1. Introduction
Orographic clouds are especially prone to exhibit aerosol–cloud–precipitation interactions because the mountain flow limits the time available for precipitation formation. By controlling the time scale at which small cloud hydrometeors are converted into precipitation hydrometeors, aerosol perturbations can shift the horizontal locations where hydrometeor types occur. Shifting the location of precipitation controls the leeward-precipitation fraction (spillover factor); shifting the location of small hydrometeors affects the extent of reevaporation (drying ratio). Aerosol effects on orographic precipitation are typically studied either in the context of deliberate cloud seeding, where the abundance of ice-formation aerosol [ice nucleating particles (INPs)] is increased (e.g., Xue et al. 2013; Geresdi et al. 2017), or in the context of anthropogenic pollution, which is usually assumed to be represented by an increase in cloud droplet–forming aerosol [cloud condensation nuclei (CCN); e.g., Saleeby et al. 2009, 2011]. For warm orographic clouds, increases in CCN lead to more but smaller cloud droplets, which decrease the autoconversion efficiency and thus lead to a delay in precipitation formation, equivalent to the mechanism discussed by Albrecht (1989) for shallow maritime clouds. Miltenberger et al. (2015) showed that the warm orographic precipitation efficiency, defined as the fraction of cloud water that is converted into precipitation, scales with the ratio of an advective time scale and a time scale of microphysical conversion, which is influenced by the abundance of CCN. According to this scaling relationship, precipitation efficiency increases for decreasing droplet, or CCN, numbers for low and intermediate precipitation efficiencies. At high precipitation efficiencies, where the time for precipitation formation is always sufficiently long, the aerosol effect levels off.
In polluted mixed-phase clouds, the slowing effect of decreased droplet size on autoconversion is replaced by a slowing effect on riming (Borys et al. 2003). The corresponding delay in precipitation formation and spillover effect is found to be enhanced by the slower fall speeds and longer vertical trajectories of lightly rimed ice (Saleeby et al. 2009, 2011). Although it is statistically difficult to assess the success of deliberate cloud seeding of orographic clouds with INPs in the field (Chu et al. 2017), modeling studies generally find precipitation enhancement for stratiform clouds. Increased depletion of the water vapor (increased drying) by diffusional growth of ice-phase hydrometeors has been identified as the most important contribution to precipitation enhancement (Xue et al. 2013; Geresdi et al. 2017). Similar to the warm case, seeding is found to be less efficient for higher precipitation efficiencies in these studies.
In general, perturbations to the liquid- and ice-phase pathways to precipitation formation cannot be discussed separately. Atmospheric aerosol usually provides CCN and INPs simultaneously, and the interaction of liquid and ice microphysics is the very essence of mixed-phase clouds. As discussed, INPs and the ice-phase pathway of vapor deposition tend to accelerate and increase precipitation formation, while CCN and droplet-collection processes like autoconversion and riming are associated with fewer and later precipitation formation. In accordance with this complementary behavior, the response of mixed-phase clouds to simultaneous CCN and INP perturbations has been found of inconclusive sign and is in general small (Muhlbauer et al. 2010). Next to the opposing effects of CCN and INP perturbations, the complexity of mixed-phase cloud microphysics itself predisposes compensating responses of different processes to aerosol perturbations and buffering behavior (Glassmeier and Lohmann 2016).
In this study, we will probe orographic precipitation susceptibility by performing idealized two-dimensional simulations of warm- and mixed-phase orographic clouds for a variety of realistic aerosol conditions. To account for the horizontal, rather than vertical, development of orographic clouds, we base our analysis on parcel trajectories and define precipitation susceptibility for trajectory rather than vertical averages. The parcel perspective allows us to formulate balance equations that formalize the relationship between precipitation susceptibility and the interplay of process rates and provides insights into the role of adjustments. The rest of the paper is organized as follows: In section 2, we describe the numerical model and its setup for this study. The discussion of our results in section 3 starts with a qualitative discussion of aerosol effects on orographic clouds from the trajectory-averaged perspective, continues with implications of the cloud water budget along trajectories, and concludes with the discussion of orographic precipitation susceptibilities. Section 4 provides a discussion and summary of the results. The appendix provides a list of symbols and acronyms.
