1. Introduction
The nocturnal low-level jet over the Great Plains of the United States has been a noted feature of its warm-season climatology since the 1950s [see the comprehensive literature review in Shapiro et al. (2016), hereafter SFR]. Observations of the horizontal wind vector
In addition to the qualitative difference in the turning of the surface hodograph between models with semislip and no-slip lower-boundary conditions, there are quantitative differences in the wind profiles above the surface. To compare the present results with those of SFR, and to explore efficiently the parameter space, we will present most of the results in a nondimensional framework in which the SFR no-slip solutions emerge in the limit as the surface-drag coefficient becomes large.
In section 2, the SFR model is summarized and extended to have a semislip lower-boundary condition. As only numerical solutions are available to us, we first check the present numerical model results against the analytical solutions reported in SFR. A direct comparison of the latter against a semislip solution for the same set of external parameters shows counterclockwise turning of the surface wind is a result of the semislip condition. Quantitative differences noted in the hodographs above the surface motivate the dimensional analysis of section 3, where several important nondimensional parameters are identified. Results for the maximum jet strength, its height, and its time of occurrence are tabulated as a function of the most important nondimensional input parameters of the present simple model. A summary is given in section 4.
2. The model
a. Governing equations
The different lower-boundary conditions, (6) and (7), warrant a few words of explanation. In the case of (7) (no slip), the eddy viscosity defines the shear stress (4) at all heights, including
Following SFR, we adopt a square wave for the time variation of
The SFR model contains the two most popular mechanisms proposed to explain the low-level jet in particular, and the diurnal wind oscillation in general, over the Great Plains. With
For the numerical solution of (1)–(6), the z derivatives are discretized using centered differences with
b. Numerical solutions
To test the present numerical solution, we use (7) and set the input parameters as specified in Table 1 of SFR (
Figure 1b shows the hodographs from numerical solutions using the semislip condition (6) with
Figure 2 shows the variation with height of the hodograph in the semislip case as the counterclockwise turning changes to clockwise turning in the lowest 100 m. The length scale of the variation with height is roughly the nighttime Ekman depth
The profiles in Fig. 3 illustrate the sunset transition
Figure 4 shows the budget terms for the no-slip case at
In the semislip case at
In contrast with the no-slip case, the balance of terms in the semislip case is qualitatively different at higher levels. Figure 7 shows that at sunset, the acceleration due to the change in the stress profile is qualitatively consistent with the no-slip case at either level (Figs. 4, 5). And, as shown in Fig. 1b, the hodograph at
The sunset transition for the semislip case is illustrated in detail in Fig. 8. Just before sunset
Before leaving this section, we note that both the Blackadar and Holton mechanisms are needed to produce something resembling a counterclockwise-rotating hodograph at the surface. [The pure Blackadar (no slope with time-varying eddy viscosity) solution at the surface goes to a single point at night since there is no katabatic wind, while the pure Holton (slope with eddy viscosity constant in time) solution has clockwise turning at all levels since there is never a discontinuity in the vertical stress profile.] This result is consistent with Bluestein et al. (2018), in which both the observational analysis (their Fig. 5) and the time-averaged full-physics model simulations (their Fig. 12) indicate that counterclockwise turning with time of the surface hodographs only occurred on the gently sloping terrain roughly west of a line from Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, to Wichita, Kansas.
3. Dimensional analysis and parameter dependence
In their section 4d, SFR describe the main parameter dependence of their analytical solutions in terms of the maximum strength of the low-level jet, its height, and its time of occurrence. With the semislip condition (6),
a. Dimensional analysis
b. Nondimensional governing equations
c. Solution dependence on the nondimensional external parameters
Each entry in Table 1 shows numerical solutions for
Each entry shows
A few general features of the solution for
Turning to the case with
Keeping α,
The present calculations reproduce the dependence of
4. Conclusions
Surface hodographs over the Great Plains exhibit anomalous counterclockwise turning over the diurnal cycle, which is opposite of the expected clockwise turning based on higher-level observations and theory; mesoscale-model forecasts over the continental United States from the warm season exhibit the same behavior (Bluestein et al. 2018). Analysis of the mesoscale-model forecasts in Bluestein et al. (2018) revealed that at sunset and sunrise, sharp vertical gradients in the stress profiles occur due to the continuous action of the surface stress and the decay and growth of interior stress due to the diurnal cycle of turbulence. The present paper extends the simple one-dimensional model of Shapiro et al. (2016) to include a semislip (instead of a no-slip) lower-boundary condition and is able to qualitatively reproduce the anomalous counterclockwise turning over the diurnal cycle in the surface layer while retaining the expected clockwise turning at higher levels.
The semislip lower boundary condition, in addition to its effect on the direction of turning in the surface layer, also produces quantitative changes in the solutions at all levels. As the number of potentially important input parameters in the extended SFR model is large, we reduced that number by looking for the most important dependence of the solution on several dimensionless input parameters. In summary, the nondimensional parameters that influence the no-slip or semislip solutions to the SFR model are given by (19). A novel result is the identification of the control parameter
H. Bluestein is supported by NSF Grant AGS-1560945. We thank Prof. Yu Du (Sun Yat-sen University, China) for his comments on the first draft of this paper.
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Otherwise, the ratio of the periods of surface temperature increase to decrease would present yet another input parameter.
Note that the noon icon in Fig. 1 denotes
With the SFR value of
Note that these dimensional values will depend on