An incorrect version of Fig. 6d was published in Li et al. (2015) on page 7479. The corrected figure is provided here. As shown in the corrected Fig. 6d, Hadley Centre Regional Model, version 3P (HadRM3P), simulations were drier in the summer season compared with the observations, echoing what is shown in Fig. 5 therein. The conclusions are not affected by this error.
Simulated and observed (a) DJF temperature, (b) JJA temperature, (c) DJF precipitation, and (d) JJA precipitation along a west–east transect at 47.75°N.
Citation: Journal of Climate 29, 21; 10.1175/JCLI-D-16-0350.1
Li, S., P. W. Mote, D. E. Rupp, D. Vickers, R. Mera, and M. Allan, 2015: Evaluation of a regional climate modeling effort for the western United States using a superensemble from weather@home. J. Climate, 28, 7470–7488, doi:10.1175/JCLI-D-14-00808.1.