1. Introduction
In Part I (Geoffroy et al. 2013, hereafter Part I), it is shown using the database from phase 5 of the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project (CMIP5) that a two-layer energy-balance model calibrated only from one atmosphere–ocean coupled general circulation model (AOGCM) step-forcing experiment is able to reproduce the idealized scenario with gradual CO2 increase. Such a calibration gives the first-order global thermal properties characterizing an AOGCM. The calibration method requires the determination of both the reference radiative forcing amplitude and the equilibrium climate sensitivity (ECS), defined as the equilibrium mean surface temperature response for a 2×CO2 radiative perturbation.
Determining the ECS and the amplitude of the radiative forcing associated with a given externally imposed perturbation remains an issue and a topic of debate in the literature (e.g., Knutti and Hegerl 2008). While the evaluation of the radiative forcing is complicated by the existence of fast stratospheric and tropospheric adjustments (Gregory and Webb 2008), the determination of the ECS of a given AOGCM requires very long simulations (thousands of years) and is computationally expensive. Alternative methods have been proposed for estimating the equilibrium climate sensitivity. For example, it can be evaluated by coupling the atmospheric general circulation model to a mixed-layer ocean (AGCM-ML). However, an AOGCM and its AGCM-ML counterparts’ estimates of the ECS may differ because the ocean impacts the earth’s energy balance. On the one hand, the ocean circulation redistributes energy. On the other hand, some components such as the sea ice or the cloud field may react differently according to the representation of the ocean (Williams et al. 2008).
Another type of method consists of extrapolating the transient regime AOGCM’s response to equilibrium. These methods lie on the linear assumption between the top-of-the-atmosphere (TOA) radiative imbalance N and the mean surface temperature T response N =
The main shortcoming of this type of method is that the ECS is found to vary in time for some models and methods (Gregory et al. 2004; Senior and Mitchell 2000; Boer and Yu 2003b). This questions the validity of the linear assumption between the radiative response of the climate system and T that is at the heart of energy-balance models (EBMs). Williams et al. (2008) showed that a bias in the estimation of the radiative forcing is partly responsible for these variations but not totally; the assumption of linearity itself has limitations. Indeed, whereas the assumption of linear dependence between the radiative response and T is reasonably robust in equilibrium, it is found not to be valid during the transient regime for some climate models (Gregory et al. 2004; Williams et al. 2008; Winton et al. 2010; Andrews et al. 2012).
Using CMIP3 idealized scenario simulations, Winton et al. (2010) showed that an additional process needs to be taken into account during the transient regime in order to represent the evolution of the radiative imbalance of the climate system. The ocean heat uptake reduces the rate of warming and this effect occurs preferentially in some regions, especially those corresponding to the sinking branches of the thermohaline circulation, in the North Atlantic ocean and the circumpolar ocean of the Southern Hemisphere (Manabe et al. 1991). This modifies the transient regime temperature pattern in comparison with the equilibrium pattern. Because the feedback strength varies geographically, the pattern of surface temperature change induced by the ocean heat uptake may impact the radiative imbalance in the transient regime. This reasoning led Winton et al. (2010) to introduce an efficacy factor for the ocean heat uptake. Held et al. (2010) introduced such an efficacy factor in the two-layer linear EBM.
In this study, this simple model is used to determine the ECS, the adjusted radiative forcing, and the thermal inertia properties of a given AOGCM by taking into account the effect of deep-ocean heat uptake on the radiative imbalance during the transient regime. This allows consistent computation of all the parameters in a single framework. In section 2, the model with this feature is presented, underlying assumptions of the model are discussed, and the calibration method is described. In section 3, this method is applied to CMIP5 abrupt 4×CO2 experiments. Results are discussed and compared with those obtained from the previous version of the EBM, without the efficacy factor. The existence of relationships between the parameters is then investigated. Finally, a decomposition of the TOA net radiative flux in longwave and shortwave components is performed within the framework of this simple model.
