1. Introduction
It has often been remarked (Pope 2000; Meneveau 1994) that a single value of
Once the eddy-viscosity closure is accepted, the Smagorinsky coefficient
The objective of the present study is to examine field data at various length scales and determine whether the dynamic model yields realistic predictions of the coefficient
The present paper is organized as follows. In section 2, we describe the field experiment and the data processing techniques. Section 2 also contains a brief review of the results of KMP: measured distributions of
2. Dataset and processing
a. The HATS dataset
Figure 1 shows a schematic of the instrument setup for arrays 1 and 2. To compute SGS quantities, the velocity fields have to be spatially filtered in two dimensions at a scale Δ. Since the velocities will also be filtered at two larger scales, αΔ and α2Δ, Δ is chosen to be smaller than the values used in KMP. Here we use twice the lateral instrument spacing as the basic filter length, that is, Δ = 2δy, where δy is the lateral spacing of the sonic anemometers. As in Sullivan et al. (2003) and Horst et al. (2004), convolutions with the top-hat filter of width Δ are evaluated using the trapezoidal integration rule. This is equivalent to using discrete weights (0.5, 1, … , 1, 0.5)/(n −1) for data from n sensors spaced in the lateral (y) direction. Note that other options exist to define weights for discretely sampled data. For instance, Vasilyev et al. (1998) use the second moment of the filter's discrete Fourier transfer function to relate filter width with the weights. The difference among these methods is not large when considering the compounded two-dimensional filtering: in the streamwise direction, the filtering occurs on the much finer time-sampling grid (see later), and thus there is negligible ambiguity how to relate filter width and weight factors. This streamwise filter is responsible for removing most of the SGS variance, rendering the effects of the less accurate cross-stream filters less important. A smooth Gaussian filter is used in the streamwise (x) direction, where 20-Hz sampling results in a higher resolution with a spacing of 0.05 s 〈u〉 m s−1 ≈ 0.13 m, using Taylor's hypothesis. The Fourier transform of the Gaussian filter function ĜΔ = exp[−(
Gradients are calculated with finite differences (FDs). In the vertical direction (x3 = z), the setup necessitates a first-order one-sided FD ∂ũ/∂z|
In order to depict the available data as a function of stability and array, KMP divided the data into segments of length 6.8 min. These segments were classified according to stability, characterized in terms of Obukhov length L, defined as in Eq. (12) and yielding a dimensionless parameter Δ/L. The distribution of data by stability can be seen in KMP's Fig. 2 for various heights (characterized in terms of Δ/z). In the present paper we use the same procedure and data classification. In the following the procedures to compute the model coefficient will be described in more detail.
b. Empirically determined Smagorinsky coefficient: Procedures and results
In the present paper, the filter size is half of that in KMP. Figure 1a provides a sketch of the filtering procedures in the transverse (y or x2) direction. A three-point top-hat filter with trapezoidal weights [0.25, 0.5, 0.25] is used in the lower array and a two-point filter with weights [0.5, 0.5] is used in the upper array. In the streamwise direction, the Gaussian filter is used as described in the preceding section. Thus filtered velocities ũi, and SGS stresses τij, at a scale Δ = 2δy are available at locations 7–13 and between locations 1 and 5 (Fig. 1b). As a result, the filtered strain-rate tensors can be obtained at locations 9 and 11, using a second-order centered FD in the horizontal and first-order one-sided FD in the vertical directions, respectively. Since τij is available at these locations as well, the Smagorinsky coefficients
A first question to address is whether the data analyzed at scale Δ = 2δy provide results that are consistent with those of KMP that were obtained at a larger scale, using more sensors from each array. To compare our results with KMP, data from array 2 (Δ/z ∼ 1.1) are divided into stability bins from Δ/L = −1 to Δ/L = 5 and further divided into subsegments of length Tc = 3.2 s. This corresponds roughly to a length scale Tc〈u〉 ∼ 8.7 m, which is on the order of twice the filter scale Δ ∼ 4.3 m. The empirically determined Smagorinsky model coefficient
