1. Introduction
The number concentration of water droplets
Previous studies have focused upon variability of
In situ measurements showing the coalescence-scavenging driving of the vertical variability in
In Wood et al. (2018, hereafter Part I), we demonstrated that during the Cloud System Evolution in the Trades (CSET) field program (July–August 2015; subtropical northeastern Pacific), the NSF–NCAR Gulfstream V (G-V) aircraft frequently encountered UCLs, which were therein defined as layers of either cloud or clear air in which the concentration of particles larger than 0.1 μm is below 10 cm−3 (see Part I for details regarding the definition of UCLs). We showed that the clouds in the UCLs are typically geometrically thin and were commonly the veil clouds associated with aggregated Cu clusters. Visible satellite images indicate that a large fraction of clouds observed in the UCLs were optically thin (τ < 3). In part, this is caused by the extremely low
Based on the analysis of the aircraft measurements summarized in Part I, we hypothesize that the observed UCLs most likely result from efficient collision–coalescence in the upper MBL over the SCT region. The deep PBL height (~1500 m) in the SCT region gives high
In this work, we quantitatively test the proposed hypothesis for the formation process of the UCLs using idealized microphysical parcel model. The focus is on the depletion of
2. Parcel model
a. Basic model formulations
A Lagrangian adiabatic parcel model with explicit two-dimensional bin microphysics spanning aerosol and water droplet sizes is formulated to simulate the evolution of cloud microphysical processes in a rising parcel. First, the trajectory of the parcel follows an adiabatic ascent with a constant vertical velocity
The prognostic thermodynamics variables are temperature and saturation ratio, and the microphysical processes that are explicitly simulated in the model are activation of aerosol, condensation–evaporation, interstitial scavenging, collision–coalescence, and droplet loss from the parcel by sedimentation (the details regarding the treatments of droplet sedimentation process in the parcel model are given below). Details of the equations describing condensation and the changes of the thermodynamic variables applied in the model can be found in the appendix of Korolev and Mazin (2003). There is no artificial separation between unactivated aerosols, activated cloud droplets, and drizzle. The nucleation of unactivated aerosol (i.e., haze particles) is explicitly calculated by solving the droplet growth equations with κ–Kohler parameterization for aerosol hygroscopicity developed by Petters and Kreidenweis (2007; the details regarding the size distribution and κ value of aerosol are given later).
Collision–coalescence increases not only the size of water droplets but also size of the aerosol inside. The advantage of the 2D bin framework is that the resulting aerosol mass can be saved after collision–coalescence takes place, which may be important for the temporal evolution of DSDs. The hybrid bin scheme developed by Chen and Lamb (1994; CL scheme) is applied to treat condensation and evaporation processes. The two-dimensional flux method developed by Bott (2000; Bott scheme) is used to treat collision–coalescence in the 2D bin framework. Both the CL scheme and the Bott scheme are mass conservative and numerically efficient. The CL scheme is a two-moment explicit scheme designed for the evolution of the DSDs by condensation–evaporation, which produces little numerical diffusion and can be implemented into the 2D bin framework. The Bott scheme is an advanced method introducing the flux method for the stochastic collection equations developed by Bott (1998) into the 2D bin framework with low artificial broadening of DSDs. The gravitational collection kernel is applied here and can be given by
b. Initial conditions and aerosol distribution
A set of initial conditions must be specified to run the model. The initial temperature
c. Treatment of droplet sedimentation in the parcel model
A significant deficiency of the Lagrangian parcel model is that droplet loss from the parcel by sedimentation is typically not taken into account. This may lead to unrealistic rates of collision–coalescence leading to the formation of millimeter-size drops with fall speeds substantially faster than the updrafts. Such deficiency in the Lagrangian approach can be avoided in Eulerian modeling frameworks like large-eddy simulation (LES), which explicitly calculate droplet loss rate by sedimentation. On the other hand, in the Eulerian framework, the complexity of microphysical schemes is usually limited by computational resources, and cloud microphysical processes must typically be parameterized. With a focus in this study on microphysical processes for UCLs formation, we choose the 2D bin microphysics parcel model as the tool for our modeling study. However, we also wish to consider the droplet loss due to sedimentation in the Lagrangian parcel model, and to achieve this, a simple treatment is selected and tested.
