1. Introduction
Data assimilation as a means of constructing the initial conditions for dynamical prediction models in meteorology has 50+ yr of history. It began in the late 1940s–early 1950s as a response to anticipation of numerical weather prediction (NWP) that began in a research mode at Princeton’s Institute for Advanced Study (IAS) in 1946 [reviewed in Lynch (2006)]. By the mid-1950s, operational NWP commenced in Sweden and shortly thereafter in the United States (Wiin-Nielsen 1991). The first operational numerical weather map analysis or objective analysis as it was then called came from the work of Bergthórsson and Döös (1955)—the B–D scheme.
The pragmatic and utilitarian B–D scheme established the following guidelines that became central to development of meteorological data assimilation: 1) use of a background field that, in their case, was a combination of a forecast from an earlier time (12 h earlier) and climatology; and 2) interpolation of an “increment” field, the difference between the forecast and observation at the site of the observation, to grid points as a means of adjusting the background. Two optimal approaches to data assimilation came in the wake of the B–D scheme. The first was a stochastic method designed by Eliassen (1954) with further development and operational implementation by Gandin (1965) at the National Meteorological Center (NMC), United States [reviewed in Bergman (1979)]. The second was a deterministic scheme developed by Sasaki (1958, 1970a,b,c) with operational implementation by Lewis (1972) at the U.S. Navy’s Fleet Numerical Weather Center (FNWC). The subsequent advancement of these two approaches became known as three-dimensional variational data assimilation (3DVAR) and four-dimensional variational data assimilation (4DVAR), respectively. A comprehensive review of the steps that led to these developments is found in the historical paper by Lewis and Lakshmivarahan (2008). As currently practiced, both 3DVAR and 4DVAR make use of a background, a forecast from an earlier time, and thereby embrace a Bayesian philosophy (Kalnay 2003; Lewis et al. 2006).
The subject of automatic control and feedback control in particular came into prominence in the immediate post–World War II (WWII) period (Wiener 1948) when digital computers became available and control of ballistic objects such as missiles and rockets took center stage in the Cold War era (Bennett 1996; Bryson 1996). Development of mathematical algorithms to optimally track rockets and artificial satellites and to efficiently and economically change their course became a fundamental theme in control theory. One of the algorithms developed during this period became known as Pontryagin’s minimum principle (PMP) (Pontryagin et al. 1962; Boltyanskii 1971, 1978; Bryson 1996, 1999). This principle, developed by Lev Pontryagin and his collaborators, is expressed in the following form: In the presence of dynamic constraints (typically differential equations of motion), find the best possible control for taking a dynamic system from one state to another. Essentially, this principle embodies the search for minimization of a cost function that contains the Euler–Lagrange search for the minimum. As will be shown in section 3, 4DVAR is a special case of PMP. We will test this methodology and concept in meteorological problems where the task will be to force the system toward observations in much the same spirit as the nudging method (Anthes 1974)—but importantly, in this case, the process is optimal (Lakshmivarahan and Lewis 2013).
In this paper we succinctly review the basis for the PMP as it applies to the determination of the optimal control/forcing by minimizing a performance functional that is a sum to two quadratic forms representing two types of energy where the given model is used as a strong constraint. The first term of this performance functional is the total energy of the error, the difference between the observations (representing truth), and model trajectory starting from an arbitrary initial condition. Minimization of this energy term has been the basis for the variational methods (Lewis et al. 2006). The second quadratic form represents the total energy in the control signal. It must be emphasized that the use of least energy to accomplish a goal is central to engineering design and distinguishes this approach from the traditional variational approaches to dynamic data assimilation. A family of optimal controls can be achieved by giving different weights to these two energy terms.
By introducing an appropriate Hamiltonian function, this approach based on PMP reduces the well-known second-order Euler–Lagrange equation to a system of two first-order canonical Hamiltonian equations, the like of which have guided countless developments in physics (Goldstein 1950, 1980). While Kuhn and Tucker (1951) extended the Lagrangian technique for equality constraints to include inequality constraints by developing the theory of nonlinear programming for static problems, Pontryagin et al. (1962) used this Hamiltonian formulation to extend the classical Euler–Lagrange formulation in the calculus of variations. This extension has been the basis for significant development of optimal control theory in the dynamical setting. The resulting theory is so general that it can handle both equality and inequality constraints on both the state and the control. Further, there is a close relationship between the PMP and Kuhn–Tucker condition. See Canon et al. (1970) for details.
