1. Introduction
It is well known that in the atmosphere as well as in the oceans the two most important components of the dynamics are vortical motion and inertia–gravity waves. At the synoptic scale and larger, the vortical motions predominate, giving rise to a nearly “balanced” dynamics. If the dynamics were perfectly balanced (in the sense of section 3 below), the description and evolution of the system would be determinable from a reduced set of variables, usually taken to be the potential vorticity. The real atmosphere and oceans, however, do contain a certain amount of seemingly freely propagating gravity waves, which can be regarded as a component “orthogonal” to the balanced dynamics. Comparatively little is known about the interactions between these two components, since the usual construction of balance models postulates that these free gravity waves do not exist.
A number of different methods have been used to derive balance models. In the most common and arguably most systematic method, the governing equations are scaled and a small parameter (usually related to timescale separation) is introduced. The fast variables are then expanded in powers of the small parameter, and a hierarchy of balance models is obtained; this corresponds to the “slow time expansion” or “slaving” procedure (Warn et al. 1995), which is discussed in detail below. When one takes the Rossby number as the small parameter on the f plane, possibly with weak topography, the leading nontrivial model in the hierarchy is the familiar quasigeostrophic model (Pedlosky 1987).
Many other approaches have been used to obtain slow solutions to systems that support fast oscillations. In the early days, balance models were derived more or less intuitively (Charney 1948, 1955); various initialization procedures, including the bounded derivative method, were used operationally (Baer and Tribbia 1977; Machenhauer 1977; Kreiss 1979); iterative methods have also been used to derive higher-order balance models (e.g., Allen 1993; McIntyre and Norton 2000). Some of these methods are closely related, if not demonstrably equivalent, to the slaving method of Warn et al. (1995); in fact, we are planning a future article devoted to this issue.
These asymptotic procedures work because of the timescale separation between the fast and slow dynamics. Inspection of Fig. 1 (obtained from an uninitialized numerical simulation using the model described in section 4 below) reveals that the power of the slow variable q is confined mostly to frequencies below f = ε−1, where ε is the ratio of fast to slow timescale, while most of the power of the fast variable Δ resides in sharp peaks having frequencies greater than or equal to f = ε−1.
It should be noted that for reasonably long times, classical balance can be very effective (Wirosoetisno 1999). In the top panel of Fig. 2, we show how successively higher-order initializations of the ageostrophic variables can eliminate most of their fast oscillations. Thus, when properly initialized (i.e., with properly chosen initial conditions), the “fast” ageostrophic variables evolve slowly for some time. Much of this slow evolution is slaved to the slow variables, as further underlined in the bottom panel: for times of up to several tens of eddy turnaround times, only a very small fraction (of order 10−6 in terms of power) of the ageostrophic variable is unaccounted for by O(ε3) classical balance; higher-order balance may reduce this even further.
If such a procedure were to converge, one would find an invariant “slow manifold” to which any solution starting on it is confined for all time. It is now accepted wisdom, however, that such an invariant manifold is unlikely to exist (Vautard and Legras 1986; Lorenz and Krishnamurthy 1987; Lorenz 1992; Wirosoetisno 1999). Warn (1997) has argued that the asymptotic nature of the procedure (or of the concept of balance in general) is related to the impossibility to (find a set of variables that would) eliminate the spectral overlap that is evident in Fig. 1.
Given the impossibility of finding exact balance, a natural question to ask is: When the unbalanced motion is nonzero, what is the nature of its interaction with the balanced flow? Several studies have been done to address this problem. Ford (1994a,b,c) has obtained analytical estimates, and numerical confirmation, on the amplitude of gravity waves radiated away by certain vortical flows. Polvani et al. (1994) have found numerically that these estimates appear to apply in more general cases, where the mathematical theory is, strictly speaking, no longer valid. A number of purely numerical investigations have also been carried out, mostly with the conclusion that gravity waves are inevitably generated from balanced initial conditions (Farge and Sadourny 1989; Yuan and Hamilton 1994; Yavneh and McWilliams 1994). However, the numerical studies are difficult to interpret because the initial balance is only approximate, and there is the very real possibility that a more accurate initial balance would reduce the gravity wave generation.
