1. Introduction
The exchange of atmospheric angular momentum (AAM) between the earth and atmosphere occurs through pressure and viscous stresses. The exchange by viscous processes at the earth–atmosphere interface is known collectively as the friction torque, while the zonal pressure difference across mountains gives rise to the mountain pressure torque, or mountain torque. White (1949) and Widger (1949) found that the friction and mountain torque are both important to the balance of AAM and can be of the same order of magnitude.
While studies of the balance and exchange of AAM have historically been conducted on the global and hemispheric scale and over periods of time ranging from about 1 month to 1 year, the interaction between the earth and atmosphere on shorter temporal and smaller spatial scales has also been examined. Hide et al. (1980) noted that observed changes in the length of day on timescales of weeks and months are of the same magnitude as those that would result from fluctuations in the relative angular momentum of the earth’s atmosphere. Salstein and Rosen (1994) document the importance of mountain torques associated with transient features of the SouthernHemisphere in a special campaign to measure rapid changes in the earth’s rotation rate in relation to changes in AAM. In their study, the mountain torque across tropical South America (defined as 0°–30°S) is found to explain 69% of the variance in the time series of global mountain torque during a 6-day period of rapid atmospheric acceleration. On the storm scale, Czarnetzki and Johnson (1996) examined the effect of earth–atmosphere exchange processes on the circulation about a cyclone’s axis of rotation. They noted that the asymmetric pressure distribution associated with many Rocky Mountain lee cyclones acts to transfer absolute dynamic circulation from the cyclone to the mountains and contributes to the cyclone’s spinup by forcing convergence of the low-layer mass transport.
The influence of the Rocky Mountains of North America on the general circulation has been demonstrated by previous investigations. For example, Boyer and Chen (1987) noted that removal of the Rocky Mountains from a laboratory model of the Northern Hemisphere’s general flow pattern eliminated the Aleutian and Icelandic lows as separate entities. Wolf and Smith (1987) noted that a combination of leeside high pressure and a series of Pacific lows entering California produced a mountain torque across the Rockies that made a substantial contribution to the January 1983 increase in the Northern Hemisphere’s AAM. Among the objectives of the Alpine Experiment (ALPEX) was a better understanding of mountain drag processes on the atmosphere (Kuettner 1986). The near-meridional orientation of the Rockies alone would suggest that they may play an even greater role than the Alps in a regional or larger scale balance of AAM. However, less is known of the earth–atmosphere interaction over the Rockies than over the Alps.
The present study examines the earth–atmosphere exchange of atmospheric angular momentum over a portion of the Rocky Mountains for three lee cyclones with an emphasis on the distribution of the mountain torque about the cyclone. To establish that the torque estimates are reasonable, the regional budgets of AAM are first presented. The contribution from a hypothetical Boulder wind storm is also estimated. Finally, global and hemispheric values of observed AAM for each case are presented to help place the regional mountain torque estimates in a larger context.
2. Methodology
a. Mountain torque
Computation ofTM requires that the orography and surface pressure be consistent. To achieve this compatibility, forecasts from the 16-layer version of the National Centers for Environmental Prediction (NCEP, formerly known as the National Meteorological Center) Eta model are used (Mesinger et al. 1988; Black 1988). Equation (1) is evaluated over a limited domain for three lee cyclones. The region of study, outlined in Fig. 1, roughly encompasses the Rocky Mountains of the United States.
The Eta model uses the semistaggered Arakawa-E formulation to define the horizontal grid. The alternating height and velocity points have a latitudinal spacing of (14/26)° and a longitudinal spacing of (15/26)°, where latitude and longitude have been transformed such that the equator passes through the center of the model’s domain. The average diagonal distance between grid points carrying the same variable is about 87 km in the regional domain, a 53 × 53 subset of the entire Eta grid.
Figure 1 indicates the model layer containing the highest block at individual height points within the domain. Table 1 lists the thickness of the mountain blocks in each layer and the “surface height” if a given layer contains the highest block. Figure 1 and Table 1, used together, indicate the model’s surface heights. For example, the highest surface heights are located in south central Colorado at 3416 m along the interface of layers 9 and 10.