Recall that the optimal control computed using the PMP forces the model trajectory toward the observations. Hence, it is natural to interpret this optimal control as the additive optimal model error correction. In an effort to further understand the impact of knowing this optimal sequence of model errors, we take PMP one step further. Given an erroneous linear model with
While the PMP approach to dynamic data assimilation in meteorology is new, there are conceptual and methodological similarities between this approach and the vast literature devoted to analysis of model errors. We explore some of the similarities. The contributions in the area of model error correction are broadly classified along two lines—deterministic or stochastic model and the model constraint that is strong or weak.
In a stimulating paper, Derber (1989) first postulates that the deterministic model error can be expressed as the product of an unknown temporally fixed spatial function φ and a prespecified time-varying function. Using the model as a strong constraint, he then extends the 4DVAR method to estimate φ along with the initial conditions which to our knowledge represents the first attempt to quantify the model errors using the variational framework. Griffith and Nichols (2001) again postulate that the model error evolves according to an auxiliary model with unknown parameters. By augmenting this empirical secondary model with the given model, they then estimate both the initial condition and the parameters using the 4DVAR, using the model as a strong constraint. The PMP-based approach advocated in this paper does not rely on empirical auxiliary models.
It is also appropriate to briefly mention the earlier efforts in control theory and meteorology to account for model error. See Rouch et al. (1965), Friedland (1969), Bennett (1992), Bennett and Thorburn (1992), and Dee and da Silva (1998). In the spirit of these contributions, the work by Menard and Daley (1996) made the first attempt to relate Kalman smoothing to PMP. The primary difference between our approach and the Menard and Daley (1996) approach is that we consider a deterministic strong constraint model with time-varying errors while they develop a weak constraint stochastic model formulation with stochastic error terms with known covariance structure. Zupanski’s (1997) discussion of advantages with the weak constraint formulation of the 4DVAR to assess systematic and random model errors is a meaningful complement to Menard and Daley (1996).
In section 2 we provide a robust derivation of the PMP for the general case of (autonomous) nonlinear model where observations are (autonomous) nonlinear functions of the state. The computation of the optimal control sequence in this general case reduces to solving a nonlinear two-point boundary-value problem (TPBVP). We then specialize these results for the case when both the model and observations are linear in section 3. In this case of linear dynamics, the well-known sweep method (Kalman 1963) is used to reduce the TPBVP to solve two initial-value problems. To illustrate the power of the PMP we have chosen the linear Burgers equation where the advection velocity is a sinusoidal function of the space variable—this linear model has many of the characteristics of Platzman’s (1964) classic study of Burgers’s nonlinear advection. Many of the key properties of this linear Burgers equation and its n-mode spectral counterpart [also known as the low-order model LOM(n)] obtained by using the standard Galerkin projection method (Shen et al. 2011) are described in section 4. Numerical experiments relating to the optimal control of LOM(4) are given in section 5. In a series of interesting papers, Majda and Timofeyev (2000, 2002) and Abramov et al. (2003) analyze the statistical properties of the solution of the n-mode spectral approximation to the nonlinear Burgers equation. Section 6 illustrates the computation of the consolidated correction matrix using the computed time series of optimal controls and the associated optimal trajectory. It is demonstrated that the uncontrolled solution of the corrected model (
2. Minimum principle in discrete form
a. Stepwise solution of the variational problem
Recall that δL must be zero at the minimum, and in view of the arbitrariness of δxk, δuk, and δλk, we readily obtain a set of necessary conditions expressed as follows, all for 0 ≤ k ≤ N − 1.
1) Condition 1: Model dynamics
2) Condition 2: Costate or adjoint dynamics
3) Condition 3: Stationarity condition
(i) Step 1: Compute the optimal control
The structure of the optimal control sequence uk is computed by solving the stationarity condition (2.22) and is given by (2.26).
(ii) Step 2: Solve the nonlinear TPBVP
The importance of the Hamiltonian formulation of the Euler–Lagrange necessary condition for the minimum stems from the simplicity and conciseness of the two first-order equations (2.14) and (2.16) involving the state and the costate/adjoint variables. This Hamiltonian formulation has been the basis of countless developments in physics (Goldstein 1980).
b. Computation of optimal control
Equation (2.28), a representation of the model dynamics, is solved forward in time starting from the known initial condition x0. But the adjoint (2.29), representing the costate/adjoint dynamics, is solved backward in time starting from λN = 0. The two systems in (2.28) and (2.29) form a nonlinear coupled two-point boundary value problem, which in general does not admit to closed form solution. A number of numerical methods for solving (2.28) and (2.29) have been developed in the literature, a sampling of which is found in Roberts and Shipman (1972), Keller (1976), Polak (1997), and Bryson (1999). A closed form solution to the optimal control problem exists for the special case when the model dynamics is linear and the cost function Vk is a quadratic form in state xk and control uk. This special case is covered in section 3 of this paper.
c. Connection to 4DVAR
1) Condition 1A: Model dynamics
2) Condition 2A: Costate/adjoint dynamics
3. Optimal tracking: Linear dynamics
In this section we apply the minimum principle developed in section 2 to solve the problem of finding explicit form for optimal control or forcing that will drive the dynamics to track or follow the given set of observations when the model is linear and the performance measure is a quadratic function of the state and the control (Kalman 1963; Catlin 1989).