To better understand this problem, in this paper we employ an asymptotic theory based on the renormalization method to obtain slow evolution equations for both the amplitude of the “free” gravity waves and the balanced vortical motion. The coupling between these two components can be explicitly identified, thus showing how unbalanced motion can be generated from vortical flows and how the dynamics of the latter is affected by nonzero gravity waves.
As described in detail below, classical balance turns out to be a special case of our renormalized system where, interestingly, the renormalization procedure has no effect. Using a combination of the renormalized equations and error bounds on their solutions, it is possible to predict the stability of these classical balance solutions. (More generally, the renormalization approach makes it possible to estimate the stability of the asymptotic solutions of a class of singular perturbation problems.)
The idea of renormalization, which dates back to the 1940s, is hardly new, with its application to singular perturbation theory being slightly more recent [cf. the monographs of Nayfeh (1973), and of Goldenfeld (1992), and the paper by Chen et al. (1996)]. The form used in this paper is a development of the work of Moise et al. (1998), Ziane (2000), Moise and Temam (2000), and Moise and Ziane (2001). The applications treated in the last two papers are of interest to geophysical fluid dynamics (GFD): slightly compressible flows and the Galerkin truncation of the Navier–Stokes equations.
What amounts to our first-order renormalized equations have been investigated previously by a number of authors in various GFD contexts (cf. e.g., Embid and Majda 1996; Chemin 1997; Gallagher 1998; Embid and Majda 1998; Majda and Embid 1998; Babin et al. 2000, 2001) based on the work of Schochet (1994), which is closely related to the method employed here. Mention should also be made of the work of Callet (1997), who analyzed four-wave resonances—these correspond to isolated interactions in our second-order renormalized system. Apart from presenting a possibly more transparent derivation of these results, the systematic expansion presented in this work can be readily [at least formally for partial differential equations (PDEs)] extended to higher orders while at the same time keeping a clear relationship to higher-order classical balance models.
To emphasize the geophysical relevance, we shall refer to the well-known rotating shallow-water model as an illustration to the abstract derivation. However, in the worked example of section 4, a simpler model, the weak-wave model of Nore and Shepherd (1997), will be used since it significantly reduces the amount of computation.
The rest of this paper is structured as follows. In section 2 we describe the renormalization method and set the notation used in the rest of this paper. The close connection between the renormalization solution and that obtained by the slaving method is presented in section 3. Section 4 contains a worked example of the formalism of the previous two sections, and numerical simulations of this model are presented in section 5. A discussion concludes the paper.
2. The renormalization method
For concreteness, we use the rotating shallow-water equations on the f plane (SWE for short) to provide the geophysical illustration of the formalism, which, however, is equally applicable to many other systems as well. In this context, the dependent variable u can be regarded as representing the velocity (or its derivatives) and surface height, L is the operator corresponding to the inertia–gravity waves, and (taking the rotational Froude number to be 1) ε is the Rossby number. In this section we work on the fast time s = t/ε and seek to rewrite the equations, by a change of variable, in a form where the fast part Lu disappears. The connection between this expansion and the slow time t expansion, which yields the classical balance models, is described in section 3 below.
The requirement to work with a discrete (but not necessarily finite) set of equations appears to be essential for the method; it will be apparent from the development below why, while classical balance models can be derived strictly in the continuous formulation, one needs a discrete spectral formulation as soon as free gravity waves are considered.
Before we begin, all series solutions (and the slow manifold
The renormalized system (2.12) can therefore be thought of as a slow evolution equation for the amplitudes of all the variables in the system, with the algebraic equation (2.13) accounting for all the fast linear oscillations that may be present.
We note that the quadratic term s2
In most applications, what one would be interested in is the renormalized evolution equation, the analogue of (2.20), since this may yield information about weak higher-order interactions that become important over long timescales. Less likely to be useful is the higher-order analogue of (2.19), which would only give a small algebraic correction that does not grow with time. In this way, the renormalization procedure can be regarded as a method to separate long-term evolution from short-term rapid bounded oscillations.
For infinite-dimensional systems, such as the partial differential equations of GFD, further issues have to be addressed. One is the small denominator problem2 mentioned in section 4. Ensuring that the solution of the renormalized evolution equation remains regular over the timescales in (i) and (ii) of (2.21) above also becomes more difficult. These problems are nontrivial in most cases (and may not be possible beyond a certain order n), but since the issue of regularity is well beyond the scope of this paper we shall not discuss it here.