Thus, the earth–atmosphere interface in the Eta model is along the horizontal and vertical faces of the highest blocks. The Δp in (1) for a given layer is computed as the pressure difference at midlayer between the east and west faces of the mountains, where adϕdz in (1) defines the area of a block’s lateral face. The torque was computed in each of the 53 rows of the limited domain and, when summed, provides an estimate of TM over this portion of the Rocky Mountains.
Wei and Schaack (1984) suggest that computation of TM over a limited region extend from ocean to ocean in order that the upslope and downslope cross-sectional areas be equal. Ignoring this recommendation introduces ambiguity into the calculation. Since the geographical focus of this study is the Rocky Mountains, the domain was chosen to extend from just west of California’s Pacific coast to (roughly) the Mississippi River. However, as seen in Fig. 1, the western and eastern borders of the domain are not at equal elevations. About two-thirds of the eastern border is “underground” in layer 16. To maintain equal cross-sectional areas, the vertical integration of (1) only extends from layers 15 through 10. This approach is similar to that used by Davies and Phillips (1985), who carried out their computation of mountain pressure drag on a section of the Alps for elevations above 400 m. Excluding layer 16 from the integration has the effect of reducing the magnitude of the TM estimates. Careful examination of Fig. 1 will reveal that two of the eastern border points are also underground in layer 15. Extrapolated pressure values were used at these two points in order to include layer 15 in the vertical integration.
b. Friction torque
c. AAM budget
d. Description of cases
Once cases were selected, 48-h simulations were performed initialized 24 h prior to the arrival of the observed cyclone in the lee of the Rockies. Case 1 (M88) is the 48-h simulation from 0000 UTC 10 March 1988 to 0000 UTC 12 March 1988, case 2 (N89) is the 45-h simulation from 1200 UTC 26 November 1989 to 0900 UTC 28 November 1989, and case 3 (M91) is the 48-h simulation from 1200 UTC 11 March 1991 to 1200 UTC 13 March 1991. Technical problems resulted in the loss of the hour 48 fields at NCEP for the N89 case. The absence of this time period does not impact the usefulness of the results since the N89 cyclone had already moved east of the domain before this time.
The track and trace of each simulated cyclone’s minimum mean sea level pressure (MSLP) are presented in Fig. 2. The pressure traces for the observed cyclones are also presented for comparison, although the accuracy of the forecasts is not a focus of this study as are the track and trace for a sigma-version simulation of the M91 case to be discussed later.
Figure 3 presents the MSLP field at hours 00, 12, 24, and 36 of each Eta simulation. All three cyclones begin as rather weak features that rapidly intensify by hour 24. The storms are all characterized, to varying degrees, by asymmetric pressure distributions with a trough extending equatorward from each and by high pressure along the Pacific coast. The cyclones also feature troughs to their north at some point, though this feature is not as prominent as the southern trough.
3. Results and discussion
a. Angular momentum budgets
The budget of AAM from (10) for the M88 case, the most intense of the cyclones, is presented in Table 2. All values are in Hadleys, where 1 Hadley = 1018 N m. The tendencies of MR and MP are included in the table. The terms in the rhs of (10) for all three cases are presented graphically in Fig. 4.
Generally, the largest terms in all three cases are
The TF estimates suggest that its magnitude is smaller than that of TM in cases of lee cyclones. The TF is negative throughout the N89 and M91 cases, and during most of M88. However, positive TF is computed during the latter half of the M88 case as easterly winds dominate the surface flow in the region in response to an intense pressure gradient northwest of the cyclone (see Fig. 3).
Studies of the time-mean mountain and friction torques from the 1950s through the early 1970s, as summarized by Wahr and Oort (1984), suggest that at most latitudes TF may be as much as three to four times larger than TM and of the same sign. However, more recent studies, summarized by Rosen (1993), indicate that the relative importance of the two torques may be a function of timescale with TM being dominant on the timescale of days. Since this study uses Rocky Mountain lee cyclones, the very nature of the investigation (i.e., the terrain and pressure fields used in the calculations) would tend to maximize TM relative to TF as compared to what might be found in a time-mean budget or may be diagnosed over more uniform terrain.
