1. Introduction
Changes in the severity and duration of extreme heat stress events are potentially one of the most harmful impacts of climate change, affecting human health and productivity, and also damaging crops and ecosystems, among many other negative impacts [see Carleton and Hsiang (2016) for discussions of the negative social and economic impacts of extreme heat stress]. For large-enough global-mean warming, increases in heat stress may even make large parts of the tropics uninhabitable by humans (Sherwood and Huber 2010).
Heat stress is a result of elevated temperature and moisture levels: high temperatures cause more heat to be input into the human body, while high levels of moisture limit the ability of the human body to cool through evaporation, the primary method by which it dissipates excess heat in warm climates (Koppe et al. 2004). Understanding changes in heat stress in warmer climates thus requires understanding how local temperature and moisture extremes change, and the relative contributions each of these makes to the total change in heat stress.
A warmer climate will have hotter warm-temperature extremes, but it is less clear how changes in moisture will affect heat stress. Simple conceptual models suggest that near-surface relative humidity decreases over land with warming (Byrne and O’Gorman 2016), and this is robustly seen in observations and climate model simulations (Simmons et al. 2010; Byrne and O’Gorman 2013, 2018). In terms of specific humidity (qυ), the Clausius–Clapeyron relation implies that qυ will increase by roughly 7% °C−1 over oceans (where relative humidity changes are small), but the expected relative humidity decreases over land mean that qυ will likely increase more slowly than 7% °C−1. Instead, changes in qυ over land can be well approximated by assuming the same fractional changes in specific humidity over land as over the ocean source for the land moisture (Chadwick et al. 2016). But these conceptual models of how specific and relative humidity change over land have yet to be connected to changes in heat stress over land, and it is also unclear whether relative or specific humidity is more relevant for quantifying heat stress changes.
Uncertainty in the drivers of heat stress changes is partly a result of the variety of different heat stress metrics, which place differing emphases on the role of moisture (Buzan et al. 2015; Mora et al. 2017; Sherwood 2018). In the present-day climate, some metrics, such as the wet-bulb temperature (Tw), suggest that low-latitude heat stress extremes are primarily caused by moisture, while other metrics, such as the United States National Weather Service’s heat index, suggest that tropical and subtropical heat stress extremes are mostly due to elevated temperature (Buzan et al. 2015; Zhao et al. 2015). Still other metrics, such as the simplified wet-bulb globe temperature, show roughly equal contributions from temperature and moisture (Buzan et al. 2015). At a regional scale, Raymond et al. (2017), using Tw as their metric for heat stress, found that moisture extremes tend to dominate heat stress extremes over North America in the present climate, while Wang et al. (2019) showed that the relative contributions of temperature and moisture to Tw extremes over China varies region by region.
Changes in temperature and humidity covary in climate models, such that intermodel spread in the response of heat stress metrics such as Tw is smaller than if the intermodel spreads in the temperature and (relative or specific) humidity responses were independent (Fischer and Knutti 2012; Buzan and Huber 2020). The covariation of changes in temperature and moisture (conditioned on extreme heat stress events) is partly explained by the fact that extreme heat stress generally occurs in the summer, when the atmospheric state is largely determined by convection. Since most atmospheric profiles are close to moist convective neutrality in summer, this places bounds on the possible combinations of temperature, moisture, and pressure that can be expected at upper percentile heat stress levels for a given climate state (Buzan and Huber 2020; Zhang and Fueglistaler 2020). The limited set of possible temperature and moisture values means, for example, that the intensification of extreme warm events is projected to be associated with a reduction in the relative humidity associated with these events (Coffel et al. 2019). Although the allowable set changes with climate, constituting a “movable limit,” convective neutrality provides a useful first-order constraint on the possible combinations of temperature and moisture for a given climate.
A simple model of the response of heat stress extremes to warming was proposed by Willett and Sherwood (2012), who assumed a uniform shift of summertime simplified wet-bulb globe temperature (W) and fixed relative humidity to predict changes in regional W extremes. While this model was able to produce a reasonable match to observed W trends over many land regions, the assumption of fixed relative humidity during extreme W events is questionable over land, and the model does not provide an explicit separation of the relative contributions of temperature and moisture. So the relative contributions of temperature and moisture to heat stress changes have still to be separated and quantified.
