1. Introduction
The first equality is, for historical reasons (Marshall and Palmer 1948), the ansatz commonly adopted in literature: N0 is the intercept parameter [although
The findings reported in the seminal works of Marshall and Palmer (1948) and Ulbrich (1983) have made, for the last 40 years, the gamma distribution the de facto functional form adopted to describe the variability of
List of acronyms used in the text. Acronyms in curly brackets are used only in the supplemental material.
List of symbols used in the text. Symbols in curly brackets are used only in the supplemental material. When applicable the dimensions are indicated in square brackets: [.] = dimensionless quantity, [—] = dimension not fixed a priori.
Investigations on the invariant properties of the rainfall phenomenon (e.g., identification of the properties of a particular synoptic regime) proceeds along the lines of 1) comparing the relationship among intercept, scale, and shape parameters of the gamma distributions and 2) studying relationship among couple of bulk variables (hence independently on the particular functional form of the drop size distribution) (Liao et al. 2020). More recently, studies (Dolan et al. 2018; Ignaccolo and De Michele 2020) have been made investigating the correlation/relationship among bulk variables by analyzing datasets from many (≃10) different sites in order to derive general properties.
Here, the keywords dynamical system, big data, and functional agnostic define our approach in investigating the raindrop size distribution with the goals of 1) uncovering, if any, its invariant features and 2) using these features as a foundation for an operative description of the phenomenon. We use “dynamical system” in the sense that rainfall is the manifestation of a physical process whose rules governing its dynamics are the same everywhere (the laws of physics are the same everywhere). We are limited in the investigation of the system to the observation of the system output: raindrops [in this sense, the drop size distribution
2. The data scientist parameterization of the raindrop size distribution
Hereby, we present the results obtained adopting the flux representation [N, p(D)] (the adoption of the cloud [NV, f(D)] representation leads to similar results, see online supplemental material).
For a 1-/2-min disdrometer record, the number of drops N [the concentration NV via Eq. (1)] is not a free parameter but a fixed quantity: whatever the instrument reported. Thus, a functional-agnostic description of the drop size distribution for disdrometer records is a functional-agnostic description of the pdf p(D) [f(D) if we adopt the cloud representation]. The knowledge of the moments of a pdf is equivalent to the knowledge of the pdf (Reed and Simon 1975) itself: a functional-agnostic description of p(D) uses variables which are either the moments themselves or a function of them. The choice of such variables should be informed by the known properties of p(D): 1) approximate exponential decay for large diameters (Marshall and Palmer 1948; Ulbrich 1983); 2) variable location of the mode [although p(D) can be occasional slightly bimodal (Ekerete et al. 2015) or multimodal (Sauvageot and Koffi 2000)]; and 3) presence of a left tail with respect to the mode: small value of p(D) for drop diameters smaller than the mode [although in the case of orographic precipitation the left tail might be greatly reduced or even missing (Martner et al. 2008; Ignaccolo and De Michele 2012)]. Given the first property, one should expect that increasingly higher moments (e.g.,
The common practice in data science to describe an unknown pdf is to use its mean μ and standard deviation σ together with the third and fourth standardized statistical moments: namely, skewness γ and kurtosis κ. For brevity, we will refer to all these parameters as statistical moments. Equation (1) of the supplemental material shows how the statistical moments are connected to the moments of a distribution, and that μ, σ, γ, κ are a mixture of smaller and higher moments. In this manuscript, in addition to the first four statistical moments, we will consider a fifth one, η: namely, the fifth standardized central moment. The rationale to include η is that of checking that higher-order moments of p(D) do not carry any additional information, as expected given the exponential right tail of p(D). Overall, our statistical description of the drop size distribution consists in casting the couple [N, p(D)] into the 6-tuple [N, μ, σ, γ, κ, η]. We refer to this methodology as to the data scientist parameterization.
The data scientist parameterization of the raindrop size distribution contains the mixture of small and large moments necessary to adequately describe p(D), given the known property. We caution the reader to not interpret the above statement as a dismissal of other possible parameterizations. We are simply stating that whatever might be the variability of the raindrop size distribution, we are confident that adopting the data scientist parameterization we are not missing any relevant information, which is a prerequisite for any possibly useful parameterization.
3. Globalness and localness of the raindrop size distribution
Using the data scientist parameterization, we investigate (for each dataset) the statistical dependence among the 6-tuple of parameters [N, μ, σ, γ, κ, η]. Our goal is to seek if a more parsimonious representation can be found so that few (e.g., 2 or 3) independent parameters can be used instead of 6 without loss of information: the values of the dependent parameters can be derived from the independent ones within a reasonable margin of error.
