Analytical Solutions to the Stochastic Kinetic Equation for Liquid and Ice Particle Size Spectra. Part II: Large-Size Fraction in Precipitating Clouds

Vitaly I. Khvorostyanov Central Aerological Observatory, Dolgoprudny, Moscow, Russia

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Judith A. Curry School of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, Georgia

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The stochastic kinetic equation is solved analytically for precipitating particles that can be identified as rain, snow, and graupel. The general solution for the size spectra of the large-size particles is represented by the product of an exponential term and a term that is an algebraic function of radius. The slope of the exponent consists of the Marshall–Palmer slope and an additional integral that is a function of the radius. Both the integral and algebraic terms depend on the condensation and accretion rates, vertical velocity, turbulence coefficient, terminal velocity of the particles, and the vertical gradient of the liquid (ice) water content. At sufficiently large radii, the radius dependence of the algebraic term is a power law, and the spectra have the form of gamma distributions. Simple analytical expressions are derived for the slopes and indices of the size distributions. These solutions provide explanations of the observed dependencies of the cloud particle spectra in different phases and size regimes on temperature, height, turbulence, vertical velocities, liquid or ice water content, and other cloud properties. These analytical solutions and expressions for the slopes and shape parameters can be used for parameterization of the spectra of precipitating particles and related quantities (e.g., optical properties, radar reflectivities) in bulk cloud microphysical parameterizations and in remote sensing techniques.

Corresponding author address: Dr. J. A. Curry, School of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA 30332. Email:


The stochastic kinetic equation is solved analytically for precipitating particles that can be identified as rain, snow, and graupel. The general solution for the size spectra of the large-size particles is represented by the product of an exponential term and a term that is an algebraic function of radius. The slope of the exponent consists of the Marshall–Palmer slope and an additional integral that is a function of the radius. Both the integral and algebraic terms depend on the condensation and accretion rates, vertical velocity, turbulence coefficient, terminal velocity of the particles, and the vertical gradient of the liquid (ice) water content. At sufficiently large radii, the radius dependence of the algebraic term is a power law, and the spectra have the form of gamma distributions. Simple analytical expressions are derived for the slopes and indices of the size distributions. These solutions provide explanations of the observed dependencies of the cloud particle spectra in different phases and size regimes on temperature, height, turbulence, vertical velocities, liquid or ice water content, and other cloud properties. These analytical solutions and expressions for the slopes and shape parameters can be used for parameterization of the spectra of precipitating particles and related quantities (e.g., optical properties, radar reflectivities) in bulk cloud microphysical parameterizations and in remote sensing techniques.

Corresponding author address: Dr. J. A. Curry, School of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA 30332. Email:

1. Introduction

Parameterizations of the size spectra fl(r) of precipitating cloud particles (rain, snow, graupel, etc.) in the form of the Marshall and Palmer (1948, hereafter MP) and Gunn and Marshall (1958) exponential distributions,
where βl is the slope and N0 is the intercept, are widely used in cloud physics and routinely incorporated into bulk cloud models and remote sensing techniques (see, e.g., Cotton and Anthes 1989 for a review). More recently, three-parameter gamma distributions were suggested as a better alternative for rain and snow size spectra (e.g., Ulbrich 1983; Willis 1984; Heymsfield 2003):
where r is the particle radius; pl is the index of the gamma distribution (shape parameter), positive or negative; and cN is the coefficient determined from the normalization to the concentration or mass density. The exponential MP distribution (1.1) is a particular case of (1.2) where pl = 0, whereas (1.2) is a more general form that allows additional degrees of freedom. Equations (1.1) and (1.2) are often formulated in terms of the diameters D and fl(D) ∼ exp(−ΛD), with the slope Λ = βl/2.

Earlier theoretical studies of the size spectra of precipitating particles were directed toward explaining the exponential shape of the MP spectra and the evolution of its parameters. Golovin (1963), Scott (1968), Srivastava and Passarelli (1980), and Voloshchuk (1984) determined analytical solutions for the kinetic equation of condensation and coagulation with some idealized assumptions—homogeneous kernels of the coagulation integral and some non-Maxwellian models for the condensation growth rate; some of these solutions were in the form of exponential functions (1.1). Srivastava (1971) hypothesized that a balance exists between the collision–coalescence and spontaneous breakup of raindrops, which leads to the exponential MP spectra, but the derived slopes were distinctly steeper than the observed spectra. Passarelli (1978a, b) assumed that the snow spectra are described by the MP spectrum and found an analytical expression for the slopes via integral moments by solving the stochastic collection equation without taking into account the breakup process. Passarelli’s model with exponential spectra was further developed and generalized by a number of authors (e.g., Mitchell 1994; Mitchell et al. 1996). Verlinde et al. (1990) obtained a closed form for the analytical solution to the collection growth equation for the original size spectra described by the gamma distributions in (1.2).

Subsequently, it became clear that collisional rather than spontaneous breakup may be more important in restricting drop growth and the formation of the observed raindrop exponential spectra (e.g., see the review in Pruppacher and Klett 1997, hereafter PK97). Srivastava (1978) formulated a simplified model of collisional breakup with a fixed constant number of fragments as a variable parameter and developed a parameterization for raindrop spectra in the form of a general exponential but with time-varying Λ and N0. Low and List (1982a, b, hereafter LL82) developed a complex empirical parameterization of the fragment distribution function for collisional drop breakup. The parameterization of LL82 has been used in many numerical solutions of the stochastic coalescence–breakup equation to explain the mechanism of formation of the MP spectra and their slopes (e.g., Feingold et al. 1988; Hu and Srivastava 1995; Brown 1991, 1997; McFarquhar 2004; Seifert 2005).

These numerical solutions produced somewhat different equilibrium size spectra but with common features. The spectra were characterized by the following: a small-size region from ∼200 μm to ∼2 mm consisting of several peaks with shallow troughs between them; the first peak occurring near a diameter of ∼200–300 μm; an abrupt decrease at sizes smaller than 200 μm, determining the lower limit r0 of the large-size fraction; and a region beginning at ∼2–2.5 mm that comprises the MP exponential tail. McFarquhar (2004) refined the LL82 equations and emphasized that measurement and sampling problems impose uncertainties on the solutions, motivating more detailed laboratory studies and improved parameterizations.

Previous numerical studies focused on analyzing the positions of the peaks and values of the slopes but did not attempt to approximate the entire rain spectrum by gamma distributions or to determine the index pl, which is widely used in cloud models and remote sensing of rain and snow and typically is rather arbitrarily prescribed. Parameterization of the large particle size spectrum in the form of the gamma distribution used in (1.2) has been undertaken by many empirical studies that were directed toward the determination of the three parameters of the spectra, and in particular of the index pl. Ulbrich (1983) found a correlation between the type of rain and the index pl; pl < 0 was for orographic rain, indicating broad spectra, and 0 < pl < 2 was for thunderstorm rain, indicating narrower spectra. For widespread and stratiform rain, pl was more variable but mostly positive. Willis (1984) found the best value of pl ≈ 2.5 for raindrops from two hurricanes.