2. Two-layer model with an efficacy factor for deep-ocean heat uptake
a. System of equations and analytical solution
b. EBM-ɛ underlying hypothesis
1) Global budget
2) Local budget
The weight coefficient
To conclude section 2b, the introduction of an efficacy factor for the deep-ocean heat uptake ɛ = λ/λD is the result of a decomposition of the temperature pattern as the sum of the temperature response patterns to the radiative forcing, the upper-ocean and the deep-ocean heat uptakes assuming a linear relationship between these forcings and their associated temperature responses. Because the spatial pattern of the temperature response to the deep-ocean heat uptake differs from the equilibrium pattern, the spatial heterogeneity of the radiative feedbacks strength implies that the magnitude of the global radiative feedback varies in time during a climate transition.
c. Effect of efficacy factor of deep-ocean heat uptake
The theoretical temporal evolutions of T, TU, and TD in the case of a step forcing are represented at the top of Fig. 1 for three values of efficacy factor: ɛ < 1, ɛ = 1, and ɛ > 1, with other parameters unchanged. The upper-ocean heat-uptake temperature TU increases with the characteristic time scale
The middle panels of Fig. 1 represent the theoretical relationship between the radiative imbalance N and the mean surface temperature perturbation T during the transient regime, for the same values of ɛ. The intercept and the x axis intersection are independent from the value of ɛ. Per definition, the intercept at T = 0 is the amplitude of the forcing
With ɛ = 1, the net radiative flux varies linearly with the temperature. For ɛ ≠ 1, the plots suggest that there are two distinct stages in the (N, T) response to an abrupt forcing. To understand this behavior, it is convenient to decompose the net flux into the sum of its two components contribution RU and RD. In Fig. 1 (middle), the evolutions of (RU, T) and (RD, T) are plotted respectively with gray solid lines and gray dash-dotted lines.
During the first period, corresponding to the fast mode response time scale, the two components (upper and deep oceans) contribute with similar amplitude but with opposite trends to the temperature response and N varies roughly linearly with T. Indeed, neglecting the slow response term during this period, the time evolutions of RU and RD are proportional to that of TH (and T); the scale factors are
During the second period, the contribution of the upper ocean is negligible
The net radiative flux at the top of the atmosphere can also be decomposed as the sum of prognostic variables and physical parameters of the EBM-ɛ as shown in Eq. (3). The radiative imbalance N is the sum of a linear term
The efficacy factor can be determined from gradual perturbation AOGCMs simulations [by neglecting C(dt/dt)] but requires prior knowledge of the equilibrium climate sensitivity and feedback parameter (Winton et al. 2010). On the other hand, all the EBM-ɛ radiative and thermal inertia parameters can be consistently computed from only a step-forcing AOGCM experiment (and a control simulation), by taking into account the time evolution of the transient radiative feedback factor. In the next section, the method used to calibrate the EBM-ɛ physical parameters to a given AOGCM is briefly described.
d. Method for EBM-ɛ parameter calibration
3. Validation for CMIP5 AOGCMs
a. Radiative parameters and TOA net flux: Comparison with the EBM-1
For the same 16 AOGCMs of the CMIP5 database analyzed in Part I (see Table 4 in Part I for model expansions), the EBM-ɛ method is applied and radiative parameter values are reported in Table 1. The values of the deep-ocean heat-uptake efficacy factor are mostly greater than 1 (see also Fig. 3a). Excluding the BNU-ESM model that has a value of ɛ very close to 1, only two models (INM-CM4 and CNRM-CM5.1) have values of ɛ smaller than unity. The heat-uptake efficacy factor ranges from 0.83 to 1.82 with a multimodel mean value of 1.28 and an intermodel standard deviation of 0.25. These results are in very good agreement with the estimates of Winton et al. (2010) for some CMIP2 and CMIP3 model’s analysis despite methodological differences. Winton et al. (2010) derived the value of ɛ from 1% yr−1 CO2 increase experiments using equilibrium climate sensitivity mainly derived from AGCMs coupled with a mixed-layer ocean model and using forcing estimates taken from Solomon et al. (2007). The latter were computed from different sources and they took into account either only the stratospheric adjustment or both stratospheric and tropospheric adjustments [through the method of Gregory et al. (2004)], depending on cases. In this study, the efficacy factor ɛ, the radiative forcing, and the equilibrium climate sensitivity are derived jointly in the single framework of the EBM-ɛ.
