. Similarly, we adopted the same relative error (∼5%) of the sea ice concentration observations that are very well observed from multiple satellites, SAR images, and radars. Note that sea ice concentration in the central part of the Arctic Ocean is very close to 100% and because of that, in the most of our experiments, sea ice concentration ranges between 97% and 100% and only in two experiments we reduced sea ice concentration by 5%. Panteleev et al. (2020) showed that the sea ice thickness observations are very important for the proper recovering of the spatially varying rheological parameters. Taking into account that MOSAiC field experiments provide very accurate in situ sea ice thickness observations, we set the sea ice thickness observational error at ∼0.1 m, having in mind that multiple buoys and acoustic observations may provide this accuracy for the entire region. We also assumed that all observations are available in all the space–time grid points of the model domain.
4. Optimization of rheological parameters
a. Optimization of the sea ice strength
The impact of the sea ice strength on the sea ice state (i.e., velocity, thickness, and concentration) is significantly stronger than the impact of the yield ellipse axes ratio e. To evaluate the feasibility of optimizing
This type of forcing and sea ice rheology causes a strong convergence in the entire region with a maximum amplitude of −3.8 × 10−6 s−1 (experiment CONV_P in Table 2). The meridional region of strongest convergence along the 120–180 km coincides with minimum in the
Noisy sea ice concentration, thickness and velocity observations were generated by adding spatially decorrelated noise (with decorrelation scales of 50 km) to each of the state variables at the beginning and at the end of the assimilation window and linearly interpolated in time.
Similarly to Stroh et al. (2019), the optimization was conducted in three steps. First, we optimized initial and open boundary sea ice velocity, thickness, and concentration conditions [C0, COBC]. Then we sequentially optimized rheological components of the control vector Cp and finally conducted an additional optimization of the full control vector C = [C0, COBC, Cp]. Note that the simulated sea ice velocity, thickness, and concentration observations efficiently constrain the respective initial conditions and, thus, provide a more accurate first guess for the final optimization of the entire control vector.
Figures 3b and 3d show the optimized
Interestingly, that maxima of hopt (1.5 m) is slightly smaller than maximum in htrue distributions (1.6 m) due to wider area with minimum
The opposite wind forcing over the 350-km domain cannot be considered as a typical environmental condition in the central Arctic, so, we conducted a GYRE_P experiment with a more realistic gyre-like cyclonic wind and open boundary conditions, extracted from the sea ice model solution, configured for a larger domain. The initial/open boundary sea ice concentration was set to 1 everywhere, while the initial/open boundary sea ice thickness, ocean currents,
The observations and the first-guess control vector were set in the same way as in the CONV_P experiment; i.e.,
To evaluate the impact of the inaccuracy of the sea ice thickness observations, we conducted a series of CONV_P and GYRE_P experiments, gradually increasing the relative noise in the sea ice thickness observations and evaluating the difference between
b. Optimization of the sea ice strength and yield curve axes ratio
The yield curve axes e is another important rheological parameter, which can formally be reconstructed through 4Dvar. However, the impact of this parameter on the rheological term in the momentum Eq. (1) is much weaker than the impact of
The major results of the CONV_P_e experiment are shown in Fig. 6. The optimization clearly provided a reasonable estimate of
Despite the inaccuracies in the reconstructed
The major results of the GYRE_P_e experiment are shown in Fig. 7. Due to the weaker sea ice convergence, the reconstruction of
Due to partial optimization of
c. Optimization of the sea ice strength and compactness strength parameter
The compactness strength parameter α is the second parameter which defines the sea ice pressure in Eq. (6). In the regions entirely covered by sea ice, the impact of the compactness strength parameter is negligible, but it can be comparable or even increase the impact of the
Because of that we conducted two OSSEs with strong convergence (CONV_p_α) and cyclonic wind (GYRE_p_α) and evaluated the possibility to define both
Both OSSEs demonstrated the reasonable accuracy (i.e.,
5. Discussion and conclusions
The presented study is an extension of our previous effort (Panteleev et al. 2020) and addresses the feasibility of retrieving spatially varying RPs through 4Dvar assimilation of satellite observations of sea ice velocity, thickness, and concentration using the VP sea ice model. To do the analysis, we developed TLA codes with respect to all rheological parameters, initial conditions, wind and oceanic forcing for a single-category sea ice model proposed by Lemieux et al. (2008). The dynamical core of this model is based on conventional formulation of the VP rheology (Hibler 1979), and parameterizations of the grounding and arching of land fast ice proposed by Lemieux et al. (2015, 2016) and König Beatty and Holland (2010). The numerical formulation of the model is similar to the one proposed by Lemieux et al. (2008), but our model is formulated on the B grid and utilizes the GMRES solver with a built-in incomplete LU factorization with a dual truncation strategy (Saad 2003). We also employed a simplified nonlinear Lax–Wendroff scheme for ice advection. This simplification was adopted to reduce complexity of the TLA codes, and it had negligible impact on the results at the 1-day time scale of the assimilation experiments.
