What Controls the Entrainment Rate of Dry Buoyant Thermals with Varying Initial Aspect Ratio?

Hugh Morrison aNational Center for Atmospheric Research, Boulder, Colorado

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Nadir Jeevanjee bGeophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory, Princeton, New Jersey

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Daniel Lecoanet cDepartment of Engineering Sciences and Applied Mathematics, Northwestern University, Evanston, Illinois

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John M. Peters dDepartment of Meteorology and Atmospheric Science, The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, Pennsylvania

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This study uses theory and numerical simulations to analyze the nondimensional spreading rate α (change in radius with height) of buoyant thermals as they rise and entrain surrounding environmental fluid. A focus is on how α varies with initial thermal aspect ratio Ar, defined as height divided by width of the initial buoyancy perturbation. An analytic equation for thermal ascent rate wt that depends on α is derived from the thermal-volume-averaged momentum budget equation. The thermal top height when wt is maximum, defining a critical height zc, is inversely proportional to α. The height zc also corresponds to the thermal top height when buoyant fluid along the thermal’s vertical axis is fully replaced by entrained nonbuoyant environmental fluid rising from below the thermal. The time scale for this process is controlled by the vertical velocity of parcels rising upward through the thermal’s core. This parcel vertical velocity is approximated from Hill’s analytic spherical vortex, yielding an analytic inverse relation between α and Ar. Physically, this αAr relation is connected to changes in circulation as Ar is modified. Numerical simulations of thermals with Ar varied from 0.5 to 2 give α values close to the analytic theoretical relation, with a factor of ∼3 decrease in α as Ar is increased from 0.5 to 2. The theory also explains why α of initially spherical thermals from past laboratory and modeling studies is about 0.15. Overall, this study provides a theoretical underpinning for understanding the entrainment behavior of thermals, relevant to buoyantly driven atmospheric flows.

Significance Statement

Thermals, which are coherent, quasi-spherical regions of upward-moving buoyant fluid, are a key feature of many convective atmospheric flows. The purpose of this study is to characterize how thermals entrain surrounding fluid and spread out as they rise. We use theory and numerical modeling to explain why entrainment rate decreases with an increase in the initial thermal aspect ratio—the ratio of height to width. This work also explains why the nondimensional spreading rate (change in thermal radius with height) of initially spherical thermals from past laboratory and numerical modeling studies is about 0.15. Overall, this work provides a framework for conceptualizing the entrainment behavior of thermals and thus improved understanding of vertical transport in convective atmospheric flows.

© 2023 American Meteorological Society. This published article is licensed under the terms of the default AMS reuse license. For information regarding reuse of this content and general copyright information, consult the AMS Copyright Policy (www.ametsoc.org/PUBSReuseLicenses).

Corresponding author: Hugh Morrison, morrison@ucar.edu


This study uses theory and numerical simulations to analyze the nondimensional spreading rate α (change in radius with height) of buoyant thermals as they rise and entrain surrounding environmental fluid. A focus is on how α varies with initial thermal aspect ratio Ar, defined as height divided by width of the initial buoyancy perturbation. An analytic equation for thermal ascent rate wt that depends on α is derived from the thermal-volume-averaged momentum budget equation. The thermal top height when wt is maximum, defining a critical height zc, is inversely proportional to α. The height zc also corresponds to the thermal top height when buoyant fluid along the thermal’s vertical axis is fully replaced by entrained nonbuoyant environmental fluid rising from below the thermal. The time scale for this process is controlled by the vertical velocity of parcels rising upward through the thermal’s core. This parcel vertical velocity is approximated from Hill’s analytic spherical vortex, yielding an analytic inverse relation between α and Ar. Physically, this αAr relation is connected to changes in circulation as Ar is modified. Numerical simulations of thermals with Ar varied from 0.5 to 2 give α values close to the analytic theoretical relation, with a factor of ∼3 decrease in α as Ar is increased from 0.5 to 2. The theory also explains why α of initially spherical thermals from past laboratory and modeling studies is about 0.15. Overall, this study provides a theoretical underpinning for understanding the entrainment behavior of thermals, relevant to buoyantly driven atmospheric flows.

Significance Statement

Thermals, which are coherent, quasi-spherical regions of upward-moving buoyant fluid, are a key feature of many convective atmospheric flows. The purpose of this study is to characterize how thermals entrain surrounding fluid and spread out as they rise. We use theory and numerical modeling to explain why entrainment rate decreases with an increase in the initial thermal aspect ratio—the ratio of height to width. This work also explains why the nondimensional spreading rate (change in thermal radius with height) of initially spherical thermals from past laboratory and numerical modeling studies is about 0.15. Overall, this work provides a framework for conceptualizing the entrainment behavior of thermals and thus improved understanding of vertical transport in convective atmospheric flows.

© 2023 American Meteorological Society. This published article is licensed under the terms of the default AMS reuse license. For information regarding reuse of this content and general copyright information, consult the AMS Copyright Policy (www.ametsoc.org/PUBSReuseLicenses).

Corresponding author: Hugh Morrison, morrison@ucar.edu

1. Introduction

Thermals—coherent, isolated, quasi-spherical regions of upward-moving buoyant fluid—are a common feature of convective atmospheric flows. A key characteristic of thermals is the rate at which they increase in size as they ascend owing to entrainment of the surrounding fluid. Assuming thermal shape is self-similar (meaning that thermals do not change shape over time), dimensional analysis shows that thermal radius R is proportional to thermal top height zt, that is, dR/dzt is constant1 (e.g., Scorer 1957). (Note that all symbols used in the paper are defined in the appendix.) Numerous laboratory and numerical modeling studies have supported this basic scaling (e.g., Scorer 1957; Richards 1961; Bond and Johari 2005; Zhao et al. 2013; Lai et al. 2015; Lecoanet and Jeevanjee 2019, hereinafter LJ2019; McKim et al. 2020; Morrison et al. 2021).

The rate of increase in R is closely related to the entrainment rate of thermals. From LJ2019, a thermal net fractional entrainment rate is defined as ϵd(lnV)/dzt, where V is the thermal volume. Combined with self-similarity, this gives ϵ = 3α/R, where αdR/dzt. We emphasize that ϵ in this case is a net fractional entrainment rate because thermal volume is impacted by both entrainment (inflow of environmental fluid) and detrainment (outflow of thermal fluid). However, LJ2019 showed that detrainment is negligible for both laminar and turbulent dry, initially spherical thermals in a neutrally stable environment. Thus, ϵ provides a close approximation for total entrainment in such conditions. An entrainment efficiency can also be defined as eϵR, which gives e = 3α for self-similar thermals.

Thermals entrain by a process of drawing in fluid mainly from below the thermal (e.g., LJ2019; Zhao et al. 2013; McKim et al. 2020; Morrison et al. 2021). As a thermal spins up, buoyancy becomes concentrated near the center of rotation in the thermal’s toroidal circulation (i.e., vortex ring core); see Fig. 1 for a schematic of thermal structure. As a result, there is baroclinic generation of buoyancy on the outside edge of the vortex ring and destruction on the inside edge that lead to a spreading of the vortex (McKim et al. 2020). Moreover, without buoyant fluid present along the thermal’s vertical axis, circulation is nearly constant. This implies a basic constraint on the spreading rate of thermals following the principle of momentum conservation (Turner 1957). Specifically, buoyant vortex rings (which form the core of thermals) must expand over time to conserve momentum, with the rate of spread determined by the thermal-integrated buoyant forcing and the circulation. McKim et al. (2020) combined the buoyant vortex ring argument of Turner (1957) with the thermal’s vertical momentum equation to derive an analytic model for the vertical velocity of thermal top wt, R, and buoyancy B at any time past spinup that does not rely on empirically determined parameters, provided wt, R, and B are known at the time when the thermal is spun up.

Fig. 1.
Fig. 1.

Schematic diagram of a vertical cross section through the thermal center. The central vertical axis is indicated by the dashed line. Red X symbols mark the center of circulation comprising the vortex ring core with radius Rυ. After spinup, the region of nonzero buoyancy indicated by blue shading is confined to the vortex ring core. Baroclinic generation and destruction of vorticity associated with this buoyancy structure leads to outward spreading of the vortex ring structure and thermal as a whole as shown by the red arrows. Black curved lines illustrate streamfunction isolines (only shown for the right half of the thermal). The thermal boundary, which is also a streamfunction isoline, is indicated by the curved blue line. This boundary also defines the thermal radius R.

Citation: Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences 80, 11; 10.1175/JAS-D-23-0063.1

While the basic mechanism of thermal entrainment and spreading is well understood, factors controlling the spreading rate are not. Lai et al. (2015) combined a relation between circulation, impulse (related to time-integrated buoyant forcing), and thermal spreading rate with an empirical power-law relation between normalized circulation and initial thermal aspect ratio Ar to predict α from Ar. They showed that variations in Ar for spheroidal thermals from ∼0.5 to 2 lead to substantial variability in α, from about 0.1 to 0.3. These results are consistent with laboratory experiments reporting a similar range of α (e.g., Scorer 1957; Escudier and Maxworthy 1973; Bond and Johari 2005, 2010; Zhao et al. 2013). A consensus from laboratory and numerical modeling studies is that α ≈ 0.12–0.18 for initially spherical thermals in an unstratified environment (e.g., LJ2019; Bond and Johari 2010; Zhao et al. 2013; Lai et al. 2015). Values are ∼0.2–0.3 for initially oblate thermals with Ar < 1 and smaller for prolate thermals with Ar > 1, ∼0.1–0.15 (see Fig. 17 of Lai et al. 2015). There is little sensitivity of α to initial aspect ratio for Ar > 2 (Bond and Johari 2005). Modifying other aspects of thermal initial conditions can also produce variability in α, such as having an initial circulation (Escudier and Maxworthy 1973). Note that α may also depend on the Reynolds number Re of the flow, although LJ2019 showed with direct numerical simulation (DNS) that the basic mechanism of entrainment is the same for laminar and turbulent thermals (Re of 630 and 6300, respectively), and α was only ∼20% higher for turbulent thermals. Their results indicate that turbulence is not necessary for entrainment and that the primary mechanism for entrainment is organized inflow controlled by the thermal’s buoyancy distribution.