The most common metric used to assess statistical dependence is the cross correlation (CC). However, the CC is not robust against outliers, and possible nonlinear relation among parameters. To overcome the limitations of the CC, we additionally use (see supplemental material for details) 1) rescaled mutual information (RMI) and 2) principal component analysis (PCA). The mutual information is a measure (robust against outliers and nonlinear relationships) of the entropy of the joint probability distribution of two random variables and therefore is a direct measure of how well the value of a variable is known given the other. The PCA of a dataset composed of p random variables can be thought of as fitting a p-dimensional ellipsoid to the data, where the magnitude of each axis (principal component) of the ellipsoid represents the variance of the data along the axis. PCA is a dimensionality reduction technique: if k < p principal components account for 90% (this is the typical threshold used in the literature) or more of the total variance then k is approximately the dimensionality of the data (the number of independent variables).
We calculate the RMI and CC values for each possible couple of the 6-tuple of parameters [N, μ, σ, γ, κ, η], and for each dataset. The results are reported in the tessellated top and middle panels of Fig. 2: each row of the panels refers to a different couple of parameters, and each column of the panels to a different dataset (datasets are grouped by disdrometer type). For the PCA, we calculate, for each dataset, the percentage of the total variance (%VE) explained by the first j (j ≤ number of parameters) principal components. As different values of %VE are obtained from different datasets, we report our results by plotting the observed probability density function pdf(%VE) in the bottom panels of Fig. 2 (again results are grouped by disdrometer type). From the joint RMI, CC, and PCA results, we draw the following conclusions.
a. Count–shape independence
Applying PCA to the 5-tuple [μ, σ, γ, κ, η], we see that roughly the first two principal components explain
b. Mean–skewness prominence
Focusing our attention on the pdf p(D), we notice how the RMI analysis (see top panels of Fig. 2) indicates that 1) the mean μ and the skewness γ are fairly independent from each other, 2) the standard deviation σ is strongly dependent on μ, and 3) the fourth and fifth statistical moments (κ and η) are strongly dependent on γ. The CC mirrors the RMI results with correlation values larger than 0.8 for the couples (μ, σ), (γ, κ), (κ, η). Moreover, as stated in the previous subsection, the PCA analysis indicates that the first two components capture a considerable portion of the total variance of the 5-tuple [μ, σ, γ, κ, η]. Given the RMI and CC results, one could choose one parameter from the couple (μ, σ) together with one parameter from the triplet (γ, κ, η) as a couple of independent parameters to describe the variability of the pdf p(D). We choose the couple (μ, γ) as they are the statistical moments with smaller order, and thus the one whose estimate is less affected by statistical fluctuations. Some moderate values [(0.3, 0.5)] are observed, especially for Parsivel datasets, for the CC between μ and γ. The average value of γ increases as μ increases, however the fluctuations around the mean value are large. So the value of μ does not fix the value of μ and vice versa (see Figs. 12 and 13 in the supplemental material).
The fact that mean and skewness are sufficient to describe the variability of p(D) indicates the existence of functional forms σ(μ, γ), κ(μ, γ), and η(μ, γ) relating the parameters σ, κ, η to the couple (μ, γ). In practice, we consider a neighborhood of the couple (μ, γ) to derive empirical fits to these functional forms by means of the local adaptive fit procedure (LAF); see supplemental material for a detailed description.
As the name suggests, the fitting procedure is local, as we cover the μ–γ plane in a dense grid of points (over 15 000), and it is adaptive, as for each point in the grid, a ball, whose radius depends on the local density of points, is used to perform the estimate. Therefore, each point in the grid has a fit accuracy. The accuracy is defined as the ratio between the semi-interquartile range and the median (the estimated fit) of the values of (σ, κ, η) inside the ball: this notion is a common one adopted in data science to generalize the concept of relative dispersion, the ratio between standard deviation and mean, when the errors might not be normally distributed. Thus, we measure the overall accuracy of the fit by calculating the cumulative distribution function of the relative dispersion v, CDF(v). Heuristically, we expect the relative dispersion to depend not only on the natural variability, but also on the radius of the ball used to perform the fit: large balls → large relative dispersion as the hypothesis of “constancy” of (σ, κ, η) inside the ball might not be valid.
c. In situ: Statistical moments functional dependence on (μ, γ)
The CDFs of the coefficient of relative dispersion v for the parameters σ, κ, η are plotted in Fig. 3 (top panels and bottom-left panel): one curve per dataset. We see how 1) the fit of κ(μ, γ) is the most accurate [
Finally, the LAF fit produces an estimate of (σ, κ, η) for a particular value of (μ, γ) only if the local density of points is large enough (see supplemental material). Thus, for each dataset S, there is a support ΩS, namely, the set of points (μ, γ) for which an estimate is considered to be statistically meaningful. The bottom-right panel of Fig. 3 shows for each point in the μ–γ plane the number of datasets having that point as part of the support of the LAF fit.