The budget residuals are negative except for the first time interval in M88, are mostly positive in the M91 case, and transition from positive to negative in N89. The magnitudes of all the residuals are quite comparable except for those early in the M91 case, which are relatively large. In evaluating the integrity of a budget that uses model data, one must consider those processes that occur within the model integration but cannot be accounted for by the budget relation. The version of the Eta model that produced the data for this study applied a nonlinear fourth-order diffusion scheme to the temperature, specific humidity, and wind components in each Eta layer after each adjustment time step of 240 s (Black 1988). Additionally, the divergent component of the wind was suppressed after eachadjustment time step during the first 9 h of integration. Both of these adjustment processes will contribute to a budget residual since each impacts the evolution of the momentum field but neither is accounted for by a term in the AAM budget. The residual will also contain the mountain torque in layer 16, the viscous torque from the surrounding atmosphere, and all errors from the finite differencing and averaging techniques that use time and space resolutions different from those used in the model integration itself.
The average TM (in Hadleys) for each of the cases, based on the 3-hourly values used to compute the time means displayed in Table 2 and Fig. 4, is −40.1 (M88), −21.5 (N89), and −23.8 (M91). Direct comparison to other studies is difficult because of the dependence upon the area of integration. Oort (1989) computed mean TM in 5° × 5° boxes over the globe during the month of April for the years 1963–73. The peak value was −1.0 Hadleys in a box located over the Rocky Mountains between 35° and 40°N. Wolf and Smith (1987) computed an average TM of 20.6 Hadleys on the Rockies based on 6-hourly calculations for the period from 1 December 1982 to 28 February 1983. Their value is positive since this period was characterized by persistent high pressure over the plains east of the Rockies combined with a series of strong Pacific cyclones that lashed California. Wei and Schaack (1984) computed monthly averaged TM for the months of January, April, July, and October 1979 and obtained values of −136.7, −143.8, −141.1, and −141.3 Hadleys, respectively, over the western half of North America. Newton (1971) also examined these midseason months but used aerological atlases as his data source. He obtained values of 8, 2, 3, and 8 Hadleys, respectively, over all of North America and Greenland. Newton notes in his study that while the net torque was positive, the Rockies alone exert a momentum drain in midlatitudes.
b. Distribution of the mountain torque
The results of the AAM budgets suggest that the diagnostics provide reasonable estimates with which to examine the spatial distribution of TM. Meridional time sections of zonal TM per degree latitude are presented in Fig. 5. These values exclude the zonal component of the model-relative meridional TM. The decision to exclude was based upon the lack of a clear technique for assigning this component to a specific row or rows. The volume integral of this component is small relative to the model-relative zonal TM and thus its absence does not diminish the usefulness of Fig. 5. The torque is plotted as a function of row and hour for each simulation. The rows are not coincident with earth-relative latitude but rather are model relative. For reference, Fig. 5d depicts several rows in the domain to assist in interpreting the ordinate in Figs. 5a–c. The small open circles indicate the row in which the minimum MSLP is found at each time.