2. Model and simulations
We use the nonhydrostatic limited-area atmospheric model of the Consortium for Small Scale Modelling (COSMO; Baldauf et al. 2011) in its 2D setup and make use of the Aerosols and Reactive Trace Gases (ART) extension of the model (COSMO-ART; Vogel et al. 2009), which comprises aerosol–cloud interactions based on chemical and physical properties of aerosol populations (Bangert et al. 2011, 2012) with the M7 aerosol scheme (COSMO-ART-M7; Glassmeier et al. 2017). As the present study focuses on the aerosol effect on precipitation formation rather than on activation and freezing, we prescribe measurement-based aerosol fields (section 2b) rather than dynamically calculating its evolution from emissions. Therefore, we disable aerosol microphysical evolution (i.e., condensation, coagulation, sedimentation, and washout). Aerosol activation follows Fountoukis and Nenes (2005) and is based on a CCN spectrum derived from Köhler theory (Köhler 1936) in combination with a population-splitting approach to solve the supersaturation budget (Nenes and Seinfeld 2003). Improved in-cloud activation is included according to Barahona et al. (2010) by treating existing droplets as giant CCN. Following Glassmeier et al. (2017), we assume immersion freezing to be the sole ice formation process in mixed-phase clouds. We consider dust as immersion INPs using the parameterization of Phillips et al. (2008). Immersion freezing is considered the most important ice formation process (Kanji et al. 2017) for mixed-phase clouds. Deposition nucleation is only important in the absence of liquid water (i.e., for cirrus clouds). Contact nucleation is poorly understood and could potentially be important for mixed-phase clouds under specific conditions (Hande et al. 2017). For the simulated case, the exclusion of contact freezing is no limitation because the case does not feature uncoated INPs, which are required to initiate contact freezing in existing parameterizations. We do not consider ice multiplication. Aerosol is not scavenged by droplet activation. Instead, CCN and INP depletion is implemented as a number adjustment. We employ the two-moment cloud microphysics scheme of Seifert and Beheng (2006, hereafter SB) in the updated version of Noppel et al. (2010) with five hydrometeor classes (cloud water, ice, rain, snow, and graupel). While vapor deposition on ice-phase hydrometeors is explicitly described in the scheme, condensation is implemented by means of a saturation adjustment. This has implications for the Wegener–Bergeron–Findeisen (WBF) process (Wegener 1911; Bergeron 1935; Findeisen 1938), which describes the growth of ice-phase hydrometeors at the expense of cloud droplets because saturation vapor pressure with respect to water is higher than that with respect to ice. The WBF process is technically separated into two steps: First, vapor deposition on ice is calculated, and the corresponding depletion of water vapor leads to subsaturation with respect to water. Later in the time step, the saturation adjustment transfers cloud water to the vapor phase to reach water saturation. Radiation is not considered.
a. Setup
We run this setup for 50 h. We allow the system to equilibrate for 30 h and base our analysis on 15-min output from the remaining 20 h. We average temporally to obtain steady-state fields.
b. Aerosol perturbations
In addition to the dynamic and thermodynamic profiles, an aerosol composition is prescribed at the left boundary of the domain. The aerosol composition is fixed but transported with the flow. Following Muhlbauer et al. (2010), we apply a vertically constant aerosol profile based on point measurements from the high-alpine station Jungfraujoch (JFJ) in Switzerland for clean and polluted conditions as summarized in Table 1.
Measurement-based aerosol conditions for clean and polluted situations based on Muhlbauer et al. (2010) with natural
Our investigations are based on 29 simulations with different aerosol conditions. These are constructed by linear interpolation between the clean–natural and the polluted–anthropogenic aerosol conditions with respect to mass concentration, number concentration, and chemical composition: Each aerosol condition is described by a vector
Figure 2 illustrates the resulting three-dimensional parameter space. The choice of the parameter space is, on the one hand, motivated by capturing the variability in the two prognostic moments of the aerosol distribution. By varying the composition in terms of SU and DU, we, on the other hand, try to change the effective ratio of CCN and INPs and thus the relative importance of the ice- and warm-phase pathways to precipitation formation. Table 2 provides a key to some specific aerosol conditions.
Key to 7 representative aerosol conditions out of the 29 total conditions considered and shown in Fig. 2. The conditions clean–natural and polluted–anthropogenic are extreme cases specified in Table 1. The other cases are interpolations between these two as specified by the interpolation parameters fSU, fN, and fM (see text for details). As an example, the clean case features the same aerosol mass and number as the clean–natural case (fN = fM = 0), but its chemical compositions contains more sulfate than the “natural” case (fSU = 0.75).
3. Results
Figure 3 shows the warm- and mixed-phase cloud that form by orographic lifting at the upwind slope of the mountain. Temperatures T in the warm cloud are everywhere above the freezing level (Fig. 3a), while temperatures in the mixed-phase cloud take values in between the subfreezing surface temperature and the onset temperature of homogeneous freezing (Fig. 3b). The microphysical cloud processes are shown in detail in Figs. 4a and 5a).
