1. Introduction
The Global Positioning System (GPS) radio occultation (RO) technique provides measurements determined by the vertical gradient of atmospheric refractivity. GPS RO measurements are of high accuracy, high precision, and high vertical resolution. They meet the stringent climate monitoring requirements of 0.5-K accuracy and better than 0.10 K decade−1 stability (Ohring et al. 2005; Luntama et al. 2008). Therefore, RO observations are well suited for establishing a stable, long-term record required for climate monitoring (Steiner et al. 2009; Foelsche et al. 2009, 2011; Wickert et al. 2009). The precision of temperature profiles derived from Constellation Observing System for Meteorology, Ionosphere and Climate (COSMIC)/Formosa Satellite Mission 3 (FORMOSAT3, hereafter referred to as COSMIC for brevity) were estimated to be about 0.05°C in the upper troposphere and lower stratosphere (Anthes et al. 2008).
It is generally recognized that GPS RO measurements are primarily affected by dry-air atmospheric constituents and water vapor and are insensitive to clouds and precipitation. The terms associated with cloud effects in atmospheric refractivity are two orders of magnitude smaller than the terms of dry air and water vapor. Thus, impacts of clouds and precipitation on GPS RO measurements are often neglected in most applications. However, for deep convective clouds where the cloud ice water content is high, the impact of ice clouds on the refractivity exists but it is not well studied and documented. This study extends part of the work by Lin et al. (2010) to a 4-yr period (2007–10) and evaluates large-scale analysis biases within deep convective clouds. More importantly, contributions from cloud ice water content (IWC) to refractivity are estimated using IWC observations from CloudSat. A similar study investigating contributions of cloud liquid water content (LWC) to GPS refractivity can be found in Yang and Zou (2012).
A consideration of clouds and precipitation effects in the refractivity forward operators and its adjoint operator can benefit significantly to GPS RO remote sensing of cloud parameters and numerical weather prediction (NWP) data assimilation in cloud and precipitation environment. Because GPS RO operates at low frequencies through a limb-sounding technique, atmospheric states in clouds can be profiled at a very high vertical resolution. This capability will complement passive visible, infrared, and microwave techniques that provide the vertically integrated cloud ice water path but with better horizontal resolution (King et al. 2003, 2004; Platnick et al. 2001; Weng and Grody 2000). In visible and infrared wavelengths, satellite observations can be used to estimate cloud ice water path associated with optically thin clouds such as cirrus. For passive microwave sensors at frequencies higher than 85 GHz, cloud ice water path and particle mean size can be estimated simultaneously (Weng and Grody 2000; Zhao and Weng 2002; Bennartz and Petty 2001; Bennartz and Bauer 2003). Here, a theoretical derivation for the LWC/IWC terms accounting for the absorption and scattering effects from water droplets and ice particles on atmospheric refractivity is first provided. Numerical results assessing the role of ice scattering and its impact on GPS retrievals are presented.
The paper is arranged as follows. Section 2 provides a brief description of COSMIC ROs and CloudSat observations. A theoretical derivation for the LWC/IWC terms accounting for the effects of cloud water droplets and ice particles on atmospheric refractivity is provided in section 3. Numerical results on assessing the role of ice scattering and its impact on GPS retrievals are discussed in section 4. Summary and conclusions are found in section 5.
2. Data description
The COSMIC satellite system consists of a constellation of six low-earth-orbit (LEO) microsatellites and was launched on 15 April 2006 into a circular, 72° inclination orbit at 512-km altitude (Anthes et al. 2008). The first COSMIC GPS RO global datasets of atmospheric parameters (e.g., refractivity, pressure, temperature, etc.) were provided on 21 April 2006. The daily occultation count was about 2500 soundings. The vertical resolution ranges from better than 100 m in the lower troposphere to approximately 0.5 km in the stratosphere. Each GPS RO measurement quantifies an integrated refraction effect of the atmosphere along a ray path over a few hundred kilometers of space, with the largest effect centered at the perigee point (Kursinski et al. 1996). The RO data used in this study are obtained from the University Corporation for Atmospheric Research (UCAR) COSMIC Data Analysis and Archival Center (CDAAC; Kuo et al. 2004). Vertical profiles of temperature, water vapor, and pressure have also been made available, which were derived using a one-dimensional variational data assimilation (1DVAR) wet retrieval algorithm1 (http://cosmic-io.cosmic.ucar.edu/cdaac/doc/documents/1dvar.pdf). The European Centre for Medium-Range Forecasts (ECMWF) analyses were used as the first guess field.
