Convective clouds play an important role in the Earth’s climate system and are a known source of extreme weather. Gaps in our understanding of convective vertical motions, microphysics, and precipitation across a full range of aerosol and meteorological regimes continue to limit our ability to predict the occurrence and intensity of these cloud systems. Towards improving predictability, the National Science Foundation (NSF) sponsored a large field experiment entitled “Experiment of Sea Breeze Convection, Aerosols, Precipitation, and Environment (ESCAPE).” ESCAPE took place between 30 May - 30 Sept. 2022 in the vicinity of Houston, TX because this area frequently experiences isolated deep convection that interacts with the region's mesoscale circulations and its range of aerosol conditions.
ESCAPE focused on collecting observations of isolated deep convection through innovative sampling, and on developing novel analysis techniques. This included the deployment of two research aircraft, the National Research Council of Canada Convair-580 and the Stratton Park Engineering Company Learjet, which combined conducted 24 research flights from 30 May to 17 June. On the ground, three mobile X-band radars, and one mobile Doppler lidar truck equipped with soundings, were deployed from 30 May to 28 June. From 1 August to 30 Sept. 2022, a dual-polarization C-band radar was deployed and operated using a novel, multi-sensor agile adaptive sampling strategy to track the entire lifecycle of isolated convective clouds. Analysis of the ESCAPE observations has already yielded preliminary findings on how aerosols and environmental conditions impact the convective life cycle.
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