1. Introduction
In recent years the dynamics of asymmetric disturbances in effectively two-dimensional swirling flows has been studied extensively due to their role in understanding phenomena in intense atmospheric vortices, such as hurricanes and tornadoes. Some of these applications to hurricane dynamics are the following: asymmetric disturbances to the storm potential vorticity field has been advanced as an explanation for the appearance of spiral rainbands (Guinn and Schubert 1993; Montgomery and Kallenbach 1997), in contrast to the earlier gravity wave theories (Kurihara 1976); asymmetric dynamics is used to explain both long- and short-term deviations of the hurricane track from that prescribed by the surrounding flow (Willoughby 1992, 1994; Smith and Weber 1993); and the rapid decay of higher-wavenumber disturbances in the vicinity of the vortex core helps explain the robustness of these storms to adverse influences, such as the beta effect and the shear of the environmental wind (Carr and Williams 1989; Smith and Montgomery 1995).
Asymmetric dynamics has long been of interest in the study of tornadoes since the realization that tornadoes sometimes contain several smaller vortices within the larger vortex core, and that the greatest damage is often found in the paths of these “suction” vortices (Fujita 1971). This phenomenon has been widely reproduced in both laboratory (Ward 1972; Church et al. 1979) and numerical models (Rotunno 1984; Lewellen 1993; Lewellen et al. 1997). In numerous studies addressing the linear stability of inviscid swirling flows (Rotunno 1978; Gall 1983, 1985; Staley and Gall 1979, 1984; Steffens 1988) and similar flows with viscosity (Staley 1985), instability of the vertical and azimuthal velocity field in the core of the tornado has been offered as an explanation for the appearance of “multiple vortices.” The general result has been to find instability for a finite range of low wavenumbers for two-dimensional instabilities, and a larger range of higher-wavenumber instabilities for three-dimensional (spiral) structures, which are identified as inertial instabilities (Leibovich and Stewartson 1983; Emanuel 1984). Interest in asymmetric tornado dynamics has been renewed by the discovery that three-dimensional models can sustain realistic tornado wind speeds (Lewellen et al. 1997; Fiedler 1998), while in the past axisymmetric models have not (Fiedler 1993, 1994; Nolan and Farrell 1999b). The higher wind speeds of the three-dimensional models have been associated with the simulated multiple vortices that appear in them, as Fujita (1971) anticipated for actual tornadoes.
A feature common to virtually all previous studies of vortex dynamics and stability has been neglect of the radial inflow that must be present to sustain the mean vortex flow against the effects of dissipation. This omission is due to the additional analytical difficulties brought on by the effects of radial advection on the perturbations and the fact that the presence of radial mean velocities makes the problem inherently nonseparable in most cases, that is, not susceptible to analyses with perturbations of the usual form F(r)ei(kθ+mz+ωt). Nolan and Farrell (1999a) were able to overcome these obstacles by constructing mean vortex flows with radial inflow for which initially two-dimensional perturbations remained strictly two-dimensional, and then by allowing the radial structure function of the perturbations to vary both temporally and radially. Two kinds of two-dimensional vortex flows were examined:one-celled vortices, where radial inflow penetrates all the way to the axis and the vortex core is in solid-body rotation, and two-celled vortices, where the radial inflow does not penetrate to the axis and the vortex core is stagnant. A change in sign of the mean-flow vorticity gradient in the two-celled vortex allows for modal instability in the range of azimuthal wavenumbers 3 ⩽ k ⩽ 10, while the one-celled vortex was found to be stable for all wavenumbers. Furthermore, with the use of generalized stability theory (Farrell and Ioannou 1996) it was found that for both vortex types there was substantial transient growth in energy of optimally configured initial perturbations. Neglect of the dynamical terms associated with the radial inflow that sustains the mean vortex—the radial advection and the stretching terms—was shown to result in a large overestimation of transient growth in the one-celled vortex and also destabilization of azimuthal wavenumbers one and two in the two-celled vortex.
