A Comparison of the Climate Simulated by the NCAR Community Climate Model (CCMI:R15) with ECMWF Analyses

William J. Randel National Center for Atmospheric Research, Boulder, Colorado

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David L. Williamson National Center for Atmospheric Research, Boulder, Colorado

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Detailed comparisons are made between the climate simulated by a seasonal version of the NCAR Community Climate Mode) (CCM1) at 12 level, R15 spectral resolution, and that revealed by ECMWF operational analyses over 1980–86 truncated to a similar resolution. A variety of circulation statistics are presented to reveal the spatial character and seasonality of CCM1 biases in temperatures, winds, and wave flux quantities. CCM1 biases are typical of current climate models run at similar resolution. Interrelationships between the above biases are a focus of this study, in particular using wave-mean flow interaction diagnostics.

CCM1 exhibits a westerly zonal wind bias in the tropics and a lack of westerlies in the high latitude Southern Hemisphere (SH). The tropical zonal mean meridional circulation (Hadley cell) in the model is approximately a factor of two too weak. The poleward eddy heat flux is accurately simulated, but the poleward eddy momentum flux is severely underestimated, particularly in the SH. There is a resulting excessive large-scale wave drag in the model extratropical upper troposphere, in qualitative agreement with the weak model high latitude westerlies (and temperature bias patterns). Conversely, the model tropical zonal wind bias does not appear to be related to influences by large-scale waves. Wave flux biases are compared for stationary and transient statistics; model stationary waves are in good agreement with observations, while the largest relative momentum flux error is found for higher frequency transient waves.


Detailed comparisons are made between the climate simulated by a seasonal version of the NCAR Community Climate Mode) (CCM1) at 12 level, R15 spectral resolution, and that revealed by ECMWF operational analyses over 1980–86 truncated to a similar resolution. A variety of circulation statistics are presented to reveal the spatial character and seasonality of CCM1 biases in temperatures, winds, and wave flux quantities. CCM1 biases are typical of current climate models run at similar resolution. Interrelationships between the above biases are a focus of this study, in particular using wave-mean flow interaction diagnostics.

CCM1 exhibits a westerly zonal wind bias in the tropics and a lack of westerlies in the high latitude Southern Hemisphere (SH). The tropical zonal mean meridional circulation (Hadley cell) in the model is approximately a factor of two too weak. The poleward eddy heat flux is accurately simulated, but the poleward eddy momentum flux is severely underestimated, particularly in the SH. There is a resulting excessive large-scale wave drag in the model extratropical upper troposphere, in qualitative agreement with the weak model high latitude westerlies (and temperature bias patterns). Conversely, the model tropical zonal wind bias does not appear to be related to influences by large-scale waves. Wave flux biases are compared for stationary and transient statistics; model stationary waves are in good agreement with observations, while the largest relative momentum flux error is found for higher frequency transient waves.