The comparison with KMP is repeated using a larger averaging time scale Tc. Figure 3a shows a direct comparison of data from array 1 (Δ/z ∼ 2.1) of the present paper with data from a better-resolved filter but same Δ/z from array 2 of KMP for an averaging time scale of Tc = 6.8 min. The results agree very well, even though they are obtained from two different arrays. The agreement confirms that the curves collapse for a given Δ/z, independent of the dimensional values of Δ or z. Finally, in Fig. 3b we perform a comparison based on the global time averages of SGS dissipations. Here we average the terms in Eq. (13) over all data available in each Δ/L bin, obtaining a single measured value of
To provide a systematic description of the effects of averaging time Tc upon the statistics of
c. Scale-invariant dynamic model: Procedures
In order to obtain the dynamic model coefficient from Eq. (7), filtered strain-rate tensors and velocity vectors at a scale Δ have to be filtered at αΔ to evaluate Lij and Mij. Usually α = 2, but the limited maximum filter width in the lateral direction requires us to use α = 1.75 in the present study. As shown in Germano et al. (1991), the sensitivity of the dynamic coefficient to α is not expected to be important. Figure 1b shows that S̃ij at a scale Δ can be obtained at locations 7, 9, 11, and 13. At locations 9 and 11 S̃ij is computed from centered horizontal FD and one-sided vertical FD. At locations 7 and 13, the horizontal and the vertical FDs are one-sided. A filter of size 1.75Δ is applied to ũi, S̃ij, |S̃|, and |S̃|S̃ij. The filter weight wi associated with a variable (already filtered at scale Δ) at location yi, used to compute a test-filtered variable at location yαΔ, is evaluated as follows:
d. Scale-dependent dynamic model: Procedures
The scale-dependent dynamic coefficient is obtained similarly to procedures described in section 2c. The filtered strain-rate tensors and filtered velocity vectors of Fig. 1b are now, however, filtered at α2Δ = 1.752Δ. The same weighting scheme as in section 2c produces weights of wi = [0.18, 0.32, 0.32, 0.18] for strain-rate tensors at locations [7, 9, 11, 13]. The resulting
It is important to note that Nij is a function of β. Parameter β is computed using procedures identical to those in Porté-Agel et al. (2000a, hereafter POR). Six coefficients of a fifth-order polynomial in β are obtained from averaging products of strain rates and resolved stresses over Tc, as described in the appendix [Eqs. (A2)–(A10)]. Then the roots of the polynomial in β are determined by the “roots” function in MATLAB (The Mathworks Inc.). As argued in POR, only the largest real root is physically meaningful. A time series of Qij and Nij is obtained from Eq. (9) using the β value derived from quantities averaged over Tc. Finally, the scale-dependent dynamic procedure yields the coefficient at a scale Δ as (
3. Smagorinsky coefficients determined from dynamic SGS models
a. Scale-invariant dynamic model: Results
To begin, the scale-invariant, dynamically determined Smagorinsky model coefficient
Figure 6 shows the empirically and dynamically determined coefficient for a longer averaging time Tc = 6.8 min and for arrays 1 and 2. At this averaging scale too, the results confirm that the dynamic model predicts a coefficient that is significantly smaller than
The dynamic procedure predicts the correct basic trends of the coefficient with stability (Δ/L) and height (Δ/z), but the magnitudes of the coefficients are too small by significant factors. In unstable and neutral conditions, factors range from 2 to 5. In very stable conditions this factor is as large as an order of magnitude or more. Thus, the energy transfer (ΠΔ) from resolved scales to SGS is too small, and in an LES using such a model one would expect a high-wavenumber pileup of energy in the spectra near the wall. This weakness of the dynamic model was already observed in an LES of the ABL (POR) in neutral conditions, and present results suggest that this weakness would be exacerbated in conditions of stable stratification.
