Simple Analytical Expressions for Steady-State Vapor Growth and Collision–Coalescence Particle Size Distribution Parameter Profiles

Edwin L. Dunnavan aCooperative Institute for Severe and High-Impact Weather Research and Operations, Norman, Oklahoma
bNOAA/OAR/National Severe Storms Laboratory, Norman, Oklahoma

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Alexander V. Ryzhkov aCooperative Institute for Severe and High-Impact Weather Research and Operations, Norman, Oklahoma
bNOAA/OAR/National Severe Storms Laboratory, Norman, Oklahoma

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This study derives simple analytical expressions for the theoretical height profiles of particle number concentrations (Nt) and mean volume diameters (Dm) during the steady-state balance of vapor growth and collision–coalescence with sedimentation. These equations are general for both rain and snow gamma size distributions with size-dependent power-law functions that dictate particle fall speeds and masses. For collision–coalescence only, Nt (Dm) decreases (increases) as an exponential function of the radar reflectivity difference between two height layers. For vapor deposition only, Dm increases as a generalized power law of this reflectivity difference. Simultaneous vapor deposition and collision–coalescence under steady-state conditions with conservation of number, mass, and reflectivity fluxes lead to a coupled set of first-order, nonlinear ordinary differential equations for Nt and Dm. The solutions to these coupled equations are generalized power-law functions of height z for Dm(z) and Nt(z) whereby each variable is related to one another with an exponent that is independent of collision–coalescence efficiency. Compared to observed profiles derived from descending in situ aircraft Lagrangian spiral profiles from the CRYSTAL-FACE field campaign, these analytical solutions can on average capture the height profiles of Nt and Dm within 8% and 4% of observations, respectively. Steady-state model projections of radar retrievals aloft are shown to produce the correct rapid enhancement of surface snowfall compared to the lowest-available radar retrievals from 500 m MSL. Future studies can utilize these equations alongside radar measurements to estimate Nt and Dm below radar tilt elevations and to estimate uncertain microphysical parameters such as collision–coalescence efficiencies.

Significance Statement

While complex numerical models are often used to describe weather phenomenon, sometimes simple equations can instead provide equally good or comparable results. Thus, these simple equations can be used in place of more complicated models in certain situations and this replacement can allow for computationally efficient and elegant solutions. This study derives such simple equations in terms of exponential and power-law mathematical functions that describe how the average size and total number of snow or rain particles change at different atmospheric height levels due to growth from the vapor phase and aggregation (the sticking together) of these particles balanced with their fallout from clouds. We catalog these mathematical equations for different assumptions of particle characteristics and we then test these equations using spirally descending aircraft observations and ground-based measurements. Overall, we show that these mathematical equations, despite their simplicity, are capable of accurately describing the magnitude and shape of observed height and time series profiles of particle sizes and numbers. These equations can be used by researchers and forecasters along with radar measurements to improve the understanding of precipitation and the estimation of its properties.

© 2023 American Meteorological Society. This published article is licensed under the terms of the default AMS reuse license. For information regarding reuse of this content and general copyright information, consult the AMS Copyright Policy (

Corresponding author: Edwin L. Dunnavan,


This study derives simple analytical expressions for the theoretical height profiles of particle number concentrations (Nt) and mean volume diameters (Dm) during the steady-state balance of vapor growth and collision–coalescence with sedimentation. These equations are general for both rain and snow gamma size distributions with size-dependent power-law functions that dictate particle fall speeds and masses. For collision–coalescence only, Nt (Dm) decreases (increases) as an exponential function of the radar reflectivity difference between two height layers. For vapor deposition only, Dm increases as a generalized power law of this reflectivity difference. Simultaneous vapor deposition and collision–coalescence under steady-state conditions with conservation of number, mass, and reflectivity fluxes lead to a coupled set of first-order, nonlinear ordinary differential equations for Nt and Dm. The solutions to these coupled equations are generalized power-law functions of height z for Dm(z) and Nt(z) whereby each variable is related to one another with an exponent that is independent of collision–coalescence efficiency. Compared to observed profiles derived from descending in situ aircraft Lagrangian spiral profiles from the CRYSTAL-FACE field campaign, these analytical solutions can on average capture the height profiles of Nt and Dm within 8% and 4% of observations, respectively. Steady-state model projections of radar retrievals aloft are shown to produce the correct rapid enhancement of surface snowfall compared to the lowest-available radar retrievals from 500 m MSL. Future studies can utilize these equations alongside radar measurements to estimate Nt and Dm below radar tilt elevations and to estimate uncertain microphysical parameters such as collision–coalescence efficiencies.

Significance Statement

While complex numerical models are often used to describe weather phenomenon, sometimes simple equations can instead provide equally good or comparable results. Thus, these simple equations can be used in place of more complicated models in certain situations and this replacement can allow for computationally efficient and elegant solutions. This study derives such simple equations in terms of exponential and power-law mathematical functions that describe how the average size and total number of snow or rain particles change at different atmospheric height levels due to growth from the vapor phase and aggregation (the sticking together) of these particles balanced with their fallout from clouds. We catalog these mathematical equations for different assumptions of particle characteristics and we then test these equations using spirally descending aircraft observations and ground-based measurements. Overall, we show that these mathematical equations, despite their simplicity, are capable of accurately describing the magnitude and shape of observed height and time series profiles of particle sizes and numbers. These equations can be used by researchers and forecasters along with radar measurements to improve the understanding of precipitation and the estimation of its properties.

© 2023 American Meteorological Society. This published article is licensed under the terms of the default AMS reuse license. For information regarding reuse of this content and general copyright information, consult the AMS Copyright Policy (

Corresponding author: Edwin L. Dunnavan,

1. Introduction

Analytical methods and models have been widely used to simplify and explain complex atmospheric equations. Even in recent years, there have been a number of studies that have developed and reported on simple expressions that can be derived from the equations of motion (e.g., Du and Rotunno 2014; Davies-Jones 2022) as well as from the kinetic equation for the growth of precipitation particles (e.g., Garrett 2019; Wu and McFarquhar 2018). The appeal of such simplified, analytic formulas stems from multiple factors. For example, analytical models can provide efficient results compared to computationally expensive numerical weather prediction models and provide benchmark formulas to validate these numerical models. Simple analytic models and theoretical frameworks can also be invaluable for providing insight and understanding of physical phenomena itself through explicit mathematical relationships among various variables.