More recently, another type of pl dependence was suggested, that is, a Λ–pl relation, whereby Λ was expressed as a quadratic polynomial of pl or vice versa (e.g., Zhang et al. 2001, 2003a, b; Brandes et al. 2003). The validity of this parameterization was tested in direct simulations of convective rains with the cloud models using the LL82 kernel (e.g., Seifert 2005). The Λ–pl relation allows for reduction of the number of independent parameters in (1.1) to two but the general dependence of the index pl on the rain type described by Ulbrich (1983) is still unclear. A similar relation was suggested by Heymsfield (2003) for crystalline clouds.

Previous research has revealed some fundamental properties of the size spectra of precipitating particles and has shed some light on the mechanisms of their formation. However, direct application of these findings in cloud models and remote sensing retrievals meets the following problem: owing to the complexity of collision–breakup kernels, to our knowledge, only numerical solutions of the stochastic coalescence–breakup kinetic equation have been obtained for realistic representations of the gravitational kernel. The numerical solutions require small time steps of 0.1–1 s, are rather time consuming, and do not provide simple analytical parameterizations for the indices and slopes of the exponential and gamma distributions that are needed in cloud and climate models and remote sensing retrievals.

In Khvorostyanov and Curry (1999a, b, hereafter KC99a and KC99b, respectively) and Khvorostyanov and Curry (2008, hereafter Part I), gamma distributions were derived for the small-size fraction as the solutions of the kinetic equation of stochastic condensation. The goal of this paper (Part II) is to obtain analytical solutions of the stochastic kinetic equation for precipitating cloud particles and to explain observed variations in the size spectra that can be used to parameterize the size spectra for modeling and remote sensing applications. The paper is organized as follows: In section 2, the basic stochastic kinetic equation is given, and assumptions and simplifications are described. Section 3 presents the general solutions and four particular cases are considered: the size range where fall speed is a linear function of particle size, the size range where fall speed is proportional to the square root of particle size, conditions where coagulation growth is dominant, and the subcloud layer with no small-size fraction. In section 4, a physical interpretation is given for these solutions and they are illustrated for a crystalline cloud. Conclusions are formulated in section 5.

2. Basic equation and assumptions

As in Part I, we consider either pure liquid or crystalline clouds; the mixed phase is not considered here. The entire size spectrum of the drops or crystals consists of two size fractions: small, fs(r), and large, fl(r), with the boundary radius at r = r0 between the two size fractions, where a minimum is usually observed in the size spectra composed of both fractions. Based on this minimum, the value r0 ∼ 30–50 μm can be assumed for the liquid phase (see, e.g., Fig. 4.3 in Cotton and Anthes 1989), and ∼30–80 μm (or a maximum dimension of D0 ∼ 60–160 μm) for the crystals, as is illustrated in section 4. The functions fs(r) and fl(r) correspond to the bulk categorization of the condensed phase into cloud water and rain for the liquid phase and cloud ice and snow for the crystalline phase, respectively.

The same assumptions as in Part I for the small-size fraction are made here for the large-size fraction size distribution function fl: 1) horizontal homogeneity or horizontal averaging over some scale, so that horizontal derivatives are zero (the solutions can be easily generalized for the nonzero horizontal derivatives in parametric form), and 2) a quasi-steady state, so that ∂fl/∂t = 0. With these assumptions, the kinetic Eq. (2.6) from Part I can be written for the size distribution function of the large-size fraction fl of the drops or crystals:
where z is height, r is the particle radius, k is the coefficient of the turbulent diffusion, w is the vertical velocity, υ(r) is the particle fall velocity, and cond is the condensation (deposition) growth rate; in addition, a dimensionless parameter G, cn, and cnn are the coefficients arising from the nonconservative turbulence coefficients knij and knnij defined in Part I. The first three terms on the right-hand side of (2.1) describe the turbulent transport and effects of stochastic condensation. The fourth term, (∂fl/∂t)col,ls, is the collection gain in the large-size fraction due to coagulation (accretion) with the small-size fraction, and the terms (∂fl/∂t)col,g, (∂fl/∂t)col,l, (∂fl/∂t)br,g, and (∂fl/∂t)br,l denote, respectively, the collection gain, collection loss, breakup gain, and breakup loss due to interactions within the large-size fraction alone. Such decomposition of the collection terms is similar to that in Srivastava (1978).
A simplified Maxwellian growth rate is assumed for condensation–deposition:
where Dυ is the vapor diffusion coefficient, Γp is the psychrometric correction to the growth rate associated with the latent heat of condensation, ρw is the water (ice) density, S = (ρυρυs)/ρυs is the supersaturation over water or ice, and ρυ and ρυs are the environmental and saturated over-water (-ice) vapor densities, respectively.

A continuous collection approximation is assumed for (∂fl/∂t)col,ls. In this approximation, only the collision–coalescence between the particles of the different fractions of the spectrum, fs(r) and fl(r), is considered; that is, small particles are collected by large particles. The continuous collection approximation is usually used for evaluation of the accretion rate of the large-size fraction as in Kessler (1969) and subsequent works. If it appears in the formulation of the kinetic equations, the corresponding term (∂fl/∂t)col,ls is usually written without derivation by analogy with the Maxwellian growth, with the growth rate of individual particles (dr/dt)coag or (dm/dt)coag defined in the continuous collection approximation (e.g., Cotton and Anthes 1989; PK97). This approach is intuitively clear, but its accuracy and relation to the full Smoluchowski stochastic collection equation is not clear.

Therefore, the derivation of the continuous collection approximation from the integral Smoluchowski collection equation and simplifications are given in appendix A. It is shown there that 1) the continuous collection approximation is a first-order approximation by the mass of the small particle to the full stochastic coagulation equation and 2) the Smoluchowski coagulation equation allows in this approximation significant simplifications; the term (∂fl/∂t)col,ls for the collection gain can be written analogously to the condensation term [the second term on the left-hand side in (2.1)]:
where coag is the accretion radius growth rate,
Now, the integral Smoluchowski coagulation equation can be written in the continuous collection approximation in a simplified differential form for both small and large fractions as
where θ(x) is the Heaviside step function. The first term is the reduced gain for the large-size fraction. The second term is the reduced loss for the small-size fraction; σcol is the same collection rate introduced in (2.5) of Part I and used there in calculations of small-size spectra (it is derived in appendix A here):
This form of σcol ensures mass conservation; that is, the mass loss of the small fraction is equal to the mass gain of the large fraction. We can also introduce the inverse quantity,
which is the characteristic accretion time of the e-folding decrease in qls or the increase in qll if the other processes are absent. It is interesting to compare this timescale with the supersaturation relaxation time τp discussed in Part I:
where rs and rl are the mean radii of the small- and large-size fractions, respectively, and Nl is the number density of the large-size fraction. This term determines the condensation (evaporation) growth rate. The term Nsrs is usually greater than Nlrl; thus, the time τp at condensation is determined mostly by the small particles; in the absence of small particles at evaporation, τp is determined by the large fraction. The accretion time τcol is determined by the large particles as follows from (2.7).

