1. Background
The response of the hydrological cycle to global warming is critical to our understanding of global climate change. Held and Soden (2006, hereafter HS06) summarized some aspects of the changes in the hydrological cycle that are robust across different model simulations of anthropogenic climate change, generated for the Fourth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). Different models have widely divergent climate sensitivities, so the amount of warming varies between models. However, the relationship between surface temperature increases and certain hydrological cycle changes is remarkably consistent between models. In this work, we examine whether the hydrological cycle responses are equally robust for slow-global-warming scenarios that occurred naturally in the past by examining a simulation of the climate evolution of the last 22 000 years in a state-of-art climate model (Liu et al. 2009). We find that global water vapor increases depend significantly on the time scale of surface warming, because of different spatial patterns of surface temperature response, while global precipitation changes are fairly robust to global warming at rapid, anthropogenic and slow, natural time scales. Meridional precipitation patterns vary between rapid and slow warming, mainly because of different changes in atmospheric flows.
Climate models tend to maintain a fairly constant relative humidity as they warm. In the boundary layer, large relative humidity changes would have to be associated with large changes in surface wind speeds and large changes in surface radiative fluxes (e.g., Held and Soden 2000). In the free troposphere, relative humidity at a given point is determined largely by the temperature at which an air parcel was last saturated. If statistics of flow trajectories remain fairly constant, then one expects these temperatures of last saturation to change similarly to global temperature changes, and relative humidity will remain fairly constant. In other words, theoretically, the result that relative humidity remains fairly constant can be understood by noting that, if atmospheric flows remain nearly constant while the atmosphere warms, the relative humidity distribution will also remain nearly constant [see Pierrehumbert et al. (2007) for more detailed discussion].
Most water vapor resides in the lower troposphere and in the tropics because temperatures are warmest there and hence the equilibrium vapor pressure is highest. For typical lower-tropospheric temperatures α ≈ 7% K−1, which roughly matches the slope of the relationship between
Rates of changes of the zonal-mean column water vapor during simulated anthropogenic warming (from the World Climate Research Programme's Coupled Model Intercomparison Project, phase 3) were examined by O'Gorman and Muller (2010). They found some deviations from CC scaling in the tropics, subtropics, and midlatitudes, but noted that they largely cancel in the global mean.
Boos (2012) examined the relevance of CC scaling in a suite of coupled ocean–atmosphere models archived by the Paleoclimate Modelling Intercomparison Project, phase 2, which simulated snapshot climates of the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM), mid-Holocene, and preindustrial periods using standardized forcings. He found global-mean water vapor increases of only 5% K−1 between the LGM and the preindustrial period and showed that one needs to look at the mean of local fractional changes to see CC scaling.
In contrast to
2. Water vapor results
We simulated the continuous transient evolution of the last 22 000 years (Liu et al. 2009) in a state-of-art coupled ocean–atmosphere model, the Community Climate Model, version 3 (CCSM3 with T31_gx3 resolution; Collins et al. 2006; Yeager et al. 2006). This simulation is forced by realistic external forcing of insolation, atmospheric greenhouse gases, meltwater fluxes, and continental ice sheets [for details, see Liu et al. (2009) and He (2011)]. The simulation compares well with climate reconstructions (Shakun et al. 2012).
Figure 1 shows global-mean, column-integrated water vapor
These differences are not due to relative humidity changes or different absolute temperatures. The total water vapor in the atmosphere, divided by the total water vapor of a saturated atmosphere, ranges from 55.5% to 57% over the 22 000-yr simulation. A
Instead, these differences are due to two factors. First, surface warming exhibits different patterns between rapid and slow warming; second, the global water vapor is dominated by the contribution from the tropics. To examine these patterns of surface warming, we wish to normalize by
Figure 2 shows these normalized patterns of surface warming by latitude, for the average of the four rapid-warming cases and for the slow-warming case. Dashed lines show range of warming for the rapid-warming cases and standard deviation of warming for the slow-warming case. The surface warming exhibits a polar amplification in the Arctic in the rapid-warming case but in both Arctic and Antarctic in the slow-warming case. The lack of warming in the Antarctic in the rapid-warming case is due to the large thermal inertia of the Southern Ocean, where anomalous heat from the atmosphere is drawn into the ocean depths, preventing the southern latitude Earth's surface from warming up very much (e.g., Gregory 2000). During slow warming, the atmosphere and deep ocean equilibrate, permitting greater warming in the Southern Hemisphere's atmosphere and an effectively larger polar amplification in the Southern Hemisphere. Similar Northern and Southern Hemispheric polar amplification was seen in the climate change experiments of Manabe and Stouffer (1980), who used a simple mixed layer ocean and looked at the equilibrium climate response to CO2 quadrupling.