The 4×CO2 radiative forcing
Figure 2 compares for each model the N–T plot for AOGCM results, EBM-ɛ fit, and the linear regression of Gregory et al. (2004). For models with an efficacy factor near 1 (BNU-ESM, CNRM-CM5.1, and IPSL-CM5A-LR), the assumption of linearity between N and T is valid and the results from EBM-ɛ are close to that of the linear model. For models with a large ɛ (CSIRO-Mk3.6.0, GISS-E2-R, HadGEM2-ES, MPI-ESM-LR, and NorESM1-M), the results from EBM-ɛ largely improve the fit of radiative imbalance versus temperature response compared to a linear fit. In particular, the EBM-ɛ is able to reproduce the two-stage behavior of these models in the parameter space (N, T).
Figures 3b–d compare the values of the 4×CO2 radiative forcing
b. Thermal inertia parameters and temperature: Comparison with the EBM-1
The thermal inertia physical parameters and the relaxation times are given in Table 2 and represented as a function of their EBM-1 counterparts in Figs. 3e–i. The fast relaxation time scale τf is not impacted by the inclusion of the efficacy of deep-ocean heat uptake, whereas the slow relaxation time scale τs is. The change in τs is mainly due to change in the heat-exchange coefficient γ rather than in the deep-ocean heat capacity C0. Models with ɛ > 1 have a lower γ than in the EBM-1 framework. The inclusion of the effect represented by the deviation term (1 − ɛ)H in the temperature response amounts to modifying the deep-ocean heat uptake such that the heat-exchange coefficient is ɛγ. The lack of efficacy factor in the EBM-1 is compensated by a large γ for models with ɛ > 1 in the EBM-ɛ framework.
The atmosphere/land/upper-ocean heat capacity C, deep-ocean heat capacity C0, heat-exchange coefficient γ, and fast and slow relaxation times estimates in the framework of the EBM-ɛ of the 16 CMIP5 models used in this paper, and their multimodel mean and standard deviation.
The EBM-1 also underestimates the upper-ocean heat capacity C. The estimate of C depends on the forcing estimation since it is evaluated through an estimation of the temperature tendency at t = 0 that is equal to
Figure 4 shows the temperature response of the three AOGCMs with the largest ɛ estimates (CSIRO-Mk3.6.0, NorESM1-M, and HadGEM2-ES) for the abrupt 4×CO2 and the 1% yr−1 CO2 experiments, as well as the EBM-1 and the EBM-ɛ analytical solutions using the parameters estimated by the corresponding method on the basis of the abrupt 4×CO2 experiment. The temperature responses are identical for both EBMs in both the abrupt 4×CO2 and the 1% yr−1 CO2 simulations over the first 150 years, and they match the AOGCM responses. But, for the step-forcing scenario, the EBM-ɛ response diverges from the EBM-1 response after about 300 years. Only the second phase of the temperature evolution, the one driven by the slow component of the system, is modified by the introduction of an efficacy factor. This is consistent with the fact that only the slow relaxation time scale varies between the EBM-1 and the EBM-ɛ methods. The EBM-1 calibrated with the abrupt simulation is accurate enough to represent the temperature evolution over the centennial scale. However, compared to the EBM-ɛ estimates, the EBM-1 parameters are biased as a result of a bias in radiative parameters estimated following the method of Gregory et al. (2004).