In this study, conditions are derived on the baseline specific humidity for determining when changes in temperature or in specific humidity can be expected to dominate heat stress changes, with separate conditions over ocean and over land. A further condition is derived for when local relative humidity changes are the main contributor to heat stress changes, rather than temperature changes at fixed relative humidity. The arguments focus on equivalent potential temperature (θE), which is closely related to moist static energy and is conserved under moist pseudoadiabatic ascent, making it the most physically intuitive variable for theoretical investigations of heat stress. Also, θE is amenable to analysis, in contrast to some heat stress metrics that involve a large number of empirical constants, and several other heat stress metrics, such as Tw, scale with θE, or at least are strongly influenced by θE changes (see appendix A). Finally, note that using θE emphasizes specific humidity as the relevant moisture variable.
The theory is presented in the following section. Section 3 then investigates seasonal θE changes in 14 models participating in phase 6 of the Climate Model Intercomparison Project (CMIP6). Included in this section are investigations of the sources of uncertainty in θE changes, and of whether the baseline specific humidity can be used to develop emergent constraints on the response of seasonal-mean θE. Changes in extreme (98th-percentile) θE events are discussed in section 4, and the relative contributions of temperature and specific humidity to observed changes in θE are examined in section 5. The study ends with conclusions in section 6.
2. Theory
a. Over ocean
Figures 2a and 2b show qυ,0 for changes in relative humidity of −10% to +10% and temperature changes from −2° to +10°C, at baseline relative humidities of 60% (Fig. 2a) and 80% (Fig. 2b). The value of qυ,0 is very large in a band that stretches from the upper left quadrant of the figure down to the lower-right quadrant, for which Δθ ≈ Δθc and ΔRH ≈ ΔRHc. qυ,0 decreases moving away from this band, with the largest decreases when increasing ΔRH at fixed Δθ, and qυ,0 is small for temperature changes close to 0 and lower for a higher baseline relative humidity.
b. Over land
c. Changes in relative humidity
3. Seasonal θE changes
To investigate the relative importance of changes in temperature and in specific humidity for θE changes, data were taken from simulations with 14 climate models participating in CMIP6 in which CO2 concentrations were increased at 1% yr−1 (see Table 1 for list of models).1 For each simulation, ΔθE, Δθ, and Δqυ were calculated by taking the difference between averages over years 1–10 and over years 70–80. The value of θE was estimated using Eq. (1), with temperature at the lifting condensation level calculated using Eq. (21) of Bolton (1980), and multimodel composites were generated by linearly interpolating all of the model responses onto the same 2.5° × 2.5° grid.
r2 values for correlations between JJA ΔθE and JJA Δθ, between JJA ΔθE and JJA Δqυ, and between JJA ΔθE and JJA qυ, as well as r2 values for the same correlations taken over land regions only. Boldface values have a p value less than 0.025, which gives an estimate of the statistical significance of the correlations.
Note that the derivations in section 2 started by considering fractional changes in θE, but in the analysis of the CMIP6 data I focus on the absolute changes in θE to emphasize tropical regions, where the greatest risks of heat stress are found. (Results are shown at all latitudes, rather than in the tropics only, to illustrate the different regimes identified by the theory.) The conditions on qυ for where moisture is the main driver θE changes [Eqs. (4), (6), (10), and (11)] can also be derived by starting from the equation for the absolute changes in θE, although the derivation is clearer when starting from the fractional change, and the final conditions are independent of whether fractional or absolute θE changes are considered.
a. Boreal summer
The boreal summer [June–August (JJA)] multimodel composite clearly shows that changes in moisture are the primary driver of the pattern of changes in equivalent potential temperature (cf. Figs. 1a and 1c). For example, there are large increases in θE over equatorial Africa, particularly along the coastline of the Bay of Guinea, and smaller increases over the Sahara, which match the pattern of specific humidity changes. By contrast, the potential temperature changes over Africa are much more uniform (Fig. 1b). Another notable example is in southwest North America, where there is a region of small qυ and θE changes stretching southwest–northeast from Baja California into Arizona and New Mexico. This feature is not seen in the potential temperature field. Also, ΔθE and Δqυ are highly correlated throughout the tropical and midlatitude oceans.
