1. Introduction
While there is a wealth of studies aimed at shortwave radiative transfer for inhomogenous clouds (Welch and Wielicki 1984; Davis et al. 1990; Barker 1992; Cahalan et al. 1994a), there is a dearth of studies regarding the impact of inhomogeneities on longwave (LW) radiative transfer (e.g., Harahvardhan et al. 1981; Ellingson 1982;Evans 1993). In remote sensing and climate modeling studies, clouds are usually assumed to be horizontally homogeneous and occasionally assumed to be black in the LW portion of the spectrum. For (60 km)2 regions of marine boundary layer (MBL) clouds, however, Barker et al. (1996) showed that small values of cloud optical depth τ are often very abundant even when meanτ is much larger than 0 (see also Wielicki and Parker 1992, 1994). Thus, since LW radiative transfer is an extremely nonlinear process for small τ, it is reasonable to expect that grid-averaged LW transmittances and emissivities, as required by general circulation models (GCMs), may be sensitive to unresolved horizontal inhomogeneities of cloud.
A case in point supporting this expectation is Wielicki and Parker’s (1992) assertion that by neglecting translucent clouds, the spatial coherence method (Coakley and Bretherton 1982) often underestimates MBL cloud fraction by 0.15–0.2. Heeding this, Luo et al. (1994) extended the spatial coherence method and deduced that for (250 km)2 regions of marine stratocumulus clouds off the coast of South America, grid-averaged 11-μm emissivities for clouds only are often closer to the value of cloud fraction than to unity. For this to be true, not only must there often be substantial amounts of thin cloud amid readily observable thicker cloud, but the inhomogeneous nature of these clouds is likely important for LW radiative transfer and thus cloud heating rates.
In addition to unresolved fluctuations in τ, numerous studies have demonstrated the importance of cloud sides in radiative transfer for broken clouds fields (e.g., Harshvardhan et al. 1981; Ellingson 1982; Zuev and Titov 1995). Yet for LW radiative transfer, the relative impacts of cloud sides and horizontal fluctuations in τ have not been delineated.
The main purpose of this paper is to examine the impacts on grid-averaged LW transmittance (emittance) for inhomogeneous MBL clouds arising from cloud fluctuations at scales unresolved by GCMs. Section 2 gives a background discussion of LW flux transmittance for inhomogeneous MBL clouds. In section 3, optical depths inferred from Landsat data are presented briefly. These data are used in section 4 as input for a Monte Carlo photon transport algorithm, the results of which culminate in an assessment of the relative impact of cloud sides and horizontal variability of τ. Section 5 presents an approximate technique for computing grid- averaged cloudy-sky transmittance that assumes that τ are distributed according to the gamma distribution function and that the independent pixel approximation (see Cahalan et al. 1994a,b; Barker 1996) applies for LW radiation. Concluding remarks are in section 6.
2. Longwave transmittance for horizontally inhomogeneous cloud: A conceptual model
To begin, assume that the intensity of a pencil of LW radiation is extinguished by clouds in accordance with the Beer–Bouger–Lambert law and that multiple scattering by droplets can be neglected since droplet single scattering albedo ω0 is small (<0.5) and asymmetry parameter g is large (>0.9) for much of the atmospheric window. Thus, throughout this study, τ symbolizes LW absorption optical depth, which equals (1 − ω0)τextwhere τext is extinction optical depth. Furthermore, extinction by gases is neglected in order to simplify the presentation and since only boundary layer clouds are considered; all clouds are assumed to be isothermal.