If the cloud water content of the large-size fraction is small enough, the last four terms in (2.1)—(∂fl/∂t)col,g, (∂fl/∂t)col,l, (∂fl/∂t)br,g, and (∂fl/∂t)br,l for collection and breakup—are also small and can be neglected, which is usually done in most bulk cloud models. This situation corresponds to sufficiently small concentrations Nl of the large drops, so that collisions among large particles are not frequent. With increasing Nl, water content, and rain or snow intensity, the error of this approximation may increase and these terms should be accounted for; this is especially important for convective clouds. Srivastava (1982) and Feingold et al. (1988) evaluated the coalescence and breakup terms analytically, but the collision and breakup kernels were specified to be constant (independent of radii), and the solution was expressed via Bessel functions that are difficult to analyze analytically.

We use a parameterization of the coalescence and breakup based on an assumption that is justified through the work of Hu and Srivastava (1995, hereafter HS95). The detailed analysis of the various terms in the coalescence–breakup kinetic equation [the last four terms in (2.1)] performed in HS95 showed that these terms are (a) approximately proportional to each other over the major radii range and (b) are mostly mutually compensated near the equilibrium steady state. We hypothesize that these terms are proportional to the accretion gain (∂fl/∂t)col,ls and can be roughly parameterized by expressing via (∂fl/∂t)col,ls with some proportionality coefficients ccg > 0, ccl < 0, cbg > 0, and cbl < 0 for the corresponding processes (“c” and “b” stand for collection and breakup; “g” and “l” represent gain and loss). These coefficients are, in general, functions of r but are proportional to each other. Therefore, the sum of (∂fl/∂t)col,ls and the four last terms in (2.1) can be expressed via (∂fl/∂t)col,ls as
where ccb = 1 + ccg + ccl + cbg + cbl. In a box model used in HS95, equilibrium among these four terms is reached after some sufficient time so that they are mutually compensated, forming equilibrium spectra; thus, ccb → 1. In our case, the balance also includes the vertical mass gradient and diffusion and accretion growth, so that there can be only partial compensation among the above four terms, and ccb can slightly differ from 1. That is, the net effect of collection and the breakup gain and loss is to change the accretion growth rate coag of the large particles described by (2.4), that is, the collection efficiency Ec. Then, we can introduce the correction ccb into the parameter Ec and solve the equation accounting for only (∂fl/∂t)col,ls as in (2.3). This corresponds to the approximation adopted in most bulk cloud models. It will be shown below that this simple parameterization yields the functional r dependence of the collection growth rate, which is in good agreement with the more precise calculations in HS95.

Note that the assumption (2.9) is not mandatory for the analytical solutions obtained below; we simply use the fact, based on HS95, that the sum of these four terms caused by interactions only within the large fraction can be much smaller (because of mutual compensation) than the term (∂fl/∂t)col,ls caused by interactions between the small and large fractions. When the numerical models provide new information about the relative values of the terms in the coagulation–breakup equation, this assumption and its analytical solutions can be modified accordingly.

The same closure as in Part I is chosen for the vertical gradient of the size spectra:
In the simplest model ζl(r) = 1 and αl can be related from (2.10) to the relative gradient of the liquid water content (LWC) (or ice water content, IWC) of the large-size fraction by
Substituting (2.10) into (2.1) allows for the elimination of the z derivatives; by also using (2.2) and (2.4) and assuming in this work ζl(r) = 1, we have a differential equation that is a function only of r:

3. Solutions for the large-size fraction taking into account diffusion growth and coagulation

We seek analytical solutions for the general case and then for particular cases that include the size range where fall speed is a linear function of particle size, where fall speed is proportional to the square root of particle size, under conditions where coagulation growth is dominant, and in the subcloud layer with no small-size fraction.

a. General solution

The previous solutions in sections 3 and 4 of Part I indicate that stochastic condensation may predominantly influence the small-size fraction. Therefore, it is reasonable to assume that the contributions of the stochastic diffusion terms are much smaller for the large-size fraction, and the shape of the spectrum is determined mostly by the balance between regular growth/evaporation, vertical transport, collection, and sedimentation. Then, neglecting in (2.12) the terms with G and the effects of stochastic condensation, the kinetic equation can be written for the quasi-steady state as
(we neglect here for simplicity the terms with dw/dz, dk/dz, and l/dz, which can be introduced into the final equations).
Introducing a new variable φl = fl/r and solving (3.1) relative to φl, we obtain
where tot(r) = cond(r) + coag(r) is the total radius growth rate. Here, g(r) ≠ 0, and rtot ≠ 0. The integral of (3.2) is
r0 is the left boundary of the large-size fraction, and r′ is the variable of integration. Substituting (3.3)(3.6) into (3.7) and integrating, we obtain the solution for fl(r):

This is the general solution to the kinetic Eq. (3.1) for the large-size fraction at r > r0, taking into account the condensation and continuous collection. For application in bulk microphysical models, the integral Jl1 can be evaluated numerically at any value of w, k, S, αl, or qls; the fall speeds υ(r) for the drops accounting for nonsphericity and for various crystal habits can be evaluated as continuous functions of r following Böhm (1989), Mitchell (1996), and Khvorostyanov and Curry (2002, 2005, hereafter KC02 and KC05, respectively).

In certain particular cases, the integral J1 can be obtained analytically and the solutions are simplified if the quasi–power law for terminal velocity,
is applicable. Substituting (3.5), (3.6), and (3.10) into (3.9) and assuming that Aυ = const and Bυ = const over some interval of radii (r1, r2), we obtain

Tabulated analytical expressions for these integrals exist only for very limited values of Bυ (Gradshteyn and Ryzhik 1994). Therefore, we will illustrate the general solution for three particular cases: 1) when υ(r) is a linear function of r, 2) when the condensation rate is much smaller than the collection rate and can be neglected, and 3) when υ(r) is proportional to r1/2.

b. Fall speed as a linear function of particle size

The linear regime for the particle terminal velocity, υ(r) = Aυr, is valid in the intermediate range of drop radius [60–600 μm; e.g., Rogers (1979) for spherical ice particles, and for some crystal habits in the region r = 90–300 μm (e.g., Mitchell 1996; KC02; KC05)]. The integrals I1 and I2 for the linear function υ(r) are evaluated in appendix B. The integrals have different expressions for the cases of condensation (S > 0) and evaporation (S < 0) and can be expressed using the new parameters
where |S| and |cond| denote the absolute values of the supersaturation and diffusion growth rates.
Substituting expressions for I1 and I2 at S > 0 from appendix B into (3.12a) and (3.12b) and then into (3.8) yields the following fl(r) in the condensation layer:
Using expressions for I1 and I2 from appendix B for the evaporation layer (S < 0) yields two solutions for the two size regions:

The equations for S < 0 are not applicable at r = R, since then coag and tot = 0, in contradiction with the assumption made when deriving (3.7) and (3.8).

