Based on a visual inspection of Figs. 4 and 6 in Zhang and Klein (2010), LH is set to 300 W m−2 and Δqυ to 1.5 g kg−1. Note that a value of 300 W m−2 is on the upper range of the measured values and strictly speaking only valid between 1200 and 1400 local standard time (LST). We estimate Δqυ as the difference in mixing ratio at 1130 LST between days with shallow and deep convection, whereby the difference is assumed to remain constant above 4 km. With z1 = 500 m and z2 = 5000 m, Eqs. (1a)–(1c) yield τc = 16 h. This is much longer than the observed τ*. Even if it may be argued that 1.5 g kg−1 is too large for the requested amount of moistening as only the moistening by congestus clouds should be considered, a τc of 2 h, on the order of τ*, would imply Δqυ = 0.2 g kg−1. This seems very small. Hence, this analysis suggests that the results of Hohenegger and Stevens (2013) remain valid for the midlatitudes. Zhang and Klein (2010) also noted that moistening of the free troposphere, albeit by shallow convection, is likely too weak to promote deep convection.
Schultz (2013) also asked for clarification concerning the exact meaning of the term “moisture convergence.” In a strict sense only the vertical component of the moisture convergence,
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