1. Introduction
The near-surface air temperature is one of the key observed meteorological parameters that reflects thermodynamics of the coupled atmosphere–sea ice system in the Arctic. An identification of physical processes that affect the near-surface temperature is crucial for understanding the observed climate change (Vihma et al. 2014). This is a highly complex task since many interacting mechanisms are involved, but it can be simplified by considering specific thermal regimes over sea ice.
One such regime is the clear-sky cooling during polar night. It corresponds to one of the typical boundary layer states observed over sea ice in winter (e.g., Stramler et al. 2011), namely, a relatively shallow and stable atmospheric boundary layer (ABL). It is characterized by a negative longwave radiative balance at the sea ice surface resulting in cold temperatures and strong stability. While the longwave radiative heat loss from the surface is the main driver of cooling, other factors also influence this thermal regime. Two such factors are the main topic of this study. The first is wind speed, which is responsible for the turbulent coupling between the ABL and the surface, and the second is the occurrence of leads, which represents a source of heat for the ABL.
Previous studies demonstrated that wind speed has a strong effect on air temperature and the temperature difference
Low wind speed is associated with increased values of
Another factor influencing
The goal of this study is to further investigate the sensitivity of
Both steady-state and time-dependent solutions are presented and discussed. We also use a less idealized numerical 1D model, which consists of an atmospheric single-column model coupled to a simple sea ice and snow model. This model is used to verify some of the assumptions used in the analytical model.
Results of both analytical and numerical models are compared with the observations from the three Russian “North Pole” drifting stations: NP-35 (2007–08), NP-37 (2009–10), and NP-39 (2011–12) and also with the data from the Surface Heat Budget of the Arctic Ocean (SHEBA) campaign (Persson et al. 2002). The recent NP data are described in Makshtas et al. (2014, 2019) and Makhotina et al. (2019) and will be soon open for free access at the website of the Arctic and Antarctic Research Institute, St. Petersburg, Russia (http://www.aari.ru/). The drift trajectories of the stations were located in different parts of the Arctic Ocean. Thus, the observations represent a broad range of synoptic and sea ice conditions. The observations are used to document the sensitivity of
The structure of the paper is as follows. First, a simple analytical model is presented and its steady-state solution is derived (section 2). A numerical 1D model is presented in section 3. Observations at the NP stations are described in section 4. In section 5, the steady-state solution is analyzed and compared to the results of the 1D model. The results of both analytical and numerical models are compared to observations in section 6. Main results are summarized in section 7.
2. Steady-state analytical model
We consider the temperature evolution in a coupled system consisting of a bulk ABL and two surface types: 1) a sea ice slab covered with snow and 2) open leads. Temperature in the ABL and in the ice and snow layers is representative of a large region (e.g., 100 km × 100 km) in the central Arctic in which multiple leads are present.
An idealized vertical profile of temperature in the considered coupled system is shown in Fig. 1. The ambient inversion layer above the ABL is assumed to have constant temperature fixed to some typical value. As shown further, the inversion temperature in our model is only influencing the downwelling longwave radiative flux. The temperature at the lower boundary of the sea ice slab is set to the freezing point of salty seawater: θw = 271.35 K. It serves as a boundary condition to obtain the conductive flux through the ice layer. The lead surface temperature
Schematic representation of the temperature profile and fluxes in a three-layer coupled model of the ABL, snow, and sea ice. Red arrows show turbulent fluxes
Citation: Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences 76, 8; 10.1175/JAS-D-18-0277.1
The ABL and the snow–ice layer are interacting with each other by means of radiative, conductive, and turbulent fluxes of heat. The turbulent heat flux at the lower ABL boundary is the area-weighted flux consisting of fluxes over leads and ice floes, which are aggregated using the so-called tile or mosaic approach.
First, we consider the steady-state limit. Steady state is assumed in all three layers. Thus, in the ABL, in the absence of entrainment at its top, a positive turbulent heat flux from leads is balanced by a negative heat flux over sea ice and by longwave radiative cooling. Temperature profiles in the snow and ice layers are linear and the conductive heat flux in the ice layer is equal to the one in the snow layer. At the snow surface a balance between radiative, conductive, and turbulent fluxes is assumed.