In this study, the GPS RO profiles within deep convective ice clouds identified by CloudSat during 2007–10 are selected, where collocation is defined by a time difference of no more than 1 h and a spatial separation of less than 60 km. The RO soundings within ice clouds were selected based on CloudSat data. CloudSat was launched into a 705-km near-circular sun-synchronous polar orbit on 28 April 2006. It orbits earth approximately once every 1.5 h, finishing the so-called one observation granule. The primary observing instrument on CloudSat is a 94-GHz, nadir-pointing cloud-profiling radar (CPR), which measures the returned power backscattered by clouds. The along-track temporal sample interval equals 0.16 s, resulting in more than 30 000 vertical profiles of radar reflectivity. The CPR does not scan, resulting in a rather narrow track. The along-track spatial resolution is about 1.1 km, with an effective field of view (FOV) of approximately 1.4 km × 2.5 km. Besides reflectivity, LWC, IWC, cloud layers (with a maximum of five layers), cloud type, as well as the altitudes of cloud tops and cloud bases are also provided by CloudSat (Stephens et al. 2002).
3. Atmospheric refractivity formula including cloud parameters
4. Numerical results
Collocations between COSMIC GPS ROs and CloudSat IWC profiles were searched globally during the 4-yr period from 2007 through 2010. A total of 232 global COSMIC RO profiles are found with IWC measurements, which are all located in deep convection. Figure 1 illustrates the geographical distribution of GPS RO profiles collocated with deep convective ice clouds. The temporal separation of the observing time between COSMIC GPS RO and CloudSat data is less than 1 h. Further, the height of the middle of the convection, determined by CloudSat, is used to determine the location of the same height in the GPS RO. This distance must be within 60 km for the RO to be used. Figure 2 shows the vertical distributions of IWC within deep convective ice clouds collocated with COSMIC GPS ROs, with their observed latitudes indicated. It is seen that these deep convective clouds were usually initiated at about 1 km, with ice particles formed at about 3.5 km in low latitudes above the 0°C temperature altitude. The height of the top of the ice clouds can extend to as high as 15 km in the tropics, decreasing with increasing latitudes, and reaching about 6 km at about 60°–70°N. The IWC values observed by CloudSat are generally less than 1.2 g m−3.
To examine how well the GPS RO refractivity observations compare with ECMWF analysis within these ice clouds, the vertical profiles of fractional N biases, which is defined as the mean of
The maximum mean value of CloudSat measured IWC is around 0.2 g m−3 for deep convective ice clouds (Fig. 3c). The IWC maxima are located at about 7.5 km (Fig. 3b). The LWC below the zero temperature altitude may have a more significant contribution than IWC. Such a contribution is difficult to estimate because no CloudSat measurements of LWC were available below the ice clouds as shown in Fig. 2. Variations of the mean and standard deviations of fractional N differences with IWC are shown in Fig. 3c. The fractional N bias is about 1% when IWC is less than 0.6 g m−3 and decreases to about 0.25% when IWC is greater than 0.6 g m−3 in deep convective ice clouds. The standard deviations of the fractional N differences are slightly larger than the biases. The standard deviations of IWC are rather small (Fig. 3d). The standard deviation at large IWC is less reliable owing to a much smaller sample size.
