1. Introduction
Tropical rainfall is often associated with a discontinuous zonal precipitation band commonly known as the intertropical convergence zone (ITCZ). The ITCZ migrates between the Northern and Southern Hemispheres with the seasonal cycle, with a zonal-mean, time-mean position of approximately 6°N (Schneider et al. 2014). The ITCZ is collocated with the ascending branch of the Hadley circulation, where strong moist convection leads to high rainfall. The upper branches of the Hadley circulation typically transport energy poleward, away from the ITCZ. Recent studies have associated characteristics of the ITCZ with the energy transport by the Hadley circulation (Frierson and Hwang 2012; Donohoe et al. 2013; Adam et al. 2016; Bischoff and Schneider 2016).
A double ITCZ bias is prominent in current and previous generations of coupled general circulation models (GCMs; Li and Xie 2014; Oueslati and Bellon 2015). The ITCZ is too intense in the Southern Hemisphere (Lin 2007), resulting in two annual-mean, zonal-mean tropical precipitation maxima, one in each hemisphere. A bias remains in atmosphere-only simulations with prescribed sea surface temperatures (SSTs) (Li and Xie 2014). Aquaplanet simulations provide an idealized modeling environment in which some complex boundary conditions in tropical circulation, such as land–sea contrasts and orography, are removed. However, aquaplanet configurations of GCMs coupled to a slab ocean produce a broad range of tropical precipitation mean states (Voigt et al. 2016); even prescribing zonally uniform SSTs does not resolve the intermodel variability (Blackburn et al. 2013).
a. Modeling studies
Characteristics of the simulated ITCZ are sensitive to the representation of cloud–radiation interactions (Fermepin and Bony 2014; Li et al. 2015; Harrop and Hartmann 2016). In the deep tropics the cloud radiative effect (CRE) warms the atmosphere (Allan 2011), with important effects on tropical circulation (Slingo and Slingo 1988; Crueger and Stevens 2015). The CRE is associated with a more prominent single ITCZ (Crueger and Stevens 2015; Harrop and Hartmann 2016; Popp and Silvers 2017). Both Harrop and Hartmann (2016) and Popp and Silvers (2017) investigated the association between the Hadley circulation and CRE in a range of aquaplanet simulations with and without the CRE. In all GCMs used, the CRE is associated with increased equatorial rainfall, an equatorward contraction of the ITCZ, and a strengthening of the mean meridional circulation. The authors emphasize different mechanisms by which the CRE promotes a single ITCZ. Harrop and Hartmann (2016) propose that the CRE warms the upper tropical troposphere, which reduces the convective available potential energy and restricts deep convection to the region of warmest SSTs, while Popp and Silvers (2017) argue that the CRE strengthens the Hadley circulation and moves the ITCZ equatorward, associated with increased moist static energy (MSE) advection by the lower branches of the Hadley circulation. The strengthening of the mean circulation is associated with the CRE meridional gradient, as the CRE is positive in the tropics and negative in the extratropics (
Across a hierarchy of models it has been shown that the simulation of tropical precipitation is sensitive to the representation of convection (Terray 1998; Frierson 2007; Wang et al. 2007; Chikira 2010; Mobis and Stevens 2012; Oueslati and Bellon 2013; Bush et al. 2015; Nolan et al. 2016). For example, variations in lateral entrainment and detrainment rates, which alter the representation of deep convection, affect the diurnal cycle of precipitation over the Maritime Continent (Wang et al. 2007) and South Asian monsoon precipitation rates (Bush et al. 2015). Increasing convective mixing strengthens deep convection in convergence zones, associated with an increased moisture flux from subsidence regions (Terray 1998; Oueslati and Bellon 2013).