The physical meaning of the parameter R and of the solutions (3.14)(3.16) is clear from (3.13a): (r/R)2 = coag/|cond| is the ratio of the collection rate to the condensation–evaporation rate. The conditions r < R or r > R mean that the condensation–evaporation rate is greater or smaller than the collection rate: coag < |cond| or coag > |cond|. The boundary condition r = R = (b|S|/χAυ)1/2 can be estimated for the following parameters: T ∼ 0°C, ρυs ≈ 5 × 10−6 g cm−3, super- or subsaturation S = ±0.1 (±10%), qls = 0.1 g m−3, Ec = 0.5, and Aυ ≈ 8 × 103 s−1 (from Rogers 1979). Then, χ ∼ 10−8, b|S| ∼ 10−7 cm2 s−1, and R ∼ 350 μm. For |S| = 0.2 (±20%) or |S| = 0.4 (±40%), as can be in crystalline clouds or in evaporation layers, R increases to ∼500 and 700 μm. With |S| = 10−3 (±0.1%) and qls = 1 g m−3, as in convective clouds, R ∼ 12–15 μm at T = 0°–10°C. For conditions of cirrus, T = −40° to −50°C, p = 200 hPa, qls = 20 mg m−3, |S| = 0.10 (±10%), and the value R ∼ 200 μm. These estimates can be used to assess the asymptotic solutions.

The asymptote at rR is the same for both solutions (3.14) and (3.16) at sub- and supersaturations:
Thus, the analytical solutions for the large-size fraction in both the growth and evaporation layers are gamma distributions similar to those suggested and analyzed by Ulbrich (1983), Willis (1984), Zhang et al. (2001, 2003a, b), Brandes et al. (2003), Heymsfield (2003), and others.

If in (3.17b) the parameter (2U + 1) < 0, then the index pl is positive and the spectra represent the typical gamma distributions. If (2U + 1) > 0, then the index pl is negative; that is, these generalized gamma spectra represent a product of the inverse power law of the Heymsfield and Platt (1984) type (hereafter, the HP spectrum) and the exponential Marshall–Palmer spectrum. Which functional type dominates depends on the combination of parameters. The condition w > αlk usually takes place in (3.17b), and the term with w mostly determines pl. As discussed in Part I, the effective w decreases with increasing scales of spatiotemporal averaging. At sufficiently large scales, w becomes small, pl tends to zero, and the size spectrum (3.17a) tends to an MP distribution. This prediction of our model coincides with the observations (e.g., Joss and Gori 1978) and statistical theories of the MP spectra (e.g., Liu 1993). However, the local spectra can be narrower than those of MP and may be better described by gamma distributions like (3.17a), as discussed in the introduction. Which type of the spectrum is preferable and what might the relationship be between βl and pl is still a subject of discussion in the literature; see section 4.

c. Quasi–power law for the terminal velocity and coagcond

For sufficiently large r and small sub- or supersaturations, when coagcond, the condensation rate can be neglected. Then, using the quasi–power law form (3.10) for the fall speed υ(r), assuming Aυ and Bυ are approximately constant in some region of r and Bυ < 1, the integral Jl1 in (3.9) can be evaluated as
Introducing a size-dependent slope
and substituting (3.18) with (3.19) into (3.8), we obtain
Assuming that Bυ ≈ const in the considered region of r, (3.20) becomes
Thus, we obtain again a generalized gamma distribution with the negative index pl = −Bυ. This is again a product of the Heymsfield–Platt and Marshall–Palmer size distributions; which dependence dominates depends on the combination of parameters. In nonconvective cloud types, υ(r) ≫ w and υ(r) ≫ αlk for the large-size fraction; then β(r) ≈ βl0 and
Since Bυ ≤ 0.5 for large particles, the spectrum tends to the Marshall–Palmer exponent; however, there is also an algebraic term that is a function of r.

d. Fall speed as υ(r) = Aυr1/2

For sufficiently large radii, the terminal velocity can be approximated by the law υ(r) = Aυr1/2, where Aυ also includes a height correction (ρa0/ρa)1/2 with ρa0 and ρa being the air densities at the surface and at a given height, respectively (e.g., Rogers 1979; KC05). This regime is approximately valid for large drops, spherical ice particles (graupel, hail), and some other crystal habits. The integrals I1 and I2 in (3.12a) and (3.12b) for this case with Bυ = ½ are evaluated in appendix C. Substituting them into Jl1 in (3.8) yields, for S > 0,
where the vertical bar with limits is used with the same meaning as in integrals, and
Substitution of I1 and I2 for S < 0 from appendix C into (3.8) yields
Here, the parameter H is the characteristic length that determines the onset of the asymptotic regime. An estimate of H from (3.24a) with qls = 0.1 g m−3 (stratiform clouds) with b and ρυs at T ∼ 0°C, |S| = 0.1 (±10%, ice phase), and Aυ = 2.2 × 103 (ρ0/ρ)1/2 cm1/2 s−1 (Rogers 1979) yields H ≈ 300 μm. For the same qls but with |S| = 10−3 (±0.1%, liquid phase), H ≈ 15 μm; with qls ∼ 1 g m−3 (convective clouds), H ∼ 5 μm. For cirrus at T = −40° to −50°C, p ∼ 200 mb, ρ/ρ0 ∼ 0.4, and qls = 10–20 mg m−3, an estimate yields H ∼ 60–120 μm. Thus, in all of these cases, rH and x ≫ 1 for the large-size fraction. We can estimate the asymptotes of various terms in (3.23) at x ≫ 1. The product of the two terms containing x before the exponent tends at large x to a limit x1x−2Φ1 → 1. The arguments of arctan in the exponent tend to infinity, and arctan tends to ±π/2, which results in a change of the normalizing constant. The term 1/tot(r) → r/[(r)] = υ(r)−1r−1/2. Incorporating these estimates, we find the asymptote of fl(r) at S > 0:
The same estimates for fl (3.25) at S < 0 yield the same asymptote. An estimate of V with qls = 0.1 g m−3 and w = 1 cm s−1 gives V ∼ 0.1. At r ∼ 1 mm, the value Vx ∼ 0.3, while with βl0 ∼ 40 cm−1, the value βl0r = 4. Thus, the term Vx in the exponent of (3.27) can be neglected and fl(r) ∼ r−1/2 exp(−βl0r); that is, its asymptote coincides with that in section 3c and tends to the Marshall–Palmer spectrum with a correction of r−1/2. However, for greater convective updrafts of w ∼ 1 m s−1 and ∼qls = 1 g m−3, an estimate yields V ∼ 1; that is, Vx ∼ 3 at r ∼ 1 mm, which is comparable in magnitude to βl0r. Then, the term Vx should be retained in the exponent, the slope becomes nonlinear, and the spectra may be slightly concave downward in log-linear coordinates (the slopes increase and the spectra decrease with r faster than for the MP spectrum) as observed by Willis (1984) in convective clouds.