One such example of an analytical model is the so-called snow growth model developed by Passarelli (1978a,b), Mitchell (1988, 1991), and Mitchell et al. (2006). The snow growth models developed in these papers represent height profiles for particle size distribution (PSD) parameters under steady-state snowfall conditions. PSDs are assumed a priori with number distribution functions n(D) within the gamma family
where D is the equivolume diameter, N0 is the intercept parameter, and Λ is the slope parameter. PSD moments are given by
and thus can be used to express important bulk quantities such as number concentration (i.e., NtM0) and mean volume diameter DmM4/M3. Passarelli (1978a,b) and Mitchell (1988) assumed that μ = 0, thus specifying an exponential distribution whereas Mitchell (1991) and Naakka (2015) used a variable μ. These studies then assume a steady-state condition [i.e., n(D,t)/t0], negligible horizontal advection and small vertical wind speeds compared to the particle fall speed (i.e., |w| ≪ υt). With these assumptions, the change in the number distribution function due to vapor deposition and collision–coalescence is
where n(x, z) is the mass distribution function [a power-law transformation of n(D, z)], υt is the particle fall speed defined as positive downward, x and y are particle masses for two interacting particles, z is height which is below some assumed reference top ztop, and K(x, y) is an integration kernel that dictates the physics of particle-to-particle collision and coalescence. The left-hand side of Eq. (3) represents vertical advection, the first term on the right-hand side is vapor deposition, and the last two terms represent the gain and loss terms of collision–coalescence.
Notice that integrating both sides of Eq. (3) using the kernel xn, where n is an arbitrary moment order, develops expressions for the steady-state vertical moment fluxes
where the collision–coalescence gain and loss terms are combined in the bracketed seconded term on the right-hand side in Eq. (4) by interchanging the inner and outer integrals, performing a substitution of variables and by exploiting the symmetry in x and y [see Thompson (1968) and Pruppacher and Klett (1997) for more details]. With some algebraic manipulations, it is possible to use Eq. (4) to develop equations for dMn/dz which can then be used to develop expressions for Λ(z) and N0(z). Older studies such as Passarelli (1978a) and Mitchell (1988, 1991) have neglected using the number concentration flux (i.e., n = 0) in Eq. (4) and instead have developed equations for the PSD slope parameter Λ(z) and Nt(z) by evolving mass (i.e., n = 1) and reflectivity (i.e., n = 2) related moments. More recent studies have incorporated n = 0 in their snow growth models and further introduced additional terms such as nucleation (Mitchell et al. 2006; Naakka 2015). By conserving the total mass and reflectivity in Eq. (4), these studies showed that the resulting solutions for Λ(z) can be expressed in terms of solutions to Bernoulli’s differential equation. While these are closed-form solutions, they can be quite involved to compute and are often numerically integrated depending upon the complexity of an assumed vapor mass flux term (e.g., Passarelli 1978a; Mitchell 1988; Naakka 2015).

After nearly half a century of research, there are still a number of unanswered questions regarding how these steady-state models can potentially aid in understanding precipitation processes as well as their practical utility. Previous studies regarding the development and use of snow growth models (Lo and Passarelli 1982; Mitchell 1988; Mitchell et al. 2006) have noted that plots of logN0 versus logΛ are roughly linear during regions of pronounced aggregation from in situ measurements. These studies have qualitatively described this behavior yet none of these studies have shown quantitatively why this behavior manifests. Furthermore, there is still much work to be done regarding the use of such steady-state models. Perhaps the most promising utility of such simple models is the potential to use radar measurements to project microphysical retrievals into regions that are below what radars are able to remotely sense. For example, the snow growth model of Mitchell et al. (2006) was able to show good agreement between measured snow precipitation rates from surface gauges and from a snow growth model that was initialized from radar reflectivity aloft.

This study simplifies the snow growth model approach and its associated equations as much as possible such that its use is more accessible to a wider audience. Such a simplification also promotes a better physical understanding of such steady-state conditions since the solutions we derive are in the form of simple exponential and generalized power-law functions. As we will show, using the number-, mass-, and reflectivity-related moments in Eq. (4) allows for Nt and Dm (which are directly related to Λ and N0) to be solved for a number of various assumptions and approximations. Moreover, these solutions are functions of height z and depend only upon four factors: the combined collision–coalescence efficiency E¯, μ, and the mass– and fall speed–size power-law exponents βm and bυ which appear in the equations: m(D)=αmDβm and υt(D)=aυDbυ. While these four parameters depend upon particle characteristics which can depend upon height, we assume that these four quantities can be replaced by representative mean quantities that are constant for all heights. Steady-state solutions can be expressed not only in terms of z, but also in terms of reflectivity Z for the special cases of vapor growth only or collision–coalescence only. Unlike height-based solutions of Nt and Dm, reflectivity-based solutions do not depend at all on E¯. Height-based solutions, when evaluated against descending Lagrangian spiral in situ probe data (section 5), appear to be quite robust and capable of producing the correct shape and magnitude of the corresponding height profiles for appropriate parameter values associated with ice–ice aggregates. The following section derives a simplified form of Eq. (4) that dictates the vertical gradients of each PSD moment.

2. The general steady-state moment equation

The vapor deposition term in Eq. (4) can be integrated by parts where the bracketed term is the differential (see Passarelli 1978a). Doing so gives
Notice that Eq. (5) introduces a factor of n that results from taking the derivative of xn. We can directly replace instances of masses x and y with equivolume diameters Dx and Dy using m(D)=αmDβm in Eq. (5). Notice that αm cancels from both sides if αm is assumed constant for all heights. The mD relation also implies that mass moments correspond to size moments as r = βmn, where r refers to moment orders of the size distribution. As a result, we can rewrite Eq. (5) as
where we assume that dx/dtf(z)D and f(z) is an environmental factor that depends upon supersaturation and diffusion. In situ aircraft studies such as Field et al. (2006) indicate that this assumption is reasonable for steady-state vapor deposition of snowflakes in tropical anvil clouds.
As done by Mitchell (1988) and others, we can use the mean value theorem of integration to separate the fall speed component from moment height gradients, dMr/dz, on the left-hand side of Eq. (6). This produces
are moment-weighted mean fall speeds. At this point, Eq. (7) is general for any PSD. However, we can constrain an assumed PSD for n(D, z) such that the parameters take on the z dependence. This is essentially how Passarelli (1978a), Lo and Passarelli (1982), Mitchell (1988), and others developed expressions for the height evolution of Λ and N0.
In this study, we also assume a gamma distribution that is parameterized as
Using this gamma distribution form, we can represent 〈υt,r〉 as
Putting Eq. (11) in Eq. (7), using the hydrodynamic kernel K(Dx,Dy)=(π/4)(Dx+Dy)2|υt(Dx)υt(Dy)|=aυ(π/4)(Dx+Dy)2|DxbυDybυ|, and rearranging to solve for dMr/dz gives
where Ir is
Here, Eq. (12) is simplified by assuming μ(z)μ¯=μ and bυ(z)b¯υ=bυ. Equation (13) can be expressed in closed form in terms of a finite series of Gauss’s hypergeometric function 2F1(a, b; c; z) if r/βm is an integer and in terms of an infinite series of Gauss’s hypergeometric functions if r/βm is fractional or irrational (see Tables 13 for a list of all equations and parameters used throughout). For example, I0 and I2βm can be expressed in closed form as
While it is often convenient to numerically integrate Eq. (13) itself, many modern programming languages have standard libraries that can calculate Gauss’s hypergeometric function. For example, Gauss’s hypergeometric function is available in the Python scipy.special library as “hyp2f1” whereas MATLAB can evaluate it using the generalized “hypergeom” function.
Table 1.