The variability of
In summary, the results for
b. Scale-dependent dynamic model: Results
For Δ/L < 0.5, β increases and reaches a most likely value of β ∼ 0.5. Recall that for scale invariance one would expect a limiting behavior of β ∼ 1. Here we obtain β < 1 since even in the neutral case Δ > z and thus β < 1 for the reasons explored in POR. The data analysis is repeated by increasing the averaging time Tc to cover segments of length Tc = 6.8 min, as well as over very long averaging covering all data segments in each stability bin. Results are shown in Figs. 11a and 12a, respectively. The observations from results for Tc = 3.2 s (Fig. 10a) are confirmed since β is close to its lower bound 0.327 for Δ/L > 1 and increases to values between 0.5 and 0.7 in neutral and unstable conditions. The parameter β is very similar for Δ/z ∼ 2.1 and for Δ/z ∼ 1.1. The magnitude of β in the present analysis compares well with Fig. 10 in POR. They obtain a significant increase from β ∼ 0.5 at Δ/z = 2 to β ∼ 0.65 at Δ/z = 1.1 in neutral conditions (Δ/L = 0), quite consistent with present field measurement results. The limit of large z/Δ (Δ ≪ z), where the turbulence is better resolved, cannot be verified with the HATS data for which Δ is comparable or larger than z. Figure 13 shows that the median of β is constant with averaging time and the variability decreases with Tc.
The model coefficient,
The variability of
To confirm that we have obtained results that are unique to turbulence signals under the present physical conditions and do not occur for any time series of random numbers, the procedure to compute dynamic and scale-dependent dynamic coefficients is tested with a time series of random velocity vectors. We generate random velocity fluctuations by distributing 3D vectors whose length is sampled from a uniform distribution in [0, 1] m s−1, and whose direction is uniformly distributed over a sphere. Both white-noise and colored-noise signals (with a −5/3 energy spectrum for each velocity component) are used. The resulting
4. Conclusions
Predictions of the scale-invariant dynamic SGS model (Germano et al. 1991) and the scale-dependent dynamic SGS model (Porté-Agel et al. 2000a) for the Smagorinsky coefficient
The scale-dependent dynamic model accounts for scale dependence of the coefficient. As a result the predicted coefficient is close to the value measured by the dissipation balance. It needs to be stressed that the additional parameter introduced by the scale-dependent dynamic model β is not empirically tuned, but rather determined dynamically from the large scales. Despite the resulting improvement in predicting the coefficient that produces the correct SGS dissipation compared to the scale-invariant dynamic model, it is reiterated that even “perfect” prediction of the coefficient does not increase the correlation between measured and modeled SGS stresses. This deficiency of the eddy-viscosity closure is related to misalignment of the eigenvectors of SGS stress and strain-rate tensors.
The results for the scale-dependent dynamic model show that short time averaging yields predicted coefficients that fluctuate greatly. This can be problematic in implementations where the extent of averaging is limited (e.g., flows in complex geometries). The data also suggest that the scatter in the prediction is reduced when the Eulerian averaging time scale is greater than ∼8 times the time scale associated with the filter scale. Such a time scale is somewhat larger than averaging time scales usually employed in the Lagrangian dynamic model (Meneveau et al. 1996). However, due to the fundamental differences between Lagrangian and Eulerian averaging the applicability of the result to Lagrangian averaging is uncertain and remains to be explored in simulations.
HATS measurements were made by the NCAR Integrated Surface Flux Facility. The authors wish to thank Tom Horst, Donald Lenschow, Chin-Hoh Moeng, Peter Sullivan, and Jeffrey Weil from the NCAR-ATD and MMM divisions for the fruitful collaboration during the field experiment. Thanks also to Profs. W. Eichinger, F. Porté-Agel, S. Richardson, and J. Wyngaard for the loan of sonic anemometers. We thank the anonymous reviewers of this paper for their constructive feedback. The authors gratefully acknowledge funding from the National Science Foundation, Grant NSF-ATM 0130766.
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Evaluation of β
Array properties for the HATS experiment. Here, d = double-filtered array; s = single-filtered array; d0 = displacement height; δy = lateral instrument spacing; Δ = filter size