1. Introduction
Numerous studies have reported that, in addition to the sea surface temperature (SST), soil moisture strongly contributes to the variability in continental precipitation via the exchange of water and energy between the land surface and atmosphere. Shukla and Mintz (1982) compared two general circulation model (GCM) experiments and concluded that the GCM has more precipitation when run using a wet land surface than using a dry land surface. Koster et al. (2000) investigated the impact of SST and soil moisture on climate using long-term integration of a GCM, and found that the annual variation in soil moisture had the greatest impact on the annual variation in precipitation over continents at midlatitudes. They also showed that soil moisture in the Tropics had a large impact on the variance in precipitation, although the impact of SST was slightly greater. Dirmeyer (2001) investigated the impact of land surface variability on the variance in the surface fluxes and climate by comparing different sets of an ensemble 17-yr GCM run, using different boundary conditions. They concluded that land surface controls the variability in climate, although its impact on the variability of the atmosphere is smaller than that of the ocean. Koster and Suarez (2001) constructed equations that clarify the relationship between the soil moisture autocorrelation to several distinct factors of hydrological cycles that are related to atmospheric forcing, runoff, and evaporation. By applying the equations to GCM output, they showed the characteristics of soil moisture control on the atmosphere globally.
Another important characteristic of soil moisture is that the effect of soil moisture on the land–atmosphere system persists from several weeks to months. This long memory of soil moisture implies that an adequate application of soil moisture has the potential to improve seasonal (several months) numerical climate simulations. Beljaars et al. (1996) showed that the anomalous strong summer rainfall observed in the southeastern United States in 1993, almost double the amount of a normal year, only occurred in their climate simulation when a realistic initial soil moisture in spring was input to the model. Their study demonstrated that the initial soil moisture is important for climate simulation; in other words, a realistic soil moisture value is indispensable to seasonal climate simulation. The medium-range weather forecast for the boreal summer in 1998 of Fennessy and Shukla (1999) showed that the forecasting score for several months was higher in simulations that used a more realistic initial soil moisture value obtained from the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) reanalysis than in simulations that used a climatological value. Dirmeyer (1999) and Douville and Chauvin (2000) also showed that giving the proper initial or boundary soil moisture, produced by the offline land surface model (LSM) simulation, improved the seasonal summer precipitation in their GCMs.
Since direct observation of soil moisture is limited in spatial extent and temporal frequency, there are no datasets sufficient to apply to a global climate simulation. One other way to obtain a global soil moisture distribution is to estimate it by an offline LSM simulation. An offline simulation is a kind of LSM simulation in which atmospheric forcing is provided to the LSM, one way. Several global soil moisture datasets have been estimated using various LSMs, ranging from a simple water budget model, such as the traditional bucket model (Mintz and Serafini 1992), to the sophisticated LSMs developed by several research organizations. These soil moisture datasets are commonly used to initialize soil wetness in GCMs; however, these datasets are still limited because routine observation of climate data, which is indispensable for the atmospheric forcing of an off-line LSM simulation, is not sufficient on a global scale for a GCM, except for particular occasions, such as during a period of intensive observation. In addition, because the accuracy of such soil moisture values is strongly dependent on the accuracy of the atmospheric forcing and the LSM, global soil moisture data from different sources are also needed for any validation.
Satellite remote sensing offers another possible method for obtaining such data. These days, passive and active microwave remote sensors can provide quantitative information on soil moisture on a large scale. The recent study by Oki et al. (2000) and Seto (2003) indicates that Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission precipitation radar (TRMM/PR) microwave remote sensing is one possibility as a means of global soil moisture observation. However, microwaves can only detect information on soil moisture in the very near-surface soil layer (Cihlar and Ulaby 1974). Since soil moisture in the deep layer is relevant for climatic and hydrological studies, especially in vegetated regions, a way of estimating root-zone soil moisture from surface soil moisture is very desirable. Throughout this paper, “root-zone soil moisture” will be used to mean this deeper soil moisture, which is the total integrated soil moisture from the surface to the deeper layer, where roots take up water.
