1. Introduction
Fluctuations in the midlatitude zonal-mean zonal wind (
Northern Hemisphere
To address this question, we calculated the zonal-mean zonal momentum budget for the leading empirical orthogonal function (EOF) of monthly mean wintertime
The prominent role of stationary waves in maintaining
Other studies (e.g., Thompson and Wallace 2000; Hartmann and Lo 1998; Nigam 1990; Karoly 1990; Kidson 1985, 1986; Trenberth 1984) have identified zonal index fluctuations in the Southern Hemisphere, where climatological and anomalous stationary waves are relatively weak. As in the above simple model studies,
On the other hand, the idea of mutual adjustment between
Weickmann and his collaborators discuss the driving of
An important point discussed by Weickmann and Sardeshmukh is that the presence of climatological stationary waves allows a zonally asymmetric pattern of external forcing to produce a zonal-mean response by generating stationary Rossby waves that then interact with the climatological stationary waves to produce a
Apart from any dynamical considerations, some researchers have contested the physical significance of
To what extent does the Northern Hemisphere zonal index represent a coherent mode of variability affecting the entire polar vortex rather than an amalgam of unrelated regional phenomena? We address this question by examining the
Differences in the appearance of the NAO and the PNA pattern are also reflected in their zonal-mean zonal momentum budgets. The budget decomposition for the NAO is nearly identical to the budget for the first
The remainder of this paper is divided into five sections. Section 2 describes the data used in the analysis and displays the leading
2. Data and EOF analysis
a. Data description
All data in this study come from the National Centers for Environmental Prediction–National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCEP–NCAR) 40-yr Reanalysis (Kalnay et al. 1996). Monthly mean pressure level data were obtained at 2.5° × 2.5° resolution from http://wesley.wwb.noaa.gov/ncep_data/index_sgi62.html for the period of January 1958–February 1998. The monthly means are averages of four 6-h analyses for each day. In addition to monthly mean fields such as winds and geopotential heights, the online dataset contains a variety of transient flux statistics, including the meridional flux of zonal momentum by submonthly transients, which is required for the calculation of the momentum budgets. The transient momentum flux is available on 12 levels, from 1000 to 100 mb, while the monthly mean winds are available on 17 levels, from 1000 to 10 mb. To limit the size of the dataset, the longitudinal resolution was reduced from 2.5° to 5° by removing grid points corresponding to longitudes that are not divisible by 5.
The extent to which the data reflect biases in the assimilating model rather than the dynamics of the real atmosphere is an important issue in all observational diagnostic studies. As a test of our results, we repeated the budget calculation for the zonal index of Ting et al. (shown in Fig. 4) using data for the period of 1979–93 from the reanalysis of the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (Gibson et al. 1997). Despite the differences in assimilation methods and the different period of record, the budget (not shown) is quite similar to the corresponding NCEP–NCAR budget. The similarity is perhaps to be expected, since in our domain the largest discrepancies between available atmospheric datasets involve the divergent circulation in the Tropics (e.g., Trenberth and Olson 1988), while the transients and stationary waves that maintain the
b. EOF analysis
We use a standard EOF analysis to identify the dominant patterns of
The first EOF (EOF1), which explains 30.6% of the variance, is shown in Fig. 1a. The spatial pattern has a dipole structure in which a slackening of the winds at 35°N is accompanied by enhanced westerlies around 55°N. A positive anomaly (high index state) thus corresponds to a shift of the westerlies toward higher latitudes, or a contraction of the polar vortex. The northern cell of the pattern has a strong connection to the stratosphere, which is reminiscent of the high-latitude stratospheric anomalies found in Nigam’s (1990) leading
Figure 1c shows the
Figure 1e shows the
3. The zonal-mean zonal momentum budget
Ideally, the zonal-mean zonal momentum budgets should exclude below-ground data and include a mountain pressure contribution from elevation differences between points where the pressure surfaces intersect the ground. However, in the budgets shown below, the dominant balance in the free atmosphere is between the Coriolis force and the momentum flux by transients and stationary waves, with the momentum fluxes occurring at altitudes that are largely above the highest surface elevations. The bogus underground data and the neglected mountain pressure term will thus have their impact mainly on the residual term, which has all of its amplitude at low levels. To determine the effects of the underground data and neglected mountain forcing, we recalculated the vertically integrated momentum budget residual for EOF1 in σ coordinates. The σ-coordinate budget, which automatically excludes below-ground data, agrees with the pressure-level budget to within a few percent over most of the domain.
