1. Introduction
The quasi-biennial oscillation (QBO) is the dominant mode of interannual variability in the tropical stratosphere. It is a quasi-periodic oscillation in which the zonal wind in the equatorial stratosphere switches between easterlies and westerlies with a mean period of about 28 months. Consistent with thermal wind balance, the QBO zonal winds are associated with anomalous meridional circulations and temperature anomalies (e.g., Plumb and Bell 1982). The downward-propagating zonal wind and temperature anomalies extend to the upper troposphere and alter the tropical tropopause height (e.g., Huesmann and Hitchman 2001). There is evidence that the QBO modulates tropical deep convection, as shown by observational analyses showing different anomalies in outgoing longwave radiation (OLR) (Collimore et al. 2003; Huang et al. 2012), high-cloud activity (Collimore et al. 2003), and precipitation (Liess and Geller 2012) in tropical deep convective regions during different QBO phases. This modulation, although its magnitude is modest, is a key link in theories of connections between the QBO and tropical tropospheric phenomena such as El Niño–Southern Oscillation (ENSO) (e.g., Gray et al. 1992; Taguchi 2010; Yuan et al. 2014), monsoons (e.g., Claud and Terray 2007), and tropical cyclones (e.g., Gray 1984; Camargo and Sobel 2010). In these theories, deep convection is influenced by QBO-induced variations in the state of the lower stratosphere and upper troposphere. The QBO-induced convection anomalies may then feed back to stratosphere dynamics by, for example, altering water vapor transport (e.g., Danielsen 1982).
Some previous studies have suggested that the QBO modulates tropical deep convection by perturbing the static stability near the tropopause (e.g., Reid and Gage 1985; Gray et al. 1992; Giorgetta et al. 1999; Garfinkel and Hartmann 2011). Specifically, during the QBO easterly (QBOE) phase, cold temperature anomalies near the tropopause destabilize the troposphere and encourage the development of deep convection. During the QBO westerly (QBOW) phase, the opposite situation holds. Other studies have hypothesized that the QBO zonal winds themselves may play a role in affecting deep convection; strong QBO wind shear may disrupt the coherent structure of convective plumes and shear off high convective clouds (Gray et al. 1992; Collimore et al. 2003). These hypotheses further include suggestions that the QBO-induced enhancement of convection in the upper troposphere leads to increases of latent heat release that drive large-scale circulation anomalies.
Here we study this problem using a cloud-resolving model (CRM). We explicitly resolve deep convection in a limited domain with relatively high resolution and parameterize the large-scale circulation (e.g., Sobel and Bretherton 2000; Raymond and Zeng 2005; Kuang 2008; Wang and Sobel 2011; Romps 2012). This approach allows a more accurate representation of convective physics compared to models in which convection is parameterized. At the same time, it allows a plausible representation of the interaction of convection with the large-scale circulation, allowing the occurrence and intensity of convection to vary dynamically and avoiding the artificial constraint that results from approaches in which the large-scale circulation is held fixed (e.g., Mapes 1997; Sobel and Bretherton 2000). There are different ways of parameterizing large-scale motions that are similar in spirit but different in detail (e.g., Sobel and Bretherton 2000; Mapes 2004; Kuang 2008). In this study we apply the weak temperature gradient (WTG) approximation method, which has been used in a number of numerical studies (e.g., Sobel and Bretherton 2000; Raymond and Zeng 2005; Raymond and Sessions 2007; Wang and Sobel 2011; Wang et al. 2013; Emanuel et al. 2014; Anber et al. 2014; Daleu et al. 2015, manuscript submitted to J. Adv. Model. Earth Syst.).
The goal of this paper is to investigate the responses of tropical deep convection to QBO-like temperature anomalies. We also examine the dependence of such responses to the background state, as controlled by imposed anomalies in relative sea surface temperature (SST) that cause the degree of convective activity in the control climate (before QBO influence) to vary. Section 2 introduces the cloud-resolving models, the WTG approximation, and the experiment design. In section 3, we examine the responses of convection to the QBO in the simulation results and relate them to previous observational studies. We show that the QBO precipitation anomalies depend nonmonotonically on relative SST, a dependence that has not been carefully examined before and yet is found in observations and GCM results in a qualitatively similar way. Using moist static energy budget analyses, the nonmonotonic dependence on relative SST is explained as a result of competition between the effects of radiation anomalies and of large-scale motion anomalies. We conclude in section 4.
