1. Introduction
Laplace showed more than two centuries ago that the free oscillations of a layer of homogeneous fluid and uniform depth on a rotating, spherical earth are governed by a trio of nonlinear partial differential equations that are usually called the “Laplace tidal equations” or the “nonlinear shallow water wave equations.” When linearized about a state of rest, these equations have eigenmodes that are commonly called “Hough” functions.1 The slowest eastward-traveling wave has been given the special name of the “Kelvin wave” because of many striking similarities to the coastally trapped waves analyzed by Lord Kelvin in the nineteenth century (Thomson 1880). The Kelvin wave has enormous practical importance as reviewed in sources as diverse as Chapman and Lindzen (1970), Majda (2003), and Andrews et al. (1987).
Longuet-Higgins (1968) carried out a magisterial study of the Hough functions in general and the Kelvin wave in particular nearly 40 years ago. Even so, there are some lacunae in the theory, which we fill below.
One important class of Kelvin waves is the equatorially trapped waves, which occur at the limit ϵ → ∞. The usual derivation assumes that s is fixed as this limit is taken. Here, we show that the structure and speed of the Kelvin wave are significantly modified when s is large. Our approximation is uniformly valid for large s and/or ϵ regardless of the size of the smaller parameter. The new approximation turns to be surprisingly accurate outside its formal range of validity in the region where both s and ϵ are small.
2. A new asymptotic approximation
a. Derivation
The first approximating principle is that when either s or ϵ is large, the Kelvin mode will be confined very close to the equator. Equatorial confinement was demonstrated for large ϵ by Longuet-Higgins; Fig. 3 shows that even for ϵ = 0, the Kelvin wave becomes more and confined to low latitude as the zonal wavenumber s increases. It follows that in the region where the wave has significant amplitude, the neighborhood of μ = 0, it will be a good approximation to replace (1 − μ2) by 1.
b. Results
The price for the simplicity of these approximations is that their derivation is not based on systematic power series expansions, but rather more on the sort of mathematical banging-on-pipes that engineers do without apology (“if the dam holds, hurrah!”) and that physicists dignify with the fine-sounding German word “ansatz.” In this instance, no apologies are necessary because the full parameter space is only two dimensional (Fig. 1) and we have a highly accurate numerical method to compute “exact” solutions to compare with the approximations throughout the whole of parameter space, and thus validate the approximations with a thoroughness that even a mathematician can accept.
3. Results and numerical plots of errors
The maximum relative errors in the new approximation for the frequency σ for all ϵ ∈ [0, ∞] are 6.1% [s = 1], 2.5% [s = 2], 1.2% [s = 3], and 0.70% [s = 4], and in general O[1/(8s2)]. It is remarkable that an approximation derived for large s and/or ϵ is in fact rather accurate even for small s and ϵ.
Figure 4 compares the exact Kelvin wave on the sphere, as computed numerically, with three different asymptotic approximations for a typical pair of parameter values (ϵ = 5, s = 5). The equatorial beta-plane approximation (dots) is terrible. The asymptotic approximation that is unconstrained to vanish at the poles is much better, but not too good at high latitudes. The asymptotic approximation that is proportional to (1 − μ2)s/2, in contrast, is visually indistinguishable from the exact height field.
Figure 5 shows the error in frequency σ (upper left) and of (u, υ, ϕ) (in the L∞ norm, that is, the maximum error for any latitude) for the new asymptotic approximation in the
4. Summary
We have derived a new asymptotic approximation for the Kelvin wave that fills the gap between the equatorial beta plane (fixed zonal wavenumber s, Lamb’s parameter ϵ → ∞) and the small ϵ, “velocity potential is Pnn(μ)” exp(isλ) approximation. The new approximation was derived under the assumption that at least one of (s, ϵ) is large, but numerically, is moderately good even when both parameters are small.
This work was supported by the National Science Foundation through Grant OCE OCE 0451951. We thank Liang Tao for a first draft of Fig. 1. We also thank the two reviewers and the editor, Chris Snyder, for their assistance.
Andrews, D. G., J. R. Holton, and C. B. Leovy, 1987: Middle Atmosphere Dynamics. International Geophysical Series, Vol. 40, Academic Press, 489 pp.
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Hough, S. S., 1898: On the application of harmonic analysis to the dynamic theory of the tides, II. On the general integration of Laplace’s tidal equations. Philos. Trans. Roy. Soc., 191A , 139–185.
Longuet-Higgins, M. S., 1968: The eigenfunctions of Laplace’s tidal equation over a sphere. Philos. Trans. Roy. Soc. London, 262A , 511–607.
Majda, A., 2003: Introduction to PDEs and Waves for the Atmosphere and Ocean. Vol. 9, Courant Lecture Notes, American Mathematical Society, 234 pp.
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Thomson, S., 1880: On gravitational oscillations of rotating water. Philos. Mag., 10 , 109–116. [Reprinted in 1911 in Mathematical and Physical Papers by Sir William Thompson, Baron Kelvin, J. Larmor and J. P. Joule, Eds., Cambridge University Press, 6 vols.].
“Hough” is pronounced “Huf” in honor of Sydney Samuel Hough, F. R. S. (1870–1922), for Hough (1897, 1898).