1. Introduction
Sea level rise (SLR) is a major consequence of climate change (Wuebbles et al. 2017; Reidmiller et al. 2018; IPCC 2021). Its rate and magnitude are often quantified over a long period of time (e.g., 100 years). In addition to the long-term upward trend, sea level also shows shorter-term variability such as on the decadal time scale (Douglas et al. 2001; Zervas 2001; Sweet et al. 2022). In a changing climate, sea level variability could have both internal and forced components. Different driving mechanisms may be at play during different decades and at different locations. Thus, a better understanding of spatiotemporal characteristics and mechanisms of sea level variability and change, especially during the recent period, is critical for future SLR projections and coastal preparedness in the face of extreme events. With the advance of sea level observations and modeling, progress has been made recently so that SLR at different locations worldwide can be better explained and attributed (Fasullo et al. 2020; Hamlington et al. 2020; Harvey et al. 2021; Wang et al. 2021).
The densely populated U.S. East Coast and the Gulf of Mexico coast are vulnerable to SLR and extreme events. In the past six years, for example, major hurricanes and their associated storm surge have caused significant to catastrophic coastal flooding and socioeconomic damages especially along the Gulf Coast (NOAA 2022). Studying factors behind the increased coastal vulnerability, particularly the role of SLR in extreme events, is therefore urgently needed.
SLR along the East Coast and its time-evolving behaviors have been closely monitored and extensively studied. For example, using the long-term tide gauge data, Sallenger et al. (2012) reported a SLR hotspot on the Northeast coast during 1950–2009. Wdowinski et al. (2016) analyzed the 1998–2013 tide gauge data at Virginia Key, Florida, and detected an SLR acceleration after 2006. They found that the SLR acceleration correlated with the weakening of the Gulf Stream system and was responsible for the increased coastal flooding in Miami Beach. With the tide gauge data on the East Coast, Valle-Levinson et al. (2017) demonstrated an SLR deceleration (acceleration) north (south) of Cape Hatteras during 2011–15. They identified two modes of sea level variability and change related to the cumulative indices of ENSO and the North Atlantic Oscillation. Domingues et al. (2018) concluded that the 2010–15 SLR acceleration on the Southeast coast was mostly caused by the warming of the Florida Current. Ezer (2019) showed that the changes in the strength and latitudinal position of the Gulf Stream could cause SLR acceleration/deceleration in the Mid-Atlantic and South Atlantic Bight regions. Finally, Little et al. (2021) found multidecadal epochs of enhanced decadal sea level variability at the long East Coast tide gauge records.
With more years’ data becoming available thus far, some of these previous results need to be updated and the mechanisms for the recent sea level behaviors need to be revisited. In addition, the latest generation of the atmosphere–ocean general circulation model offers new insights about the cause of sea level variability and change on the East and Gulf Coasts. Thus, in this study, we take advantage of various datasets as described in section 2 and focus on observed and modeled sea levels in the North Atlantic and along the entire East and Gulf Coasts of the U.S. With the tide gauge and altimetry data, we identify a rapid SLR acceleration on the East and Gulf Coasts during 2010–22 (section 3a). For the first time, we link the SLR acceleration on the Southeast and Gulf Coasts to the observed 2009–10 slowdown of the Atlantic meridional overturning circulation (AMOC) (section 3b). To put the recent behavior of sea level into context, we show the sea level simulation and projection by the latest climate model over the satellite era and the twenty-first century (section 3c). Last, we evaluate the impact of the 2010–22 SLR acceleration on hurricane-induced storm surge along the Southeast and Gulf Coasts (section 3d). Our systematic analysis on the sea/water level data here covers a broad spectrum of time scales, ranging from hourly, daily, monthly, yearly, to decadal and centennial.
2. Data, model, and methods
Table 1 summarizes the observational and reanalysis datasets used in this study. More specific information about these datasets and a brief model description are given below.
Observational and reanalysis datasets used in the present study.
a. Tide gauge data
The long-term monthly tide gauge data for the relative sea level along the U.S. East and Gulf Coasts are obtained from the NOAA Tides and Currents (Zervas 2009; Sweet et al. 2021). The location of the tide gauge stations and their data length are shown in Fig. 1 and listed in Table S1 in the online supplemental material. With the monthly data, we first calculate the annual mean sea level at each station. Given the gaps in the data, any year with missing data for more than three months is not used.