The above discussion raises two important science questions. First, why do initially spherical thermals in an unstratified environment (and initially motionless) have α ≈ 0.15? Why this particular value, and what are the physical mechanisms explaining it? Second, why does the spreading rate of thermals as they rise (α) increase as their initial aspect (Ar) is decreased? To our knowledge, all previous studies have relied in some way on empirical constraint to obtain parameters, from either laboratory experiments or numerical modeling, at least during the spinup phase which is crucial for predicting α. In this study, we derive an expression for α as a function of Ar that does not rely on such empirically determined parameters. The goal is to predict α from Ar from the basic equations to provide a theoretical underpinning for understanding factors controlling the thermal spreading rate. The predicted values of α are compared to those obtained from numerical simulations of thermals over a range of Ar.

In the theoretical part, we first derive an analytic expression for thermal ascent rate wt from the nondimensional thermal momentum budget equation. We then use this expression to derive an analytic relation between α and the thermal spinup height zc (defined as the thermal top height when wt reaches a maximum), valid over a range of initial thermal aspect ratios. We show that zc also corresponds to the time for parcels initially near the thermal bottom to ascend through the thermal core to near the thermal top. This determines the time for buoyancy to be removed from the central thermal core by entrainment of nonbuoyant environmental fluid, after which circulation is nearly constant. This time scale for thermal spinup depends linearly on Ar and is determined by the thermal’s internal flow structure which is well modeled by Hill’s analytic spherical vortex (Hill 1894) even for nonspherical thermals. We show that the predicted values of wt, α, and zc are consistent with numerical simulations of buoyant thermals over a range of Ar from 0.5 to 2.

The paper is organized as follows. Section 2 provides a theoretical description of the problem and derivation of equations for wt and α. Section 3 gives a description of the numerical model and experimental design. Section 4 presents results from the numerical simulations and comparison of these results with theory. A summary and conclusions are given in section 5.

2. Theoretical description

We first write the basic governing equations that set the stage for the rest of the derivation. These are the incompressible Boussinesq–Euler equations for fluid motion and mass continuity plus the conservation equation for perturbation fluid density:
where t is the time, u is the velocity vector, k^ is a unit vector pointed in the vertical (opposite to the direction of gravitational acceleration), p is the pressure, ρ0 is a constant background fluid density, ρ′ is a perturbation fluid density from the background density, and g is the gravitational acceleration. Here, the environment is assumed to be neutrally stable; for inviscid flow in a neutrally stable environment and applying the incompressible Boussinesq approximation, the perturbation density acts as a fluid tracer with no sources or sinks. In the following, we use buoyancy defined as B ≡ −′/ρ0.

a. Thermal momentum budget

To derive our analytic thermal model and theoretical values for α, we first focus on the vertical momentum budget of thermals. This allows us to derive an analytic expression for the thermal ascent rate, from which we obtain expressions for thermal spreading rate α later. Defining the thermal as occupying some portion of space defined by Ω within the domain, we can integrate over Ω to obtain the thermal’s budget of vertical momentum ρ0w, where w is the vertical velocity. Because Ω changes over time, we use Gauss’s theorem to relate the divergence of the momentum field over Ω to the flux of momentum across the surface of Ω (Romps and Charn 2015; Morrison et al. 2022):
where ∂Ω(t) is the two-dimensional boundary of Ω(t), n^ is a unit vector normal to the thermal’s surface, and ue is an effective entrainment velocity defined as the displacement rate of the thermal boundary ub relative to flow velocity u, i.e., ue = ubu.
Defining w¯V1Ω(t)wd3x as the thermal-averaged w (assumed to be equal to the thermal top ascent rate wt) in (4), using the product rule d(wtV)/dt = Vdwt/dt + wtdV/dt, dividing by thermal volume V, and rearranging terms, we express the thermal-averaged momentum budget as
where FdV1Ω(t)(p/z)d3x is the thermal-averaged pressure drag force, EV1Ω(t)(n^ue)ρ0wd2xV1(dV/dt)wtρ0 is the momentum entrainment, and B¯V1Ω(t)Bd3x is the thermal-averaged buoyancy. Equation (5) expresses the vertical momentum budget of a thermal as an acceleration term on the left-hand side and a drag force arising from vertical pressure gradients, an entrainment “pseudoforce,” and a buoyant forcing term on the right-hand side.

We assume that detrainment is negligible and that thermal expansion incorporates fluid with w = 0. Thus, net entrainment is related only to the change in thermal volume (following the Boussinesq approximation). This assumption is well justified based on the DNS of dry thermals from LJ2019; see Morrison et al. (2022) for further discussion. It follows that we can write the entrainment term as EV1(dV/dt)wtρ0, where V1(dV/dt)=(dlnV/dzt)wt=ϵwt using the chain rule. Thus, we can express Eϵwt2ρ0.

We nondimensionalize the thermal momentum equation next. Based on a characteristic background fluid density ρ0, thermal radius R0, and thermal buoyancy B0, we can define various scales including time t0=R0/B0, velocity w0=R0B0, and pressure p0 = ρ0B0/R0. From this, we write t*=t/t0,z*=z/R0,w*=w/w0,Fd*=(R0/p0)Fd,E*=E/E0=[R0/(ρ0w02)]E, and B*=B/B0. Substituting these relations into the thermal-averaged momentum budget gives a nondimensional form of the equation:
Multiplying (6) by R0/(w02ρ0), it can be expressed in terms of two nondimensional flow parameters: Froude number Fr=w02/(B0R0) and Euler number Eu=p0/(ρ0w02). This gives
where the nondimensional drag force Fd* is divided into two parts following the standard separation of perturbation pressure into buoyant and dynamic components: Fd*=FpB*+FpD*. The buoyant part is approximated by EuFpB*Fr1(1Cυ)B¯*. The term Cυ is a virtual mass parameter defined such that the sum of Fr1B¯* and EuFpB* is equal to Fr1CυB¯*. Cυ depends on the structure of the buoyancy field. For example, Cυ = 2/3 for a spherical buoyancy perturbation (Tarshish et al. 2018). It follows that the nondimensional effective buoyancy—the sum of buoyancy and buoyant perturbation pressure forcing—is Beff*=CυB¯*.

We approximate the dynamic pressure part of thermal drag using the standard drag equation divided by V to give a volume-averaged dynamic pressure drag force: FpD=ρ0wt2CdA/(2V), where A is the cross-sectional thermal area perpendicular to the flow. Defining γ as the ratio AR/V, which is a constant for self-similar thermals (γ = 3/4 for a spherical thermal), we can express the thermal-averaged nondimensional dynamic pressure drag force as FpD*=wt*2γCd/(2R*). Note that Cd ≈ 0 for initially spherical (Ar = 1) dry buoyant thermals (Morrison et al. 2022). Although Cd could in principle vary with Ar, the thermal simulations presented in section 4, with Ar varying from 0.5 to 2, all have small Cd (magnitude less than 0.1). Thus, the dynamic pressure drag is relatively unimportant in the thermal momentum budget. Nonetheless, we retain this term and Cd in the equations for generality.

Hereinafter, we take characteristic values of the physical scales ρ0, R0, and B0 as unity so that Fr = 1 and Eu = 1 and drop the * indicating nondimensional quantities for convenience. It follows that we can write the nondimensional thermal-averaged vertical momentum budget equation given by (7) as
where we have used the above relations for E and buoyant and dynamic pressure contributions to drag, and the chain rule to express the time derivative as a height derivative following the thermal top: d/dt = wtd/dzt (zt is the thermal top height).
If we assume αdR/dzt is constant, consistent with recent numerical modeling studies (Morrison et al. 2021; LJ2019) and the simulations herein, we can write R = R0 + αzt = 1 + αzt by integrating α from zt=0 to zt=zt. Also, B¯=B0/R3=1/R3 (since we take B0 = 1 as the initial buoyancy scale, and B¯ scales inversely with the change in thermal volume as the thermal entrains nonbuoyant environmental fluid and expands) and ϵ = e/R (LJ2019). With these assumptions and relations, (8) may be written as
Assuming α, e, Cυ, γ, and Cd are constants, (9) represents a first-order linear differential equation with an exact solution given by
where k1 is a constant of integration. Given the boundary condition wt = 0 at zt = 0, we may solve for k1 and use this in (10) to give
Equation (11) is similar to Escudier and Maxworthy [1973, Eqs. (9)–(11) therein], except that we invoke the Boussinesq approximation, express wt using a single analytic equation as a function of height zt rather than t, and include an explicit dependence on α.

Solutions for wt can be obtained from (11), provided values of α, e, γ, Cd, and Cυ are known. Past literature has suggested α ∼ 0.05–0.3 (Lai et al. 2015), e ≈ 3α (LJ2019), Cd ≈ 0 (Morrison et al. 2022), meaning that γ is not relevant, and Cυ ∼ 0.5–0.8 (Tarshish et al. 2018). Examples of solutions to the analytic wt Eq. (11) using e = 3α, Cd = 0, Cυ = 2/3, and α ranging from 0.05 to 0.3 are shown in Fig. 2 (solid lines). With these parameter values, (11) gives a family of solutions that all exhibit a sharp increase of wt with height initially corresponding to a “slippery” regime when upward buoyant forcing is primarily balanced by vertical acceleration, followed by a slower decrease of wt corresponding to a “sticky” regime when weak buoyant forcing is balanced mainly by entrainment.2 This shape of the wt profile with the two distinct regimes of thermal evolution was discussed previously via analysis of numerical solutions (e.g., Wang 1971; Tarshish et al. 2018). In subsequent sections, we will determine constraints on values of α while also briefly exploring how e and Cυ vary with the initial thermal aspect ratio.

