1. Introduction
The absorption of heat by the ocean affects the diagnosis and prediction of global warming. Disagreement on ocean heat uptake among coupled models adds uncertainty to projections of future global warming scenarios (IPCC 2007; Watanabe et al. 2013). Warming of the subsurface ocean is a persuasive indicator of global warming (Levitus et al. 2012) and has attracted great attention as a heat sink whose variations could explain changes in the rate of surface warming, such as the apparent slower warming of the early 2000s (Meehl et al. 2011; Chen and Tung 2014; Kosaka and Xie 2013). It is not clear from these studies which basin is taking up the extra heat. Heat exchange among the basins makes it even more difficult to track the heat uptake (IPCC 2007; Lee et al. 2015). Gaps in data, especially for great depths and remote Southern Ocean locations, and heat exchange among the basins make it difficult to estimate real-world changes in subsurface ocean temperature. For all these reasons, it is of great interest to understand both the mechanisms and geographical distribution of subsurface ocean warming. Such an understanding will help interpret ocean observations and improve model performance.
In this paper, we refer to the change in heat content of a given volume as “heat uptake” and to the integral of heat flux into some area of the sea surface as “heat input.” Over the ocean as a whole, heat uptake is equal to surface heat input, but for subdomains of the ocean, such as individual basins, the two may differ because of lateral heat transport within the ocean. Ocean heat uptake is not a passive process: the evolution of ocean temperatures helps control how atmospheric radiative forcing drives surface heat input. Atmospheric radiative forcing induces ocean circulation changes that redistribute pre-existing gradients in the reservoir ocean temperature field, hence indirectly forcing what we will hereafter refer to as “redistribution temperature anomalies.” As a result of this redistribution, the spatial pattern of ocean temperature anomalies under global warming is different from the pattern due to the ocean circulation transporting surface heat flux anomalies alone; the transport here includes all ocean transport processes including advection, diffusion, and mixing. Additionally, redistribution temperature anomalies provide a feedback at the surface that influences the amount of surface heat input from the atmosphere.
Redistributive temperature anomalies have been isolated both in coupled and ocean-only warming experiments using passive tracers (Banks and Gregory 2006; Xie and Vallis 2012; Marshall et al. 2015). Redistribution temperature anomalies are the difference between temperature anomaly and tracer. Banks and Gregory (2006) show that in a coupled model subject to increasing greenhouse gas concentration both the temperature anomaly content and tracer content are different regionally, especially at the high latitudes. In several ocean-only warming experiments, with an idealized Atlantic-like basin, Xie and Vallis (2012) show that the redistributive effect is a robust feature that increases the depth of heat uptake. In both studies, North Atlantic redistribution is associated with weakening of the meridional overturning circulation (MOC). Xie and Vallis (2012) show that experiments with larger MOC weakening have cooler redistributive surface temperature anomalies at high latitudes, and as a result receive larger positive heat anomaly. Thus “redistribution” not only refers to movement of a given amount of heat within the ocean but also includes contribution to ocean heat content associated with advection of initial temperature field by circulation anomalies. Winton et al. (2013) also showed a difference in heat uptake pattern and amount in two experiments, one in which ocean circulation was free to change and the other in which ocean circulation was fixed at the equilibrium strength.
Redistribution plays an important role in determining the depth of heat uptake and hence the speed of the downward propagation of surface heat anomaly (Xie and Vallis 2012). For example, the deep and fast heat uptake in the Atlantic has often been attributed to the deep overturning circulation within it; however, the time scale of this uptake is much shorter than that associated with the overturning circulation. Hence, redistribution changes the transient response of the ocean to radiative forcing (Winton et al. 2013). Moreover, since redistribution could also occur as a result of variability in ocean circulation that is not caused by global warming, this can make it difficult to differentiate the forced response part of ocean heat uptake from heat uptake due to other causes.
