1. Introduction
Modern numerical Earth system models require enormous amounts of computational resources and place significant demand on the world’s most powerful supercomputers. As such, operational forecasting centers are stretched to make best use of resources and seek ways of reducing unnecessary computation wherever possible.
One idea to improve computational efficiency that has gained attention in recent years is to utilize low-precision arithmetic—in place of conventional 64-bit arithmetic—for computationally intensive parts of the code. This has been accompanied by parallel trends in deep learning where low precision is deployed routinely and for which novel hardware is now emerging (Gupta et al. 2015; Micikevicius et al. 2018). Whether such hardware can be exploited for weather and climate, however, ultimately depends on the cumulative effect of rounding error. In fact, a number of studies have shown that much numerical weather prediction, at least on the short time scales relevant for forecasts, can be optimized for low precision (Chantry et al. 2019; Hatfield et al. 2019; Jeffress et al. 2017; Klöwer et al. 2020; Saffin et al. 2020; Prims et al. 2019) and forecasting centers are already exploiting this in operations. Indeed, the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts recently ported the atmospheric component of its flagship Integrated Forecast System to single precision (Maass 2021; Váňa et al. 2017), while MeteoSwiss and the U.K. Met Office have previously implemented single- and mixed-precision codes respectively (Rüdisühli et al. 2014; Gilham 2018).
As operational weather forecasters experiment with more efficient low-precision hardware, it is natural to ask whether low precision is suitable for climate modeling (i.e., long time scales) and this is the question addressed by the current paper. Compared to weather forecasting, where research in low precision has focused to date, climate modeling presents a different problem requiring some new techniques. While an ensemble weather forecast seeks a relatively localized probability distribution over the possible states of the atmosphere at a given time, the exact state is understood to be totally unpredictable on long time scales due to chaos, and a climate model seeks instead to approximate the statistics of states over a long time period (in the language of ergodic theory, the climatological object of interest is the invariant probability distribution). Thus the test for a low-precision climate model should be whether it has the same statistics (invariant distribution) as its high-precision counterpart.
We develop such a test based on the Wasserstein distance (WD) from optimal transport theory, which provides a natural notion of closeness between probability distributions. The WD is defined as the cost of an optimal strategy for transporting probability mass between distributions with respect to a cost c(x, y) of transporting unit mass from
The WD is an appropriate metric for this study because 1) it is nonparametric, 2) it has favorable geometrical properties (see Fig. 1), 3) it is interpretable in appropriate physical units, and 4) it bounds a range of expected values covering both the mean response and extreme weather events. The metric is popular in machine learning (Arjovsky et al. 2017) and has recently been suggested as an appropriate measure of skill in climate modeling (Robin et al. 2017; Vissio et al. 2020; Vissio and Lucarini 2018); however, since it is not so well known within the community, a survey of the WD, including a rigorous definition and discussion of computational techniques, is given in appendix A. In particular, see sections a and e of appendix A for further discussion of points 1–4.
Any test can only bound the effects of rounding error at low precision relative to the variability of probability distributions generated by a corresponding high-precision experiment. Experiments must thus be carefully designed to minimize such variability in order to isolate the effects of rounding error. For example, by taking an ensemble of sufficiently long integrations one can reduce initial condition variability, and by keeping external factors such as greenhouse gas emissions annually periodic one can reduce variability due to nonstationarity. A choice of metric with strong properties (e.g., points 1–4 listed above) is then crucial for interpretation of the resulting bounds on rounding error in order to have confidence in the reliability of a low-precision model. Although we developed our methods to measure rounding error, we hope they might also be of interest to the broader climate modeling community.