The most uncertain factor in the sedimentation flux method is
3. Parcel modeling results
In Part I, analysis of the aircraft measurements in CSET found that UCLs are commonly found between 135° and 155°W over the northeastern Pacific, the typical SCT region, but occur infrequently east of 130°W over the northeastern Pacific, the overcast stratocumulus region. We showed that the UCL clouds are commonly the veil clouds associated with the aggregated Cu clusters. This implies that the cumulus regime is favorable for the formation of UCLs. Here, two sets of idealized modeling experiments representing the temporal evolution of cloud microphysics in a rising parcel in stratocumulus (Sc) and Cu are presented. According to Eastman et al. (2017), retrievals of PBL height from Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) CALIPSO and COSMIC GPS radio occultation show that the typical cloud-topped PBL heights at 20°–40°N are 1500 m between 135° and 155°W (i.e., Cu regime) and 800 m east of 130°W (i.e., Sc regime) over the northeastern Pacific. These values are used to specify
Summary of the setups and the results of the cumulus cases simulated in this study. Initial
a. Cumulus regime
Figure 5 shows the base case for the Cu regime, which suggests the Cu regime is favorable for the formation of UCLs and supports our hypothesis. The modeling result shows that
The left column in Fig. 7 shows the parcel modeling results for the Cu regime but with an artificially small
The right column in Fig. 7 shows the parcel modeling result for the Cu regime with
Figure 8 shows a sensitivity test of the Cu base case to the choice of
b. Stratocumulus regime
One important feature in stratocumulus is that usually parcels would be forced to descend by longwave cooling in a relatively shorter period of time than in cumulus, and the parcels could potentially pass stratocumulus multiple times. Here, we only allow the air parcel in Sc case to pass cloud layer only once in order to fairly compare the potential of UCLs formation in the stratocumulus cases and the cumulus cases (section 3a). The effect of multiple air parcel cycling on droplet depletion and it associated potential to produce UCLs in stratocumulus cloud will be discussed in section 4c. By using LES, Kogan (2006) showed that the residence time of air parcels at the cloud top is typically <30 min in stratocumulus. Thus, in the parcel modeling runs for the Sc regime, the time for which parcels stay in the cloud-top layer is simply assumed to be 30 min.
The modeling result of the Sc base case indicates that Sc regime is not favorable for the formation of UCLs (Fig. 9) as compared to the Cu regime. Although there is also an appreciable decrease of
The left column in Fig. 10 shows the modeling results for the Sc regime with
Although there are some major advantages to the adoption of a Lagrangian parcel model approach, especially for the study focus on cloud microphysical processes, there are two major caveats that should be addressed and discussed here: 1) the droplets falling into the parcel from above and 2) the entrainment of aerosol from free troposphere are not taken into account, which could be a significant source of droplet concentration in the rising parcel. However, large droplets falling from above could also increase the efficiency of collision–coalescence by adding those drops that are the most efficient collectors, which can result in the compensating feedback as shown in Fig. 8. In addition, as shown in Part I, veil clouds in UCLs tend to be much less turbulent than non-UCL clouds in the same altitude, suggesting that the entrainment rate of aerosol from above into the veil clouds may be much lower than in the active cumulus updraft. Therefore, these arguments support the notion that the processes of sedimentation and entrainment do not affect our conclusion that strong collision–coalescence in the precipitating cumulus clusters is the dominant process contributing to the prevailing UCLs feature throughout SCT regions.
c. Sensitivity to the initial aerosol condition
In this section, we aim to test the sensitivity of the modeling results to the initial aerosol condition assumed in the parcel model by swapping the initial Nccn assumed in the Sc and Cu base cases. The left column in Fig. 11 shows the Cu case (i.e., cloud top = 1500 m and Uz = 0.75 m s−1) with an initial Nccn of 207 cm−3. With relatively high initial Nccn, the Cu case still shows the formation of UCLs (i.e., low Nd and large re) caused by dominant collision–coalescence process shortly after the parcel reaches the assumed cloud-top height (1500 m). This result indicates that the initial Nccn plays only a minor role in determining the formation of UCLs in the Cu regime. On the other hand, with initial Nccn of 77 cm−3 assumed in the Sc case (Fig. 11, right column; i.e., cloud top = 800 m and Uz = 0.25 m s−1), Nd is depleted to 17 cm−3 after the parcel stays for 30 min at the cloud top, indicating that even with artificially low aerosol concentration, the Sc regime is still rather unfavorable for the formation of UCLs (i.e., Nd < 10 cm−3) as compared to the Cu regime. These two sensitivity experiments show that cloud thickness and liquid water amount are much more crucial factors than initial aerosol concentration for the formation of UCLs.
4. Parameterization of droplet coalescence-scavenging rate
a. Derivation
Note that units of
Figures 13a and 13d show the temporal evolution of
b. Fractional loss of droplets and its dependence on , , , and
c. Effect of parcel cycling on droplet depletion in stratocumulus
Air parcels in stratocumulus could cycle more than one time, and multiple cycles through cloud could have an effect on depletion of aerosol concentration and the associated potential to produce UCLs. The parameterization of droplet fraction loss in the updraft through collision–coalescence [i.e., Eq. (10)] is a useful tool to address this question. In the typical Sc regime, the background aerosol concentration
5. Conclusions
In Part I, based on the aircraft measurements from CSET, we found that ultraclean layers (UCLs) are common features in the SCT region over the northeastern subtropical Pacific Ocean and their fractional coverage can exceed ~50% where the PBL height exceeds 1 km. In this paper, the main goal is to test a hypothesis for the formation of UCLs in the MBL, namely, that the deep PBL height over the SCT region can provide high
A rising adiabatic parcel model with a 2D bin microphysics scheme is formulated to test the hypothesis. The results suggest that in the cumulus regime, collision–coalescence can efficiently deplete
A parameterized expression for the droplet coalescence-scavenging rate
We appreciate the constructive suggestions and comments from three anonymous reviewers that helped to improve this paper. This research was supported by NSF Cloud System Evolution in the Trades (CSET) project (AGS-1445813). We thank Marcia Baker and Jørgen Jensen for helpful discussion.
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