Equations used throughout this study. Units are as follows: z, meters; Nt,top, per cubic meter; Dm,top, millimeters.

Table 1.
Table 2.

Simplified equations that can be derived from Table 1 for snow: μ = 0, βm = 2.0, and bυ = 0.2; and rain: μ = 0, βm = 3.0, and bυ = 0.65. Units are as follows: Nt, per liter; z, kilometers.

Table 2.
Table 3.

Parameters and constants used in this study.

Table 3.
Equation (12) further simplifies by considering dMβm/dz, which is proportional to the vertical mass flux. Collision–coalescence does not change Mβm and all changes come from vapor deposition. Therefore, this gives
It is now possible to rearrange Eq. (16) in order to replace unknown terms, like f(z), with dMβm/dz:
Equation (12) can now be put into a final form
where the factor of 10−6 in the collision–coalescence term is needed for consistent units of mmr m−4 and where we have used Eq. (10) to put everything in terms of gamma distribution moments. The following sections utilize Eq. (18) to develop steady-state expressions for Nt and Dm under various conditions. It is worth noting that Eq. (18) is general for any moment order r, and thus there is ambiguity as to which moments are used to solve for Dm and Nt. For this study, we use the number (r = 0) and reflectivity-related moments (r = 2βm) as constraints for deriving steady-state solutions for Nt and Dm. Note that the mass moment r = βm is implicitly included as a constraint through the use of Eqs. (16) and (17).

3. Reflectivity-based solutions

For particles comparatively smaller than a radar’s wavelength λ (i.e., Rayleigh scattering regime), radar reflectivity (in units of mm6 m−3) can be expressed as (cf. Ryzhkov et al. 1998)
where g(αm, λ) is a constant that depends upon the dielectric properties of the particle which are influenced by both αm and λ. Note that for raindrops, g(αm, λ) does not directly depend upon αm. In decibels, this is
The following sections use Eqs. (18)(20) to develop simple expressions for Nt(Z) and Dm(Z).

a. Collision–coalescence only

Considering only collision–coalescence by ignoring the vapor growth term in Eq. (18) and using r = 0 and 2βm leads to the following equations:
Dividing Eq. (21b) by M2βm reduces Eq. (21b) to the same order as Eq. (21a). This leads to
We can use Eq. (20) and the property of logs in Eq. (22) to put Eq. (22) in a revealing form in terms of Z:
Now we can divide Eq. (21a) by Eq. (22) in order to eliminate Dm and E¯ entirely:
We can solve Eq. (24) using an initial condition at some height reference (i.e., a retrieved or assumed Nt at ztop). The solution to Eq. (24) is an exponential given by
We can develop a similar expression for Dm(Z) by using the definition of M2βm from Eq. (10), which can be used to derive the equation Zh=Zh,top(Dm/Dm,top)2βmNt/Nt,top. This produces
Bulk parameters R such as IWC or S can be similarly put into the same form as Eqs. (25) and (27):
Figure 1 shows the behavior of Fβm(μ,bυ) and Gβm(μ,bυ) for different values of μ, bυ, and βm. μ values are shown from −0.8 to 5.0 because Nt is specifically only valid from D = 0 to D = ∞ for μ > −1 and the calculation of I0 and I2βm become difficult to numerically evaluate for μ < −0.8 and μ > 5. This range represents many gamma fit observations including Brandes et al. (2007). For simplicity, Fig. 1 shows only βm = 2 (corresponding to unrimed snowflakes), βm = 2.5 (corresponding to rimed, hexagonal, or quasi-spherical ice particles), and βm = 3.0 (corresponding to rain or dense, quasi-spherical ice particles).
Fig. 1.
Fig. 1.

Contour plots of (top) Fβm(μ,bυ) and (bottom) Gβm(μ,bυ). Columns correspond to (left) βm = 2.0, (center) βm = 2.5, and (right) βm = 3.0.

Citation: Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences 80, 10; 10.1175/JAS-D-23-0052.1

For both Fβm(μ,bυ) and Gβm(μ,bυ), the largest values are given for the broadest distributions (i.e., lower μ values) with the largest bυ and βm values. Fβm(μ,bυ) is more sensitive to each parameter and has larger minimum and maximum values than Gβm(μ,bυ). This behavior results from Nt being equally sensitive to all sizes. In particular, the lower end of the size distribution when μ < 0 can dramatically influence Nt. Dm is instead weighted by the largest particles which is dictated predominantly by the exponential component of the assumed gamma PSD. Moreover, Gβm(μ,bυ) is not as sensitive to βm when bυ is low but quite sensitive to βm when bυ is high. For unrimed aggregate snowflakes which are known to have βm ≈ 2.0 that are roughly in the range 1.9 ≤ βm ≤ 2.2 (Mitchell 1996; Schmitt and Heymsfield 2010) and low values of bυ (Mitchell and Heymsfield 2005; Brandes et al. 2008), the values of F2(μ, bυ) and G2(μ, bυ) do not vary much for different μ values. For unrimed snowflake aggregates with μ = 0 and bυ = 0.2 (cf. Brandes et al. 2008), these equations simplify to
It is interesting to note that similar equations can be derived from the consideration of precipitation (mass flux) conservation and gamma distribution continuity throughout the total layer. This can be done by combining the expression for snow rate or snowfall mass flux [see Eq. (10.66) from Ryzhkov and Zrnić 2019] and Eqs. (19) and (20). Using μ = 0, bυ = 0.2, and βm = 2.0 with this snow rate conservation from Ryzhkov and Zrnić (2019) produces
which is quite similar to Eq. (30a).

b. Vapor deposition only

For vapor deposition only, dNt/dz=0 so Nt(z) = Nt,top. The same general strategy as in the collision–coalescence only case can be used to derive Dm(Z). Assuming E¯=0 in Eq. (18), and using r = 2βm, we can divide through by M2βm to yield
Using the definition of M2βm from Eq. (10), Eq. (20) and rearranging for dDm/dz gives
Integrating Eq. (33) from Dm,top to Dm yields
Figure 2 shows values of Hβm(μ,bυ). As in Fig. 1, low bυ values that describe snow aggregates appear to show relatively low variability in H2(μ, bυ). However, there is more variability in H3(μ, bυ) for changes in both μ and bυ.
Fig. 2.
Fig. 2.