Nolan and Farrell (1999a) also investigated whether the eddy momentum fluxes associated with transiently growing disturbances cause a net tendency to increase or decrease the maximum wind speed of the mean vortex. While in most cases the net effect of introducing a disturbance is to increase the kinetic energy of the mean flow, the opposite result can be found in both one- and two-celled vortices for wavenumbers that have nearly neutral modes. In these cases, energy acquired from the mean flow during the growth stage of the disturbance was trapped in these nearly neutral modes and ultimately lost to dissipation, rather than being returned to the mean flow. Excitation of these nearly neutral modes was previously discussed by Smith and Montgomery (1995) in an analysis of evolving perturbations in an unbounded Rankine vortex, although they did not discuss their effect on the mean flow.
Transient growth of asymmetric disturbances in a vortex is a close analog to the transient growth phenomenon in linear shear flows originally demonstrated by Thompson (1887) and Orr (1907). This analogy has been further elucidated in discussions and examples by Smith and Montgomery (1995), Kallenbach and Montgomery (1995), and Nolan (1996). While the potential for substantial transient growth of properly configured initial disturbances certainly exists, Montgomery and Kallenbach (1997) have argued it is exceedingly unlikely to occur since the typical optimal initial condition for growth is a disturbance that is a tight, reverse spiral in the opposite direction of the flow, and there is no apparent mechanism to excite such disturbances in atmospheric vortices. Our work here will address this issue to some extent by exciting asymmetric perturbations in our mean vortex flows with forcing functions with no preferred spatial or temporal structure, so that we will answer the question: what role do these transiently growing disturbances play when the forcing lacks the bias of any specific forcing function? While this analysis may not necessarily apply to atmospheric vortices where only certain types of disturbances may be introduced, it will lend insight into the importance of including both radial inflow and transient growth in the analysis of asymmetric vortex dynamics.
A number of previous studies have used stochastic analysis successfully to predict the eddy statistics of meteorological flows. The general technique is to linearize the evolution equations of small perturbations to a particular mean flow and then to augment these linear dynamics with stochastic forcing, which is uncorrelated in time (i.e., “white noise”) and also possibly uncorrelated in space. Using this method, Farrell and Ioannou (1994, 1995) were successful in reproducing the observed variance of midlatitude disturbances and their associated heat fluxes. DelSole and Farrell (1996) showed that the eddy fluxes induced by stochastic forcing can be used to compute the equilibrium state of a fully nonlinear quasigeostrophic model of the midlatitude jet. More recently, Whitaker and Sardeshmukh (1998) used stochastic forcing to recover the observed variances of the winter Northern Hemisphere flow (in particular, the location and structure of the storm tracks) with considerable success.
Section 2 gives an introduction to the analysis of linear dynamical systems when they are excited by a stochastic forcing term. Section 3 will describe the two-dimensional vortex flows under consideration and give a brief description of how the evolution equations governing perturbations to this flow can be reduced to the form dxk/dt =
2. Stochastically driven linear dynamical systems
An introduction to the theory of stochastic differential equations can be found in Gardiner (1985). Particular results for white-noise forcing have already been applied to the study of nonnormal shear flows, as discussed above, by Farrell and Ioannou (1993, 1994, 1995) and DelSole and Farrell (1996). We follow these authors’ approach to solve directly for the response of a linear dynamical system driven by stochastic forcing with white-noise properties.
The decomposition of the full correlation matrix (2.9) into its EOFs is known as the Karhunen–Loeve (K–L hereafter) decomposition (Loeve 1978), while the decomposition of the space of forcing functions into orthogonal functions ordered by their contribution to the variance has been called the “back K–L decomposition” by Farrell and Ioannou (1993). Observe that when the forcing is unitary so that
3. Two steady-state vortex flows and equations for the evolution of asymmetric perturbations
In this section we briefly describe the dynamics of the one- and two-celled vortices. We also derive equations of motion for two-dimensional, asymmetric perturbations and reduce them to the form of a linear dynamical system dx/dt =
a. The one-celled vortex
b. Two-celled vortices
c. Dimensional interpretation of the nondimensional results
d. The evolution of vertical vorticity perturbations
e. Reduction to a linear dynamical system in generalized velocity coordinates
4. Stochastic forcing of inflow-driven vortices: System response
In this section we will use the techniques described in section 2 to solve directly for the variance of stochastically driven perturbations in our one- and two-celled vortices. We will also use the K–L decomposition and back K–L decomposition to find the structures that contain most of the variance (the EOFs), and also the forcing functions that result in the most variance (the SOs). The effect of inflow velocity on the variance is also shown.