a. Structure of the document
Section 2 covers the Lorenz system, intended to illustrate our methodology using a low-dimensional and well-known chaotic dynamical system. Section 3 then extends the analysis to a high-dimensional dynamical system via a finite-difference scheme for a shallow-water model. Section 4 presents a short interlude into a simple heat diffusion model, the main aim of which is to illustrate clearly the effect of stochastic rounding in preventing stagnation in time-stepping schemes. Section 5 analyses the SPEEDY model in low precision, both through an idealized El Niño experiment and through the detailed climatological methods developed in sections 2 and 3. Section 6 provides conclusions and poses areas for further research. Acknowledgments are then given along with links to our source code. Appendix A provides relevant background on the Wasserstein distance, which is central to our work, while appendix B documents the different arithmetic formats and rounding modes that are referenced in the paper.
b. Notation
In this paper we write Float64, Float32, and Float16 to denote the IEEE-754 standard formats for double, single, and half precision respectively, and BFloat16 for Google’s Brain floating point format (see Fig. B1 in appendix B), with round-to-nearest used implicitly as the rounding scheme. We write Float32sr, Float16sr, and BFloat16sr whenever stochastic rounding is used instead (see appendix B). All low-precision formats (i.e., everything except Float64) have been implemented insoftware, rather than in hardware; see the data availability statement (following the acknowledgments) for details.
2. The Lorenz system
We first sampled 10 initial conditions
In general, results will be sensitive to both the choice of numerical scheme and the time step; however, we will not dwell on such issues since our aim is to develop a method to measure rounding error in a climatological context, rather than to obtain an optimal integration.
Integrations are binned and plotted in Fig. 2. While the Float32, Float32sr, and Float16sr integrations appear to approximate the high-precision attractor well, Float16 suffers from the small number of available states forcing the evolution into an early periodic orbit, while we found that BFloat16 collapsed on a point attractor with this fine time step, although both of these integrations were notably improved by stochastic rounding. For each arithmetic we computed the ensemble mean Wasserstein distance (WD; see Appendix A) between the five probability distributions generated by ei and the five distributions generated by
To compute WDs we approximated the probability distributions by data binning with cubed bins and a bin width of 6 msu. This is a coarse estimation but we found results were not sensitive to decreasing bin width [in agreement with Vissio and Lucarini (2018)] and we also performed the same computation approximating by the empirical distributions generated by 2500 samples as well as approximating by Sinkhorn divergences, and by marginalizing onto one-dimensional distributions (see section c in Appendix A), all of which gave analogous results. The methods based upon sampling and marginalization provide alternatives to data-binning in higher dimensional settings, as we will come to in the next section.
3. A shallow water model
Following the methodology developed in section 2 we integrated for 20 years discarding the first year of each run as spinup, taking a five-member ensemble for each arithmetic. Snapshots of the evolution in each case are plotted in Fig. 4a. We computed ensemble mean pairwise WDs between the distributions generated by high- and low-precision ensembles and plot this quantity evolving with time in Fig. 4b. We found that for Float16 and BFloat16sr rounding error is significant while for Float32 and Float16sr rounding error is small relative to high-precision variability. In particular, our results show that rounding errors at half-precision are successfully mitigated by stochastic rounding in this climate experiment. Again, we refer to appendix B for background on these different number formats.
The main difference between the methods of this section and section 2 is that we considered here a dynamical system that is high dimensional, so that approximating probability distributions is nontrivial. For Fig. 4b we approximated the invariant distributions by taking 2500 uniformly distributed random samples in time and computed WDs between the corresponding empirical distributions (see section c of Appendix A). This approximation method does not give readily interpretable results due to a curse of dimensionality; however, we obtained analogous results by marginalizing onto one-dimensional subspaces. We save discussion of such marginalized results for section 5 in the context of a global atmospheric model.
4. Interlude: Heat diffusion in a soil column
In this section we briefly consider a very simplified land surface component of a global climate model. This is a trivial case of climatology since all solutions converge upon a constant equilibrium temperature and so there is no need to use the WD in this setting. We include this simple example, however, because it clearly illustrates a major advantage of stochastic rounding (SR) over round-to-nearest (RN) in preventing stagnation.