2. Methodology
a. The cloud-resolving model
Our numerical simulations are performed with the System for Atmospheric Modeling (SAM; Khairoutdinov and Randall 2003), version 6.8.2. SAM has been widely used to simulate convective systems over a large range of spatial scales (e.g., Khairoutdinov et al. 2009; Kuang 2011; Nie and Kuang 2012a). It solves the anelastic equations of motion on fully staggered Arakawa C grids. There are six water species in the microphysics scheme: water vapor, cloud liquid, cloud ice, snow, rain, and graupel. The interactive radiation scheme is adopted from the National Center for Atmospheric Research Community Climate Model (Kiehl et al. 1998) and calculates the longwave and shortwave radiation fluxes using the simulated hydrometeors in each individual grid column. A constant solar insolation of 408 W m−2 is imposed at the top of the atmosphere; thus, neither the diurnal nor seasonal cycle is included in the simulations. The surface fluxes are interactively computed using Monin–Obukhov similarity theory. The horizontal-mean horizontal winds are relaxed to zero with a time scale of 6 h. A Newtonian damping is applied in a layer from 22 to 32 km (the domain top) to absorb the upward-propagating gravity wave energy.
All experiments in this study are carried out on a spatial domain of 128 km × 128 km × 32 km over an ocean surface with doubly periodic lateral boundary conditions. Earth’s rotation effects are not considered (Coriolis parameter f = 0). The horizontal resolution is 2 km. There are 76 stretched vertical levels with a grid spacing increasing smoothly from 75 m near the surface to 500 m above 3000 m. To better resolve the convective and radiative processes near the tropopause, following Blossey et al. (2010), we use refined vertical grids with a grid spacing of 250 m between 11 and 20 km.
b. The weak temperature gradient approach
Under WTG applied to the CRM as described above, the resulting dynamical system can be thought of comprising three primary components: convection, radiation, and large-scale vertical motion. Convection depends on column state variables, such as temperature and moisture, and surface conditions, such as SST (Kuang 2010). The interactive radiation depends on the temperature, moisture, and cloud fields. The large-scale motion is a function only of horizontal-mean temperature but feeds back to influence the other two components through vertical advection of temperature and moisture.
c. Experiment design
To begin, we present a representative climatological-mean tropical temperature sounding (Fig. 1a) and its QBO-associated anomaly [QBO easterly phase minus QBO westerly phase (QBOE − QBOW); Fig. 1b]. The QBO index is defined using the 70-hPa zonal winds at the Singapore station (Naujokat 1986), a benchmark station in QBO studies. Months in which the 70-hPa zonal wind differs more than one standard deviation from its climatological mean are considered as QBO anomaly months. As seen from Fig. 1b, the cold temperature anomaly has an amplitude of more than 2 K, peaking at 30 hPa above the cold-point tropopause, and extends down for about 60 hPa below the tropopause. Plots from other tropical stations show similar features, as the QBO temperature anomalies are almost uniform within the tropical belt (e.g., Huang et al. 2012).
