1. Introduction
To the first-order approximation, a tropical cyclone (TC) vortex can be described by the gradient-wind balance. In the boundary layer (BL), the friction induced by the turbulence slows down the TC tangential wind, so that the outward Coriolis force and centrifugal force can no longer balance the inward pressure gradient force. This results in the radial inflow in the BL. As the air converges toward the storm center, it erupts out of the BL and diverges out along the eyewall known as the Ekman pumping as illustrated by Fig. 1. While most part of the BL in the TC inner core is subgradient due to the slowdown of tangential winds by turbulent friction, the air near the outflow region in the upper part of the BL (indicated by the gray cycles in Fig. 1) is actually supergradient. Based on this unique inflow and outflow structure, Smith et al. (2009) divided the TC inner core into two regions (regions A and B in Fig. 1) and argued that the interaction between the BL and the free vortex above mainly takes place in region B where the air in the BL is pumped into the free vortex, and thus, it exerts a profound impact on vortex structure and intensification. It is also important to point out that the BL becomes ill defined in this region as no physical interface exists to separate the turbulence generated by the BL processes and cloud processes aloft in the eyewall. Thus, the treatment of turbulent mixing must go beyond the conventional scope of the BL in the TC inner core (Zhu et al. 2019, 2021).
While the difference of the BL processes in different regions has been recognized, the details of how the unbalanced dynamics resulting from BL turbulence and convection affects TC intensification remain poorly understood as we lack an appropriate diagnostic tool that can be used to analyze numerical simulation output and quantify the contribution of individual unbalanced processes to vortex intensification. A TC vortex is assumed to satisfy both gradient-wind balance and hydrostatic balance. Shapiro and Willoughby (1982) first showed that the secondary overturning circulation of a TC vortex can be analytically described by an elliptical partial differential equation known as Sawyer–Eliassen equation (SEE). SEE is a powerful mathematical tool for diagnosing a TC vortex as it provides a way to quantify contributions from individual processes of diabatic heating and tangential turbulent eddy forcing to the acceleration/deceleration of the primary circulation by combining it with the tangential wind budget equation. However, the assumption of strict gradient wind balance of SEE prevents it from diagnosing the contributions of unbalanced processes to the TC intensification. To date, no SEE-like diagnostic equation has been derived in an unbalanced TC framework, and this motivates us to develop a new diagnostic tool that can be used to quantify the contributions of individual unbalanced turbulent processes to TC intensification. Utilizing the developed diagnostic tool, we attempt to address some of the unanswered questions regarding the impact of parameterized turbulent eddy forcing on TC intensification in numerical simulations.
This paper is organized as follows. In section 2, a generalized SEE-like equation in an unbalanced framework is derived. This equation along with the tangential wind budget equation is, then, used to diagnose the vortex intensification in the idealized TC simulations by the Hurricane Weather Research and Forecasting Model (HWRF) described in section 3. The analysis results are presented in section 4 followed by a summary of this study in section 5.
2. A generalized Sawyer–Eliassen equation
Shapiro and Willoughby (1982) first used SEE to diagnose the secondary circulation of a TC-like vortex and examined the change of tangential wind in response to differently prescribed diabatic heating at different radii. However, SEE was derived from the strict gradient wind balance; thus, it lacks the ability to diagnose the unbalanced dynamics in TC intensification. A major advantage of Eq. (8) is that it provides a framework for understanding TC intensification beyond the gradient-wind balance. It allows us to diagnose the individual contributions of specific radial eddy forcing resulting from turbulent processes to the total tangential wind tendency of a TC. It should also be pointed out that unlike the tangential eddy forcing
3. Numerical experiments
The numerical experiments analyzed in this paper are the idealized TC simulations by the HWRF that are described in Part I of this study (Katz and Zhu 2024, KZ-1 hereafter). The initial vortex has a tropical storm (TS) intensity with an axisymmetric structure. The maximum surface wind speed of 15.0 m s−1 is set at the radius of 75 km. The surface tangential wind profile is prescribed using the formula of Wood and White (2011), which is then extended into the vertical using an analytic function proposed by Nolan and Montgomery (2002). The constructed initial vortex is shown in Fig. 4 of KZ-1. In this paper, we present the analysis results from the three sensitivity experiments with differently prescribed turbulent mixing lengths. As summarized in Table 1, the mixing length profiles used in these three experiments have the same asymptomatic length scale of 150 m but different sloping curvatures by varying the shape parameter β. For details of the experiments and model configuration, please refer to KZ-1.