The first two equations [(1) and (2)] are the steady-state heat conservation equations in the ABL and in the snow–ice layer. Note that, for simplicity, it is assumed that the ABL height
In the following, the constant values of 0.21 and 2.2 W m−1 K−1 are used for
Although the prescribed values of
Note that the steady-state model can be solved numerically by iterations for any stability function expressed in terms of either Rib or z/L, where L is the Obukhov length. In this study, we choose the Louis function as it allows us to obtain a simple analytical solution. However, one should keep in mind that the long-tail functions, such as the Louis ones, produce too much mixing compared to local observations. They were introduced to improve the performance of the coarse-grid models. A good example is the study by Savijärvi (2009), where it is shown that the unresolved mixing due to the mesoscale terrain effects can be taken into account by using the long-tail stability functions. However, short-tail forms (e.g., Businger–Dyer functions) are more consistent with turbulence theory. Moreover, the ice-covered Arctic ocean represents a rather homogeneous surface over which the extra mixing might not be required (e.g., Gryanik and Lüpkes 2018). Thus, while we prefer the Louis functions for their simplicity, below we briefly discuss the sensitivity of our model results to the choice of stability functions.
Earlier studies, such as McNider et al. (2012) and Van de Wiel et al. (2017), demonstrated the sensitivity of the wind speed of transition between the two stability regimes to the used stability functions. Namely, the long-tail functions result in smaller values of the transition wind speed. Also, the above studies show that some stability functions, especially the short-tail and the cutoff ones, result in the existence of multiple solutions for
The height in the surface layer z is an important model parameter, as the effect of stability on
Before deriving the steady-state solution it is worth to note that with our assumptions all fluxes in the system (1)–(3) apart from LWi, which is constant, are brought to a form
Let us consider the new variable, which is the normalized temperature difference
Thus, one should keep in mind that the arbitrary choice of stability functions leads to an uncertainty of results, especially in the range of wind speed close to its transition value. However, a detailed analysis of this issue is outside of the scope of this paper, and the reader is referred to the existing literature (e.g., McNider et al. 1995, 2012; Van de Wiel et al. 2017) where this matter was considered in much detail.
In the following, the analytical solution with constant
3. Single-column numerical model
In addition to the analytical model we apply also a single-column numerical model, which is a 1D version of the nonhydrostatic three-dimensional (NH3D) atmospheric model (Miranda and James 1992; Chechin et al. 2013) coupled to a sea ice/snow model. The atmospheric model consists of prognostic equations for the horizontal wind components u and υ and potential temperature θ. Vertical turbulent and longwave radiative fluxes are parameterized. The 1D snow/ice model consists of a prognostic heat diffusion equation. The atmospheric and snow/ice models are coupled by solving the heat balance equation at the snow surface.
The stability function in (30) closely approximates the universal function of Beljaars and Holtslag (1991), which uses z/L as a stability parameter. The Ri-based approximation in (30) was used earlier by Savijärvi (2009) in his simulations of a stable boundary layer in the Antarctic and results were shown to be in good agreement with observations. Using the Businger–Dyer stability functions in a form with Ri as a stability parameter [as it was done, for example, by Vihma et al. (2003) in their simulations of a stable ABL over sea ice] does not change qualitatively the results of our 1D simulations.
Test simulations of the first GEWEX Atmospheric Boundary Layer Study (GABLS1) case (Cuxart et al. 2006), which represents a weakly stable Arctic ABL, showed that the 1D model in the described configuration produced results in a good agreement with large-eddy simulations (not shown here). Also, the NH3D model previously successfully reproduced vertical profiles of wind speed and temperature over the Arctic sea ice and the marginal sea ice zone (Chechin et al. 2013).