To establish a base-state sounding for the model, the CRM is run to radiative–convective equilibrium (RCE) without WTG (fixed
Three sets of experiments, corresponding to the QBO neutral phase (QBON) or climatological mean, easterly phase, and westerly phase, are performed. The QBON group includes eight experiments, each run over a relative SST (
Experiments in the QBOE or QBOW groups differ from experiments in the QBON group by the addition of a negative or positive temperature anomaly to the WTG reference profiles. That is,
Each experiment in the three groups is run for 100 days. Model output data from the last 60 days, in which the results are statistically steady, are collected for analysis. Comparing experiments over the same
3. Results
Experiments in the QBON group are examined first. In these experiments no QBO temperature anomaly is imposed, and we focus on the changes of convective states with
The response of precipitation to the QBON temperature anomaly is significantly different depending on whether the convection occurs under RCE or is coupled with large-scale motions under WTG. Under RCE, precipitation is constrained to remain nearly constant as
Quantities that describe characteristics of the three components of the coupled convective system [mass flux (MF) in updraft cores for convection, cloud fraction for radiation, and
Figure 2c shows the cloud fraction, defined as the fraction of grid cells with cloud liquid water greater than 0.01 g kg−1 or 1% of its saturation water vapor. There is a minor peak near the top of the boundary layer and another major peak in the upper troposphere, corresponding to shallow and deep cumulus cloud, respectively. Because the radiative warming effects of a high cloud by trapping outgoing longwave generally overcome its cooling effects by reflecting shortwave insolation (keeping in mind that sea surface temperature is fixed, so that the shortwave reduction at the surface has no effect in these simulations), the large high-cloud fractions over high
b. QBOE and QBOW
Next, we examine the equilibrium responses of the coupled convection system to the imposed QBO-like temperature anomalies. The responses are quite linear in the amplitude of the QBO
Figure 3 plots the differences of the same properties as plotted in Fig. 2, but now showing the difference between the different QBO phases. As can be seen in Fig. 3b, there are eye-catching positive anomalous peaks of convective-updraft-core mass flux in the upper troposphere. The enhancement of convection in the upper troposphere is consistent with the previous hypotheses based on the static stability argument (e.g., Gray et al. 1992; Giorgetta et al. 1999). It can also be understood from the point of view that the adjustment of convective plumes produces anomalous convective heating and moistening to remove the initially imposed local temperature perturbations (e.g., Tulich and Mapes 2010; Kuang 2010; Nie and Kuang 2012b). There is also anomalous mass flux in the middle and lower troposphere, however, indicating that the convective adjustments are nonlocal.
The enhanced convection in the upper troposphere is accompanied by more high cloud, with increases as large as around 10% (Fig. 3c). This result is consistent with observations of deeper and more extensive high cloud during QBOE in deep convective regions (Collimore et al. 2003). As
The responses of
The percentage change of precipitation in response to the QBO perturbation is shown as a function of
Precipitation in numerical studies does not uniformly increase in QBOE. Instead, some GCM results showed that the precipitation center shifts eastward (in Garfinkel and Hartmann 2011, their Fig. 8) or northward (in Giorgetta et al. 1999, their Figs. 7c and 7d), while high cloud coverage generally increases over a much larger region. Observational studies also have shown geographic dependence of the QBO
c. Moist static energy budget analysis
To understand the nonmonotonic dependence of
The MSE budget analysis is first applied to the results of the experiments in QBON. Individual MSE source terms (E, H, and R) are shown in Fig. 4a as functions of
The opposite effects of the QBO-associated anomalies in radiation and gross moist stability cause the nonmonotonic dependence of
d. Sensitivity to the penetration depth of QBO temperature anomalies
In this subsection, we perturb the height at which the QBO temperature anomalies are added to the WTG reference profile to test the robustness of our results. This dependence is important to understanding variability in the real atmosphere, as different QBO events have different degrees of penetration into the troposphere (e.g., Huang et al. 2012).
Four pairs of experiments are run over
e. Sensitivity to τ
The sensitivity of our results to the relaxation time-scale τ is explored in this subsection. In WTG, τ can be thought of as proportional to the spatial scale that the limited domain of CRM represents. All the above experiments have
The dependence of precipitation (figure not shown) and gross moist stability M on τ (Fig. 8a) are very similar to the results of Wang and Sobel (2011, their Fig. 13). The value of M maximizes at
While more investigation is required to fully understand this dependence, our preliminary analysis agrees with the argument in Kuang (2011): as τ increases (or, equivalently, as the length scale of the convective region increases), the weaker WTG relaxation allows larger temperature anomalies from the reference profile, which are sufficient to affect the convective heating and feed back to the large-scale vertical motion. The proportional relationship between
The standard interpretation of τ might lead us to estimate it as the time for a gravity wave of large vertical scale to traverse the spatial scale of an SST anomaly of interest (e.g., Sobel and Bretherton 2000; Raymond and Zeng 2005). However, the relative magnitude of the temperature anomalies from the environmental mean associated with a given SST anomaly may be a more appropriate indicator. In the tropics, the highest upper-tropospheric temperature anomalies are close to 1 K, over the western Pacific warm pool (where relative SST is about +2 K). Figure 8c shows the control cases 300-hPa temperature anomalies from the WTG reference temperature as a function of τ over a +2-K relative SST. When τ is smaller than 3 h, the temperature anomalies are roughly within the observational range. While a more in-depth analysis of the appropriate value of τ for comparing simulations such as ours with observations would be valuable, for the present purpose values of τ examined in this study appear appropriate for understanding the mechanisms of QBO influence on tropical tropospheric convection.