a. Response to stochastic forcing of the one-celled vortex
Figure 4 shows contour plots of the vorticity and streamfunction fields of the primary SOs for k = 1 and k = 2 in the one-celled vortex, which contribute 66% of the variance and 24% of the variance, respectively. These perturbations are similar and have two important features: 1) they are structures that spiral back against the flow of the vortex, and 2) they are displaced from the core of the vortex with their maximum vorticities and streamfunctions near r = 5. These two features are indicative of how a perturbation must be initially configured so as to maximize the energy it acquires from the mean flow, as has previously been demonstrated by Nolan and Farrell (1999a) for vortex flows with radial inflow. Such perturbations must spiral back against the vortex flow so that they are everywhere locally tilted back against the shear of the mean flow, and they must lie outside the vortex core so that they will be not be swept into the vortex core before they can maximize their wave–mean flow interactions.
This point is emphasized by comparison with Figs. 6a, b, which show the vorticity and streamfunction fields for the k = 1 global optimal for the one-celled vortex. The global optimal is the perturbation that grows the most in energy (in this case, by a factor of 209), and its growth is one measure of the potential for wave–mean flow interaction in a particular mean flow. The strong similarity between the stochastic optimal and the global optimal shows that the extent to which stochastic forcing excites transient growth of perturbations is closely related in this example to the extent to which the stochastic forcing projects onto the global optimals.
We can also find the dominant perturbation structures that result from the stochastic forcing, as described in section 2. This system response depends on the structure of the forcing functions in the columns of the matrix
b. Response to stochastic forcing of the two-celled vortex
Figure 7 shows the primary SOs for k = 1 and k = 3 in the two-celled vortex, which represent 61% and 98% of the contribution to the excitation of the variance, respectively. These structures are very similar to the SOs for the one-celled vortex, with the exception that they have vorticity in the vortex core because vorticity is being advected outward from the center axis as well as inward from the outer boundary. We again see the similarity between the SOs and the global optimals, as shown for k = 3 in the two-celled vortex in Figs. 9a,b. The primary EOFs for k = 1 and k = 3 in the two-celled vortex, as shown in Fig. 8, represent 76% and 98% of the variance under unitary stochastic forcing. They again have structures similar to the realizations of the global optimals, which are shown for k = 3 in Figs. 9c,d. Therefore, we conclude that the wave–mean flow interactions are dominated by the excitation of the global optimals in the two-celled vortex as well.
Note, however, that in the case of the two-celled vortex, both the realizations of the global optimals and the EOFs for this wavenumber are not like the symmetric, coherent structures that we saw above for the one-celled vortex, but rather they are very close approximations to the least damped modes (not shown), which are structures that sustain themselves by converting mean-flow vorticity to perturbation vorticity. Thus, instead of being sheared over by the mean flow, the global optimal evolves into a nearly neutral structure that persists for long times. Further discussion of this point may be found in Nolan and Farrell (1999a).
c. Sustained variance and the effects of radial inflow
Figure 10 shows the variance under stochastic forcing with unitary
5. Momentum fluxes and mean flow deviations
We have established that stochastic excitation of asymmetric disturbances in the vortices we are studying leads to excitation of transiently growing perturbations that contribute greatly to the sustained perturbation variance, and that for wavenumbers with nearly neutral modes the effect of including radial inflow is to suppress these perturbations and their associated variance. However, this does not directly address how these perturbations affect the mean flow itself. Just as we found the steady-state variance, we will now solve for the associated steady-state eddy momentum flux divergence and then use these eddy flux divergences to compute the tendency on the mean flow.
