Remote Sounding of Cloudy Atmospheres. II. Multiple Cloud Formations

Moustara T. Chahine Jet propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena 91103

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The dual frequency-range principle developed in Part I (Chahine, 1974) for infrared remote sounding of atmospheric temperature profiles in the presence of a single cloud layer is extended here to the case of multiple cloud formations. The approach. requires no a priori knowledge of the spectral properties of the clouds or the number of cloud layers in the fields of view. The method of solution requires measurements over adjacent fields of view and leads to the determination of the clear-column atmospheric temperature profiles with the same degree of accuracy and vertical resolution permitted under cloudless conditions. Numerical verifications are carried out to illustrate the stability and accuracy of the method using simulated radiance data, from the 4.3 and 1 5 µm C02 bands in the terrestrial atmosphere, in the presence of up to three cloud layers in the fields of view.


The dual frequency-range principle developed in Part I (Chahine, 1974) for infrared remote sounding of atmospheric temperature profiles in the presence of a single cloud layer is extended here to the case of multiple cloud formations. The approach. requires no a priori knowledge of the spectral properties of the clouds or the number of cloud layers in the fields of view. The method of solution requires measurements over adjacent fields of view and leads to the determination of the clear-column atmospheric temperature profiles with the same degree of accuracy and vertical resolution permitted under cloudless conditions. Numerical verifications are carried out to illustrate the stability and accuracy of the method using simulated radiance data, from the 4.3 and 1 5 µm C02 bands in the terrestrial atmosphere, in the presence of up to three cloud layers in the fields of view.
