There was an error in the processing of the sea surface temperature (SST) model output used in Wills et al. (2021). The SST data from the CMIP6 preindustrial control (piControl) simulations used to compute the low-frequency patterns (LFPs) were not quadratically detrended as intended, which resulted in the low-frequency components (LFCs) containing trends associated with drift in the piControl simulations. All other variables were quadratically detrended, which resulted in reduced values of the covariances between the LFCs and other fields compared to updated results with all fields detrended. Quadratically detrending all model output before analysis gives qualitatively similar results with minor quantitative differences. The overall conclusions of the paper are unaffected. Nevertheless, we have included updated versions of the seven figures that were affected by this error (Figs. 1, 2, 3, 6, 7, 8, and 11), along with an updated Table 1.
Multimodel median statistics of decadal GMST and GMTOA variability. The std dev column gives the standard deviation of each quantity. The LFC-1, LFC-2, LFC-3, LLFC, and Niño-3.4 columns give the lag-5 covariance of the corresponding quantity with each of these indices (i.e., the anomaly in the decade following the maximum in each index, in units of the corresponding quantity per standard deviation). The global climate feedback is calculated as the 10-yr running-mean GMTOA anomaly divided by the 10-yr running-mean GMST anomaly. The lag-5 covariance is used because of intermodel differences in the sign of some GMST and GMTOA anomalies at lag-0 [see section 5 of Wills et al. (2021)].
We also highlight a few of the quantitative differences in our updated results. Most notably, the coherence of LFC-1 with global-mean surface temperature (GMST) at 40–200-yr time scales increased from 0.45–0.5 in Wills et al. (2021) to 0.65–0.7 in our updated results (Fig. 2), indicating that LFC-1 plays an even larger role in the multidecadal variability of GMST in CMIP6 piControl simulations than our previous results suggested. Correspondingly, the maximum impact of LFC-1 on decadal-running-mean GMST anomalies increased from 0.47° to 0.55°C. Some of this change results from a redistribution of variability between LFC-1 and LFC-2, and the impact of LFC-2 on decadal-running-mean GMST is reduced from 0.29° to 0.25°C in our updated results. With these updated numbers, LFCs 1 and 2 explain 51% and 11% of the variance in decadal-running-mean GMST, respectively. Changes in the covariances between the leading LFCs and GMST also influence the diagnosed global radiative feedbacks (updated Table 1) and lead to small changes in the impacts of LFCs 1 and 2 on effective climate sensitivity (EffCS; Fig. 11), with a slightly greater impact of LFC-1 and a slightly reduced impact of LFC-2 relative to Wills et al. (2021).
Wills, R. C. J., K. C. Armour, D. S. Battisti, C. Proistosescu, and L. A. Parsons, 2021: Slow modes of global temperature variability and their impact on climate sensitivity estimates. J. Climate, 34, 8717–8738,