The clouds form by activation (act) of aerosol particles to cloud droplets at the windward rim, especially in the lower half with stronger updrafts. Note that activation regions with apparently vanishing cloud mixing ratio occur because microphysical rates are diagnosed before and cloud variables after tracer transport in the time step. In-cloud activation creates additional droplets at a horizontal distance of ≈350 km from the domain boundary where the mountain slope is steepest and causes high supersaturations.
Some of the droplets activated above a height of 2 km in the mixed-phase cloud are converted into ice crystals by immersion freezing (freez). In contrast to cloud droplets, ice crystals have a nonnegligible sedimentation velocity. Sedimenting ice crystals form the lower-left part of the cloud in Fig. 5a that occurs downwind of activation and freezing. Sedimentation does not proceed vertically but at an angle because of the horizontal flow, as can also be observed for hydrometeors sedimenting downwind of the mountain (cf. Fig. 3).
Droplets and crystals grow by cond and vapor deposition on ice-phase hydrometeors (diff), respectively. Both processes together deplete the water vapor mixing ratio
The liquid saturation adjustment applied in the model ensures saturation ratios corresponding to water saturation, S = 1, in the warm cloud (not shown). This condition is also fulfilled in the major part of the mixed-phase cloud as shown in Fig. 5b. Only the outermost rim of the downwind side of the cloud at 380–400 km is completely glaciated.
The extent of the rain-dominated region defined by
a. Trajectory averages
Performing a susceptibility analysis on high-resolution simulation output bears two problems. First, if a variable is more strongly influenced by advection than by microphysics, susceptibilities would be artificially small because the former is largely independent of the details of microphysics. Second, temporal delays (e.g., between the influence of aerosol on activation and precipitation formation) are not taken into account. Both issues are alleviated by choosing a Lagrangian framework for the analysis. Besides the use of cloud parcel models (Sorooshian et al. 2009; Feingold et al. 2013), the use of vertical averages or vertically integrated quantities like LWP (Jiang et al. 2010; Sorooshian et al. 2010; Duong et al. 2011; Terai et al. 2012; Jung et al. 2016; Dadashazar et al. 2017) roughly corresponds to averaging over the adiabatic trajectories of rising parcels in vertically developing clouds. For the horizontal development of orographic clouds, vertical averages would not approximate averages along parcel trajectories. Trajectories of orographic cloud parcels approximately follow lines of constant equivalent potential temperature θe. Averaging along the moist isentropes of parcel ascent can thus be replaced by averaging over the moist isentropes of mountain flow. The parcel approach cannot account for vertical mixing and the sedimentation of precipitation hydrometeors. Our analysis assumes that both effects can be neglected in comparison to the transport along the trajectories. Vertical mixing is expected to be small because of the quasi-stable stratification of our setup. The dominance of horizontal as compared to vertical transport of precipitation hydrometeors is illustrated by the flat slopes of falling precipitation in Fig. 3.
Figures 6–8 show such trajectory profiles of cloud characteristics for selected aerosol conditions obtained in this way. A comparison of the curves for the “base” and “M poll” cases, which lead to comparable cloud conditions, illustrates that aerosol mass and number perturbation have comparable effects on the profiles. Comparing the polluted–anthropogenic to polluted aerosol conditions shows that aerosol composition mainly matters for the glaciated part of the cloud, where it controls the amount of INP-active dust.
For the warm cloud, the average condensation rate, which corresponds to the sink of water vapor
Despite the aerosol-induced differences in the flow pattern and extent of the mixed-phase cloud (Fig. 5b), the trajectory-averaged updraft
For the mixed-phase cloud, we distinguish cloud water from sedimenting hydrometeor classes,
The lower part of the mixed-phase cloud depends on aerosol conditions in a way qualitatively similar to the warm cloud when considering
The signal in droplet size remains decreasing for increasing pollution (Fig. 7f), while ice crystal size features three regimes (Fig. 8c): Crystal size decreases with increasing pollution in the lower and upper parts of the cloud. In between, a sudden increase in ice mixing ratio with height and pollution, which coincides with the shifting location and extension of the mixed-phase region (Fig. 5), corresponds to increasing crystal sizes.