a. Evaluation of mean eddy momentum fluxes in a stochastically forced vortex
b. Eddy flux divergence in the one-celled vortex
The mean eddy flux divergence for stochastically maintained perturbations in the one-celled vortex is shown in Fig. 11 for azimuthal wavenumbers k = 1, 2, and 16. For the lower wavenumbers we see that the net effect of the perturbations is to decelerate the flow in the vicinity of the radius of maximum winds r = 1, that is, on average there is a downgradient momentum flux. For all wavenumbers k > 8, the net effect is to accelerate the flow in the vicinity of the radius of maximum winds, as shown in this case for k = 16, so that there is on average an upgradient flux of momentum.
The reasons for this difference between the low- and high-wavenumber cases has previously been discussed to some extent by Nolan and Farrell (1999a) in the examination of the total eddy flux divergence over the lifetime of individual perturbations. It was found that whether or not the net momentum flux of a particular disturbance was upgradient or downgradient depended on the existence of nearly neutral modes at that wavenumber (i.e., the smallness of the decay rate of the eigenvalue of the least damped mode) and the extent to which these perturbations excited such modes. If these modes were indeed excited, energy acquired from the mean flow through transient growth would be trapped in the modes and not returned to the mean flow, resulting in a net downgradient momentum flux. The long-time persistence of a normal mode that is not sheared over was shown by Smith and Montgomery (1995) for the case of an inviscid, unbounded Rankine vortex. If the energy is not trapped in this manner, then most of the energy of the perturbation will eventually be returned to the mean flow, resulting in a net upgradient momentum flux. Our results here are therefore a generalization of our previous results to the case where all perturbations are excited equally.
c. Eddy flux divergence in the two-celled vortex
The mean eddy flux divergence under stochastic forcing in the two-celled vortex is shown in Fig. 12 for wavenumbers k = 1, k = 4, and k = 8. The results for all three wavenumbers in this case are similar to the low-wavenumber results above in that the flow is being decelerated in the vicinity of the RMW at r = 2.19. However, the flow is being accelerated inside the radius of maximum winds, so that the mean momentum flux is inward rather than outward (but still downgradient). This result is similar to what was found by Lewellen et al. (1997) in their three-dimensional numerical simulations of a tornado vortex, and also by Rotunno (1978) in his study of the instabilty of cylindrical vortex sheets:the effect of the multiple vortices on the surrounding flow was to transport angular momentum inward. The result for k = 8 is different from the lower wavenumbers in two ways: 1) the local accelerations are orders of magnitude smaller, and 2) there is a substantial positive acceleration just outside the large negative acceleration in the vicinity of RMW. Thus for higher wavenumbers we find that momentum is fluxed both outward and inward from the radius of maximum winds.
d. Resulting mean flow deviations
Figure 13 shows the ensemble-average mean flow deviation caused by stochastically maintained perturbations for k = 1 and k = 2 in the one-celled vortex. For k = 1, we see that the mean flow is increased for r > 1 and decreased for r < 1. This is somewhat surprising since the local effect of the perturbations is to decelerate the flow at r = 1, as shown in Fig. 11a. However, a closer examination of Fig. 11a shows a small positive acceleration of the mean flow much farther outside the core of the vortex—in the vicinity of r = 6. This positive anomaly is advected into the vortex core and amplified by conservation of angular momentum. Thus the effect of this small positive acceleration at large radius is to cause a substantial positive mean flow deviation at r = 2 and to almost completely eliminate the effects of the large negative acceleration in the vortex core. For k = 2, the effect of positive accelerations at a larger radius (see Fig. 11b) is even more pronounced, such that the average mean flow deviation is positive everywhere with a maximum near r = 1.2, that is, very close to the radius of maximum winds. Results for all higher wavenumbers were similar.