As in Fig. 1, but for Hβm(μ,bυ).

Citation: Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences 80, 10; 10.1175/JAS-D-23-0052.1

For unrimed snowflakes (βm = 2) with μ = 0 and bυ = 0.2, Eq. (34) reduces to
whereas for rain (βm = 3) with μ = 0 and bυ = 0.65, Eq. (34) reduces to

4. General height solution for vapor deposition and collision–coalescence

For both vapor deposition and collision–coalescence, dM0/dz and dM2βm/dz can close the set of equations to solve for Nt(z) and Dm(z). Substituting Mr[Nt(z), Dm(z)] in Eq. (18) using Eq. (10), utilizing the product rule for the derivative terms, and rearranging each equation produces the following coupled nonlinear differential equation set:
Dividing Eq. (38b) by Eq. (38a) produces
Integrating Eq. (40) leads to the result
Now we can use Eq. (42) in Eq. (38) in order to solve for Dm(z) and Nt(z):
Notice that any bulk parameter R can be expressed with Eqs. (10) and (43) as
In this context, R could be PSD moments such as Nt or microphysical quantities such as precipitation rates. For example, Eq. (45) can be used to express precipitation rate S and ice water content (IWC) as
S(z)= S top [ 1+ C tot E ¯ N t,top D m,top 2 ( z top z) ] CS/Ctot ,
where CS=(βm+bυ)CDmCNt and CIWC=βmCDmCNt.

Figure 3 shows the behavior of Eqs. (41) and (44) for different values of βm, μ, and bυ. As in Figs. 1 and 2, C(μ, bυ, βm) is largest when βm = 3 and smallest when βm = 2. C(μ, bυ, 3) varies from approximately 0.71 to 4.16 when βm = 2 and from approximately 2.44 to 6.0 when βm = 3. This range is even smaller if μ = 0 where C(μ, bυ, 2) varies between approximately 1.62 and 2.85 and C(μ, bυ, 3) varies between approximately 4.22 and 5.28. In general, for a given βm value, C(μ, bυ, βm) is approximately constant for linear changes in μ and bυ. For lower (more negative) values of μ, the slope of constant C(μ, bυ, βm) values becomes steeper.

Fig. 3.
Fig. 3.

Contour plots of (top) Eq. (41) and (bottom) Eq. (44) (scaled by 106) for different values of μ, bυ, βm. Columns correspond to (left) βm = 2.0, (center) βm = 2.5, and (right) βm = 3.0. Thick black lines in the bottom row plots correspond to Ctot = 0.

Citation: Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences 80, 10; 10.1175/JAS-D-23-0052.1

There is also a fascinating feature of Eq. (43) that is worth mentioning. Both equations depend upon the quantity Ctot, which appears in both the bracketed term and the power-law exponent. Taking the limit of each equation as Ctot → 0 produces the elegant equations
Figure 3 shows the contour lines for Ctot = 0 which is apparent only for βm = 2.0 and 2.5 within the shown μ and bυ ranges. For βm = 2.0, this line appears to quite accurately represent aggregates where observations have frequently shown −0.05 ≤ bυ ≤ 0.2 (Locatelli and Hobbs 1974; Mitchell and Heymsfield 2005; Brandes et al. 2008) and low (even negative) values of μ (Brandes et al. 2007; Duffy and Posselt 2022). For denser ice particles where βm = 2.5 (cf. Mitchell 1996), the Ctot = 0 line exists for −0.05 ≤ bυ ≤ 0.6 and 2 ≤ μ ≤ 5. Equation (48) could therefore possibly be used to describe ice particle populations with these higher values of μ for certain environments.

For easy reference, Table 1 presents all derived equations in this paper, Table 2 presents all simplified versions of the derived equations, and Table 3 presents all associated constants and parameters.

5. Comparison with observations

a. Lagrangian spiral descent aircraft profiles

Two spiral descent aircraft legs from the 26 July 2002 CRYSTAL-FACE field campaign case were used to evaluate the Eq. (43) solutions for snow particles. This particular dataset was used by Field et al. (2006) alongside a spectral bin microphysical model to study the effects of self-collection of ice particles and more details about the data can be found in that study. For the current study, we only use data from the second and third Lagrangian spiral descents, which were within stratiform conditions.

Figure 4 displays scatterplots of log(Nt) versus log(Dm) from the Lagrangian spiral descent measurements for both spirals 2 and 3. Each set of measurements is fitted with a line where the slope theoretically corresponds to −C(μ, bυ, βm) as suggested by Eq. (40). While there is an inconsistency in that the measured Nt is calculated from a truncated size range (i.e., D = 0.1 to 27 mm), both spirals do show a roughly linear relationship between logNt and logDm. This linear relationship is most apparent for spiral 2 where r2 = 0.9244 whereas r2 = 0.6558 for spiral 3.

Fig. 4.
Fig. 4.

Scatterplots of logNt (Nt in units of L−1) vs logDm (Dm in units of mm) for spiral 2 (blue) and spiral 3 (orange). Linear fits to each scatterplot are shown as solid lines with slope −C(μ, bυ, βm) where C(μ, bυ, βm) = 3.204 (spiral 2) and C(μ, bυ, βm) = 2.945 (spiral 3). The intercept of each linear fit is adjusted to best fit each scatterplot data.

Citation: Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences 80, 10; 10.1175/JAS-D-23-0052.1

To evaluate Nt and Dm profiles predicted by Eq. (43), the C(μ, bυ, βm) values from Fig. 4 were used as constraints for choosing μ, bυ, and βm values for the steady-state model profiles shown in Fig. 5. To do this, 3D surfaces of μ, bυ, and βm were constructed for each C(μ, bυ, βm) value shown in Fig. 4. Five hundred random points on these surfaces were then used as the chosen parameters for the steady-state model for each spiral. For each of these 500 points, E¯ was optimized for Eq. (43) by performing a nonlinear least squares fitting by using the Nt(z) and Dm(z) mean observed profiles (shown as solid black and gray lines in Fig. 5) as observational constraints. All model profiles used Nt,top and Dm,top from these mean observational profiles.