To summarize, the trajectory profiles show that the response of the precipitation mixing ratio to aerosol perturbations in the warm as well as in the mixed-phase orographic cloud is buffered as compared to the signals in cloud water and cloud ice.
b. Cloud water budgets
As discussed in the context of Figs. 6 and 7, the source term
The compensating behavior of the different processes contributing to precipitation production is illustrated in Figs. 9b and 10b: For the warm cloud, a decrease in autoconversion with increasing pollution is compensated by a matching increase in accretion (Fig. 9b). Comparing the vertical difference profiles of microphysical rates in the mixed-phase cloud illustrates that changes in autoconversion and cloud–droplet riming compensate each other (Fig. 10b). This shift is driven by an increased abundance of ice. Pollution-induced shifts from graupel to snow lead to compensating changes in snow–droplet and graupel–droplet riming. Changes in accretion seem to correspond to a combination of changes in graupel–cloud riming and diffusional growth. In the upper part of the cloud, a partial compensation between changes in ice–droplet riming and diffusion may be identified. The compensating tendencies between microphysical rates are not restricted to the relationship between the two aerosol conditions compared in Figs. 9 and 10. For most trajectories, we find strong negative correlations (coefficient of determination r2 > 0.8) between aerosol-induced changes in the rates of autoconversion and accretion in the warm cloud and the sum of autoconversion and accretion and riming in the mixed-phase cloud (not shown).
In summary, the constraint of retaining a balanced budget of cloud water
c. Precipitation susceptibility
The aerosol dependence of the precipitation mixing ratio
Total precipitation susceptibilities to droplet number are negative for the warm as well as for the lower part of the mixed-phase cloud (Figs. 11a,c), as is expected for a classical lifetime effect {recall that our definition of precipitation susceptibility [Eq. (1)] omits the conventional minus sign}. The mixed-phase susceptibility to droplet number with a value of about −0.5 is stronger than the warm value of about −0.25. The precipitation mixing ratio in the upper part of the mixed-phase cloud, which is dominated by ice crystals, is not correlated to cloud droplet number (Fig. 11c). Instead, it is well predicted by the number of ice crystals, which is in turn not correlated to
4. Conclusions
In an idealized, two-dimensional modeling study, we have explored the sensitivity of warm- and mixed-phase orographic precipitation to aerosol backgrounds that simultaneously vary in their abundance of cloud condensation nuclei (CCN) and ice nucleating particles (INPs). For quantification, we adapt the concept of precipitation susceptibility [Eq. (1)] to orographic clouds. To account for the horizontal rather than vertical development of orographic clouds, our analysis is based on averages of variables along moist isentropes [Eq. (11)], which trace parcel trajectories, rather than vertical averages. For warm, mixed-phase, and glaciated trajectories, we generally find low precipitation susceptibilities, which means that the precipitation response to aerosol perturbations is buffered as compared to the response of cloud variables like droplet number concentration and ice water path (Figs. 6–8).
The Lagrangian perspective of the trajectory approach allows us to formulate a budget equation for cloud water
The balance constraint on the precipitation production rate explains the buffered precipitation susceptibility. A change in the aerosol background leads to a redistribution among the different pathways of precipitation formation, but the total amount of precipitation formation can only increase because of increased glaciation and a shift from condensation to vapor deposition as discussed in the previous paragraph. In the warm cloud, aerosol-induced changes in autoconversion and accretion compensate each other, polluted conditions favoring accretion because autoconversion efficiency is reduced by smaller droplet sizes, which leads to an accumulation of cloud water. In the mixed-phase cloud, precipitation production via collision–coalescence is replaced by riming for more polluted aerosol conditions, which correspond to increased glaciation and vapor deposition. Under polluted conditions, glaciation proceeds by snow–cloud riming at the expense of graupel–cloud riming and by vapor deposition on ice crystals at the expense of ice–cloud riming.
In accordance with Glassmeier and Lohmann (2016), Saleeby and Cotton (2013), and Muhlbauer et al. (2010), we thus observe a compensation between the liquid- and mixed-phase as well as between the mixed- and ice-phase pathways to precipitation formation for aerosol-induced increases in glaciation. The “externally constrained” buffering observed here needs to be distinguished from the “statistical” buffering discussed by Glassmeier and Lohmann (2016). In the latter case, buffering is not required to meet an external constraint but occurs on a statistical basis because compensating responses to aerosol perturbations are likely to be found when a multitude of processes are affected. In both cases, buffering is implemented by compensating responses to an aerosol perturbation, but the underlying causes are different.