In full GCMs, complex surface characteristics and boundary conditions, including land–sea contrasts, orography, and SST gradients, make it challenging to understand the sensitivity of tropical precipitation to the representation of convection (Oueslati and Bellon 2013; Bush et al. 2015). Even in the absence of complex surface topography, aquaplanet studies have also shown that characteristics of tropical precipitation, in particular the location and intensity of the ITCZ, are sensitive to the sub-gridscale treatment of convection (Hess et al. 1993; Numaguti 1995; Chao and Chen 2004; Liu et al. 2010; Mobis and Stevens 2012). Mobis and Stevens (2012) studied the sensitivity of the ITCZ location to the choice of convective parameterization scheme in an aquaplanet configuration of the ECHAM GCM by comparing the Nordeng (1994) and Tiedtke (1989) schemes, which vary in their formulations of entrainment, detrainment and cloud base mass flux for deep convection. The Nordeng scheme, with a higher lateral entrainment rate, produced a single ITCZ, while the Tiedtke scheme produced a double ITCZ. The authors associate the location of maximum boundary layer MSE with the ITCZ location; they argue that mechanisms that control the boundary layer MSE are important to the sensitivity of the ITCZ to the representation of convection. The boundary layer MSE distribution is predominantly controlled by the surface winds, which are influenced by convective heating, allowing variations in convective heating to influence the ITCZ structure. The importance of the surface winds is further emphasized by simulations with prescribed surface winds in the computation of the surface fluxes (Mobis and Stevens 2012). These simulations lead to the conclusion that there is a strong association between surface turbulent fluxes and the ITCZ.
While the ITCZ has been shown to be sensitive to the CRE and the convective parameterization scheme, no study has separated these effects. This paper will analyze the sensitivity of the ITCZ to convective mixing in aquaplanet simulations using the Met Office Unified Model (MetUM), and the role of the CRE in this sensitivity.
b. Atmospheric energy framework
Literature based on a hierarchy of models, as well as reanalysis data and observations, concludes that the northward displacement of the ITCZ from the equator is anticorrelated with the northward cross-equatorial atmospheric energy transport (Kang et al. 2008; Frierson and Hwang 2012; Donohoe et al. 2013). Bischoff and Schneider (2014) developed a diagnostic framework to relate the location of the ITCZ to this energy transport.
Bischoff and Schneider (2014) explore the relationship derived in Eq. (2) using an idealized slab-ocean GCM with a prescribed oceanic heat transport. They investigate the effects of the
Previous research on the response of the simulated ITCZ to variations in the sub-gridscale representation of convection has not considered the role of the CRE or used an energy budget framework like that proposed by Bischoff and Schneider (2014). We hypothesize that the sensitivity of the ITCZ to these factors can be linked to variations in AEI and
2. Methodology
We use variations of an N96 (1.25° latitude × 1.875° longitude) aquaplanet configuration of the Met Office Unified Model Global Atmosphere 6.0 (GA6.0) configuration (Walters et al. 2017). The deep convective parameterization scheme is an altered form of the mass flux scheme in Gregory and Rowntree (1990), including a convective available potential energy closure based on Fritsch and Chappell (1980) and a mixing detrainment rate dependent on the relative humidity (Derbyshire et al. 2004). Unless noted, all simulations are run for three years with a “Qobs” SST profile (Neale and Hoskins 2001), with the first 60 days discarded as spinup.
Simulations performed
Simulations varying
To explore the influence of the CRE on the sensitivity of the ITCZ to convective mixing we perform a companion set of experiments with cloud–radiation interactions removed: F0.28NC, F0.57NC, F0.85NC, F1.13NC, and F1.70NC (Table 1). Cloud–radiation interactions are removed by setting cloud liquid and cloud ice to zero in the radiation scheme.