Finally, we note that the slow evolution equation (2.20) and its relation to the original variables (2.19) obtained above using renormalization can also be obtained using the averaging method introduced by Krylov, Bogolyubov, and Mitropol'skii. In fact, one can verify directly that the two methods are equivalent for the first few orders—they are probably equivalent to all orders. We have adopted the renormalization approach here since the idea also applies to the removal of secularity in the slaving solution of Warn et al. (1995) discussed in the next section.
3. Connection with the slow manifold
There is a natural and close connection between the renormalized solution obtained in the preceding section and the so-called slow manifold, defined by the slaving procedure (e.g., Warn et al. 1995).
Put differently, this expansion cannot give us any generic solutions, but only those living in a (slow) solution manifold
This approach is of course equivalent to not expanding the slow variable y, as proposed in the slaving approach of Warn et al. (1995). We can thus do away with the renormalized variable
As noted earlier, this procedure is not able to capture the general solutions such as those obtained in the previous section using the renormalization method; rather, it only gives us solutions lying on a special manifold
After much computation (of which we shall spare the reader), it can be verified that imposing slowness on the O(ε3) renormalized solution also yields the slaving relation at that order. We conclude then that, to O(ε3), the special renormalization solutions that are free of fast oscillations lie on the slow manifold obtained using the slaving procedure. In other words, the set of slow renormalized solutions, which we will denote by
Several further remarks are in order.
This invariance property (which also holds to the next order) cannot be obtained from the slaving procedure itself, so our present approach can be seen as providing a justification for the former (cf. also the appendix of Wirosoetisno and Shepherd 2000).
Finally, the reader may ask, what about the y equations that were never used in computing
At leading order, the connection between the fast and slow time expansions discussed in this section is quite clear and no doubt has long been known to many people. At higher orders, however, there is an ambiguity in the fast time expansion arising from the choice of integration constants [cf. the discussion following (2.10)]—only the choice used here provides the connection.
4. Renormalized equations for the weak-wave model
In this section we provide an explicit worked example of the above formalism using a simplified model of the shallow-water equations valid for weak imbalance, the so-called weak-wave model of Nore and Shepherd (1997). We note that the physical conclusions obtained here may be at variance with those obtained with other models (e.g., the shallow-water equations). The development in this section is to be regarded as formal. We shall avoid technical issues such as whether the sums over wavenumbers in (4.11) and (4.16) and their higher-order analogues actually converge (to prove convergence would require estimates of small denominators; see further comments below), and more difficult issues such as whether the solution of the renormalized evolution equations stays bounded and smooth, etc.
From the first equation we see that the evolution of the renormalized potential vorticity is given at this order simply by the quasigeostrophic equation, with no feedback from the gravity waves. The second and third equations tell us that only gravity waves belonging to the same energy shell (i.e., those having the same frequency modulus) interact, modulated by the appropriate vortical modes. This fact can be seen by noticing the skew-Hermitian nature of the operator Akn = const · (k × n)
According to (4.11a), the original potential vorticity is given by a quasigeostrophic part
Away from
The corresponding expression for
5. Numerical examples
To O(ε), the renormalization procedure aims to approximate the solution of the original equations of motion (4.5) by the solution of the renormalized evolution equation (4.10) using the relations (4.11). There are (at least) two issues of interest here. The first is pointwise accuracy—important in short-range weather forecasting—where one directly compares the solution υ(s) with its approximation
As the system we are dealing with is nonintegrable and even chaotic, it is clear that one cannot expect pointwise accuracy for arbitrary initial conditions beyond the timescale of the largest Lyapunov exponent present in the system (either the original or the renormalized one), which is typically of the order of the eddy turnaround time, namely t ∼ O(1). As (2.21) tells us, one can increase the accuracy significantly for a fixed time by going to higher order in ε, but since the error grows exponentially, the validity time only increases logarithmically with 1/ε.
Keeping this caveat in mind we turn to Fig. 3, where we plot (the real part of) the solution of the full problem qk(t) and its approximation
In Fig. 4 we plot the difference between the two curves in Fig. 3 for different values of Ro (and thus of ε). Here the logarithmic dependence of the accuracy time with ε as given in (2.21) becomes apparent: halving ε only appears to increase the accuracy time by a fixed amount, approximately Δt ∼ 1.