The correlations among different stations reveal three regimes of sea level variability and change: the Northeast, Southeast, and Gulf Coasts (Fig. S1). In each region, the coastal sea levels are coherent and correlated with the sea level on the shelf. According to these sea level correlations as well as different SLR rates (Table S1), we divide the East and Gulf Coasts into five regions: New England, the mid-Atlantic, Southeast, and eastern and western Gulf (Fig. 1). Due to land subsidence in the western Gulf (Wang et al. 2020), we use the stations in the eastern Gulf to study the absolute SLR along the Gulf Coast.
In addition to the monthly sea level data, we also use the hourly water level data from the NOAA Tides and Currents to study the impact of the 2010–22 SLR acceleration on recent hurricane-induced storm surge along the Southeast and Gulf Coasts. We use the data at six tide gauge stations: Galveston Pier 21 in Texas to study the surge induced by Hurricane Harvey in 2017, Beaufort in North Carolina for Hurricane Florence in 2018, Apalachicola in Florida for Hurricane Michael in 2018, Calcasieu Pass in Louisiana for Hurricane Laura in 2020, Grand Isle in Louisiana for Hurricane Ida in 2021, and Fort Myers in Florida for Hurricane Ian in 2022 (Fig. 1). All the six hurricanes in the past six years were high-impact category 4–5 storms. Each of them caused $27–$152 billion in damages (NOAA 2022).
b. Satellite altimetry data
The prime term denotes the departure from the global mean. So, by definition, DSL always has a zero global mean.
c. Levitus data for steric, thermosteric, and halosteric sea levels
The dataset with a 1° resolution from the NOAA NCEI is referred to as the Levitus data (Levitus et al. 2012). The annual steric, thermosteric and halosteric sea level anomalies for the upper 2000 m ocean are available for 2005–22. They are computed based on observed three-dimensional ocean temperature and salinity anomalies such as from Argo (see appendix A). The ocean temperature and thermosteric sea level anomalies for the upper 700 m ocean are available for a longer period (1955–2022). For the interior ocean in the North Atlantic, the steric, thermosteric and halosteric sea level anomalies of the entire ocean column are dominated by the upper 700-m ocean layer (see section 3b).
d. ERA5 reanalysis data for atmospheric forcing
To study the role of atmospheric forcing in the SLR acceleration during 2010–22, we use the monthly data of ERA5 for sea level pressure and the zonal and meridional winds at 10 m and wind stress. ERA5 reanalysis has a 0.25° resolution globally and covers the period of 1959–2022 (Hersbach et al. 2020).
e. Observed AMOC transports at 26°N of the North Atlantic
Starting from 2004, the RAPID-AMOC Programme has been measuring the AMOC volume and heat transports at 26°N of the North Atlantic at a twice-daily frequency (McCarthy et al. 2015). The time series of the AMOC volume transport have recently been updated to December 2020. The northward heat transport across 26°N of the North Atlantic is available for the 2004–18 period (Johns et al. 2011; Bryden et al. 2020).
f. Tropical cyclone tracks in the North Atlantic
The observed tracks of tropical cyclones are based on the International Best Track Archive for Climate Stewardship (IBTrACS) (Knapp et al. 2010, 2018). IBTrACS provides storm intensity and position at 3-hourly intervals. Storm intensity is categorized with the Saffir–Simpson hurricane scale (Simpson and Saffir 1974). Categories 1–5 are based on the hurricane’s maximum sustained wind speed, but without considering other impacts such as storm surge, rainfall, and tornadoes.
g. The GFDL CM4 global climate model
CM4 is the latest generation of the coupled atmosphere–ocean general circulation model developed and used at the Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory (GFDL) of NOAA (Held et al. 2019). The atmospheric model adopts finite-volume cubed-sphere dynamical core with 96 grid boxes per cube face (∼1° grid spacing). It has 33 vertical levels with the model top at 1 hPa. The oceanic model of CM4 is based on the Modular Ocean Model, version 6 (MOM6), and has a 0.25° eddy-permitting horizontal resolution. It combines geopotential and isopycnal vertical coordinates and has 75 hybrid vertical layers.
