1. Introduction
The U.S. National Research Council, in its decadal survey of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) and the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) (National Research Council, Committee on Earth Science and Applications from Space 2007), has called for the following new philosophy in monitoring climate change from space:
Design of climate observing and monitoring systems from space must ensure the establishment of global, long-term climate records, which are of high accuracy, tested for systematic errors on-orbit, and tied to irrefutable standards such as those maintained in the U.S. by the National Institute of Standards and Technology. For societal objectives that require long-term climate records, the accuracy of core benchmark observations must be verified against absolute standards on-orbit by fundamentally independent methods, such that the accuracy of the record archived today can be verified by future generations. Societal objectives also require a long-term record not susceptible to compromise by interruptions in that data record.
In this note we call observations that satisfy these demands climate benchmarks.
Climate benchmarks mark a departure from the current paradigm of climate monitoring in which space instruments are assumed to be “stable.” In the stability paradigm, the accuracy of an instrument is assumed to be unknown yet unchanging. A climate data record is formed, then, by adding offsets to each in a series of satellite instruments so that there is no difference between satellites’ measurements during periods of overlap (National Research Council, Committee on Climate Data Records from NOAA Operational Satellites 2004). The result is a time series of measurements with no obvious discontinuities. Prime examples of this paradigm are the records of upper-air temperature established using the Microwave Soundings Units (MSUs) aboard the NOAA series satellites (Spencer and Christy 1990). Some evidence is given to support the stability of the MSU instruments (Spencer and Christy 1993), but complications in bias adjustment during periods of instrument temporal overlap—a procedure that must be undertaken because the instrument accuracy is unknown—provide the ultimate uncertainty in the climate record established by MSU (Climate Change Science Program 2006).
The paradigm of climate monitoring using instruments traceable to international measurement standards (National Research Council, Committee on Earth Science and Applications from Space 2007; Ohring 2007) calls for a different analysis technique. After calibration, every measurement obtained is known to be accurate to within an uncertainty determined by the multiple calibration pathways to the international system of units on board the spacecraft. No statement can or need be made regarding whether the uncertainty of the measurements is changing or unchanging with time. Conservative error analysis requires that the worst-case scenario for error propagation be considered the relevant one: if changing uncertainty leads to greater error in the result, then changing uncertainty must be assumed; if unchanging uncertainty leads to greater error in the result, then unchanging uncertainty must be assumed. Ordinary linear regression is the obvious analysis method for climate benchmark data. With a series of climate benchmarks, one obtains a time series of data, with or without gaps in time, wherein each data point is accurate to within an uncertainty established by its traceable pathways to international standards. In the problem of detecting slowly evolving trends in the climate system, one must also consider the shorter time-scale natural fluctuations of the climate as an additional source of uncertainty. Thus, the uncertainty associated with each point in a time series of data is estimated as the standard deviation of the data points from the best-fit line, and both measurement uncertainty and natural variability contribute to that standard deviation. In considering their contributions through a proper error analysis, one arrives at minimum signal detection times and requirements for instrument accuracy that are dictated by nature. In this paper, we present such an error analysis.
2. Derivation by linear regression
Equation (10) bears a simple interpretation. It is obvious that the longer the time series, the easier it should be to distinguish a trend from natural variability (and measurement uncertainty). We call this the baseline effect. If we have just two data separated by Δt in time, the uncertainty in the trend determination is just the uncertainty in the measurements divided by the baseline Δt. The mathematical expression for this is |δm| ≈ σvar/Δt, wherein the error in the determination of the slope is inversely proportional to the baseline of the time series. Advantage is gained, though, from the fact that a continuous time series offers the possibility of averaging out some of the natural variability. We call this the averaging effect. The advantage is proportional to the inverse square root of the number of independent measurements in the time series. Because fluctuations associated with natural variability in the climate system last about a correlation time τvar, the number of independent measurements in the time series is Δt/τvar. Putting the baseline and averaging effects together, the error in the slope becomes |δm| ≈ σvar/Δt ×
3. Accuracy requirements
From Eq. (11) it is clear that there is a lower bound on the time it takes to detect a signal with a prescribed level of confidence that is dictated by nature alone, and measurement uncertainty amplifies that detection time only in proportion to natural variability. The cube-root quantity in square brackets in Eq. (11) gives the minimum time to detect a climate signal, which can be easily seen by setting the measurement uncertainty, and hence f, to zero. One consequence of a full consideration of the correlation time constant of natural variability is that detection time remains unchanged after smoothing a time series of data. By smoothing data, one can reduce the departures (σvar) from a fitted line by the inverse square root of the smoothing interval, but the effective increase in the time constant of the departures [τvar as defined by Eq. (7)] from the fitted line cancels the reduction in departures when considering the two in combination through the product σ2varτvar.
