A relatively simple model of warm and cold rain microphysics in cumulus cells is developed. The proposed model avoids the large amounts of computation required in a non-parameterized treatment and yet removes some of the restrictions imposed by Kessler's microphysical parameterization. The growth of cloud droplets is bypassed, but evolution of particle size spectra for larger hydrometeors and the effects of differential fallspeeds are allowed by the growth of rain and graupel particles in a total of 25 size categories. The processes included are condensation, evaporation, accretion, collection, breakup, freezing, deposition, riming and melting. Experiments in the context of a kinematic updraft indicate results comparable to those of a stochastic model in warm rain development. It is found that a counterbalancing mechanism between auto- conversion and accretion causes the results to be relatively insensitive to assumptions about the auto- conversion process. Further sensitivity tests point out the important contributions of rain-rain interactions in the evolution of drop-size spectra, the essential role of impaction breakup as a limiting mechanism for drop growth, and the modes in which the presence of graupel affects the particle-size distributions.