The magnitude of TM is dependent upon the strength of both the windward anticyclone and the leeward cyclone, and upon their relative positions across the terrain. In the M88 case, the high–low pressure couplet is oriented west–east across the terrain at hour 00 (Fig. 3) but has begun to shift to a northwest–southeast orientation byhour 12. This factor alone acts to enhance the torque across the northern portion of the domain. However, as seen in Fig. 5a, TM grows more quickly to the south of the MSLP minimum than to its north, a result of the leeward pressure trough south of the cyclone and the slight southward movement of the storm into the lee of the highest terrain. Figure 6 is a profile, or silhouette, view of the Eta model terrain looking from the western boundary of the volume toward the east. During the latter half of the M88 case, the maximum negative TM is located in rows 30 and 31 that coincide with the northern edge of the highest surface heights in Fig. 6. Note that while the maximum negative value of TM in Fig. 5a occurs at hour 36, 3 h after the cyclone reaches its lowest central pressure (see Fig. 2), the maximum negative
The N89 case (Fig. 5b) is characterized by a more symmetric distribution of TM, a result of the west–east orientation of the pressure couplet throughout the simulation. However, the maximum negative TM in Fig. 5b is found to the south of the location of the MSLP minimum at most times. The eastward track of the N89 MSLP center in Fig. 2 is north of those rows containing the highest mountains but the presence of the broad trough south of the cyclone (see Fig. 3) enhances the torque across the steepest orography over what would be found with a cyclone whose pressure distribution was more symmetric. The maximum negative TM for the entire domain occurs between hours 18 and 21 in Fig. 4, nearly concurrent with the maximum row value at hour 18 in Fig. 5b. The lowest MSLP, however, occurs later at hour 39 after the cyclone’s center has moved east of the domain. The rapid eastward movement of the low is reflected by the weakening torque in Fig. 5b after hour 24 as high pressure builds into the lee region in the wake of the cyclone.
Weak positive TM is diagnosed in the M91 case over the northern portion of the domain (Fig. 5c). This results from a Pacific cyclone over the northwestern quadrant of the domain and an anticyclone in the northeastern quadrant. The Pacific low gradually fills, and negative TM is diagnosed everywhere after hour 42. The maximum negative row value of TM (Fig. 5c), the maximum negative time average volume integral of TM (Fig. 4), and the occurrence of the lowest MSLP (Fig. 2) are all nearly concurrent in this case. At each time, the maximum negative TM is found in row 30, 31, or 32, that is, across the northern portion of the highest orography and in very close proximity to the row where the MSLP minimum is located.
Equation (2) indicates that η is simply a generalization of σ and setting ηS = 1 allows the Eta model to be run in σ coordinates with all predictive equations and surface heightsessentially the same as for the η version. A σ version of the MSLP fields was obtained for the M91 case. The MSLP track and trace for this case are included in Fig. 2. Differences in the path and depth of the cyclone become apparent between the simulations, suggesting that the evolving pressure field and thus the distribution of TM about a lee cyclone are sensitive to the form of the orography. Bates (1990) previously demonstrated this dependence by comparing mountain–no mountain simulations for a cyclone passing over the Rockies.
The magnitude of TM is dependent upon the interaction of three factors: a) the pressure difference across the orography, b) the height of the orography, and c) the lever arm to the earth’s axis of rotation. The first two factors are of primary importance to TM, while the third is secondary in a regional domain where the variation in lever arm is somewhat limited. In each of the cases examined, the cyclone is characterized by an asymmetric pressure distribution with a trough extending to the south of the low center. This feature has been noted in other investigations of Rocky Mountain lee cyclones. For example, Fawcett and Saylor’s (1965) composite of 21 Colorado cyclones clearly depicts a strong pressure gradient to the north of these features with a pressure trough extending equatorward. On the planetary scale, the trough minimizes the surface pressure in the lee of some of the highest orography in the Rocky Mountain chain and serves to maximize TM relative to that which would occur with a symmetric lee cyclone whenever the pressure is relatively high on the windward versus the leeward mountain slopes. Note in Fig. 5 that the meridional distribution of TM is fairly symmetric about the maximum value. This is true even though the height of the orography in Fig. 6 decreases more rapidly to the south than to the north of the location of maximum torque, which is generally found across the northern edge of the highest orography. The effect on TM of the decreasing terrain heights south of the cyclone is largely balanced by an enhanced pressure difference across the orography in association with the lee trough and the greater lever arm on which the net force acts. In the context of the planetary balance of AAM, this distribution increases the pressure difference across the earth’s orography where the lever arm is relatively great, thus maximizing the mountain pressure torque associated with a given lee cyclone.
