1. Introduction
Three-dimensional high-resolution numerical simulations of supercell storms are now capable of reproducing violent tornadoes (e.g., Orf et al. 2017; Orf 2019). Despite excellent visualizations and extensive diagnostic studies of these complex simulations, there is still no universally accepted explanation of how the tornadoes form. This paper develops formulas for the partial vorticities of parcels that can be used to detect the origins of tornado vorticity in supercell simulations and thus assess the merits of various tornado theories. A subsequent paper will report and lightly test a methodology for computing partial vorticities of a parcel along its forward trajectory. The method requires the parcel’s initial vorticity and, along its path, its velocity-gradient matrix and the torques acting on it. This information can be obtained from the output of a simulation.
Although still not providing conclusive evidence in favor of a single tornadogenesis theory, numerical simulations have nevertheless provided clues. The following briefly summarizes current knowledge and ideas about tornado formation. In the typical supercell environment, vertical vorticity is negligible compared to horizontal vorticity (Davies-Jones 1984, hereafter DJ84). Moreover, simulated supercells produce tornadoes even when there is no environmental vertical vorticity. Thus Earth’s rotation is essential only to the establishment of the favorable environmental wind shear that is input to a forecast or model. Within a storm, torques associated with differential buoyancy, frictional, and precipitation-drag forces generate vorticity that is predominantly horizontal. Thus any tornadogenesis theory should explain how the larger-scale flow in a simulated supercell can produce a tornado with its large vertical vorticity and high energy density at ground level from ambient and torque-generated horizontal vorticity. In theory and many simulations with a free-slip lower boundary condition, intense vertical vorticity near the ground forms from horizontal vorticity only in air parcels that have descended from their initial height in the environment (Davies-Jones 1982, 2000; Davies-Jones and Brooks 1993; Adlerman et al. 1999; Davies-Jones et al. 2001; Davies-Jones and Markowski 2013). As shown by Davies-Jones (2017, hereafter DJ17) and Rotunno et al. (2017), a current of air entering a tornado has to subside first in order for its horizontal vorticity to be greatly amplified next to the ground. The vortex then results from upward tilting of the crowded near-surface vortex lines. The near-ground vertical vorticity in many simulations stems from baroclinically generated horizontal vorticity in cool subsiding air on the left side of the storm with respect to storm motion (e.g., Rotunno and Klemp 1985; Davies-Jones and Brooks 1993; Adlerman et al. 1999; Dahl et al. 2014; Markowski and Richardson 2014; Dahl 2015). Even when the environmental vorticity is mainly crosswise (left normal to the storm-relative environmental wind) or when the baroclinic generation is transverse, the vorticity entering the tornadic region of the storm can still end up predominantly streamwise (Adlerman et al. 1999; Markowski and Richardson 2014) owing to the “river-bend effect,” which turns positive transverse vorticity into the streamwise direction in left-turning flow (Fig. 1; Shapiro 1972; Scorer 1997; Adlerman et al. 1999; Davies-Jones et al. 2001; DJ17).
Recently other origins of vorticity have been proposed. In supercell simulations with surface drag, substantial increases in circulation around a material circuit have been attributed to frictionally generated vorticity generated close to the ground in the storm inflow (e.g., Roberts et al. 2020). Vorticity generated at the ground diffuses into the atmosphere. Owing to large vertical gradients of shear stress, the generation of frictional vorticity near the ground is predominantly horizontal. Like subsidence, surface drag causes packed near-surface vortex lines. Turbulent mixing in the model should be sufficient to produce a realistic surface layer. If this layer is too shallow, the frictional vorticity is too concentrated near the ground (Markowski and Bryan 2016; Davies-Jones 2021). However, Batchelor (1967, p. 282) pointed out that downward advection can confine vorticity to a shallow layer. Tornado formation could result if this abundant vorticity is advected beneath the updraft, tilted toward the vertical, and vertically stretched. As well as generating horizontal vorticity, surface drag also acts to enhance low-level convergence in the mesocyclone by increasing cyclostrophic imbalance and radial inflow.