In view of our budget analysis, the decreasing sensitivity to aerosols with increasing precipitation efficiency discussed by Miltenberger et al. (2015), Xue et al. (2013), and Geresdi et al. (2017) can be explained as follows: Disregarding effects on glaciation and given an aerosol-independent condensation rate, aerosols can only affect precipitation production by changing the degree of hydrometeor evaporation. Aerosol can affect evaporation by redistributing the total hydrometeor mixing ratio
In terms of the interpretation of the precipitation susceptibility concept, the constrained total precipitation production excludes the traditional view that precipitation susceptibility quantifies the strength of precipitation production that changes with changes in
It is interesting to discuss the applicability of the traditional as opposed to the fully adjusted, or steady-state, perspective on precipitation susceptibility. Although the atmosphere is constantly changing, approximate steady-state situations are possible when the time scale at which the atmospheric boundary conditions change is slow as compared to the thermodynamic and microphysical adjustment time scale. Orographic clouds as discussed in this study are one such example because their lifetime can be much longer than the time that individual air parcels spent in the cloud. Stratocumulus clouds are another example (Bretherton et al. 2010). The crucial difference between these two examples is that updraft and condensation in stratocumulus clouds are not aerosol independent. Precipitation formation in stratocumulus thus lacks the balance constraint discussed for orographic clouds. As discussed in the context of Eqs. (3) and (2), the traditional, process-focused perspective on susceptibilities applies on short time scales after a perturbation or change in the atmospheric boundary conditions.
In a fully adjusted situation, precipitation susceptibility can nevertheless be related to the process rates. In a steady-state cloud, the distribution of total hydrometeor mixing ratio
In summary, we find the following picture of aerosol–cloud–precipitation interactions in completely adjusted, externally constrained systems: An increase in
We thank Annette Miltenberger for sharing her experiences with the two-dimensional setup and Ulrich Blahak and Axel Seifert for providing the implementation of the cloud microphysics scheme. Nadja Herger and Fabiola Ramelli are gratefully acknowledged for their involvement in earlier approaches to orographic precipitation susceptibilities. We also thank three anonymous reviewers for their thoughtful comments that helped to clarify the manuscript. This work was funded by the ETH-domain CCES project OPTIWARES (41-02).
List of Symbols and Acronyms
Spatial average or normalized sum along a trajectory | |
Index denoting cloud ice category in SB | |
Index denoting cloud droplet category in SB | |
Index denoting graupel category in SB | |
Index denoting precipitation-size hydrometeor categories in SB (=prl + prs + prg) | |
Index denoting rain category in SB | |
Index denoting snow category in SB | |
Index denoting water vapor | |
Index denoting sum of two variables (=⋅x + ⋅y) | |
Equivalent potential temperature | |
acc | Mass accretion rate |
act | Mass rate of cloud droplet activation |
aut | Mass autoconversion rate |
Budget of | |
BC | Black carbon aerosol |
CCN | Cloud condensation nuclei |
coag | Total mass rate of coagulation (=aut + acc + rim) |
cond | Mass condensation rate |
diff | Total mass rate of vapor deposition in ice-phase hydrometeors (= i-diff + g-diff + s-diff) |
DU | Dust aerosol |
evp | Mass evaporation rate |
Fractional contribution of polluted number concentration to aerosol condition | |
Fractional contribution of polluted mass concentration to aerosol condition | |
Fractional contribution of sulfate to sulfate-coated dust aerosol | |
freez | Mass rate of droplet freezing |
gc-rim | Mass rate of graupel–droplet riming |
g-diff | Mass rate of vapor deposition on graupel |
ic-rim | Mass rate of ice–droplet riming |
i-diff | Mass rate of vapor deposition on cloud ice |
INP | Ice nucleation particle |
LWP | Liquid water path |
Precipitation mixing ratio (i.e., mixing ratio in sedimenting hydrometeors categories) | |
Cloud water mixing ratio (i.e., mixing ratio in cloud droplet category) | |
Total hydrometeor mixing ratio | |
Prod production rate of | |
Depletion rate of | |
Mixing ratio of hydrometeors in category x | |
melt | Mass rate of droplet melting |
Number of hydrometeors in category x | |
OC | Organic aerosol |
r | Mass rate of change of a microphysical process |
R | Rain rate |
Fraction of total hydrometeor mixing ratio | |
Fraction of total hydrometeor mixing ratio | |
rim | Total mass rate of |
s | Total precipitation susceptibility |
S | Saturation ratio |
Partial precipitation susceptibility with respect to x | |
sc-rim | Mass rate of snow–droplet riming |
s-diff | Mass rate of vapor deposition on snow |
SO4 | Sulfate aerosol |
w | Vertical velocity |
WBF | Wegener–Bergeron–Findeisen |
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We have omitted the conventional minus sign in our definition of precipitation susceptibility because this minus was motivated by the use for warm clouds.