c. Parameter dependency
In this section, the question of potential relationships between the EBM-ɛ parameters is investigated. Table 3 shows the multimodel correlations between parameters of the EBM-ɛ, and also between these parameters and the equilibrium temperature response. For the set of 16 models, a correlation coefficient higher than 0.50 is significant at the 95% confidence level (two-tailed test). Note that the statistical test assumes that the AOGCMs are independent. As expected, the anticorrelation between Teq and λ is high, with a correlation coefficient of −0.84. No correlation is found between
Multimodel correlations between the equilibrium temperature at 4×CO2
Raper et al. (2002) suggested a negative correlation between their heat-exchange coefficient κ of the one-layer model (that is similar to the parameter γ) and the radiative feedback parameter λ but the analysis of CMIP3 models by Gregory and Forster (2008) and Plattner et al. (2008) did not find such a correlation. Including an interactive deep ocean changes the formulation of deep-ocean heat uptake and impacts the relationship between the heat-exchange coefficient (κ or γ) and the radiative feedback parameter λ. Indeed, the EBM-ɛ estimates of λ and γ are positively correlated, contrary to the results of Raper et al. (2002), with a correlation coefficient of 0.64. This value is above the significant level. However, excluding the GISS-E2-R model, which is largely outside the range of the model ensemble, the correlation is not significant with a value of 0.43, showing the limited robustness of this correlation. The remaining interparameter correlations are found to not be significant.
d. Decomposition in longwave and shortwave contributions
Each LW and SW component is calculated by multilinear regression of the corresponding net radiation flux as a function of temperature (both from the AOGCM abrupt 4×CO2 experiment) and
The LW and SW components of the radiative forcing,
AOGCMs that have a large SW forcing contribution can have a large LW contribution (MPI-ESM-LR) or a small LW contribution (IPSL-CM5A-LR). The 4×CO2 LW forcing ranges from 3.4 to 8.7 W m−2 with an ensemble mean of 6.5 W m−2 and a standard deviation of 1.2 W m−2. Except for three models (CSIRO-Mk3.6.0, FGOALS-s2, INM-CM4), the 4×CO2 SW forcing is mostly positive with a mean value of 1.2 W m−2. Its standard deviation (1.1 W m−2) is on the same order as that of the LW contribution. By comparison with estimates taking into account the stratospheric adjustment only, the forcing is found to be lower in the LW and larger in the SW. Indeed, Forster and Taylor (2006) found a forcing estimate of 3.45 W m−2 in the LW for a 2×CO2 experiment (corresponding to 6.90 W m−2 for a 4×CO2 experiment). The instantaneous SW forcing is on the order of −0.06 W m−2 (Myhre et al. 1998). These estimates confirm Gregory and Webb (2008) and suggest a nonnegligible effect of the fast change in the cloud component (among the other feedbacks) on the radiative forcing adjustment.
The LW contribution λLW to the feedback parameter is positive (i.e., negative feedback) for all models because the radiative imbalance is restored by increased LW emission associated with the temperature increase. The SW contribution to the feedback parameter λSW is negative (i.e., positive feedback) for all models except GFDL-ESM2M, which has a negligible λSW, and GISS-E2-R. For most AOGCMs, λSW is above (in absolute value) the 0.2–0.4 W m−2 K−1 typical range of the albedo feedback, suggesting a positive feedback of clouds in the SW.
The deep-ocean heat-uptake feedback parameter
4. Conclusions
In this study, the two-layer energy-balance model with an efficacy factor of deep-ocean heat uptake is used as a tool to estimate the first-order global thermal properties of AOGCMs. These thermal properties include both radiative properties and thermal inertia properties. It is shown that the temperature response can be decomposed as the balanced response to three “forcings”: the TOA radiative forcing, the upper-ocean heat uptake, and the deep-ocean heat uptake. Assuming additivity of each temperature response pattern to these forcings and assuming the separability of time and spatial variability of these temperature responses, the radiative feedback parameter associated with the deep-ocean heat uptake is shown to be different from the equilibrium feedback parameter, since the local feedback parameter varies geographically. This results in the presence of an additional term in the radiative imbalance formulation depending on the deep-ocean heat uptake.