CM4 has been used at GFDL to carry out the standard CMIP6 experiments, including the historical simulation for the 1850–2014 period and the twenty-first-century projections (2015–99) under the medium and high Shared Socioeconomic Pathways (SSP245 and SSP585) emission scenarios (Eyring et al. 2016; O’Neill et al. 2016). DSL is a direct model output variable in CM4. A previous model evaluation (Yin et al. 2020) indicates that compared with the altimetry data, CM4 simulates the mean, seasonal cycle, and interannual variability of DSL reasonably well. The model simulation data can be found at the CMIP6 archive (https://esgf-node.llnl.gov/projects/cmip6/).
3. Results
a. Observed SLR acceleration during 2010–22
The tide gauge data since 1920 show that SLR along the U.S. East and Gulf Coasts was roughly linear prior to 2010, superimposed by interannual and decadal variability (Fig. 2). The linear rise rates during 1920–2009 are 2.5 ± 0.3, 3.7 ± 0.3, 2.9 ± 0.3, and 2.4 ± 0.3 mm yr−1 (mean and 95% confidence interval) in the New England, mid-Atlantic, Southeast, and eastern Gulf regions, respectively.
Since 2010, SLR has been undergoing a rapid acceleration on the U.S. Southeast and Gulf Coasts. The 2010–22 linear rise rates increased to 10.7 ± 4.4 and 10.2 ± 2.6 mm yr−1 on the Southeast and eastern Gulf Coasts, respectively (Figs. 2c,d). It should be noted that the decadal- and centennial-time-scale SLR rates are not directly comparable. We use the decadal rate here to quantify the speed of the sea level divergence during 2010–22 from the long-term linear trend. On the Southeast coast, the SLR acceleration is generally consistent with what has been reported previously (Wdowinski et al. 2016; Valle-Levinson et al. 2017; Domingues et al. 2018; Ezer 2019). Importantly, we show here that the acceleration has extended to the Gulf Coast.
During the past decade, sea levels in three years (2019, 2020, and 2022) show a ≥3σ departure from the long-term trend on the Southeast coast, and five years (2016, 2019, 2020, 2021, and 2022) on the eastern Gulf (Figs. 3c,d). Here, σ denotes the standard deviation of the annual sea levels with the long-term linear trend removed. A value of 3σ is set as the criterion to identify extreme annual sea levels. The ≥3σ departure occurred only once (1948) prior to 2010. The decadal (13 yr) running mean can reveal longer-time-scale variability (black curves in Fig. 3). Compared with the twentieth-century sea level variations around the linear regression line, the 2010–22 SLR acceleration is unprecedented, especially on the Gulf Coast (Fig. 3d).
The accelerated SLR is also evidenced by the sea level records being broken more frequently in the past decade, and by the record-breaking magnitude (Figs. 2c,d). During 2010–22, six and four new records have been set on the Southeast and eastern Gulf Coasts, respectively. On average, the records had been broken by 1.5 times per decade during 1940–2009. The latest record set in 2019 was 0.11 and 0.10 m higher than the pre-2010 record on the Southeast (1999) and eastern Gulf (2009), respectively. Thus, the 2010–22 linear trend (≥10 mm yr−1) and the record-breaking magnitudes (≥0.10 m) are consistent in quantifying the SLR acceleration (Figs. 2c,d).
The satellite altimetry data since 1993 confirm the 2010–22 SLR acceleration in both its timing and rate along the Southeast and Gulf Coasts (Figs. 4a and 5a). The altimetry data also confirm that the western Gulf Coast experienced an acceleration of the absolute SLR similar to that on the eastern Gulf Coast. The acceleration on the Southeast and Gulf Coasts was preceded by a period of slow rise rates during 1990–2009, suggesting that a quick switch of SLR modes had occurred around 2009–10 (Figs. 2c,d and 5a).