This may still seem inconsistent with angular momentum conservation since the total change in angular momentum of the mean flow is positive, while the net torque of the forcing is zero. However, these swirling flows sustained by radial inflow are not in fact closed systems but are supplied with angular momentum by the outer boundary conditions. This source is meant to be representative of the larger supply of rotating fluid that exists in the storm environment. The azimuthal velocity profiles for the one- and two-celled vortices are the results of a balance between advection and diffusion of angular momentum. When we add the eddy flux divergence caused by the stochastically forced eddies, a new balance is achieved that may have a different total amount of angular momentum than the original vortex. We must also recognize that the change in the mean flow is highly dependent on the structure of the radial inflow, a fact that we must consider carefully if we try to apply the knowledge learned here to realistic geophysical vortices.
Radial inflow has a substantial impact on how stochastically maintained perturbations ultimately affect the mean flow. To emphasize this point, we have recalculated the mean eddy flux divergences and the resultant average mean flow deviations in an identical one-celled vortex with the radial inflow eliminated. The results, shown in Fig. 14, are strikingly different from before. First, the predicted accelerations and mean flow changes are orders of magnitude larger than when the inflow was included. Second, we see that the ultimate effect of the perturbations for both k = 1 and k = 2 is to decrease the maximum wind speed and to increase the radius of maximum winds, that is, to make the vortex broader and less intense.
The average mean flow deviations for k = 1 and k = 8 in the two-celled vortex are shown in Fig. 15 (where the effects of radial inflow have again been included). We see that for k = 1, the mean flow deviation is negative near the radius of maximum winds at r = 2.19 and positive inside the vortex core. This result is similar to what one might expect from examination of the average eddy flux divergence previously shown in Fig. 12a. For k = 8, however, we see that the average change in the mean flow is positive for all r, for the same reasons described above for k = 2 in the one-celled vortex.
The eddy momentum fluxes and resulting average mean flow deviations in the two-celled vortex recalculated without radial inflow are shown in Fig. 16. The results here are analogous to those for the one-celled vortex without radial inflow: for the lower, nearly unstable wavenumber k = 1, the eddy flux divergences and mean flow deviations are orders of magnitude larger; for k = 8, the formerly everywhere positive mean flow deviations are negative in the vicinity of RMW.
6. Discussion
a. The least damped mode as a determining factor in the stochastic dynamics
While a variety of linear perturbation dynamics have been observed in the preceding sections, the results of stochastic forcing of our two vortex types can generally be separated into two cases.
In case I the stochastic forcing excites transient growth of initially upshear-tilted perturbations, which are sheared over by the mean flow, reach their maximum energy when they have evolved into a compact structure, then are sheared over further and give their energy back to the mean flow. While a small amount of energy is lost to dissipation along the way, almost all the initial disturbance energy and the energy acquired from the mean flow during the growth phase are returned to the mean flow through upgradient eddy momentum fluxes. In this case the input energy of the stochastic forcing ends up in the mean flow and the vortex is intensified. This vortex intensification is the long-time mean effect of the continuous axisymmetrization of the stochastically driven asymmetries, similar to the axisymmetrization of particular asymmetric initial conditions demonstrated with linear calculations by Smith and Montgomery (1995) and in fully nonlinear computations by Melander et al. (1987).
In case II the stochastic forcing again excites transient growth; however, in this case the decay rate of the least damped mode is extremely small [e.g., the least damped mode decay rate is 2.1 × 10−3 for k = 1 in the one-celled vortex (equivalent to a decay timescale of 7.9 min in a tornado) and 9.3 × 10−4 for k = 3 in the two-celled vortex (a decay timescale of 29.3 h in a hurricane)], and these modes are also similar to the coherent structures that the transiently growing disturbances become when they reach their maximum energy. The transiently growing disturbances then project strongly onto the least damped modes and their energy is trapped there; in other words, the least damped modes interact with the mean flow vorticity gradient so that they sustain themselves and are not sheared over by the mean flow. In this case, disturbance energy “accumulates” in the nearly neutral modes and the energy is not returned to the mean flow but is instead lost through dissipation very slowly over long times. Since the disturbances are never sheared over to cause upgradient momentum fluxes, only downgradient momentum fluxes occur and the vortex is weakened.