Fig. 2.
Fig. 2.

Analytic solutions to the thermal wt Eq. (11) as a function of nondimensional thermal top height zt. Different color lines indicate assumed values of thermal expansion rate α as labeled. Black dotted and dashed black lines illustrate scalings from the asymptotic analysis corresponding to the “slippery” regime during thermal spinup and “sticky” regime after spinup, respectively. The * symbols indicate the height and magnitude of maximum wt for each curve.

Citation: Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences 80, 11; 10.1175/JAS-D-23-0063.1

We can understand scaling behaviors in the slippery and sticky regimes via asymptotic analysis and expansion of (11), similar to the asymptotic analysis of Escudier and Maxworthy (1973) applied to their equation set for wt. For the slippery regime when zt < 1, we can expand (11) using Taylor series about zt = 0 and retain the first-order term to give wtzt1/2. This is equivalent to a scaling of ztt2 since wt = dzt/dt, which is consistent with the theory and numerical simulations in the slippery regime from Tarshish et al. (2018).

In contrast, when zt ≫ 1 for the sticky regime, 1 + αztαzt and the second term on the right-hand side of (11) is negligible compared to the first term (for 2e/α + γCd/2 > 2, which is satisfied for typical values of 2e/α ≈ 6 and γCd ≈ 0), implying a scaling of wt with zt1. This is equivalent to a scaling of ztt1/2, consistent with the theory and simulations of LJ2019 for the sticky regime. These scaling regimes well correspond to full solutions of the analytic wt equation, Eq. (11), for small and large zt as seen in Fig. 2 and are also consistent with the asymptotic analysis from Escudier and Maxworthy (1973).

b. Impulse, circulation, and thermal spreading rate

Although (11) accounts for the impact of thermal spreading rate α on wt via entrainment, by itself it does constrain α. However, the thermal momentum budget can provide a basic constraint on α via the impulse–circulation relation (e.g., Turner 1957; Lai et al. 2015; McKim et al. 2020; Morrison et al. 2021). A thermal’s circulation Γ can be calculated as the integral of velocity along a circuit ∂S passing through the thermal center and returning through the ambient fluid or equivalently as an area integral of vorticity over a region S bounded by the circuit ∂S. If we assume axisymmetry, this area integral can be expressed as the integral of azimuthal vorticity ωϕ over S in axisymmetric (r, z) coordinates (McKim et al. 2020):
The time rate of change of circulation is given by
for an inviscid fluid, where Bc is the buoyancy along the thermal’s vertical axis, zbs and zts are the bottom and top heights of region S, and the region with Bc > 0 is assumed to be encompassed within S (hereinafter when writing this integral, we drop the limits zbs and zts for convenience). In words, (13) shows that the rate of increase in Γ during spinup is equal to the vertical integral of core buoyancy.
We can directly relate Γ to α via the impulse–circulation relation. Fluid impulse I is the total momentum change starting from rest caused by external forcing over a finite region of space. For an idealized infinite domain in the absence of nonconservative forces and applying the incompressible Boussinesq approximation, I is related to vorticity ω by (e.g., Batchelor 2000)
where V is the entire domain and x is a position vector. The term I is essentially a record of the volume- and time-integrated external (here, gravitational via a localized buoyancy anomaly) forcing on the fluid. If the region of nonzero vorticity within the domain is concentrated on a circle with a radius equal to Rυ (i.e., the vortex ring radius, see Fig. 1), and this region of vorticity is small compared to Rυ, then (14) can be approximated using the second part of (12) as (Turner 1957; McKim et al. 2020)
The subscript “z” indicates that the impulse is only in the z direction as a consequence of the axisymmetry of the flow.
Taking d/dt of (15), we have
where FB is the domain-integrated buoyant forcing, which is constant in time following (3) in a neutrally stable environment.
Equation (16) can be directly related to α using the chain rule d/dt = wtd/dzt to give dRυ2/dt=ζ2dR2/dt=2ζ2Rwtα, where ζ is the ratio of the vortex radius to the thermal radius and assumed to be constant following self-similarity but may vary with Ar. Substituting this relation for dRυ2/dt in (16) and substituting (13) for dΓ/dt, we have
The physical interpretation of (13)(17) is that if there is no buoyancy along the thermal’s vertical axis (Bc = 0), then there is no change in the thermal’s circulation with time (dΓ/dt = 0) and the first term on the left-hand side of (17) is zero. The removal of buoyancy along the thermal’s vertical axis by the upward encroachment of nonbuoyant environmental fluid entrained from below the thermal corresponds to the point of thermal spinup. With FB > 0, Bc = 0 implies α > 0 in the second term since ζ, R, and wt are all >0. This is consistent with the basic argument from Turner (1957) and McKim et al. (2020) explaining how the impulse–circulation relation dictates a positive thermal expansion rate when dΓ/dt = 0 and FB > 0. Moreover, FB is constant as noted above, and self-similarity implies α and ζ are constants and Rzt. This gives wtzt1, which is consistent with the scaling from our analytic wt equation, Eq. (11), in the “sticky” regime where zt ≫ 1. During the spinup phase corresponding to the “slippery” regime, Bc > 0 and the first term on the left-hand side of (17) > 0. This implies that the second term on the left-hand side of (17) must be smaller before spinup than after.

If Γ is known when the thermal is spun up, we can derive an analytic expression for α by combining (15) and (17) with the relation between a thermal’s impulse and wt (Akhmetov 2009; McKim et al. 2020): Iz=mR3ρ0(1+Cυ)wt, where m is a shape parameter equal to the ratio of thermal volume to R3. This is analogous to Eq. (17) in McKim et al. (2020), who expressed e (rather than α) in terms of ζ, FB, Γ, Cυ, and m. All of these parameters likely depend on Ar. For example, the virtual mass coefficient Cυ depends on the thermal shape (Tarshish et al. 2018), while Γ (after spinup) has a strongly nonlinear dependence on Ar as we show in section 4 from the thermal numerical simulations. Such dependencies are broadly consistent with sensitivity of α to Ar but complicate the interpretation and explanation of this sensitivity.

These complications motivate an alternative approach described below that relates α to the thermal top height when spinup is achieved, corresponding to the thermal top height when wt reaches its maximum. This is in a similar vein as relating α (or e) to ζ, FB, Γ, Cυ, and m, but with much simpler functional dependencies allowing for a clear understanding of the variation of α with Ar.

c. Relationship between thermal spinup height and spreading rate α

We define a critical thermal top height zc separating the “slippery” and “sticky” regimes when dwt/dzt = 0 and wt is a maximum. During spinup, dwt/dzt > 0 as dΓ/dt > 0 owing to the presence of buoyant fluid along the thermal’s vertical axis. After buoyancy is eroded along the thermal’s vertical axis from entrainment of environmental fluid, Γ is constant following (13), and thus, dwt/dzt < 0 following the wtzt1 scaling implied by (17). Taken together, the implication is that zc corresponds to the thermal top height at the time when core buoyancy is eroded and thereafter dΓ/dt ≈ 0, which is supported by the numerical simulations presented in section 4.

The critical height zc is obtained by taking d/dzt of (11) and setting dwt/dzt = 0. We also introduce the parameter be/α, the ratio of entrainment efficiency to thermal spreading rate. The resulting expression is solved analytically to yield the following relation between zc, α, b, γ, and Cd:
Figure 3 shows α calculated from (18) as a function of zc for b equal to 2, 2.5, and 3 and Cd = 0 (Fig. 3a) and for Cd equal to −0.1, 0, and 0.1 and b = 3 (Fig. 3b). For these calculations, γ = 3/4 corresponding to spherical thermals for simplicity. A self-similar thermal shape implies b = 3, meaning that e = 3α and ϵd(lnV)/dzt = 3α/R (LJ2019). Deviations from b = 3, therefore, indicate the degree to which thermals are not self-similar. Zhao et al. (2013), while noting self-similarity of gross thermal characteristics (overall thermal shape and size) after spinup, found that internal vorticity and density structures evolved nonsimilarly in their experimental study. In the simulations presented later in the current paper, b is somewhat smaller than 3, ranging from ∼2.4 to 2.7 for Ar < 2. For the Ar = 2 simulation, b ∼ 2.1, indicating that initially vertically elongated thermals change their shape relatively more than the smaller Ar thermals. This may be related to the inability of thermals to take in all initially buoyant fluid when Ar ≥ 2, leaving a wake of buoyant fluid below the thermal, as discussed in Lai et al. (2015). Nonetheless, sensitivity of α to b over the range of 2–3 is fairly small, with a 24% decrease in α as b is increased from 2 to 3.
Fig. 3.
Fig. 3.

Solutions to the analytic αzc relation (18) with (a) Cd = 0 and varying b as indicated and (b) b = 3 and varying Cd as indicated.

Citation: Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences 80, 11; 10.1175/JAS-D-23-0063.1

The change in α for a given zc as Cd is varied from −0.1 to 0.1 is small in magnitude, with α varying by up to 0.04 for the range of parameters shown in Fig. 3b. The relative change is greatest at small values of α (large zc), up to ∼50% in Fig. 3b. For the thermal numerical simulations detailed later in the paper, with Ar varying from 0.5 to 2, mean Cd ranges from −0.06 to 0.08 [using the same method to calculate Cd from the simulated dynamic perturbation pressure field as in Morrison et al. (2022)]. Thus, dynamic pressure drag is relatively unimportant in (18), and hereinafter, we will assume Cd = 0. With this assumption, (18) can be rearranged to give
If we further assume a self-similar thermal shape, we can use (19) with b = 3 to obtain
The one-to-one relationship between α and zc means that if zc is known, this uniquely constrains the value of α. We emphasize that zc does not cause a particular value of α, but if zc is known, then α can be predicted from it. A key point is that the expressions for α in (18)(20) are independent of Cυ and thus expected to have little dependence on Ar (given that b does not vary much with Ar and Cd ≈ 0). Equation (20) gives consistent results with the analytic thermal wt profiles shown in Fig. 2, which have zc ranging from ∼1 to 6 for α of 0.05–0.3 (for b = 3 and Cd = 0).

d. Relationship between zc and Ar

As argued in the previous subsection, zc corresponds to the thermal top height when buoyant fluid along the thermal’s vertical axis is replaced by entrained environmental fluid (meaning circulation is approximately constant thereafter). This erosion of buoyancy in the thermal core occurs as nonbuoyant parcels are entrained near the thermal bottom and move upward relative to the thermal as a whole. Thus, we expect the time scale for loss of buoyancy along the thermal’s vertical axis to be equal to the time for parcels entrained near the thermal bottom to travel upward through the thermal.