To quantify the correlations, Table 1 gives r2 values for pattern correlations between ΔθE and Δqυ, and between ΔθE and Δθ. Whereas ΔθE and Δqυ are very highly correlated in the multimodel composite (r2 = 0.79), and the average r2 value across the individual models is 0.76, the correlation between ΔθE and Δθ is weak (r2 = 0.07) in the multimodel composite, although the correlation with Δθ tends to be higher in individual models (average r2 = 0.31). Similar results are obtained when the correlations are taken over land areas only (columns 5 and 6 of Table 1), but the correlations with Δqυ,L are generally higher and the correlations with ΔθL generally lower. Taking correlations over tropical regions only (30°S to 30°N) further increases the correlations with Δqυ and reduces the correlations with Δθ (not shown).
Figure 1d shows the multimodel composite of qυ averaged over years 1–10 of the simulations, which is used as the baseline specific humidity. This is well correlated with ΔθE in the multimodel composite (r2 = 0.62), but the correlation is lower in individual models, roughly similar to the correlation with Δθ (average r2 = 0.33). Considering land areas only improves these correlations (r2 = 0.73 in the multimodel composite and r2 averaged over all models = 0.38). Chadwick et al. (2016) showed that the approximation of Eq. (8) is less accurate in individual models than in the ensemble composite, because model disagreements in circulation changes and land surface feedbacks are averaged out in the composite, which likely explains why the correlation between qυ and ΔθE is higher in the multimodel composite.
The cyan contours in Fig. 1d indicate the 5.6 g kg−1 isopleth, for which moisture changes will dominate θE changes over ocean if relative humidity is fixed. The areas with baseline specific humidities below this threshold include high-latitude oceans and desert regions (the Sahara, Arabia, the Kalahari, etc.). For example, the strong warming seen in the Southern Ocean leads to large θE changes there, despite small changes in qυ (Fig. 1). Over land the temperature-dominated areas will be larger than the area enclosed by the cyan contours because the specific humidity threshold is higher.
Figure 3a quantifies the relative contributions of temperature and moisture by showing the ratio Q = (LυΔqυ)/(cpΔθ) for the multimodel JJA composite. Over oceans there is close agreement with the theory, as the red contours in Fig. 3a, which denote where Q = 1, closely match the green contours, which show the 5.6 g kg−1 isopleth again. Over land, Q < 1 over desert regions, with a larger extent than predicted by the green contours, and is also less than one over much of Europe and central Asia, central Brazil, and central India. Experimenting with other contour levels suggests that qυ,0 varies over land between 5 and 10 g kg−1, with substantial regional variations. For example, the North Atlantic experiences the slowest warming of any region, while Europe warms at a similar rate to other land regions at the same latitude (Fig. 1b). This results in a large amplification factor over Europe, so that temperature is the main driver of the θE response even though the baseline specific humidity is relatively high, and qυ,0 ≈ 9 g kg−1 over Europe. By contrast, over Australia, southern Africa, and the southern part of South America the Q = 1 contours closely follow the qυ,0 = 5.6 g kg−1 contours. These variations in qυ,0 highlight the role of regional factors in determining the relative contributions of humidity and temperature to heat stress extremes over land.
b. Austral summer
Similar results are obtained in other seasons (i.e., the pattern of ΔθE is primarily determined by the pattern of Δqυ), with the notable exception of austral summer [December–February (DJF); Fig. 4]. In this season the strong Arctic amplification of warming, combined with the dryness of high-latitude winter climates, means that ΔθE is mostly determined by Δθ at high northern latitudes and over much of the Northern Hemisphere continents (North America and Eurasia). The pattern correlations between ΔθE and Δθ are higher in DJF, while the correlation between ΔθE and Δqυ are lower (not shown). Heat stress extremes are very unlikely to occur in these regions during boreal winter, but this example illustrates that Δθ can play a more important role in determining the pattern of ΔθE in cold, dry climates.