Numerical experiments and prescribed mixing length (k: von Kármán constant; z: height).
The vortex in these three experiments underwent different intensification pathways. Figure 2 shows the time evolution of surface maximum wind speeds and sea level storm central pressure during 120 simulation hours from the three experiments. The TC vortex in EXP-SLOPE-1 reaches CAT-5 intensity at the end of 5-day simulation, but the vortex in EXP-SLOPE-2 barely reaches CAT-2 intensity. The physical reasons for the TC-like vortex to undergo different intensification pathways have been thoroughly discussed in KZ-1. Since these experiments are exactly the same except turbulent mixing parameterization via differently prescribed mixing lengths, they provide excellent cases for us to understand how the unbalanced dynamics induced by the turbulent processes in the TC inner core affect TC intensification. The related issues will be explored using the diagnostic method summarized in section 2.
4. Results
a. Validation of TC secondary overturning circulation diagnosed by SEE and GSEE
Before applying the GSEE diagnostic tool developed in section 2 to analyze the simulated TC intensification, it is important to examine to the extent to which the TC second overturning circulation diagnosed by GSEE can represent the one directly simulated by HWRF. To do so, we carefully compared the simulated azimuthal-mean transverse circulation with those diagnosed by SEE and GSEE during the evolution of the simulated TC vortex. As an example, Fig. 3 shows the simulated azimuthal-mean vertical velocity and radial flow by EXP-SLOPE-1 averaged over the last 24 h compared with the corresponding SEE and GSEE diagnoses. Overall, there is a good agreement between the simulation and diagnoses in terms of the radial-height structure of vertical velocity and radial flow. In particular, the SEE and GSEE diagnoses well capture the location and vertical extension of the eyewall updrafts and the structure of inflow and outflow simulated by HWRF. However, the SEE diagnoses underestimate the magnitude of the eyewall updraft in the midtroposphere around 5–10 km and the outflow, particularly near the tropopause. In the meantime, the SEE diagnoses overestimate the eyewall updraft in the low troposphere and the radial inflow in the BL for both magnitude and radial extension.
The biases shown in the SEE analyses are reduced in the GSEE diagnoses to some extent owing to the inclusion of radial eddy forcing in the analysis. GSEE reduces the overestimated eyewall updraft in the low troposphere by SEE. In particular, GSEE nearly reproduces the magnitude and radial extent of radial inflow simulated by HWRF by cutting down the overestimated inflow by SEE substantially. In addition, GSEE slightly enhances the much-underestimated outflow near the tropopause by SEE. We also calculated the two-dimensional (2D) correlation between the radius–height structure of azimuthal-mean vertical velocity and radial flow simulated by HWRF and the corresponding diagnoses by GSEE and SEE. The results (provided in the supplemental file) show that the 2D correlation coefficients are close to 0.9 for most of the time throughout the simulation period, and GSEE diagnoses are better correlated to the HWRF simulated fields than SEE. However, there are noticeable differences between the simulated fields and SEE/GSEE diagnoses. For example, both SEE and GSEE underestimate the eyewall updraft in the midtroposphere and produce false weak subsidence around the radii of 35–50 km in the BL. These biases could be caused partially by the specified domain boundary conditions when numerically solving SEE/GSEE and partially by the limitation of 2D framework of SEE/GSEE in representing a 3D TC vortex. A detailed discussion on the cause of bias is provided in the supplemental file. Finally, we note that radial flow and vertical velocity affect TC intensification through terms
b. TC vortex acceleration in the three experiments
The azimuth-mean tangential wind budget equation (Eq. (1)) provides an excellent way to understand how different dynamic processes contribute to the acceleration of the primary circulation of a TC. Using the model output, KZ-1 presented a detailed tangential wind budget analysis. Figure 4 summarizes the budget analyses of the three experiments. The SGS tangential turbulent eddy forcing
The tendencies resulting from all terms on the RHS of Eq. (1) are plotted in Figs. 4m–o, which show that the maximum net positive tendency of tangential wind occurs just below the interface between the inflow and outflow near RMW, corresponding well with the peak tangential wind speed. The radius–height structures of the tendency terms are fairly similar among the three experiments. The main difference between them is the magnitude of individual tendency terms, in particular, the radial transport of absolute vorticity
