This corrigendum is to report two known errors in Knaff et al. (2014) entitled “An objective satellite-based tropical cyclone size climatology.” Both errors are in equations, namely Eqs. (2) and (3).

General statistics related to the V500 and R5 estimates. V500 is estimated by (1) and R5 is estimated by (2). Units for V500 and R5 are m s−1 and DDLAT, respectively, where 1 DDLAT = 111 km.
Statistics associated with Fig. 4. Shown are the intensity category, the number of cases, the mean (R5), standard deviation [σ(R5)] and skew [Skew(R5)] of R5, intensity (Vmax), and latitude. The units for R5 and Vmax are DDLAT (where 1 DDLAT = 111 km) and kt, respectively.
Statistics associated with the upper and lower quartiles of TC size (R5) for minor and major hurricane intensity TCs at the time of first maximum lifetime intensity shown in Fig. 6. The number of cases (No.), the mean, and the standard deviation (σ) associated with each quartile are listed. Means and standard deviations have units of DDLAT, where 1 DDLAT = 111 km.
Statistics associated with the basin-specific upper and lower quartiles of TC size (R5) for minor and major hurricane intensity TCs at the time of first maximum lifetime intensity shown in Fig. 7. The number of cases (No.), the mean, and the standard deviation (σ) associated with each quartile are provided. Means and standard deviations have units of DDLAT, where 1 DDLAT = 111 km.
Frequency distributions of TC size (R5) for the (a) North Atlantic, (b) eastern North Pacific, (c) western North Pacific, (d) north Indian Ocean, and (e) Southern Hemisphere tropical cyclone basins. Blue lines, black lines, and red lines are associated with tropical storm, minor hurricane, and major hurricane intensities respectively as indicated in the key (see text for additional information). Units of R5 are distance in degrees latitude (DDLAT, where 1 DDLAT = 111 km).
Citation: Journal of Climate 28, 21; 10.1175/JCLI-D-15-0610.1
We sincerely apologize for our mistakes and hope this corrigendum does not reflect poorly on the paper’s overall quality. It is important to note that the conclusions about where small and large TCs form, how TC size changes as a function of initial size, intensity evolution, and poleward displacement, and the trends in TC size over the last 30 years still hold.
We thank Dr. Dan Chavas for bringing the scaling error to our attention and Megan Troutman for her assistance with the corrected figure and tables. The views, opinions, and findings contained in this report are those of the authors and should not be construed as an official National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration or U.S. government position, policy, or decision.
Knaff, J. A., S. P. Longmore, and D. A. Molenar, 2014: An objective satellite-based tropical cyclone size climatology. J. Climate, 27, 455–476, doi:10.1175/JCLI-D-13-00096.1.