Figure 1 shows a schematic diagram of the main concerns involving LW radiative transfer through horizontally inhomogeneous boundary layer clouds. Consider viewing this cloud (field) at different zenith angles, θ (μ = cosθ). For simplicity, all quantities throughout this study are assumed to be azimuthal averages. The probability of a line-of-sight being intercepted by cloud is a function of μ, minimized for μ = 1 and increasing monotonically as μ decreases. This probability can be thought of as the zenith-angle-dependent cloud fraction Ac(μ). The form of Ac(μ) depends on several factors including distributions of cloud size (Wielicki and Welch 1986), aspect ratio (Plank 1969), and spacing (Cahalan 1991). For nonovercast clouds, the strongest and weakest dependencies of Ac(μ) on μ are probably associated with fields of towering clouds and MBL clouds, respectively. Given that observations and radiative fluxes are affected by Ac(μ), when cloud fractions are reported for observations and GCMs, it is unclear what is being, and what should be, discussed. It seems likely that the most common interpretation of the term cloud fraction is the vertically projected value Ac(1). This quantity, however, is likely neither that reported in cloud atlases nor that most meaningful for computation of radiative fluxes in GCMs (i.e., 1D column models).
Next, consider probability distributions of cloud optical depth τ (normalized to the vertical as usual) for lines of sight along given zenith angles. Denote these distributions of τ conditional upon μ as p(τ|μ). As can be inferred from the idealized clouds in Fig. 1, one can expect p(τ|1) to be relatively broad but as μ → 0, p(τ|μ) will tend to become narrower and more symmetric about the zenith-angle-dependent mean cloud optical depth
Thus, the primary objectives of this study, in the context of MBL clouds only, may now be stated clearly as (i) to establish the applicability of (5a), (ii) to deduce the necessity for parameterizing Âc, and (iii) to establish a suitable parameterization for Tcld. Investigations are conducted using fields of Landsat-inferred cloud optical depths as input to a Monte Carlo photon transport algorithm.
3. Data
Fields of optical depth inferred from 45 Landsat images of MBL clouds were employed [see Barker et al. (1996) for a summary]. Each image is 60 km2, of which 41 consist of 20482 pixels while the others consist of 10242 pixels. They were presented originally by Harshvardhan et al. (1994), who used 0.83-μm nadir radiances to derive cloud extinction optical depths τ0.83 at horizontal resolution of either 28.5 or 57 m (Wielicki and Parker 1994). Thus, each image has its own p(τ|1). Use of these p(τ|1) for radiative flux calculations seems adequate for at least two reasons. First, at these resolutions, the vast majority of individual clouds are resolved very well (Wielicki and Welch 1986). Second, since the amplitude of variations in τ are known to decay rapidly for spatial scales less than ∼500 m (e.g., Cahalan andSnider 1989), fluctuations at scales less than ∼60 m are likely to be inconsequential for radiative transfer calculations.
While results are presented for all 45 scenes, additional details are provided for the four scenes shown in Fig. 2: two examples each of broken stratocumulus and scattered cumulus. Table 1 lists information about thesescenes. Detailed results are not presented for an overcast example because their distributions of τ are sufficiently narrow and
4. Monte Carlo experiments
The next two tests have a bearing on how well p(τ|μ) can be approximated by simply p(τ|1). The fitted relations presented below were confined to μ ≥ 0.2: they tended to break down often for μ < 0.2. This limitation poses little problem for flux quantities, however, as 96% of an isotropic beam is within μ ≥ 0.2.
For simplicity, μ dependencies of
Conversely, Fig. 9 shows that
5. A parameterized model for Tcld
Having established that (5a) and p(τ|1), hereinafter referred to as simply p(τ), are likely to be adequate approximations for MBL clouds, this section presents a parameterization for Tcld, as defined in (5b), that may be useful for climate modeling studies. It is essentially an independent pixel approximation IPA based on the assumption that frequency distributions of τ often follow gamma distributions.
Figure 10 shows that
Figure 11 shows
Finally, reconsider the prescription of cloud thickness h that was used to create 3D cloud fields [Eq. (8)]. Substituting (8) into (17) yields standard deviations of h, as shown in Fig. 12. Also shown are regions that contain the majority of scenes in three classes: (A) overcast stratocumulus, (B) broken stratocumulus, and (C) scattered cumulus (see Table 3 in Barker et al. 1996). For the most part, standard deviations of h are between 50 m and 125 m, which is in agreement with some observations (Loeb et al. 1997, manuscript submitted to J. Atmos. Sci.) and also fits well with a theoretical model (Considine et al. 1997).