Several studies have attempted to retrieve root-zone soil moisture from land surface information. The majority of these studies have adopted assimilating techniques. Calvet et al. (1998) estimated root-zone soil moisture from a time series of surface soil moisture values, using an assimilation technique, for a fallow site in southwestern France. Walker and Houser (2001) developed a dimensional Kalman filter for assimilating near-surface soil moisture into a catchment-based land surface model. Their LSM experiment showed that the precipitation error due to the intentionally unrealistic wet initial soil moisture was removed when deeper soil moisture was modified by assimilating realistic near-surface soil moistures. These studies shed light on the ability of LSMs to simulate the physical processes that link surface and root-zone soil moisture.
However, these assimilation approaches should be data intensive because the assimilation procedure requires various atmospheric data at high spatial and temporal frequencies. In addition, the value of the root-zone soil moisture transferred by assimilation depends on the structure of the LSM.
In this study, instead of an assimilation approach, a simple algorithm for transferring root-zone soil moisture from surface moisture was developed by analyzing the climatological relationship between surface and root-zone soil moisture. Information on this relationship was obtained from the soil moisture estimation of the Simple Biosphere Model (Sellers et al. 1986), implemented at the Japan Meteorological Agency (JMA-SiB), under the Global Soil Wetness Project (Dirmeyer 1999). Using the transferability of soil moisture from different LSMs, the applicability of the transfer method to the root-zone soil moisture of the bucket LSM implemented in the Center for Climate System Research, University of Tokyo/National Institute for Environmental Studies (CCSR/NIES) Atmospheric General Circulation Model (AGCM; Numaguti et al. 1997) was demonstrated.
With this new technique, the soil moisture obtained by TRMM/PR was applied to seasonal precipitation simulations using the CCSR/NIES AGCM. Seasonal precipitation during summer [(June–July–August (JJA)] was calculated under two different soil moisture boundary conditions.
First, soil moisture was estimated from TRMM/PR surface soil moisture observations by assuming that the volumetric percentage of the surface soil moisture is representative of the soil moisture in the root zone. In addition, soil moisture was obtained from the TRMM/PR surface soil moisture observations, but the root-zone soil moisture was obtained using the transfer method investigated in this study. Finally, the effect of the conversion of satellite-derived surface soil moisture on the summer precipitation simulated in the two experiments was examined. Construction of the simple transfer method of obtaining root-zone soil moisture from surface soil moisture is described in section 2. Section 3 details the application of the transferred soil moisture values to the GCM seasonal simulation, and the discussion and summary follow in section 4.
2. Deriving root-zone soil moisture from surface soil moisture
a. Overview of global soil moisture by JMA-SiB GSWP
Of several GSWP soil moisture products, the soil moisture derived with JMA-SiB was selected for the purpose of investigating the relationship between surface and root-zone soil moisture, because JMA-SiB was the only dataset that provided both surface and root-zone soil moisture at the GSWP data center at that time (http://www.tkl.iis.u-tokyo.ac.jp:8080/DV/gswp/index.html). JMA-SiB is an SiB-type (Sellers et al. 1986) LSM that was used in the previous JMA-GCM, with some modification of the snow melting process. The hydrological process in the JMA-SiB scheme takes into account water pumping from the root-zone soil layer by vegetation, evapotranspiration from leaf stomata, and interception loss (Sato et al. 1999, manuscript submitted to J. Meteor. Soc. Japan). This scheme divides the soil into three layers: 1) the upper 5 cm; 2) from 5 cm down to root depth, according to vegetation type; and 3) deeper soil. The data used in this study were the ensemble mean values for 1987 and 1988, in order to reduce bias for a specific year. In this paper, Ws is the value in the first layer in JMA-SiB, and Wr is the integrated value of the first and second layers.