A parcel must travel a distance of the initial thermal depth plus zc to ascend through the thermal in the same amount of time as the thermal top takes to reach height zc. Since we can express the initial thermal depth as D0 = 2Ar (keeping in mind R0 = 1), this time scale is
where wp¯ is the time-averaged parcel vertical velocity along its Lagrangian path: wp¯τc10τcwp(t)dt. By definition, this is the same time scale for the thermal top to reach zc (starting from zt = 0), implying
where wt¯τc10τcwt(t)dt is the time-averaged thermal top vertical velocity.
Substituting (21) in (22) and solving for zc gives
where σwp¯/wt¯ is the ratio of the time-averaged vertical velocities of the parcel and thermal top.
Equation (23) can be combined with (19) to yield an expression for α as a function of Ar:
If we take b = 3 following self-similarity, this gives

e. Predicting σ from Hill’s analytic spherical vortex

The thermal aspect ratio Ar is specified from the initial conditions, leaving σ as the only unknown parameter in (25) to obtain α. This parameter is closely related to the thermal internal flow structure, which controls the rate of parcel ascent in the thermal core relative to the thermal as a whole. Lai et al. (2015) noted similarity of the flow structure of thermals to Hill’s vortex, particular for Ar = 2. They found that the analytic Hill’s vortex solution deviated more from numerical thermal simulations for smaller Ar, but noted “it can still give a fair prediction of flow field” for Ar as low as 0.5. In agreement with Lai et al. (2015), in section 4, we show a close correspondence of vertical velocity profiles along the central axis in numerically simulated thermals to Hill’s vortex for initial Ar of 1 and 2, with more deviation but still fairly similar w profiles for Ar = 0.5.

Given the overall similarity of Hill’s analytic vortex with the internal flow of thermals, we can approximate σ from the vertical profile of w in the core of Hill’s vortex. The w field within Hill’s vortex is given by
in axisymmetric coordinates, where a is the vortex radius and W is the steady vortex ascent rate. The flow outside of the vortex is given by
Along the vertical axis (r = 0), the w profile is symmetric and features an increase in the bottom half of the vortex, a maximum w equal to 5/2W at z = 0, and a decrease in the upper half.

A parcel initially at the bottom of Hill’s vortex will rise at the same rate as the vortex since u = 0 and w = W at this location (i.e., it is a stagnation point in the vortex-relative flow). However, a parcel initially just above the vortex bottom at r = 0 will rise relative to the vortex as a whole. Thermals, owing to their buoyancy, entrainment, and nonsteady behavior, do not have such stagnation points, and parcels initiated at the thermal bottom rise through the thermal depth as demonstrated by the simulations in section 4. Thermal flow is similar to Hill’s vortex in the interior. Thus, although parcel ascent differs between thermals and Hill’s vortex near the top and bottom boundaries, it is similar in the interior with an acceleration toward the center followed by a deceleration above.

Because of the stagnation points in Hill’s vortex, we cannot use it directly to estimate the Lagrangian time scale for parcel ascent starting from the thermal bottom. However, given similarity of the interior flow between thermals and Hill’s vortex, a rough approximation is to replace the Lagrangian time-mean w along the parcel’s path with the Eulerian vertical-mean w from Hill’s vortex: wp¯(2a)1z=az=aw(z)dz=2W, where w(z) is from (26) with r = 0. This gives σ=wp¯/W2, which is expected to be an upper estimate since the Lagrangian mean weights toward smaller values of w compared to the Eulerian mean. Additional context for this approach is provided by analysis of the thermal numerical simulations. Comparing the Lagrangian mean wp¯ for a parcel initiated at the thermal bottom versus the time-averaged Eulerian mean w (from thermal bottom to top) during the spinup period shows a close correspondence between the two, with relative differences ranging from −6% to 14%. Furthermore, σ values from the simulations generally range from 1.80 to 1.95 (with the exception of σ ≈ 1.63 in the Ar = 2 simulation), close to but slightly less than σ = 2.

We can also calculate wp¯ from Hill’s vortex exactly for a parcel initiated above the vortex bottom and ending the same distance below vortex top. This is obtained from
where f is the fractional distance from the vortex center (z = 0) where the parcel is initiated relative to its radius a, Δt is the time for the parcel to travel along this path, and D = WΔt is the distance traveled by the vortex as a whole over Δt. The distance D + 2fa is the total distance traveled by the parcel over its Lagrangian path. Following a trajectory along r = 0, dz/dt = w(z) − W, where z is height relative to the ascending vortex and w(z) − W is the vortex-relative parcel velocity. The time scale for ascent is calculated as t=0t=Δtdt=Δt=z=faz=fa[w(z)W]1dz. The integral on the right-hand side can be solved analytically by substituting (26) for w(z) combined with r = 0 to yield
Combining (28) and (29) with D = WΔt gives an expression for wp¯, and σ is then obtained by dividing this expression by W to give
A parcel initiated just above the vortex bottom, with f of 0.99–0.9 (i.e., initiated at a distance of 0.01–0.1 radii above the thermal bottom and ending the same distance below top), gives σ of 1.6–1.9 consistent with the simulations.

Following discussion in Lai et al. (2015), the flow field of the Norbury vortex family (Norbury 1973), which generalizes Hill’s vortex to variable ring vortex thickness, may be closer to the thermal simulations with varying Ar. Similarly, the O’Brien (1961) analytic spheroidal vortex model might give a better description of the flow for spheroidal thermals. However, these models are steady state and also have stagnation points. Since Hill’s vortex provides a reasonable description of the interior thermal flow over a range of Ar, we use it to constrain σ following the discussion above.

Combining σ ≈ 2 from the Eulerian mean w of Hill’s vortex with (19) and (23) gives our final theoretical expression for α (with the assumption of self-similarity so that b = 3):

3. Description of the numerical simulations

a. Model description and experimental design

We utilize the Cloud Model 1 (CM1) fluid flow model to numerically simulate thermals with varying initial Ar. CM1 is a nonhydrostatic model which has been widely used to simulate idealized atmospheric flows. Here, we use the incompressible Boussinesq configuration to solve the filtered Navier–Stokes equations similar to the large-eddy simulation (LES) configuration in Morrison et al. (2022). Prognostic variables are the 3D components of flow velocity and potential temperature perturbation θ′, although near-axisymmetry of the model fields is retained. Buoyancy B is obtained by ′/θ0, where θ0 is a constant background θ of the fluid environment. As noted by Morrison et al. (2022), in this framework, prognosing θ′ is equivalent to prognosing B itself. Simulations are nondimensionalized using a length scale equal to the radius of the initial thermal R0 (the radius of the initial buoyancy perturbation) and a time scale given by R0/B0, where B0 is the initial thermal buoyancy. The density scale ρ0 is equal to the constant background fluid density in this Boussinesq framework. All other quantities are nondimensionalized following these basic scales.

The initial Ar of thermals is varied from 0.5 to 2, similar to the range from Lai et al. (2015). As we show in section 4, this produces a wide spread of α (∼0.08–0.25). Thermals are initiated by adding a buoyancy perturbation B0 uniformly within a spheroidal volume having a horizontal radius of R0 and a vertical radius of ArR0. To minimize the impacts of boundary conditions, the initial buoyancy perturbations are centered at a height of 4R0, and the horizontal domain width is ≥16R0 and the vertical domain height is 64ArR0 (64 times the initial vertical thermal radius). The model grid is isotropic in all three directions with a grid spacing ΔLm equal to 0.1ArR0. Since the initial Ar varies from 0.5 to 2, ΔLm ranges from 0.05R0 to 0.2R0. The time step is 0.0362 times the time scale R0/B0. Because the thermals expand as they ascend, the overall dynamical structure is well resolved with at least 10 grid points horizontally and 20 points vertically across the thermals. An additional set of simulations with Ar varying from 0.5 to 2 but ΔLm = 0.1R0 (thus at least 20 points horizontally and 10 points vertically across the thermals) was also run and analyzed. This set gives similar results to the first set, and thus, we only report the results of the first set of simulations in this paper. Other details of the model setup are given in Table 1.

Table 1.

Configuration details for the CM1 simulations presented in this paper.

Table 1.