Sea level along the U.S. Northeast coast, including both the New England and mid-Atlantic regions, was also higher during 2010–22 and overall above the long-term trend line except in 2015 (Figs. 2a,b). The mean sea level departure during 2010–22 from the long-term trend is 3.0 and 3.7 cm on the New England and mid-Atlantic coasts, respectively (Figs. 3a,b). The higher coastal sea level was accompanied by a rapid transition of the nearby shelf oceans into a warmer state since 2010 (Pershing et al. 2015; Neto et al. 2021). The volume mean ocean temperatures on the shelf near the New England coast warmed by 1.4°C during 2010–22 compared with 2000–09 (Fig. S2). This implies that more waters of subtropical origin have since been present on the shelf. The sea level spike in 2010 on the New England coast represents the largest and the only ≥3σ annual departure from the long-term trend line (Fig. 3a) (Goddard et al. 2015). Despite the continuous global SLR during the past decade, the 2010 sea level record has not been broken yet as of 2022 (Fig. 2a).
b. Mechanisms of the 2010–22 SLR acceleration
The global mean SLR from altimetry, with a linear trend of 3.2 ± 0.2 and 4.0 ± 0.3 mm yr−1 during 1993–2021 and 2010–21, respectively, falls short to explain the rapid decadal acceleration on the Southeast and Gulf Coasts (Figs. 2c,d).
In terms of the atmospheric forcing, sea level pressure from the ERA5 reanalysis shows a slight increase trend at the midlatitude North Atlantic during 2010–22 (Fig. 6a and Fig. S3). This change generated anomalous onshore winds near the Southeast and Gulf Coasts. However, a further and detailed analysis indicates a weak correlation between the 2010–22 SLR acceleration and the anomalies of the nearby wind and local atmospheric pressure. Prior to the rapid SLR acceleration and over 1959–2009, the detrended coastal sea level and atmospheric pressure show a weak negative correlation on the Southeast and eastern Gulf Coasts (|r| ≤ |−0.4|) (Fig. S4). Including the 2010–22 period further reduces the correlation to |r| < |−0.2| over 1959–2022 (Figs. 6b,c).
These weak correlations suggest that the inverse barometer effect associated with the atmospheric pressure anomalies is not a primary driver of the coastal sea level variability and change, contradicting the finding by Piecuch and Ponte (2015). The correlation between the annual sea level departure on the Southeast coast and the nearby eastward wind anomalies is −0.17 during 1959–2022 (Fig. 7a). On the eastern Gulf Coast, the correlation of the sea level departure with the northward wind anomalies is somewhat higher (r = 0.44 with p value = 0.00) (Fig. 7b).
In addition to the local atmospheric forcing, the wind can influence coastal sea levels remotely through the southward Sverdrup transport and the compensating northward Gulf Stream transport. According to the wind stress curl from the ERA5 reanalysis data, the southward Sverdrup transport across 30°N in the North Atlantic shows no significant deviation during 2010–22 from its previous variability (Figs. S3 and S5). Thus, the atmospheric pressure and wind are unlikely to have caused the 2010–22 SLR acceleration on the Southeast and Gulf Coasts.
Instead, the acceleration appears to be a regional manifestation of the large-scale DSL adjustment in the North Atlantic in response to the observed slowdown of the AMOC in 2009–10 (Fig. 8a) (Bryden et al. 2014; Smeed et al. 2014). The pattern of the DSL adjustment is characterized by opposite changes between the Eastern Subpolar Gyre and the Western Subtropical Gyre including the Gulf of Mexico and the Caribbean Sea (Figs. 4a and 9d). The 2009–10 AMOC slowdown caused a reduction of the northward heat/salt transport in the North Atlantic (Fig. 8b) (Bryden et al. 2020). The resultant cooling/freshening of the subpolar North Atlantic led to a depression of DSL through the thermosteric effect, partially compensated by the halosteric effect (Fig. S6) (Rahmstorf et al. 2015; Chafik et al. 2019; Chemke et al. 2020).
The process of the DSL adjustment is evident during 2013–16. In 2013, DSL was higher (lower) north (south) of the Gulf Stream downstream of Cape Hatteras (Fig. 9a). In 2014, a negative DSL region started to emerge around 50°N of the North Atlantic (Fig. 9b). DSL deepened further during 2015–16 and the negative region migrated further northward to the Eastern Subpolar Gyre around 60°N (Figs. 9c,d). The maximum DSL fall in the Eastern Subpolar Gyre was up to 0.1 m, lagging the 2009–10 AMOC slowdown at 26°N by a few years.
