1. Introduction
Short gravity waves with horizontal wavelengths
Previous airborne observations during T-REX (Grubišić et al. 2008) and Deep Propagating Gravity Wave Experiment (DEEPWAVE) (Fritts et al. 2016) found that λx is limited by a lower cutoff wavelength λc ≈ 2πU/N, with estimates of wind speed U and buoyancy frequency N taken from characteristic tropospheric or stratospheric values. In many cases, the wave phases could not be associated with orographic features of the underlying terrain (e.g., Woods and Smith 2010). Instead, the occurrence of the short waves near the tropopause was interpreted as indirect evidence for the excitation of secondary waves in the middle atmosphere and their subsequent downward propagation. These conclusions were based on idealized 2D and 3D numerical simulations (Woods and Smith 2011).
Here, and as, for example, in Satomura and Sato (1999) and Woods and Smith (2011), secondary waves are understood as internal gravity waves generated by nonlinear processes in a vertically propagating finite-amplitude mountain wave excited by flow over the terrain (see, e.g., Vadas and Fritts 2001; Vadas et al. 2003, for an explanation of the general mechanism of secondary wave generation). Recent 3D nonlinear studies specifically address the generation of secondary gravity waves in the middle atmosphere (e.g., Fritts et al. 2020; Dong et al. 2022). These studies simulated the interaction of given wave packets with thermal and/or Doppler ducts (Isler et al. 1997). Wave ducts, sometimes called waveguides, are atmospheric layers in which the squared vertical wavenumber m2 (m = 2π/λz, λz is the vertical wavelength) is positive, but the regions below and above have negative m2 values.
As suggested by Woods and Smith (2010), the observations of T-REX revealed that the gravity waves with
The T-REX results were based on the curious finding that the airborne measurements of the momentum flux of the longer waves with λx between 20 and 30 km reverse across the tropopause from negative values at lower to positive values at higher levels (Smith et al. 2008; Woods and Smith 2010). Another case of flux reversal across the tropopause was recently documented for coordinated research flights over Scandinavia (Gisinger et al. 2020, Fig. 10). Additionally, the airborne in situ measurements on board the German research aircraft High-Altitude Long-Range Research Aircraft (HALO) as well as in situ and remote sensing observations of the Doppler wind lidar (DWL) on board the DLR Falcon revealed the existence of a train of short gravity waves with
Here, nonlinear numerical simulations are performed to determine whether a process similar to that proposed by Woods and Smith (2011), i.e., the secondary downward-propagating gravity waves generated by breaking mountain waves, can explain the occurrence of these short gravity waves. In doing so, the following research questions will be addressed and answered:
Does wave breaking occur over the Scandinavian mountains in numerical simulations applying a realistic high-resolution orography as lower boundary condition and ambient wind and stability conditions valid at the time of observation? Are downward-propagating secondary waves evident in the results of the numerical simulations?
Are downward-propagating gravity waves essential for the excitation and emergence of horizontally short modes in the TIL?
What are the characteristics of the simulated gravity waves near the tropopause?
What physical and numerical parameters determine the amplitude and wavelength of the short gravity waves in the TIL?
The paper is organized as follows. Section 2 presents briefly the research flights, the numerical model employed here to integrate the compressible equations for a deep atmosphere, and the global numerical weather prediction (NWP) model data. The NWP data are used in section 3 to explain the atmospheric flow and the conditions for mountain-wave propagation. Section 4 presents the vertical velocity spectra and the wave energy fluxes computed from the airborne measurements, and a brief interim summary and discussion is provided. The results of the numerical simulations including physical and numerical sensitivity studies are presented in section 5. Section 6 discusses the results and eventually draws conclusions.
2. Methodology
a. Research flights
The research flights considered in this study were conducted over southern Scandinavia in the afternoon and evening of 28 January 2016. A detailed overview of the coordinated airborne observations by the DLR Falcon and the German research aircraft HALO is provided by Gisinger et al. (2020) in their section 2.2.1. Here, Table 1 lists the times and coordinates of the six cross-mountain flight legs used in this study. The naming of the individual legs is the same as in Gisinger et al. (2020), who also provide a graphical overview of the flights in their Figs. 1 and 2.
Times and locations of the two segments of the DLR Falcon research flights RF07 and RF08 as well as the four segments HL1–HL4 of the HALO research flight on 28 Jan 2016. Letters (a)–(f) refer to the profiles of the vertical displacements and vertical velocities along the respective flight legs as shown in Figs. 4 and A1. The simultaneous flight legs are in bold and correspond to the red lines in Figs. 4, 6, and A1.
Simultaneous observations on board the two aircraft were conducted on a flight path near 61°N from east to west where the DLR Falcon flew at 9.8-km altitude and HALO flew 2 km below from 1736 UTC until 1840 UTC: These are the research flight legs RF08-FL1 and HL1, respectively, highlighted in bold in Table 1. The RF07-FL2 research flight preceded these simultaneous flights, and HL2 followed them on the same route and flight levels assigned to each aircraft. The operation of the remote sensing instrument Gimballed Limb Observer for Radiance Imaging of the Atmosphere (GLORIA) required two high-level HALO legs at ∼13-km altitude (HL3 and HL4) for probing the mountain waves over southern Scandinavia (Krisch et al. 2020).
b. Numerical integrations
The magnitude of the gravitational acceleration is given by g = (0, 0, −g). The Coriolis parameter is given as f ≡ 2Ω, where Ω denotes a constant angular velocity of the rotating reference frame. The differential operator of the material derivative in Eqs. (1)–(3) is defined as d/dt = ∂/∂t + u ⋅ ∇, where ∇ symbolizes the gradient operator. The operator ∇ ⋅ in Eq. (3) refers to the divergence.