In short, the results of KZ-1 and Fig. 4 confirm that the inward transport of absolute vorticity is the main driving force for the vortex acceleration. Thus, the goal of this study is to decompose the total
c. Role of unbalanced radial turbulent eddy forcing in TC intensification
It is worth noting that the core of positive NNRF in Fig. 5 matches the peak tangential wind well, implying that the supergradient wind may have something to do with the vortex intensification. To further illustrate the relationship between the supergradient wind and vortex tangential wind, Fig. 7 shows the NNRF at the location of the peak tangential winds as a function of the peak tangential wind for the simulation period of 60–120 h from the three experiments. It clearly shows that the peak tangential wind speed is somewhat correlated to its NNRF particularly for the BASELINE and EXP-SLOPE-1 experiments. The poorer correlation between peak tangential wind and NNRF in EXP-SLOPE-2 suggests that the mechanisms governing the vortex intensification in EXP-SLOPE-2 may differ from those in the other experiments. KZ-1 presents a detailed analysis of how the vortex in the three experiments evolves into different intensification pathways from the same initial and environmental conditions. Here, we are looking into this issue from another perspective of how turbulent eddy forcing contributes to the tangential wind tendency using GSEE diagnoses (presented in the following sections).
The somewhat correlated positive NNRF to the peak tangential wind shown in Figs. 5 and 7 raises a question of how the unbalanced dynamics associated with the supergradient and subgradient winds resulting from the radial turbulent eddy forcing affects TC intensification. With GSEE, this question may be adequately addressed by calculating
SEE and GSEE diagnoses with their forcings.
Figure 8 shows the NNRF and the difference of
d. Role of tangential turbulent forcing in TC intensification
The budget analyses of tangential wind tendency shown in Fig. 4 suggest that dynamically tangential turbulent eddy forcing
EXP-SLOPE-2, on the other hand, shows a different story. The radius–height plots (Fig. 10) show that the location of peak tangential wind (indicated by *) falls in the negative regime
The results shown in Figs. 9 and 10 suggest that the role of tangential turbulent eddy forcing in TC intensification is complex and depends on the details of turbulence parameterization. For the TKE scheme developed from Mellor–Yamada (MY) Level-2 turbulence model (Mellor and Yamada 1982) used in this study, the large sloping curvature of mixing length in EXP-SLOPE-1, which produces the large TKE in the eyewall (KZ-1), causes
5. Summary and discussion
The importance of the interaction between the primary and secondary circulations of a TC vortex to TC intensification has long been recognized. Under the assumption of gradient-wind balance and hydrostatic balance, by combining the azimuthal-mean tangential wind and heat budget equations, continuity equation, and thermal wind relationship, Shapiro and Willoughby (1982) first derived the so-called SEE, an elliptical partial differential equation that describes the mean secondary overturning circulation of a TC. SEE is a powerful analytical tool that allows for diagnosing how the secondary overturning circulation changes in response to individual diabatic heating and tangential eddy forcing as function of radius and height. To date, SEE has been widely used for understanding TC intensity and structural change including secondary eyewall formation and eyewall replacements (e.g., Smith et al. 2005; Bui et al. 2009; Rozoff et al. 2012; Zhu and Zhu 2014, 2015; Tyner et al. 2018). However, the assumption of strict gradient-wind balance of SEE limits its application in the study of TC evolution, particularly in the BL where the air motion is subgradient due to the slowdown of tangential winds by turbulent friction, and in the outflow region near the top of the BL in the vicinity of RMW where winds are supergradient. While the importance of the unbalanced dynamics caused by turbulence to TC intensification has now been greatly appreciated, the details of how the unbalanced dynamics modulate TC intensification remain poorly understood. To date, no appropriate analytical tool is available to diagnose numerical simulations in an unbalanced framework. This motivates us to develop GSEE by including radial eddy forcing in the analytical framework to remediate the limitation of SEE. Combining GSEE with the tangential wind budget equation, in this study, we diagnosed how tangential and radial eddy forcing affects TC intensification.