- The linear two-point boundary value problem. Substituting the special form of the dynamics and the observation given by (3.1)–(3.3) and the expression for uk given by (3.4) in (2.28) and (2.29), the latter pair of equations becomewhere we have used the fact that h(x) =
x and Dx(h) = . The initial condition for (3.5) is the given x0 and the final condition for (3.6) is λN = 0. Again, recall that (3.6) is the well-known adjoint equation that routinely arises in the 4DVAR analysis (Lewis et al. 2006, 408–412). For later reference we rewrite (3.5) and (3.6) as where= −1 T, = T −1 , and = T −1.
It turns out this special linear TPBVP can be transformed into a pair of initial value problems using the sweep method, which in turn can be easily solved. By exploiting the structure of (3.5) and (3.6), it can be verified (see appendix A for details) that λk is an affine function of the state xk.
Step 1
Given (3.1)–(3.3), compute
= −1 T, = T −1 , and = T −1. Solve the nonlinear matrix Ricatti difference equation in (3.11) for k backward starting at N = 0. Since this computation is independent of the observations, it can be precomputed and stored if needed. Step 2
Solve the linear vector difference equation in (3.12) for gk backward in time starting from gN = 0. Notice that gk depends on the observations and the intrinsic forcing ηk that is part of the given model. It will be seen that the impact of the observations on the optimal control is through gk.
Step 3
Premultiplying both sides by C and simplifying, we get an explicit expression for the optimal control aswhere the feedback gaink is given by and the feedforward gaink is given by or as
4. Dynamical constraint: Linear Burgers’s equation
To illustrate Pontryagin’s method, we choose a dynamic constraint that follows the theme of Platzman’s classical study of Burgers’s equation (Platzman 1964). In that study, Platzman investigated the evolution of an initial single primary sine wave over the interval [0, 2π]. The governing dynamics described the transfer of energy from this primary wave to waves of higher wavenumber as the wave neared the breaking point. In a tour de force with spectral dynamics, Platzman obtained a closed form solution for the Fourier amplitudes and then analyzed the consequences of truncated spectral expansions. The contribution was instrumental in helping dynamic meteorologists understand the penalties associated with truncated spectral weather forecasting in the early days of numerical weather prediction.
We maintain the spirit of Platzman’s investigation but in a somewhat simplified form. Whereas the nonlinear dynamic law advects the wave with the full spectrum of Fourier components, we choose to advect with only the initial primary wave—sin(x). This problem retains the transfer of energy from the primary wave to the higher wavenumber components as the wave steepens, but the more complex phenomenon of folding over or breaking of the wave is absent in this linear problem.
a. Model and its analytic solution
Values of the first eight Fourier coefficients of q(x, t) in (4.3) for various times computed using quadrature formula.
b. The low-order model
In demonstrating the power of Pontryagin’s method developed in sections 2 and 3, our immediate goal is to obtain a discrete time model representative of (3.1). There are at least two ways, in principle, to achieve this goal. The first way is to directly discretize (4.1) by embedding a grid in the two-dimensional domain with 0 ≤ x ≤ 2π and t ≥ 0. Second is to project the infinite dimensional system in (4.1) onto a finite dimensional space using the standard Galerkin projection method and obtain a system of n ordinary differential equations (ODEs) describing the evolution of the Fourier amplitudes qi(t) in (4.4), 1 ≤ i ≤ n. The resulting nth-order system is known as the low-order model (LOM). Then LOM can be discretized using one of several known methods. In this paper we embrace this latter approach using LOM.
We now state a number of interesting properties of the solution of the LOM(n) in (4.8).
1) Conservation of energy
2) Solution of LOM(n) in (4.8)
Much like the PDE (4.1), its LOM(n) counterpart in (4.8) can also be solved exactly. The process of obtaining its solution is quite involved. To minimize the digression from the main development, we have chosen to describe this solution process in appendix B. The eigenstructure of
5. Numerical experiments
Equation (5.3) defines the evolution of the spectral amplitudes. Compared to the original equation, the spectral model in (5.3) has two types of model errors: one from the spectral truncation in the Galerkin projection and one due to finite differencing in (4.8) using the first-order method.