d. Ex situ: Invariance of the statistical moments functional dependence on (μ, γ)
To evaluate the datasets’ similarity of the empirical curves σ(μ, γ), κ(μ, γ), and η(μ, γ), we use different types of relative dispersion ξ between two curves: L2RD, wL2RD, MRD, and wMRD. The L2RD relative dispersion is the ratio between the L2 norms of the semidifference between the curves, and the average of the two curves. The MRD relative dispersion is the median value [among all possible couples (μ, γ)] of the ratios between the absolute semidifference between the curves and the average of the two curves. The prefix “w” indicates weighted quantities, the weight being the inverse of the radii ρ(μ, γ) used for the fitting procedure. We refer the reader to the supplemental material for a detailed description of these quantities. The left panels of Fig. 4 report for each row (σ ↔ top, κ ↔ middle, η ↔ bottom) the CDFs of the four relative dispersion (distance) coefficients ξ considered (these curves are obtained calculating the relative dispersion for each possible couple of datasets: 166 × 165/2 = 13 695). The kurtosis κ is the parameter with less dispersion (CDF ≃1 when ξ = 0.1 for all types of dispersion coefficients), while the dispersions of the parameters σ and η are quite similar but larger than that of κ (CDF ≃ 1 when relative dispersion ξ = 0.2 for all types of dispersion coefficients). The right panels of Fig. 4 report the functional forms σ(μ, γ), κ(μ, γ), and η(μ, γ) obtained averaging the functional forms of each single dataset [averages are calculated only for the couples σ(μ, γ) for which values from 20 different datasets are available; see bottom-right panel of Fig. 3]. The functional forms shown in the right panels of Fig. 4 can be thought as approximately invariant functional relations for the standard deviation, kurtosis, and fifth central moment of p(D) as a function of its mean and skewness.
e. Synoptic considerations
Do the curves σ(μ, γ), κ(μ, γ), and η(μ, γ) depend on synoptic origin? We have knowledge of synoptic origin for a very small part of our data (16 701 out of ∼2 million records), so we cannot provide a definitive answer to this question. However, based on the results depicted in Figs. 3 and 4, we estimate that an eventual synoptic dependence to be weak. The rationale is as follows. Figures 3 and 4 are indicative of the error associated with considering the couple (μ, γ) as the sole responsible of whole variability of p(D) not depending on synoptic origin. This error is due partly to the fact the couple (μ, γ) does not fully represent 100% of the variability of p(D) (natural variability error), and partly to the inevitable errors associated with estimating parameters of a distribution from a finite sample (statistical inference errors). Therefore, if we consider the inhomogeneity of synoptic origin is a third source of error, we can (as a rule of thumb) project its intensity to be ∼1/3 of the total error observed in Figs. 3 and 4, and thus a “small” error. To put it differently, the curves σ(μ, γ), κ(μ, γ), and η(μ, γ) are fairly independent on the location on Earth’s surface.
The synoptic origin comes into play in determining the portion of the volume Nμγ available to a rain event (see Fig. 11 of supplemental material). For example, quite large values of N (>1 500 min−1), large values of μ (>1.5 mm), and moderate skewness (γ ∈ [0, 0, 6]) are quite typical of strong convective precipitation (Ignaccolo and De Michele 2010), and a rarely achieved by stratiform precipitation. Similarly quite large values of N (>1 500 min−1), very small value of μ (<0.5 mm) and large value of skewness (γ > 1.5) are quite possible during orographic precipitation (Martner et al. 2008; Ignaccolo and De Michele 2014), rarely occurring during stratiform, and quite impossible during convective precipitation (e.g., Fig. 11 in supplemental material).
f. Deriving invariant empirical formulas for rain bulk variables
Other bulk variables of interest, such as W (liquid water content) or Z (reflectivity), do not have a simple analytical dependence on the statistical moments of p(D) [because they involve speed weighted moments, see Eq. (1)]. In these cases, one can use the LAF algorithm to derive empirical fit to the shape factors
g. Data scientist parameterization and method of moments
Some considerations can be drawn on the MoM, as currently employed in the literature, based on the findings of this work which reinforce the criticism already expressed in Smith and Kliche (2005). The MoM consists in calculating the empirical values of three moments
Smith and Kliche (2005) caution against using the MoM because of the bias affecting the estimation of the parameters and the fact that the relationship observed between the estimated parameters might be just artifacts of the method. In lieu of the results presented in this manuscript, we can understand the relationships between the parameters (derived from the MoM) as the results of the “percolation” of the invariant statistical relationship structure among the moments of f(D) (see Fig. 3 of the supplemental material) through the distorting prism of the functional form of choice (the gamma distribution in this case), and the particular order of moments (i, j, l) selected. The data scientist parameterization properly uses the invariant statistical dependence structure to derive a set of independent parameters and invariant relationships connecting moments to distribution parameters. The MoM takes this same structure and generates a botched pastiche.