Equation (2) is written in perturbation form, i.e., θ′ = θ − θe and π′ = π − πe; see Smolarkiewicz et al. (2019). To facilitate the numerical solution, the auxiliary ambient states, sometimes called environmental states (ue, θe), are assumed to be known particular solutions of Eqs. (1) and (2). Generally, ambient states can be time dependent. In this paper, only z-dependent profiles (ue, υe, θe, ρe) are prescribed that automatically satisfy Eqs. (1) and (2). The ambient pressure pe is computed from the ideal gas law equation [Eq. (4)] using an exponentially decreasing density ρe with a density scale height of 6500 m. For all numerical simulations, the initial conditions for the horizontal velocity components are identical to ue and υe and θ′and w are set to zero.
The typical size of the computational domain in x, y, and z directions is 1008 km × 64 km × 70 km with spatial resolutions of 250 or 500 m. The lower boundary is free slip, and in the x direction, open boundaries with an additional Rayleigh damping of a width of 40 km on the inflow and outflow sides are used. In the y direction, cyclic boundaries are applied. Details for the individual numerical experiments can be found in Tables 3–6.
Equations (1)–(4) were implemented in the established geophysical flow solver EULAG (Prusa et al. 2008) as outlined by Smolarkiewicz et al. (2014). EULAG offers a variety of options to investigate the sensitivity of the solutions on numerical settings. Here, we differentiate between physical and numerical sensitivity studies. The physical sensitivity is studied by varying the amplitude damping of the vertically propagating mountain waves to keep the numerical solution nearly linear (section 5a). In addition, the smoothness of the orography is varied and the strength of the TIL is enhanced in separated numerical integrations (sections 5b and 5c). In section 5d, the flow fields at t = 0 are generated by a potential flow initialization and Eqs. (1)–(4) are integrated using the anelastic approximation; see Smolarkiewicz and Dörnbrack (2008), Smolarkiewicz et al. (2014) for details. Furthermore, we vary the stopping criteria of the elliptic solver (Smolarkiewicz et al. 1997), the distribution of processors used for the domain decomposition of the parallelized solver and test different options of the compiler (section 5d).
c. Global NPW data
Operational analyses of the Integrated Forecasting System (IFS) of the ECMWF are used to provide meteorological data to characterize the atmospheric environment; these data will be denoted by HRES IFS. The model fields were taken from the esuite of the IFS cycle 41r2 that became operational in March 2016. The IFS is discretized horizontally using a spherical harmonic expansion and a cubic-octahedral grid (Hólm et al. 2016). The TCo1279 resolution of the IFS cycle 41r2 uses 1279 total horizontal wavenumbers in the spherical harmonic expansion, resulting in an average 9-km horizontal resolution. In the vertical direction, 137 hybrid model levels cover the atmosphere from the surface up to the model top at 0.01 hPa. The IFS cycle 41r2 is the same as used for the most recent reanalysis data ERA5 (Hersbach et al. 2020). As ERA5, however, has a smaller resolution (TCo639), the operational analyses are used instead for the selected time period.
3. Atmospheric flow and conditions for the propagation of mountain waves
Figure 1 shows the height of the dynamical tropopause from the 1800 UTC HRES IFS analyses. Following the eastward passage of a narrow low pressure trough over southern Scandinavia between 1200 and 1800 UTC (still visible as nearly meridional band of low tropopause at the eastern edge of Fig. 1), an upper-level ridge formed, resulting in a fairly uniform tropopause between 8.5- and 9.5-km altitude. The upper-level flow was 25–30 m s−1, mainly from the west, and it can be considered as quasi steady during the research flights since there was no active weather system in the area.
Figure 2 supports the quasi steadiness of the upper-tropospheric and stratospheric flow by depicting hourly vertical profiles of various quantities taken at an upstream location in the interval from 1200 until 1800 UTC (different thin black lines) as well as their temporal mean (thick black line). The horizontal wind VH increases from ∼20 m s−1 near the ground to 60 m s−1 at 30-km altitude; above this level, VH is oscillating around a value of 60 m s−1, and in the upper stratosphere, the wind is decreasing slightly to values of ∼40 m s−1 (Fig. 2a). The wind direction turns from west-southwesterlies to westerlies in the troposphere, turns back to west-southwesterlies again in the stratosphere up to ∼30 km, and, finally, becomes nearly westerly above (solid line in Fig. 2b).
Overall, the vertical profile of the buoyancy frequency N(z) = g∂ lnΘ/∂z can be approximated by two characteristic values distinguishing the troposphere N = NT = 0.01 s−1 and the stratosphere N = 0.018 s−1 ≈ NS = 0.02 s−1 (solid lines in Fig. 2c). However, there are two important deviations from a textbook two-layer N(z)-profile marked by enhanced static stabilities. First, the narrow, approximately 2-km deep TIL at an altitude of around 10 km shows maximum N values of 0.025 s−1. The formation of the TIL is associated with the high-pressure tropospheric ridge mentioned above and is commonly found under these anticyclonic atmospheric conditions (Wirth 2001). Second, and due to the temperature increase with altitude, the layer below the stratopause reaches maximum N values of 0.026 s−1 over approximately 15-km depth.
Of particular importance is the profile of the approximated Scorer parameter
The smallest cutoff wavelengths λc ≈ 6–8 km appear directly at the TIL (unsurprisingly, as N maximizes). In other words, as soon as mountain waves are excited, only upgoing waves with λx > λc can propagate vertically, and all shorter modes become evanescent and do not penetrate the thick layer of enhanced λc underneath the TIL. Higher up, λc increases with altitude up to ∼20 km, i.e., gradually longer waves reach their turning levels and are reflected downward, which is consistent with previous linear studies of deep propagating mountain waves (Schoeberl 1985).
The large-scale atmospheric response to the strong flow from the west-southwest over the Scandinavian mountains is illustrated by the simulated wave-induced temperature perturbations T′ derived from the HRES IFS. Here, advantage is taken of the spectral IFS, and the absolute temperature T is obtained with two spectral truncations, TCo1279 and TCo106, interpolated to the same latitude/longitude grid. The difference between the two T fields represents the temperature perturbations T′ as shown in Fig. 3.