4. Conclusions
We have conducted a set of cloud-resolving numerical experiments in the weak temperature gradient framework to examine the mechanisms by which the QBO influences tropical convection. The results lead us to an interpretation in which the QBO’s temperature anomalies exert their influence on the tropical troposphere through interactions between convection, radiation, and large-scale vertical motion. The main findings are summarized as follows.
With a QBOE (cold) temperature perturbation in the lowermost stratosphere and uppermost troposphere, the convective mass flux and cloud fraction increase near the tropopause, making the large-scale vertical motion profile more top heavy. The opposite is true for the QBOW (warm) temperature perturbation. These responses increase in magnitude with relative SST, indicating stronger coupling between convection and large-scale motions over the warmest waters.
In contrast to the high clouds and mass fluxes, the dependence of precipitation on relative SST is nonmonotonic. The QBO precipitation anomalies are the results of a competition between increases due to anomalous radiative heating and decreases due to changes of gross moist stability, the latter resulting from increasing top heaviness of the vertical motion profile. The QBO precipitation anomalies slightly increase over the first 2.5 K of relative SST, where the radiative feedback dominates. They then sharply decrease to negative values as relative SST further increases as the increasing gross moist stability anomalies become more important and overwhelm the radiative feedback.
The amplitude of the precipitation response sensitively depends on the depth to which the QBO temperature perturbations can penetrate: the deeper into the troposphere the QBO temperature anomalies can reach, the stronger the response of convection. The dependence of our model results on the WTG relaxation time τ suggests that the responses of deep convection to the QBO are significant only when the length scale of the convective region is greater than several hundred kilometers.
The current study challenges the notion that the enhanced upper-troposphere convection in QBOE leads to more precipitation and stronger large-scale ascent. The simulation results show that, rather than generally increasing in all levels, the large-scale vertical motion profile responds to the QBOE perturbation by increasing in the upper troposphere and decreasing below. The response shifts the vertical motion profiles so that they become more top heavy, thus leading to increasing gross moist stability and decreasing precipitation. The decreasing precipitation overcomes the increases of precipitation due to anomalous radiative heating in regions with high relative SST. There are indications in previous observational studies that these results may be consistent with observations, in that the QBO-related precipitation anomalies are not of a single sign. We are currently conducting an analysis directly motivated by our present numerical results, in order to test the hypothesis of a nonmonotonic SST dependence more directly, and will report the results in due course.
Besides the QBO, there are other processes that can induce sizable temperature anomalies near the tropical tropopause. One prominent example is volcano eruptions. Explosive volcano eruptions inject a significant amount of particles and gases into the atmosphere, with opposite radiative effects on the stratosphere and the troposphere (Robock 2000). Within 2 years after a major volcano eruption (e.g., the Pinatubo in 1991), an anomaly of temperature differences between the tropical upper troposphere and lower stratosphere as large as 2 K is commonly recorded (e.g., Free and Lanzante 2009) along with a slowing down of the tropical hydrological cycle (Trenberth and Dai 2007). Although further investigations are needed, the regional responses of precipitation to volcano eruptions may be partly associated with the mechanism shown in this study.
The authors thank Wei Yuan for preparation of the tropical sounding data; Lorenzo Polvani, Marvin Geller, Shuguang Wang, and Wei Yuan for discussion; Zhiming Kuang for computational resource supports; and George Kiladis, Zhiming Kuang, and an anonymous reviewer for their helpful reviews. AHS acknowledges support from NSF Grant AGS-1008847.
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