This section was partially motivated by Harvey and Verseghy (2016) and Dawson et al. (2018). In Harvey and Verseghy (2016) the authors observed that the Canadian Land Surface Scheme (CLASS) could not be run effectively at single precision in large part because of an issue of stagnation. They argued that single-precision arithmetic was not appropriate for climate modeling with the scheme, which relies crucially on accurate representations of slowly varying processes such as permafrost thawing, and that double precision or even quadruple precision should be adopted instead. The setup considered here was introduced in Dawson et al. (2018) as a toy model that retained some features of CLASS, most crucially the stagnation at single precision with RN. The authors of Dawson et al. (2018) proposed mixed precision to avoid stagnation, while the results of this section indicate that SR provides an alternative approach.
We integrated for 100 years, and the results are plotted in Fig. 5. Stagnation is apparent for Float32 and Float16 where the small tendency term in (3) is repeatedly rounded down to zero, so that heat does not diffuse effectively through the soil column. This is mitigated by SR, however, which assigns a nonzero probability of rounding up after the addition in (3) (see section b of appendix B). Rounding error is negligible with Float32sr; while visible as noise in Float16sr, the solution shares the large-scale pattern of Float64.
To be clear, this section is not intended to imply that SR is necessary in the low-precision integration of the heat equation. There are other ways to avoid stagnation, such as increasing the time step, which is extremely small in this example and well below what is necessary for stability, or implementing a compensated summation for the time-stepping. Rather, this section aims to illustrate an interesting advantage of SR in mitigating stagnation by means of a clear and visual example. For more analysis of SR in the numerical solution of the heat equation see Croci and Giles (2020).
5. A global atmospheric model
Finally, we proceed to a global atmospheric circulation model: the Simplified Parameterizations Primitive Equation Dynamics version 41 (SPEEDY). SPEEDY is a coarse-resolution model employing a T30 spectral truncation with a 48 × 96 latitude–longitude grid, eight vertical levels, and a 40-min time step, and is forced by annually periodic fields obtained from ERA reanalysis together with a prescribed sea surface temperature anomaly Kucharski et al. (2013). For this section, in order to isolate the effects of numerical precision we truncated only the significant bits, so that when we speak of half precision, for example, we refer to 10 significant bits (sbits) and 11 exponent bits rather than the IEEE-754 standard 5 exponent bits (see section a of appendix B).
As a first test, we constructed a constant-in-time SST anomaly field to crudely simulate an El Niño event and ran SPEEDY both with and without to investigate the mean field response. This anomaly field was constructed [partially following Dogar et al. (2017)] by taking the Pearson correlation coefficients between an ERA reanalysis time series at each grid point and the Niño-3.4 index over 1979–2019 and multiplying by a factor of 4 in an attempt to produce temperature anomalies in Kelvin roughly of the magnitude of the 2015 El Niño. Figure 6 shows the El Niño response for precipitation and geopotential height at 500 hPa (Z500) for both double and half precision and it is seen that the latter certainly simulates a similar response to the El Niño. The area-weighted Pearson correlations between the double precision and half precision mean El Niño responses for the northern extratropics, southern extratropics, and tropics were calculated as (0.99, 0.99, 0.99) for precipitation and (0.98, 0.99, 0.93) for Z500.
To explore the full climatology, we next followed the WD calculations of sections 2 and 3. We generated initial conditions i0, …, i9 by integrating from rest for 11 years at 51 sbits of precision (effectively double precision plus a tiny rounding error) before discarding the first year as spinup and taking the initial conditions from the starts of each of the 10 subsequent years. This method was intended to emulate sampling from the high-precision invariant distribution while avoiding overlap in the high-precision ensemble. We then constructed our control ensemble
To circumvent issues of dimensionality (see section c of Appendix A) we first marginalized onto the distributions spanned by individual spatial grid points and measure error by WDs between these 1D distributions. We call these gridpoint Wasserstein distances (GPWDs) and note that this is the approach adopted in Vissio et al. (2020). To address correlations between grid points, we then checked our GPWD results against approximate WDs between the full distributions, which were obtained via a Monte Carlo sampling approach as was done in section 3. While such results are harder to interpret quantitatively (see Appendix A) we found that they were analogous to the GPWD results. In particular, no errors were detected by this method which were not present in the GPWDs.