In this study, we use LES applied to the filtered Navier–Stokes equations instead of DNS to retain a close connection to atmospheric modeling, particularly modeling of dry and moist thermals in the planetary boundary layer and convective clouds in which DNS is not possible given the huge O(109) Reynolds numbers involved. The LES framework is also consistent with our previous work on dynamic drag of dry buoyant thermals (Morrison et al. 2022) and similar to previous thermal simulations of Lai et al. (2015). The subgrid-scale (SGS) mixing follows a Smagorinsky-type approach as implemented by Stevens et al. (1999, see their appendix B, section b). The SGS mixing length is set to ΔLm. Because the dissipation scale (the model’s filter scale) is a relatively large fraction of the thermals’ radii, the resolved scale flow is smooth and thus appears laminar. The resulting thermal evolution and internal flow structure of the simulated thermals is remarkably similar to the DNS of initially spherical laminar thermals in LJ2019 (Re = 630). Results across the range of Ar are close to those of Lai et al. (2015), who also numerically solved the filtered (discretized) Navier–Stokes equations but using a kδ turbulence closure (Launder and Spaulding 1974), where k is the resolved kinetic energy and δ is the energy dissipation rate. Our simulations are integrated forward in time until the thermal top (as defined in section 3b) reaches a height of 15R0 above the initial thermal top (i.e., top of the initial buoyancy perturbation). To investigate the internal thermal flow characteristics, particularly the time for ascent of a parcel through the thermal, each simulation includes forward trajectories for a parcel placed at the thermal bottom at the initial time. We use the built-in parcel trajectory calculations in CM1 which are done during the model integration using linear interpolation of the flow field at each model time step.

b. Analysis methodology

Thermal boundaries must first be identified and tracked in order to analyze thermal behavior including spreading rate. We use a method similar to LJ2019 and Morrison et al. (2022). At each output time (at an interval of 0.542 times the time scale R0/B0), the horizontal thermal midpoint is determined by the column with maximum vertically integrated pressure perturbation. Thermal top is defined by the buoyancy field analogously to LJ2019: the provisional thermal top height zt is calculated as the highest level where the horizontally averaged B ≥ 1/10 of the maximum horizontally averaged B (maximum defined in the vertical). This is done at each output time to generate a time series of provisional zt, from which we calculate the thermal top ascent rate wt using a centered difference in time. Using zt obtained directly from the B field can result in noise in wt and hence in thermal volume and radius. However, unlike LJ2019 and Morrison et al. (2022), we apply this wt directly to calculate the streamfunction and thermal boundaries rather than using a fitting procedure to the analytic scaling relation wtt1/2 (or analogously, wtzt1) from similarity theory. Although the fitting method reduces noise, it is only applicable in the sticky regime after spinup, and we are interested in thermal behavior both during spinup and after. Although wt here is somewhat noisy, the spreading behavior of thermals and its sensitivity to Ar are clear.

Once wt is determined, model output is azimuthally averaged around the horizontal midpoint using a radial–vertical grid (r, z) with the same grid spacing as the original Cartesian grid. We then calculate the Stokes streamfunction using the thermal-relative flow field. This is done by integrating
where uaxi and waxi are the regridded radial and vertical velocities in cylindrical coordinates, with the boundary condition ψ(r = 0, z = zt) = 0. The boundary of the thermal is the ψ = 0 contour. Thermal radius R is calculated as the widest region with ψ ≥ 0. Spreading rate α is calculated from α = dR/dzt using centered finite differencing. Fractional entrainment rate ϵ is calculated from d(lnV)/dzt, where V is defined by the volume with ψ ≥ 0, again using centered finite differencing. Entrainment efficiency e is then obtained as the product of ϵ and R.

Other quantities of interest are 1) vorticity, which is calculated directly from the velocity field using centered finite differencing, and 2) buoyant and dynamic components of perturbation pressure, output directly from the model as described in Morrison et al. (2022).

4. Analysis of numerical simulations

Overall structure and evolution is similar for all of the simulated thermals. Starting from rest, rapid spinup ensues owing to vorticity generation from the thermals’ buoyancy distributions. The thermals spread outward as they rise and entrain the surrounding fluid. Spinup of the thermals (after which circulation is nearly constant) occurs when a parcel initially placed at the thermal bottom rises to near proximity of the thermal top. Here, we calculate the critical height zc as the thermal top height when spinup is achieved, rather than directly from the height where dwt/dzt = 0 and wt is maximum because dwt/dzt is rather noisy. Nonetheless, zc calculated from the parcel trajectories matches well with broad maxima in wt as shown later.

In accordance with the theory presented in section 2, zc ranges from about 1 to 6 as Ar is varied from 0.5 to 2 (Table 2). After spinup, when zt > zc in the “sticky” regime, the thermals continue to expand by entraining environmental fluid, but their overall flow structure is fairly steady. The thermals undergo a slow deceleration (relative to the faster acceleration during spinup) with wt roughly proportional to t−1/2 (and thus also proportional to zt1) in accordance with the classical similarity theory of Scorer (1957).

Table 2.

Time-averaged αdR/dzt, be/α, virtual mass parameter Cυ, ratio of parcel to thermal-time-averaged vertical velocity σ, circulation Γ, and critical spinup height zc from the simulations with varying Ar. Note that b is obtained from the ratio of time-averaged e to time-averaged α. Because of some noise in calculating thermal velocity directly, σ is derived from (23) using zc obtained from the simulations as described in the text. α, e, and Cυ are calculated as time averages over the full simulation period, whereas Γ values are time-averaged after spinup to the end of the simulations.

Table 2.

Figure 4 shows vertical cross sections through the thermal center of B, w, horizontal vorticity in the y direction ηy, and streamfunction ψ after spinup, when thermal top height is at approximately zc + 2R0. Thermal flow features well documented by previous studies are seen in the figure. These include toroidal circulations with rotation centers near the thermal vertical midpoint, buoyancy concentrated near these rotation centers, and downward motion (in an absolute sense and relative to wt) along the thermal periphery. Although buoyancy is almost entirely swept away from the thermal core (along the vertical axis at X = 0) for the Ar = 0.5 and 1 simulations, some positive buoyancy remains in the core when Ar = 2. There is also fluid with B > 0 and ηy ≠ 0 below the thermal in this simulation (Figs. 4e,f). This occurs because not all of the initially buoyant fluid is taken into the thermal’s vortex ring (toroidal circulation) when the aspect ratio is large, a result also noted by Lai et al. (2015). This behavior can be described by the “formation number” (Gharib et al. 1998), which is related to the maximum vorticity that can be incorporated into a vortex ring before it “pinches off” from a trailing stem. Earlier work showed a formation number of 4–5 for vortex rings (Gharib et al. 1998; Wang et al. 2009), whereas Lai et al. (2015) found a somewhat lower formation number of ∼2, consistent with our results.3 Despite the presence of a trailing stem of weakly buoyant fluid in the Ar = 2 simulation, buoyancy in the core is small relative to that near the rotation centers, and as detailed later, the theoretical relations between zc, α, and Ar proposed in section 2 still well describe behavior of this simulation. We suspect that further increases in Ar would lead to greater deviation with the theory. Indeed, Lai et al. (2015) showed little change in α as Ar was increased beyond 2, likely because of the inability of such thermals to incorporate all of the initially buoyant fluid. The behavior of these thermals instead resembled a starting plume, consistent with the numerical results of Bond and Johari (2010).

Fig. 4.
Fig. 4.

Vertical cross sections of (left) buoyancy (color contours) and vertical velocity (thin black solid lines for positive w and thin black dashed lines for negative w; contour values are ±0.1, 0.2, 0.6, and every 0.4 thereafter); (right) vorticity in the y plane ηy (color contours) and streamfunction ψ (contour lines). Thick black lines show thermal boundaries defined by the ψ = 0 isoline. Results are shown for (a),(b) Ar = 0.5, (c),(d) Ar = 1, and (e),(f) Ar = 2. Cross sections are shown at times when the thermal top is approximately 2R0 above the critical height zc for each simulation (see text).

Citation: Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences 80, 11; 10.1175/JAS-D-23-0063.1

Differences in thermal aspect ratio with varying initial Ar persist beyond spinup, although these differences are reduced compared to the initial Ar. The thermals with initial Ar ≥ 1 become more flattened (smaller aspect ratio) during spinup. At the times shown in Fig. 4, the Ar = 2 simulation has an aspect ratio just slightly larger than 1, while that for Ar = 1 is about 0.75 and that for Ar = 0.5 is about 0.6. Different thermal aspect ratios among the simulations are reflected by variability in time-averaged values of Cυ (virtual mass parameter, see section 2); see Table 2. Here, Cυ is calculated at each model output time directly from the buoyancy and buoyant pressure forcing averaged over the thermal volume. Larger initial aspect ratios are associated with larger Cυ, consistent with results from Tarshish et al. (2018). There is also an overall decrease in Cυ over time during spinup as the thermals flatten, particularly for the simulations with Ar > 1. Changes in thermal shape during spinup also lead to deviation in b from the value for self-similar thermals (b = 3). The Ar = 2 thermal has the largest deviation, with b ≈ 2.06, which is consistent with it experiencing the greatest change in aspect ratio during spinup, whereas b ranges from ∼2.4 to 2.7 for the other simulations.

Thermal behavior during spinup is illustrated in Fig. 5, which shows vertical cross sections of B, w, ηy, and ψ in the same format as Fig. 4 except during the spinup period for the Ar = 1 simulation. Cross sections are shown in nondimensional time increments of 1.1 between t = 1.6 and 4.9. For context, the thermal top reaches zc at t ≈ 3.7. The basic mechanism of spinup is similar for all the runs. Consistent with the discussion in section 2d, entrainment occurs as environmental fluid is swept into the thermal from below in the convergent flow. This appears as a “bite” taken from the buoyancy field from below and occurs because thermal-relative vertical velocities are strongest in the thermal core. Baroclinic vorticity generation is concentrated along the edge of the buoyancy field where there are large horizontal buoyancy gradients. Once the buoyancy field is deformed and starts to wrap around the vortex core (i.e., the center of rotation), baroclinic generation and destruction of vorticity drives a spreading of the thermal in the manner outlined by McKim et al. (2020) and Morrison et al. (2021). Flattening of the thermal during spinup is also evident in Fig. 5.

Fig. 5.
Fig. 5.

As in Fig. 4, but for the Ar = 1 simulation during spinup at the times (t) indicated.