Near the tropopause at 250 hPa and in the lower stratosphere at 150 hPa (Figs. 3a,b), gravity waves with T′ amplitudes larger than 2 K are only present over Scandinavia. The amplitude enhancement over the mountains and their phase alignment with the orographic barrier point to their orographic origin. Their horizontal wavelengths are 300 ± 30 km at 60°N. Between the two pressure levels, the phase of T′ is shifted by ∼180° indicating the upstream tilt of the simulated mountain waves into the ambient wind. From the height of the pressure surfaces (black contour lines in Fig. 3), a vertical wavelength λz ≈ 6 km can be estimated. Assuming a horizontal wind of 30 m s−1 (see Fig. 2a), an intrinsic frequency ω ≈ 6.28 × 10−4 s−1 is estimated. It is orders of magnitudes smaller than N (see Fig. 2c) and by a factor ∼5 greater than the Coriolis parameter f at this latitude. Thus, these internal gravity waves are essentially inertia gravity waves excited by the flow across the Scandinavian mountains. Their spatial structure resembles those analyzed by Dörnbrack et al. (2002).
These hydrostatic mountain waves are well resolved by the IFS and confirm the predictions of favorable propagation conditions based on the Scorer parameter; see Fig. 2d. The upper stratospheric levels in Figs. 3c and 3d reveal that these mountain waves propagate into the middle atmosphere where the T′ amplitude increases to values larger than 15 K due to the decreasing density. The contour lines of the geopotential height show large meridional deflections, which point to a significant mountain-wave-induced disturbance of the zonal flow.
4. Airborne observations of vertical velocity, spectra, and energy wave fluxes
a. Airborne observations
Figure 4 shows the vertical displacements
In addition to the ubiquitous presence of gravity waves with
The η profiles in the upstream segments of the DLR Falcon [profiles (a) and (b) in Fig. 4] as well as of the HALO legs [profiles (c) and (d) in Fig. 4] are very similar. Here, it should be noted that the time difference of the observations was ∼4 h in the case of the DLR Falcon but only a few minutes by the HALO research flights. This pronounced agreement of the η profiles suggests a high degree of steadiness in the upstream flow. Over the mountains, however, the η profiles deviate due to mountain waves that alter both the horizontal and vertical wind fields with time. The vertical displacements calculated for two DLR Falcon legs differ markedly in the ridge and downstream segments, indicating a transient airflow induced by the mountain waves.
The only simultaneous observations were performed by DLR Falcon [RF08-FL1 at 9.8-km altitude, profile (b)] and by HALO [HL1 at 7.9-km altitude, profile (c)] and are marked in red in Figs. 4 and A1. Visual impression suggests irregular, low-amplitude oscillations west of 6.5°E, which become more distinct wave signals over the fjords at ∼7.5°E in the upstream segment. Over the mountains, horizontally longer waves with larger w amplitudes up to ∼2 m s−1 dominate up to 12°E (Fig. A1). Here, the signatures of these longer waves are clearly visible in the lower leg HL1. Finally, further east, horizontally shorter waves with considerable amplitudes >3 m s−1 predominate.
Overall, it is difficult to relate individual short-wave patterns in the two simultaneous legs, suggesting a pronounced vertical change in their wave characteristics over the ∼2 km between the two flight levels. In addition, the short-wave response is very transient when comparing the DLR Falcon legs at different times [profiles (a) and (b) in Figs. 4 and A1]. It is hardly possible to identify a wave pattern with the same phase at a specific location. This means that transient gravity waves probably existed during the 3–4 h between measurements. An analogous conclusion can be drawn by comparing the two HALO legs HL1 and HL2, which are separated by a maximum of 1 h at the eastern waypoints. Here, some similarities in the wave phases between 6.5° and 8.5°E and around 11°E can be observed. Nevertheless, both profiles (c) and (d) in Figs. 4 and A1 demonstrate a pronounced unsteadiness in the short-wave response. Profiles (e) and (f) in Figs. 4 and A1 show the uppermost HALO observations along legs HL2 and HL3: the larger amplitudes and longer horizontal wavelengths of the short gravity waves are the most obvious features of these measurements, which cover almost all segments. Again, as with the lower legs, there are no concurrent phase matches of these short gravity waves in the measurements along these legs.
On the DLR Falcon, a scanning DWL also measured the wind below the aircraft (Witschas et al. 2017). The observations of the vertical wind for the flight legs RF07-FL2 and RF08-FL1 are depicted in Fig. 5 and those of the horizontal wind along the RF08-FL1 leg in Fig. A2 of the appendix. A common feature of both DLR Falcon flight legs is a band of nearly continuous observations from 9.5 km down to ∼8-km altitude (Figs. 5a,b), below which dense clouds prevented further lidar measurements. In regions of lower cloud cover, as occurred upstream of the main ridge, the laser beam was able to penetrate to lower altitudes.
The DWL data are the same as those used for Figs. 8 and 9b of Gisinger et al. (2020) and for the momentum flux analysis of Witschas et al. (2023). Moreover, lines of constant potential temperature calculated from the IFS-HRES data and spatiotemporally interpolated to the flight paths are superimposed here. First, these plots show that the DLR Falcon in situ flight observations [Figs. 4 and A1, profiles (a) and (b)] were made directly in the TIL and the lowermost stratosphere, where the static stability (densely packed isentropes in Fig. 5) is very high. Second, the DWL vertical winds show nearly vertical phase lines, indicating evanescent modes trapped in the TIL and upper troposphere.