Fig. 5.
Fig. 5.

(top) Comparison of CRYSTAL-FACE Lagrangian spiral aircraft data for spiral 2 (black) and spiral 3 (gray) with corresponding steady-state expressions using Eq. (43). Solid lines for the observations correspond to mean profiles derived by excessively smoothing the spiral data. Steady-state model lines correspond to the 50 sets of parameters with the lowest Nt and Dm errors between the model and measurements when optimizing E¯. Steady-state Nt results are calculated using the same size range, D = 0.1–27 mm, as the aircraft measurements. (bottom) Boxplots of the 50 sets of model parameters used in the steady-state model for each spiral. Blue lines/boxplots correspond to spiral 2 whereas orange lines/boxplots correspond to spiral 3.

Citation: Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences 80, 10; 10.1175/JAS-D-23-0052.1

Figure 5 shows 50 of the 500 Nt(z) and Dm profiles with the lowest errors compared to the mean observed profiles. Figure 5 also shows boxplots of the associated steady-state model parameters for all 50 profiles. Both the profiles and boxplots indicate an overall higher sensitivity of these solutions for spiral 2 than for spiral 3. The reason for this is due to the higher values of Nt during spiral 2. This is because the aggregation process scales as Nt2 as shown in Eq. (23). Therefore, the small changes in E¯ for spiral 2 cause larger differences in Nt(z) and Dm(z) compared to spiral 3. Both steady-state model results show qualitatively consistent Nt(z) and Dm(z) behavior compared to the mean observed profiles where Nt(z) decreases and Dm(z) increases with descending z approximately as generalized power laws. While the overall shape of Nt(z) profiles are consistent for both spiral 2 and 3, the shapes of the Dm(z) profiles are only consistent for spiral 3 where Dm increases almost linearly with height. Spiral 2, on the other hand, has a slight upward concavity, which is not captured by the steady-state model. The optimal parameter sets between each spiral are rather different as shown in the Fig. 5 boxplots. μ is strictly negative for spiral 2 with values less than −0.5 whereas spiral 3 has a larger spread of values with a median value of 0. βm ≈ 1.9 for spiral 2 is characteristic of the well-known Brown and Francis (1995) mass–dimensional power-law exponent characteristic of cirrus clouds. Spiral 3, on the other hand, has larger βm values more typical of rimed particles. For spiral 2, the 50 theoretical Nt and Dm profiles have mean relative errors of 7.85% and 3.79%, respectively. Mean relative errors for spiral 3 are somewhat lower where Nt and Dm profiles have errors of 6.85% and 1.33%.

b. Parsivel disdrometer measurements with quasi-vertical polarimetric radar profiles

The Stony Brook University KASPR research radar was used to generate quasi-vertical profiles (QVPs; Ryzhkov et al. 2016) for the 1 February 2021 snowstorm. QVPs are azimuthally averaged radar measurements that are plotted in a time–height format. KASPR QVPs were calculated for reflectivity Z and specific differential phase Kdp and the simplified steady-state height profiles from Table 2 were calculated using the Z/Kdp Dunnavan et al. (2022, their Table 1) retrievals of Dm,top and Nt,top assuming α = 0.2 g cm−3 mm, σ = 20°, and φ¯=0.6. Figure 6 shows the QVP time series for Z and Kdp as well as the corresponding Parsivel disdrometer measurements of Nt and Dm at the surface. Notice that Z increases and Kdp decreases from 3.0 km toward ground which is indicative of a snow aggregation signature (Schrom et al. 2015; Dunnavan et al. 2022). Also, due to the radar blind range, the QVP observations are only available for heights above about 500 m MSL. Therefore, while the QVP observations cannot be used for the Nt and Dm retrieval near the surface, the steady-state model can be used instead. Because dual-polarization retrievals are most accurate when polarimetric signatures are prominent (Dunnavan et al. 2022), we initialize the steady-state model at ztop = 3.0 km where Kdp reaches its highest values. We also plot retrievals of each variable using the Z and Kdp time series from the 500 m level.

Fig. 6.
Fig. 6.

(from top to bottom) Time series of KASPR QVP radar reflectivity, KASPR QVP specific differential phase, and Parsivel disdrometer measurement of Nt and Dm on 1 Feb 2021. Heights are above mean sea level. KASPR radar data were linearly interpolated to the Parsivel’s 1-min-time-resolution grid. Both Parsivel and KASPR measurements were smoothed with a 2-h moving-average filter. The steady-state model Nt was calculated in the same interval as provided by the Parsivel disdrometer: 0.2 ≤ D ≤ 25 mm. Minimum and maximum Parsivel measurements were determined through the use of an assumed Poisson uncertainty in particle detection as described in McFarquhar et al. (2015).

Citation: Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences 80, 10; 10.1175/JAS-D-23-0052.1

Figure 6 surface measurements of Nt and Dm show a slow, steady increase in the presence of snow throughout the day from 0200 to 1400 UTC. This can be best seen in Nt which slowly increases during this period. Snowfall rapidly increases from 1400 to 1800 UTC which can be seen from all four time series plots. The simplified, exponential steady-state model from Table 2 based on Eq. (48) with E¯=0.14 was used along with the 3.0 km MSL Z/Kdp retrievals to predict the associated PSD moment evolution at the surface. Unlike 500 m retrievals which show a near constant Nt at the surface and a gradual increase in Dm, the steady-state model shows the correct evolution of snow properties from 1400 to 1800 UTC. The primary reason for this good agreement stems from the prominent Kdp signature at 3.0 km which leads to a better-predicted increase in Nt starting around 1400 UTC. This increase in Nt leads to associated increases in Dm primarily through aggregation. Such a prominent Kdp increase is not present at 500 m because snow aggregates tend to mute the Kdp signature.

6. Discussion and conclusions

The equations derived in this paper as shown in Tables 13 can be used to easily estimate PSD and bulk parameters such as precipitation rates in regions where radar retrievals are either difficult to perform due to instrumental uncertainties or in regions where radar variables are unavailable. One such application example would be the use of the height-based solutions of Nt(z) and Dm(z) for regions below the lowest radar tilt available from WSR-88Ds where there are no available data to infer precipitation properties. Figure 6 shows that Nt and Dm at the surface can be estimated from QVP profiles initialized aloft and, with appropriate parameters, can produce representative profiles of each microphysical variable. Remarkably, the simplified, exponential version of Eq. (43) in Table 2 is capable of accurately capturing the rapid onset of surface snowfall and the associated increases in microphysical variables. This rapid increase in surface variables is not captured by the lowest level radar retrievals due to the muted and variable Kdp signature.