For both geopotential height and horizontal wind speed we found that rounding error was negligible relative to high-precision for 12 sbits and above, while a small rounding error emerged at 10 sbits. For precipitation the picture was similar, except with a very small rounding error emerging at 12 sbits. Figure 8 reveals those grid points at which rounding error becomes significant relative to high-precision variability for precipitation at 10 sbits. Rounding error is negligible relative to high-precision variability across all grid points for 14 sbits and above, and the mean high-precision variability for precipitation after 10 years is around 0.04 mm (6 h)−1, which is very small (see section e of Appendix A for interpretation of WDs in terms of expected values). Moreover, the rounding error at 10 sbits is small, with gridpoint mean values of 0.07 mm (6 h)−1, 5 m, and 0.3 m s−1 for precipitation, geopotential height, and horizontal wind speed respectively, and with the worst affected grid points seeing errors on the order of 1 mm (6 h)−1, 25 m, and 1 m s−1 respectively (recall that these values provide bounds on annual means as well as extreme weather events; see section e of Appendix A). To give more intuition behind the size of rounding error at 10 sbits, the probability distributions for precipitation at some of the worst affected tropical grid points (coastal Suriname at 5.56°N, 56.25°W and western Nigeria at 9.27°N, 3.75°E) after 10 years are plotted in Fig. 9. It is clearly seen that the difference between double and half precision, even at these worst affected grid points, is slight. It may also be noted from Figs. 7 and 8 that stochastic rounding partially mitigates rounding error at half-precision.
We also computed differences in annual mean precipitation and found that, by and large, these were of the same order as the GPWDs, indicating that precipitation error was largely accounted for by differences in the means. In general, however, WD bounds are much stronger than mean bounds (see section e of Appendix A) so we can be confident that our estimates give stringent bounds on rounding error.
To summarize this section, with external forcings held annually periodic we found that a well-defined large-to-medium scale structure of the invariant probability distribution of SPEEDY emerged after 10 years. This statement is quantified by the high-precision variability as measured by the gridpoint mean GPWD (black curve in Fig. 7), which after 10 years was about 0.05 mm (6 h)−1 for precipitation, for example. The finer-scale structures, which account for less than 0.05 mm (6 h)−1 in gridpoint mean GPWD, remain ill defined, so we cannot conclude that there is no rounding error, but only that any potential rounding error must be smaller than 0.05 mm (6 h)−1. If we were to increase the integration time, we would expect that the high-precision variability would decrease as finer-scale structures in the invariant distribution emerge, which would give sharper bounds on rounding error. In fact, our empirical results indicate an approximate power law in the rate of decrease of the high-precision variability, as seen in the linear structure of Fig. 7, which gives some indication of how long a modeler might have to integrate for to obtain a desired high-precision variability. It is up to the climate model developer to determine what is an acceptable bound on rounding error. For the case of SPEEDY, we felt that the measured high-precision variabilities after 10 years were small relative to existing model biases, and thus provided an appropriate bound. Moreover, Fig. 9 shows that even at the worst affected grid points, the effects of rounding error at half-precision are slight.
6. Conclusions
While there is now convincing evidence that low-precision arithmetic can be suitable for accurate numerical weather prediction, before this work there had not been a detailed study of the effects of rounding error on climate simulations, and we have set out to address this imbalance.
We have argued that an appropriate metric to measure rounding error in the context of a chaotic climate model is the Wasserstein distance (WD), an intuitive and nonparametric metric that provides bounds on a range of expected values including those relevant for extreme weather events. By constructing experiments minimizing the variability between probability distributions at high precision and comparing WDs against low precision we have obtained stringent bounds on rounding error, and we have found that error is typically insignificant until truncating as low as half precision in our climate experiments.