In case II, the sustained variance can be orders of magnitude larger than in case I. Comparing these two cases we understand why for some wavenumbers radial inflow has a significant effect on the results: including the effects of radial inflow has the stabilizing effect of increasing the decay rates of the least damped modes for the cases of k = 1 in the one-celled vortex and k = 1, k = 2, and k = 3 for the two-celled vortex.
b. Comparisons with recent results regarding tropical cyclones
As mentioned in the introduction, asymmetric disturbances have received considerable attention in connection with tropical cyclone dynamics, with much of the emphasis on how these disturbances affect the tropical cyclone track and on their relationship to spiral bands. However, asymmetric dynamics have also been considered as a mechanism for hurricane intensification, originally by Pfeffer (1958) and more recently by Challa and Pfeffer (1980), Pfeffer and Challa (1981), Carr and Williams (1989), Montgomery and Kallenbach (1997), and Montgomery and Enaganio (1998). In this last report the authors used a three-dimensional quasigeostrophic model to demonstrate how coherent potential vorticity anomalies, injected in bursts so as to model episodic convection, are sheared over by the larger-scale vortex flow and ultimately cause upgradient momentum fluxes.
While the works cited above have focused specifically on tropical cyclones, the previous studies by Nolan (1996), Nolan and Farrell (1999a), and this report have attempted to illustrate the phenomena of axisymmetrization and asymmetric vortex intensification in a more idealized class of vortices sustained by convergence and also to a wider class of asymmetric forcings. One major distinction between our work and most of the studies cited in the introduction and above [except Carr and Williams (1989)] is that both our mean vortex flows transition rapidly to a potential (1/r) vortex just beyond of the radius of maximum winds. A potential flow has no vorticity, so there is no mechanism for the propagation of waves away from the vortex. The azimuthal wind fields of hurricanes generally have a slower decay with radius, perhaps more like r−1/2, which allows for the existence of waves on an associated mean vorticity gradient. Such waves, sometimes called “vortex–Rossby waves” were examined by Montgomery and Kallenbach (1997), who explained their dynamics and showed how downshear tilted disturbances always propagate away from the core of the vortex. The outward propagation of spiral bands has in fact been demonstrated with analyses of radar observations of hurricanes by Gall et al. (1998). In our vortices there are no such waves in the potential flow region and the phenomenon of momentum and energy transport away from the vortex by vortex–Rossby waves does not occur.
The primary EOF that arises from this convective-type stochastic forcing, which represents 90.5% of the variance, is quite different than what we have seen before. Note that the sizes of the axes in Fig. 18a have been decreased so that the small-scale structure of the EOF can be seen more clearly. The primary EOF shows downshear spirals emanating from the region of vorticity input. This outer structure is very much like the vortex–Rossby waves analyzed by Montgomery and Kallenbach (1997). The complex magnitude of the primary EOF vorticity as a function of radius is shown in Fig. 18b. Note that the peak in the vorticity response is at a slightly larger radius than the peak of the vorticity forcing function, and that the support of the EOF vorticity extends farther out than the forcing function, which is effectively zero for r > 1.5. Calculations with smaller values of the viscosity (not shown) demonstrated that this outward extension of the vorticity was not caused by diffusion. However, if there is indeed transport of angular momentum and energy by outward-traveling waves, they are not being carried much further than 50% beyond the radius of maximum winds. This is indicated by the eddy momentum flux divergence, which shows a substantial acceleration of the mean flow just inside r = 1 with smaller decelerations on either side of this peak. For r > 2, however, the mean flow is essentially unaffected. Results for higher wavenumbers were similar, with the region affected by the outward spirals being even more limited. This is consistent with the analysis of Montgomery and Kallenbach (1997), which showed that the outward propagation of Rossby waves decreases rapidly with wavenumber.