Farther south, the θE changes in sub-Saharan Africa and South America are primarily caused by moisture changes, and in general the 5.6 g kg−1 threshold accurately separates regions dominated by temperature changes and regions dominated by moisture changes, even over land (cf. red and green contours in Fig. 3b).2 So in most places that are likely to experience heat stress extremes in austral summer, changes in specific humidity are still the key factor in seasonal θE changes.
c. Sources of uncertainty in ΔθE
Comparing the left and right columns of Fig. 5 shows that at most tropical and subtropical land locations Δqυ contributes to much more uncertainty in ΔθE than does uncertainty in Δθ. This includes much of South America, sub-Saharan Africa, India, Southeast Asia, and Australia. Exceptions include the northern Amazon in DJF (the dry season; Fig. 5g), the Sahara outside of boreal summer, and southern Australia in September–November (SON).
At higher latitudes, the semipartial correlation coefficients for both Δθ and Δqυ are generally low over much of North America and Eurasia, suggesting that temperature and humidity changes are well correlated across models in these regions. The primary exceptions are seen in JJA, when
d. Potential for emergent constraints
The correlations between baseline specific humidity and θE changes seen in Fig. 2 and quantified in Table 1 hint at the potential for emergent constraints between present-day specific humidity and changes in seasonal-mean θE with warming. To investigate this, r2 values were calculated for correlations across models between the baseline qυ and ΔθE (Fig. 6). Values are only shown over land for ease of presentation and because these regions are of most societal relevance.
In JJA, the baseline specific humidity is poorly correlated with ΔθE at most locations (Fig. 6a), with few regions where the correlation is statistically significant (here defined as having a p value <0.025). There are patches of high r2 values in equatorial Africa, western South America, parts of the Amazon, and over Pakistan. The results of correlations for other seasons are shown in the rest of the figure, and are similarly patchy, with few large regions of high r2 values. This is consistent with the lower correlation between baseline qυ and ΔθE in individual models compared to the multimodel composite, and the real world would probably be expected to behave more like a single model realization. South America has patches of high r2 values in DJF and, interestingly, the warming over much of North America and Eurasia is also well correlated with the baseline qυ in DJF. This suggests that the amplitude of polar amplification could be constrained by the present-day specific humidity, though much more work is needed to investigate this possibility further.
4. Changes in extreme events
Changes in extreme-θE events may be as important as seasonal-mean changes, but the combination of factors driving changes in extreme-θE events is likely to be more complex. For example, the assumption that fractional changes in moisture over land are equal to the fractional changes in moisture over the relevant oceanic moisture sources may not hold on the synoptic time-scales of extreme heatwaves. Furthermore, soil moisture feedbacks, which are ignored in the theory of section 2, often play a key role in extreme heat stress events (e.g., Diffenbaugh et al. 2007; Donat et al. 2017). Over oceans, the relative humidities associated with high-θE events may also have much larger responses to warming than seasonal-mean relative humidities. Nevertheless, the rapid increase of specific humidity with temperature, particularly at warmer temperatures, suggests that specific humidity changes are also likely to be the main driver of extreme-θE changes.
To investigate the roles of temperature and moisture in changing extreme-θE events, the analysis of the previous section was repeated for changes in the 98th percentile3 of the annual distribution of daily θE (ΔθE,98), with Δθ and Δqυ conditioned on these extreme events (Δθ98 and Δqυ,98, respectively).4 Comparing Figs. 1a and 7a, the magnitudes of ΔθE,98 are comparable to the magnitudes of JJA ΔθE, but ΔθE,98 is more spatially uniform, with similar increases over most land locations, whereas JJA ΔθE is more tropically amplified.