Second, from Eq. (11) it is also clear that measurement uncertainty amplifies the time to detection only when considered in direct relation to natural variability (through the factor f ). If one requires that f < 0.5, then the time to detection is only increased by <8% over what nature allows. If one assumes that the correlation time constant of the measurement uncertainty is the lifetime of the climate benchmark instrument in question, then the accuracy requirement for the mission must be inversely proportional to the square root of the instrument lifetime. The constant of proportionality σvar
Third, from Eq. (11) it is also clear that detection time is decreased when the time constant associated with measurement uncertainty is decreased. The time constant associated with measurement uncertainty τmeas is difficult to quantify, so we use the “worst-case scenario” concept described in the introduction to argue for its magnitude. In short, a dataset can be no more credible (or accurate) than one can experimentally demonstrate. If an instrument is designed to be traceable to international standards (Pollock et al. 2003) with uncertainty σmeas, it is possible that the residual difference between truth and measurement can wander within the limits of σmeas during the lifetime of the mission, and this would certainly aid the cause of detection by effectively decreasing the product σ2measτmeas [see Eq. (8)]. It is impossible, though, to experimentally demonstrate that the residual difference between truth and measurement wanders on time scales shorter than the mission lifetime, because no measurement can be made with an uncertainty smaller than σmeas. On the other hand, if the residual difference between truth and calibrated measurement persists for the duration of a satellite mission, then the uncertainty in the determination of the estimated trend is greatly enhanced through the product σ2measτmeas. It is impossible to demonstrate experimentally that the residual difference between the truth and measurement remains constant over an instrument’s lifetime, but because the latter case is the worst-case scenario, which one cannot disprove experimentally; we argue that τmeas must be the mission lifetime.
4. Example: Upper-air temperature
As an example, we assume that a satellite-borne climate benchmark instrument obtains global average temperature measurements centered at 500 hPa. We wish to assess the dependence of a global warming detection time given two possible instrument lifetimes (τmeas = 2, 6 yr) and an array of possible accuracy requirements for instrument uncertainty (σmeas). We wish to test climate models by constraining the sensitivity of the climate to an uncertainty of 20%, so we set s = 5.
In Table 1 we give s = 5 detection times for a global warming signal of m = 0.2 K decade−1. We assume that natural variability has σvar = 0.18 K with time constant τvar = 1.54 yr for the global average temperature of the 500-hPa surface, consistent with a realistic preindustrial control run of the Met Office’s Third Hadley Centre Coupled Ocean–Atmosphere General Circulation Model (HadCM3), taken from the Third Coupled Model Intercomparison Project (CMIP3) archive of climate model runs hosted by the Program for Climate Model Diagnosis and Intercomparison (PCMDI). The minimum detection time is found to be 33.4 yr. A series of climate benchmark missions, each with a 2-yr lifetime, clearly has shorter detection times than the series of missions with 6-yr lifetimes. If one chooses to follow a f = 0.5 rule for a science requirement, the detection time becomes 36.0 yr, just 2.6 yr over the minimum; the series of 2-yr missions must have an accuracy of 0.079 K, and the series of 6-yr missions must have an accuracy of 0.046 K. [If natural variability is uncorrelated from year to year (τvar = 1 yr), then the minimum time to detection would be 29.0 yr.]
5. Conclusions
Using standard linear regression and error propagation techniques, we have derived a formula that can be used to compute accuracy requirements for a climate benchmark mission. The requirements relate measurement uncertainty and instrument lifetime directly to the natural variability of the climate and the correlation time scale of that variability. Explicitly, those requirements are governed by Eq. (12) with f < 0.5.
We have found that more precise trend estimates are associated with shorter instrument lifetimes given the same measurement uncertainty. This is best understood by a simple example. If one desires a precise trend estimate over a 20-yr time series of data, flying 10 satellites with a 2-yr lifetime is preferred to flying 4 satellites with a 5-yr lifetime. The reason is that measurement uncertainties associated with the satellites’ instruments can be assumed to be uncorrelated, and thus average out with more satellites. In the absence of natural variability, the uncertainty in trend determination from the 10-satellite time series will be a factor of ≃
Other factors enter when establishing accuracy requirements for a mission. One must decide acceptable signal detection times given the expense involved in deploying climate benchmark satellite instruments. The minimum detection time dictated by nature must be considered. While shorter lifetimes (and hence more frequent deployment) for satellite instruments decreases detection times, the increase in the number of satellite instruments will dramatically inflate the expense of a signal detection program. On the other hand, the shorter lifetime missions generally require less accurate instruments, which are expected to be lower in cost per instrument than more accurate (and longer lifetime) instruments.
We thank Dr. Jerry Sullivan and Dr. John Dykema for their helpful suggestions. We acknowledge the modeling groups for making their simulations available for analysis, the PCMDI for collecting and archiving the CMIP3 model output, and the WCRP’s Working Group on Coupled Modelling (WGCM) for organizing the model data analysis activity. The WCRP CMIP3 multimodel dataset is supported by the Office of Science, U.S. Department of Energy. This work was supported by Grant ATM-0450288 of the National Science Foundation.
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Dependence of signal detection time on measurement uncertainty (σmeas) and instrument lifetime (τmeas) is shown. An interannual variability of 500-hPa temperature of σvar = 0.18 K with a correlation time constant of τvar = 1.54 yr and a trend of m = 0.2 K decade−1 is assumed.