6. Summary and conclusions
This paper presented a simple conceptual model for flux transmittance of longwave (LW) radiation through an inhomogeneous, marine boundary layer (MBL) cloud field. Two general aspects of cloud geometry were addressed: horizontal variability of optical depth τ and cloud sides. Using a 3D Monte Carlo photon transport algorithm and fields of τ inferred from 45 Landsat images, it was demonstrated that when cloud fraction is ≲0.9, neglect of horizontal variable τ leads to all-sky transmittance biases that are roughly 2–5 times larger than, and opposite in sign to, biases stemming from neglect of cloud sides.3 As such, priority (in both research effort and computation) should be given to parameterizations that account for the impact of variable τ.
Regarding horizontal variability of τ, an approximate method for computing LW flux transmittances was furnished. It is essentially a stochastic radiative transfer model whose validity rests on the assumption that frequency distributions of optical depth p(τ), for (60 km)2 regions, are often approximated well by gamma distribution functions (Barker et al. 1996). This method is computationally efficient and suitable for GCMs. It was also demonstrated that the standard plane-parallel, homogeneous (PPH) model often underestimates cloud transmittances by about an order of magnitude for thick clouds and by 20%–100% for thinner clouds. Conversely, when the mean and standard deviation of τ are used to define a gamma distribution, the gamma-weighted PPH removes typically more than 80% of the homogeneous bias. While this model neglected scattering, inclusion of it should not alter results much (a similar model with scattering is under development).
It was shown that, in principle, cloud fraction and radiation cannot be decoupled. But, for computation of fluxes for MBL clouds, the conventional technique of weighting clear- and cloudy-sky transmittances by suitable clear- and cloudy-sky fractions is acceptable (cf. Stephens 1988). But what is a suitable cloud fraction? Real clouds have depth and therefore, vertically projected cloud fractions Ac differ from cloud fractions Âc presented to an isotropic beam of radiation. It is not obvious what cloud fractions GCM modelers think their radiation models are, and should, be using. Here Âc is the more relevant quantity for computing fluxes, but it can be expected to be a complex function of cloud aspect ratios and spatial arrangement of clouds. Despite this, a simple parameterization of Âc as a function of Ac was offered based on the 45 MBL cloud fields used here.
Thus, the main recommendation stemming from this study is: the LW radiative effects of horizontal variable τ for MBL clouds should be included in GCM radiation routines in conjunction with due consideration of the effects of enhanced cloud fraction arising from hemispherical integration of cloud side view-factors. Since the combined effect of horizontal variability of τ and cloud sides is to reduce cloud emittance relative to PPH conditions, the immediate impact of using the parameterizations presented here in a GCM would be a slight warming of MBL clouds (which would not be undesirable for many GCMs). As a final note, while the magnitude of LW biases presented here are comparable to their solar counterparts (Cahalan et al. 1994a; Barker et al. 1996), LW biases may dominate at times as they act continuously.
The authors wish to thank Lindsay Parker (Lockheed-Martin Engineering and Science Company) for processing of Landsat data and Lazaros Oreopoulos and Ismail Gultepe (AES-Downsview) for helpful comments.
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An Alternate Approach to Estimate Âc
The reason why (13) through (15) was used in this study rather than this technique was simply because it performed slightly better. This is not to say that the method presented in this appendix performed poorly;it just had a minor tendency to overestimate Monte Carlo values of Âc. Nonetheless, it was presented here anyway as future studies (such as with land cumulus, perhaps) might find this approach more appropriate.
Derivation of Eqs. (19) and (20)
Computational Considerations for TΓcld and Tppcld
Table C1 lists some CPU requirements for computation of
Summary of the four Landsat scenes shown in Fig. 2. Here Ac is vertically projected cloud fraction,
Table C1. CPU time required by an HP 725/75 workstation to compute T
If Ac(μ) = aμb, which is often an excellent fit (as shown later), and
Exponentiating and rearranging (18b) leads to e
This disparity in biases may be much ameliorated, or even reversed, for land cumulus, which exhibit both sharper edges (Wielicki and Parker 1992) and greater vertical extent than MBL clouds. This is the subject of a later study.