Just as for the seasonal-mean changes, the pattern of ΔθE,98 closely resembles the pattern of specific humidity changes (Fig. 7c). For example, the largest increases in ΔθE,98 and in Δqυ,98 over North America are in the Hudson Bay region, with the smallest increases over the southwestern United States and northwestern Mexico. Also, Δθ98 is more uniform across North America (Fig. 7b), and generally has a smaller magnitude than Δqυ,98. Table 2 confirms this qualitative picture, as ΔθE,98 is very highly correlated with Δqυ,98 (r2 = 0.94 in the multimodel composite, 0.90 in the multimodel mean) and less well correlated with Δθ98 (r2 = 0.30 in the composite, 0.37 in the multimodel mean). Correlations taken over land regions only are similar for Δqυ,98, but lower for Δθ98.
r2 values for correlations between ΔθE,98 and Δθ98, between ΔθE,98 and Δqυ,98, and between ΔθE,98 and qυ,98, as well as r2 values for the same correlations taken over land regions only. Boldface values have a p value less than 0.025, which gives an estimate of the statistical significance of the correlations.
ΔθE,98 is also well correlated with the baseline qυ,98 (qυ conditioned on θE,98 and averaged over years 1–10) in the multimodel composite (Fig. 7d), with an r2 of 0.65. The correlations are lower for individual models (multimodel mean r2 = 0.47), and are similar when taken over land regions only. As with the seasonal-mean θE changes, correlations across models between qυ,98 and ΔθE,98 indicate that the conditional baseline specific humidity is a poor constraint on changes in extreme heat stress events at most land locations (not shown).
Even more than the changes in seasonal ΔθE, moisture primarily determines the response of extreme-θE events, so that Q98 = (LυΔqυ,98)/(cpΔθ98) > 1 at almost all locations in the tropics, subtropics, and midlatitudes (Fig. 8). Exceptions are the Iberian Peninsula, parts of North Africa, central Asia, and the southern tip of South America. Extreme-θE events in these regions are all associated with specific humidities <10 g kg−1 in the baseline climate (Fig. 7d). Also, Q98 is less than one at high latitudes, where the green contours in Fig. 8 separate regions of qυ,98 > 5.6 g kg−1 from regions where qυ,98 < 5.6 g kg−1, and closely match the red Q = 1 contours.
As another way of demonstrating the importance of specific humidity changes for extreme events, Fig. 9 plots the conditional specific humidity and temperature changes for locations over land where the 98th percentile of θE in the control climate is above 308 K (≈35°C) in the 14 CMIP6 models.5 The spread in the conditional specific humidity changes is larger than the spread in the conditional temperature changes in almost all of the models, with the exception of some grid points in the CanESM5 model. Inspection of the maps of ΔθE,98, Δθ98, and Δqυ,98 for CanESM5 shows that these grid points lie over the Tibetan Plateau, which experiences large temperature increases during warm, dry days in this model. Otherwise, changes in the very warmest θE events are associated with large qυ,98 responses. For these extreme heat stress events, specific humidity is again the leading factor driving the response to climate change.
Sources of uncertainty in ΔθE,98
Specific humidity changes are the primary control on the pattern ΔθE,98, suggesting that they also control the intermodel spread, or uncertainty, in ΔθE,98. Figure 10 repeats the calculations of Fig. 5, but now shows semipartial correlations across models between ΔθE,98 and ΔθE,98 and between ΔθE,98 and Δqυ,98. Once again, Δqυ,98 explains a majority of the intermodel spread in ΔθE,98 over most land locations, with high
Uncertainty in extreme θE changes can also be related to uncertainty in seasonal-mean θ and qυ. High semipartial correlations between ΔθE,98 and JJA Δqυ are seen throughout much of North America, Europe, India, and the Sahel (Fig. 11b), suggesting that progress can be made in constraining the uncertainty in extreme heat stress events in these regions by constraining the response of boreal summer specific humidity. Similarly, the semipartial correlation is high between ΔθE,98 and DJF Δqυ in South Africa, Australia, and the southern half of South America (Fig. 11h). The responses of MAM and SON qυ are well correlated with ΔθE,98 in equatorial Africa (Figs. 11d,f), and the responses of MAM and SON θ are well correlated with ΔθE,98 in the northeastern Amazon (Figs. 11c,e).