Let us rescale the eddy flux divergences shown in Fig. 18c to dimensional values for a hurricane with an RMW of 20 km and a Vmax of 40 m s−1. The energy input from the stochastic forcing has been normalized to be equal to one unit of energy per unit time. It would be very difficult to guess what the correct energy input rate would be for wavenumber k = 2 anomalies forced by convection in an actual hurricane. However, since we know the k = 2 response for a given energy input, we can modify the input such that the response (EOF) vorticity is a reasonable fraction of the mean flow vorticity. Analyses of hurricane wind fields indicate that at their maximum, wavenumber 2 anomalies are on the order of 20% of the local mean flow vorticity (Reasor and Marks 1999). The vorticity magnitude shown in Fig. 18c, with a maximum of 11.83, has been renormalized so that it has the correct energy, given the fractional response of the total energy (variance), which the primary EOF represents. However, the vorticity of the mean flow (6.1) is equal to 1.0 at r = 1.0. Thus, we must rescale the forcing functions in
Along with the fact that the vorticity is localized around r = 1, the “convective” forcing case is fundamentally different from unitary forcing in that the perturbations are radially aligned, that is, they are initially tilted neither upshear or downshear. Since they are immediately sheared over by the mean flow, their momentum fluxes are always upgradient and the relative excitation of the normal-mode type structures is substantially decreased. We should append our conclusions in the previous section to say that whether or not there is net upgradient or downgradient momentum fluxes depends both on the availability of nearly neutral modes and the extent to which the forcing projects onto the stochastic optimals.
7. Conclusions
In this report we have extended the earlier analysis of Nolan and Farrell (1999a) to examine the response of a vortex with radial inflow to random forcing by asymmetric disturbances. The results have shown that under such forcing that is unbiased in space and time, the previously identified global optimals play a dominant role in the transfer of energy from the mean flow to the perturbations. For stable wavenumbers where nearly neutral (i.e., almost unstable) modes are present, the variance excited by the stochastic forcing and amplified by wave–mean flow interactions can be very large. This variance is greatly overestimated if the effects of the radial inflow that sustains the mean flow are neglected in the dynamics of the perturbations.
For all but the lowest wavenumbers in both one- and two-celled vortices, the net effect of the momentum fluxes associated with the stochastically maintained eddies is to intensify the vortex, that is, to increase the maximum wind speed. We also note the important observation that this effect is enhanced by the presence of the radial inflow, and that neglecting the dynamical effects of the radial inflow in these vortices produces quite opposite results in some cases. Thus we have shown that even when there is continuous excitation of perturbations that are favorably configured for transient growth (and therefore cause downgradient momentum flux), the radial inflow that sustains the mean vortex will help to ensure that the net effect of these disturbances will be to intensify the vortex.
The two-dimensional vortices with radial inflow that we have constructed are certainly crude models of intense atmospheric vortices, and our analysis neglects all three-dimensional dynamics, which of course may be important. We have, however, shown how disturbances, which are either generated within the vortex itself (such as mesoscale bursts of convection in tropical cyclones), or are carried into the vortex core by the convergent radial inflow (such as turbulent eddies in the surrounding environment of a tornado), can contribute to the intensification and maintenance of these vortices by causing upgradient momentum fluxes and transferring their kinetic energy to the mean flow. In the future, we hope to determine the robustness of this mechanism as the symmetric flow is allowed to change according to the eddy momentum fluxes, perhaps with a quasi-linear adjustment of the mean flow or with fully nonlinear simulations.
The authors would like to thank M. Montgomery for many helpful comments and advice on hurricane dynamics, and P. Ioannou and T. DelSole for many helpful discussions. We would also especially like to thank D. Adalsteinsson for helping us to make tremendous improvements in the production and appearance of our contour plots. Preliminary work for this report was prepared as part of the Ph.D. thesis of D. Nolan while he was a student at Harvard University, during which he was supported by NSF Grants ATM-9216813 and 9623539; since November of 1996 D. Nolan has been supported by the Applied Mathematical Sciences Subprogram of the Office of Energy Research, U.S. Department of Energy under Contract DE-AC03-76SF-00098. B. Farrell was supported by NSF Grants ATM-9216813 and 9623539.
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