Finally, a third set of simulations use a prescribed CRE (Table 2) to investigate the relative importance of
Simulations with a prescribed climatology of the CRE diurnal cycle. PC1.13 and PC0.57 represent the prescribed CRE diurnal cycle from a 1-year simulation where
3. Results
a. Sensitivity of the ITCZ to the convective mixing
Figure 1a shows the sensitivity of the ITCZ to
Convective mixing reduces the difference in MSE between a convective plume, determined by the boundary layer MSE, and the free troposphere (Mobis and Stevens 2012), which reduces the buoyancy of the convective plume. Assuming the sensitivity of the environmental saturated MSE to
The sensitivity of the ITCZ to
The split ITCZ in F0.57 is associated with a substantially reduced equatorial CRE and an increased off-equatorial CRE (Fig. 3d). We chose CRE profiles from one year of F0.57 and F1.13 for our prescribed-CRE simulations (Table 2), as these two simulations show CRE profiles typical of a double and single ITCZ, respectively; these simulations are analyzed in section 3d. As the Hadley circulation and ITCZ are associated with the AEI, and the CRE plays a substantial role in AEI changes when varying
b. Sensitivity of the ITCZ to convective mixing with no cloud radiative effect
To test our hypothesis above, we first analyze simulations with the CRE removed (Table 1), similar to Harrop and Hartmann (2016). Figures 4a and 5 show the zonal-mean precipitation and mass meridional streamfunction respectively in simulations with no CRE (Table 1). Removing the CRE at
Similar to Harrop and Hartmann (2016), removing the CRE cools the tropical (≤30° latitude) upper troposphere, destabilizing the atmosphere and reducing the environmental saturated MSE. For a fixed boundary layer MSE and convective mixing rate, removing the CRE deepens convection as the buoyancy of a convective plume increases relative to the saturated MSE of the environment. Hence, removing the CRE reduces the minimum boundary layer MSE for deep convection, strengthening off-equatorial convection over cooler SSTs. Stronger off-equatorial convection decreases equatorward low-level winds in the deep tropics, reducing equatorial boundary layer MSE and promoting a double ITCZ. This mechanism is similar to that proposed for the sensitivity of the ITCZ to
The weaker Hadley circulation and double ITCZ in precipitation in F1.13NC is consistent with AEI changes. In F1.13NC removing CRE reduces the
At all
Removing the CRE changes, but does not remove, the sensitivity of the ITCZ to
Removing the CRE decreases the sensitivity of the AEI to
Simulations so far agree with the association in Bischoff and Schneider (2016) between a negative
c. Mechanisms responsible for an equatorward energy transport
To better understand the response of the mean circulation, associated with ITCZ changes, to varying
Three out of the four mechanisms are important in reducing the poleward MSE transport by the Hadley circulation in F0.85NC and F1.13NC (Fig. 9): a reduction in Hadley circulation strength (Fig. 9e), a shallower mean circulation (Fig. 9f), and a reduced MSE export at the top of the Hadley circulation due to lower MSE associated with upper-tropospheric cooling (Fig. 9g). MSE profile changes correlated with changes in circulation strength and intensity
Removing the CRE and varying
d. Sensitivity of the ITCZ to convective mixing with a prescribed cloud radiative effect
To further understand the role of the CRE on the sensitivity of the ITCZ to convective mixing, we perform prescribed-CRE simulations and vary
Similar to CRE-off simulations, the sensitivity of the ITCZ to
Root-mean-square difference for tropical precipitation and mass meridional streamfunction between two simulations. Tropical domain defined as 30°N to 30°S. Percentage value is the percentage reduction compared to F0.57 and F1.13.