Ultimately we would like to understand how ocean heat uptake and temperature change are determined by atmospheric forcing and ocean characteristics. The components of temperature evolution discussed here are controlled by different factors. The tracer advection depends on the flow field in the ocean and, for sufficiently small change in ocean circulation, can be approximated by the response to radiative forcing of the initial (preforcing) circulation (Winton et al. 2013). Redistribution depends on the change in circulation and only occurs to the extent that global warming induces circulation changes. Redistribution can even occur in cases of zero radiative forcing, because changes in wind, freshwater, or surface temperature can each separately induce circulation changes.
The passive tracer formulations that have been used in the studies of Banks and Gregory (2006) and Xie and Vallis (2012) force the tracer with the same flux as the temperature. Therefore, by definition the heat uptake must be identical for temperature anomaly and tracer value, and the redistributive contribution to heat uptake must be zero. However, for a given atmosphere and radiative forcing, we would expect that an ocean in which redistribution is absent would have a different surface heat flux than one in which redistribution occurs. The reason is that the heat flux depends on (among other factors) the temperature difference between the atmosphere and ocean. Since redistribution affects the sea surface temperature (SST), it should also affect surface heat flux. We can subdivide redistribution effects into the “internal” or “spatial” effects due to advection by the circulation anomaly and a “heat flux” effect due to feedback with SST (called the redistribution-feedback uptake). The tracers in these previous studies are forced at the surface with the total surface heat input anomaly in the warming experiments and hence can only isolate the effect of redistribution on the spatial distribution of the total heat uptake.
In this study we introduce a new passive tracer in order to isolate the effect of redistribution on surface heat flux. Like Xie and Vallis (2012), we calculate surface heat flux by restoring SST to a given target profile that represents the properties of the atmosphere (including solar radiation; see Haney 1971; Schopf 1983) and is derived from coupled experiments. The surface heat flux anomaly is based on the difference between the surface temperature anomaly, including redistribution effects, and the target temperature anomaly. In addition to a tracer that is forced by the same heat flux anomaly as SST [essentially what Xie and Vallis (2012) did], we introduce a tracer that itself is restored to the target temperature anomaly. Thus the heat flux driving this tracer does not include either spatial or heat flux effects of redistribution, and so the difference between the tracer and the temperature anomaly captures both. (The tracer is advected by the same velocity field as temperature, so it is influenced by circulation changes due to redistribution; we confirm that this effect is negligible.)
Xie and Vallis (2012) calculate the effective depth
2. Advection–diffusion and redistribution effects

a. Same flux-passive temperature anomaly tracer, 

As in Banks and Gregory (2006) and Xie and Vallis (2012), in order to isolate temperature anomaly due only to redistribution of reservoir temperature gradients, we set
Following the above method, we introduce a tracer denoted as
b. Same target-passive temperature anomaly tracer, 

Hence, we introduce a passive tracer

Variable notation: T.Anom = Temperature anomaly; Redistr. = Redistribution.
3. Experimental design
The response of a global-domain ocean model to a surface warming perturbation is examined using the Parallel Ocean Program (POP) version 2.0, a z-coordinate model developed at the Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL) (Smith and Gent 2002). The ocean model uses approximately 1° horizontal resolution and the north pole of the model coordinates moved to Greenland. Eddies are represented by the Gent–McWilliam parameterization (Gent et al. 1995), with a diffusion coefficient of 1.25 × 103 m2 s−1 used both for the bolus and Redi parts. Vertical turbulent mixing is represented with the K profile parameterization (KPP; Large et al. 1994) with a background diffusivity of 1 × 10−5 m2 s−2 and convection is represented by strong vertical diffusion.
The forcing data are derived from the coupled model simulations from the CMIP5 (phase 5 of the Climate Model Intercomparison Project; Taylor et al. 2012), done with CCSM4 (Community Climate System Model version 4; Gent et al. 2011), which uses a slightly later version of POP as its ocean component. As in Xie and Vallis (2012), using restoring boundary conditions, the target temperature
The POP control forcing is derived from the monthly averages of the nearly-equilibrated last 100 years of the CCSM4 CMIP5 preindustrial control (piControl) run, and initialized from the start of this 100-yr period. The ocean control run is integrated to near-equilibrium, spun up for 500 years using the tracer acceleration method (Bryan 1984), then followed by another 500 years with conventional time stepping. The POP control run, shown in Fig. 1a, reproduces well the global circulation in the CCSM4–CMIP5 coupled model experiment, although with weaker Atlantic overturning circulation.