Figure 1 shows time series of Ws and Wr over a year. These are average values over the Indochina Peninsula (10°–20°N, 95°–110°E), east China (20°–30°N, 110°–125°E), India (10°–20°N, 75°–85°E), and Mississippi (0°–10°S, 60°–75°W) regions. When small fluctuations are ignored and only seasonal variation is considered, the Ws and Wr curves seem to be connected to each other. All sets of Ws and Wr for the four regions in Fig. 1 show a similar seasonal change, although the range and phase of each differ. For example, Ws in the region shown in Fig. 1a reaches a minimum in April and peaks in October. Like Ws, Wr in that region has seasonal minimum and maximums, but the minimum is in May and the maximum is in November. In the region in Fig. 1a, Ws ranges from approximately 0.30 to 0.90, while Wr ranges between 0.37 and 0.80.
Figure 2 shows the one-to-one relationship between Ws and Wr for the regions in Fig. 1, where the dots represent the average value for each deca-day in a year, and a black star indicates the first deca-day average of the year (from 1 to 10 January). Figure 1 shows clearly that the relationship between Ws and Wr forms a loop over the course of a year. The most obvious loop is seen in Fig. 2a, which has the lowest correlation coefficient (0.868). This annual loop is due to the phase difference in the time series between Ws and Wr seen in Fig. 1. In order to derive a transfer function for Ws and Wr, it is necessary to define and remove this phase difference and the consequent loop.
b. Maximum and minimum peak index method
In order to quantify the phase difference between Ws and Wr, we introduced a new index called the “maximum and minimum peak index.” First, a smoothing procedure was adopted for both spatial and temporal distribution. Each 1° × 1° soil moisture value was averaged with the eight surrounding grids for spatial smoothing. For temporal smoothing, a 5-deca-day moving average was applied. Second, the maximum and minimum values for each grid box were determined. Using this procedure, the variation in soil moisture was assumed to reach one maximum and one minimum after the smoothing procedure, as is the case in most grids after smoothing. Finally, the deca-day values for these two peaks were set to the maximum and minimum peak indices. The deca-day number specifies the deca-day in a year, and ranges from 1 (the first 10 days in January) to 36 (the last 11 days in December). Four global 1° × 1° sets of the peak index were then obtained, that is, the maximum and minimum peaks for Ws and Wr.
Figure 3 shows global maps of LAG between Ws and Wr for the maximum (Fig. 3a) and minimum (Fig. 3b) peaks. Globally, LAG is usually positive, indicating that Ws reaches its maximum or minimum peak before Wr. In most regions, LAG values are from zero to less than 3 deca-days (30 days), and are at most a few months (30–90 days). In some areas, however, LAG is negative or has too high a positive value. These areas are primarily located at high latitudes, such as in Canada, Scandinavia, northern China, and Siberia, or in areas with high elevations, such as the Rocky Mountains in the United States, the European Alps, and the Tibetan Plateau. The Wr value in these regions (not shown) is almost constant and fluctuates over only a small range due to the high moisture, supplemented from snow, and the lower evaporation ratio. This makes it difficult to define peaks for Wr. In addition, the curves for Ws over time in these regions (not shown) have several peaks corresponding to the rainy season, snowfall period, and snowmelt within a year. This makes it difficult to specify single maximum and minimum peaks of Ws in each year. We conclude that our simple algorithm for detecting the phase lag between Ws and Wr cannot be applied to these regions because of their specific characteristics. However, since the satellite that we will use in this study does not observe high latitudes, this limitation of the algorithm can be neglected. Moreover, it is not necessary to retrieve root-zone soil moisture for these regions, since it can be regarded as constant in these regions.
Figure 3 also shows that LAG values are larger at the minimum peak (Fig. 3b) than at the maximum peak (Fig. 3a). This difference in LAG may be explained by the differences in water movement characteristics, either upward or downward, in wet and dry periods.