Meanwhile, ocean heat accumulation and dynamical adjustments at the lower latitudes raised DSL in the Gulf of Mexico and the Sargasso Sea, south of the Grand Banks, as well as along the U.S. Southeast and Gulf Coasts (Figs. 4a, 5b and 9) (Ezer 2015; Domingues et al. 2018; Fasullo and Nerem 2018; Neto et al. 2021). According to Figs. 5b and 9, the DSL rise on the southeast coast started in 2014 and was concurrent with the DSL fall in the Eastern Subpolar Gyre. The DSL rise extended to the Gulf Coast in 2016. In 2015 and 2016, the atmospheric pressure and wind anomalies near the Southeast and Gulf Coasts were weak (Figs. 9c,d). Again, this suggests that the high coastal sea levels in the two years were not caused by the local atmospheric pressure and wind effect. Instead, the concurrent, divergent, and contrast changes in DSL between the subpolar and subtropical regions is strong evidence of the 2010–22 SLR acceleration along the Southeast and Gulf Coasts intrinsically linked to the 2009–10 AMOC slowdown.
To put this large-scale, decadal pattern of DSL changes into a long-term context, we use NOAA’s ocean temperature and the thermosteric sea level data that go back to 1955 (Levitus et al. 2012). In the North Atlantic, the variation and change of the steric and thermosteric sea levels are highly correlated (r > 0.9) and dominated by anomalies in the upper 700 m (Fig. S6). EOF1 of the thermosteric sea level without the global mean shows a pattern of contrast changes between the subpolar and subtropical gyres in the North Atlantic during 1955–2022 (Fig. 10). In addition to the interannual to multidecadal variability, there is a secular upward trend of PC1 suggesting a sea level fall and rise due to the temperature effect in the subpolar and subtropical gyres, respectively. The rapid and unprecedented increase in PC1 during 2014–16 is particularly pronounced, and consistent with the altimetry data (Figs. 4a and 9). Unlike EOF1, EOF2 shows a pattern of opposing changes between the Slope Sea region and the eastern and northern North Atlantic (Fig. S7). EOF1 and EOF2 explain 37% and 12% of the total variance, respectively.
c. Model simulations and projections
Thanks to the new development and improvement, the latest atmosphere–ocean general circulation model captures the observed pattern of DSL changes in the North Atlantic over the satellite era. Compared with previous model generations, the refined model resolution and improved model physics and dynamics in the GFDL CM4 lead to better simulations of the jetlike Gulf Stream and associated sharp DSL gradient just offshore of the Southeast coast (Yin et al. 2020). By combining the historical simulation (1993–2014) and the projection under the medium SSP245 emission scenario (2015–21), CM4 simulates a DSL fall in the Eastern Subpolar Gyre during 1993–2021 associated with the initial weakening of the AMOC (Fig. 4b and Fig. S8). Meanwhile, DSL rises in the Slope Sea, the Sargasso Sea, and the Gulf of Mexico, as well as along the U.S. Southeast and Gulf Coasts. The pattern of these contrast changes in DSL resembles the observed since 1993 (Fig. 4a), although the magnitude is generally larger in the model simulation.
In response to a further increase in the greenhouse gas forcing and a more significant reduction of the AMOC on centennial time scales (1993–2099) (Fig. S8), the DSL change pattern in the model simulation and projection is somewhat different from that in 1993–2021 (Yin and Goddard 2013). The U.S. Northeast coast (and also the east coast of Canada) experiences the largest rise in DSL at a linear rate of 17 cm century−1 (Fig. 4c) (Hu et al. 2009; Yin et al. 2009; Little et al. 2019; Lyu et al. 2020; Yin et al. 2020). The DSL fall in the Eastern Subpolar Gyre is still present but less pronounced, and it extends southward into the Sargasso Sea south of the Gulf Stream. Thus, in response to the twenty-first-century greenhouse gas forcing, the pattern of DSL changes in the North Atlantic is not stationary but time evolving. The altimetry data of about 30 years thus far may not sufficiently reveal the pattern of centennial DSL changes.
d. Impact of the SLR acceleration on hurricane-induced storm surge along the Southeast and Gulf Coasts
The rapid SLR acceleration during 2010–22 has exacerbated recent hurricane-induced storm surge and coastal flooding especially along the Gulf Coast (Figs. 11–13). The acceleration coincided with active and even record-breaking North Atlantic hurricane seasons since 2016 (Fig. 11). In 2020, for example, a record of 30 named tropical cyclones formed in the North Atlantic (Fig. 11d) (Klotzbach et al. 2022). Among them, five hurricanes struck the Gulf Coast and caused significant, severe, to catastrophic coastal flooding and damages (NOAA 2022).