c. Effect of a Boulder wind storm
A subgrid-scale process of note in the lee of the Rockies is the severe downslope wind storm, such as is observed in Boulder, Colorado. Brinkmann’s (1974) climatology of 20 such events noted that at the storms’ peak, mean hourly winds in Boulder were principally westerly at 20 m s−1. The average pressure difference across the mountains west of Boulder was about 8 hPa, which produced a mean torque of −0.424 Hadleys at the latitude of Boulder. With the simple assumption that all other factors would remain constant, this would enhance the regional TM estimates at each time period by an average of 1% (M88), 3% (N89), and 2% (M91). The west winds would also contribute to negative TF. To estimate this contribution, TF was recomputed at the four grid points closest to Boulder in the Eta model by substituting 20 m s−1 for uLM in (4) if the modelvalue was less. The TF over the area bounded by these four grid points was enhanced by an average of 308% (M88), 140% (N89), and 274% (M91) at each time. Once again assuming that all other factors did not change, this would enhance the regional TF estimates at each time period by an average of 0.7% (M88), 0.2% (N89), and 0.4% (M91).
d. Comparison of regional TM to global AAM
Hemispheric and global AAM series, calculated from the NCEP/National Center for Atmospheric Research Reanalysis Project (Kalnay et al. 1996), were obtained to help place the results of this study in perspective. The tendency of global AAM calculated from 6-hourly data is presented in Fig. 7 for March 1988. Recall that the M88 case covers 10–11 March 1988. The raw tendencies are plotted in the figure as well as a distance-weighted least squares (DWLS) fit to the values. The DWLS line suggests that the tendency of global AAM was negative during most of the first half of March 1988 with the most negative tendencies being concurrent with the M88 cyclone.
The average tendencies of global AAM, Northern Hemispheric AAM, and Northern Hemispheric MR during each simulation as calculated from the 6-hourly NCEP/NCAR data are presented in Table 3. Two average values are listed in the table for each of the tendencies; the first is based upon a DWLS fit to the tendencies, while the value in parentheses is the average of the actual tendencies. Also presented are the average and peak values of regional TM based on the 3-hourly values used to compute the time means in Table 2 and Fig. 4. The average and peak TM are comparable in magnitude and equal in sign to all the tendencies in the M88 case, the most intense of the three cyclones examined. The Northern Hemispheric tendencies of AAM and MR correspond fairly well to TM in the weaker M91 case, but all tendencies for the N89 case are opposite in sign to the N89 average and peak TM values. The apparent lack of any qualitative agreement between the forcing and the global response in the N89 case may be related to the swift passage of the cyclone through the lee of the Rockies.
Swinbank (1985) has suggested that, globally, TM may dominate AAM variability on short timescales. Madden and Speth (1995) note that on timescales of over 5 days about 70% of the variation in global AAM is explained by the global TM in a 396-day period, including the M88 case, and that during March 1988 the largest change in TM in the 15.1° to 55.5°N band is over the Rocky Mountain region. They do, however, note that the overall coherence between TM and AAM falls off considerably at periods shorter than five days.
Simple linear regression indicates that, for the M88 case, 44% of the variability in regional AAM is explained by the regional TM. However, linear regression may misrepresent the actual relationship since TM would lead AAM by one-quarter of a cycle if it were the principal forcing mechanism. While the relationship between regional TM and AAM displays linear characteristics (Pearson correlation of 0.66), the nonlinear relation between regional TM and global AAM in the M88 case suggests a lagged response to the forcing. The brevity of the Eta simulations placeslimitations on spectral analysis of the relation between the regional TM and the global AAM. A more rigorous, quantitative evaluation of this relation is required before the cause of the sharp cusp in AAM tendency in Fig. 7 can be attributed to the Rockies. Wavelet analysis may prove most promising in this regard and is the basis for further work on the M88 case.
4. Summary and conclusions
The mountain pressure torque (TM) is estimated for a region surrounding three Rocky Mountain lee cyclones simulated with the NCEP Eta model. The contribution of the torque to the regional balance of atmospheric angular momentum (AAM) is examined in each case through the use of a budget relation, and meridional time sections of the zonal TM are presented.