e. Solution for subcloud layer

The previous solutions were obtained for the case of large particles coexisting with cloud liquid/ice (the small-size fraction). When the small-size fraction has been evaporated (e.g., falling through the subsaturated subcloud layer, or in the downdraft or near the cloud edge), and large drops exist without the cloud particles, another regime occurs: coag ≪ |rcond|. To address this situation, we solve (3.1) by accounting for diffusional growth (evaporation) but neglecting the accretion term:
This equation coincides with Eq. (4.1) of Part I for the tail of the small-size fraction, except that the loss term with σcol is absent, and we omitted for brevity the terms with dk/dz and l/dz (which can be included in the final solution). Assuming again a power law for the terminal velocity with coefficients Aυ and Bυ, we can modify the solution (4.2) from Part I as
with rbe denoting the lower boundary of the large-size fraction, and the size-dependent slope βle(r) for the evaporation layer is
For large enough r and without vigorous vertical velocities, the second term in (3.30) dominates and the slope is similar to that obtained in (4.7) of Part I:
To ensure a decrease of fl with r, βle should be positive. Therefore, the signs of αl and S should be different in the evaporation layer; that is, αl > 0 at S < 0, and LWC (IWC) should decrease downward in the subcloud layer that is characterized by evaporating precipitation.
The spectra in (3.29) are generalized gamma distributions and the functional behavior of the slopes depends on the velocity power index. In particular, βler2 and fl ∼ exp(−cl1Aυr3) for υ(r) = Aυr and βler3/2, and fl ∼ exp(−cl1Aυr5/2) for υ(r) = Aυr1/2. In vigorous downdrafts that cause subsaturation, such that |w|υ(r), the asymptotic slope (3.30) becomes
Since both w and S are negative, αl > 0; then, −αlk < 0, βle > 0, and (3.32) ensures a correct asymptote. Then, the spectrum behaves as fl ∼ exp(−cl2r2). Thus, the spectra of the precipitating particles in the evaporating subcloud layer fall off more rapidly with r than in the case with qls > 0, and become concave downward in log-linear coordinates, which can explain some of the observations described by Ulbrich (1983), Willis (1984), and Zawadski and de Agostinho Antonio (1988).

4. Interpretation of the solutions

In this section, a physical interpretation is given for the solutions in section 3, and the solutions are illustrated with calculations for a crystalline cloud.

a. General analysis

The Marshall–Palmer spectra, fl ∼ exp(−ΛD), play a fundamental role in many cloud and climate models and remote sensing (especially radar) techniques. The values of Λ = βl0/2 can be estimated using (3.4) for βl0, which can be rewritten for layers with qls > 0 by using (2.4) for χ:
Note that αl < 0 since fl and ql increase downward, which is expected for falling particles growing by collection. Under this condition, βl0 > 0 and exp(−βl0r) decreases with r. Equation (4.1) reveals that βl0 decreases, that is, the spectra stretch toward large sizes, when the following processes occur: 1) Ec or qls increase, that is, the rate of mass transfer from the small- to the large-size fractions increases; 2) ρw decreases and the mass gained by the large-size fraction is distributed over the larger range of volumes and radii; and 3) (−αl) = |αl | decreases, that is, the gravitational, convective, and turbulent fluxes of fl decrease, causing weaker outflow of fl from a given cloud level.

As an example, we can estimate from (4.1) the slope βl0 for the snow size spectra using data from Passarelli (1978b). Taking Ec ∼ 0.5–1, the snowflake bulk density ρw ∼ 0.1–0.2 g cm−3, the water content of the small-size fraction as qls ∼ 0.1 g m−3, and the thickness of the layer ∼0.5–2 km, we obtain βl0 ≈ 40–160 cm−1, or Λ = βl0/2 ≈ 20–80 cm−1. This is within the range of values of Λ = 10–100 cm−1 given by Passarelli (1978b), Houze et al. (1979), Platt (1997), and Ryan (2000).

Equation (4.1) provides an explanation for some observed peculiarities of βl0 in crystalline clouds. The analyses performed by Houze et al. (1979), Platt (1997), and Ryan (2000) show that βl0 increases by about an order of magnitude when temperature T decreases from 0° to −50°C (Fig. 3 in Platt 1997). The same analysis shows that the ice water content decreases in this temperature range, although somewhat faster (Fig. 4 in Platt 1997). According to (4.1), βl0q−1ls, and this may explain the observed increase in βl0 with decreasing T and qls. The slower increase with T by βl0 relative to the decrease in qls may be caused by decreasing cloud thickness at lower T, that is, vertical gradients of IWC and αl in the numerator of (4.1). This temperature dependence of βl0 or Λ may cause the height dependence observed by Passarelli (1978b), who measured Λ ≈ 65 cm−1 at z = 3.35 km (T = −20°C) and Λ ≈ 24 cm−1 at z = 2.55 km (T = −12°C). This increase in Λ (or βl0) with decreasing height can also be a consequence of the qls(T) dependence.

An interesting feature of the exponential MP spectra is that the range of slopes is similar for both liquid and crystalline particles. Marshall and Palmer (1948) give an equation Λ = 41R−0.210 (cm−1), with R0 being the rainfall rate (mm h−1), yielding βl0 = 2Λ = 130–50 cm−1 for R0 = 0.1–10 mm h−1. An estimate from (4.1) with Ec ∼ 0.5, ρw ∼ 1 g cm−3, qls ∼ 1 g m−3, and αl ∼ 1 km−1 yields βl0 = 80 cm−1, which is in the middle of the range of βl0 values determined for the MP spectra, and hence (4.1) can be applicable for MP spectra in liquid clouds.

Considering convective rain and the equations in section 3b, the pl index (3.17b) with υ(r) = Aυr is applicable near the observed modal diameter ∼0.2–0.4 mm in warm rain (e.g., Ulbrich 1983; Willis 1984). Using the relation −αl = βl0χ from (3.4), (3.17b) can be written as
Equation (4.2a) can be rewritten in terms of Λ = βl0/2 with corresponding coefficients c = 4cβ1 and c = 2cβ2. Equation (4.2a) resembles the empirical fit found by Zhang et al. (2001) from radar and disdrometer data:
where c1ΛZ = −1.6 × 10−4 cm−2 and c2ΛZ = 0.1213 cm−1. A similar relation was suggested by Heymsfield (2003) for crystalline clouds:
where cΛ1H = 0.076 cm−0.8 and cΛ2H = 0.8.