Surface fluxes in (32) and (33) are parameterized using Monin–Obukhov similarity theory. Thereby, we are using the universal functions proposed by Grachev et al. (2007) on the basis of the SHEBA observations. Note the inconsistency between the stability functions used in the 1D model and in the analytical model. Our methodology is that the 1D model represents a more complete and a more realistic model, as compared to the analytical model. Thus, in the 1D model, the universal functions based on observations are used, unlike the Louis functions in the analytical model. For the calculation of fluxes, the same values of wind speed U and θ at the lowest model level (4-m height) are used over both leads and sea ice. The lead surface temperature is set to 271.35 K following Lüpkes et al. (2008b). The roughness length
The longwave radiative fluxes in the ABL and at the surface are calculated using the radiative transfer model developed at the Goddard Climate and Radiation Branch (Chou et al. 2001). This results in more realistic radiative cooling and heating rates compared to the empirical formula used in Lüpkes et al. (2008b). In the Goddard scheme, the CO2 volume mixing ratio is set to 360 ppmv, which is the same value as used in the study of the Arctic air-mass formation by Pithan et al. (2016).
For simplicity, specific humidity is set to 80% of its saturation value over ice. This does not allow for condensation and cloud formation, as the focus is on clear-sky conditions.
The setup of the 1D model experiments is similar to the one used in Lüpkes et al. (2008b). We initialize the model with a profile of potential temperature observed by radiosounding at the NP-37 station on 11 November 2009 in cloudy conditions several hours before the sky cleared (Fig. 2). The profile is slightly stable up to the height of about 200 m with the ABL-averaged potential temperature equal to about 257 K. A strong inversion above the mixed layer is occupying the layer between 200 and 600 m with a temperature jump of about 10 K across this layer.
Potential temperature profile based on the radiosounding launched at NP-37 on 11 November 2009.
Citation: Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences 76, 8; 10.1175/JAS-D-18-0277.1
The model is forced by geostrophic wind, which is assumed to be constant in height and time. Initial values of the horizontal wind components are set equal to those of the geostrophic wind. The model is integrated for the period of 12 days.
In all experiments, constant sea ice and snow thickness of 2 and 0.3 m, respectively, are used. The same values were used in Lüpkes et al. (2008b) as representative values for a central Arctic.
The vertical grid spacing of 8 m is used in the atmosphere with the lowest level at 4 m height. We use 25 levels in the ice slab and 15 levels in the snow slab. That many levels in the snow and ice layers are used to be sure that vertical resolution is sufficient.
4. Observations
We use in this study near-surface observations performed at three Russian North Pole drifting stations and during the SHEBA campaign. Measurements at the SHEBA Flux Tower are presented in much detail elsewhere (e.g., Persson et al. 2002), so in the following, only the observations at the NP stations are described.
At the NP stations, wind speed and direction, as well as air temperature (also relative humidity, which is not used in this study) were measured by an automatic weather station MAWS 110 (Vaisala). At the NP-35 and NP-37 stations, air temperature was observed at 2- and 8-m height, while at the NP-39 station only at 2-m height. The wind speed observations at 10-m height are used in this study. Upward and downward shortwave and longwave radiative fluxes were observed at 2-m height using a Kipp and Zonen net-radiometer CNR-1 at NP-35 and NP-37, and CNR-4 (which replaced CNR-1 in the Kipp and Zonen product range and has very similar characteristics) at NP-39.
All observations at the NP stations were acquired with a temporal resolution of 1 min. After applying the quality control procedures the data were averaged over 1-h intervals. Temperatures at multiple levels and at the surface were plotted against each other in order to estimate the consistency of data and to identify outliers, which were further checked. This helped, for example, to identify periods when the infrared radiometer did not function correctly, probably due to icing. In this study, data with wind speed lower than 0.1 m s−1 at 2-m height were excluded from the analysis, as well as the cases when wind speed at 10 m height was lower than wind speed at 2-m height.
Only the situations with clear sky were selected. The selection criterion was based on the value of the net longwave radiation LW < −20 W m−2, similar to Stramler et al. (2011) who used the criterion LW < −30 W m−2. We chose the lower threshold value (in absolute sense) to make sure that cases with strong inversions are not filtered out. Our criterion was validated by a comparison with visual observations of cloud fraction carried out every 3 h at the NP stations.