(a) Meridional overturning circulation, 100-yr time average (Sv), and (b) perturbation temperature anomaly, years 81–100 time average, each for the (top) CCSM coupled model experiment and (bottom) POP experiment.
Citation: Journal of Climate 29, 20; 10.1175/JCLI-D-16-0138.1
The perturbation experiment is a 100-yr-long run initialized from year 901 of the POP control run. The temperature and salinity forcings are derived from the monthly climatology (years 100–150) of the abrupt 4×CO2 CMIP5 experiment, while wind forcing is the same as the CMIP5 piControl run for simplicity and to remove additional atmospheric influence. In the CMIP5 abrupt 4×CO2 experiment, the piControl initial condition atmospheric CO2 is instantaneously quadrupled. An additional total flux-passive temperature anomaly tracer
It should be noted that our ocean-only model is forced with near-equilibrium monthly climatological surface conditions for both the control and perturbation experiments. This removes interannual and higher-frequency atmospheric weather noise associated with a coupled model and improves the signal-to-noise ratio, while retaining the annual cycle for both experiments. Keeping surface winds at the equilibrium strength also removes additional atmospheric influence on SST and ocean circulation changes. For the perturbation experiment, surface conditions are instantaneously forced to the near-equilibrium conditions; this not the same as the abrupt CMIP5 experiment in which surface temperature and heat flux anomalies respond more slowly to instantaneous CO2 quadrupling. This ensures that the ocean approaches an equilibrium state similar to that of the coupled model (Fig. 1b) but isolates the transient response associated only with the ocean.
4. Redistribution and ocean heat uptake
a. Temperature distribution
1) Meridional structure
We first compare how temperature anomaly and the two passive tracers evolve in the Indian, Pacific, and Atlantic basins by taking the zonal average in each basin. Each basin includes the local sector of the Southern Ocean (with boundaries between adjacent sectors shown in Fig. 6). Over the century of the perturbation experiment, the temperature anomaly
Basin zonal averages as function of latitude and depth, for the 81–100-yr time average. (a) Tracers and temperature anomaly (°C) for (top)
Citation: Journal of Climate 29, 20; 10.1175/JCLI-D-16-0138.1
The difference in tracers and temperature anomaly fields is shown by the redistribution temperature anomalies,
The redistribution-feedback temperature anomaly field
Surface heat flux in W m−2 average over the century-long run. (top) Passive heat flux anomaly
Citation: Journal of Climate 29, 20; 10.1175/JCLI-D-16-0138.1
2) Vertical structure
We can understand the vertical distribution of warming by examining quantities horizontally averaged over each basin. Despite the large values of spatial redistributive
Basin horizontally averaged total temperature anomaly, redistribution-feedback and passive temperature anomalies, for years 10, 50 (offset 1.5°C to right), and 100 (offset 3°C). (a) Redistribution-feedback temperature anomaly
Citation: Journal of Climate 29, 20; 10.1175/JCLI-D-16-0138.1
A significant net spatial redistributive surface warming or cooling also changes the average depth penetration for
The speed of downward propagation can be seen from the vertical profiles. Even within 10 years, both passive tracers and temperature anomalies show a warming in at least the top 500 m (Fig. 4b). Throughout the experiment, there is deeper penetration in the Atlantic, with
For redistribution

The total effect of redistribution is measured by the difference between
For all three tracers, the effective depth grows over time and is larger for the Atlantic than for the Pacific or Indian (Fig. 4c). Redistribution greatly deepens
b. Heat uptake and lateral heat transport among basins
In the discussion below we consider the uptake of the passive and redistribution-feedback components. “Heat” refers to
The 100-yr average passive surface heat input is similar for all three basins (Fig. 5, light gray bars on the right), despite the different sizes and dynamics of the different basins. In the Atlantic, the faster downward propagation of heat compensates for the basin’s small area. In contrast to the passive surface heat input, the additional heat input associated with redistribution (Fig. 5, light gray bars on the left) is very different in each basin. In the Atlantic, it is more than 50% of the passive contribution; here the division for the Atlantic basin includes the Arctic Ocean and Mediterranean Sea, to balance the global input. Excluding these basins, redistribution-feedback surface input into the Atlantic is about 80% of the passive contribution. In the Indian Ocean, it is about 15% of the passive, and in the Pacific it is negligible. Including both passive and redistribution-feedback parts, about 50% of total surface heat input into the three basins enters the Atlantic alone. For the globe as a whole, redistribution-feedback increases heat uptake by about 25%.