The simulations and analyses performed in this study provide a clear physical picture of the multiple roles that the SGS turbulence plays in the TC intensification, which may be schematically illustrated in Fig. 11. First, the SGS tangential turbulent eddy forcing slows down the primary circulation of a TC through the turbulence-induced friction. This is the well-known direct negative effect of turbulence in the tangential direction on a TC vortex. Second, the weakened tangential wind by friction breaks down the gradient wind balance and induces the radial inflow in the BL. As air converges toward the eyewall, it erupts out of the BL, resulting in eyewall updraft. The resultant inward transport of absolute vorticity by the inflow and vertical transport of tangential wind by the eyewall updraft yield opposite signs of tangential wind tendencies and tend to cancel each other. Our budget analyses show that the former dominates the latter, and thus, the induced secondary circulation by turbulence overall has a positive contribution to the acceleration of a TC. This is an indirect positive impact of tangential turbulent eddy forcing on TC intensification. While conceptually the negative and positive dynamic impact of turbulence on the tangential wind tendencies is easy to understand, their net effect on TC intensification is largely unknown. The GSEE diagnostic tool developed in this study allows us to quantitatively address the issue. The diagnostic results show that the relative importance of negative and positive dynamic effects of tangential turbulent eddy forcing
Third, in addition to the tangential turbulent eddy forcing, the induced radial flow is also subjected to the radial turbulent eddy forcing
Fourth, in addition to the dynamic effect of turbulence, turbulence also transports the energy obtained from ocean surface upward to fuel a TC. The resultant eyewall convection enhances the secondary overturning circulation, which in turn can affect TC intensification in two ways via radial transport of absolute vorticity and vertical transport of tangential winds as discussed earlier. Although these two processes tend to generate opposite signs of tendencies and cancel each other, the tangential wind budget analyses show that the former dominates, and thus, the net effect is to accelerate the TC vortex. The complication is that the secondary circulation component induced by diabatic heating is entangled with radial eddy forcing via term
As summarized previously, TC intensification is delicately determined by a large cancellation among different dynamic and thermodynamic processes. The residue of the cancellation is to cause the maximum acceleration of a vortex and thus the peak tangential wind to occur at the RMW just below the interface between the inflow and outflow (Fig. 11) consistent with dropsonde observations (Zhang et al. 2011). It is also clear that all these processes are intimately involved with the turbulence, and thus, changes in turbulence parameterization can alter the cancellation of different physical processes and steer the storm into different pathways to TC intensification. The GSEE developed in this study provides a useful analytical tool for understanding these processes. However, we acknowledge that SEE and GSEE have an intrinsic limitation of describing a 3D TC vortex in a 2D radius–height domain. For the idealized TC simulations in a quiescent condition performed in this study, the impact of this limitation is minimal. For TCs developed in a shear environment, how to appropriately use GSEE to diagnose the development of a TC with a high asymmetry is an issue that needs to be further addressed.
Finally, it should be pointed out that this study focuses only on the issues of vertical turbulent transport in numerical simulations of TCs. In the inner core of a TC, the three-dimensional (3D) turbulent eddies experience large lateral contrasts across the boundaries of eyewall, rainbands, and the moat in-between to yield large lateral turbulent transport comparable to the vertical turbulent transport. Furthermore, lateral entrainment of the unsaturated atmosphere from the moat into the eyewall or rainbands can lead to the entrainment instability, which is an important source of TKE generation in the eyewall and rainband clouds (Zhu et al. 2023). How to appropriately parameterize the comparable interconnected horizontal and vertical turbulent fluxes induced by 3D turbulent eddies in the TC inner core, how to include the lateral entrainment instability in turbulence parameterization, and how 3D turbulent transport affects TC intensification are the important questions that need to be tackled in future research.
This work is supported by NOAA/JTTI program under the Grant NA22OAR4590177 and National Science Foundation under the Grant 2211307. We are very grateful to the two anonymous reviewers for their constructive and insightful comments, which led to the improvement of the paper.
Data availability statement.
The simulation data generated by this study can be accessed at http://vortex.ihrc.fiu.edu/download/TC_turbulent_processes/.
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