4. Budgets for u EOF1 and zonal indices
a. Momentum budget for u EOF1
Figure 2 shows the momentum budget for EOF1. It is clear from the figure that while transients (Fig. 2a) and stationary waves (Fig. 2b) both provide momentum to maintain the
The forcing by mean-meridional motions, shown in Fig. 2c, is almost entirely due to the Coriolis term
The budget residual (Fig. 2d) is strongly suggestive of Ekman layer dissipation, since it has large values in the boundary layer below the
b. Column-mean forcing and u response
A notorious problem with budget studies such as this one is the lack of a clear dynamical relationship between the
Despite these concerns, Fig. 3 shows that there is a strong empirical relationship between the column-mean forcing and
It could be argued that it is the surface
c. Momentum budgets for zonal indices
Figures 4a–d show the budget for Ting et al.’s index, which is strongly similar to the EOF1 budget. The prominent role of stationary waves in driving the
Figures 4e–h show the momentum budget for the index discussed by Rossby and Namias. Again, stationary waves make a larger momentum contribution than transients. The differences between this budget and the EOF1 budget are consistent with the differences in the
5. Asymmetric circulations associated with u fluctuations
a. Regional contributions to u forcing by stationary waves
What pattern of stationary waves drives the
While covariant streamfunction anomalies occur throughout the Northern Hemisphere, the features in the Atlantic and European sectors are largely responsible for the momentum fluxes that drive the
Some caution is in order when examining the local values of momentum fluxes such as those in Fig. 5b. In the zonal mean, a small northward or southward bias in the flux over a large area could outweigh the contribution of a few strong but localized centers. Thus, the figure may be overemphasizing the importance of the Atlantic and western European features discussed above. To assess the contribution of these features, we compared the zonal mean of the momentum flux in Fig. 5b with the zonal mean produced when all fluxes outside the region from 100°W to 60°E were set to zero. In the second case, the zonal mean is weaker by 20%–30%. The comparison shows that although other fluxes cannot be neglected, the bulk of the momentum flux is indeed occurring in the Atlantic and western European sectors.
b. u EOF1 and the canonical modes of variability
Does EOF1 represent a preferred mode of atmospheric variability, or is it a synthetic pattern that reflects the influence of several localized modes? This question is examined in Fig. 6, which shows the leading modes of variability taken from an RPC analysis of the 200-mb geopotential height (Figs. 6a,c,e), together with the corresponding
The leading mode of the RPC analysis clearly shows the kind of in-phase expansion and contraction of the entire polar vortex suggested by EOF1. The pattern has a negative cell over the polar cap surrounded by a belt of positive values with centers in the Atlantic and Pacific sectors. The covariant
The largest amplitudes of the mode occur in the Atlantic sector, with an opposition between Greenland and western Europe that is reminiscent of the NAO as well as the Arctic oscillation (AO) of Thompson and Wallace (1998, 2000). The association between this mode and the NAO and AO is confirmed in Fig. 7a, which shows the covariant sea level pressure (SLP). The covariant pattern closely resembles the leading EOF of SLP used by Thompson and Wallace to identify the AO, as well as the NAO-covariant SLP pattern of Hurrell (1995, Fig. 3). Although the SLP pattern in Fig. 7a has slightly more zonal symmetry than Hurrell’s pattern, it lacks the larger Pacific sector amplitude that distinguishes the AO from the NAO (cf. Thompson and Wallace 2000, their Fig. 1d, with Hurrell 1995, his Fig. 3b). The time series of the leading 200-mb height mode is shown in Fig. 7b to facilitate comparison between this mode and other indices. The correlation between this time series and the time series of the leading SLP EOF is 0.85, and its correlation with Hurrell’s NAO index, obtained from http://www.cgd.ucar.edu/cas/climind/nao_monthly.html, is 0.93.
The second mode (Fig. 7c) has a correlation of 0.80 with the Niño-3.4 SST index and shows the anticyclones that straddle the equator in the eastern Pacific during El Niño winters. The
The third mode has all of the characteristics of the PNA pattern (Wallace and Gutzler 1981, Fig. 16), with a three-celled wave train crossing North America from the Aleutian Gulf to the mid-Atlantic coast of the United States. Although this teleconnection pattern does not represent a coherent fluctuation of the polar vortex, the corresponding
Examination of the NAO- and PNA-covariant
c. Zonal–eddy dynamics of the NAO and PNA modes
The spatial patterns of the NAO and PNA modes suggest that there may be differences in their zonal–eddy dynamics, and we begin our consideration of these differences by examining the stationary waves associated with the two modes. The 250-mb eddy streamfunction anomalies for the modes, as well as the corresponding anomalies for EOF1, are plotted in Fig. 8. Figure 8a shows the EOF1 anomalies (same as in Fig. 5a, but centered on the date line), and Fig. 8b shows the stationary waves for the linear combination of the NAO and PNA modes that provides the best fit to Fig. 8a. The NAO- and PNA-covariant eddy streamfunctions are shown independently in Figs. 8c and 8d. Together, the NAO and PNA modes account for about 75% of the variance of EOF1, and a comparison of Figs. 8a and 8b reveals that all of the EOF1 eddy streamfunction anomalies in the northern extratropics are captured in the NAO–PNA composite. Further comparison of Figs. 8c and 8d shows that, although the PNA mode explains only 10% of the global EOF1 variance, it accounts for most of the amplitude of the EOF1 stationary waves over the central Pacific and western North America, while the NAO mode accounts for the EOF1 features over the Atlantic and Eurasian sectors.