We cannot conclude from our results that a state-of-the-art Earth system model can be run with equally low precision, since such codes are hugely complex, which can make low-precision issues difficult to overcome. However, given that the unit round-off error scales exponentially with the number of sbits, it would appear that the current industry standard of double precision across all model components is likely overkill. In terms of acceptable precision, our results for SPEEDY are similar to those found in an analysis of the initial-value problem, suggesting that a level of precision suitable on weather time scales might also be suitable for climate for this model—something that is not obvious a priori. In light of recent operational successes with single-precision weather forecasting, this is a promising result in the direction of potential single-precision climate modeling; however, further research will be required to assess the generalizability of our results.
Regarding stochastic rounding (SR), although not currently in hardware, interest from machine learning together with a number of recently released patents suggest that it might become available soon (Croci and Giles 2020). Rounding error is present in all numerical models, but with deterministic rounding schemes it can be hard to identify and may contribute to systemic biases. With SR, however, potential rounding error is appropriately treated as another source of model uncertainty, which is then sampled by an ensemble of models runs and reflected in probabilistic predictions. In addition, our experiments have shown that SR can make models more resilient to rounding error, especially at low precision. While some of the advantages of SR are well understood, such as in the context of solving linear diffusive equations (Croci and Giles 2020), in other settings its benefits are more obscure. Further research is called for to shed more light on the contexts in which SR and other low-precision formats can benefit weather and climate models. In addition, the community is encouraged to engage now with chip-makers in order to influence hardware development for next-generation models.
The KL divergence is particularly ill suited to comparing probability distributions on
The first author would like to thank Lorenzo Pacchiardi, Stephen Jeffress, Sam Hatfield, Peter Düben, Peter Weston, and Dimitar Pashov for interesting discussions, as well as Lucy Harris for a careful reading of a first draft of the manuscript. We thank the three anonymous referees for their careful reading and helpful comments. E. A. Paxton, M. Klöwer, and T. Palmer were supported by the European Research Council Grant 741112, M. Klöwer was supported by the Natural Environmental Research Council Grant NE/L002612/1, M. Chantry and T. Palmer were supported by a grant from the Office of Naval Research Global, and T. Palmer holds a Royal Society Research Professorship.
Data availability statement.
Throughout our work low precision was emulated in software. For this we found the type system of the Julia language to be well suited, and we made use of the github.com/milankl/StochasticRounding.jl and github.com/JuliaMath/BFloat16s.jl packages for stochastic rounding and BFloat16 formats. For Fortran code we used the reduced precision emulator of Dawson and Düben (2017), for which we developed a custom branch with stochastic rounding. For the Lorenz system integration we made use of github.com/milankl/Lorenz63.jl; for the shallow water model github.com/milankl/ShallowWaters.jl version 0.4; and for SPEEDY we used a branch primarily developed by Saffin for which some changes were made to optimize for low precision, which may be found at github.com/eapax/speedy. To compute optimal transport metrics in one dimension we used the scipy.stats package for Python while for higher-dimensional computations including Monte Carlo methods we built a custom solver at github.com/eapax/EarthMover.jl.
The Wasserstein Distance
The Wasserstein distance (WD) defines distance between probability distributions μ and ν as the lowest cost at which one can transport all probability mass from μ to ν with respect to a cost function c(x, y) = |x − y|p that sets the cost to transport unit mass from position x to position y, where in our work we have taken p = 1 so that cost has the units of the underlying field. In this appendix we will first motivate the WD as a tool for the analysis of climate data by listing some of its favorable properties, before giving the formal definition of the WD, discussing methods for its computation, comparing it with other common metrics, and highlighting its interpretability through a useful dual formulation.
a. Properties of the WD
As stated earlier, the WD is defined (at least informally) as the smallest cost required to transport one probability distribution into another. Before giving the formal details of this definition, let us first motivate the WD by listing some of its favorable properties.