Based on advanced visualization of their numerical output, Orf et al. (2017) associated tornadoes with preceding and nearby streamwise vorticity currents (SVC), which form along a baroclinic forward-flank downdraft boundary (FFDB) or a left-front convergence boundary (LFCB) (Beck and Weiss 2013; Orf 2019) as depicted in Fig. 2. The tail cloud rising into the wall cloud in Fig. 3 forms along an FFDB or an LFCB. Although the tornado is pendant from the wall cloud and eventually becomes the center of circulation, it forms near an updraft–downdraft interface (Lemon and Doswell 1979). It does not form near the place where the SVC-associated tail cloud ascends into the wall cloud (Fig. 3; Fujita 1959) because the vertical vorticity is forming in air as it is rising away from the ground (Davies-Jones 1982). Nevertheless the intersection of the SVC with the updraft is an important location because it is a place at low altitude where the mesocyclonic rotation is enhanced locally owing to upward tilting and stretching of streamwise vorticity, pressure is falling rapidly, the upward pressure-gradient force is powerful, and the updraft is intense due to “vortex suction” (Lilly 1986).
The visualizations accentuate the SVC, but do not show how a tornado obtains its vorticity. Since vorticity is a property of parcels, we must adopt a Lagrangian approach and analyze the vorticity evolution of parcels that enter a tornado. Air only enters a tornado through its corner region close to the ground; it does not enter aloft through its sides. Rotating rain curtains may be instrumental in bringing rotation to the ground. Based on visual evidence, Fujita (1975) proposed the recycling hypothesis for tornado formation. A rotating rain curtain descends around the mesocyclone and initiates a twisting downdraft through drag forces, evaporative cooling, and advection. The torque due to a horizontal hydrometeor gradient of 3.5 g kg−1 km−1 is roughly the same as that due to a horizontal temperature gradient of 1 K km−1. As this downdraft hits the ground, some of its air flows inwards toward the axis of rotation, thus transporting angular momentum downward and inwards. The near-ground tornado cyclone that results from this spinup intensifies into a tornado as a result of frictional interaction with the ground. An idealized axisymmetric simulation by Davies-Jones (2008, hereafter DJ08) models this process using large raindrops released at the top of the updraft. Animation clearly shows that the tornado forms ground upward and connects with the one aloft as horizontal vorticity is tilted into the vertical and then advected upward in an axial jet. In this regard, the axisymmetric simulation agrees with Orf’s high-resolution 3D simulations. The process also produces anticyclonic vorticity adjacent to the tornado as often observed. The vortex aloft does not build gradually downward to the surface by the dynamic pipe effect (Smith and Leslie 1979; Trapp and Davies-Jones 1997).
We should recognize that there is more to tornadogenesis than just identifying the origins of the tornado’s vertical vorticity. Updraft rotation aloft plays an important role. Even though rotation near the ground develops baroclinically, frictionally, or as a result of differential hydrometeor drag, it is set up indirectly by the broader updraft rotation aloft, which originates from tilting of streamwise vorticity (DJ84) and leads to rotating rain curtains and left-turning subsiding flow at low elevations. For example, in the DJ08 simulation, azimuthal torque-generated vorticity, although not tilted, is nonetheless important because its associated circulation radically alters the flow in the radial–height plane, resulting in downward and inward transport of angular momentum. Tornadogenesis would not occur in the simulation without it.
To help identify vorticity generation and amplification processes in supercell simulations, previous theoretical work concerning steady isentropic inviscid supercell-like flows (DJ17) is extended herein to unsteady nonisentropic flow. Given the wind field from a supercell simulation, the new work can be used to calculate the partial vorticities of parcels that enter simulated tornadoes and thus to formulate the above ideas about tornadic rotation. The vorticity equation for general flow is integrated in the nonorthogonal Lagrangian coordinates that were used previously by Dahl et al. (2014) to compute a parcel’s barotropic vorticity. Dahl et al.’s method is generalized herein to obtain formulas for baroclinic and frictional vorticity as well. For steady flow the new method yields simpler formulas and derivations than the equivalent ones generated by DJ17, using Scorer’s (1997, 74–78) secondary-vorticity approach.
