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We are aware of a technical issue preventing figures and tables from showing in some newly published articles in the full-text HTML view.
While we are resolving the problem, please use the online PDF version of these articles to view figures and tables.

We would like to make important announcements concerning all AMS journals on three topics: 1) AMS Legacy Journals Online, 2) electronic submission of manuscripts, and 3) electronic enhancements to journal articles.

1) AMS Legacy Journals Online. Since January 1997 all AMS journals have been produced in such a way that they are accessible in the traditional print form and in electronic forms that are available over the World Wide Web as the AMS Journals Online (http://ams.allenpress/amsonline). The electronic forms are of two types, one for onscreen viewing and one [the popular Portable Document Format (PDF) form] for downloading to your own machine and making a hard copy on your own printer. During the last year and a half, the AMS and Allen Press have been working together on a “Legacy Project” to make all pre-1997 AMS journal articles (back to 1974 for Monthly Weather Review) available online. We are happy to announce near completion of this project. Now, nearly all AMS journal articles for years prior to 1997 are available online for downloading in PDF format. We encourage readers to make use of this wonderful new service. For a fixed, one-time price, members may purchase perpetual online access to the complete set of the AMS Legacy Journals Online. These journal articles may be searched at the title, author, abstract, and full-text levels, making this an incredibly powerful research tool. Please consult the AMS Web site (http://www.ametsoc.org/AMS) for details on individual and institutional subscriptions.

2) Electronic submission of manuscripts. The present method of submitting a manuscript for publication in an AMS journal involves mailing five copies of the text and figures, along with a signed copyright agreement form, to a Chief Editor (or the responsible Editor in the case of the Journal of Physical Oceanography). In addition to this traditional form of submission, we are pleased to announce that authors now have the option of submitting manuscripts electronically. Electronically submitted manuscripts for all AMS journals will be hosted on a single AMS server and will be available electronically to editors and reviewers. This should eliminate some of the delays and costs associated with regular mail. In order to make these electronically submitted manuscripts easily available to the responsible editor and to the chosen reviewers, submissions must be as either Postscript (PS) or PDF files. Files in PDF format are strongly preferred because that format simplifies the publication process. For details on how to submit a manuscript electronically, please refer to the AMS Authors’ Guide under “Electronic Submission of Manuscripts.” The Authors’ Guide is available electronically at http://www.ametsoc.org/AMS/pubs/ag_docs/ag_mainpage.html.

3) Electronic enhancements. The advent of the online versions of AMS journals provides an opportunity to expand our service to authors and readers by including material in electronic form that cannot be presented within the print journal format. Electronic content such as additional figures, short animated visualizations, small datasets, and source code for model and analysis programs can provide new dimensions to the communication of research results. Thus, we are pleased to announce that it is now possible to enhance the scientific content of AMS journal articles through the inclusion of material in electronic form that would become a part of the AMS online journal article. While supplemental material has occasionally been included on CD-ROMs accompanying special issues in a few cases, we now seek to expand the opportunities for electronic content, and we encourage authors to include electronic enhancements for any submitted AMS journal article. The print journal continues to be the official archive for the journals, so the manuscript must be able to stand on its own for review. Electronic enhancements will be evaluated using the same scientific standards as used in the evaluation of the manuscript. If accepted, this electronic material will be posted on the AMS Web site with links from the online journal article. We believe that electronic content can provide substantial added value to the presentation of certain topics and encourage authors to take advantage of this opportunity. For details on how to submit a manuscript with an electronic enhancement, including file types and size limitations, please refer to the Authors’ Guide under “Electronic Enhancements to AMS Journals.”