On one hand, due to the rapid acceleration, the mean sea level on the Southeast and eastern Gulf Coasts has increased by about 0.1 m over the past decade (Figs. 2c,d and 5a). The 2010–22 SLR acceleration at individual tide gauge stations (Beaufort, Apalachicola, and Fort Myers) is similar to the regional mean (Figs. 12b,c,f). Relative SLR also accelerated on the western Gulf Coast such as at Galveston, Calcasieu Pass, and Grand Isle (Figs. 12a,d,e). The magnitude of the decadal SLR is comparable to the seasonal cycle amplitude of the coastal sea level (Fig. S9) and also to the tidal cycle amplitude on the Gulf Coast (Fig. 14).
Figure 15 shows that in the past six years, Hurricanes Harvey, Florence, Michael, Laura, Ida, and Ian caused 0.7, 1.6, 2.4, 2.5, 1.6, and 2.1 m storm surge at the tide gauge stations of Galveston, Beaufort, Apalachicola, Calcasieu Pass, Grand Isle, and Fort Myers, respectively. These extreme storm surges occurred on a higher background sea level compared with a decade ago (Fig. 15). So just like high tides during the warm season, higher mean sea levels could amplify storm surge nonlinearly (see appendix B for more discussion on storm surge and its impact factors) (Pugh 1987; Rego and Li 2010; Tebaldi et al. 2012; Ezer and Atkinson 2014). Due to the combined effect of SLR and storm surge, the observed hourly water levels at Beaufort, Apalachicola, Grand Isle, and Fort Myers reached the highest in Fig. 13 during the landfall of Hurricanes Florence, Michael, Ida, and Ian, respectively. The water level associated with Hurricane Laura was the second highest at Calcasieu Pass. The impact of the slow-moving Hurricane Harvey was mainly on surge duration (4–5 days) rather than surge height at Galveston (Fig. 15a). The SLR component in extreme events will continue to grow in the future (Sweet et al. 2022).
On the other hand, the higher DSL in the Gulf of Mexico means higher ocean heat content (OHC) and hurricane heat potential (Leipper and Volgenau 1972). More energy and moisture could be supplied to the landfalling hurricanes (Risser and Wehner 2017; Trenberth et al. 2018). Indeed, hurricanes tend to intensify rapidly when passing over anomalously high DSL/OHC regions in the Gulf, especially during the recent years associated with the high-impact Hurricanes Harvey, Michael, Laura, Ida, and Ian (Fig. 11) (Potter et al. 2019; Eley et al. 2021; Le Hénaff et al. 2021). The thicker layer of warm waters in the upper ocean and the associated high DSL limit the cold wake left behind by storms and therefore reduce its weakening effect on the hurricane intensity. Despite its potential role, an in-depth study on the AMOC–hurricane interaction is beyond the scope of the present study, but nonetheless an interesting topic for the follow-up research.
4. Discussion and conclusions
With the century-long tide gauge data and the more recent altimetry data, we focus on the rapid acceleration of SLR during 2010–22 on the U.S. Southeast and Gulf Coasts (Wdowinski et al. 2016; Valle-Levinson et al. 2017; Domingues et al. 2018; Ezer 2019). This acceleration is characterized by a >10 mm yr−1 decadal rise rate, multiple years with a ≥3σ sea level departure from the long-term trend, and the sea level records being broken more frequently (Figs. 2 and 3).
Compared with previous decadal SLR, the recent one was unprecedented in several ways. For example, the decadal SLR during 1936–48 on the Southeast coast was mainly driven by the extreme high sea level in 1948 (>3σ departure from the linear trend), followed by a drastic sea level drop in 1949–50 (Figs. 2c and 3c). So the 1936–48 SLR was likely caused by short, transient processes such as the wind (De Veaux 1955). By contrast, the SLR acceleration during 2010–22 is less sensitive to any individual year and represents the overall behavior of sea level during the decade. This is evident by the decadal running mean curves in Fig. 3, which show the sea level departure in the recent decade being the largest and highest.