It can be seen that
It is possible that other qualitative properties may hold over long times. A good way to find them is by careful scrutiny of the renormalized evolution equations such as (4.15), (4.16), and their higher-order analogues.
6. Discussion
Compared with traditional balance models, the advantage of the present approach is clear: it allows us to include the effect of free gravity waves (“unbalanced motion”) in the dynamics while still preserving the slow nature of the approximating model. As with any approximation method applied to nontrivial dynamics, we find pointwise accuracy to fail after a short time (which is largely independent of the approximation method), as illustrated in Figs. 3 and 4. This is also true for classical balanced dynamics: unless the balance condition is satisfied exactly by the full dynamics, a trajectory of the balance model will generically diverge from the true trajectory even if it stays near the hypothetical “balance manifold,” because of chaotic slow dynamics.
We have also seen that the balanced solution obtained using the slaving approach (Warn et al. 1995) can be seen as a natural special (slow) solution within our general framework. This allows us to gain insight into the dynamics in the neighborhood of the slaving manifold (as well as far away from it), giving us, among other things, the stability of the slow solution over timescales t ∼ O(1). [Such validity estimates can also be obtained independently—cf. the appendix of Wirosoetisno and Shepherd (2000) for general finite-dimensional systems, and Jones (2002) for the shallow-water equations.] Renormalization also provides a natural way to remove the blow up of the solution of a naïve slaving expansion, justifying the use of unexpanded slow variables in Warn et al. (1995).
For long-term qualitative studies, balance models are regarded to be useful because the full system tends to stay almost balanced for long times, and thus the solution of the balance model will presumably share many qualitative properties of the full solution. Although this assumption is borne out by (indeed, was originally born of) observations as well as numerical experiments, no rigorous justification has been offered as to why this should be the case.
In the context of the weak-wave model, our numerical results suggest a more general behavior: the ageostrophic energy remains largely confined within energy shells for long times. As with the balance assumption above, this appears to imply that the energy shells form a family of very stable manifolds (“fuzzy layers” is perhaps a more appropriate term), which is traversed by the full dynamics only over very long timescales. In this picture, the slow manifold is the innermost of this family of manifolds (cf. Bokhove and Shepherd 1996). Thus, in yet another way, classical balanced dynamics can be seen as a special case of the renormalized dynamics.
From the point of view of dynamical systems, this picture reminds one of the family of adiabatic invariant surfaces present in many canonical Hamiltonian systems with a separation of timescales. Unlike in general dynamical systems, the timescale of validity in this case can often be exponentially long in ε (Wirosoetisno and Shepherd 2000, and references therein). It would be interesting to investigate if and how the noncanonical Hamiltonian (Poisson) structure of the weak-wave model has anything to do with the behavior we see above.
Finally, we would like to emphasize that the ideas of averaging and renormalization as presented in section 2 of this paper are certainly not new, as they date back at least to the 1930s and 1940s. There have also been papers in which the method is applied to problems in GFD, albeit only to first order (e.g., Embid and Majda 1996; Chemin 1997; Gallagher 1998; Babin et al. 2002). What we aim to do here is bring the method closer to the atmospheric audience by avoiding the functional analytic aspects and describing the procedure as clearly as possible. The connection with slaving (section 3), on the other hand, appears not to have been pointed out before; in doing so we hope to put the general renormalized/averaged approximate solution in context as a natural extension of the classical balance ideas.
The work reported in this paper has received support from the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council and the Meteorological Service of Canada (TGS), the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (DW), the National Science Foundation (Grant DMS-0074334, RMT), and the Research Fund of Indiana University (RMT and DW). We thank the reviewers for their thorough scrutiny and constructive criticisms, which have led to improvements in the manuscript.
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The dot · denotes inner product, and ⊗ is the tensor or outer product. Thus, in components, (F″(u) · υ ⊗ w)i = (∂2Fi/∂uj∂uk)υjwk, etc.
In the finite-dimensional case, small denominators do not cause problems as long as one works with a finite order of the expansion. They do cause nontrivial difficulties when one goes to all orders [as in (Kolmogorov–Arnol'd–Moser) KAM-type theorems] or when the order is taken as a function of ε (as in Nekhoroshev-type theorems).