The largest terms in the budgets for AAM are the torque of the surrounding atmosphere on the volume of study and the flux of AAM across its boundaries. These terms, both relatively large and generally of opposite sign, would not be present in a global AAM budget. However, their net effect largely parallels the tendency of AAM in each of the three cases examined, indicating the importance of these processes to a regional budget.
Negative TM is diagnosed in all cases and indicates the transfer of AAM from the atmosphere to the earth via the Rocky Mountains. The tendency of the zonal wind is predominantly negative in each of the cases. The torque is generally larger than the tendency of AAM for the volume and is comparable in magnitude (though opposite in sign) to the TM over the Rockies diagnosed by Wolf and Smith (1987) for a time period characterized by windward low and leeward high pressure.
Estimates of the friction torque, based on the Eta model’s parameterization of friction velocity, suggest that viscous processes are of secondary importance in a regional AAM budget for lee cyclones. The sign of the friction torque indicates that it also generally transfers AAM to the earth, though strong easterly flow associated with an intense pressure gradient northwest of one of the storms produced a net transfer to the atmosphere for a time.
Meridional time sections of the zonal TM illustrate the torque’s dependence upon the height of the orography, the pressure difference across the mountains, and the lever arm to the earth’s axis of rotation. The location of the maximum torque is principally determined by the combined effect of the terrain height and pressure difference. However, the lever arm, in conjunction with a pressure trough extending equatorward from each of the three cyclones, acts to enhance the torque south of the maximum value, producing relatively symmetric meridional distributions of zonal TM. This near-symmetric distribution is present despite the more rapid lowering of surface heights south of the TM maximum than to its north. The role of the pressure trough in facilitating the earth–atmosphere exchange of AAM is similar to its role of transferring storm-scale momentum as noted by Czarnetzki and Johnson (1996), though the axes about which the momentum is defined differ.
The contribution of a hypothetical Boulder wind storm to the mountain and friction torques in the regional domain was estimated. For the three cases presented, the wind storm would enhance TM an average of 2% and TF an average of 0.4%.
The regional TM was compared to the tendencies of global and hemispheric AAM. For the strongest of the three storms, the average TM was comparable in magnitude and sign to the tendency of global AAMand nearly identical to the tendency of AAM in the Northern Hemisphere. The correspondence for the two weaker lee cyclones was less dramatic. A more rigorous statistical analysis is needed, however, before the cause of the sharp global AAM deceleration in March 1988 can be attributed to the M88 cyclone.
The estimates produced by this study indicate that the mountain pressure torque associated with lee cyclones is a significant forcing of atmospheric angular momentum on regional scales. The results support the hypothesis that the incorrect treatment of orography and its role as a source or sink of momentum in numerical models are likely sources of errors in simulations of midlatitude momentum fields, especially for lengthy integrations. Numerical models that incorporate increasingly sophisticated representations of orography should suffer less from these errors and could facilitate further study of the earth–atmosphere exchange of angular momentum on planetary, regional, and even finer scales.
Thanks go to Tom Black and Mike Pecnik, who provided tapes of the NCEP Eta Model data that were subsequently read with the assistance of Allen Lenzen at the University of Wisconsin–Madison’s Space Science and Engineering Center (SSEC). Comments and suggestions by Richard D. Rosen of Atmospheric and Environmental Research, Inc. (AER), Todd K. Schaack of SSEC, and the anonymous reviewers are gratefully acknowledged. Zavisa Janjic of NCEP provided the Eta model’s friction velocity parameterization and Peter Nelson of AER provided assistance with the NCEP/NCAR Reanalysis Project data. This research was supported principally by the Department of Earth Science with additional support from the Graduate College at the University of Northern Iowa.
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Eta Model orography.
AAM budget for the M88 case (in Hadleys).
Average smoothed tendencies of global AAM, Northern Hemispheric AAM, and Northern Hemispheric MR from NCEP/NCAR Reanalysis data with average raw tendencies in parentheses. Average and peak regional mountain torque is from this study. All values in Hadleys.