From Fig. 5 we know that the stationary wave momentum fluxes that sustain the EOF1
The spatial pattern of the PNA mode suggests a different zonal–eddy relationship. Unlike their NAO counterparts, the PNA stationary waves are not well positioned to generate northward momentum fluxes by interacting with the climatological stationary waves. The streamfunction dipole in the central Pacific (Fig. 8d) implies a strong zonal wind anomaly in the exit region of the East Asian jet, which extends and retracts the jet but has a relatively small impact on the poleward flux of zonal momentum in the region. An examination of the linear momentum fluxes for the PNA mode over the American sector (not shown) shows that there, too, the linear fluxes are weaker and less organized than the linear fluxes associated with the NAO mode in the Atlantic and European sectors. On the other hand, for a
Figure 10 compares the relative strengths of the linear and nonlinear stationary wave momentum fluxes associated with the PNA and NAO modes. The linear and nonlinear fluxes are given by
6. Concluding remarks
Simply stated, the stationary waves associated with the monthly mean Northern Hemisphere zonal index and the related NAO mode maintain the corresponding
It must be emphasized that the momentum budget does not establish a causal relationship between the
Our discussion so far suggests that the circulation anomalies associated with the NAO and the zonal index are manifestations of internal atmospheric dynamics that would occur even in the absence of external forcing. However, external forcing may still be implicated in the low-frequency behavior of the anomalies. Although the simple atmospheric models of James and James (1992) and Yu and Hartmann (1993) produced low-frequency oscillations based solely on internal dynamics, such low-frequency behavior has not been reported in realistic atmospheric general circulation models (AGCMs) forced by climatological boundary conditions. The two most obvious aspects of the low-frequency index behavior of Figs. 1b and 7b are the long-term upward trend, which has been associated with the warming of the northern landmasses, and the persistence of anomalies of the same sign from winter to winter.
Perlwitz and Graf (1995) find a similar long-term trend in a leading mode of the combined variability of the stratosphere and troposphere, which resembles our NAO mode. They ascribe the trend to anthropogenically induced global warming, arguing for a “top-down” influence in which greenhouse warming first affects the strength of the stratospheric polar vortex, which then modifies the tropospheric circulation and surface temperatures. The mechanism for top-down control is taken from work by Kodera and collaborators (e.g., Kodera 1994; Kodera et al. 1996), who find a zonal-eddy feedback mechanism similar to the one discussed here in their studies of stratosphere–troposphere interactions. These authors claim that the zonal-eddy feedback mechanism makes the troposphere sensitive to changes in the stratospheric polar vortex, because changes in the stratospheric polar vortex can modulate the propagation of stationary waves, which in turn create tropospheric
Contraction and intensification of the north polar vortex have not traditionally been identified as a response to CO2 doubling in global warming simulations, but positive AO trends were reported in the studies of Shindell et al. (1999) and Fyfe et al. (1999). Shindell et al. obtained their result only when enhanced resolution was used in the stratosphere, but Fyfe et al. used very limited stratospheric resolution. In both cases, the trends are weak in comparison with observations.
Even if the stratospheric effects of global warming are behind the long-term trend, global warming cannot easily explain the multiyear persistent periods that occur for both phases of the NAO mode. Rather, the persistence suggests that the mode is affected by conditions at the lower boundary, such as snow cover (Kodera and Koide 1997), sea ice, or SSTs. The recent study of Rodwell et al. (1999) presented a simulation in which most of the low-frequency behavior of Hurrell’s NAO index is reproduced by an AGCM forced with observed SSTs.
Despite the success of this simulation, the influence of SSTs is still a matter of some debate. Several studies (e.g., Deser and Timlin 1997; Battisti et al. 1995) have shown that atmospheric flow anomalies in the North Atlantic sector have a strong effect on the underlying ocean so that the ocean can be called upon to “remember” the NAO mode. These oceanic memories can only explain persistence if they can be recalled by the atmosphere at a later time, however, and attempts to show an atmospheric response to midlatitude SST anomalies have had mixed results. For example, Palmer and Sun (1985), Lau and Nath (1990), and Latif and Barnett (1996) found a robust atmospheric response, but Lau and Nath (1994), Kushnir and Held (1996), and Bladé (1997) got very limited responses.
As a first step in understanding the processes that lead to the low-frequency behavior of the NAO mode, we have undertaken a dynamical diagnosis of the NAO-related stationary waves using a steady linear primitive equation model. The diagnosis, to be reported in a forthcoming paper (DeWeaver and Nigam 2000), provides a detailed description of the forcing of the stationary waves associated with the NAO mode. As in previous studies, zonal-mean flow changes provide the dominant forcing to the stationary waves, although transients and diabatic heating are also important. More research is needed, however, to determine how these forcing terms are influenced by conditions in the stratosphere and at the lower boundary.
This work was supported by Grants DOE/OER/CHAMMP DEFG0295-ER-62022 and DOE/OER/CCPP DEFG0298-ER-62612 to Ferdinand Baer and NSF Grants ATM9316278 and ATM9422507 to Sumant Nigam, both at the University of Maryland.
The authors would like to thank J. M. Wallace and D. W. J. Thompson for helpful discussions. We are also grateful to B. J. Hoskins and M. Ting for their insightful peer reviews.
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