Surface heat input anomaly through surface (light gray) and heat uptake (dark gray) within individual ocean basins based on passive tracer
Citation: Journal of Climate 29, 20; 10.1175/JCLI-D-16-0138.1
The individual basin total heat uptake (Fig. 5, deep gray bars) tell a somewhat different story than their surface heat input. The Pacific has a little more total heat uptake than the Atlantic, while the Indian Ocean has the smallest total heat uptake. In the Pacific, the total heat uptake
Differences between surface heat input and change in internal heat content indicate transport of heat between basins. For a given region, lateral heat transport L consists of the area integral along the side boundaries of the flux terms in (2), (9), and (11):
We consider the energy budget for individual basins. The lateral heat transport between the basins is dominated by advection. The basins are connected in the Southern Ocean with large eastward flows into and out of each basin. The Southern Ocean Pacific-to-Atlantic flow of about 102 Sv (1 Sv ≡ 106 m3 s−1) through the Drake Passage is balanced by an equal Atlantic-to-Indian flow south of Africa, so that the Southern Ocean net volume transport is approximately zero for both the Atlantic and the Indo-Pacific, with small flow through the Bering Strait (Fig. 6a). The Indian and Pacific Oceans, however, exchange an almost equal opposite net volume transport of about 12 Sv in the Southern Ocean, with the Indian exporting volume to the Pacific. This occurs due a stronger Indian-to-Pacific flow of about 114 Sv south of Australia and 102 Sv exiting the Pacific through the Drake Passage. This Southern Ocean Indian-to-Pacific net volume export returns to the Indian Ocean in the 12-Sv Pacific-to-Indian flow via the Indonesian Throughflow, which in turn returns to the Pacific south of Australia as part of the zonal Southern Ocean flow, so that the net basin volume transport into each basin is zero. This exchange plays an important role in the “conveyor belt,” which also links shallow inflow and deep outflow in the Atlantic to the other basins.
Heat convergence through lateral boundaries. Surface properties (contours and shading), direction (arrows), relative amount (arrow length), and relative temperature (arrow color) of volume transport at boundaries, net basin heat convergence (numbers in ovals, PW), and pseudotransport at selected boundaries (numbers in rectangles). All quantities are 100-yr averages. (a)
Citation: Journal of Climate 29, 20; 10.1175/JCLI-D-16-0138.1
In the control climate, the equilibrium basin temperatures are maintained by lateral heat transports balanced by surface heat input. However, with close to zero Southern Ocean net volume transport for the Atlantic and the Indo-Pacific, the relative temperatures at the boundaries results in lateral heat transport of 0.23 PW flowing out of the Indo-Pacific, through the Southern Ocean, and into the Atlantic (Table 2, column 1; see also Fig. 6a), where it is augmented by tropical heating and exported to the Arctic (including the Labrador and Nordic Seas). In the Indo-Pacific, a much warmer Pacific-to-Indian volume transport through the Indonesian Throughflow is exchanged for an equal but relatively colder Indian-to-Pacific net volume transport through their respective Southern Ocean boundaries. This volume exchange within the Indo-Pacific means heat export for the Pacific and import for the Indian Ocean because the Pacific (Indian) Ocean loses (gains) warmer volume through the Indonesian Throughflow, but gains (loses) colder volume through the Southern Ocean. Hence, in steady state the Pacific exports heat to the Indian and Atlantic Oceans via the Southern Ocean and Indonesian Throughflow. This exchange transfers the surface heat input into the Pacific to the Indian and Atlantic Oceans in steady state.