The matric potential between the surface and root-zone layers governs water movement between the two layers. At the beginning of the wetting period, soil moisture in the root-zone increases only when the surface layer becomes wet enough to supply water to the deeper soil. Therefore, the minimum peak in the root zone, after which the soil moisture starts to increase, is delayed compared to the surface layer. At the beginning of the dry period, root-zone soil moisture is consumed mainly by evapotranspiration, which is independent of surface layer conditions. The beginning of the decrease in soil moisture is almost simultaneous in the two layers, as a result, the LAG at maximum peak is usually small.
c. Phase-shifting method
Using the LAG at the maximum and minimum peaks defined above, the Ws data were shifted. Figure 4 shows a schematic figure of the procedure. Since LAG differs for wet and dry periods, the shift time ranges were calculated for these two periods separately. First, the maximum and minimum peak times of the new time-shifted value (
Figure 5 is the same as in Fig. 2, but with
Figure 6 shows the global distribution of Wr (Fig. 6a), transferred Wr (Fig. 6b), and their difference (Fig. 6c) for the first deca-day in August. Globally, Wr appears to be successfully transferred from Ws. For example, there is good agreement for the dry area in the middle of Africa, the wet and dry boundaries in Asia, and the dry area in western North America. Figure 7 shows scatterplots of Wr and Wr transferred from Ws. Each dot is the value for a 1° × 1° grid pixel. Although there are some large errors in December, Wr retrieved from Ws corresponds fairly well with the original Wr in these 3 months.
Both LAG and regression addressed here is derived from only one data source, averaged soil moisture in 1987 and 1988 of JMA-SiB; therefore, these relations are implicitly assumed to be stationary for different years or models. This assumption can not be validated at this stage where only 2-yr global soil moisture data are available. Longer global soil moisture data by GSWP-like offline experiments or longer observations may validate this assumption in future.
d. LAG behavior of the observed soil moisture in the Oklahoma Mesonet
In order to address whether the lag behavior demonstrated for JMA-SiB is also seen in observed soil moisture, soil moisture in the Oklahoma Mesonet (Robock et al. 2003, manuscript submitted to J. Geophys. Res.; Luo et al. 2003, manuscript submitted to J. Geophys. Res.) is analyzed. Soil moisture at four different depths (5, 25, 60, and 75 cm below the surface) are observed every 30 min at more than 72 stations around the state of Oklahoma and archived. Observation data in 1998 at 52 sites are selected in terms of the data availability, averaged in deca-day, and the SWI is then estimated from the volumetric percentage by an equation of Clapp and Hornberger (1978) based on soil types. Figure 8 shows the time series of SWI in each soil layer at Boise City (left) and Ketchum Ranch site (right). As in the case of JMA-SiB data, the surface layer varies earlier than the deeper layer and their seasonal changes are similar. Both sites show several peaks during the year and the simple maximum and minimum peaks are not able to be picked up, indicating that the peak index method suggested here is not directly applicable to point observation data.
After using a 5-deca-day moving average for temporal smoothing, the number of peaks greater than two still remain while small fluctuations disappear (not shown). This inconsistency is mainly due to the difference of the scale between the large grid area of JMA-SiB and the point observation.
Defining the largest maximum peak and the smallest minimum peak of temporal smoothed data as the seasonal maximum and minimum peaks, respectively, LAGs for maximum and minimum peaks are calculated. Figure 9 shows the LAG between the first (top) layer (5 cm) and the fourth (75 cm) layer. Both maximum (left) and minimum (right) LAGs show that the first layer varies either than the fourth layer at most of the points; however, unlike the previous results of JMA-SiB, LAG range is longer in maximum peak than in minimum peak.
In short, four results are addressed for the seasonal variation (deca-day) of soil moisture observation (comments in brackets explain the comparison to the previous conclusions):
Surface layer varies earlier than the deeper layer (consistent).
Variation curves are similar among different layers (consistent).
There are several peaks in a year (inconsistent).
LAG of maximum peak is longer than the minimum peak (inconsistent).