As in CRE-off simulations, AEI changes in prescribed-CRE simulations when varying
F1.13PC0.57 and F0.57PC1.13 have similar split ITCZs (Fig. 10a), yet very different AEI profiles (Figs. 10b and 11b,d). F0.57PC1.13 highlights that a double ITCZ in precipitation does not require a negative
4. Discussion
We have analyzed aquaplanet simulations with variations to convective mixing to show an association between resultant variations in the AEI and characteristics of the ITCZ. Using the AEI framework we have shown the importance of the CRE in the sensitivity of the ITCZ to convective mixing. In a single ITCZ scenario (F0.85, F1.13, and F1.70), the CRE is critical in maintaining a positive
CRE-off simulations illustrate that the CRE plays a substantial role in the structure and intensity of the ITCZ. Similar to Harrop and Hartmann (2016), we observe that removing the CRE cools the tropical upper troposphere, reducing atmospheric stability and resulting in deep convection over cooler SSTs. Stronger convection at higher latitudes reduces equatorial moisture convergence and is associated with a double ITCZ. Removing the CRE also weakens the Hadley circulation, which is associated with a reduced AEI gradient between the tropics and subtropics, in agreement with Popp and Silvers (2017). The sensitivity of the ITCZ to
In prescribed CRE simulations, ITCZ characteristics are sensitive to both the prescribed CRE and
In both CRE-off and prescribed CRE simulations, latent heat flux alterations, associated with circulation changes, are the predominant cause of AEI changes when varying
As noted earlier in sections 3c and 3d, the balance between the diagnosed AEI and diagnosed
Variations in the CRE when varying
In our aquaplanet configuration SSTs are fixed which implies an arbitrary but varying oceanic heat transport to maintain SSTs given a net surface heat flux imbalance. Thus, our aquaplanet experiments may be viewed as energetically inconsistent. In Bischoff and Schneider (2014) and Voigt et al. (2016) ocean heat transport, and hence the net downward flux at the surface, is fixed, constraining the response of AEI components and potentially reducing the sensitivity of the ITCZ to model perturbations. In reality the ocean circulation, and thus ocean heat transport, is sensitive to changes in the surface wind stress. Therefore, both the SST and ocean heat transport could change in response to tropical circulation changes from variations to
5. Conclusions
The double ITCZ bias is a leading systematic error across a hierarchy of models (Li and Xie 2014; Oueslati and Bellon 2015). Intermodel variability in the ITCZ structure persists even in a highly idealized framework such as an aquaplanet with prescribed SSTs (Blackburn et al. 2013). This study confirms and extends previous research that variations in the convective parameterization scheme and convective mixing can alter the ITCZ (Fig. 1a; Hess et al. 1993; Numaguti 1995; Chao and Chen 2004; Liu et al. 2010; Mobis and Stevens 2012). Higher convective mixing rates are associated with a single ITCZ while lower rates are associated with a double ITCZ. As the convective mixing rate reduces, convection at higher latitudes strengthens, decreasing equatorward low-level winds at low latitudes, promoting a double ITCZ structure. The sensitivity of the ITCZ to convective mixing is associated with AEI changes, predominantly caused by CRE variations. For example, the CRE plays an important role in maintaining a positive equatorial AEI, and is therefore associated with a single ITCZ structure [consistent with Harrop and Hartmann (2016) and Bischoff and Schneider (2016)’s framework]. When removing the CRE, the response of the ITCZ depends on the convective mixing rate. At low convective mixing rates, where a double ITCZ is simulated with the CRE, precipitation bands shift poleward. At high convective mixing rates the ITCZ broadens, while at certain convective mixing rates the ITCZ structure changes from single to double. Quantifying whether the sensitivity of the ITCZ to convective mixing reduces when removing the CRE is challenging, as the sensitivity depends on the range of convective mixing rates and the chosen metric. Prescribing the CRE reduces the sensitivity of the ITCZ to convective mixing by ≈50%. When removing or prescribing the CRE other AEI components, in particular the latent heat flux, play a role in the sensitivity of the ITCZ to convective mixing. Hence, simulations where the ocean heat transport is fixed, thereby constraining surface fluxes, may underestimate the sensitivity of the ITCZ to changes in model formulation. We have also shown two mechanisms responsible for a net equatorward MSE transport even with no equatorial subsidence: MSE transport by eddies, and a reduced MSE export in the upper branch of the mean circulation due to a shallower Hadley circulation. These mechanisms highlight that caution should be taken when associating changes in the AEI to the ITCZ structure.
JT is funded by the Natural Environment Research Council (NERC) via the SCENARIO Doctoral Training Partnership (NE/L002566/1) at the University of Reading. SJW was supported by the National Centre for Atmospheric Science, a NERC collaborative centre under Contract R8/H12/83/001. NPK was supported by an Independent Research Fellowship from the NERC (NE/LO10976/1). The data used in this publication are available on request from the lead author.
We thank Aiko Voigt and two anonymous reviewers for comments that substantially improved this paper.
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