One more issue affects the MoM: it ignores that for disdrometric data the drop count N, and thus the concentration NV, are not free parameters but are uniquely determined by the instrument measurement. In other words, for disdrometer drop counts
Overall, given all these issues, we think that the MoM may actually limit the progress in understanding and describing the rainfall phenomenon. If one really wants to fit a gamma distribution to disdrometric data, a likelihood method would be a better choice (Smith and Kliche 2005). Having done that, one has also to check if the fit is statistically meaningful: the evidence (Ignaccolo and De Michele 2014; Adirosi et al. 2014) is against it.
h. Imprintings
4. Conclusions
The analysis presented in this manuscript is unprecedented because of the amount of data analyzed (76 different sites, 166 distinct datasets, 4 types of instruments), and the introduction of a novel parameterization of raindrop size distributions, the data scientist parameterization. This parameterization properly captures the distinction between global and local properties of the raindrop size distribution, making it possible to provide an answer to the following question: What do a rain shower in Milan and one in New York have (or not have) in common? Having an answer to this question is of paramount importance for modeling a highly variable phenomenon like rain.
The data scientist parameterization does not suffer the limitations of the existing parameterization (gamma distribution and method of moments) as 1) it properly uses the correlation structure of the moments of p(D) to discover mean and skewness as the independent parameters regulating the shape of p(D); 2) it does not model p(D) with a functional form, the gamma distribution, which often does not pass goodness of fit tests; and 3) it correctly makes use of empirical evidence, since for disdrometer data the drop count N and (hence) the number concentration NV are not free numbers to be determined by the fitting procedure like in the case of the method of moments.
Finally, these results do not only hold for the flux representation [N, p(D)] of the raindrop size distribution, but also for the cloud representation [NV, f(D)] (see supplemental material).
Our data are organized in a database and referred to by their number entry: dataset number (DSN). We refer the reader to the supplemental material for a detailed description of each dataset. We wish to sincerely thank colleagues and institutions who have generously provided disdrometer data: 1) Dr. C. R. Williams, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) and Physical Sciences Laboratory (PSL) for the public availability of the datasets recorded at Alta (DSN*19), Bodega Bay (DSN 20), Erie (DSN 61), Cazadero (DSN 32 to DSN 45), Colfax (DSN 21 to DSN 31), Darwin (DSN 162), Davis (DSN 46), Estacion Obispo (DSN 59 and 60), Fort Ross (DSN 47), Grass Valley (DSN 48), Point Sur (DSN 56 to DSN 58), Rocky Mtn. Arsenal (DSN 63), Spanaway (DSN 12), Westport (DSN 13 to DSN 18); 2) Dr. Ali Tokay and National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) for the public availability of the following datasets: Wallops Precipitation Research Facility (DSN 100 to DSN 120), IFloodS Alabama disdrometer data (DSN 87 and 88), Crystal Face Florida disdrometer data (DSN 165), Kwajalein Disdrometer Data (DSN 1 to DSN 11), LPVex Disdrometer Data (DSN 158 to DSN 160), and as part of the Global Precipitation Measurement (GPM) mission Ground Validation campaigns: HYMEX (DSN 149 to DSN 157), IPHEX (DSN 83 to DSN 86, and DSN 89 to DSN 99), MC3E (DSN 64 to DSN 82); 3) the National Institute of Information and Communications Technology, Japan for the Kashima dataset (DSN 164); 4) the Institute of Observational Research for Global Change together with the Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology for the Bukit Koto Tabang dataset (DSN 161); 5) Dr. Dan Brawn for the Hassel dataset (DSN 163); 6) Dr. Martin Hagen of the Institut für Physik der Atmosphäre Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt, Wessling, Germany for the Macunaga dataset (DSN 166); 7) Dr. Charles Wrench and the British Atmospheric Data Centre (BADC) for Chilbolton (DSN 121 to DSN 137) and Sparsholt (DSN 138 to DSN 148) data archives. Calculation of the Mutual Information was done adopting the Local Non-uniformity Correction (Kraskov et al. 2004) via the python package NPEET_LNC (https://github.com/BiuBiuBiLL/NPEET_LNC). The Local Adaptive Fit algorithm uses the Python package GriSPy (https://grispy.readthedocs.io/en/latest/) to find nearest neighbors (Chalela et al. 2021). We sincerely thank Prof. Remko Uijlenhoet and two anonymous referees for their comments, and suggestions that helped to improve the manuscript’s presentation.
Data availability statement.
The data are not of the authors’ property, but may be provided by the authors upon request. The data are freely available from the institutions reported in the acknowledgments. Reproducibility: in order to make our analysis easily reproducible, we publicly share all the code used (together with a step by step walkthrough) via GitHub at https://github.com/mignaccolo/datascience_dsd.
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