Figure 5a shows narrow wave trains just beneath the flight level with small amplitudes in the upstream segment during RF07-FL2. Their depth is limited to ∼1 km, and there is no obvious connection to lower levels. During RF08-FL1 and about 4 h later, the DWL reveals gravity waves extending to lower altitudes; see Fig. 5b. The individual up- and downdrafts of the gravity waves are now broader, and the few measurements in the lower troposphere indicate that they are not directly connected to the orographic sources in the fjord region of the upstream segment; see the updrafts at around 6°–7°E. In the ridge segment, the waves extend lower into the troposphere, and especially over the highest mountains, the waves appear to be related to the forcing from the flow over the individual peaks; see the region around 8.5°E in Figs. 5a and 5b. Their amplitudes are larger, and the horizontal wavelength is longer than that of the upstream waves. Further downstream, the individual up- and downdrafts in the TIL and upper troposphere become thinner, i.e., their horizontal wavelength shrinks and the vertical extent of these apparently horizontally compressed wave trains is difficult to estimate. However, the downward decreasing amplitude of the observations in the downstream segment near the easternmost waypoint of RF07-FL2 indicates that they probably do not extend to lower levels. Indeed, the thermal stratification as shown by the IFS isentropes suggests that their vertical extent is related to the existence of stably stratified layers (cf. also patterns in the upstream segment of RF07-FL2). The horizontal wind observations by the DWL along RF08-FL1 reveal a long mountain wave (Fig. A2) corresponding to a potential temperature minimum directly over the ridge section. The position and the amplitude are reasonably well reproduced by the HRES IFS. Its phase and wavelength also correspond nicely to the coarse-grain GLORIA measurements as analyzed by Krisch et al. (2020).
b. Energy spectra
The spectral power of the vertical wind as measured by both aircraft is shown in Figs. 6 and 7. The binned energy spectra of the two DLR Falcon legs show maxima between λx ≈ 4 and 7 km (red and black solid lines in Fig. 6). The lower HALO legs HL1 and HL2 (dashed lines in Fig. 6) exhibit a broader distribution with smaller maximum amplitudes between λx ≈ 10 and 20 km. The upper HALO legs HL3 and HL4 also peak in this wavelength range but reach spectral amplitudes 5–8 times higher than the maxima at 7.8-km altitude. This altitude dependence is also reflected in the variances σw averaged over the legs, which increase from the upper troposphere (HL1 and HL2) and TIL region (RF07-FL2 and RF08-FL1) toward the uppermost HALO levels of legs HL3 and HL4 in the lower stratosphere. In addition to the 1-Hz data as used for the legs shown in Fig. 6, the spectra computed with the 10-Hz data for RF07-FL2 and RF08-FL1 show a similar shape (dotted curves), confirming the previous analysis.
Below the DLR Falcon flight level, the vertical dependency of the spectral energy content between 7.9- and 9.1-km altitude was analyzed using the DWL observations of w at selected levels; see Fig. 7. The spectral distribution of the earlier flight RF07-FL2 is characterized by enhanced amplitudes in the range from λx ≈ 4 to 30 km (Fig. 7a). Individual spectral peaks are located at λx ≈ 5 and 10 km. The maximum values of the DWL observations are up to a factor 4 smaller than the values calculated from the in situ measurements at flight level (black line in Fig. 7a). This drop in amplitude and in σw from the DLR Falcon flight level down to an altitude of 8–9 km could indicate evanescent gravity waves trapped in the TIL.
The spectral distribution for the second flight RF08-FL1 is slightly different: the amplitude has increased and the energy is shifted to longer λx in accordance with the visual impression of Fig. 5. At 9.1-km altitude, short modes with λx ≈ 8 km are clearly separated from somewhat longer modes at λx ≈ 12 km. At the lower vertical levels, only these longer gravity waves dominate and the distribution is unimodal, a finding that is confirmed by the nearly simultaneous in situ observations from HALO at 7.8-km altitude along HL1 (red dashed line in Fig. 7b). As in the previous DLR Falcon flight leg RF07-FL2, the spectral distribution in the TIL is dominated by gravity waves between λx ≈ 3 and 8 km.
Together with the visual impression of Fig. 5, the results presented in Figs. 6 and 7 provide a consistent picture: horizontally short modes with λx < 10 km are mainly present in a layer from ∼8- to 10-km altitude. Their λx decrease and their amplitudes increase upward. Very short modes with λx < 5 km occur mainly in the ridge and downstream segments. Above the TIL, the two HALO observations indicate the existence of horizontally longer modes with λx > 10 km. Below the TIL, it is difficult to obtain a coherent picture from the DWL plots alone. However, the few instances where the DWL could observe almost the entire troposphere suggest that the gravity waves have horizontal wavelengths
c. Wave energy fluxes
Averaged energy fluxes for the two legs of the DLR Falcon research flights RF07 and RF08 as well as the four legs HL1–HL4 of the HALO research flight on 28 Jan 2016. Letters (a)–(f) refer to the lines in Table 1 as well as to profiles in Figs. 4 and A1. The simultaneous flight legs are in bold. The two comma-separated numbers refer to average lengths of L = 20 and 300 km, respectively.
The zonal energy flux EFx is always negative indicating that the detected waves are propagating against the mean westerly flow at this altitude (cf. Fig. 3b). The meridional component EFy is smaller and fluctuates around zero. In the nearly zonal flow, one would expect that a positive EFz correlates with negative EFx for stationary, upward-propagating mountain waves. This clear correspondence valid for linearly upward-propagating waves cannot be observed for short gravity waves as detected along the both DLR Falcon flight legs as shown in Fig. 8.
Analysis of the horizontally longer waves with filter length L = 300 km gives a small positive vertical energy flux EFz of 0.28 W m−2 for the first DLR Falcon leg, a likewise small but negative value of −0.14 W m−2 for the second DLR Falcon leg; see Table 2. Here, the zonal wave energy fluxes EFx are clearly negative, and their absolute values are larger than their short-wave counterparts. As before, the meridional flux values EFy are smaller and the sign change between the two legs of the DLR Falcon might be related to the gradually turning wind at this level; see Fig. 2b. These results indicate that the longer mountain waves propagated upward, but that this wave propagation gradually weakened or ceased until the combined DLR Falcon and HALO flights.