The TLA model for the VP solver was stable and does not require the regularization needed for the EVP TLA model (Panteleev et al. 2020). However, the strong nonlinearity of the VP solver, with multiple outer iterations, provides a limitation on the accuracy of the TL approximation and the length of the DA window. Using the VP model and 4Dvar algorithm, we explore the feasibility of reconstructing a spatially varying RP in the model domain, with high (7-km) resolution, and intensive forcing, through the open boundaries, for atmospheric wind and oceanic currents and sea surface slope.
Our sea ice model does not include thermodynamic forcing, but our numerical experiments with CICE6 sea ice model show that in winter during a period of 1–2 days the contribution to sea ice thickness caused by thermodynamic forcing does not exceed 1–2 cm when the mean sea ice thickness about 1–1.5 m. Taking into account Eq. (6) the thermodynamic processes will contribute only 1%–2% to the sea ice pressure, which is equivalent to the difference in
In the first two OSSEs we reconstructed spatially varying sea ice strength
In two additional OSSEs with strong and weak convergence, we adopted unknown spatial distributions of both the sea ice strength
In two final OSSEs, we analyze the possibility of the reconstruction of the maximum sea ice strength
The first-guess and optimized metrics
The conducted OSSEs can be used for developing an optimal strategy for processing observations collected in the central part of the Arctic Ocean, in the framework of the MOSAiC expedition or similar experiments conducted from drifting sea ice. The first step should include a preliminary analysis of the sea ice velocity observations and identification of the periods of intense sea ice convergence and 100% concentration. After that, 4Dvar DA algorithms can be applied for optimizing the spatially varying
In the present study, we utilized realistic observational errors for sea ice velocity, thickness, and concentration error levels were assumed to be characteristic for extensive in situ studies, like the recently accomplished MOSAiC expedition. The OSSEs were configured at a higher resolution to capture significant RP variability in the ridging areas. At the same time, the variational approach can be applied for the experiment with less accurate and dense sea ice observations. In this case, one needs to increase the model resolution and reduce the number of parameters controlling the RP distribution. In the present study, RPs were assumed to depend on spatial coordinates only. However, if we assume that RPs represent intrinsic sea ice properties, poorly described by the heuristic Eq. (6), it could be worth exploring the impact of the advection in the RP fields, which can be described by an additional equation similar to Eqs. (2) and (3). Analysis of the potential impact of incorporating a temporal dependence of the RPs, and the application of the current 4Dvar algorithm to the real sea ice observations, will be within the focus of our studies in the near future.
Thus, in coarse-resolution mode the presented approach may be applied to the multiple datasets collected around the multiple moorings installed in the Arctic Ocean during the last decade in the Beaufort Sea (Beaufort Gyre Exploration Project; https://www2.whoi.edu/site/beaufortgyre/methods/instruments/) and along the Siberian continental shelf (Nansen and Amundsen Basins Observational System; https://uaf-iarc.org/nabos/). Inversion of the in situ and satellite observations from these moorings may be helpful for analysis of the spatial and temporal variability of the basic rheological parameters. Once defined, this variability may be considered in the climatological sea ice model.
The proposed 4Dvar technique could be also adopted for more complicated sea ice models. After that, the adjustment of the RP’s can be used for the improvement of the short-range sea ice forecast through the optimization of the most important RP’s. Besides the improved estimates of the sea ice state (velocity, concentration, and thickness), that should increase the accuracy of the short-range forecast of the linear kinematic features, which are strongly controlled by the spatially varying
For our study we adopted conventional OSSE approach where observations are generated from a “true” run of the utilized VP sea ice model. Thus, we inherently assume that VP rheology describes the true behavior of the sea ice. This is a rather strong assumption because realistic sea ice behavior is defined by complex interactions between sea ice floes and should also take into account the processes of the sea ice damaging and healing. Thus, the real process of the sea ice ridging is more complicated than the simple increase of the sea ice thickness and concentration described in VP (or EVP) sea ice models. Thus, if applied to the real application the proposed approach will provide the estimates of the RPs which will correspond to the most accurate VP approximation of the real behavior of sea ice fields. An approach could be also considered as a first step in the development of the similar algorithm for the more physically based and sophisticated models (e.g., Tremblay and Mysak 1997; Dansereau et al. 2016).
The NRL authors were supported by the Office of Naval Research Program Elements 0603207N29 (Navy Earth System Prediction Capability) and 0602435N (Arctic Data Assimilation). Oceana Francis was supported by the Coastal Hydraulics Engineering Resilience (CHER) Lab, the Civil and Environmental Engineering Department, and the Sea Grant College Program at the University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa.
Data availability statement.
All inputs to the model experiments are from idealized conditions as specified in the paper. The numerical scheme practically repeats numerical scheme proposed by Lemieux et al. (2008) and can be easily replicated. Model results in this study are securely stored at the Navy DSRC archive server and can be accessed after obtaining an account at the facility. The corresponding author can be contacted for information to access the archived data once an account has been established.
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