Our mechanism analysis indicates that the atmospheric forcing was not the main cause of the 2010–22 acceleration. Instead, the acceleration is the coastal manifestation of the large-scale DSL adjustment to the observed 2009–10 AMOC slowdown. Since the occurrence of the slowdown event, more than a decade has passed. With more years’ data becoming available, the impact of the event on the coastal sea level can be seen more clearly now. According to Fig. 8, the AMOC only partially recovered after 2010. Namely, the AMOC volume transport reduced by 2.1 Sv (1 Sv ≡ 106 m3 s−1) and from 18.6 Sv during 2004–08 down to 16.5 Sv during 2011–20. The adjustment of DSL to the AMOC variability and change can be through both barotropic and baroclinic processes (Lowe and Gregory 2006). While the former process is relatively fast, the latter process associated with ocean density change and heat redistribution can take longer time (Bryden et al. 2020).
The role of the AMOC in the SLR acceleration on the Southeast coast was ruled out in the previous study (Valle-Levinson et al. 2017). It was because previous climate models projected a rise in DSL on the Northeast rather than the Southeast coast, associated with the AMOC weakening over the twenty-first century (Yin et al. 2009). However, the latest climate model with refined resolutions and improved physics and dynamics indeed captures the observed pattern of contrast changes in DSL over the satellite era (1993–2021)—a fall in the Eastern Subpolar Gyre and a rise along the Southeast and Gulf Coasts (Fig. 4). This pattern is highly indicative of AMOC’s important role in the SLR acceleration.
If the 2009–10 AMOC slowdown event turns out to be a part of a long-term weakening trend, as projected by climate models under greenhouse gas forcing (Fig. S8) (Weijer et al. 2020; Yin et al. 2020), sea levels along the East and Gulf Coasts may stay high in the next years (Figs. 2 and 3). Nonetheless, it is likely that the rapid SLR along the Southeast and Gulf Coasts, at a rate of more than 10 mm yr−1 during 2010–22, will taper off in the next decade. In other words, the 2009–10 AMOC slowdown carves notable, decadal features on the long-term sea level curves in Fig. 2. In a warming climate, these abnormal sea level behaviors in every new decade are valuable to early detect the increasing anthropogenic influence on sea level and ocean circulation from their background variability.
I thank NOAA’s Tides and Currents, GFDL, NCEI, the Copernicus Climate Change Service, the Copernicus Marine Environment Monitoring, the RAPID AMOC Programme, and the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, for making their observational and modeling data available. I thank two anonymous reviewers for their constructive comments and suggestions. This study was supported by NOAA’s Climate Program Office (Grants NA18OAR4310267 and NA20OAR4310412).
Data availability statement.
All the observational and reanalysis data can be accessed from the websites listed in Table 1. The GFDL CM4 simulation and projection data can be accessed at the CMIP6 archive (https://esgf-node.llnl.gov/projects/cmip6/).
Dynamic Sea Level and Its Components
where the overbar and prime terms denote the global mean and local deviation, respectively. Same calculation and notation apply to
Extreme Coastal Water Level and Its Components
Storm surge, defined as the difference between the predicted and observed water levels during the hurricane landfall, is one largest term in Eq. (B1). The “Surge” term consists of a wind surge and a pressure surge component, with the former dominant. The height and duration of the peak surge critically depend on storm characteristics including intensity, frequency, size, path, translation speed, and landfall angle. Among the six major hurricanes surveyed here, the peak hourly surge ranges from 0.7 to 2.5 m (Fig. 15).
Tides are mixed semidiurnal on the eastern Gulf Coast and diurnal on the western Gulf Coast (Fig. 14). The tidal range around the Gulf of Mexico is generally smaller than other coastal regions. The amplitude varies from 0.1 to 0.3 m (i.e., the high/low tide relative to the mean sea level). Ocean waves are filtered out in the tide gauge data. But they could be an important factor in causing coastal flooding and damage. The “Other” term in Eq. (B1) denotes all other processes or effects such as the nonlinear (constructive or destructive) interactions among the tide, surge, wave, rising mean sea level, etc. (Pugh 1987; Rego and Li 2010; Wu et al. 2018)
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