The simultaneous HALO flight HL1 also revealed negative energy fluxes EFz for both filter lengths; see Table 2. This quantitative evaluation of vertical energy fluxes suggests that upward- and downward-propagating waves coexist near the tropopause and also in the upper troposphere where HALO flew. Concordantly, both HALO legs HL3 and HL4 in the lower stratosphere yield downward-propagating short waves with EFz ≤ −1 W m−2. Surprisingly, the contribution of longer waves does not deliver a systematic picture of predominantly upward-propagating mountain waves, again suggesting temporal variability in the airborne observations; see Table 2. Altogether, it must be noted that the EFz is small compared to strong mountain-wave events as found over New Zealand’s Southern Alps (Smith et al. 2016) or over the Southern Andes (Dörnbrack et al. 2022b).
d. Interim summary and discussion
Combining the airborne observations with the IFS analysis presented in the previous sections reveals that horizontally longer mountain waves propagate predominantly upward. Their energy and momentum fluxes are small. However, the most striking feature of the airborne observations is the occurrence of internal gravity waves shorter than 10 km near the tropopause. Not exclusively, but the shortest modes can be found clustered in the lee of the Scandinavian mountains. These short modes are absent both further down in the upper troposphere and further up in the lower stratosphere.
It could not be proved incontrovertibly that these waves are stationary mountain waves. Instead, the analysis to this point, especially, the observed phase differences of η and w along RF07-FL2 and RF08-FL1, suggests that these short waves are transient and unsteady. It should be noted that the same diagnostic tools were earlier applied to determine upward-propagating mountain waves uniquely, e.g., Smith et al. (2008, 2016), Bramberger et al. (2017), Dörnbrack et al. (2022b). The above interim conclusions are supported by the earlier studies of Gisinger et al. (2020), Krisch et al. (2020). There, the low values of the observed momentum fluxes are interpreted as a sign for evanescent and trapped waves in agreement with the findings regarding the energy fluxes of this study. However, the question where these short waves come from and how they were excited has not been answered yet. An attempt to answer this question will be made in the next sections.
Based on linear wave theory, however, can we understand these results? Atmospheric airflow over complex terrain excites a broad spectrum of mountain waves (Smith and Kruse 2017). First, we assume that the short waves in the TIL result directly from the airflow across the rugged Scandinavian terrain (see the profile of the orography in the lower panel of Fig. A1). For sake of simplicity, let us consider a single harmonic mode with horizontal wavenumber k = 2π/λx, where λx is either 5 or 7 km corresponding to the short waves found in the DLR Falcon measurements. To allow for vertically propagating modes, a uniform flow of u0 = 20 m s−1 would require buoyancy frequencies N larger than 0.025 or 0.018 s−1 for these 5- or 7-km waves (Durran 1990, Eq. 4.23). If one increases u0 by 10 m s−1, the limiting buoyancy frequencies would also increase to 0.038 or 0.027 s−1, respectively. These values are much larger in comparison with the N values of ∼0.01 s−1 characteristic for the upstream conditions on this day and as shown in Fig. 2c. Therefore, it is highly unlikely that these short waves will propagate through the troposphere to the TIL, provided that wind and thermal stratifications are uniform.
But there are the evanescent modes. Let us again assume uniform zonal velocities u0 of 20 or 30 m s−1 and a constant tropospheric N = 0.01 s−1. Then, evanescent modes of horizontal wavenumber k exist if u0k > N and the corresponding wave amplitude decays proportional to an attenuation factor e−μz with the vertical decay rate
However, the decrease of the Scorer parameter
Wurtele’s one-layer Couette-flow model for constant stability and constant shear (Queney et al. 1960, p. 64) can be easily applied to estimate the free propagating modes and the number of discrete resonant modes. The dashed line in Fig. 2a indicates a mean shear of 40 m s−1 (30 km)−1 = 10 m s−1 (7.5 km)−1. The tabulated numerical solutions of Wurtele’s linear wave equation for depths of 6, 8, 10, and 12 km over which the wind increases to 10 m s−1 provide the minimum wavelengths of the free waves. For a shear of 10 m s−1 (8 km)−1, the shortest wavelength is 10 km and the number of resonant modes is 6. The numerical solutions also reveal that increasing shear makes λx larger and decreases the number of resonant modes. Therefore, the consideration of realistic shear values also supports the hypothesis that only longer horizontal modes can propagate to the TIL.
It is obvious that one could extend linear approaches to two-layer and three-layer models including the stratosphere and the effect of the TIL (e.g., Danielsen and Bleck 1970; Gossard and Hooke 1975). However, the resulting equations become complicated too and most of the time require numerical integration. Therefore, we now turn to the numerical integration of the full nonlinear equations [Eqs. (1)–(4)] as they allow a large number of tests to investigate the sensitivity of the solutions.
5. Numerical investigations
An extensive set of numerical simulations of the 3D flow above the Scandinavian mountains was performed to investigate the physical mechanisms leading to the very short trapped gravity waves within the TIL. It is shown that two properties of the background flow are essential and necessary for the generation of these short waves. First, it is the wind profile that allows vertically propagating mountain waves to break in the middle atmosphere. The strength of the low-level forcing and the presence of tropospheric and stratospheric jets are prerequisites to promote nonlinear instabilities and wave breaking in the negative shear zones above their cores, especially in regions where the magnitude of the wave-induced wind perturbations becomes comparable to the mean wind. Both the vertically propagating mountain waves and the wave-breaking regions modify the stratospheric airflow above the mountains compared to the upstream profiles. As a consequence, primary mountain waves that follow propagate into this modified airflow. In addition, the wave-breaking regions are secondary sources of short internal gravity waves. The second important component is the presence of large static stability
a. Experiment A: Impact of downward-propagating gravity waves
The first sensitivity experiment A is dedicated to the question “Are downward-propagating gravity waves essential for the generation of horizontally short modes in the TIL?” To this end, two 3D simulations with different vertical profiles of imposed internal stratospheric friction are contrasted. Table 3 summarizes the setup of the numerical simulations. The reference simulation, using Dabs = 9.6 km in Eq. (5), allows wave breaking in the middle atmosphere and contains downward-propagating modes. These modes are either reflected mountain waves or waves generated by secondary sources in the breaking region. The second simulation, using Dabs = 12.8 km, keeps the amplitudes of the upward-propagating mountain waves finite and prevents wave breaking. As a result, only upward-propagating modes exist.