Citation: Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences 80, 11; 10.1175/JAS-D-23-0063.1

In all simulations, the thermals’ internal flow structures consist of thermal-relative ascent in the core, with strongest ascent along the vertical axis and descent along the periphery. This flow pattern strongly resembles Hill’s analytic spherical vortex. To illustrate this point further, Fig. 6 compares w profiles along the thermals’ vertical axis from the simulations with Ar of 0.5, 1, and 2 with w profiles at the vertical axis from Hill’s vortex given by (26) and (27). This is similar to the comparison of w profiles from thermal simulations with Hill’s vortex in Lai et al. (2015, Fig. 12 therein). Simulation results here are shown at the time of spinup when the thermal top is at zc. Profiles from the simulations are normalized by the maximum w with height normalized by the thermal depth; thermal bottom and top heights are set to −1 and 1, respectively. Correspondingly, a = 1 in (26) and (27) for the Hill’s vortex w profile. All of the simulations produce similar w profiles as Hill’s vortex, with the Ar = 1 being closest. There is also a close correspondence of the Ar = 2 simulation with Hill’s vortex, with greater deviation for Ar = 0.5. Overall, these results support the discussion in section 2e on the validity of approximating σ for thermals from Hill’s vortex.

Fig. 6.
Fig. 6.

Comparison of vertical profiles of w from the simulated thermals (blue crosses at each model level) with that from Hill’s analytic spherical vortex (red lines). The thermal/vortex bottom and top heights are normalized to −1 and 1, respectively, and shown by the horizontal black lines. Profiles of nondimensional w are normalized such that the maximum value is 1. Simulation results are shown for (a) Ar = 0.5, (b) Ar = 1, and (c) Ar = 2 near the time of thermal spinup.

Citation: Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences 80, 11; 10.1175/JAS-D-23-0063.1

Differences in spreading rate αdR/dz among the simulated thermals are seen in Fig. 7a, which shows thermal radius R as a function of zt for the simulations with Ar of 0.5, 1, and 2. The increase of R with zt is clearly greater as Ar is decreased, with α about 3 times larger in the Ar = 0.5 simulation compared to Ar = 2. Although R is somewhat noisy, the overall spreading rates are nearly constant with zt (seen by the dotted lines) consistent with similarity theory.

Fig. 7.
Fig. 7.

Vertical profiles of (a) thermal radius R and (b) ascent rate w for simulations with various Ar as indicated. Solid lines show results calculated directly from the simulations. Dotted lines in (a) show fit values of constant αdR/dz and in (b) show solutions to the analytic w Eq. (11) using Cd = 0 and mean values of Cυ, α, e from the simulations.

Citation: Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences 80, 11; 10.1175/JAS-D-23-0063.1

A comparison of simulated wt as a function of zt with solutions to the analytic wt equation, Eq. (11), is shown in Fig. 7b. The analytic wt are obtained using mean values of Cυ, b, and α from each simulation (Table 2). The overall behavior of wt is similar among the simulations, with a sharp increase during spinup followed by a slower decrease after spinup. The analytic wt are close to the simulated values for each simulation (compared the dotted and solid lines in Fig. 7). Larger values of α in the Ar = 0.5 simulation correspond to faster spinup and lower height of maximum wt (critical height zc) compared to the Ar = 1 and especially Ar = 2 simulations with smaller α. Thus, zc increases with Ar consistent with the theory in section 2d.

Thermal behavior during spinup for the simulations with Ar of 0.5, 1, and 2 is further illustrated in Fig. 8, which shows time series of thermal top height zt and vertical velocity wt, circulation Γ, and vertically integrated core buoyancy (Bcdz). Also shown in Fig. 8 are the height zp and vertical velocity wp of a parcel placed initially at the thermal bottom that rises relative to the thermal as a whole. Consistent with the discussion in previous sections, Γ increases during spinup owing to Bcdz>0 following (13), and this is accompanied by an increase in wt. wp increases relative to wt as the parcel rises through the thermal core, with wp reaching a maximum when the parcel is near the thermal’s vertical midpoint. As a result of this velocity difference, zp increases faster than zt. Since the parcel is initiated on the thermal edge at its bottom, this marks the upward advance of entraining fluid into the thermal core (see also vertical cross sections of B in Fig. 5). This leads to a decrease in Bcdz and the rate of increase in Γ slows (i.e., dΓ/dt decreases). At the time when the parcel rises to near thermal top (zpzt), Bcdz reaches steady values near 0 (though somewhat larger in the Ar = 2 simulation) and dΓ/dt ≈ 0. This point defines the time τc and height zc of thermal spinup consistent with the discussion in section 2. The terms τc and zc are calculated here as the time and height when zp reaches within 2% of zt. τc is denoted by the vertical black lines in Fig. 8. After spinup, zp tracks closely to zt and wp remains close to wt, while both decrease slowly. Overall, Γ (time-averaged past spinup) increases sharply as Ar is increased, from Γ ≈ 2.30 for Ar = 0.5 to Γ ≈ 18.02 for Ar = 2. Note that there is a small increase in Γ in the Ar = 2 simulation after spinup corresponding to a small but nonnegligible Bcdz consistent with vertical cross sections of the B field (see Fig. 4c). This occurs because entrained fluid from below the thermal has B > 0 in this simulation; not all the initially buoyant fluid is taken up by the thermal initially when the aspect ratio is large so that some remains below the thermal’s circulation as discussed earlier. Values of Bcdz reached in the Ar = 2 simulation after spinup appear to be nearly steady in time thereafter, and they are about an order of magnitude larger than in the other simulations after their spinup. It is expected that Bcdz would eventually decrease in the Ar = 2 simulation as the thermal continued to rise and entrain, but investigating this would require longer simulations and thus a larger domain.

Fig. 8.
Fig. 8.

Various nondimensional parcel and thermal properties as a function of time t during the thermals’ spinup for simulations with (a) Ar = 0.5, (b) Ar = 1, and (c) Ar = 2. Results are shown for thermal top height zt, parcel height zp, thermal ascent rate wt, parcel ascent rate wp, thermal circulation Γ, and vertically integrated buoyancy along the thermal’s central vertical axis Bc. The thermal top height at initial time (t = 0) is at z = 0. Parcels at t = 0 are centered horizontally at the thermal bottom and move upward through the thermal over time.

Citation: Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences 80, 11; 10.1175/JAS-D-23-0063.1

Values of zc from the simulations, estimated from zp and zt as described above, are compared to the theoretical linear zcAr relation (23) using σ = 2 from Hill’s analytic vortex (see section 2e) and using the average σ = 1.80 from the simulations (Table 2) in Fig. 9a. The simulated and theoretical zc values are similar, although the Ar = 2 simulation deviates more substantially from the theoretical relations. Reasons for this deviation are unclear but might be explained by the buoyant fluid entrained into the thermal from below in this simulation, leading to some buoyancy remaining along the thermal’s vertical axis even after spinup. The theoretical σ ≈ 2 derived from the Eulerian mean w of Hill’s vortex (see section 2e) is fairly close to σ values obtained directly from the simulations (within 10% except for the Ar = 2 simulation), though somewhat larger. The simulated values range from 1.80 to 1.95 for Ar < 2 but are slightly smaller (≈1.63) for Ar = 2 (see Table 2).

Fig. 9.
Fig. 9.

(a) Critical height zc and (b) thermal expansion rate α as functions of initial thermal aspect ratio Ar from the simulations and theory. α and zc obtained directly from the simulations are shown by blue crosses. Green and red crosses in (b) show theoretical α values from (19) with b obtained from the simulations or 20 with b = 3, respectively, with zc in both expressions obtained directly from the simulations. The theoretical zc from (23) using σ = 2 from Hill’s analytic vortex and using σ = 1.8 (average σ from the simulations) are shown by the solid and dotted black lines, respectively. The solid and dotted black lines in (b) show theoretical α values from (25) using σ = 2 and 1.8, respectively.

Citation: Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences 80, 11; 10.1175/JAS-D-23-0063.1

A direct comparison of the simulated and theoretical values of spreading rate α is shown in Fig. 9b. Theoretical values are obtained from 1) Eq. (19) using zc and b derived from the simulations (Table 2), 2) Eq. (20) using zc derived from the simulations and b = 3 following self-similarity, 3) Eq. (25) using the average σ = 1.80 from the simulations to predict zc, and 4) Eq. (31) which calculates α from zc predicted using σ = 2 from Hill’s analytic vortex. All of the theoretical calculations for α give similar results as the simulations. The simulations show a sharp decrease of α with increasing Ar that follows an approximate Ar1 dependence consistent with the theoretical expressions. Using b = 3 instead of b values obtained directly from the simulations leads to a small decrease in theoretical α. In this case, α values are somewhat smaller than simulated values for Ar ≥ 1, but closer to simulated values for Ar < 1. Using (31) to calculate α well describes the αAr relation but with ∼10% larger α compared to the simulations (solid line in Fig. 9b). This is consistent with the small overestimation of σ = 2 approximated from Hill’s vortex. Using the average σ from the simulations (σ = 1.80) to predict zc, and in turn α following (25), gives a close correspondence to the simulated α over the range of Ar (dotted line in Fig. 9b).

5. Discussion

Overall, the simulations and theory are in reasonable agreement regarding thermal top height at spinup zc and thermal spreading rate α and how they vary with initial aspect ratio Ar. Our results indicate a nearly linear relation between zc and Ar (though with greater deviation for the Ar = 2 simulation) and an inverse relation between α and Ar (αAr1). Qualitatively, this αAr relation is consistent with previous thermal studies (see Fig. 17 in Lai et al. 2015). Larger α is associated with greater fractional entrainment rate which leads to a lower critical height zc, defined as the thermal top height when wt is maximum. zc also corresponds to the thermal top height when buoyant fluid along the thermal’s vertical axis is replaced by nonbuoyant environmental fluid entrained and advected upward through the thermal core, after which the thermal is spun up and dΓ/dt ≈ 0. The time scale for this process is controlled by how long it takes for parcels initially just below the thermal bottom to ascend through the thermal, which in turn depends on Ar. By relating to α to zc, and zc in turn to Ar, we obtained the inverse relation between α and Ar in section 2.