Formulas for the barotropic, baroclinic, and frictional vorticities are obtained herein for several kinds of flow. In sections 2 and 3 the flow is very general with Coriolis and friction forces included. In sections 4 and 5, we specify that the reference frame is nonrotating and approximately (or exactly in section 5) storm relative, that the environment is horizontally uniform, and that the supercell-like flow is frictionless. We also turn the Lagrangian horizontal axes with height so that they are streamwise and crosswise to the frame-relative environmental wind. In section 5 the flow is further restricted to being steady, dry, and isentropic. Section 6 demonstrates how easy it is to deduce the relationship between updraft helicity and storm-relative environmental helicity with the techniques developed herein. In appendix B we show that in the limit of steady dry isentropic flow the formulas obtained in section 5 reduce to those obtained laboriously in DJ17. Section 7 uses the formulas to show how rotation may develop in a supercell, and section 8 encapsulates the vorticity-evolution theory.
2. Mathematical formulation
The ei(τ) are tangent to the coordinate curves X i. Note that e1(τ), e2(τ), and e3(τ) are the current configurations of short material line elements attached to a parcel that are initially parallel to the x, y, and z axes. At a point these vectors define a tiny fluid stencil (Fig. 4; Dahl et al. 2014) that evolves in location space as illustrated in Fig. 5. The arms of the stencil are proportional to the covariant basis vectors. Initially they are of uniform length dX = dY = dZ ≡ Δ, and define a tiny cube as shown. The arms are material “elastic strings” that stretch and turn, and the material grid volume deforms into a parallelepiped (Fig. 5) of the same mass as the initial cube (Fig. 4). In label space the cube is naturally static. Equation (11) is a statement that the mass of the material parallelepiped in Fig. 5 is invariant (Lamb 1945, p. 14).
3. Integral of the Lagrangian vorticity equation for general flow
a. Barotropic-vorticity formula
From (30) we see that any vector with constant contravariant components satisfies the barotropic-vorticity Eq. (6). Thus the ei(τ), i =1, 2, 3, satisfy (6) individually and the ei vectors are therefore material vectors frozen into the fluid [as evident physically from (12)].
b. Formula for nonbarotropic vorticity
We observe from (35) that the nonbarotropic vorticity of a parcel depends on the time integral of torques, but not on the specific temporal distribution of the torques within the time interval (τ0, τ). Thus the timing of the nonbarotropic generation of vorticity relative to tornado formation is immaterial. It can occur mainly near the time of spinup or quite long ago and relatively far from the mesocyclone (Davies-Jones 2015b).
By taking the dot product of (35) with e3 and using (14) and (24), we see that the nonbarotropic vorticity will have a component normal to the constant-Z surfaces if and only if there is a torque in this direction. Torques associated with turbulence, nonisentropic processes, and/or precipitation can produce vertical vorticity on flat ground (the Z = 0 surface).
c. Formulas for the vorticities due to specific torques
d. Constraints that need to be satisfied
Formulas and diagnostic numerical schemes for parcel trajectories and vorticities should conform to the following rules:
To conserve mass, schemes for computing parcel trajectories should satisfy the Lagrangian continuity equation.
Schemes for computing parcel trajectories and vorticities should be time reversible. In many Lagrangian trajectory analyses, a parcel’s backward trajectory fails to retrace its forward one.
All the partial vorticities should be solenoidal.
The formulas and schemes should conserve the potential vorticity of a parcel in isentropic motion.
They should satisfy circulation theorems.
We verify in appendix A that the formulas developed herein meet requirements 3–5. The formulas satisfy requirement 1 through the continuity equation, Eq. (11), and requirement 2 because (10) is time-reversal invariant owing to the properties of a state-transition matrix (Miller and Michel 1982, p. 96).
4. Unsteady frictionless flow in a horizontally uniform environment
For simplicity, most supercell simulations and theories assume a steady, horizontally uniform, sheared environment over flat ground. Such an environment with veering winds is impossible with Coriolis and/or friction forces (Davies-Jones 2021), so we henceforth set Ω = F = 0. In a horizontally uniform environment there is no vertical vorticity and the environmental vortex lines are initially horizontal (Fig. 8). Being material lines, the barotropic vortex lines remain in a material surface of constant Z where Z is initial parcel height. Thus the barotropic quantity wBT ⋅ ∇Z is zero for all time. Since we are assuming no stress at the ground, we can use a reference frame, which moves with a uniform velocity that approximates the storm motion. Henceforth it is understood tacitly that all quantities are frame relative, not ground relative. We use subscript 0 to denote environmental quantities (apart from use of Z instead of z0). Thus T0(Z), α0(Z), ω0(Z), v0(Z), q0(Z), and β0(Z) are the environmental temperature, specific volume, vorticity, wind, wind speed, and direction (to which the wind is blowing, measured counterclockwise from eastward), respectively, and w0(Z) ≡ α0ω0. These quantities are functions of just Z and are constants of motion because we choose the origin of time τ0 such that all the parcels in the region of interest at time τ originally start out in the undisturbed horizontally uniform environment.