In this study, only the polar night period is considered: from the beginning of November until the end of February. Fig. 3 shows the drift trajectories (in blue) of the three NP stations during this period. The NP-35 drift is located in the Atlantic sector of the Arctic to the north from the Kara and Barents Seas. NP-37 and NP-39 drifted closer to the Canadian basin and Beaufort Gyre. The difference in the geographical location results in different background meteorological conditions as well as in different values of the sea ice parameters around the stations. The presentation and detailed analysis of such differences is beyond the scope of this paper and is left for further research.
Drift trajectories of the (top left) NP-35 (2007–08), (top right) NP-37 (2009–10), (bottom left) NP-39 (2011–12), and (bottom right) SHEBA (1997–98) stations over the period of November–February overlaid on the sea ice concentration averaged over the same period based on SSM/I data (Integrated Climate Date Center, University of Hamburg, Hamburg, Germany, https://icdc.cen.uni-hamburg.de/). Each trajectory start is marked with the station name.
Citation: Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences 76, 8; 10.1175/JAS-D-18-0277.1
To give a rough estimate of possible SIC values around the stations, the SIC fields derived from the Special Sensor Microwave Imager (SSM/I) and Special Sensor Microwave Imager/Sounder (SSM/IS) data (https://icdc.cen.uni-hamburg.de/; Kaleschke et al. 2001) are presented in Fig. 3. Drift trajectories are overlaid over the SIC fields averaged over the November–February period of the corresponding polar-night season. Evidently, SIC rarely reaches exactly 100%. However, as shown previously by Tetzlaff et al. (2013), there is a significant uncertainty of the satellite-derived SIC in the range between 90% and 100%, which is the focus of our study. In particular, Tetzlaff et al. (2013) show that the SSM/I–SSM/IS product shown in Fig. 3 might underestimate SIC in this range.
5. Analytical solutions and 1D model results
The 1D model is run with a sea ice concentration A ranging from 0.9 to 1 and the geostrophic wind speed ranging from 1 to 20 m s−1 for 12 days. The results for
Air temperature at 4 m as function of the sea ice concentration and wind speed at 4 m, as produced by the 1D model after 12 days of cooling (solid lines) and the steady-state solutions: CONST with constant
Citation: Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences 76, 8; 10.1175/JAS-D-18-0277.1
The sensitivity of
Similar nonmonotonic dependency of
Figure 5 shows the values of
(left) Exchange coefficient for heat over sea ice
Citation: Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences 76, 8; 10.1175/JAS-D-18-0277.1
Both the heat fluxes over snow and leads decrease almost linearly with decreasing wind as follows from (1). However, additionally to this effect, heat loss from air to snow is further reduced due to stability. To reach a new equilibrium,
When the sea ice concentration is decreasing, the heating from leads is increasing and the transition to the strongly stable regime occurs already at larger U both in the 1D model and in STDP. Also, from Fig. 5 it can be seen that
The effect of leads is further demonstrated by Fig. 6, where the main ABL heat budget terms are shown. The latter are the surface turbulent fluxes
The ABL heat budget components for A = 0.96 as produced by the 1D model (solid lines) after 12 days of cooling and the STDP solution (dashed lines) as functions of wind speed: heat flux from leads
Citation: Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences 76, 8; 10.1175/JAS-D-18-0277.1
Clearly, Fig. 6 shows that turbulent heat flux over sea ice depends on wind speed. Moreover, we found that another important component of the surface energy balance strongly indirectly depends on wind speed, namely, the net longwave radiative flux LW. Figure 7 shows LW as function of U according to the 1D model results. In particular, LW becomes more negative with increasing wind speed, from about −20 to −50 to −60 W m−2 for U changing from 1 to about 12 m s−1. This is related to two factors: 1) the inversion strength decreasing with increasing U and 2) the ABL height increasing with U, which makes the ABL optically thicker for the longwave radiation emitted by the inversion layer.