3. Application of soil moisture observed by TRMM/PR to summer rainfall simulation
Assuming that neither the time lag nor the regression line changes interannually, the transfer function for estimating root-zone soil moisture from the surface soil moisture value addressed in the previous section was applied to the TRMM/PR satellite observation dataset.
a. Soil moisture observed by TRMM/PR
A precipitation radar sensor (PR) was launched on board the Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission (TRMM) satellite in November 1997. Since the major objective of TRMM/PR is to estimate the tropical rain rate by bouncing microwaves off raindrops to observe the backscatter, TRMM/PR covers most of the globe from 36°N to 36°S. The footprint of TRMM/PR is approximately 4 km at the nadir angle, and the maximum incident angle of TRMM/PR is 17° across its track, with a frequency of 13.8 GHz. Each ground point is observed approximately 30 times per month, so that each ground point is observed once or twice a month at a particular incident angle (Kummerow et al. 1998).
Using the backscatter from the land surface from TRMM/PR, Oki et al. (2000) and Seto (2003) produced a global soil moisture dataset. Their algorithm calculates the land surface soil moisture as a volumetric percentage from the backscatter coefficient (σ0) from land by combining different values of σ0 observed at different incident angles, and by excluding vegetation effects with leaf area index (LAI) information. Using the integrated equation model of Fung (1994) to relate volumetric soil moisture and incident angle with the reflection coefficient, the monthly mean soil moisture distribution was calculated with a spatial resolution of 1° longitude × 1° latitude (Oki et al. 2000; Seto 2003).
Since microwaves penetrate the ground to a depth of 5 cm or less (Schmugge 1983), these data reflect the physical state in only the first few centimeters. As the sampling depth of a 10.0-GHz wave is from 0.5 to 5 cm in wet to dry soil, respectively (Cihlar and Ulaby 1974), the 13.8-GHz frequency information obtained by TRMM/PR is regarded as representing the first few centimeters of the soil layer. Since the depth of the first layer of JMA-SiB is similar to the penetration depth of TRMM/PR, the surface soil moisture distribution observed by TRMM/PR can be considered as corresponding to the Ws of JMA-SiB. The TRMM-derived soil moisture data used in this paper is a version that used 2-yr (1987/88) averaged JMA-SiB surface data (Ws) to relate the seasonal anomaly of σ0 of TRMM/PR to seasonal anomaly of SWI.
As shown in Fig. 10, ranges of Ws and TRMM-derived soil moisture in 1998 (T98) are similar. There are considerable difference between Ws and T98, however. Possible reasons of this difference are 1) the data year inconsistency (average of 1987/88 for Ws and 1998 for T98) and 2) difference of model-derived soil moisture and satellite-oriented soil moisture. Figure 11 shows scatterplots of T98 to Ws and T98 to T99 (TRMM-derived soil moisture in 1999). From Fig. 11, difference between Ws and T98 (left) is much larger than the other (right), indicating that the difference due to the data source is larger than the difference of the data year.
In order to focus on the effectiveness of the transfer method of soil moisture used in this paper, comparisons of GCM simulations with model-derived soil moisture, satellite-derived soil moisture, and without soil moisture boundary are not addressed. Only two different GCM simulations with satellite-derived soil moisture with and without the transfer procedure are discussed instead.
b. Soil moisture transferability between different land surface models
As mentioned in section 2, the differences in soil moisture determined by different LSMs are large, even in cases when they are obtained by offline simulation using the same parameters and the same forcing. Since the transfer method investigated in this study was obtained from the soil moisture estimate using JMA-SiB, that method and the obtained root-zone soil moisture cannot be directly applied to the CCSR/NIES bucket model, which is the LSM coupled to the CCSR/NIES AGCM. Ideally, it is useful to investigate the effect of inputting satellite-derived soil moisture to the AGCM with a multilayer SiB-type LSM; however, because of the limitations of available models, the transferred root-zone soil moisture of TRMM/PR was converted to the value of the CCSR/NIES bucket model.