The equations shown in Table 1 and throughout this paper also explain common observations of the relationship between Nt and Dm from previous studies. For example, Figs. 5 and 7 from Lo and Passarelli (1982) show that N0/Λ phase-space trajectories of snow from Lagrangian spiral data during the aggregation stage are quasi linear in log–log space. Lo and Passarelli (1982) explain in their study that the quasi-linear behavior (in log–log space) of N0 and Λ indicate constant moments Mr of an exponential distribution (i.e., μ = 0) if the slope equals r + 1. However, Lo and Passarelli (1982) do not explain the quantitative or theoretical reasons as to why aggregation produces the quasi-linear behavior. Since Nt = N0Λ−(μ+1) and Dm = (μ + 4)/Λ for gamma PSDs, the steady-state model [Eq. (42)] phase space for Nt and Dm would be exactly linear in log–log space where −C(μ, bυ, βm) corresponds to the observed slope (Fig. 4). As a result, it may be possible to determine approximate steady-state conditions from Lagrangian spiral descent data through linear fits of logNt and logDm or logN0 and logΛ as indicated in plots like Fig. 4. These linear fits could then be used to catalog the associated C(μ, bυ, βm) values and gamma distribution fits to the in situ PSDs can be used to constrain μ. Indeed, as suggested by the scatterplot measurements of logDm versus logNt, observations do indicate a linear relationship with a constant slope. This is most apparent for spiral 2 where data points are close to the linear fit (r2 = 0.9244) but also for spiral 3, albeit with a worse overall fit (r2 = 0.6558).

The steady-state equations in this work can also be used to estimate E¯. For example, Passarelli (1978b) was able to estimate E¯ from his steady-state equations by rearranging his solution for Λ(z) and using in situ aircraft cloud probe data to close the equation for E¯. Similarly, there are a number of possible ways to use the equations in Table 1 to solve for E¯. One possible estimation method for E¯ would be to utilize Eq. (48) and dual-polarization radar retrievals for Nt and Dm (e.g., Ryzhkov and Zrnić 2019; Dunnavan et al. 2022). For example, using Z and specific differential phase Kdp for either Nt or Dm relation from Table 1 of Dunnavan et al. (2022) allows for a simple E¯ retrieval for steady-state snowfall within a predetermined height layer
where Y is either Nt or Dm. Dual-polarization radar retrieval equations such as from Ryzhkov and Zrnić (2019) or Dunnavan et al. (2022) can be used to determine Nt,top and Dm,top.

While the equations derived in this work are promising, they rely upon a number of important assumptions and limitations. First, it is assumed that E¯, μ, bυ, and βm are constant throughout a particular layer. E¯ depends upon both environmental conditions such as temperature and relative humidity as well as particle characteristics such as type and size (Phillips et al. 2015). μ, bυ, and βm similarly can spatiotemporally vary depending upon meteorological condition. Even within the same air volume, different snow particle types can coexist and the proposed steady-state analytical model in this work does not account for such diversity. Furthermore, the use of r = 0 (i.e., the use of dM0/dz = dNt/dz) in the formulation of the equations in Table 1 is subject to potentially large errors stemming from uncertainties in n(D) for small particle sizes. These uncertainties are exacerbated by negative values of μ, which lead to sharp increases in n(D) for D → 0. The above equations also neglect a number of important microphysical processes such as riming, nucleation, and breakup which can also impact Nt(z) and Dm(z). It is possible that, despite these important uncertainties and limitations, the equations presented in this work can describe, on average, the appropriate behavior of Nt and Dm. Future work can explore and report on optimized parameter sets for different meteorological scenarios.


The authors thank Mariko Oue (Stony Brook University) for the KASPR and Parsivel disdrometer data used in this study and Petar Bukovčić for his comments and suggestions. Funding was provided by NOAA/Office of Oceanic and Atmospheric Research under NOAA–University of Oklahoma Cooperative Agreement NA21OAR4320204, U.S. Department of Commerce, and by National Science Foundation Grant AGS-1841246.

Data availability statement.

Aircraft data from the CRYSTAL-FACE campaign are available from The KASPR and Parsivel disdrometer data are not publicly available and must be requested directly from the Stony Brook University Radar Science Group.


  • Brandes, E. A., K. Ikeda, G. Zhang, M. Schönhuber, and R. M. Rasmussen, 2007: A statistical and physical description of hydrometeor distributions in Colorado snowstorms using a video disdrometer. J. Appl. Meteor. Climatol., 46, 634650,

    • Search Google Scholar
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  • Brandes, E. A., K. Ikeda, G. Thompson, and M. Schönhuber, 2008: Aggregate terminal velocity/temperature relations. J. Atmos. Sci., 47, 27292736,

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  • Brown, P. R. A., and P. N. Francis, 1995: Improved measurements of the ice water content in cirrus using a total-water probe. J. Atmos. Oceanic Technol., 12, 410414,<0410:IMOTIW>2.0.CO;2.

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  • Davies-Jones, R., 2022: An analytical solution of the effective-buoyancy equation. J. Atmos. Sci., 79, 31353144,

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  • Du, Y., and R. Rotunno, 2014: A simple analytical model of the nocturnal low-level jet over the Great Plains of the United States. J. Atmos. Sci., 71, 36743683,

    • Search Google Scholar
    • Export Citation
  • Duffy, G., and D. J. Posselt, 2022: A gamma parameterization for precipitating particle size distributions containing snowflake aggregates drawn from five field experiments. J. Appl. Meteor. Climatol., 61, 10771085,

    • Search Google Scholar
    • Export Citation
  • Dunnavan, E. L., and Coauthors, 2022: Radar retrieval evaluation and investigation of dendritic growth layer polarimetric signatures in a winter storm. J. Appl. Meteor. Climatol., 61, 16851711,

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  • Field, P. R., A. J. Heymsfield, and A. Bansemer, 2006: A test of ice self-collection kernels using aircraft data. J. Atmos. Sci., 63, 651666,

    • Search Google Scholar
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  • Garrett, T. J., 2019: Analytical solutions for precipitation size distributions at steady state. J. Atmos. Sci., 76, 10311037,

    • Search Google Scholar
    • Export Citation
  • Lo, K. K., and R. E. Passarelli Jr., 1982: The growth of snow in winter storms: An airborne observational study. J. Atmos. Sci., 39, 697706,<0697:TGOSIW>2.0.CO;2.