(a) The net longwave radiative flux at the sea ice surface as function of wind speed at 4-m height. (b) The modified König–Langlo and Augstein parameterization against the 1D model results using the Goddard scheme after 4 days of cooling with the geostrophic wind ranging from 1 to 20 m s−1 and A ranging from 0.9 to 1.
Citation: Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences 76, 8; 10.1175/JAS-D-18-0277.1
Figure 7 also shows that LW depends on the sea ice concentration. For A changing from 0.9 to 1, the absolute value of LW is on average decreasing by about 20 W m−2. This has to do with the ABL warming by leads, which is reducing the inversion strength and increasing the ABL height.
A further understanding of the dependency of LW on U and A can be obtained by considering the heat balance equation, (3), at the surface. Larger U and smaller A result in a larger turbulent heat flux directed from the ABL to the snow surface. According to (3), the increased turbulent heat flux has to be compensated by an increase of LW and a decrease of the conductive heat flux.
The sensitivity of LW to wind speed and A manifests a negative feedback in the coupled ABL–sea ice system. Namely, at low wind speed (or high A) LW becomes less negative and does not allow the ABL to cool too much, while at higher wind speed (or lower A) LW becomes more negative and does not allow too much warming due to the heat flux from leads. Thus, this feedback decreases the sensitivity of
Figure 7 also shows that the described dependency of LW on U and A is to a large extent taken into account by the modified KLA parameterization, (9). Namely, Fig. 7 shows the values of LW computed by the 1D model with the Goddard scheme and by the modified KLA using in (9)
In this section it was shown that in the steady state the presence of leads results in a nonmonotonic dependency of
Concerning the strong wind regime, none of the mentioned studies considered the ABL cooling time scale in detail. It was suggested (McNider et al. 2012; Sterk et al. 2013) that the increase of
In appendix B, we show analytically that the ABL cooling time scale is increasing with U in the strong wind regime due to the interaction of the above mentioned processes. In particular, we found that stronger thermal coupling between the ABL and the snow–ice layer results in longer cooling time scale. We do not discuss the increase of the cooling time scale in the weak wind regime due to an increase of stability, as it was well documented previously (e.g., McNider et al. 2012).
6. Comparison with observations
Figure 8 shows the observed
Observed and modeled potential temperature as a function of wind speed. Gray circles represent the observed
Citation: Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences 76, 8; 10.1175/JAS-D-18-0277.1
Figure 8 shows the pronounced dependency of the lowermost
Figure 9 shows the observed
Observed and modeled
Citation: Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences 76, 8; 10.1175/JAS-D-18-0277.1
At NP-39, the values of
It is worth to note that the observed
The observed values of
The observed potential temperature difference
Citation: Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences 76, 8; 10.1175/JAS-D-18-0277.1
From Figs. 9 and 10 it is obvious that the observed scatter of
An important result obtained from the 1D model is the dependency of the net longwave radiative flux (LW) at the surface on wind speed U. Figure 11 shows that such a dependency exists also in the observations. To demonstrate this we calculated the 10th and 50th percentiles for data binned into the wind speed intervals of the 1 m s−1 width. Note that only the values of LW < −20 W m−2 are considered to filter out cloudy cases. Both the 10th- and 50th-percentile curves show that LW becomes more negative with increasing wind speed in the region U < 10 m s−1. In particular, LW is decreasing from about −30 W m−2 for U = 2 m s−1 to about −60 W m−2 for U = 10 m s−1. It is interesting that for U > 10 m s−1 the values of LW become again less negative. This might be due to the fact that very strong winds are associated with transient cyclones and the advection of warm and moist air, which leads to increased downwelling radiation.
The observed net longwave radiative flux (LW) at the (top left) NP-35, (top right) NP-37, (bottom left) NP-39, and (bottom right) SHEBA stations as a function of wind speed at 10 m (2 m for NP-39 and 9 m for SHEBA). The area between the 10th- and 50th-percentile curves is shaded with blue. The red curve represents the 1D model solution for A = 0.96.