Sensitivity experiment A: Impact of downward-propagating gravity waves. Here, Δx, Δy, and Δz are the grid increments in the three spatial directions, and Δt is the time step. The values of n, m, and l indicate the number of grid cells and nt indicates the number of time steps used in the integration. NPX and NPY are the number of processors for the horizontal domain decomposition in x and y directions used in the numerical integrations. The numbers epp0 and epp1 refer to the requested accuracy of the pressure solver at t = 0, and for the subsequent time steps, respectively, see Smolarkiewicz et al. (1997). The variable EXPER = 0 stands for the default numerical coding of the pressure solver. The variable Dabs denotes the vertical damping scale in Eq. (5). For all numerical simulations, upstream and ambient profiles are taken from T21 L137 as average from 1200 to 1800 UTC and taken at 61°N and 1°E (see Fig. 2).
Figure 9 compares the results of the two numerical simulations. In the top row, the reference simulation shows the horizontal and vertical wind fields at the center line y = 0 after 12-h simulation time. The atmospheric flow is dominated by upward-propagating mountain waves whose phase fronts are tilted into the wind. In addition, localized wave-breaking regions (i.e., overturning isentropes and strongly reduced horizontal wind) are visible above the TIL and in the stratosphere. In contrast, the simulation with enhanced stratospheric damping exclusively reveals upward-propagating mountain waves with no wave-breaking regions as shown in the lower row of Fig. 9. This simulation with the imposed finite-amplitude response does not yield short waves near the TIL.
Figure 10, showing the vertical wind from the reference simulation at 22 h, focuses on the shallow altitude region of interest, encompassing the troposphere and lower stratosphere up to 20-km altitude. With the adjusted color bar, the appearance of horizontally short waves over and downstream of the mountains becomes evident. Localized areas of wave breaking can be detected in the lower stratosphere. The short waves are trapped below the stratospheric wave-breaking region in a wave duct along the TIL.
In and above the TIL, the upstream m2 is positive and mountain waves with
Figure 10 is a snapshot taken from an animation of the entire numerical simulation over 24 h, which is provided by Dörnbrack (2024). When viewing this animation, both the formation of the stratospheric wave duct and the quasi-periodic vertical displacements of the tropopause due to the temporal modulation of strength and depth of the primary mountain waves, which lead to the temporal variability of m2, become apparent (Fig. 11b). Wave packets with short horizontal wavelengths are emitted from this location and propagate downstream along the stratospheric wave duct.
Figure 12 displays the vertical velocity at 10-km altitude in the spirit of traditional Hovmöller plots. The comparison between the upper and lower panel of Fig. 12 reveals the distinct difference between the numerical simulations allowing/preventing stratospheric wave breaking: the finite-amplitude simulation produces steady mountain waves whose phase lines are stationary and which can be linked with the mountain ranges underneath (cf. Fig. 10). The flow response is completely different in the reference simulation, where the waves break in the stratosphere: temporal oscillations of the amplitude of the vertical wind appear in the phase lines associated with the main mountain ranges; see x < 100 km or near x = 0. In addition, gravity waves with λx < 10 km appear mostly in the lee of the mountains for x > 80 km. The phase lines of these short modes propagate upstream, i.e., their ground-based phase speed is negative. However, groups of these short waves propagate downstream with a phase velocity of ∼22 m s−1 as estimated from the dashed line in Fig. 12.
Figure 13 shows the vertical flux of wave energy EFz at simulation times 12, 18, and 24 h. While the run without simulated wave breaking shows only positive, i.e., upward wave energy fluxes, the reference run shows regions (especially in the lower and middle stratosphere) where the wave energy propagates downward. At time t = 18 h, it becomes apparent how EFz oscillates between positive and negative values in the wave duct. This oscillation in the sign of EFz is the signature of downstream-traveling wave packets. It must be noted that the regions with EFz < 0 extend up to ∼20-km altitude, a fact that could explain the observed negative vertical energy fluxes at higher flight levels; see discussion in section 4c. In contrast, the finite amplitude simulation has already reached a quasi-steady state after 4 h, persisting until the end of the numerical integration at t = 24 h as shown in the right column of Fig. 13. Obviously, the EFz magnitudes of the finite-amplitude simulation are smaller due to the imposed damping according to Eq. (5). It should be noted that with longer filter lengths L = 50 km, only a few, very sporadic downward-propagating waves occur in the reference run (not shown).
Figure 14 quantifies which spatial scales are involved in the different processes by presenting the binned power spectra of the vertical velocity and the vertical flux of the specific horizontal momentum u′w′ at z = 5, 10, and 20 km, respectively. The temporally averaged vertical velocity energy spectra reveal power on horizontal scales from ∼7 to 100 km (top row in Fig. 14). Within the wave duct at 10-km altitude, the singular peak at λx ≈ 10 km occurs exclusively in the reference run. The run without wave breaking reveals a strongly attenuated response at λx ≤ 30 km, i.e., all short modes are absent here. It is important to note that the λx ≈ 10 km peak is neither present in the troposphere nor in the lower stratosphere. There, the amplitudes of the vertical wind become smaller and the energy shifts to longer horizontal modes (Fig. 14, top row).
Gravity waves with λx < 10 km along the wave duct do not transport horizontal momentum vertically upward, i.e., their momentum flux amplitudes are small, lower middle panel in Fig. 14. Positive and negative values at λx ≈ 10 km are associated with the upward- and downward-propagating modes as discussed before. Their time-averaged values are small compared to the specific momentum fluxes of the momentum-carrying waves at longer horizontal wavelengths λx > 20 km. These are the upward-propagating mountain waves; see the bottom line of Fig. 14.