Lateral heat transports out of each basin, averaged over the 100-yr run, for the control temperature
In the warming climate, the direction of heat anomaly transport is opposite that of the control heat transport, with the Pacific importing heat anomaly from both the Indian Ocean and the Atlantic. The direction of heat transport reverses for two reasons: the distribution of heat anomaly (affecting the
The velocity in the
Surface restoring temperature anomaly,
Citation: Journal of Climate 29, 20; 10.1175/JCLI-D-16-0138.1
The redistributive heat transport
c. Circulation perturbation
The circulation changes caused by the perturbation in forcing include changes to the meridional overturning and interocean flow. The control equilibrium overturning has the familiar pattern of Atlantic inflow in the top kilometer and outflow in the abyss; Indo-Pacific deep inflow, widespread upwelling, and middepth outflow; and Southern Ocean upwelling associated with surface Ekman divergence. The perturbation weakens the overturning, which is equivalent to adding a reverse Atlantic MOC (AMOC) of 10 Sv (100-yr average) (Fig. 8a, top) and a decrease of Indo-Pacific upwelling of 4 Sv (100-yr average) (Fig. 8a, bottom). The weakened circulation is caused by warming and freshening of the North Atlantic deep water formation regions relative to other parts of the ocean.
(a) Circulation anomaly as measured by meridional overturning streamfunction (contour interval 1 Sv) 100-yr mean. Overturning is for zonally integrated velocity in the (top) Indo-Pacific and (lower) Atlantic basins, and (both panels) globally south of approximately 35°S. (b) Streamfunction for full-depth integrated velocity (shading, in Sv) and horizontal velocity integrated over top 1041 m.
Citation: Journal of Climate 29, 20; 10.1175/JCLI-D-16-0138.1
The equilibrium depth-integrated streamfunction includes an Indo-Pacific circulation with 10 Sv flowing from Pacific to Indian in the Indonesian Throughflow and returning to the Pacific from south of Australia. This circulation also weakens by about 4 Sv (Fig. 8b). The reduction is curious because the depth-average circulation is usually associated with wind stress, which is not perturbed in the experiment. Much of the circulation perturbation in the vicinity of the Indonesian Throughflow occurs in the top kilometer (Fig. 8b), with an Indian-to-Pacific flow. This looks to be a consequence of the weakening of the conveyer belt circulation associated with the decreases in overturning.
The horizontal flow also shows signs of the decrease in the meridional overturning, with perturbation velocity flowing southward in the Atlantic and then flowing eastward out of the Atlantic and then northward from the Southern Ocean into the Indian and Pacific Oceans (the reverse of the equilibrium upper-limb flow out of the Indo-Pacific and into the Atlantic). The change in the Indian–Pacific exchange may be a consequence of this change in the overturning.
d. Time evolution of heat uptake components
By design, the strong restoring and constant
Basin heat content anomaly and cumulative surface heat anomaly input growth with time. Basin volume integrated content of temperature anomaly,
Citation: Journal of Climate 29, 20; 10.1175/JCLI-D-16-0138.1
Time evolution within different basins reflects the features discussed in section 4b. In the Pacific, heat input anomaly (slope of curves in Fig. 9a) is small after about 50 years, but heat content continues to vigorously grow. During the last 50 years of the experiment, the basin acquires about a third of its heat content increase but only about 10% of its surface heat input. The disparity is because of the heat import from other basins, which becomes the dominant source of warming in the Pacific after the first 50 years. In the last 50 years, the Atlantic, in contrast, receives about half of its surface heat input but only experiences about a third of its heat content growth. The changing composition of heat sources for the two basins reflects increasing lateral heat transport into the Pacific and out of the Atlantic in the last 50 years. The Indian Ocean exports heat at a more constant rate for the entire century.