First, the WD is nonparametric and versatile. It does not require any specific structure of the distributions such as Gaussianity and it can be used to compare both singular and continuous distributions. This is an important point for climate modeling which presents a wide range of probability distributions. For example, the climatological distributions corresponding to South Asian rainfall or the subtropical jet stream latitude are multimodal, while for the Lorenz system the object of interest is a singular probability distribution supported on a fractal attractor. The ability to consider singular distributions is also useful since it accommodates working directly with the empirical distributions corresponding to a sample of data, rather than first binning the data into a histogram, for example.
Second, the WD is intuitive. It may be interpreted as the minimum amount of work required to transport one distribution into the other, an idea which is readily conceptualized, and it takes the units of the underlying field. For example, for distributions of rainfall measured in millimeters per day (mm day−1), a WD of 1 can be thought of as a difference of 1 mm day−1. Moreover, this figure provides bounds on differences in mean rainfall as well as differences in extreme rainfall, for example (see section e of Appendix A).
Now if f is taken as the true distribution and g1 and g2 as approximations of f, then clearly g1 gives the better approximation, due to its proximity to f. This is reflected with WD(f, g1) < WD(f, g2). By contrast, considering instead the Lp distances between densities, for example, would give
More generally, the WD metrizes the space of probability distributions with respect to weak convergence, which means that closeness in the sense of the WD corresponds to closeness with respect to a natural topology (Villani 2003, theorem 7.12).
b. Formal definition of the Wasserstein distance
There are two alternative formulations of optimal transport due to Monge and Kantorovich and it is helpful to consider both when computing WDs.
Note that (A5) gives a linear optimization problem while (A2) has no obvious linear structure. If M1 = M2 = N and
c. Computing the Wasserstein distance
Suppose one has samples
The computation of (A2) is a special case of the assignment problem from economics, which can be solved in
In our work we have found that, despite the curse of dimensionality, computing the WD between empirical distributions with a modest sample size is computationally feasible and provides a useful checksum, usually in agreement with results obtained for example by marginalizing on one-dimensional subspaces. We also note that interesting recent work has shown a regularized form of the WD called the Sinkhorn divergence (SD) (Cuturi 2013) has improved sample complexity with a dimension agnostic convergence rate of
d. Comparing other metrics
e. Duality
Suppose we have a pair of distributions μ and ν representing, for example, rainfall at a fixed location in mm (6 h)−1. How can we interpret a WD of, say, 1 between μ and ν?
Since cost is defined as c(x, y) = |x − y| a nice property of the WD is that it inherits the units of rainfall so that we can interpret the difference in mm (6 h)−1. Heuristically, this difference tells us that a cost of at least 1 mm (6 h)−1 must be spent to transport μ to ν, and this takes into account both mean and extreme rainfall.
Understanding such heuristics is helpful in interpreting the bounds on rounding error derived in this paper.
Number Formats
a. Floating-point arithmetic
The standard arithmetic format for scientific computing is the floating-point number (float). The bits in a float are divided into three groups: a sign bit, the exponent bits, and the significant bits. A nonzero exponent specifies an interval
The IEEE-754 Float64 format is called double precision, and Float32 and Float16 are called single and half precision, respectively.
b. Rounding
The default rounding mode for floats is round-to-nearest tie-to-even (RN), which rounds an exact result x to the nearest representable number xi. In case x is halfway between two representable numbers, the result will be tied to the even float, whose significand ends in a zero bit. These special cases are therefore alternately round up or down, which removes a bias that would otherwise persist.
For stochastic rounding (SR) rounding of x down to a representable number x1 or up to x2 occurs at probabilities that are proportional to the respective distances. Specifically, if u is the distance between x1, x2, then x will be rounded to x1 with probability 1 − u−1(x − x1) and to x2 with probability u−1(x − x1).
While the law of large numbers may plausibly be invoked in simple additive numerical schemes as in section 4, in other numerical schemes such as for nonlinear evolution equations its applicability is less clear.
It is worth noting that SR at low precision requires computation at a higher precision in order to generate the probabilities for rounding; however, all numbers are written, read, and communicated at low precision. It is also interesting to note that SR can easily be implemented with a random number sampled from the uniform distribution. This means that random samples can be computed in advance of or in parallel to the arithmetic.
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