Within this EBM-ɛ framework, the concepts of effective forcing and effective climate sensitivity are unchanged but the concept of an effective feedback parameter is modified. The effective forcing remains the physical parameter defined by Gregory et al. (2004); that is, the value of the net radiative imbalance when the temperature tends to zero. It is sensitive to fast feedbacks due to changes in both stratospheric and tropospheric variables, such as clouds, temperature lapse rate, and water vapor amount, associated with the external radiative perturbation, but unrelated to the surface temperature response. However, the effective climate feedback parameter as usually defined (i.e., the feedback parameter of the transient regime) needs to be distinguished from the equilibrium feedback parameter. The effective equilibrium feedback parameter is assumed to be constant for a given type of forcing agent and a given spatial distribution of the forcing amplitude but it is only valid for an equilibrium state. The transient feedback factor involves an additional term that can depend on deep-ocean heat uptake and it can thus vary in time.
An iterative method of calibration is proposed and applied to 16 CMIP5 AOGCMs. The results show that the model reproduces with accuracy the evolution of the radiative imbalance as a function of the temperature response during a transient regime. The fits of the temperature evolution over the time of simulation (~150 yr) are the same as those obtained with the EBM-1. However, the physical parameters of the model are different. The improved match of the temperature response and radiative imbalance evolution between the AOGCMs and the EBM suggests that the values estimated from the EBM-ɛ method are more accurate. Moreover, the method is applied to the LW and the SW components of the radiative flux. Each evolution separately is well represented, suggesting that the method can be applied to a partial decomposition of the radiative imbalance.
The benefit of two-layer EBMs such as the EBM-1 and EBM-ɛ is that they are the simplest EBMs that represent both the beginning of the simulation (determined by the forcing) and the end of the experiment (determined by the equilibrium climate sensitivity for a constant forcing). One-layer EBMs are unable to represent both phases of the time evolution. At short time scales, the advantage of the EBM-ɛ over the EBM-1 is that the net TOA imbalance is better represented as a function of the global surface temperature response. The EBM-ɛ can be used to compute the radiative parameters and the effective climate sensitivity consistently from one single methodology and one single short AOGCM experiment, by taking into account the time variation of the effective feedback factor. From this point of view, the calibration of the EBM-ɛ method constitutes a new, improved method to determine the climate sensitivity and the adjusted forcing of an AOGCM. However, the use of a two-layer EBM can be limited in representing long time experiments because other time scales can emerge above 150 years.
Such a two-layer EBM offers a complete first-order explanation of the behavior of climate models under an externally imposed perturbation. The spread on the radiative and thermal inertia global parameters within a generation of models (such as the CMIP5 generation) can be used as an indication of the uncertainty of the multimodel climate projections performed for the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). The evolution of this spread from one CMIP exercise to the next indicates whether AOGCMs converge in terms of global properties. It can also be used for analysis of AOGCMs, by relating some of the EBM parameters to physical processes or physical variables that can be directly calculated in the AOGCM. In parallel, the calibration of such a model, which could be extended to other types of radiative perturbations, offers a physically based simple climate model able to emulate the AOGCM response to different idealized scenarios.
We gratefully thank Jonathan Gregory for his careful and constructive review of the paper and two anonymous reviewers for their comments that helped to improve the manuscript. We thank Julien Boé, Aurélien Ribes, and Laurent Terray for helpful discussions and valuable comments on the work. Thanks are also due to Isaac Held for sharing interesting ideas in his blog. This work was supported by the European Union FP7 Integrated Project COMBINE. We acknowledge the World Climate Research Programme’s Working Group on Coupled Modelling, which is responsible for CMIP, and the U.S. Department of Energy’s Program for Climate Model Diagnosis and Intercomparison which provides coordinating support and led development of software infrastructure in partnership with the Global Organization for Earth System Science Portals. We thank the climate modeling groups for producing and making available their model output.
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