This explains why larger α is associated with smaller Ar but does not by itself explain the physical mechanism. A key question, therefore, is what is the mechanism driving the increase in α as Ar is reduced? With small Ar, Bcdz is relatively small, and thus, Γ increases slowly. This implies that at a given nondimensional time, Γ will be small relative to that for a thermal with larger Ar. As entrained fluid rises through the thermal and sweeps out buoyant fluid along the thermal’s vertical axis, baroclinic generation and destruction of vorticity spread the vortex ring and hence thermal boundaries outward (McKim et al. 2020; also see Fig. 9 in Morrison et al. 2021). This buoyant forcing will have a relatively greater impact on the vorticity field when Γ is small, thus leading to faster outward spread and larger α when Ar is small. This is consistent with the impulse–circulation relation expressed by (16) after spinup when dΓ/dt ≈ 0. That equation shows that for a given domain-integrated buoyant forcing FB, smaller Γ necessitates a larger increase in vortex ring radius Rυ. Note that we cannot simply relate α to Ar using the impulse–circulation equation because Γ appears directly in this equation, and it depends on Ar in a nonstraightforward way. The change in impulse over time, dIz/dt = FB, also varies with Ar. Moreover, α is defined by the change in thermal radius with thermal top height rather than over time, and thus, relating α directly to dIz/dt and circulation requires a transformation of variables using d/dt = w−1d/dz. These complications motivated us to instead relate α to Ar via zc, from which we derived the simple αAr1 scaling as noted above. Nonetheless, relations between impulse, buoyant forcing, circulation, and thermal/vortex ring radius provide a more complete picture of the physical mechanism underpinning this simple αAr relation.

This work also provides a concise explanation for why initially spherical thermals (Ar = 1) have α ≈ 0.15 (for an unstratified, neutrally stable environment). This value of α is intrinsically linked to the time scale for sweeping out of the buoyancy along the thermal’s vertical axis and hence thermal spinup, which itself depends on the ratio (σ) of time-averaged wp to wt. The thermals’ internal flow structures are similar to Hill’s analytic spherical vortex, implying σ ≈ 2 and in turn constraining the proportionality constant in the αAr1 relation to ≈0.15 (see section 2e).

An interesting feature is that, in a given simulation, α is similar before and after thermal spinup. This is evident directly from the simulations (profiles of R in Fig. 7a, although they are somewhat noisy, and the vertical cross sections of thermal properties during spinup in Fig. 5), as well as indirectly by closeness of the simulated and theoretical w profiles (Fig. 7b), the latter calculated assuming constant α. Thus, α values are “locked in” early in the simulations, and they depend strongly on the initial conditions. Why is α similar during spinup and after? A possible explanation is that circulation is small early in the simulations, while at the same time, entrainment has only just begun to erode buoyancy in the thermal core. This means that buoyancy gradients and hence baroclinic generation and destruction of vorticity near the central core are weak (vorticity generation being concentrated more along the thermal boundary). However, because circulation and vorticity near the vortex core are also weak, the net result is a similar thermal spreading rate compared to later when both baroclinic generation/destruction of vorticity and circulation are stronger. Moreover, α is the change in R with zt, and small w during early spinup means that a small spreading rate in time is associated with a relatively larger α.

We also note that α is somewhat larger for turbulent compared to laminar thermals; LJ2019 and Morrison et al. (2022) found ∼20% and 40% larger values for turbulent thermals, respectively. At high Reynolds number, turbulent stresses lead to a spindown of circulation after thermal spinup such that dΓ/dt < 0 (Nikulin 2014; McKim et al. 2020). All else equal, dΓ/dt < 0 implies a larger spreading rate following the impulse–circulation relation (16). Nikulin (2014) developed an analytic expression for α as a function of Γ, FB, an empirical parameter β (encapsulating ζ, Cυ, and m), and an empirical proportionality constant characterizing the impact of turbulent stresses. Using parameter values deduced from experimental data, they suggested a ∼3% increase in α from turbulent stresses. However, this study did not consider the effects of turbulent stresses on thermals starting from rest. Reduced circulation from turbulent stresses during spinup might explain the order-of-magnitude larger impact on α found by LJ2019 and Morrison et al. (2022), as both studies simulated thermals that were initially motionless. The hypothesis that turbulent stresses during spinup cause most of the differences in α between laminar and turbulent thermals is consistent with Fig. 3 in McKim et al. (2020), which shows that the turbulent case has ∼30% smaller Γ at the time of spinup relative to the laminar case.

6. Summary and conclusions

This study investigated the spreading rate α and entrainment behavior of dry, buoyant thermals with varying initial aspect ratio Ar. An expression was derived for the nondimensional thermal ascent rate wt as a function of thermal top height zt from the thermal w momentum budget. From this expression, we defined a critical thermal top height zc where dwt/dzt = 0. The height zc corresponds to the thermal top height when buoyancy is eroded along the thermal’s vertical axis from entrainment of nonbuoyant environmental fluid (with thermal circulation approximately constant thereafter). We then analytically solved dwt/dzt = 0 to derive an expression relating α and zc. In turn, zc depends on Ar and the ratio σ of the mean vertical velocity of a parcel rising from thermal bottom to near its top along its vertical axis to wt. By approximating the thermal flow similarly to Hill’s analytic spherical vortex, it was estimated σ ≈ 2. In this way, we derived an analytic expression for α that depends inversely on Ar.

Numerical simulations of thermals with Ar varying from 0.5 to 2 were analyzed and compared to the theoretical expressions. The analytic formulation for wt well matched the thermal simulations over the range of Ar. Values of α calculated directly from the simulations were also close to the theoretical α over the range of Ar. Consistent with the theory, increasing Ar led to slower spinup owing to an increase in distance (relative to the thermal radius) for parcels to travel from thermal bottom to near top, meaning that core buoyancy was eroded more slowly by entrainment. Values of σ were similar among the simulations and ranged from 1.63 to 1.95, somewhat less than the theoretical σ ≈ 2 based on the flow similarity between the thermals and Hill’s vortex. This work also provided an explanation for why initially spherical thermals (Ar = 1) have α ≈ 0.15, which occurs because of the similarity of thermal flow to Hill’s vortex. This gives σ ≈ 2 and constrains the proportionality constant in the αAr1 relation to ≈0.15. We emphasize that changes in zc do not cause changes in α, but larger α is associated with lower zc, and both are controlled by the erosion of buoyancy along the thermal’s vertical axis driven by entrainment of nonbuoyant fluid. This process also dictates changes in circulation that are consistent with thermal spreading rates via the thermal impulse–circulation relation.

This study has elucidated factors controlling the spreading rate of dry buoyant thermals. This work is relevant to buoyantly driven atmospheric flows, especially those with a localized pulse source of buoyancy or steady source that leads to a chain of multiple thermals. In particular, numerous studies have noted the importance of buoyant thermals for cumulus convection in the atmosphere (e.g., Blyth et al. 2005; Damiani et al. 2006; Sherwood et al. 2013; Romps and Charn 2015; Hernandez-Deckers and Sherwood 2018; Morrison et al. 2020; Peters et al. 2020). Spreading rates of dry thermals may also indirectly impact cumulus entrainment rates by influencing the size of thermals at cloud base (Mulholland et al. 2021). Although Vybhav and Ravichandran (2022) suggested similar growth rates for dry and moist (cloud) thermals, Morrison et al. (2021) found that the spreading rate of moist thermals was almost a factor of 2 smaller than dry thermals for conditions typical of cumulus convection in the lower and middle troposphere. It is unclear how results from the current study might translate to cumulus thermals, given the impact of latent heating and cooling on their buoyancy distributions. Moreover, for buoyantly driven atmospheric flows at scales of interest, dry and moist thermals are generally turbulent. Nikulin (2014) suggested that the effects of turbulent stresses can be considered as an additional term leading to a small increase in α. This is supported by the recent numerical modeling studies of LJ2019 and Morrison et al. (2022), although they demonstrated an order-of-magnitude larger impact on α than Nikulin (2014) (∼20%–40% versus a few percent). Future work should refine understanding of the entrainment behavior and spreading rates for dry and moist turbulent thermals.


Note that constant dR/dzt following self-similarity and dimensional analysis is valid when there are no other physical length scales. It follows that this scaling applies to dry thermals in an unstratified environment within an infinite domain.


Note that the sticky regime is primarily a balance between entrainment and buoyant forcing for dry thermals, whereas Romps and Charn (2015) identified a sticky regime for cloud thermals consisting mainly of a balance primarily between buoyant forcing and downward pressure gradient forcing.


Note that this difference may be explained in part because Gharib et al. (1998) defined formation number by the maximum vorticity incorporated into the vortex ring, while Lai et al. (2015) defined it by the maximum volume of fluid incorporated.


HM was supported by the U.S. Department of Energy Atmospheric System Research Grant DE-SC0020104. The National Center for Atmospheric Research is sponsored by the National Science Foundation. We acknowledge high-performance computing support from Cheyenne (DOI:10.5065/D6RX99HX) provided by NCAR’s Computational and Information Systems Laboratory. We thank Dr. Steven Sherwood for helpful discussions and Dr. George Bryan for developing and maintaining CM1.

Data availability statement.

This study used CM1 version 20.1 (cm1r20.1) released on 25 August 2020. CM1 code and detailed documentation are available at https://www2.mmm.ucar.edu/people/bryan/cm1/. Configuration and namelist files for the CM1 simulations as well as analysis code can be made available upon request to the first author.