Citation: Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences 76, 8; 10.1175/JAS-D-18-0277.1
The values of LW simulated by the 1D model are also shown in Fig. 11. The modeled dependency of LW on U is very similar to the observed one. This suggests that indeed it is the dependency of the ABL height and the inversion strength on wind speed that is behind the dependency of LW on U. However, this dependency has to be studied in more detail.
The steady-state solutions considered in this section are attractive due to their simplicity. However, it is a question, how often such conditions are observed in nature. A study by Overland et al. (2000) provides some evidence supporting a plausibility of the steady-state assumption. There, the authors show that the negative heat flux over thick ice floes (as measured at the SHEBA camp) was almost compensated by large positive heat flux through leads and thin ice. This resulted in small close-to-zero values of the area-averaged heat flux over the 100 km × 100 km region around the SHEBA camp. This implies that on the considered spatiotemporal scale the ABL in the central Arctic is nearly in a steady state or only slowly evolving. The time scale at which the steady state is reached in a cooling ABL is considered in more detail in appendix B.
7. Conclusions
An analytical model of the atmospheric boundary layer (ABL) coupled to a sea ice slab is presented describing the thermal regime over sea ice during clear-sky cooling in polar night. Analytical solutions reveal the sensitivity of the air and surface temperatures to external parameters such as the depths and conductivities of the snow and ice layers, surface roughness, wind speed, and sea ice concentration. Particularly, the latter two are the focus of this study and are shown to have a strong impact on both the air and snow-surface temperatures and on the stability over sea ice.
The presented theoretical model highlights several important features of contrasting ABL regimes that are governed by wind speed and are amplified by the presence of leads. First of all, the model describes the transition from a weakly stable (coupled) regime to a strongly stable (decoupled) regime when wind speed is decreasing. In this respect the model is similar to the conceptual model presented earlier by Van de Wiel et al. (2017), but contains several important developments described in section 1. Most importantly, the model takes into account leads. The analytical solutions demonstrate that the presence of leads increases stability over sea ice and promotes further decoupling. Thus, a decrease of the sea ice concentration leads to an increase of the threshold value of wind speed at which the transition occurs and also to an increase of the air–ice temperature difference.
One of the consequences of decoupling is the nonmonotonic dependency of the air temperature on wind speed, which is produced by the theoretical model. Namely, the coldest temperatures occur for the threshold value of wind speed. In the coupled regime, air temperature is increasing with wind speed. The theoretical model highlights several mechanisms leading to such a dependency. First, the turbulent heat flux from leads is increasing with wind speed and warms the ABL. Second, the cooling time scale is also increasing with wind speed in the coupled regime even in the absence of leads.
In the decoupled regime, the cooling time scale is increasing with decreasing wind speed. Also, the positive heat flux from leads is not any more effectively balanced by the negative heat flux over sea ice. The latter is suppressed by stratification. This results in increase of air temperature when wind speed is decreasing below the threshold value.
To summarize, the theoretical model reveals the following effects of the presence of leads: 1) a strong ABL warming, 2) an increase of stability over sea ice and an amplification of decoupling, and 3) an impact on the cooling time scale of the ABL.
The theoretical model results are evaluated by comparison with results of a single-column numerical ABL–sea ice model. The results of the two models are in a very good qualitative and even quantitative agreement. The 1D model mimics to some extent the behavior of a single column of a coarse resolution atmospheric model. Thus, one can expect that the described effects of wind speed and sea ice concentration are also present in climate simulations and in the numerical weather predictions, as well as in the atmospheric reanalyses. The increase of stratification and decoupling might play an important role, especially for the simulations of the sea ice drift, leading to the reduction of the atmospheric drag coefficient over sea ice.
Observational support for our conclusions is provided by data from four drifting stations: the Russian North Pole-35, -37, and -39 stations and the SHEBA station. The coldest temperatures observed during the polar night period at all stations demonstrate a pronounced dependency on wind speed, which is in good agreement with the theoretical model result. This concerns primarily the increase of temperature with wind speed. Moreover, at all the stations the minimal temperatures are observed not for zero wind, but for a wind speed in the range of 2–4 m s−1, also in agreement with the theoretical prediction.