These results should be interpreted with caution, as few of the relationships are statistically significant at the 95% level. Nevertheless, these calculations suggest that intermodel variations in seasonal-mean Δqυ during the hottest and most humid parts of the year (boreal summer in North America, austral summer in South Africa, the rainy season in central Africa, etc.) explain much of the intermodel variations in the response of extreme θE. The exception is the northeastern Amazon, where changes in θ explain more intermodel variation in ΔθE,98, as was also seen for seasonal-mean ΔθE (section 3c). The possibility that intermodel spread in ΔθE,98 could be explained by changes in seasonal θ and qυ suggests that these relationships merit further investigation as more data become available for the CMIP6 models.
5. Observed changes in θE
The relative contributions of temperature and specific humidity changes to observed changes in θE can be difficult to untangle because of the limited observational record, internal variability (which can induce large changes in relative humidity even over oceans), and confounding factors such as aerosol emissions and land-use changes. However, analysis of data from the ERA5 dataset (Copernicus Climate Change Service 2017) confirms again that specific humidity has generally been the leading driver of θE changes. Figure 12a shows the changes in JJA θE between 1979–88 and 2009–18, while Fig. 13a shows the changes in the 98th percentile of daily mean θE between 1979–88 and 2009–18. In both cases, the patterns are closely related to the patterns of qυ changes (Figs. 12c and 13c), with r2 values of 0.7–0.8 (bottom rows of Tables 1 and 2). Notably, the correlations are slightly lower when averaging over land areas only. By comparison, the patterns of Δθ (Figs. 12b and 13b) are more spatially uniform, and are less well correlated with ΔθE, with r2 values of ~0.5–0.6.6
By comparing Figs. 12 and 13 with the CMIP6 results (Figs. 1 and 7) it can be seen that the changes in θE over the past 40 years are much more spatially heterogeneous than the changes in the 1% yr−1 runs, with some regions even experiencing reductions in θE. These reductions have been caused by large decreases in relative humidity, and associated decreases in specific humidity (see Figs. 12c and 13c). For example, JJA and 98th-percentile θE have both decreased over southwest North America, despite increases in θ over the past 40 years. The changes in θE are also entirely decorrelated from the baseline specific humidity (qυ averaged over 1979–88; see Figs. 12d and 13d, and bottom rows of Tables 1 and 2), because of the large changes in relative humidity. Finally, the ratios Q and Q98 are also more spatially heterogeneous for the reanalysis data than for the CMIP6 data, because in many regions the changes in θ, qυ, and θE are small (Fig. 14). However, it is notable that Q and Q98 are both < 1 over much of Eurasia, particularly for the change in seasonal-mean JJA θE (Fig. 14a). As with the CMIP6 data, changes in temperature seem to have played a large role in θE changes over Eurasia.
6. Conclusions
There is growing recognition that changes in heat stress could be one of the most devastating consequences of future climate change. Predicting these changes requires climate models that can make accurate prediction of how the many factors involved in extreme heat stress events respond to warming, while also making predictions at the fine scales required to take preventative action. But improved conceptual understanding of the factors governing heat stress changes is also necessary to guide the improvement of models and to ensure trust in model results.
In this study, simple conditions on the baseline specific humidity have been derived for when specific humidity can be expected to dominate changes in equivalent potential temperature (ΔθE), with different conditions over ocean and over land. A condition was also derived for when changes in relative humidity determine the response of θE, rather than the response to warming at fixed relative humidity. These conditions have guided an analysis of θE, changes in transient warming simulations with 14 CMIP6 models. Specific humidity changes are found to be the primary control on the pattern of θE, changes, whether considering seasonal-mean changes or changes in the 98th percentile of θE, so that the response of θE can generally be approximated as coming from a spatially uniform (i.e., global mean) potential temperature change and a spatially varying pattern of specific humidity changes. Specific humidity changes also tend to control the intermodel spread, or uncertainty, in ΔθE over land, particularly for extreme events. Over the oceans, where relative humidity changes are small, the temperature response is the main control on the responses of qυ and θE, though relative humidity changes are still large enough for Δqυ to be more highly correlated with ΔθE, particularly in the tropics and subtropics. These model results are corroborated by reanalysis data, in which the patterns of θE changes are more heterogeneous, reflecting forced changes and internal variability, but are again highly correlated with the patterns of Δqυ. In summary, improving our understanding of the regional pattern of θE changes and reducing the intermodel spread in θE, especially over land, can both be largely achieved by understanding and constraining the response of specific humidity to warming.