The estimates from (4.2a) and (4.2b) with typical cloud parameters show that the value of cβ1 has a smaller magnitude and is opposite in sign to cΛ1Z; hence, this relation is determined mostly by the coefficient cβ2. This is in agreement with (4.3), which predicts a nearly linear relation except for very high values of Λ, and with (4.4), where the power of Λ is 0.8 and the relation is close to linear. Thus, (4.2a) and (4.2b) predict positive correlations between pl, Λ, and the vertical velocities, and are in agreement with experimental data and parameterizations. The increases in pl and Λ with increasing w predict narrower spectra in stronger updrafts and broader spectra in downdrafts, which is similar to the effects of stochastic condensation described in KC99a,b and Part I. However, it should be emphasized that this analysis is just an illustration of possible applications of these analytical solutions and should be used with caution. The slope αl in (4.1) and the pl–Λ relation in (4.2a) and (4.2b) are based on solutions with the presence of qls. In vigorous downdrafts, in the subcloud layer, or near the surface where qls ∼ 0, the solutions from section 3d can be used. Then (3.29)(3.32) show that the slopes βl0(r) or Λ(r) can be expressed as polynomials of pl (equal to 1 in this case). These equations and the asymptotic analysis show that Λ(r) is a 2nd-order polynomial of pl if υ(r) ≪ |w| and the slope is (3.32); such parameterization was suggested in Zhang et al. (2003a, b), and in Brandes et al. (2003), and a 3- or 2.5-order polynomial if υ(r) ≫ |w| and the slope is (3.31).

Unfortunately, data on vertical velocities, turbulence coefficient, and presence of the small-size fraction are absent in the cited papers, which precludes a more detailed comparison. A verification of the relations (4.2a) and (4.2b) would require simultaneous measurements of w, qls, qll, turbulence coefficient, and the size spectra. However, these analytical solutions are consistent with the general findings from the experimental observations: since the slopes and indices are expressed through related quantities, this leads to the existence of the pl–Λ relations. At the same time, the solutions in section 3 for various particular cases show that these relations cannot be universal, but should depend on the altitude and position of the measured spectra in clouds or below the cloud base, and specifically on the sign of w, the values of k and αl, and the presence of qls.

b. Example calculations for a crystalline cloud

The properties of snow spectra in a crystalline cloud are illustrated here in more detail. We select a generic case, chosen for illustration to mimic the profiles in similar clouds simulated in Khvorostyanov, Curry et al. (2001) and in Khvorostyanov and Sassen (2002) using a spectral bin model. The profiles for this case of qll(z) and αl(z) are shown in Figs. 1a and 1b along with the IWC of the small-size fraction qls and the ice supersaturation, which are the same as described in Fig. 1 of Part I. The temperature decreases from about −5°C at the lower boundary to −60° at 12 km.

Shown in Fig. 2 are the vertical profiles of the slopes βl0 and Λ calculated for this case from (4.1). The generalized empirically derived slope Λ for crystalline clouds from Platt (1997) is shown in Fig. 2b for comparison. The calculated slopes increase with decreasing temperature, although not linearly as predicted by the generalized experimental Λ but somewhat faster, especially above 7 km, since αl and Λ are inversely proportional to qls, which decreases upward nonlinearly at these heights. However, the general agreement of the calculated and experimental curves is fairly good, both in magnitude and vertical gradients. This indicates that if a large ensemble of values of qls and qll, measured at various temperatures, are used to calculate αl and Λ, then the results would converge to the experimental curve shown in Platt (1997).

An example of size spectra at ice subsaturation at heights of 4.8–6 km is shown in Fig. 3. The small-size fraction (Fig. 3a) was calculated with the generalized gamma distributions from section 4 of Part I. In the spectral region from 6 to about 40–50 μm, the spectra are almost linear in log–log coordinates, close to the Heymsfield–Platt inverse power laws with the indices increasing toward cloud top (to colder temperatures). At 50–130 μm, the effect of the exponential tail dominates and the spectra have a maximum at ∼100–130 μm that decreases with height.

The spectra of the large-size fraction (Fig. 3b) are calculated by using (3.18)(3.20). The spectra plotted in log-linear coordinates are nearly linear, that is, close to the Marshall–Palmer exponents. The size-dependent slope βl(r) slightly decreases with r as predicted by the second term in (3.19), but the departure from linearity is small, and the slope is determined mostly by βl0. The composite spectra obtained by matching the small- and large-size fractions at r0 = 72 μm (Fig. 3c) are seen to be bimodal. One can see that the calculated composite spectra and the experimental spectrum from Platt (1997) shown in Fig. 3d are in good agreement, having minima and maxima at similar positions (note the difference in radii and diameter scales in horizontal axes). The experimental and calculated values of fl can be compared using the relation 1 m−4 = 10−9 L−1 μm−1; the maximum ∼1011 m−4 in Fig. 3d corresponds to ∼102 L−1 μm−1, which is comparable to the maximum in Fig. 3c. In calculations here, the first bimodality still occurs within the small-size fraction. If the matching point was located at greater r0 ∼ 120–150 μm, there would be the second region of bimodality at r0 due to the different slopes of the small- and large-size fractions; the bimodality is often observed in this region (e.g., Mitchell 1994; Mitchell et al. 1996), and polymodal spectra are also often observed (Sassen et al. 1989; Poellot et al. 1999).

The spectra in the 7.5–8.7-km layer with positive supersaturation are depicted in Fig. 4. The indices of the small-size fraction (Fig. 4a) are positive (see Part I), and the spectra are monomodal gamma distributions with maxima at r ∼ 30–50 μm. The portion of the spectra from ∼10 to 50–60 μm in log–log coordinates is almost linear; that is, it obeys the power law with indices slightly increasing with height. The large-size fraction (Fig. 4b), as seen in log-linear coordinates, represents the Marshall–Palmer distributions. The slopes are much steeper than in the lower layer and increase upward; that is, the large-size spectra also become narrower at colder temperatures; these features are mostly due to the smaller qls and the dependence βl0q−1ls. The composite spectra matched at 90 μm (Fig. 4c) exhibit features of bimodality, but weaker than in the lower layer. Now the bimodality occurs between the large- and small-size fractions rather than within the small-size fraction as was the case in Fig. 3 at S < 0. For comparison, given in Fig. 4d are the average size spectra from Lawson et al. (2006) measured in cirrus clouds at three temperatures. One can see that the calculated spectra (Fig. 4c) are similar to the observed spectra; in particular, they exhibit similar bimodality, become narrower at lower temperatures, and the bimodality decreases and vanishes with increasing height. The reason for this is the decrease with the height of IWC of the small fraction, the slowing down of the accretion, and diminution of the large fraction. This analysis is consistent with the observations (Sassen et al. 1989; Mitchell 1994; Platt 1997; Ryan 2000; Poellot et al. 1999) that bimodality is more pronounced in the lower layers.