GPS RO bending angles were assimilated in ECMWF analyses with given error estimates of refractivity. There are also other measurements and model physics that determine the analysis increments. The altitude where the fractional N bias reaches the maximum (Fig. 3a) is significantly below the altitude of the maximum IWC (Fig. 3b). All these suggest that the neglect of IWC in the forward model for bending-angle assimilation played little role, if any, in causing the positive N bias within deep convection seen in Fig. 3a. It may suggest a need to develop a bias-correction algorithm for GPS RO data assimilation in cloudy conditions.
The global mean value of IWC (see Fig. 3b) is rather small because of the fact that majority numbers of ice clouds have very small IWC values. Figure 4 presents the frequency distributions of the IWC measurements (Fig. 4a) and
The fractional contribution of IWC
Figure 6 presents variations of the fractional contribution of IWC to GPS refractivity (
It is pointed out that refractivity from GPS RO represents a weighted average of the dry atmosphere, water vapor, cloud liquid water, and cloud ice within the GPS swath. The maximum weighting is located at the perigee point. Since CloudSat LWC or IWC measurement is a point measurement, the inconsistency of observation resolution between GPS RO and CloudSat will lead to certain uncertainty in estimating cloud liquid water or cloud ice contributions to the path refractivity using CloudSat data. On the other hand, although CloudSat has narrow swath and does not provide sufficient information of cloud environment within the GPS RO swath, it does provide cloud-type information. There are ample LWC measurements from CloudSat for six different cloud types by CloudSat. To minimize the impact of this uncertainty caused by inconsistent resolutions between GPS RO and CloudSat, an effort was made in Yang and Zou (2012) to evaluate separately the cloud liquid water impacts on refractivity within different cloud types. Consistent results for different cloud types were obtained, suggesting the adequacy of the approach of using CloudSat for investigating cloud ice contributions to GPS RO measurements. Because of relatively high IWC values are found mostly in deep convection and IWC contribution to refractivity is smaller than LWC [see Eq. (1)], cloud ice impacts on GPS RO refractivity is only assessed using GPS RO and CloudSat data within deep convection.
Differences between GPS RO retrievals obtained without considering IWC effects on GPS RO propagation and ECMWF analysis for temperature and water vapor pressure within deep convective clouds shown in Fig. 2 are shown in Fig. 7. The vertical structures of temperature and water vapor pressure within deep convective clouds are also provided in Fig. 7. The GPS RO–derived water vapor pressure is in general greater than the ECMWF analysis except near the cloud base. The differences of temperature between GPS RO and ECMWF have an opposite sign to those of water vapor pressures. Over cloud regions with water vapor pressure differences around 0.5 hPa, the temperature from GPS RO is a few degrees colder than the ECMWF analysis and vice versa.
Figure 8 presents the vertical distribution of relative humidity in deep convection from GPS RO retrievals and ECMWF analysis (Figs. 8a,b), as well as the differences between the two (Fig. 8c). The vertical pattern of relative humidity from GPS RO and ECMWF is rather different. The peak of relative humidity from RO is located around the middle of clouds and that from ECMWF near the cloud bases. The GPS RO relative humidity reaches 80%–90% above the 0° temperature altitude and is about 15%–30% higher than the ECMWF analysis. But the relative humidity reduces to as low as 40%–50% in the upper one-third of the clouds.
Figure 11 provides the frequency distributions of temperature and relative humidity differences between GPS RO retrievals and ECMWF analysis (GPS minus ECMWF) in deep convective clouds and clear-sky conditions. The same collocation criteria between GPS RO and CloudSat used for identifying cloudy GPS RO profiles are used for identifying clear-sky GPS ROs. It is seen that majority of the cloudy data points are located at the negative side of the temperature differences (Figs. 11a,c) and the positive side of the specific humidity differences (Figs. 11b,d) between GPS RO and ECMWF analysis. In other words, temperatures from GPS RO retrievals within ice clouds are in general colder than ECMWF analysis, and specific humidity from GPS RO retrievals within ice clouds are in general higher than ECMWF analysis. These are consistent with the theoretical results in Fig. 10. In contrast, the frequency distributions of temperature and relative humidity differences between GPS RO retrievals and ECMWF analysis (GPS minus ECMWF) in clear-sky conditions (Figs. 11e,f) are rather symmetric, showing no biases in both variables. In conclusion, there is a bias between GPS and ECMWF in deep convective clouds but none in clear-sky conditions.