Figure 12 compares the root-zone soil moisture determined by JMA-SiB (Wr) and the soil moisture estimate of the CCSR/NIES bucket model obtained under the GSWP (hereafter referred to as
In highly vegetated regions, such as the Indochina Peninsula, however, the relationship between Wr and
c. Model and experiment design
The AGCM used in this study is the CCSR/NIES AGCM (Numaguti et al. 1997) at a spectral resolution of T42 (approximately 2.8°) and 20 vertical levels. The LSM coupled to the GCM is the CCSR/NIES bucket model. The surface water budget of this model is computed using the bucket method (Manabe 1969).
The experimental period was the 3 months of the 1998 boreal summer (JJA). In these 3 months, the snowmelt effects in the northern continents are smallest and many regions have a rainy season. Integration was conducted in ensembles of nine runs, which were initialized at 0000 UTC on 23–31 May and integrated forward through the end of 31 August.
Two sets of ensembles with specified soil moisture were conducted. One ensemble used the original TRMM/PR monthly soil moisture (Oki et al. 2000; Seto 2003) as the boundary condition, as if the value was representative of the state of deeper soil. The volumetric soil moisture value was the SWI of the TRMM/PR data multiplied by the depth of the CCSR/NIES bucket (20 cm). This ensemble is referred to as T98 in this paper. The other ensemble specified the integrated total soil moisture for the CCSR/NIES bucket, which was transferred from T98 using the new algorithm. The latter ensemble with transferred satellite soil moisture data is referred to as N98. First, the transfer function for phase shift and linear transformation in section 2 (obtains Wr from Ws via
In both experiments, the CCSR/NIES GSWP 2-yr ensemble mean was used for boundary soil moisture in high latitudes not covered by the orbit of TRMM/PR. All the other conditions were the same between these two ensembles, where climatic conditions were initialized with National Centers for Environmental Prediction–National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCEP–NCAR) daily reanalysis (Kalnay et al. 1996), and the monthly SST data observed by NCEP–NCAR (Reynolds 1988) were used as the boundary condition over ocean. The ensemble names, integration periods, the SST boundary condition used, and the soil moisture boundary conditions used are summarized in Table 1.
d. Results
The simulated seasonal (JJA) total precipitation in the two experiments were compared. In general, the agreement between the observed and simulated precipitation in the GCM is not perfect because of the bias in the model; comparing the errors of the two sets of comparisons with the observations of T98 and N98 clearly shows the differences between two GCM simulations using different soil moisture boundaries.
Figure 14 compares the errors in the 3-month precipitation simulated in experiments T98 and N98. Dots indicate error values in the terrestrial GCM grid. The precipitation errors were calculated by subtracting the precipitation observed by the Global Precipitation Climatology Center (GPCP; Huffman et al. 1997). Although large precipitation errors are seen in both experiments, sometimes exceeding 1000 mm, the precipitation error is less in N98 than in T98. For example, points with a large overestimation in T98 are reduced in N98.
Figure 15 maps where the precipitation error was lower in the two experiments. Light gray indicates where the precipitation error is lower in N98, and dark gray indicates where T98 has the better result. Regions with a small precipitation error (below 50 mm) in both are masked on the map. The smaller precipitation error in N98 was obvious over land in tropical areas, such as most of South America and Africa and suggests the impact of better soil moisture information. Figure 16 shows the averaged difference in soil moisture content in the two experiments. There are large-scale differences in southern Africa, most of South America, India, and northeastern Australia. From these figures, it is obvious that the regions where the improved precipitation is seen in Fig. 15 correspond to the regions where a large difference in soil moisture is seen in Fig. 16. This suggests that the soil moisture in N98 for these areas is appropriate, as compared to that in T98. Over a wide area of Southeast Asia, however, the precipitation error in N98 was larger than in T98. One possible reason for this is that the effect of the land surface is comparatively small here because, in the main, a large circulation induced by sea surface conditions dominantly governs precipitation in this region. Moreover, since the impact of the land surface was small during the study period, due to the strong monsoon wind (Kanae et al. 2001), an experiment examining the impact of surface soil moisture in other months is needed for further discussions.