List of Symbols


Radius of Hill’s vortex


Thermal cross-sectional area


Initial thermal aspect ratio


Parameter defined by the ratio e to α




Core buoyancy along the thermal’s vertical axis


Effective buoyancy


Dynamic drag coefficient


Virtual mass parameter


Distance traveled by the vortex as a whole over time period Δt


Initial thermal vertical length


Entrainment efficiency


Momentum entrainment


Euler number


Fractional distance from vortex center where the parcel is initiated relative to radius a


Thermal-averaged pressure drag force


Froude number


Thermal-averaged buoyant pressure drag force


Thermal-averaged dynamic pressure drag force


Gravitational acceleration


Fluid impulse


Fluid impulse in the z direction


Unit vector in the vertical


Integration constant


Shape parameter defined as the ratio of V to R3




Unit vector normal to the thermal’s surface


Fluid velocity vector


Regridded radial velocity in cylindrical coordinates


Displacement rate of thermal boundary


Effective entrainment velocity


Radial direction in axisymmetric coordinates


Thermal radius


Reynolds number


Ring vortex radius


Region defined by circuit passing through the thermal core and returning through the ambient fluid




Thermal volume


Fluid vertical velocity


Velocity of Hill’s vortex


Regridded vertical velocity in cylindrical coordinates


Vertical velocity of a parcel along its Lagrangian path


Vertical velocity of thermal top




Height at the bottom of region S


Thermal top height at spinup


Height of thermal top


Height at the top of region S


Rate of increase in thermal radius with height as the thermal rises, equivalent to dR/dz


Thermal shape parameter defined as the ratio AR/V


Thermal circulation


Grid spacing of the numerical model


Time for parcel to travel from near vortex bottom to near its top


Fractional entrainment rate


Horizontal vorticity in the y direction


Azimuthal vorticity


Region of space occupied by thermal




Potential temperature


Fluid density


Constant background fluid density


Ratio of time-averaged vertical velocities of the parcel and thermal top


Time scale for thermal top to reach zc


Ratio of ring vortex radius to thermal radius


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  • Hernandez-Deckers, D., and S. C. Sherwood, 2018: On the role of entrainment in the fate of cumulus thermals. J. Atmos. Sci., 75, 39113924, https://doi.org/10.1175/JAS-D-18-0077.1.

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  • Lecoanet, D., and N. Jeevanjee, 2019: Entrainment in resolved, dry thermals. J. Atmos. Sci., 76, 37853801, https://doi.org/10.1175/JAS-D-18-0320.1.

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  • McKim, B., N. Jeevanjee, and D. Lecoanet, 2020: Buoyancy-driven entrainment in dry thermals. Quart. J. Roy. Meteor. Soc., 146, 415425, https://doi.org/10.1002/qj.3683.

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  • Morrison, H., J. M. Peters, A. C. Varble, W. M. Hannah, and S. E. Giangrande, 2020: Thermal chains and entrainment in cumulus updrafts. Part I: Theoretical description. J. Atmos. Sci., 77, 36373660, https://doi.org/10.1175/JAS-D-19-0243.1.

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  • Morrison, H., J. M. Peters, and S. C. Sherwood, 2021: Comparing growth rates of simulated moist and dry convective thermals. J. Atmos. Sci., 78, 797816, https://doi.org/10.1175/JAS-D-20-0166.1.

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  • Morrison, H., N. Jeevanjee, and J.-I. Yano, 2022: Dynamic pressure drag on rising buoyant thermals in a neutrally stable environment. J. Atmos. Sci., 79, 30453063, https://doi.org/10.1175/JAS-D-21-0274.1.

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  • Mulholland, J. P., J. M. Peters, and H. Morrison, 2021: How does LCL height influence deep convective updraft width? Geophys. Res. Lett., 48, e2021GL093316, https://doi.org/10.1029/2021GL093316.

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  • Nikulin, V. V., 2014: Analytical model of motion of turbulent vortex rings in an incompressible fluid. J. Appl. Mech. Tech. Phys., 55, 558564, https://doi.org/10.1134/S0021894414040026.

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  • Norbury, J., 1973: A family of steady vortex rings. J. Fluid Mech., 57, 417431, https://doi.org/10.1017/S0022112073001266.

  • O’Brien, V., 1961: Steady spheroidal vortices—More exact solutions to the Navier-Stokes equation. Quart. Appl. Math., 19, 163168, https://doi.org/10.1090/qam/137415.

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  • Peters, J. M., H. Morrison, A. C. Varble, W. M. Hannah, and S. E. Giangrande, 2020: Thermal chains and entrainment in cumulus updrafts. Part II: Analysis of idealized simulations. J. Atmos. Sci., 77, 36613681, https://doi.org/10.1175/JAS-D-19-0244.1.

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  • Richards, J. M., 1961: Experiments on the penetration of an interface by buoyant thermals. J. Fluid Mech., 11, 369384, https://doi.org/10.1017/S0022112061000585.

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  • Romps, D. M., and A. B. Charn, 2015: Sticky thermals: Evidence for a dominant balance between buoyancy and drag in cloud updrafts. J. Atmos. Sci., 72, 28902901, https://doi.org/10.1175/JAS-D-15-0042.1.

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  • Scorer, R. S., 1957: Experiments on convection of isolated masses of buoyant fluid. J. Fluid Mech., 2, 583594, https://doi.org/10.1017/S0022112057000397.

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  • Sherwood, S. C., D. Hernández-Deckers, M. Colin, and F. Robinson, 2013: Slippery thermals and the cumulus entrainment paradox. J. Atmos. Sci., 70, 24262442, https://doi.org/10.1175/JAS-D-12-0220.1.

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  • Stevens, B., C. H. Moeng, and P. P. Sullivan, 1999: Large-eddy simulations of radiatively driven convection: Sensitivities to the representation of small scales. J. Atmos. Sci., 56, 39633984, https://doi.org/10.1175/1520-0469(1999)056<3963:LESORD>2.0.CO;2.

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  • Tarshish, N., N. Jeevanjee, and D. Lecoanet, 2018: Buoyant motion of a turbulent thermal. J. Atmos. Sci., 75, 32333244, https://doi.org/10.1175/JAS-D-17-0371.1.

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  • Turner, J. S., 1957: Buoyant vortex rings. Proc. Roy. Soc. London, 239A, 6175, https://doi.org/10.1098/rspa.1957.0022.

  • Vybhav, G. R., and S. Ravichandran, 2022: Entrainment in dry and moist thermals. Phys. Rev. Fluids, 7, 050501, https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevFluids.7.050501.

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  • Fig. 1.

    Schematic diagram of a vertical cross section through the thermal center. The central vertical axis is indicated by the dashed line. Red X symbols mark the center of circulation comprising the vortex ring core with radius Rυ. After spinup, the region of nonzero buoyancy indicated by blue shading is confined to the vortex ring core. Baroclinic generation and destruction of vorticity associated with this buoyancy structure leads to outward spreading of the vortex ring structure and thermal as a whole as shown by the red arrows. Black curved lines illustrate streamfunction isolines (only shown for the right half of the thermal). The thermal boundary, which is also a streamfunction isoline, is indicated by the curved blue line. This boundary also defines the thermal radius R.

  • Fig. 2.

    Analytic solutions to the thermal wt Eq. (11) as a function of nondimensional thermal top height zt. Different color lines indicate assumed values of thermal expansion rate α as labeled. Black dotted and dashed black lines illustrate scalings from the asymptotic analysis corresponding to the “slippery” regime during thermal spinup and “sticky” regime after spinup, respectively. The * symbols indicate the height and magnitude of maximum wt for each curve.

  • Fig. 3.

    Solutions to the analytic αzc relation (18) with (a) Cd = 0 and varying b as indicated and (b) b = 3 and varying Cd as indicated.

  • Fig. 4.

    Vertical cross sections of (left) buoyancy (color contours) and vertical velocity (thin black solid lines for positive w and thin black dashed lines for negative w; contour values are ±0.1, 0.2, 0.6, and every 0.4 thereafter); (right) vorticity in the y plane ηy (color contours) and streamfunction ψ (contour lines). Thick black lines show thermal boundaries defined by the ψ = 0 isoline. Results are shown for (a),(b) Ar = 0.5, (c),(d) Ar = 1, and (e),(f) Ar = 2. Cross sections are shown at times when the thermal top is approximately 2R0 above the critical height zc for each simulation (see text).

  • Fig. 5.

    As in Fig. 4, but for the Ar = 1 simulation during spinup at the times (t) indicated.

  • Fig. 6.

    Comparison of vertical profiles of w from the simulated thermals (blue crosses at each model level) with that from Hill’s analytic spherical vortex (red lines). The thermal/vortex bottom and top heights are normalized to −1 and 1, respectively, and shown by the horizontal black lines. Profiles of nondimensional w are normalized such that the maximum value is 1. Simulation results are shown for (a) Ar = 0.5, (b) Ar = 1, and (c) Ar = 2 near the time of thermal spinup.

  • Fig. 7.

    Vertical profiles of (a) thermal radius R and (b) ascent rate w for simulations with various Ar as indicated. Solid lines show results calculated directly from the simulations. Dotted lines in (a) show fit values of constant αdR/dz and in (b) show solutions to the analytic w Eq. (11) using Cd = 0 and mean values of Cυ, α, e from the simulations.

  • Fig. 8.

    Various nondimensional parcel and thermal properties as a function of time t during the thermals’ spinup for simulations with (a) Ar = 0.5, (b) Ar = 1, and (c) Ar = 2. Results are shown for thermal top height zt, parcel height zp, thermal ascent rate wt, parcel ascent rate wp, thermal circulation Γ, and vertically integrated buoyancy along the thermal’s central vertical axis Bc. The thermal top height at initial time (t = 0) is at z = 0. Parcels at t = 0 are centered horizontally at the thermal bottom and move upward through the thermal over time.

  • Fig. 9.

    (a) Critical height zc and (b) thermal expansion rate α as functions of initial thermal aspect ratio Ar from the simulations and theory. α and zc obtained directly from the simulations are shown by blue crosses. Green and red crosses in (b) show theoretical α values from (19) with b obtained from the simulations or 20 with b = 3, respectively, with zc in both expressions obtained directly from the simulations. The theoretical zc from (23) using σ = 2 from Hill’s analytic vortex and using σ = 1.8 (average σ from the simulations) are shown by the solid and dotted black lines, respectively. The solid and dotted black lines in (b) show theoretical α values from (25) using σ = 2 and 1.8, respectively.

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