5. Summary and conclusions
The wavelength of GPS RO signals is approximately 20 cm or a frequency of 1.5 GHz. The influence of scattering from liquid cloud, rainwater, and ice is generally two orders of magnitude less significant than other atmospheric variables. For this reason, GPS RO measurements are often said to be insensitive to cloud. This study shows that scattering from ice clouds could affect the propagation of the signal to a significant level as the IWC increases, exceeding the measurement uncertainty. The reasons behind that is that even though the IWC is two orders of magnitude smaller than the dry air and water vapor terms in the refractivity expression, the uncertainty of refractivity is two orders of magnitude less than the refractivity itself.
The ice particle radius is much less than the GPS wavelength and its scattering and absorption can be treated as small spherical particles and derived using Rayleigh’s approximation. Assuming the absorption dominates extinction, the LWC and IWC contributions to atmospheric refractivity, Wwater and Wice, are derived, respectively.
Measurements of IWC from CloudSat in deep convection are used for estimating the potential ice-scattering effects on GPS RO measurements from COSMIC. More than 232 global COSMIC RO profiles with collocated IWC measurements within deep convective clouds are found in 4 yr of data from 2007 through 2010. The GPS RO refractivity observations in deep convective clouds are found to be systematically greater than the refractivity calculated from ECMWF analyses. Within deep convective clouds, the fractional N bias between GPS RO observations and ECMWF refractivity simulations can be as high as 1.8%, which exceeds the measurement uncertainty. The percentage contribution of IWC to the total refractivity increases linearly with the amount of IWC, reaching about 0.6% at 1 g m−3, which is close to the highest IWC value measured by CloudSat. It is thus suggested that IWC term be included in GPS RO retrieval and data assimilation, especially when the IWC exceeds 1 g m−3.
A sensitivity test shows that a 1% uncertainty in refractivity could introduce significant errors in derived water vapor profiles. In the upper half of the tropical convective clouds at about 9 km, relative humidity uncertainty can be as large as 20% if IWC exceeds 1%. Comparisons between GPS RO moisture retrievals and ECMWF analysis reveal an uncertainty of relative humidity of similar magnitude.
Assimilation of GPS RO–observed refractivity using a local scheme [see Eq. (1)] works better in weak-horizontal-gradient conditions. The two nonlocal observation operators, which were described by Sokolovskiy et al. (2005), could be used for GPS RO refractivity assimilation in strong gradient conditions. The horizontal gradient of refractivity is usually large within and around deep cumulus clouds, a nonlocal refractivity observation operator with a cloud ice term included shall be required to allow cloud ice effects contained in GPS RO data to make some expected contributions to model local ice water variable and others. It is anticipated that inclusion of a cloud ice term in GPS RO assimilation will benefit the cloudy radiance assimilation from Advanced Microwave Sounding Unit-A (AMSU-A) and Microwave Humidity Sounder (MHS) onboard National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) satellites (e.g., from NOAA-15 to NOAA-19) and European Organization for the Exploitation of Meteorological Satellites’ (EUMETSAT) satellites (e.g., from MetOp-A to future MetOp-B and -C) as well as the Advanced Technology Microwave Sounder (ATMS) onboard Suomi National Polar-Orbiting Partnership (NPP) satellite, which was recently launched in the United States. A combination of GPS RO data with passive microwave satellite radiances will greatly improve assimilation of massively available, largely unused, cloud-affected microwave radiances in active weather systems. When that time comes, scattering effects of water droplets and ice particles within clouds on GPS RO, which can be easily done, are best to be included in the GPS RO observation operator and will complement cloudy radiance assimilation.
This research was jointly supported by Chinese Ministry of Science and Technology under 973 Project 2010CB951600 and the Priority Academic Program Development (PAPD) of Jiangsu Higher Education Institutions.
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