Note that the spectra calculated at ice sub- and supersaturation are somewhat different. The experimental spectra, however, are usually presented without information about supersaturation, and may have been obtained from mixtures sampled in both sub- and supersaturated layers. This precludes a more detailed comparison at the present time and indicates that simultaneous measurements of the size spectra and supersaturation are desirable.

Figure 5 shows the slopes βle(r) and size spectra calculated with (3.29) and (3.30) for the subsaturated subcloud layer where the small-size fraction has been evaporated. At large and small r, the behavior of βle(r) is determined by (3.31) and (3.32), respectively. The slopes rapidly increase with radius, but the rate of this growth βle(r)/dr decreases at large r, which is determined by the increasing contribution from the second term with υ(r) in (3.30). This results in a rapid decrease in fl(r) toward the larger values of r. This feature has been observed in liquid clouds (e.g., Willis 1984) and, as Fig. 5 shows, can also be pertinent for subcloud layers of crystalline clouds. Since we consider here an example with spherical particles and asymptotic υ(r) ∼ r1/2 (Bυ = ½), the asymptotic behavior of the spectra is fl ∼ exp(−cl1Aυr5/2) as described in section 3d. For some crystal habits like aggregates or plates, the power Bυ can be much smaller than ½ and closer to 0 (e.g., Mitchell 1996; KC02, KC05); then, the decrease in fl can be much slower and the tails in the subcloud layer much longer.

5. Conclusions

The stochastic kinetic equations for the size spectra of liquid and crystalline precipitating particles are solved analytically for various assumptions. These solutions and their functional dependencies are used to explain and interpret observations and empirically derived expressions for rain and snow size spectra such as the Marshall–Palmer distribution. The major results of this work are summarized below.

The general solution of the stochastic kinetic equations for the large-size fraction (precipitating particles) is characterized by the product of an exponential term and a term that is an algebraic function of radius. The argument of the exponent consists of a slope of the Marshall–Palmer type and an additional integral that depends on the condensation and accretion rates, vertical velocities, turbulence coefficient, terminal velocity, and vertical gradient of the liquid (ice) water content. The algebraic function is inversely proportional to the sum of the condensation and accretion rates and depends on the super- or subsaturation, terminal velocity, and collection efficiency.

Several practically important particular cases are considered: (a) terminal velocity as a linear function of radius, (b) terminal velocity as a square root function of radius, (c) an accretion growth rate much greater than the condensation growth rate, and (d) a subcloud evaporation layer with a very small or absent small-size fraction. The general solution is substantially simplified for these cases. The exponential part tends to the Marshall–Palmer exponent with the slope βl0, but contains additional terms that make the slope radius-dependent and nonlinear, causing the spectra to decrease with radius faster than the MP exponent as observed in many experiments. This may influence the spectral moments, for example, the radar reflectivity and the relations between reflectivity and precipitation rates. The radius dependence of the algebraic function is weaker than that of the exponent, converts for sufficiently large radii to the power law, and also allows the spectra to have the form of gamma distributions with the slope βl0 and index pl, which can be positive or negative. However, these gamma distributions are different from those obtained for the small-size fraction (cloud particles) described in Part I.

A simple expression is derived for the slope βl0 via four parameters: βl0 is proportional to the relative gradient of the liquid (ice) water content of the large-size fraction and to the water or ice density, and it is inversely proportional to the collection efficiency and liquid (ice) water content qls of the small-size fraction. All of these parameters are available in cloud-scale and large-scale models, and these dependencies provide reasonable explanations for the observed features of βl0 with variations of each parameter. In particular, the inverse dependence, βl0q−1ls, provides an explanation of the observed strong inverse temperature dependence of βl0 since qls in general decreases with decreasing temperature.

Simple analytical expressions are also derived for the power indices pl of the gamma distributions (shape parameters), which are expressed via the coefficients of the terminal velocity, the slopes βl0, the vertical velocity, and the turbulence coefficient.

Based on these expressions for βl0 and pl, a βl0pl relation is derived as a second-order polynomial for the case with terminal velocity proportional to radius; this relation is similar to the empirical parameterizations based on radar and disdrometer data. The coefficients of this relation are expressed via the vertical velocity, the turbulent coefficient, and the cloud liquid or ice water content.

These analytical solutions for the spectra of the large-size fraction and its parameters provide explanations for the observed dependencies of the spectra on the temperature, turbulence, vertical velocities, liquid water or ice water content, and other cloud properties. The results are illustrated with calculations for a crystalline cloud. These analytical expressions can be used for parameterization of the size spectra and their related quantities (e.g., optical properties, radar reflectivities) in bulk cloud and climate models and in remote sensing techniques. The solutions have been presented for liquid-only and ice-only size spectra. The treatment of mixed-phase clouds would require simultaneous consideration of the small- and large-size fractions of the drop and crystal spectra by accounting for their interaction (e.g., using the Findeisen–Bergeron process and transitions among the fractions) and is planned for the future work. Further work is needed to test the assumptions made in section 2 and to evaluate these expressions using observations.


This research has been supported by the Department of Energy’s Atmospheric Radiation Measurement Program and NASA’s Modeling and Parameterization Program. Paul Lawson and Brad Baker are thanked for providing the data on the experimental size spectra and useful comments. The authors are grateful to three anonymous reviewers for their useful remarks, which helped to improve the text. Jody Norman is thanked for help in preparing the manuscript.


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Derivation of Kinetic Equation in Continuous Collection Approximation