5. Discussion and conclusions
a. Discussion
Here we compare the results in this study to previous studies. Similar to the previous tracer studies of Banks and Gregory (2006), Xie and Vallis (2012), and Marshall et al. (2015), the difference between our tracer
Recent studies have suggested that passive Southern Ocean meridional heat anomaly transport is main the reason for the delayed Southern Ocean warming poleward of the Atlantic Circumpolar Current (ACC) and heat convergence north of it (Armour et al. 2016; Morrison et al. 2016). In agreement with these earlier results, this study shows that the heat anomaly transport in the Southern Ocean is dominated by the passive component; however, the redistributive heat anomaly transport also enhances the total heat anomaly transport in the Southern Ocean. In addition, the results here show that this Southern Ocean meridional transport converges in the Pacific, putting the Pacific as well as the Atlantic in a central role for global heat uptake. The Indonesian Throughflow closes the path for the Southern Ocean heat exchange among the basins. The central role of the Indonesian Throughflow plays in the interbasin heat exchange is not surprising, as its importance in regulating global climate has been demonstrated in several studies. However, the connection of the Indo-Pacific and Indonesian Throughflow volume transport weakening to the AMOC weakening in this study is noteworthy, because the Indonesian Throughflow transport changes have only been linked to wind forcing, which is not perturbed in this experiment.
The global conveyor belt connecting the Indo-Pacific to the Atlantic via Southern Ocean and the Indonesian Throughflow plays a central role in this interbasin heat exchange. The possible connection between AMOC weakening and Indonesian Throughflow weakening has been implied in some previous studies. Gnanadesikan (1999), Klinger and Cruz (2009), and Schewe and Levermann (2010) studied the roles of surface winds and buoyancy distribution in the basins in determining the deep circulation strength within the basins and the strength of the global conveyor belt connecting the circulation in the basins. Some of the Southern Ocean wind-driven upwelling volume transport demand is drawn from the basins depending on their buoyancy distribution. The Atlantic meets the Southern Ocean upwelling demand due to its larger buoyancy gradient. According to Schewe and Levermann (2010), an imbalance between the Southern Ocean upwelling demand (due to an increase in Southern Ocean wind strength in their experiments) and the supply from the Atlantic is met from the Indo-Pacific. In our experiment, the imbalance is caused by the weakening of the AMOC rather than Southern Ocean wind changes. The anomalous upwelling demand drawn from the Indo-Pacific via the Southern Ocean weakens the steady state Southern Ocean Indian-to-Pacific inflow, as well the Indonesian Throughflow Pacific-to-Indian outflow balancing it. This mechanism of interbasin heat content anomaly exchange suggests an accurate simulation of the AMOC and global conveyor belt strength and weakening may help to improve global warming projections and heat distribution among the basins.
We introduce an approach to isolate and quantify of the passive and redistributive feedback components of the ocean heat uptake. Although the redistributive feedback uptake has not been quantified in previous studies, we can compare the results here to the redistributive feedback uptake implied in these studies (Xie and Vallis 2012; Winton et al. 2013; Marshall et al. 2015). The redistributive feedback uptake implied in the study of Xie and Vallis (2012) is positive (increases effective depth for temperature anomalies compared to that of tracers and hence increases total ocean heat uptake); however, the redistributive feedback uptake implied in the studies of Winton et al. (2013) and Marshall et al. (2015) appears to be negative. The passive tracer in the warming experiment of Marshall et al. (2015) showed deeper depth of penetration than that of the actual temperature anomalies. The total heat uptake in the Winton et al. (2013) experiment for which the circulation is fixed at the equilibrium strength is greater than the total heat uptake in the experiment for which the circulation is free to change under CO2 increase. This implies negative redistributive feedback uptake since their free-circulation experiment includes passive and redistributive uptake while the fixed-circulation experiment will have only a passive uptake. These earlier results do not necessarily contradict the results here; as shown in section 2, redistributive feedback uptake could be negative (heat loss to the atmosphere) if the net spatial redistributive surface temperature anomaly is positive, which would also result in a shallower effective depth for total temperature anomaly compared to that of the passive tracer. Redistributive feedback uptake will thus depend on the pattern of ocean circulation weakening in an experiment, which could either cool or warm reservoir surface temperatures. Our further investigation of the redistributive feedback and passive heat uptake components among warming experiments with different surface perturbation shows this possibility.