A wind-driven transition to the strongly stable regime is observed at three out of four stations. The largest air–ice temperature differences were observed at low wind speed at the NP-37 station and reach up to 10 K (for air temperature measured at 8-m height). It is intriguing that at NP-39 there is no evidence of decoupling at low wind speed. This phenomenon needs further investigation.
An important result of our study is also the sensitivity of the net longwave radiative flux (LW) at the surface to wind speed, which is obtained in the 1D model and found also in the observations. In particular, LW becomes more negative when wind speed is increased. The 1D solutions suggest that this is related to the dependency of two parameters on wind speed. These are the strength of the inversion capping the ABL and the ABL height. The dependency of LW on wind speed serves as a negative feedback allowing the ABL neither to cool too much at low wind speed nor to become warmer when wind speed is increasing.
It is worth to note that several processes that potentially have an important impact on the thermal regime over sea ice were neglected in this study. These are the horizontal advection of heat and subsidence. The latter was shown to play an important role in the formation of strong inversions over the Antarctic Plateau (Baas et al. 2018; Vignon et al. 2018) and might as well be important in the Artic.
We believe that the presented dependencies of the thermodynamic state of the coupled ABL–sea ice system on wind speed can be used for the diagnostics of the climate and weather prediction models. Such models often poorly resolve the stable ABL due to the use of a coarse grid. Thus, additional diagnostics that can reveal their drawbacks might be very valuable. It can also help to better understand the spread in the model representation of the high-latitude warming (e.g., Bintanja et al. 2012).
The authors thank the four anonymous reviewers for their helpful comments and also the overwintering crew at the Russian North Pole stations and at the SHEBA ice camp for their hard work to obtain the observations. D.G.C. worked on the analytical and numerical modelling presented in this paper. His numerical modeling and the work of C.L. is funded by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG; German Research Foundation)—Project 268020496—TRR 172, within the Transregional Collaborative Research Center “Arctic Amplification: Climate Relevant Atmospheric and Surface Processes, and Feedback Mechanisms (AC)3” and by DFG Grant LU 818/5-1. Analytical modelling by D.G.C. and the work of I.A.M. on the analysis of the observations is supported by the Russian Science Foundation Grant 18-77-10072. The work of A.P.M. is supported by the Russian Ministry of Education and Science Grant RFMEFI61617X0076.
Sensitivity to Model Parameters
Analytical solution (25) depends on the effective thermal conductance
According to the review of Makshtas (1998),
As expected, the analytical solution for
Sensitivity of the analytical solution for
Citation: Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences 76, 8; 10.1175/JAS-D-18-0277.1
The solution also depends on the surface roughness lengths for momentum
Cooling Time Scale in the Strong-Wind Regime
Let us consider a model where the steady-state assumption is not used in the ABL. In the ice and snow volume, the temperature is assumed to be in equilibrium with the ABL forcing at any given time step. Thus no prognostic equations are used for the snow and ice temperatures. The thickness of snow and ice layers as well as all other snow and ice parameters such as densities and heat conductivities are assumed constant.
In the system (B1)–(B3) we neglect entrainment and assume that
The exchange coefficient
The solution reflects several mechanisms through which
According to (B11),
The upper panels of Fig. B2 show the time evolution of
Boundary layer height as a function of the ABL-averaged wind speed
Citation: Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences 76, 8; 10.1175/JAS-D-18-0277.1
(top) Potential temperature averaged over the ABL height as a function of wind speed and time for A = 1 and (bottom) the cooling time scale τ as a function of A and Um based on (left) the theoretical model solutions for constant CH,s and (right) the 1D model results.
Citation: Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences 76, 8; 10.1175/JAS-D-18-0277.1
Figure B2 shows the dependency of the cooling time scale τ on wind speed and the sea ice concentration A. In the 1D model results, the cooling time scale is found as the time when
It is clear that τ has a nonmonotonic dependency on
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