1. Introduction
The purpose of this article is twofold. First, we point out that condition (2) need not be checked explicitly: using a result of Hayes (1977), it is shown that (2) is automatically satisfied if under the WKB approximation both the density and the flux have no rapid variations other than those resulting from the wave phase. This is the case if, when expressed in terms of disturbance variables suited to the WKB approximation, the density and the flux are defined by slowly varying coefficients. Second, we propose a unique choice of a “well-behaved” density, that is, a density that satisfies the property just described, so that it can be used to build a conservation law satisfying the group-velocity property. These two points should prove useful for the derivation of new wave-activity conservation laws.
2. Condition on the density and flux
The demonstration parallels the proof of Hayes (1977) that (in a medium at rest) the wave energy travels at the group velocity. Indeed, when (7) is satisfied, his arguments apply directly to the wave-activity problem. We nevertheless describe them for completeness.
Following Pedlosky (1987, section 6.10), it can be argued that the presence of Q in the flux is artificial, since it does not appear in the equation of the disturbance. In general, if the derivation of a conservation law relies on (and only on) equations with slowly varying coefficients, the density and flux should also have slowly varying coefficients only, and hence the group-velocity property should be satisfied. But, often, the equations for the disturbance do contain coefficients that are rapidly varying, and a WKB approach is possible only after the change of variables (4) is made. To derive a density and a flux that directly satisfy the group-velocity property, the procedure leading to the wave-activity conservation law must be entirely formulated in terms of the transformed variable υ. This implies tedious calculations (notably to reformulate the Hamiltonian structure) that should be avoided, especially if the nonlinear equations are considered.
3. Choice of the density
The difficulty in the search for a pair (A, F) satisfying the group-velocity property mainly lies in the choice of a suitable density, that is, one defined by slowly varyingcoefficients only. If such a density is found, one can avoid using rapidly varying quantities in the derivation of the flux (possibly by using the equations for υ rather than u), and so obtain a consistent pair (A, F) whose only rapid variations in the WKB approximation result from the wave phase.
Note that Brunet (1994) also proposed the use of a self-adjoint form for wave-activity densities, arguing that this form naturally emerges in the theory of empirical normal modes.
4. Summary
The definition of the local quantities (A, F) corresponding to a given global conservation law contains acertain degree of arbitrariness. Therefore, the group-velocity property (2) is often imposed as a constraint, because it clarifies the physical interpretation of the local conservation law. Technically, the verification of the group-velocity property, and a fortiori the search for a pair (A, F) satisfying this property, turns out to be quite complicated: the explicit calculation of the terms involved in (2) requires a large amount of algebra, and there is no constructive procedure leading to a correct pair (A, F).
In this note, we make two remarks that should simplify the derivation of the local form of a wave-activity conservation law. First, we show that if the density A and the flux F are defined by slowly varying coefficients in the sense that, in the WKB approximation, their only rapid variations result from the wave phase, then the fact that they are quadratic and satisfy the conservation equation (1) ensures that they also satisfy the group-velocity property. The verification of (2) is thus reduced to the verification that the coefficients defining A and F (in terms of the variables suited to the WKB approximation) are slowly varying. Second, we propose a particular symmetric form, AS, for the density, which is based on a self-adjoint operator. This form is unique and is shown to be defined by slowly varying coefficients under the assumption that at least one density satisfying the latter condition exists. The situation is summarized in Fig. 1. The set of all the equivalent densities is represented; these densities differ by divergences ∇·B, and in general B can have rapidly varying coefficients, even in the WKB approximation. A subset contains the densities defined by slowly varying coefficients, which differ from each other by the divergence of a vector, B(X), with slowly varying coefficients [in the sense of (7)]. What we have shown is that the symmetric density AS belongs to this subset if it is not empty. Note that in the WKB approximation the phase average of all the densities with slowly varying coefficients is equal at leading order. [This is because the components of the slowly varying vectors B(X) have a form similar to (8); when the divergence is taken, only the oscillatoryterms—whose phase average vanishes—remain.] This also holds for the associated slowly varying fluxes. Our discussion highlights the fact that a large set of pairs (A, F) satisfy the group-velocity property, which thus does not strongly reduce the arbitrariness in the definition of the density and flux of wave activities.
When a globally conserved quantity,
We conclude by remarking that the group-velocity property is not the only property that one may impose to reduce the arbitrariness in the definition of A and F. In a study of stationary waves, Plumb (1985) manipulated the expressions of A and F to obtain forms that are phase invariant in the WKB limit; this facilitates the interpretation of the density and the flux when they are not averaged. Although similar forms have been employed in a more general context (Brunet and Haynes 1996), they rely on a heuristic derivation and it is not clear whether they can be obtained in a general framework.
The authors thank J. F. Scinocca for helpful correspondence. This research has been supported by grants from the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council and the Atmospheric Environment Service of Canada. Additional funding was provided to J.V. through a NATO fellowship.
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More generally, the density and the flux can be modified by the addition of trivial conservation laws as discussed by Olver (1993, 264).
We assume that the basic state is slowly varying in time, but the most common wave activities (pseudoenergy and pseudomomentum) are conserved only when the basic state is stationary.
In particular, one can find examples of systems with constant coefficients that admit invariants depending explicitly on the coordinates.