The key reason for the importance of specific humidity in θE changes is its rapid increase with temperature. Whereas temperature increases by ~0.3% °C−1 (≈1/300), specific humidity increases by ~7% °C−1 at fixed relative humidity. Changes in relative humidity, driven by dynamics, soil moisture feedbacks or land-use changes, can cause the local response of specific humidity to be <0% °C−1 or to increase faster than the Clausius–Clapeyron scaling. Only in cold, dry climates are the larger fractional increases of specific humidity, and the larger spatial variation in these increases, overwhelmed by temperature increases, so that the pattern of Δθ sets the pattern of ΔθE. Raymond et al. (2017) used similar reasoning to hypothesize that moisture will play an ever-greater role in determining wet-bulb temperatures in the future, and also that the dominance of moisture in wet-bulb temperature extremes will spread poleward as higher latitudes warm up.
The scalings derived in section 2 imply that ΔθE is partly determined by the baseline specific humidity, qυ, particularly over oceans. Pattern correlations confirm that qυ and ΔθE are related, for both seasonal-mean changes and for extreme events, although the correlations tend to be worse in individual models than in the multimodel composite. The relationship between qυ and ΔθE hints at the potential for emergent constraints, in which present-day specific humidity values are used to constrain future changes in heat stress, but qυ is generally found to be a poor predictor for changes in ΔθE over land in the models analyzed here. Intermodel variations in relative humidity, in the land warming amplification factor, in the ratio of specific humidity over ocean to specific humidity over land, and in the responses of these to warming could obscure the connection between qυ and ΔθE across models.
More detailed analyses are required to fully understand and constrain the pattern of heat stress changes; to understand local relative humidity changes, how surface processes, such as soil moisture feedbacks, affect local moisture levels, and how the dynamics of synoptic-scale weather events responsible for heat stress extremes change with warming. Furthermore, using alternative heat stress metrics, especially those that weight temperature more heavily, may give a different view of the relative importance of humidity and temperature, although ultimately the rapid Clausius–Clapeyron scaling of qυ will always win out for warm, humid climates. But the analysis presented here provides a starting point for choosing what to focus on in future investigations. Using θE, the wet-bulb temperature Tw, or related metrics suggests that at most locations over land, constraining how the specific humidity during extreme heat stress events respond to global-mean warming is the most important step toward constraining future heat stress changes. Especially for extreme events, the local temperature response plays a secondary role in heat stress changes, and can essentially be set to a single, global-mean value. To put this another way, in most places changes in heat stress will be determined by changes in the body’s ability to dissipate excess heat through evaporation, rather than by changes in the amount of heat input into the body.
I thank Daniel Koll, Max Popp, Michael Byrne, Yi Zhang, Stephan Fueglistaler, and Karen McKinnon for helpful conversations and comments over the course of this project. The manuscript was also much improved by close reading and helpful comments from three anonymous reviewers.
Other Heat Stress Metrics
Surface Pressure Changes
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These were the 14 CMIP6 models for which daily values of surface temperature and specific humidity were available at the time of the analysis (February 2020).
The correspondence between the Q = 1 contour and the 5.6 g kg−1 isopleth, i.e., between the red and green contours, is comparable in individual models to the correspondence in the multimodel composite.
The 98th percentile was chosen as a compromise between capturing “extreme” events and statistical robustness. Similar results are obtained with other percentiles.
Daily surface pressure values were not available for any of the models at the time of the analysis, so monthly-mean values were used to calculate θ, and the assumption that changes in surface pressure, conditioned on the 98th percentile of daily θE, are small has not been verified.
The threshold θE value of 308 K was chosen as a compromise between capturing extreme heat events and sample size in individual models, and should not be confused with the wet-bulb temperature threshold of 35°C for human adaptability (Sherwood and Huber 2010).
As with the CMIP6 data, ΔθE is better correlated with Δθ in DJF due to the Arctic amplification of warming.