    • Search Google Scholar
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  • Locatelli, J. D., and P. V. Hobbs, 1974: Fall speeds and masses of solid precipitation particles. J. Geophys. Res., 79, 21852197,

    • Search Google Scholar
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  • McFarquhar, G. M., T.-L. Hsieh, M. Freer, J. Mascio, and B. F. Jewett, 2015: The characterization of ice hydrometeor gamma size distributions as volumes in N0λμ phase space: Implications for microphysical process modeling. J. Atmos. Sci., 72, 892909,

    • Search Google Scholar
    • Export Citation
  • Mitchell, D. L., 1988: Evolution of snow-size spectra in cyclonic storms. Part I: Snow growth by vapor deposition and aggregation. J. Atmos. Sci., 45, 34313451,<3431:EOSSSI>2.0.CO;2.

    • Search Google Scholar
    • Export Citation
  • Mitchell, D. L., 1991: Evolution of snow-size spectra in cyclonic storms. Part II: Deviations from the exponential form. J. Atmos. Sci., 48, 18851899,<1885:EOSSSI>2.0.CO;2.

    • Search Google Scholar
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  • Mitchell, D. L., 1996: Use of mass- and area-dimensional power laws for determining precipitation particle terminal velocities. J. Atmos. Sci., 53, 17101723,<1710:UOMAAD>2.0.CO;2.

    • Search Google Scholar
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  • Mitchell, D. L., and A. J. Heymsfield, 2005: Refinements in the treatment of ice particle terminal velocities, highlighting aggregates. J. Atmos. Sci., 62, 16371644,

    • Search Google Scholar
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  • Mitchell, D. L., A. Huggins, and V. Grubisic, 2006: A new snow growth model with application to radar precipitation estimates. Atmos. Res., 82, 218,

    • Search Google Scholar
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  • Naakka, T., 2015: Interactions of the shape of a particle size distribution and physical processes using a three moment snow growth model in two snowfall cases. M.S. thesis, Dept. of Physics, University of Helsinki, 81 pp.

  • Passarelli, R. E., Jr., 1978a: An approximate analytic model of the vapor deposition and aggregation growth of snowflakes. J. Atmos. Sci., 35, 118124,<0118:AAAMOT>2.0.CO;2.

    • Search Google Scholar
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  • Passarelli, R. E., Jr., 1978b: Theoretical and observational study of snow-size spectra and snowflake aggregation efficiencies. J. Atmos. Sci., 35, 882889,<0882:TAOSOS>2.0.CO;2.

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  • Phillips, V. T. J., M. Formenton, A. Bansemer, I. Kudzotsa, and B. Lienert, 2015: A parameterization of sticking efficiency for collisions of snow and graupel with ice crystals. J. Atmos. Sci., 72, 48854902,

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  • Pruppacher, H. R., and J. D. Klett, 1997: Microphysics of Clouds and Precipitation. Kluwer Academic, 954 pp.

  • Ryzhkov, A. V., and D. S. Zrnić, 2019: Radar Polarimetry for Weather Observations. Springer Atmospheric Sciences, 486 pp.

  • Ryzhkov, A. V., D. S. Zrnić, and B. A. Gordon, 1998: Polarimetric method for ice water content determination. J. Appl. Meteor., 37, 125134,<0125:PMFIWC>2.0.CO;2.

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  • Ryzhkov, A. V., P. Zhang, H. Reeves, M. Kumjian, T. Tschallener, S. Trömel, and C. Simmer, 2016: Quasi-vertical profiles—A new way to look at polarimetric radar data. J. Atmos. Oceanic Technol., 33, 551562,

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  • Schmitt, C. G., and A. J. Heymsfield, 2010: The dimensional characteristics of ice crystal aggregates from fractal geometry. J. Atmos. Sci., 67, 16051616,

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  • Schrom, R. S., M. R. Kumjian, and Y. Lu, 2015: Polarimetric radar signatures of dendritic growth zones within Colorado winter storms. J. Appl. Meteor. Climatol., 54, 23652388,

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  • Thompson, P. D., 1968: A transformation of the stochastic equation for droplet coalescence. Proc. Int. Conf. on Cloud Physics, Toronto, ON, Canada, Amer. Meteor. Soc., 115–125.

  • Wu, W., and G. M. McFarquhar, 2018: Statistical theory on the functional form of cloud particle size distributions. J. Atmos. Sci., 75, 28012814,

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  • Brandes, E. A., K. Ikeda, G. Zhang, M. Schönhuber, and R. M. Rasmussen, 2007: A statistical and physical description of hydrometeor distributions in Colorado snowstorms using a video disdrometer. J. Appl. Meteor. Climatol., 46, 634650,

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  • Brandes, E. A., K. Ikeda, G. Thompson, and M. Schönhuber, 2008: Aggregate terminal velocity/temperature relations. J. Atmos. Sci., 47, 27292736,

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  • Brown, P. R. A., and P. N. Francis, 1995: Improved measurements of the ice water content in cirrus using a total-water probe. J. Atmos. Oceanic Technol., 12, 410414,<0410:IMOTIW>2.0.CO;2.

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  • Davies-Jones, R., 2022: An analytical solution of the effective-buoyancy equation. J. Atmos. Sci., 79, 31353144,

    • Search Google Scholar
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  • Du, Y., and R. Rotunno, 2014: A simple analytical model of the nocturnal low-level jet over the Great Plains of the United States. J. Atmos. Sci., 71, 36743683,

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  • Duffy, G., and D. J. Posselt, 2022: A gamma parameterization for precipitating particle size distributions containing snowflake aggregates drawn from five field experiments. J. Appl. Meteor. Climatol., 61, 10771085,

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  • Dunnavan, E. L., and Coauthors, 2022: Radar retrieval evaluation and investigation of dendritic growth layer polarimetric signatures in a winter storm. J. Appl. Meteor. Climatol., 61, 16851711,

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  • Field, P. R., A. J. Heymsfield, and A. Bansemer, 2006: A test of ice self-collection kernels using aircraft data. J. Atmos. Sci., 63, 651666,

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  • Garrett, T. J., 2019: Analytical solutions for precipitation size distributions at steady state. J. Atmos. Sci., 76, 10311037,

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  • Lo, K. K., and R. E. Passarelli Jr., 1982: The growth of snow in winter storms: An airborne observational study. J. Atmos. Sci., 39, 697706,<0697:TGOSIW>2.0.CO;2.