4. Discussion and summary
Soil moisture is an important component of the global hydrological cycles. Recent progress in microwave remote sensing provides soil moisture information for the shallow surface soil layer, and its application to climate and hydrologic studies is now greatly desired. This study established a simple algorithm for transferring root-zone soil moisture from surface soil moisture information by analyzing the JMA-SiB GSWP soil moisture variation.
First, it was found that the relationship between the surface layer and root-zone soil moisture indices became linear when disagreement in the variation timing between them was corrected using a simple phase shift, which is called the peak index method. Comparisons of the peak indices of surface and root-zone soil moisture showed that the range of the phase difference was longer for the minimum peak than for the maximum peak. Second, comparison of the root-zone soil moisture estimates between JMA-SiB and the CCSR/NIES bucket revealed that the soil moisture difference in different LSMs could be globally correlated by linear regressions. Third, the transfer algorithm was applied to satellite-derived surface soil moisture estimated from TRMM/PR, and these values were then used as the boundary condition in precipitation simulations using CCSR/NIES AGCM. The GCM simulation showed that the precipitation error in the simulation when the satellite-derived surface soil moisture was used directly was reduced when the transferred root-zone soil moisture from the satellite was used as the boundary condition. These areas of improvement were most notable over the Tropics, such as in South America and southern Africa, where the differences in the boundary soil moisture between the two experiments were large.
As this paper shows, on a monthly or submonthly timescales of global soil moisture, our methodology can retrieve root-zone soil moisture from surface soil moisture data. The GCM experiment showed that this method is one possible way to apply the satellite-derived soil moisture dataset to seasonal climate simulation.
Our transfer algorithm needs the following future investigations:
Limitation of the peak index method: Since soil moisture variation in some regions has more than two large peaks due to snow processes, the simple assumption that soil moisture has one maximum and one minimum peak per year cannot be used for high-latitude regions. Since the satellite-derived soil moisture in this study (TRMM/PR) covers mainly low latitudes, this limitation was not considered serious in our study. A different approach, such as using the differential value to define the wet or dry period, instead of the peak index method, may solve this limitation in these areas.
Applicability of JMA-SiB soil moisture: Another limitation of the current method is the applicability of the transfer function obtained from JMA-SiB, which is an average of 1987 and 1988 values. The time lag correction and linear regression from the JMA-SiB GSWP depend on 1) the specific LSM and 2) the specific year. For the specific-year limitation, expected new GSWP offline global soil moisture data for a period longer than 2 yr should reduce the degree of uncertainty of this method.
Coverage of soil moisture estimation: The applied satellite-derived soil moisture is only for low latitudes, and GSWP soil moisture was used for higher regions in the GCM experiment. If soil moisture observations are also obtained for higher latitudes, their application to climate simulation is expected to improve the reproducibility at high latitudes.
Soil layers in the LSM: Since the LSM implemented in the GCM that we used in this study is a bucket-type model, the satellite-derived surface soil moisture data were transferred to the total value of the bucket. A GCM with a multilayer LSM is highly desirable as a means of investigating the effect of satellite soil moisture data on the precipitation simulation for both the surface and root-zone layers.
This study applied TRMM/PR soil moisture data to a GCM seasonal simulation as the boundary condition; the utilization of such data as the initial condition for seasonal predictions and its application in four-dimensional data assimilation are confidently expected in future studies. Important conclusions addressed in this study are that 1) seasonal variation of surface soil moisture and root-zone soil moisture are similar and, therefore, 2) root-zone soil moisture can be easily transferred from the surface soil moisture information by a simple phase-shifting procedure and linear transformation. The conclusions would be utilized for the application of surface soil moisture data such as satellite observation to numerical climate models.
The authors would like to express their sincere gratitude to the staff of CCSR for their kind assistance with the modeling. All the computational resources were provided by the Center for Global Environmental Research of NIES. This study was partially supported by a research project at the Research Institute for Humanity and Nature entitled “Integrated Management System for Water Issues of Global Environmental Information Library and World Water Model.”
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Experiment design