Following Voloshchuk (1984) and PK97, the stochastic collection equation is written as follows:
Here m and m′ are the particle masses K(m, m′) = πEc(r, r′)(r + r′)2|υ(r) − υ(r′)| is the coagulation gravitational kernel; r and r′ denote the radii of the drops (crystals) corresponding to m and m′; Ec(r, r′) is the collection efficiency; and υ(r) is the terminal velocity.
We represent the size spectrum as the sum of the two fractions, f (m) = fs(m)θ(m0m) + fl(m)θ(m − m0), where θ(x) is the Heaviside step function; θ(x) = 1 at x > 0, and θ(x) = 0 at x < 0. Substituting this decomposition into Igain, we have the integral that contains four combinations of fs and fl in the subintegral expression:
By definition of the continuous collection approximation, the integrals of the first and fourth terms in the square brackets vanish. In the integral of the third term, we introduce the new variable m″ = mm′; then, using the symmetry of the kernel, K(m − m″, m″) = K(m″, m − m″), the integral of the third term becomes equal to the integral of the second term, the coefficient ½ vanishes after summation of the two integrals, and the sum yields
The upper limit is determined by definition of fs(m′), which also determines the upper limit in Iloss:
We assume some average value of Ec(r, r′) = const = Ec. Also, in the continuous growth approximation,
Now we expand the subintegral expression in (A.5) for Igain into the Taylor power series by the small parameter m′ up to the term of first order:
Substitution of this expression into (A.5) and using (A.7) yields
Here, we used the normalization of fs(m):
where Ns and qls are the number concentration and LWC (or IWC) of the small-size fraction, respectively. Since mm′, the kernel K(m, m′) ≈ K(m, 0) in (A.6) for Iloss, and can be removed outside the integral; then incorporating (A.7), Iloss becomes
where we again use the normalization (A.10). Now, comparison of (A.9) and (A.11) shows that the first term in Igain (A.9) is equal to Iloss (2.11); thus, they exactly cancel in (A.1) for (∂fl/∂t)col,ls, yielding
where we denote
Thus, the collection rate (∂fl/∂t)col,ls in an approximation of the continuous collection (A.12) can be derived directly from the Smoluchowski stochastic collection equation, which represents a first-order approximation to the full kinetic equation, and the term coag is the mass growth rate. Equation (A.13) can be rewritten for fl(r) in terms of radii using the relation fl(m)dm = fl(r)dr, and then substituting it into (A.12) yields
where coag is the accretion radius growth rate:
Now the coagulation terms in Eq. (2.1) in the continuous collection approximation can be written in a simplified differential form using the Heaviside step function θ(x) as
The first term is the reduced gain Igain for the large-size fraction. The second term is the reduced loss Iloss of the small-size fraction, and the coefficient σcol is defined below from the mass conservation.
If qll is the liquid (ice) water content of the large-size fraction, (A.15) and (A.17) yield a simple parameterization of the accretion rate dqll/dt that can be used in bulk microphysical models, and is obtained by multiplying (A.15) by (4/3)πρwr3 and integrating over the radius:
Here, the lower limit is extended from r0 to 0, noting that fl(r) = 0 in this region. Integrating by parts and using (A.16), we obtain
where we introduce the collection rate σcol of the large-size fraction:
where σcol is the same collection rate of the small-size fraction as defined in Part I. Now, using (2.4) of Part I or (A.17) here for the loss of the small particles,
then multiplying it by (4/3)πρwr3 and integrating by the radius, we obtain
Comparison of (A.19) and (A.22) shows that if σcol is defined by (A.20) for both small- and large-size fractions, then (dqls/dt)col = −(dqll/dt)col; that is, the loss of mass of the small-size fraction particles is equal in magnitude to the gain of mass of the large large-size fraction particles, and hence mass is conserved in our continuous collection approximation.


Evaluation of the Integrals in Section 3b for υ(r) = Aυr

If υ(r) = Aυr, then Bυ = 1, and I1 and I2 in section 3b can be rewritten as
We introduce the notation
In centimeter–gram–seconds (CGS) units, Aυ is in s−1 and R is in centimeters. Then, I1 for S > 0 can be rewritten as
where x = r/R and x0 = r0/R. This is the standard table integral, and its evaluation yields
For S < 0, the terms in the denominator of (B.1) have different signs; thus, I1 can be rewritten as
This is also the standard table integral, which is different for |x| < 1 and |x| > 1; that is,
For r < R, we have |x| < 1, and (B.8) is reduced to
For r > R, we have |x| > 1, and (B.9) is reduced to
The integral I2 in (B.2) can be transformed for S > 0 as
and (B.12) is evaluated with the standard integral
If S < 0, then I2 can be transformed as
This integral is also standard and different at x < 1 and x > 1 and we get finally
These expressions for I1 and I2 are used in section 3b for the large-size fraction.


Evaluation of the Integrals in Section 3d for υ(r) = Aυr1/2

If υ(r) = Aυr1/2, then Bυ = ½ and I1 and I2 in section 3d can be rewritten for S > 0 as
Here, in CGS units, Aυ is given in cm1/2 s−1 and H in centimeters, and V is dimensionless. Introducing a new variable, x = t1/2, the integral I11 can be transformed into that given in Gradshteyn and Ryzhik (1994, hereafter GR94):
Then, finally
Here and in subsequent equations, x = (r/H)1/2.
The integral I21 in (C.2) can be evaluated with the same substitution, x = t1/2:
The last integral is from GR94. Substitution into (C.2) yields
For S < 0, I1 can be transformed as
With the same substitution, x = t1/2, the integral I12 can be reduced to that given in GR94:
Then finally,
For S < 0, I2 can be transformed as
With the same substitution, x = t1/2, this can be transformed to the form given in GR94:
Substitution into (C.11) yields
These four integrals are used in section 3d for the evaluation of the size spectra fl for υ(r) = Aυr1/2.

Fig. 1.
Fig. 1.

Profiles for calculations of the spectra: (a) the IWC of the large fraction (solid circles), of the small fraction in the baseline case (open circles), and of the small fraction with doubled IWC (open diamonds); (b) parameter αl; and (c) ice supersaturation.

Citation: Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences 65, 7; 10.1175/2007JAS2485.1

Fig. 2.
Fig. 2.

(a) Exponential slope βl0 and (b) Λl0 of the size spectra of the large-size fraction calculated with the IWC of the small-size fraction qls (circles) and 2qls (diamonds) as described in Part I and shown in Fig. 1. (b) The generalized experimental slopes for crystalline clouds from Platt (1997) and Ryan (2000) are recalculated from the temperature to the height with an average lapse rate of 6.5 °K km−1, which is plotted with triangles.

Citation: Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences 65, 7; 10.1175/2007JAS2485.1

Fig. 3.
Fig. 3.

Crystal size spectra vs radius r (L−1 μm−1) at ice subsaturation at the heights (km) indicated in the legend; temperature decreases from −14.9°C at 4.8 km to −22.15°C at 6.0 km. Spectra for the (a) small fraction, (b) large fraction, (c) composite, and (d) the generalization by Platt (1997) of the observed crystal size spectra by long dimension D (m−4) in the temperature interval −25° to −30°C. Note the different normalizations of the spectra and the axes scales: in (a)–(c) by radius, and in (d) by diameter.

Citation: Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences 65, 7; 10.1175/2007JAS2485.1

Fig. 4.
Fig. 4.

Crystal size spectra vs radius (L−1 μm−1) at ice supersaturation at the heights indicated in the legend (a) for the small fraction extended to 200 μm, (b) for the large fraction, (c) for the composite spectra, and (d) for the experimental spectra in cirrus clouds from Lawson et al. (2006) at three indicated temperatures.

Citation: Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences 65, 7; 10.1175/2007JAS2485.1

Fig. 5.
Fig. 5.

(a) Slopes and (b) size spectra in the subcloud layer with zero IWC of the small-size fraction qls at the heights (km) indicated in the legend.

Citation: Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences 65, 7; 10.1175/2007JAS2485.1

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