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  • Locatelli, J. D., and P. V. Hobbs, 1974: Fall speeds and masses of solid precipitation particles. J. Geophys. Res., 79, 21852197,

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  • McFarquhar, G. M., T.-L. Hsieh, M. Freer, J. Mascio, and B. F. Jewett, 2015: The characterization of ice hydrometeor gamma size distributions as volumes in N0λμ phase space: Implications for microphysical process modeling. J. Atmos. Sci., 72, 892909,

    • Search Google Scholar
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  • Mitchell, D. L., 1988: Evolution of snow-size spectra in cyclonic storms. Part I: Snow growth by vapor deposition and aggregation. J. Atmos. Sci., 45, 34313451,<3431:EOSSSI>2.0.CO;2.

    • Search Google Scholar
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  • Mitchell, D. L., 1991: Evolution of snow-size spectra in cyclonic storms. Part II: Deviations from the exponential form. J. Atmos. Sci., 48, 18851899,<1885:EOSSSI>2.0.CO;2.

    • Search Google Scholar
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  • Mitchell, D. L., 1996: Use of mass- and area-dimensional power laws for determining precipitation particle terminal velocities. J. Atmos. Sci., 53, 17101723,<1710:UOMAAD>2.0.CO;2.

    • Search Google Scholar
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  • Mitchell, D. L., and A. J. Heymsfield, 2005: Refinements in the treatment of ice particle terminal velocities, highlighting aggregates. J. Atmos. Sci., 62, 16371644,

    • Search Google Scholar
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  • Mitchell, D. L., A. Huggins, and V. Grubisic, 2006: A new snow growth model with application to radar precipitation estimates. Atmos. Res., 82, 218,

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  • Naakka, T., 2015: Interactions of the shape of a particle size distribution and physical processes using a three moment snow growth model in two snowfall cases. M.S. thesis, Dept. of Physics, University of Helsinki, 81 pp.

  • Passarelli, R. E., Jr., 1978a: An approximate analytic model of the vapor deposition and aggregation growth of snowflakes. J. Atmos. Sci., 35, 118124,<0118:AAAMOT>2.0.CO;2.

    • Search Google Scholar
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  • Passarelli, R. E., Jr., 1978b: Theoretical and observational study of snow-size spectra and snowflake aggregation efficiencies. J. Atmos. Sci., 35, 882889,<0882:TAOSOS>2.0.CO;2.

    • Search Google Scholar
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  • Phillips, V. T. J., M. Formenton, A. Bansemer, I. Kudzotsa, and B. Lienert, 2015: A parameterization of sticking efficiency for collisions of snow and graupel with ice crystals. J. Atmos. Sci., 72, 48854902,

    • Search Google Scholar
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  • Pruppacher, H. R., and J. D. Klett, 1997: Microphysics of Clouds and Precipitation. Kluwer Academic, 954 pp.

  • Ryzhkov, A. V., and D. S. Zrnić, 2019: Radar Polarimetry for Weather Observations. Springer Atmospheric Sciences, 486 pp.

  • Ryzhkov, A. V., D. S. Zrnić, and B. A. Gordon, 1998: Polarimetric method for ice water content determination. J. Appl. Meteor., 37, 125134,<0125:PMFIWC>2.0.CO;2.

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  • Ryzhkov, A. V., P. Zhang, H. Reeves, M. Kumjian, T. Tschallener, S. Trömel, and C. Simmer, 2016: Quasi-vertical profiles—A new way to look at polarimetric radar data. J. Atmos. Oceanic Technol., 33, 551562,

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  • Schmitt, C. G., and A. J. Heymsfield, 2010: The dimensional characteristics of ice crystal aggregates from fractal geometry. J. Atmos. Sci., 67, 16051616,

    • Search Google Scholar
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  • Schrom, R. S., M. R. Kumjian, and Y. Lu, 2015: Polarimetric radar signatures of dendritic growth zones within Colorado winter storms. J. Appl. Meteor. Climatol., 54, 23652388,

    • Search Google Scholar
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  • Thompson, P. D., 1968: A transformation of the stochastic equation for droplet coalescence. Proc. Int. Conf. on Cloud Physics, Toronto, ON, Canada, Amer. Meteor. Soc., 115–125.

  • Wu, W., and G. M. McFarquhar, 2018: Statistical theory on the functional form of cloud particle size distributions. J. Atmos. Sci., 75, 28012814,

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  • Fig. 1.

    Contour plots of (top) Fβm(μ,bυ) and (bottom) Gβm(μ,bυ). Columns correspond to (left) βm = 2.0, (center) βm = 2.5, and (right) βm = 3.0.

  • Fig. 2.

    As in Fig. 1, but for Hβm(μ,bυ).

  • Fig. 3.

    Contour plots of (top) Eq. (41) and (bottom) Eq. (44) (scaled by 106) for different values of μ, bυ, βm. Columns correspond to (left) βm = 2.0, (center) βm = 2.5, and (right) βm = 3.0. Thick black lines in the bottom row plots correspond to Ctot = 0.

  • Fig. 4.

    Scatterplots of logNt (Nt in units of L−1) vs logDm (Dm in units of mm) for spiral 2 (blue) and spiral 3 (orange). Linear fits to each scatterplot are shown as solid lines with slope −C(μ, bυ, βm) where C(μ, bυ, βm) = 3.204 (spiral 2) and C(μ, bυ, βm) = 2.945 (spiral 3). The intercept of each linear fit is adjusted to best fit each scatterplot data.

  • Fig. 5.

    (top) Comparison of CRYSTAL-FACE Lagrangian spiral aircraft data for spiral 2 (black) and spiral 3 (gray) with corresponding steady-state expressions using Eq. (43). Solid lines for the observations correspond to mean profiles derived by excessively smoothing the spiral data. Steady-state model lines correspond to the 50 sets of parameters with the lowest Nt and Dm errors between the model and measurements when optimizing E¯. Steady-state Nt results are calculated using the same size range, D = 0.1–27 mm, as the aircraft measurements. (bottom) Boxplots of the 50 sets of model parameters used in the steady-state model for each spiral. Blue lines/boxplots correspond to spiral 2 whereas orange lines/boxplots correspond to spiral 3.

  • Fig. 6.

    (from top to bottom) Time series of KASPR QVP radar reflectivity, KASPR QVP specific differential phase, and Parsivel disdrometer measurement of Nt and Dm on 1 Feb 2021. Heights are above mean sea level. KASPR radar data were linearly interpolated to the Parsivel’s 1-min-time-resolution grid. Both Parsivel and KASPR measurements were smoothed with a 2-h moving-average filter. The steady-state model Nt was calculated in the same interval as provided by the Parsivel disdrometer: 0.2 ≤ D ≤ 25 mm. Minimum and maximum Parsivel measurements were determined through the use of an assumed Poisson uncertainty in particle detection as described in McFarquhar et al. (2015).

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