Because of this difference in the geographic pattern of warming between rapid and slow warming, 1 K of global surface warming is relatively more concentrated in the tropics and northern latitudes for the rapid-warming case. Figure 2 also shows the average surface warming in three equal-area boxes. In the rapid-warming case, the tropical third of the earth warms relative to global warming by 0.71 K K−1, while in the slow-warming case, tropical warming is only 0.42 K K−1. Most water vapor resides in the tropics, so the relative amount of tropical warming strongly influences changes in global
If temperature changes are homogenous, then the third term in (3) is zero and the HS06 argument holds. In our slower-warming case, however, this term is −2.7% K−1. In our rapid-warming cases, the third term is close to zero, for example, −0.4% K−1, even though warming is inhomogeneous.
All three terms in (3) are calculated for each case and shown in Table 1. Term 1 represents the slopes in Fig. 1. Term 2 is calculated from (1) using
Note that in all the rapid-warming cases, the correction term due to temperature inhomogeneities is quite small. However, this would be hard to predict a priori from the distribution of warming shown in Fig. 2.
We also examined local δ ln(q)/δT as a function of latitude and height in the rapid- and slow-warming cases (Fig. 3). For the slow-warming cases, we used the same bins as for Fig. 2. For the rapid-warming cases, we found the difference (as in Fig. 2) and then averaged the results. We find that below 800 hPa, the observed rates of increase ranges from 5% to 16% K−1 in the slow-warming case and from 4% to 9% K−1 in the rapid-warming case. The patterns of increase look similar between the two cases, with broad subtropical minima around 700 hPa, where increase rates are as small as 3% K−1. Outside of these minima and some maxima in the ITCZ region, δ ln(q)/δT generally increases with height and latitude. The patterns of local rates of change of water vapor with temperature are similar enough between rapid and slow warming that this does not explain the differences in global water vapor increases between the two simulations.
Using the same methodology, we calculated increases of zonally averaged water vapor relative to zonally averaged surface temperature increases (not shown). These range from 2.4% to 10.8% K−1 for the slow-warming and from 5.6% to 11.7% K−1 for the rapid-warming case. The latter is consistent with the results of O'Gorman and Muller (2010). Despite these variations, an area averaging of these zonal-mean rates of increase yields something close to CC scaling: a rate of increase of 6.3% K−1 for the slow-warming and 7.8% K−1 for the rapid-warming case.
3. Precipitation results
In contrast to the global water vapor response, the global-mean precipitation response to surface temperature increase remains fairly robust to rapid versus slow warming. Figure 4 shows global-mean precipitation versus surface temperature over the last 17 000 years in the fully coupled paleoclimate simulation (black) and in the doubled-CO2 branch simulations (red). In the slow-warming case, the precipitation increases at roughly 2.0% K−1, similar to HS06. In the initial decade of the CO2-doubling cases, precipitation does not increase as rapidly and small reductions below the slow-warming curve are evident. This is likely due to ocean heat uptake reducing the energy available for evaporation at the ocean surface. This effect becomes less prominent as the CO2-doubling cases continue to warm and come closer to equilibrium.
4. Conclusions
We found large differences between the global water vapor responses to rapid, anthropogenic-like warming and slower, paleoclimate-type warming. These differences were due to different warming patterns between the two types of warming (Fig. 2). Meridional patterns of moisture flux convergence also vary between types of warming (as suggested by Fig. 5). Despite these differences, global-mean precipitation changes are remarkably robust between rapid and slow warming, as seen in Fig. 4.
This work was supported by NSF, 2012CB955200, NSFC41130105, the DOE INCITE computing program, and CCR/CPEP.
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