Figure 15 presents the binned power spectra at an altitude of 30 km to illustrate the excitation of short secondary modes due to wave breaking. The results of the selected wave-breaking periods (thin solid lines) are contrasted with the 12-h temporal averages (thick solid lines). Short modes with
The conclusion from this physical sensitivity experiment A is as follows: Wave breaking modifies the stratospheric flow and the propagation conditions for the permanently excited primary mountains waves. In addition, the local body forces exerted by the breaking waves are a secondary source of gravity waves. However, it is the quasi-periodic modulation of the flow near the TIL and in the lower stratosphere that excites the short gravity waves. In the course of the numerical simulations, a thermal wave duct is formed, thereby strengthening the static stability of the TIL and favoring the occurrence of short trapped modes. These waves transport no horizontal momentum upward, they are transient, and they propagate in wave packets downstream.
b. Experiment B: Effects of orographic ruggedness
Although the results of the previous sections suggest that the short trapped waves are due to the interaction of the modified stratospheric airflow with the TIL and the downstream formation of a thermal wave duct, the following sensitivity experiment B tests whether the rugged terrain could still be a source for the observed short waves. The orography zter at 61°N as shown by the black solid line in Fig. 16 depicts a compact landmass extending over nearly 650 km in west–east direction. There are deep notches and gaps in zter near the west coast of Norway. These steep orographic features result from the elongated and meandering Sognefjord. The cliffs around the Sognefjord rise almost vertically out of the water and reach heights of 1 km and more. The other curves in Fig. 16 present smoothed profiles filtered with boxcar average lengths of 10, 15, and 40 km, respectively. The left panel of Fig. 17 presents the binned power spectra of the four different orographic profiles. Indeed, the high-resolution orography without smoothing contains short modes between 5- and 20-km zonal wavelength. The smoothed curves increasingly lose spectral power in the small and longer modes.
The numerical simulations are summarized in Table 4. They are identical to the reference simulation of the previous subsection except that the numerical resolution has been increased by a factor of 2, i.e., Δx = Δy = 250 m, and the time step is Δt = 1 s. The right panel of Fig. 17 shows the binned power spectra of the simulated vertical velocity at z = 10 km altitude averaged from 12- to 24-h simulation time. A comparison of the amplitude of the power spectra here with that of the reference simulation in Fig. 14 shows that the increase in spectral power by around 50% is due to the increased numerical resolution.
Sensitivity experiment B: effects of orographic rudgeness. The names in the first column refer to the line legends in Fig. 17. Refer to Table 3 for explanation of the used parameter names. For all numerical simulations, upstream and ambient profiles are taken from T21 L137 as average from 1200 to 1800 UTC and taken at 61°N and 1°E (see Fig. 2).
However, the preservation of the spectral power for the smoothed terrain (10-km filter width; blue lines in Fig. 17) is the most important result of this sensitivity experiment B. If longer orographic modes are further attenuated by applying greater boxcar average lengths, the momentum of the upward-propagating modes becomes too low to excite stratospheric wave breaking and the short waves along the wave duct disappear. Consequently, it is the primary upward-propagating mountain waves with
c. Experiment C: Impact of the TIL strength
An examination of Figs. 10 and 11c already reveals that the static stability along the TIL in the downstream segment is strongly increased due to the wave breaking in the lower stratosphere. For sensitivity experiment C, the vertical profile of the buoyancy frequency N(z) as computed from the upstream profiles (see Fig. 2c) is modified by adding a function
Sensitivity experiments C: Impact of the TIL strength. The function
Figure 19 demonstrates the impact of increasing the upstream TIL strength on the short-wave response. The common feature of the sensitivity experiment C is that a stronger TIL (higher peak N value) leads to shorter gravity waves within the TIL. Figure 19 also demonstrates another interesting finding in comparison to the measured amplitudes of the trapped waves during the DLR Falcon flights along legs RF07-FL2 and RF08-FL1: The amplitude of the numerically produced waves now compares quantitatively very well with the observations. Furthermore, the wave response at 12-km altitude is still large and agrees well with the HALO observations along track HL3 (right panel in Fig. 19).
d. Experiment D: Impact of numerical settings
Eight further numerical simulations form the final sensitivity experiment D that investigates the dependence of the solutions on selected numerical settings. The parameters of the different runs are summarized in Table 6. Figure 20 groups the results of this sensitivity experiment in three panels, which in turn show the binned power spectra of the simulated vertical velocity at an altitude of 10 km. The black solid line, which can be seen in all panels, is the reference run attaining a spectral amplitude of 7 m2 s−2 at λx ≈ 10 km.
Sensitivity experiment D: Impact of numerical settings. Parameters that are varied are in bold, and all other parameters remain the same as in the reference run. The names in the first column refer to the line legends in Fig. 20. For all numerical simulations, upstream and ambient profiles are taken from T21 L137 as average from 1200 to 1800 UTC and taken at 61°N and 1°E; see Fig. 2. Refer to Table 3 for explanation of the used parameter names.
Initially, the numerical integrations were modified to a potential flow initialization (red curve in Fig. 20a) and to an integration of the anelastic equations (Smolarkiewicz and Dörnbrack 2008) (blue curve in Fig. 20a). Both model options increase the spectral amplitude by either 8% or 29%. Thus, the chosen numerical initialization has almost no effect of the amplitude of the trapped waves. The small difference between the integration of the fully compressible equations and the sound-proofed equation confirms former numerical (Smolarkiewicz and Dörnbrack 2008) and theoretical findings (Klein et al. 2010). It must be noted that the run time is only 42% for the anelastic integration compared to the integration of the compressible equations.