a. Barotropic-vorticity formula
b. Formula for baroclinic vorticity
c. Formula for baroclinic vorticity in isentropic flow
The PV, w ⋅ (dS/dZ)∇Z, is zero for this flow because wBT ⋅ ∇Z = 0 from (66) and (67), and wBC ⋅ ∇S = 0 by (72) and (73). Consequently the barotropic and baroclinic vorticity vectors are confined to the Z surfaces and vertical vorticity cannot exist at the ground.
d. Total relative vorticity in isentropic flow
If a parcel spends enough time in a temperature gradient, its baroclinic vorticity can exceed its barotropic vorticity. We can estimate this time by order-of-magnitude analyses of the terms in (79). For q0 ∼ 10 m s−1, dβ0/dZ ∼ 30° km−1, and dq0/dZ ∼ 5 m s−1 km−1, the environmental streamwise and crosswise vorticity are both ∼5 × 10−3 s−1. For a lifted index of −6 K, dS/dZ ∼ −4 × 10−3 m s−2 K−1. Assuming that the parcel is in a Lagrangian temperature gradient of 1 K km−1, the Lagrangian gradient of Λ at time τ is 10−3 (τ − τ0) K s m−1. Hence its baroclinic vorticity is 4 × 10−6 (τ − τ0) s−1. Thus the parcel’s baroclinic vorticity may exceed its barotropic vorticity in as little as 20 min. This conclusion is consistent with the findings of Rotunno and Klemp (1985) and others.
5. Steady frictionless dry isentropic flow in a horizontally uniform environment
As storms in sheared environments evolve into supercells, they become more organized and quasi steady. In special situations (environments with circular hodographs and neutral stratification), steady, inviscid, homentropic, supercell-like solutions (Beltrami flows) exist (Lilly 1982; DJ08). Supercells actually exhibit some Beltrami-like properties (Lilly 1982, 1986). Even though supercells are never completely steady, cyclic supercell simulations (e.g., Adlerman et al. 1999) may be quasi-steady numerical solutions that orbit quasi periodically in phase space around a fixed point. We now postulate that our supercell-like flow has attained a steady state in the frame moving with the storm so that we can discover its properties, which a quasi-steady solution will share approximately. Incidentally we recover nicer but equivalent versions of the formulas in DJ17 as demonstrated in appendix B.
We assume that all parcels flow through the storm from the horizontally uniform environment, none are trapped in a gyre within the storm. The parcels now follow streamlines, which, like the vortex lines, lie in the static Z surfaces. As in DJ17, we define the streamwise, transverse, and binormal directions as the ones aligned locally with the 3D wind, 90° to the left of this wind in the local Z surface, and upward normal to the Z surface, respectively. In the environment, transverse is the same as crosswise. In steady flow, each parcel remains on a single streamline for all time because the trajectories coincide with the streamlines. Hence, physical interpretation is simplified because the material line elements
Figure 1 illustrates flow of a river around a left-hand bend (Shapiro 1972; Scorer 1997; Adlerman et al. 1999; Davies-Jones et al. 2001). Upstream of the bend where the flow is straight, the flow speed increases with height owing to drag exerted by the river bottom. Here there is positive transverse vorticity, and no streamwise and binormal vorticity. The binormal vorticity remains zero around the bend so anticyclonic shear vorticity cancels cyclonic curvature vorticity, resulting in faster (slower) flow around the inside (outside) of the bend. From a vorticity perspective, streamwise vorticity develops owing to v(r) turning the primary transverse vorticity streamwise. In terms of basis vectors, the turning of
6. Updraft rotation
7. Application to rotation in supercells
In this section, we apply the formulas to show how rotation about a vertical axis can develop in a supercell. For brevity, “vorticity” in this section does not distinguish between ω (vorticity) and w (specific volume times vorticity). The 3D vorticity arising from imported crosswise vorticity is most important in environmental storm-relative winds with large speed shear. It is equal to the environmental crosswise vorticity times the initially crosswise vector
When applying the formula (71) for baroclinic vorticity, recall that, owing to the dominant effect of compressional warming (expansional cooling), a parcel that is at a lower (higher) height than its environmental height generally has a higher (lower) temperature than its environmental temperature (DJ17). Moreover, S decreasing with Z is necessary for isentropic flow in our analytical model to have warm updrafts and cool downdrafts. The third term on the right of (71) is the component of vorticity produced normal to a Z surface by integrated solenoids within the material surface. In dry, frictionless, isentropic flow with horizontally uniform environments, this term is absent and there is no way to obtain rotation about a vertical axis at the ground.
