The NOAA Integrated Surface Irradiance Study (ISIS)—A New Surface Radiation Monitoring Program

B. B. Hicks
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This paper describes a new radiation monitoring program, the Integrated Surface Irradiance Study (ISIS), that builds upon and takes over from earlier NOAA networks monitoring components of solar radiation [both the visible component (SOLRAD) and the shortwave component that causes sunburn, UV-B] across the continental United States. ISIS is implemented in two levels. Level 1 addresses incoming radiation only, and level 2 addresses the surface radiation balance. Level 2 also constitutes the SURFRAD (Surface Radiation) program of the NOAA Office of Global Programs, specifically intended to provide radiation data to support large-scale hydrologic studies that will be conducted under the Global Energy and Water Cycle Experiment. Eventually, it is planned for level 2 sites to monitor all components of the surface energy balance. Both levels of ISIS will eventually measure both visible and UV radiation components. At present, there are nine sites that are considered to be at ISIS level 1 standard and an additional four level 2 SURFRAD sites. A 10th level 1 site will be in operation soon. Plans call for an increase in the number of sites of both kinds, up to about 15 ISIS sites, of which 6 will be at the SURFRAD level. Data are available via FTP at or at (level 2).

*Air Resources Laboratory, NOAA, Silver Spring, Maryland.

+Surface Radiation Research Branch, NOAA/ARL, Boulder, Colorado.

#Atmospheric Turbulence and Diffusion Division, NOAA/ARL, Oak Ridge, Tennessee.

Corresponding author address: Bruce Hicks, Director, Air Resources Laboratory, NOAA/Environmental Research Laboratories, SSMC3 Room 3151, 1315 East-West Highway, Silver Spring, MD 20910.

This paper describes a new radiation monitoring program, the Integrated Surface Irradiance Study (ISIS), that builds upon and takes over from earlier NOAA networks monitoring components of solar radiation [both the visible component (SOLRAD) and the shortwave component that causes sunburn, UV-B] across the continental United States. ISIS is implemented in two levels. Level 1 addresses incoming radiation only, and level 2 addresses the surface radiation balance. Level 2 also constitutes the SURFRAD (Surface Radiation) program of the NOAA Office of Global Programs, specifically intended to provide radiation data to support large-scale hydrologic studies that will be conducted under the Global Energy and Water Cycle Experiment. Eventually, it is planned for level 2 sites to monitor all components of the surface energy balance. Both levels of ISIS will eventually measure both visible and UV radiation components. At present, there are nine sites that are considered to be at ISIS level 1 standard and an additional four level 2 SURFRAD sites. A 10th level 1 site will be in operation soon. Plans call for an increase in the number of sites of both kinds, up to about 15 ISIS sites, of which 6 will be at the SURFRAD level. Data are available via FTP at or at (level 2).

*Air Resources Laboratory, NOAA, Silver Spring, Maryland.

+Surface Radiation Research Branch, NOAA/ARL, Boulder, Colorado.

#Atmospheric Turbulence and Diffusion Division, NOAA/ARL, Oak Ridge, Tennessee.

Corresponding author address: Bruce Hicks, Director, Air Resources Laboratory, NOAA/Environmental Research Laboratories, SSMC3 Room 3151, 1315 East-West Highway, Silver Spring, MD 20910.