The second group of numerical simulations concerns the accuracy of the iterative pressure solver. The variables epp0 and epp1 in Fig. 20b and Table 6 refer to the dimensionless norm of the divergence residual and denote how accurately the flow field is made divergence free (Smolarkiewicz et al. 1997, Eq. 4). Two different stopping criteria are applied for the first time step (epp0) and for all other ones (epp1). The accuracy of the pressure solver has a marginal effect on the spectral amplitude (increase by ∼12%). Likewise, another option to optimize the performance of pressure solver (EXPER = 3) reduces the spectral amplitude just by 7% (Figure 20b). Indeed, with this optimization, the runtime is only 82% compared to the reference run.
Figure 20(c) presents the results for simulations using a different domain decomposition of EULAG, i.e., different number of processors in the horizontal directions. In addition, a compiler statement for vectorization was activated, which was not used in all other runs. The spectral amplitudes vary by only ±15%. For the run with 288 × 16 processors, the runtime is reduced to 1/3; for the run with 96 × 4 processors, the runtime increases by a factor of 2.75.
All numerical changes in the settings have only a marginal impact on the spectral amplitude of the vertical wind component at an altitude of 10 km. The presented numbers must be related to the almost complete extinction of the short waves (amplitude reduction to 2%) using the stratospheric damping as presented in Fig. 14 of section 5a.
6. Discussion and conclusions
Gravity waves with
Similar airborne observations were reported earlier from the T-REX field campaign over the Sierra Nevada (Smith et al. 2008; Woods and Smith 2010, 2011). Woods and Smith (2011) interpreted their occurrence as indirect evidence of downgoing secondary waves generated by stratospheric wave breaking aloft. Their idealized numerical simulations of the flow across a smooth bell-shaped mountain and using midlatitude climatological winter profiles of wind and thermal stability at 40° and 50°N supported their hypothesis (Woods and Smith 2011).
Here, the Scandinavian observations at 61°N are investigated by conducting three-dimensional numerical simulations using upstream wind and stability profiles from the time of the observations as initial and background conditions. At the lower boundary, a realistic high-resolution orography is specified. Another distinctive feature of the present case compared to Woods and Smith (2011) is the presence of a pronounced TIL, a sharp inversion layer capping the troposphere under the nearly steady high pressure ridge during the time of the observations.
The most important of the four numerical sensitivity experiments demonstrates that mountain-wave breaking in the middle atmosphere and the subsequent modification of the stratospheric flow above the TIL are indeed the key factors for the occurrence of short trapped modes along the TIL (section 5a). In particular, and in contrast to the results of Woods and Smith (2011), a thermal wave duct gradually forms underneath the lower stratospheric wave-breaking region as the numerical simulation progresses. When stratospheric breaking of the primary mountain waves is intentionally suppressed by adding additional viscosity to the numerical integration, the simulated atmospheric flow remains steady, and the short waves along the TIL are absent (section 5a).
Simulated mountain waves transporting horizontal momentum are in the range of
A further sensitivity experiment varied the orographic ruggedness (section 5b) by smoothing the high-resolution terrain. Only if filter lengths larger than 10 km are applied, the momentum of the upward-propagating modes
Finally, it should be added that great care should be taken when choosing the height of the model top. The presented numerical simulations indicate that computational domains encompassing the troposphere and the stratosphere/mesosphere are essential to properly simulate the fine-scale and transient dynamics at the tropopause.
This work was partly funded by the Federal Ministry for Education and Research under Grant 01LG1907 (Project WASCLIM) in the frame of the Role of the Middle Atmosphere in Climate (ROMIC) program. Further support by the German Science foundation under Grants GW-TP/DO 1020/9-1 and PACOG/RA 1400/6-1 in the frame of the DFG-research group MS-GWAVES is also acknowledged. Access to the operational ECMWF data used for the interpolation onto the HALO flight tracks was granted through the special project “Gravity Waves and Turbulence over the Andes.” The numerical simulations were conducted at the German Climate Computing Center (Deutsches Klimarechenzentrum, DKRZ) and the Leibniz Supercomputing Centre (LRZ; https://www.lrz.de). The author gratefully acknowledges the Gauss Centre for Supercomputing e.V. (https://www.gauss-centre.eu) for providing computing time on the GCS Supercomputer SuperMUC LRZ. The author thanks Piotr K. Smolarkiewicz for reading an early version of the paper and the stimulating discussions. The author is also grateful for the continued interest of the reviewers Dave Fritts and Ulrich Achatz and would like to thank a third anonymous referee.
Data availability statement.
The in situ airborne observations are available from the HALO database at https://halo-db.pa.op.dlr.de. The in situ data from the DLR Falcon data have the dataset numbers 4366 and 4367, and the BAHAMAS data from HALO have the number 3837. The DWL data can be accessed via the dataset numbers 4394 and 4395. The ECMWF IFS data interpolated along the aircraft’s flight tracks have the dataset number 5828. The operational analyses of the ECMWF are publically available via their website at https://www.ecmwf.int. Due to the large magnitude of the binary data from the numerical EULAG runs, these data are available on request.
Airborne Observations
The airborne in situ observations were conducted on the DLR Falcon and the HALO research aircraft by means of a nose boom probe with a 5-hole sensor. The in situ observations collected by the Basic HALO Measurement and Sensor System (BAHAMAS) provide high-resolution measurements of horizontal and vertical wind components as well as temperatures, pressures, and water vapor mixing ratios at flight altitude with high temporal resolution, i.e., up to 100 Hz (Giez et al. 2017, 2019, 2021, 2022). Details to the in situ measurements and remote sensing DWL observations on board the DLR Falcon including information on the accuracy and precision can be found in Gisinger et al. (2020) and Witschas et al. (2023). Figure A1 displays the airborne in situ measurements of the vertical wind on board the DLR Falcon and the German research aircraft HALO during along the six cross-mountain legs; see Table 1 for the details of times and altitudes. Figures 5 and A2 display the DWL measurements along the two cross-mountain legs of the DLR Falcon. In addition to previous visualizations by Gisinger et al. (2020) or by Witschas et al. (2023), contour lines of the potential temperature and the horizontal wind from interpolated IFS fields are superimposed.
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