The baroclinic mechanism is most important at low elevations for two reasons. First of all, flow along a baroclinic zone into an updraft enhances updraft rotation. Consider a parcel flowing in the SVC along a boundary toward the wall cloud (Figs. 2, 3) with its
The second reason is the direct role baroclinic generation plays in tornadogenesis (DJ17). Consider a parcel descending along an isentropic surface in unstable stratification. In this situation
8. Summary of vorticity-evolution theory
The most significant formulas, many of which are new, are cited in this section. We can conceptualize the Lagrangian dynamics as a configuration of material strings (the covariant basis vectors) multiplied by mathematical coefficients or weights (the contravariant components). The covariant basis vectors, e1, e2, and e3, attached to each parcel are tiny material vectors that turn and stretch or shrink elastically with the flow. Initially they form an orthonormal set of vectors with e1 and e2 horizontal and e3 upward. A general vector is a weighted sum of its covariant basis vectors. For a material vector, the weights are static and the strings propagate a parcel’s material vector through time via the “frozen-field” effect. Thus, a material vector at the current time depends only on its initial value and the current strings. It is independent of the string configurations at intermediate times. The barotropic w vector, given by either (33) or (34), is a material vector.
The general formulas for baroclinic vorticity are (37) or (39). In contrast to the constant weights of barotropic w, the weights of baroclinic w are time dependent and zero initially. They are the temporal integrals from the initial to current times of the contravariant components of the baroclinic generation vector α∇T × ∇S. The frictional vorticity, given by (35) with F instead of N, is similar to the baroclinic vorticity except the generation vector is frictional instead of baroclinic. Owing to large vertical gradients of stress, the generation of frictional vorticity near the ground is predominantly horizontal. For precipitating convection, there is also a partial vorticity owing to hydrometeor drag [see (43)]. In left-turning flow with positive speed shear in the Northern Hemisphere, the river-bend effect produces 3D streamwise vorticity from all types (barotropic, baroclinic, frictional, and hydrometeor) of transverse vorticity (Fig. 1).
To model frictionless supercell-like flows, we assume a horizontally uniform environment with Z surfaces that are either level initially or, for steady flow, level far upstream and that all quantities are storm relative. It is now convenient to define a new set of covariant basis vectors,
Assuming isentropic flow simplifies the formulas for baroclinic vorticity as illustrated by (73). For frictionless, isentropic, supercell-like flow, the potential vorticity is zero. Since the ground is an isentropic surface, there can be no vertical vorticity at flat ground. To obtain vertical vorticity at ground level when there is none there initially, torques must generate vorticity in the e3 direction, which is never tangential to the Z surfaces. For this to happen, potential vorticity must be produced by drag forces or diabatic heating or cooling.
In steady flow, the wind v equals
An algorithm for computing partial vorticities along time-reversible trajectories will be presented in a future paper. This algorithm is based on the methodology and formulas developed in section 3 and satisfies the five conditions in section 3d. It has been tested on an analytical flow with an exact solution.
Dr. Qin Xu’s thorough review of the original manuscript is gratefully acknowledged. Comments by the three anonymous reviewers resulted in vastly improved clarification and organization. NOAA/National Severe Storms Laboratory paid the publication fees.
Data availability statement.
No datasets were generated or analyzed during the present study.
Formula Checks
Agreement of Current Formulas with Those in DJ17
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