One implication of these results is that redistributive uptake can significantly change ocean heat uptake and, as a result, change ocean heat uptake efficiency and its transient response to radiative forcing by increasing (decreasing) heat uptake while cooling (warming) SSTs. As suggested by Watanabe et al. (2013), ocean heat uptake efficiency is a source of spread among GCMs in estimating the transient response to radiative forcing, since the AMOC strength and weakening vary greatly among the models. Hence, isolating ocean heat uptake components among models can be useful in diagnosing the differences in model response to radiative forcing. The variability in ocean circulation can also cause redistributive uptake, which may mask or amplify the trend in the passive uptake at different time periods. This method will be useful for isolating ocean heat content changes and temperature anomalies pattern due to CO2 increase from that due to ocean circulation variability.
Some caveats in these results worth mentioning include the following. The target temperature anomaly used is derived from the coupled model run and hence includes some redistributive surface temperature pattern, which changes the redistributive heat uptake estimate. The separation of the passive and redistributive heat content in this study is also made possible through the use of restoring boundary formulation for this study. This method may not be reproducible in a coupled ocean–atmosphere simulation, like the one used in Banks and Gregory (2006). However, this method will be useful for idealized studies or in diagnosing or differentiating redistributive temperature change pattern from that due to ocean dynamical processes. The aim of this study is only to isolate mechanisms ocean heat uptake and its distribution among basins; it does not represent realistic transient radiative forcing and the influence of atmospheric changes (even excluding change in surface wind) due to global warming.
b. Conclusions
The novelty of this study is quantifying the redistribution-feedback contribution to the total amount of ocean heat uptake by separating the passive and redistribution-feedback components of ocean heat uptake, and tracking the growth and distribution of these of heat uptake components among the basins. As shown from previous studies redistribution has two effects on ocean heat content: 1) the spatial distribution of temperature anomalies through the rearrangement of existing ocean heat content and 2) the amount of heat uptake. The latter effect (heat uptake) is a consequence of the first (spatial rearrangement). The consequence of deeper (shallower) temperature anomalies is to cool (warm) redistributive sea surface temperature anomalies and as a result increase (decrease) heat flux anomaly into the ocean. Our tracer
Another major result of this study is that the global conveyor belt plays a big role in distributing ocean heat uptake components across the basins, thus allowing Pacific heat content anomaly to be as large as that of the Atlantic. The global conveyor belt connects the AMOC Southern Ocean inflow to the Indo-Pacific outflow, while the Indian Ocean and Pacific are connected through the Indonesian Throughflow. The relative temperatures of the Indonesian Throughflow and the Southern Ocean exchanges allow the Pacific either to lose (control experiment) or to gain (forced experiment) heat to the other basins. In the warming experiment, the Pacific Ocean gains passive heat content anomaly largely from the Indian Ocean and also from the Atlantic due to the reversed temperature anomaly gradient between the Indonesian Throughflow and the Southern Ocean. Southern Ocean Indo-Pacific and Indonesian Throughflow volume transport weaken via the global conveyor connection to the AMOC weakening, although without wind-driven forcing weakening in this experiment. This allows redistributive heat content anomaly to accumulate in the Pacific by reducing its mean state heat export to the Indian and Atlantic. This exchange allows the Pacific and Atlantic to contribute almost equally, each about 40%, to the global heat uptake while the Indian Ocean contributes the remaining 20%.
We would like to thank Bohua Huang, Jim Kinter, and Jian Lu for helpful conversations. We also thank Helene Hewitt and two anonymous reviewers for their constructive reviews. Work on this project was supported by NSF Grants 1249156 and 1338427 and high performance computing resource from Yellowstone (ark:/85065/d7wd3xhc) provided by NCAR CISL sponsored by NSF.
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