Comparing (5.4) with (3.2), it is immediate that m = n and
Solving (5.9) and (5.10), we then assemble uk using (3.14)–(3.18). Substituting it in (5.1) we get the optimal solution.
1) Experiment 1
Both models start from the same initial condition ξ0 = x0 = (1.1, 0, 0, 0)T, which is different from the one that was used to generate the observations. Consequently, the solution to the unforced model in (5.11) inherits three types of errors: the first because of the spectral truncation, the second because of finite differencing, and the third owing to error in the initial condition. The power of the Pontryagin’s approach is to compute the optimal control uk such that the term
A comparison of the evolution of the four components of the uncontrolled error, e0 = ξk − zk ∈
This behavior can be easily explained using (5.14). When the value of the control parameter c is large (for a fixed
Root-mean-square errors of the controlled and uncontrolled model solution with observations (p = 4,
2) Experiment 2
In this experiment we set p = 1 and
Root-mean-square errors of the controlled and uncontrolled model solution with observations [p = 1,
6. Identification of model errors
One of the lofty goals of dynamic data assimilation is to find a correction for model error—errors due to the absence or inappropriate parameterization of physical processes germane to the phenomenon under investigation, and/or incorrect specification of the deterministic model’s control vector (initial conditions, boundary conditions, and physical/empirical parameters). The theory developed in sections 2 and 3 and the illustrations in sections 4 and 5 demonstrate the inherent strength of Pontryagin’s minimum principle as a means of finding this correction.
Those familiar with optimal interpolation method (Gandin 1965) will readily recognize that the first term on the right-hand side of (6.8) is akin to the cross covariance between xk and yk and the second term is akin to the inverse of the covariance of xk with itself. We now illustrate this idea in the following example.
Example 6.1
We conclude this section with the following remarks:
- Define a vector s(x) = (sinx, sin2x, sin3x, sin4x)T and definewhere ξk is the (uncontrolled) model trajectory obtained from (5.1) using matrix
and ζk is the (uncontrolled) model trajectory obtained from (6.10) with matrix ( + ). Clearly q1(x, k) and q2(x, k) are approximations to the exact solution q(x, t) in (4.3) at t = kΔt. It can be verified that where q(x, k) = q(x, t) at t = kΔt. That is, the one-step model error correlation matrixforces the model solution closer to the true solution. Only for simplicity in exposition did we pose the inverse problem in (6.3) as an unconstrained problem. In fact, one could readily accommodate structural constraint on
—such as requiring it to be a diagonal, tridiagonal, or lower-triangular matrix, etc. Further, we could also readily impose inequality constraints on a selected subset of elements of . Again, only for simplicity did we obtain a single matrix
that covers the entire assimilation window and mapping xk to yk for all 1 ≤ k ≤ N. In principle, we could divide the assimilation window into L subintervals. Then we could estimate the correction matrix q using only the (xk, yk) pairs that reside in the qth subinterval. In this latter case, we will have a time varying one-step transition correction matrix q for each subinterval, 1 ≤ q ≤ L.
7. Conclusions
The essence of the PMP-based approach to dynamic data assimilation is computation of optimal control sequence uk ∈
We have demonstrated the power of this approach by applying it to a nontrivial linear advection problem. For this linear problem, the TPBVP reduces to two initial value problems. In addition we have developed a flexible framework to consolidate the information from the optimal control sequence into a single correction matrix
It should be interesting and valuable to compare the model error corrections obtained using the PMP with those obtained from using the model in a weak constraint formulation.
We are very grateful to Qin Xu and an anonymous reviewer for their comments and suggestions that helped to improve the organizations of the paper. S. Lakshmivarahan’s efforts are supported in part by two grants: NSF EPSCOR Track 2 Grant 105-155900 and NSF Grant 105-15400.
On the Correctness of the Affine Relation between the Costate Variable λk and the State Variable xk Given in (3.8)
Continuing inductively it can be easily verified that λk is an affine function of xk as posited in (3.8).
Solution of the LOM(n) in (4.6)
In this appendix we analyze the eigenstructure of the matrix
a. Eigenstructure of the matrix
Since the structure of the matrix
Determinant, characteristic polynomial, and eigenvalues of the matrix
b. Jordan canonical form for
Solution of (4.8):
We conclude this appendix with the following.
Example (B.1).
Gradient of ( ) in (6.3)
a. Gradient of β( , x, y) in (6.6)
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